The Seaforth News, 1940-03-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR
suwestumeavemuensusammommes cure
Arnold Circle Holds Thankoffering
OUR STORE WILL GUARANTEE THE The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church held their Eaater
Thank•offet'ing at the Manse on 'lues•
day evening with a very good attend-
ance. Ml's, Roy Bell presided ever
the meeting which opened by singing
"(Inlet the Lord Is Risen." Miss
Beryl Pilaff led in prayer and the
scripture was read by Miss Sally.
Munson. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted and
the roll milled, Tlie business was dts-
cussed and the Easter thank -offering
taken. Miss Margaret Bell gave a
paper on "The Origin of Easter,"
and Mies Violet Hyde a paper on 'Tire
Legend of the Lilies." IIynt, "Re-
joice the Lord is King," was sung
mid Mus Hannah t)iu1•ray gave an
interesting Easter story entitled
Hoa r Ito, of India Discovered
Easter." 'VII, es Rene Iloggan th and
ma het Workman favored with a vocal
duet Mtss Jeckell of Exeter was the
attest speaker and delivered a very
tine address. The meeting closed
The many friends of Mr. J. T. Me- with the Lord's player in unison. Re
Ash will be sorry to know he is con• fleshmento were served.
timed to bed. Mr. and Mrs. ('line Flynn of Lon.
The members of the Township don spent Sunday with the latter's
council met in the hall Monday. parents. Mi'. and Mrs, James Parkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and little The Continuation School are hay
daughter visited with the fornier's fug thoh• cnmmencenrent in the town
mother, Mrs. Austin. who is still con- hall ou Friday craning• A couple of
fined to the house, plays will be presented, also dancing
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty- motored and gymnastics,
to Listowel Sunday to attend the fun-
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Switzer and
eral of the only daughter of Mr. andfamily of Beach 0' Pines visited on sored a novelty St," Patrick's dance in
Mrs. R. T. Woods. Saturday With Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mc• the town hall ou Tuesday evening
A meeting of the ratepayers and Queen, with 1utl galore, comic hats, balloons
Inspector Beacom was held in the The Mission Band of Carmel Pres• and noisemakers. The (tall was beau•
hall Friday to consider' the financial byterian Chuieh intend holding a iffully decorated for the occasion will
end of the question in connection with home cooking sale and Ise in the colored lights, Japanese lanterns and
Babylon and Varna schools, basement of the church on Saturday, St. Patrick's streamers in green and
Don't forget the entertainment Fre March 16th, from 4 to 6 pan. white, Johnny Downs and his Swing -
day night in the hall in aid of the Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Miss iters furnished excellent music.
tables of court tvlrist were fn play. It„d Cross. See that no Irishman Kate Drysdale and Jack and Misses W,M,S, Meet.—
Mrs. J'. Cameron was the wanner of falces you out of Varna that night as Lois rind Marion MacLareu visited The W.M.S. of the United Church
the prize. A delightful lunch was there will be a stack of fun with the on Sunfitiy with the fortller's brother, held their regular meeting in the
served and the bride was •presented variety program. , Mr. Robt. Drysdale in Marlette, Mich. schooh•oon of the church oet Thurs-
With an Alladin lamp and an end M
friends for the lovely gifts, and all Mrt L. Beatty and Edith Mossip Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and day afternoon with Mrs, Brook pre.
table. Airs. Sanderson thanked her were guests at the home of Mr. and family of Thanes Road visited on siding and opened by singing, follow.
i -e A. Meenntell Saturday evening. Thursday with Mr. and Airs. Peter ed by the Lord's prayer in unison.
joined in singing. "For She's a Jolly The monthly Meeting of Varna. As•Moh`. A quilting bee will be bald in the
Good Fellow.” soeiate Library Board was held Morel Mr, Lee ITedaten was in London church on Thursday 1tternomn, Mat.
Miss 1Iary Shortreed. R:N,, and day evening. Mat•. 11th, at the home nn Thursday' ou business. ,141h. Mrs, Ed. McQueen led in prayer.
brother Mr. Thomas Shortreed of of Mrs. L. Beatty. It was decided to Ladies' Aid Hold Concert Mis. Brook road the Scripture from
i.andnu, have been visiting their subscribe for the Ontario Library Re. I The Ladies' Aid of Carmel ('hurch Acts 1, 9-15. Mrs, Geo. Hess sang a
mother Iles. Wm. Shortreed, view, Several magazines were to be held a very successful cone„rt. in the solo. The topic was taken by Mies
Mrs. Russel! Bryans and two child• subserfbed for, A motion waspassed sehoilrnoni of their church last Margaret Hahltirk.
ren 01 Brutssels are spending a few Air. Harold Botihtron s
tracks with her mother. to Purchase reprints of some of the Tuesday evening with a large attend• pent. the
Mks. Chas. rPllard ed son ATr, books which' have become too worn mice, The program was presented week end in Detroit.
('Earles Pollard were in London an for further circulation, Berg, re, Beatty by representatives from every or. Mr. Errol Drummond mod Mr.
Res. Wen, Patter's SCALLOPED SALMON WITH PEAS won this week's award
1 can Saluron iu a Lemon
tis tsp. White Popper L cup White Sauce
esp. of Salt 1 can Peas
Crumbs and Butter
Resew° skins and bones from. Salmon and Rake fish. Season with salt and pepper
awl sprinkle generously with Lemon Nice. In the bottom of a buttered baking dish
oat, a layer of Salmon, a laser of Dons and a few buttered crumbs. Repeat until
it is lull pour over it the white sauce; dot with butter and bake in a hot oven.
until crumbs are brown.
Mayfair Prints 25c yd. Maple Leaf Peas 12e tin
Fancy Prunes, 2 Ib. .....29c Special—Spy Apples .. 90c bus.
Recleaned 'Raisins, 2 ibs.....25c Head Lettuce. 10c each
Robinhood flour, 98 1b. bag. 3.25 PURE LARD, 2 LB19c
W, J e Finnigan
Pout forget the St. Patrit•k's Social
in the United Church Walton, on
Monday night, March 1$th.
'rhe l'.I'.;;'.O. presented their play.
"Taking the Count,” on Friday even,
ing, March 8th, in the community hall
with a capacity crowd. The actors
took their parts well and it was a play
well worth hearing. A dance followed
the play. $64.50 was taken in at the
door, Proceeds in aid of the Red
Entertain In Honor of
Recent Brussels Bride--
ride—Mrs. H. Allen assisted by Mr's. I,
McLean, Mrs, R. Kennedy, Doris Mc.
Donald and Burl Parker entertained
recently hi honor of Mrs. Samos Sam
demon of Wroxeter, formerly Miss
Marguerite Bolger of Brussels. Five
Be Attractive
Be Popular !
7,00 Wave $5.00
6.00 Wave $4.00
With Or Witiiollt Machine
5.00 Wave $2.75
$1.50 to $3.00
1.110 Wave
2,25 'Wave
End Curl
Pay less and enjoy the best
L. M. BOX.
Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth
was re-engaged as librarian for the gtinization in the church, Rev, Wm, Maynard Harmon of St. Marys wer-
Tuesday. following year. It was decided to hold \;'err was chairman and told interest- in 101" 00 Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garden McGregor of a library euchre and dance on the ing and humorous stories during the \lr, and .Mrs A. L. {Ise went a
;; iaigham spent last Thursday wit .29th of March in township hall program of the Life of Sandy Mac• fen ria?, last week Visiting in '1'trron
the latter's parents. A concert will be held in the hall Pherson, The Mission Band gave a so.
Mrs, Wv. S. Forbes was in Blyth ou on Friday of this week at 8.15 sharp. motion song accompanied on the Mrs. Marjorie Sparks who li
Mrs. Dave Watson is visiting tier air, and Mrs, Geo, PIlgrirn of For- piano by Miss Irene Haggarth. Mr, tieetr spending the winter nionth:
daughters in Hallett. est spent Sunday at the Bonn of Mr. Fred Dieters played a violin selec• with members of ,the family in Lon
C, Pilgrim.
Airs. Earl Dow and children of Oro -
flan. The Arnold Ghcle presented cion and Detroit returned to her
nlarty are visiting her parents Mr• Mr, Ivan McIlvmnnt returned last a very hnmor•ons play entitled "How home here last ,week.
and Mrs. Wnm, Kearney. Sth line. vtePk flout the Seaforth hospital altea not tc Do TG" Those taking part \(r, and .Mrs. Alfred liunkiti and
lin appendix operation,
Morris, i were Misses Hannah Murray, Irene family of Thames Road visited on
The Mission Band of Duff's United IIaggarth, Margaret Bell, Sally Man. Thursday milli Nile and Mrs. Ro
Mullet met in the schoolroom of the WINTHROP son, Jean McQueen, Mabel Workman, Maclaren.
church on Sunday, March 10 with 26
members responding to the roll call.
Naomi Martin presided and the meet-
ing opened by singing hymn 450.
Scripture reading. given by Isabel who passed peacefully away in Scott
McCall, was taken Prom Matt, 27:1-7. Memorial ITospital Thursday, March
Study continued from the book on the 70, after a week's illness from
India. It was decided to have lantern pneumonia. in her 78th year. She was
slides on India to be presented at a born in Hamilton and married Mr,
later date. Classes were then formed Trewartha about 39 years ago. She
for graded lessons, at the close of is survived by her husband, a step -
which Hymn 266 was sung and the daughter Mrs, Zack McSpadden, a
aiizpah benediction pronounced. son Irwin and an adopted son Will -
lam, wlto all live in AicKillop, After a
short service at the house the funeral
was held from Cavan Church where
Mrs. William Trewartha Mrs. Roy Bell and Mrs. Melvin Moir. Kippen East W.I.
Passes Away— Mr. W. A. MaeLaren contributed a Hold Euchre and Dance
With deepest regret we learned of delightful solo accompanied by Mrs. The Town Hall, Hensall, was fill
the death of Mrs. William Trewartha, MacLaren on the piano. Mrs. John ed to its capacity on Thursday (0011
Murdoch favoured with a piano in- dug' alien the Kippen East 'Women'.
strumental. Violin selections were Institute .sponsored a Euchre and
given by Messrs, James Bengougb Dance, A short ;program nnas pre,
and Ross MacKay. Mrs. 7, W. Bon- eluted .at the opening ,with \ir, Ross
Heron sang a solo, "Jeannie!' A num eleKay as chairman, gave a shier
ber of ladies presented a humorous address with a number of hatmonouv
Wee', "The Bachelor's Dream." A pekes. Mtiss Joyce Broderick tenet
quartette comprising Rev, Mr. Weir, several songs and 4aip dance accom
Messrs. R. Y. Maclaren, W. A, Mace paned by her mother, Mrs, Russe
Laren and James Bengough, sang. Broderick, on the piano. Misses Nor
The program concluded with a quiz uta Sangter and Ruth Hees sang
contest. Dainty refreshments were two duet "Did Your Mother Conte
Missionary Meeting—
she was a faithful member and work- served. From Troland and "\� hen Pate ,wa
The March meeting of the Weal. S. el', to Maitland Bank Cemetery. Rev. Ata. Rae Patterson of Toronto spent
was held at the home of Doreencourtin' Mew." . .. Fi,orence
Cooper with a good attendance. Mrs. 11. W. Craw officiated. The pallbear• the week end with his parents, Mr. Welsh accompanied anied of the ipiano
Henderson presided after the opening ars were Messrs. James Shannon. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson. Mr. Art Finlayson and his hand play
hymn 105, was sung. followed by a Percy Little, Thomas Pryce, George Mrs. Ann Berry returned home al- ed and :sang musical selections vrhiel
responsive reading, Psalm 748 from ter a pleasant visit with her sons in ,were very :much enjoyed. Mr. J. C
the hymnary. Prayers were offered by Windsor and Toronto. Shearer of Clinton WEN the teems
Mrs. Workman and Mrs. J. Bell. Mrs. Y.P. Entertain Seaforth.— speaker and leave a very fire address
Jones read several passages from the The Young People's Society of Car- Mrs. Harry. Caldwell mowed a vot
Bible. This was followed by hymn mel Church had as their guests on of -thanks ,to all taking ,part. There
626, Mrs. Chandler had charge of the Monday evening, the Y.P. Society of ,were fifty .taibles playing euchre rant
topic. She was assisted by Mrs, A. First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth the prize winners were: I .idles' 'first
McMurtrie, airs. J. W. McLean, Mrs. The evening was spent in relay games Mies Sarah Harburn, Cromarty; 'and
T. Workman, Mrs. McClymont, Mrs. directed by Rev. and Mrs. Weir, as Miss Irene Turner, Varna; console
Long and Mrs. Melds. Mrs, W'. Cooper listed by Rev. and Mrs. Jack of Sea- time -Miss Thelma EI'gie, Kippen
spoke of the passing of Mrs. B. Ed- forth, with five teams playing. The Gent's first, Mr. Willson iWorkuian
wards and of her work in our church. chnreh basement was beautifully de- Kippen, 2ncl, MIr, Walter Fairbury
She then led in prayer. The roll call coveted with St. Patrick's decorations Hensall: •co,,,,mai'ol .Mir. Benson
and offering was then taken. Hymn and dainty refreshments were served Stoneman, .Chiselhurst. Lucky tiok
115 was sung and the closing prayer at the close. et> Isere drawn -by Mrs. Min Maur
offered by Mrs, Henderson. Rev. Wni, Weir conducted services (loch mud Mfr. las.Smillie was •the -re
Miss Kathryn Drysdale of Hensall in Carmel Church on Sunday and the cipien1 of blit- mauve satin comforter
visited last week with Miss Doreen twartha, Clinton, Mrs. Bacltan, Clin- choir sang two anthems. "Blessed Is and Mir. Jos. L'Ip.shall the recipient 01
Cooper. i tonMr. Elgin Waters and son and the Man. • and "This Holy Hour." the candlewick 'bedspread, MLurcincht.
Mr. and Mao, Archie Parsons and Ross
Cook. of Arthur, Mr, John Breaks Leg By Fall on Street.— r,rclrc,h•a furnished the music 'for ithc
Gerald spent Sunday with Mr. and Bullard and Mrs. Feng Bullard, Iain- MTt•, Wm. Cole, of Cromarty, met trance with Mr. Win. Hayter, floor
Mrs, J. Carter of Clandeboye. tore. We extend our heartfelt synlp- with a painful accident on Saturday
Quito a number attended the sue- [thy to those that are left to mourn night, when he slipped on the ice on Wohelo Class Hold
>ion sales of the estates of the late the Ines of a loving wife anti mother. Main street in front of the telephone St. Patrick's Social -
week Shrag and Oscar Feu -111,r last lir' Lary sus Keith Walter` F.atotl and office and fral ttp•ed his leg. He was The \\'ohelo Sunday Sehunl class
P aticauled by Dr. Steer: of the United Church held a very
Mr, and Mrs. E. Hurdnrau of yenta day r in SI1xeter with Mr, and Mrs. Mission Circle.— please it "it. Patrick's social in the
spent a day recently with Air. and A. Sperling last week, The Mission Circle of the. United i
RHs. W. Homey. Mr. andnd Mrs. Peter Me('owan and chtn•ch held their regular supper thi,o'rr mall the church 00 Friday
Mr, Win. Ivisnn spent a tow days sons Bnhby and Jackie of Roxboro meeting at the home of Misses Bar evcnitie, ,with vert appropriate dec-
1;tst week 101011 relatives in Tnrontn sq,°atSaudlt5 with Mr. anti Mrs. Gen. para and Margaret Shepherd on Fri- orations for idle occasion. Mr. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Rny ('nnsitt and son Eaton. day avenin. The meeting opened by Chapman„,,..acted t r1V 1I ce and the
Bay visited with Mr. and Mrs. ('lar- Mr. John Bullard.- Tihrs. Fens Bullard singing a hymn followed byprayer by
opened by ern *IDR ' 1'tit
"etre Parkes of the Goshen ilue over Roel Jackie Bullard anti Jack Mit obeli peQ' Dime ter be Holy,” followed by the
Miss Cl• dye P The Scripture
the v:eok end.
Eaton, John Pethick and William Mc-
Spadden. The flowers were beautiful,
and included a pillow from Family. a
spray' , Mr. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden
and family; a spray, Alonzo and Gar-
net Cltapman; spray, Mrs, Eileen
Whitaker, a basket Mr. and Mrs, .A.
Walker. Wingham. and William Chap-
man, Pembroke; a spray, Dr. and
Mts. Harburn. Those attending the
funeral from a distance were, Dr. Gar-
net Chapman. Fort Erie, Mr. Alonzo
Chapman. Fort Erie, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Trewartha, Clinton. Mr. and
Mrs. Langford Chapman, Goderich,
Mn. Bert Trewartha, Mr. Bert Cox,
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tre-
dart the week end among friends. - r , a ISS Elva
to I era.' prayer in unison. 'MI'sGladys
I tt s read by MISS Eha McQueen and I assns, 11 read the scripture, psai.m
Kippen lost one a its oldest resid- We are sorry to hear of the passing Miss Bialys. MacKenzie gave a read- 2'3'1.11'.minu Lc•s 01 the prcwious
note in the passing away- of Mr, Wm. of Mr. Geo. Little in Scott. Memorial lug. 11 missionary story was read by
Aridereon on Monday after .e lingering Hospital on Tuesday after a long i11- Miss Shirley Fairbairn, and Miss Tr- 11)0 1111 were read and adopted, the
illness of seven months. The funeral nese. ane Douglas gave the topic. The bus- ro11 caller) .and ithc hu ;line's dealt
tank place at his home 011 Wednes The Y.P.', mel Tueedar' evening. mess was discussed and the meeting with, \Ir. !ikth He's played 1tco
day. Interment at Hensall Cemetery. The preeldeut, F.Iva Pryce, presided, closed by singing a hymn, piano .'olds "Mother Maehree" and
The many friends of Mrs. French Meeting ripened by singing hymn .",76. Holy Week Services.
When Irisih Eyes .are Suvhn -Mrs.
will he sorry to hear she was taken .Annie Papple led In prayer. The Next weep being Holy Week see. Geo, 'Hess gave a 'readinf, entitled
to the hospital at London on Tues- seripturo lessen was taken by Elva vices will he held in local churches • "The Irish him agnant.' Messes
day for an operation. 1 Prvee. Minutes of the Last meeting from 8 p.m. until 9 p,m, as follows: Norma Sangster and Ruth Hess sang
Mr. Arthur Long spent the week were read. Roll call was answered by Monday, March 18111, in the United two cruets Did your \fotlrer conte
end with friends in Toronto. favorite hymn and the offering was Church, speaker, Rev, Wm. Weir; on from Ireland" and "When Pew was
Mr, Thos. Butt visited on Sunday, received. The business was discussed Tuesday, Mar. 19th, in the Presbyter- cotll'tin' Mda," dressed in costume
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wni when it was decided t0 have a box- iall Church. speaker, Rev. R. A. 'and accompanied ,by IM`s, Geo. Rests
Butt in Seaforth. - social next Tuesday night, March 19. Brook; Wednesday, March 20th, Un- an the piano. Miss Elva McQueen
Hymn 569 was sung. A reading was iced Church, speaker, Rev. R. A. gave a ,very fine Sit, Patrick'e address.
DUBLIN taken by Kathleen Shannon, The Brook; Thurs., Mar. 21st, Anglican Misses Goldie ,Cross :zed Ruth
Rev, Dr, Hurford of Seaforth called topic, "God the Forgiving Father,' Church, speaker, Rev. John Richard- Brook sang "Danny Boy' .accom0)-
on friends In the village during the was taken by Margaret Montgomery, son; Friday, Mar, 22nd, Good Friday, ,anied on 'their :guitars. Miss Mattie
week. Hymn 681 was sung and meeting ,service at 11 axe it Carmel Church, Ellis gave a very humorous Irish
The many friends of Mrs. James closed by all repeating the Lord's Rev. Win. -Weir; service at 8 p.m., reading. Mrs. 'Hiedden and Mrs.
Jordan will be sorry to hear she is in prayer.United Church, Rev. R, A. Brook. Hess rant Idluets entitled '1Wearin'
the Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- The Y. P, U, of the United Church of the Green," "PI Take You $seek
forth, with pneumonia. We wish her MANLEY were to have as their guests on =\iglain •Iu'aibhileen" and "When Irish
a speedy recovery. All the roads have been snow Monday evening the Y.P. of Chisel- Eyes Are Stni.lin. The ,hvnut "'Blest
The fifteen year old daughter of ploughed by the county plough, and hunt. Church, who were to present Be the Tie What Binds" was sung and
Mr. and Mrs, James Racha was aper- if we have no more snow, cars will the program: Owing to the terrible the meeting .closed 'with the ibeme-
ated on in the Stratford Hospital fors be able to run for the rest of the condition of the roads the entertain- ,dic:tion. Miss 'Marlgaret Grieve 'dir-
an abscess` and is recovering, and season. I ars were unable to get through and ected la quiz ,contest and the games
was able to be brought home ou Sun- Mr. Fergus Horan has engaged. an impromptu program had to be ar• and oonbesitts followed. Refreshments
day. Mr. Richard Downey of Beechwood ranged. Games followed the program ,were served.
Mrs, Joseph Hickey had a, success to do farm work for the season. ; directed by Mr. Ken Hicks. Dainty Mr. ,and .MMs. 'Geo. IGrom4d of .Clint -
fur sale on. Tuesday, Mrs. Hickey in Mr
Gerald McKay 1s at present refreshments were served. on visited on .5tnuday.'with the darter's
tends moving to Seaforth, engaged with Mr, Wilbur Dundas. The Chamber of Commerce spore parents, 'Mr. land !Mrs. Geo. Walker.
Now Showing— Roy Rogers Mary Hare
Those groat ,.aahisyianse actors
In th�roadw y laughi11the
6NN 1100309
V13rli 1 b • aha etre !1di
PANDRO 1.8E0MAN In charge gI p10ducdpp. neva
6twat nine Produced by COO Raid. Screen Pio
P Mho
Coming—Bobby Breen in
7 Rya
Also—The Three Mesquiteers in
An Old Time Western
Farm Stock and Implements.—Mr.
George Elliott, auctioneer, has re•
ceived instructions from Hugh Camp-
bell, to sell by public auction on Lot
Con. 9, Hullett, (3 miles west of
Winthrop) on Wednesday, March 27,
at 1,30 pane the following;
Horses ---1 bay gelding rising 7
Years; 1 grey gelding rising 6 years.
Four horse collars.
Cattle -8 cows, milking (fresh); 2
cows due to freshet about time of
sale; 2 spring calves; 3 one year old
calves; 4 yearling steers; 6 fat
steers tit' not sold before time of
1 brood sow, 10 chunks.
75 White Leghorn hens.
1 Massey Ilarris 6 foot binder; 1
M. Harris tray loader, good as new;
1 h7, Harris flay rake: 1 No. 21 Que-
hoe sulky plow; one 11i. game11.9. gas
line engine; 1 six foot. Big Feta' Mc.
Cormick mower; 1 McCormick spring
tooth cultivator; 1 Fleury 21 walking
plow; 1 seed drill; 1 John Deere
wagon; 1 flat hay rack, with roller
race: one 1}i, yard gravel box, pine;
1 set of bench sleighs and flat rack;
1 cutter; 1 Clinton tanning ill; o1
laud roller; 1 sealer;
cioubletrees. logging chain; 4 sections
of harrows with stretcher.
200 bus. oats; quantity of wheat.
Hay and ]ray fork. -
1 set heavy double harness; 1 set
ow setwarness; 1 `t
single sl gs and chain; 1atgrind•
stone; I roil barbed wire; fence wire
land stretcher; 1 Melotte cream sem
avatar; grain hags; forks, shovels,
Other articles too numerous to
mention. Implements in good repair.
All will be sold as proprietor is retie.
ing from farming.
Terms cash.
Hugh Campbell, proprietor.
(100. Elliott, auctioneer.
Of Form Implements and Household Et.
feats. --On Lot 4. Con. 2. 'L'udrrs,nith, on
Friday, March lath at 1 P.M.
ImplementsMcCormickhinder; 4 wag-
ons; a buggies; 2 disc harrows; 2 sets dla-
mond harrows; 2 mowers: Coekshutt riding
plow t :r walking Plows; land roller; 2 hay
rakes; 2 enaivators (1 with seed boa) : 2
fanning mills; l hawse power Iemnhletc) 1
root slicer: 2 sleighs; 2 cutters; 1 road
earl.; 2 cuttingbowv:s; grinder; 2 hay racks;
wagon hos and seat Merwl: Renfrew scale;
bean scale; aa. H. 108 endue '0 11.p.)1 Int-
ernational gas engine Ii'- h.p.1; 2 sniffl-
ers; grindstone; 2 sots team harness: 2 sets
single harness; 2 honey - blankets; wagon
Reek 1 wheel barrow ; several sets whiffle -
trees ; robes ; sugar kettles 1 barrels ; sap
troughs, water trough ; forks, :dowels. 511558.
Dozen brown Leghorn pullets ; 1 muster.
a gravel boxes.
Household Effects 2 dining tab,les; •
menthes; 1 Morris chair; organ : sideboard:
2 chests of drawers; dressing stand; 2 gloss
cupboards; clothes reel: beds: one p5 -sot.
Chime dishes; everyday dishes: knives and
forks; lamps; bunging lamps: pots and
puns 1 pillow slips Inca.) ; pillows !new) ;
feather ticks; sealers. crocks and glassware.
elettu•es and numerates other articles.
Terms of sale, cash.
WM, d. DEVEREAUX, Proprietor.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer,
The Annual Meeting of the Huron Farm.
s; Co-operative Co., Ltd., will be held in
the Town 'Hall, Hensall, on 77tulsday.
Murch 214, Mtn, at • P.M. Everybody
welcome. ALBERT ITENDRICB, President ;
A. R. BELL. secretary,
Owing to the devuotee .,r Moe Cholera in
the su rrundh,v' disUu.t., WO are Jiscnntinu-
Inv ;tor 011.1es until t•arther
In Egmolehille Ih,ble al nu the middle
of April. 're teeq ,urges e1 an aeie. Amdy
01 The News office.
Red briek house- on East William Street,
availawater, IgApril bsement. eleetricfurnace, 1st. Good
,00d lights, Ap nlY
Brooder stove, site EMU, C. H. HOLLAND.
phone 05142.
A farm hand to start April is
Apply to the News Office.
1 young Fender for sale. Apply to
John Moylan, Seaforth,'R.R.S, phone
64r25, Dublin central. •
"Buy Canadian Coal"
A Splendid Fuel
$10.60 per ton—Haul your own
$11.20 Delivered in town
Best Quality Anthracite
Stove or Nut Size
$13,80 Delivered in Seaforth
$13.20—You haul
Phone 336, Seaforth
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth. Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Maya
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ins Seaforth, Office hours:-
1ur day, Thursday and Saturday
1:.11) p.m. to 5 pan. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to- 9 p. m.
Experienced farm hand 'wants
work. Apply to Anderson Scott, phone
836183, Seaforth central,
Rubber Goode, Sundries, etc., mailed
postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper.
80% less than retail. Write for malt -
order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Box
91, Hamilton, Out,
Experienced girl deeires housework
in town. .Apply to the News Office.
Mr. Frank McConnell has sold the
East ll of lot 8. con, 3, McKillop, t0
Mr. Michael McCarthy, of Dublin.
Racine Wisconsin Incubator. 1611 egg cap-
acity. Apply to The Neva.
Phone .Climtou (32 - 24, Fred Mc-
Clyniont. Varna.
Please call and pay your account.
owing the Beechwood Store, before
the end of this month.
Eight roomed house, excellent loc-
ation North Main Street, Seaforth. A.11
conveniences, stable, garage, orchard
lot if desired. Apply to James Rivers. -
SeaPorth, or A. G. Govenlock, 64 King
street, Weston, Ont,
120 acres, mile east of Walton,
Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town-
ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame
house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to
Miss Jean Turner, Seaforth.
50 or 100 acres suitable for pasture
wanted for rent, or would let cattle
out by month or season. Apply to the
News Office,
Of Desirable Farm Property in
By virtue of the posers contained
in a certain nlortl;age the. Exeoutore
Phe Estate of Aubert A. Dodds.
deceased, 'has -e instructed mhe under-
sientcl to tell the farm lands dent -Ne-
ed Els frrlloiust -
"The Sonde half of Lot al, and the
South hall of the last half of Lot 32.
both in the Ninth Cm -we siolt of robe
'foetus -hill of IbLRillr-1 in the County
of Huron and eentaining(ill,'; acres
of land, more nr lase,"
Upon this property there is said stn
be erected a 5011 woestoney frtante
hotter of ;else roams: 1 hank 'barn
3ti x 5t, on cement foundation with
:good stabling a driving shed, drilled
•well and windmill.
Salt will he held at the Commercial
Hotel Seafnrele on Saturday, March
23rd 119140, art 3.00 pen.
Terms of Sale: ---Ten per cent ,Dash
et tome of sale and the ibalance on
April '115pht, or when ,possession deliv-
For .further 'pantirui u s apply to
Geonge H. Elliott, Auctioneer;
H. Cr, ,HEIR,
Solicitor for Executors,
Dublin — Ont,
Night or Day Calls Phone 43r10
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Phone 3.34 w -