HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-03-28, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 iMc AVISH'S SEL NC OUT SA This is definitely your last chance to take advantage of these wonder- Our complete stock of men's and youths suits has to be sold. This Everything Must 9 C' Beful values. In the face of rising prices, a Sale like this is only caused SUITS ingludJ new models for the young chaps as well se styles for older iii iYlRa7 JJJJJJ"' Sold* by actual necessity. These values will not be seen again in years. men. See these now. $9.95 UP CREPES, SATIN, GEORGETTE, Etc. Chu• entire stock of silks, a beautiful assortment of Colors and qualities, ideal for blouses, dresses. trimmings ONE-THIRD REG. PRICE LACES, INSERTIONS, EDGINGS Hundreds of yards of lovely quality. These vary from ' i" to 2" in width. at ONE HALF PRICE or Less MEN'S WORK SOX Pure wool, new stock .. 35c hxtra Quality Pure Wool 49c SPECIAL, -A heavy weight cotton sock for those who don't like wool 20c MEN'S OVERCOATS LADIES' COATS Good wool cloths in heavy winter These must be seen to realize the value. New styles, popular shades in lovely wool fabrics for spring. PRICED AT $5.95 coats. I3uy now and save. $14.95 WINDBREAKERS WORK PANTS Men and boys will this assort- An assorted lot of sturdy cottonade rent of brushed woolool blanket cloth and pigtex jackets. All greatly and denims All sizes. reduced, $1.39 FURS Muffs, Neckpieces and Furs for trim- ming. Values to $35.00, to go at $1.50 and $2.50 $1.49 up LADIES' DRESSES Plain crepes, checks and floral pat- terns. LOT 1-$1.89 LOT 2-$2.89 LOT 3-$3.89 TROUSERS. Hundreds of pairs to choose from. This is new stock in which you will find the newest styles. $2.98 Boys' Longers, all sizes $1.50 FINE SHIRTS Good patterns, fast colours, in new styles. All sizes. Regular $1.00. SPECIAL PRICE 49c LADIES' HATS Straws, Felts, Velours, Fur Felts, etc. TO CLEAR 25c DRAPERIES A special lot of choice quality broc- ades, damasks, repps and cretonnes AT HALF PRICE CURTAIN RODS Different types, in plain, copper or ivory enamel finish, 10c and 15c RUFFLED CURTAINS Generous in width. All the soft pastel shades as well as plain, ivory. Many styles. 79c up ENGLISH CRETONNE Full yard wide in softest of Old Eng- lish tones. Regular 85c yard. SALE PRICE 23c THE 89c TABLE This will astonish you with numer- ous values it presents. Sweater coats and pullovers, etc. Values up to $2.50. SPECIAL PRICES ON LINENS All lunch cloths, lunch sets and dinner cloths. REDUCED 30 per cent. All the new spring shades. Full fashioned Chiffon 59c and 75c Semi Service 75c LADIES' WOOL SUITS $1,98 LADIES' WAISTS 9c Girls' Silk and Wool Combs. ....89c IMEN'S COVERALLS $1.39 MEN'S WORK GLOVES 50c MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS 89c MEN'S OVERALLS $1.25 UNDERWEAR One table odd lot women's and child- ren's winter vests, drawers and bloomers. 25c SPECIAL A rack of ladies' dresses, winter and spring coats. Your choice 1.00 HOUSE DRESSES Cheery prints in neat styles, all sizes. 49c and 79c HDSE Ladies' anal children's odd lots, to clear at, pair 10c (POSTPOED) ClearinAUg ACTIONNuction SSALEale P Sarin Stock and Implements, -Mr. George Elliott, auctioneer, has received in-' to OF tltMre friendsDSnell wishes tort auk kindness and Sympathy and flowers during her recent sad bereavement. HENSALL Rev. Wm.Weir conducted special Easter services in Carmel Church on Sunday, delivering very fine dis• courses at both services, A ladies' quartette comprising Mrs. MacDoug- ail, Misses Irene Hoggarth, Mabel Workman and Mrs, W. A, MacLaren, sang "In The Shadow of the Cross,' at the morning service, and the choir sang the anthems, "Jesus Christ Is Risen To -day," and "0 Saviour of the World." A male quartette "Death Cannot Keep His Prey," was sung at the evening service b3' Mr. Frank Battersby, Rev. Weir, Mr. James Ben- Bough and Mr. W. A. McLaren. The choir sang two very appropriate an- theins, "Declare His Glory" soloist Miss Mabel Workman, and "The King at Thy Gates." Mr. Robert Drysdale, accompanied by friends, spent the week end in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of To -Lean ronto spent Sunday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Miss Grace Brock of London visited over the holiday at her home here, Rev. and Mrs. Weir have returned home from Toronto, where Mr. Weir was a delegate at the Young People's convention held there. MO. and Mrs. Arthur Prior and family of Stratford visited over the week end with relatives here. Mr. Howard Hemphill of Toronto �Clh ,��- .d�✓ � � �ey -le+ atfF &i. , ' )a�/ / +� +� 9 .4'1,1 6,=a /6 Be Attractive Be Popular ! WITH AN OIL PERMANENT 7.00 Wave $5.00 6.00 Nave $4.00 5.90 Wave$2,75 3,00 Nave $2.25 a5 F4 ave $1,95 End Curl $1.50 to $3.00 Pay less and enjoy the best B BEAUTY SALON l , M. BOX Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth TO THE LADIES , We wish to thank you for the interest and co-operation taken in our recent Lenten Recipe Contest. You made it the success it was At Finnigan's you will always find the quality foods demanded by quality cooks. 11 is a pleasure to serve you. ' structions from Hugh Campbell, sell by public auction on Lot 3, Con, 9, Hullett, (3 miles west of Winthrop) on Wednesday, April 10, at 1.30 pm., the following: Horses -1 bay gelding rising 7 years; 1 grey gelding rising years. Four horse collars, IN MEMORIAM GOVENLOCK-In loving memory of our dear Claire, who passed away two years ago, March 29th. -Ever remembered by Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sister. "A Special Loaf Cheese, 27c Ib." Sugar, 10 Ib. 69c Bologna, 2 Ib. 35c Rose Baking Powder 19c Head Cheese, ib, Iso Shortening, 2 Ib. 27c Cottage Roll, Ib. 28 Peanut Butter, 2 Ib. 29c Nippy Cheese, Ib. 30c Recleaned Raisins, 2 Ib. ..,25c Royal Cut Salmon, Ib. 15s Bulk Cocoa, Ib 15a Peas, Corn, Tomatoes. Cooking Onions, 8 Ib. 25c Fancy Prunes, 2 Ib. 29c Head Lettuce 10c Rurity, od Flour, 98 Ib, . „3,25 New Cabbage, ib. 5c Purity, 24 Ib• 830 Juice Oranges, doz ....25c -35c Western Queen,98 Ib, :285 Cooking Figs, 2 ib. 25c Sodas, (fresh) ie. 15c Canned Pineapple, 2 tins ..,25c "A good stock of jams" Cattle --3 cows, milking (fresh); 2 cows due to freshen about time of sale; 2 spring calves; Sona year old calves; 4 yearling steers; 6 fat steers (if not sold before time of sale). 1 brood sow, 10 chunks. ERBAN OATS FOR SALE Over 3 per cent less hull than Banner, from Dr. McRastie's 0.A, C. Report, Price 65 ars. James Delaney, Dublin, 40 ring 3, 75 White Leghorn hens. 1 Massey Harris 6 foot binder; 1 M.Harris hay loader, good as new; 1 M. Harris hay rake; 1 No. 21 Que- bol sulky plow; ono 11F h.P• Baso• line engine; 1 six foot Big Four Mc- FOR SALE Eleven suckers and eleven young pigs just weaned. Also choice of fern young horses, Apply to Alex heir Inane 33-651' Sliced Breakfast Bacon, Ib, ...27c W. Jo Finnigan ®®m... tooth cultivator; 1 Fleury 21 walking plow; 1 seed drill; 1 John Deere Calf for sale. Apply to Mr. C. H. Holland, Seaforth. Phone 351 i'22. wagon; 1 flat hay rack, with roller rack; one 13,44 yard gravel box, pine; 1 set of bench sleighs and flat rack; 1 cutter; 1 Clinton fanning mill; 1 land roller; 1 scarier; 2 sets of doubletrees, logging chain; 4 seetions of harrows with stretcher. LOST A young collie dog, black with white and brown markings. Anyone knowing its whereabouts please notify Lou Rowland, Walton, phone 830124, Seaforth central FOR SALE Eight roomed house, excellent 1oc• ation North Main Street, Seaforth. All conveniences, stable, garage, orchard lot if desired. Apply to James Rivets, Seaforth, or A. G. Govenlock, 64 Ding street, Weston, Ont. ���� D.BELL,a� a Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth. Ontario S06 hos. oats; quantity of wheat, Hay and stay fork. • 1 set heavy double harness; 1 sol plow harness; 1 set single harness, 1 set slings and chain; 1 grind- stone: 1 roll herbed wire; ;encs wire and stretcher; 1 llelotte cream sop• ureter; grain hags; forks, shovels. POSTPONED Tile Council of Tnekcrsmith have postponed the date or receiving and (Melling or tenders for gravel crush - fog operations to Saturday, March (10, at 2 p.nt. D. F. McGREGpR, Clolt, FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to Mies Jean Turner, Seaforth, ^ McCONNELL & HAYS Bazristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D, McConne1l, H. Ctlenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 and Miss Mary Hemphill of Loudon the holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. \!'. E. Hemphill. Private Donald Walker of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George R-alker. Miss ,1, eel Bonthr,m of Londmt ,pout Sunday witlt her parents. Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Botihron. Mr. and Mrs Ferris Cautclen visit- •d over tlt: holiday with the former's .critter. lira. Kate (:intel011.old; 9. G. Weir has returned home :,ftei 10 ple,satrt visit with relatives in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Minor and dam liter Joanne o!' Port Huron ,pent the week end with 11r. and Mrs. Ray MacLaren. yens old. in calf; 1 Holstein cow, S rs old. in calf: 1 Hereford cow. 0 years old, due in 2 weeks; 1 red cow 6 years old. tali at foot; 1 black row, 6 years ale. due in May: 1 roan cow. ,ears Bald, in calf; 1 1013110 cow, 8 years old, in calf; 1 hlack cow', 7 years old. dor. in May; 1 two year 010 heifer, in calf, tattle 9 steers coating two years '1 lelfe s coming Two. 3 heifers. one year old; 1 stem 1 year old;o summer calves; _ Polled Aligns heifers, half fat. Implements -1 M. H. binder, 6 ft. on; I Mc4'. Meering mower, a rt. cut; I tray rack, 12 ft.; 1 M.H. fertilizer 11 disc seed drill: 1 cultivator: 1 culta 9 ft.: 2 walking plows; 1 M. 1 set of scales, 2000 lhs. capacity. Other articles too nlunet'ons to mention, implements in good repair'. All will he sold as proprietor is 1'E li1• Inc from faruring, terms cash. linen (':upbell, proprietor. FOR' SALE - ]9tban seed oats; also 000 bushels Vit tory oats and 7011 bushels mixed grain for sale, Ryan Bros„ Seaforth R.11.5; phone 4605. Dublin central. FOR SALE Rcseo Steel hoofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Scat" Connell Standard, guar- unreel 25 years. Rosso Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gnug. , Metal Filings, F.avestrough and Pipe, (1ahtulized water Stock -Caulcs and Hog Troughs. Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion E.:.. B. 'I!- inq, Seafarth, Office hours: - 1u' -lay, Thursday and ear t •: 1:311 p.m. to 5 1.ur. tarda', evening, 7:30 p. m. to 0 ;a. m. _ ... (;,,a,. Elliott. auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received by the ('ounc11 of the Township of 14IeKillop until 4 n'cloc•k P.M„ 34onday, April Ist. 1940, at 0 rate per cub. yd; for crushing gravel auel placing on the NOTICE Owing to the. presence of hog dial• era in aur dislrirt. our l;c'rlcshh'0 hag will not. be for public service ante further notice. RYAN BROS. Door Track and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As• pilot Products including Roll Roof' ing, Shingles. Brick Siding, Insul' Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - 8etd. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12, FOR SALE Lrban Seed Oats anti No Barb Barley, Erban Oats and No Barb Bar. ley will give a Uutnper yield when sawn together for mixed grain. Jack - sort Brns., Iiippeu. Phone 65305, Sea forth. Township roads hi 1940. One itch rouual screen 10 he used, and all large stones (except hard heads') to be crushed. Estimated amount fid(10 to 7000 cub. yds. Work to begin about Sept. ist and to be finished early in November. 'Work to be done under the supervision of the Road NOTICE ---•-- Owing to the condition of the roads we are unable to bold our coin- inunity sale until further notice. HOMER HUNT. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stool; and implements. Mr. Fred W. Ahrens. Auctioneers, has received instructions from the undersigned proprietor 2 to sell by public auction at Lot ' 0, ('on. 1. Hib• bert, 1% miles west of Dublin, on Wednesday, April 3rd. sale commences at 1 o'clock sharp: Horses -1 Pereheron mare, 6 years old; 1 roan mare 3 years old, well broken 1 Percheran hprse, 6 years old; 2 geldings, 2 years old, broken. Cows -1 half Jersey cow, 8 years old, calf at foot; 1 blue cow, 8 years old, calf at foot; 1 black cow. 6 years old, due in May; 1 Hereford cow, 8 1:10kt r. H. manure Spreader; 1 set four 500• tion harrows; 1 rebuilt wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 wagon box, 1 disc harrow. 1 corn scaler, 1 one-horse scuffles, 1 set sleighs, 1 flat sleigh rack, 1 gravel box, I iron stone boat, 1 root pulper, 1 set team harness, 1 De I scat cream separator; 1 set of dote ble harness. 5 tons hay. Hens -25 Leghorn pullets. Hay Pork, car, ropes, and slings. Whiffletrees, neckyokes. Forks, shovels, and other articles tno numerous to mention. No reserve as the farm is sold. Atm tione0r's decision final in case of all disputes. Terms -Cash, Wm, Stapleton, Proprietor. Fred W, Ahrens, Auctioneer. HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE Red brick house, on East William Street. available April 1st. Good furnace. town water, ,sod basement, electric lights. mos, to mono HAYS. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness Accid- & guarantee bonds. Superintendent and to his entire sat. lsfaction and that of the council, A satisfaetory bond or a certified NOTICE cheque will be required of the con- tractor whose tender is accepted farnter the westh01' 0 of contract. ne Lowest or any tender not nee.casv' ily accepted. Tenders will be opened et the Carnegie Library Ball at above time and date. .IOHN Me AY,91. Clerk. Seaforth, R.2. Sealed tenders for the position of Manager for Huron Farmers' Co.Co• operative Co. Ltd„ will be received until 12 o'clock noon Thursday, April 4th. 1940. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Albert Hendrick, President; A. B. Bell, Secretary, R.R. 2, Kippers. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Gaols, Sundries, etc„ mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Box Hamilton, Ont. rcatorm Rates reasonable, All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES r^one 334 e' iMc AVISH'S SEL NC OUT SA This is definitely your last chance to take advantage of these wonder- Our complete stock of men's and youths suits has to be sold. This Everything Must 9 C' Beful values. In the face of rising prices, a Sale like this is only caused SUITS ingludJ new models for the young chaps as well se styles for older iii iYlRa7 JJJJJJ"' Sold* by actual necessity. These values will not be seen again in years. men. See these now. $9.95 UP CREPES, SATIN, GEORGETTE, Etc. Chu• entire stock of silks, a beautiful assortment of Colors and qualities, ideal for blouses, dresses. trimmings ONE-THIRD REG. PRICE LACES, INSERTIONS, EDGINGS Hundreds of yards of lovely quality. These vary from ' i" to 2" in width. at ONE HALF PRICE or Less MEN'S WORK SOX Pure wool, new stock .. 35c hxtra Quality Pure Wool 49c SPECIAL, -A heavy weight cotton sock for those who don't like wool 20c MEN'S OVERCOATS LADIES' COATS Good wool cloths in heavy winter These must be seen to realize the value. New styles, popular shades in lovely wool fabrics for spring. PRICED AT $5.95 coats. I3uy now and save. $14.95 WINDBREAKERS WORK PANTS Men and boys will this assort- An assorted lot of sturdy cottonade rent of brushed woolool blanket cloth and pigtex jackets. All greatly and denims All sizes. reduced, $1.39 FURS Muffs, Neckpieces and Furs for trim- ming. Values to $35.00, to go at $1.50 and $2.50 $1.49 up LADIES' DRESSES Plain crepes, checks and floral pat- terns. LOT 1-$1.89 LOT 2-$2.89 LOT 3-$3.89 TROUSERS. Hundreds of pairs to choose from. This is new stock in which you will find the newest styles. $2.98 Boys' Longers, all sizes $1.50 FINE SHIRTS Good patterns, fast colours, in new styles. All sizes. Regular $1.00. SPECIAL PRICE 49c LADIES' HATS Straws, Felts, Velours, Fur Felts, etc. TO CLEAR 25c DRAPERIES A special lot of choice quality broc- ades, damasks, repps and cretonnes AT HALF PRICE CURTAIN RODS Different types, in plain, copper or ivory enamel finish, 10c and 15c RUFFLED CURTAINS Generous in width. All the soft pastel shades as well as plain, ivory. Many styles. 79c up ENGLISH CRETONNE Full yard wide in softest of Old Eng- lish tones. Regular 85c yard. SALE PRICE 23c THE 89c TABLE This will astonish you with numer- ous values it presents. Sweater coats and pullovers, etc. Values up to $2.50. SPECIAL PRICES ON LINENS All lunch cloths, lunch sets and dinner cloths. REDUCED 30 per cent. All the new spring shades. Full fashioned Chiffon 59c and 75c Semi Service 75c LADIES' WOOL SUITS $1,98 LADIES' WAISTS 9c Girls' Silk and Wool Combs. ....89c IMEN'S COVERALLS $1.39 MEN'S WORK GLOVES 50c MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS 89c MEN'S OVERALLS $1.25 UNDERWEAR One table odd lot women's and child- ren's winter vests, drawers and bloomers. 25c SPECIAL A rack of ladies' dresses, winter and spring coats. Your choice 1.00 HOUSE DRESSES Cheery prints in neat styles, all sizes. 49c and 79c HDSE Ladies' anal children's odd lots, to clear at, pair 10c