HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-29, Page 6PAGE SIX
41 tae
e;3t 5v.,a
1 swear there shall be i,1) vkilea,e.
rye. Wait. for the chill is making
mischief, and until we knows of her
Icings we must 11'sik-ut, klive. me
;.our gripper, my ,1 uric," she seized
`his wrist and bent back 1he Pella et:
'he haul to tra.'e the Iines with a
tie ere eased fortune center
you and to her, lay golden rye,' she
l d iu true gypsy t t ane li.
1', a.e•. Incl bolter. . .tin ninny chip
dlren, to carry on a stainless mime.
'Piaui yea sot. .Ilii ;.Uwe
.- sun.
in; noble c, ntleman, and
wttlt your 1 all l :l'.tit! you go wit1.
l i.t :::,, to the ,:rave.- site dropped
'.'a.•.. fiend. "Su be it for ae true ,luk-
ett-0, and remember e;,•ntilia a.tauley
claim the, luck ,canes true."
"But' SIOtlter. Moth:r, said l.:uu
"rt. following her to the door, as he
nas•still doubtful 05 to her boot -atone
._,ln4erning :(lis; Greeby. ..
The gypsy waved him aside sol-
utnly. '''Sever again will you see me.
my golden rye. if the stars speak
stilly, and if there be virtue in the
lines of the hand. I rams into your
life: I go out of your life: and what
is written shall rte!" she made a
• nuystis sign cess 10 his fare and then
nodded cheerily.
"Dttveleste rye!" was her final
greeting, and she •disappeared swiftly,
!yet the young naafi did riot knOw that
c e 11Omeuy trrew'll meal[, "God
.bless youl"
11 atilt hat, been anticipated.
...s:: a ,larvingten was in anything but
x happy il'a11; of mind. H' '.eft. Sliver
in sanies; it fanning cwatitie1, tinti 1,'-
a d 10 The. Manor very
salt aleiself. Tie-. two cownrdlyiittle
u net tit, n,,•- .0 y pluck of
,:1).l. h0..tors. 4,111 now that there
--t,..t'i to L,. I :.sive, e2,i,- that
'P. -t, 1,rfarb n. eNn110s vo,lild be nt,, ie
_aar!Fs. thipywere bulb i1 rl..•adly f, -,,r
uuuseyn .tee:•.. Silt' r was in 1110
'or,r.l plight. sine•:, 110 was well aw'ar'e
that tine law would e onsider him to
be an accessory sit -.1' the fact.. and
that. although his neck was not in
danger, his liberty assuredly was, He
was so stunned by the storm which
bad broken so unexpectedly over his
head, that he had not even the sense
to run away. A11 manly grit—what he
possessed of it—had been knocked
out of him. and he could only whim-
per over the fire while waiting for
Lambert to act.
Garvington was not quite so down-
hearted. as he knew that his cousin
was anxious to consider the fair name
of the family. Thinking thus. he felt
a trifle reassured, for the forged let-
ter could not be made public without
a slur being cast on the name. Then,
again, Garvington knew that he was
innocent of ,lesigning Piue'h death,
and that, even if Lambert did inform
the police, he could not he arrested. It
is only just to say that had the little
Minn known of 3liss Greeby's inters•
tion to elevate^ the nlilliotluire, he
would neves' have written the letter
whieh lured the man to • his doom.
and for two reason.: in the first
pt;u••r he wits lira cowardly to risk bis
tl eh; and 111 thz ennui l'iu, was of
name value to Rian. alive than dead.
1 onooeting Ittae,elf w'it.l, this ra-l!e'c
!iota b,• teut t ,ed to In tintein a 1:ai;Iy
, ;,ht aerate 1111 1 before his wife.
lee uta -11 i•- sight Lady Gamingno
was particularly exasperating,' for the
cnta,stantly asked questions which icor
hush:110 f did not reel hipline:A to
aa1 11.•1•. Fluviug heard thin Lantberrt
'.vas in the tallage, sho wished to
1 I i w why he had lot been tasked to
stay at The Manor, and defended the
yutmg man when Garvington pointed
out that an iniquitous person 10110 had
robbed Agnes of two millions could
not be tolerated by the man---•lbirv-
lugion meant himself --bo had wrong-
ed. Tlien Jane inquired why Lambert
had brought Chaldea to the house, and
what had passed in the library, but
reeeived 110 answer, save a growl.
Finally she insisted that Freddy had
lost his appetite, whist was perfectly
t rue.
"And I- thought you lilted that way
of dressing a fish so much, dear." was
her wail. "I never seem to quite hit
your taste."
"Olt, hotter: leave me. alone, ,lane.
I'm worried."
"I know you are, for you have e11t„'1
se little', What is the matter?"
1'v 'ything's the matter. confmnid
yittr in,ltu.ititene Hasn't Agnes
lost all iter money because of this
selfish marriage with Nuel. hang hint"
Now the do 1e.1r.• do you expect us to
'lorry on hitless we bnl're10?"
:.can't you get .50111e 1110liey front
the person who now fuhen'ita?"
34rw111 ltotl't tell me the 1110110,-
uaus ""Bat I know who it is." said Lady
tiarvilga011 triumphantly. "One o1 the
sI>rvards whit went to the gypsy
'1111111 this afternoon told my maid.
and my maid told Inc. The gy'psie's
are greatly excited, and no wonder."
Freddy stared at her. "Excited.
what about?"
"Why, about the honey, dear. Don't
yon know?"
"No, I don't!" shouted Freddy,
breaking a glass in his irritation.
"What is it? Bother you, Jane. Don't
keep me hanging on in silspense."
"I'm sure I never do. Freddy. dear.
It's Hubert's money which has gone
to his mother."
Garviugton jumped up. "Who—who
—who is his mother?" he demanded,
"That dear old Geutilla Stanley."
"What.! What! \\'hat!"
"Oh, Freddy" said his wife plain•
Office — Commercial Hotel
Electro Therapist — Massage
Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after-
noons and by appointment.
by manipulation—Sun-ray
Phone 227.
tively, 'Ton make my head ache. Yes,
it's quite true. Celestine had it from
William the footman. Fancy, Gentiila
having all that money. How lucky site
"Oh, dann her; damn her," growl,
Lel Garvington, breaking another glass.
"Why, dear. I'm sure she's going to
make good use of the money, She
says ---so William told Celestine—that
she would give a million to learn for
certain who murdered poor Hubert."
-Would site? would she? would
she?" Carrington's gooseberry eyes
nearly dropped out of his head, and
he babbled, and burbled, and choked.
autd spluttered, until his wife was
elthe alarmed.
"Freddy. you always east too fast.
Ga and lie down, dean'.,,
-Yee," said tlnrvingtin. rapidly
looked spectral and wan. The sight of
the frowning monoliths, the gaunt,
frozen trees and the snow -powdered
earth, made the luxurious little man
shiver. Also the anticipated conversa-
tion father flaunted hint, although he
decided that after all Silver was but
a feeble creature who could be easily
managed. What Freddy forgot was
that he lacked pluck himself, and that
Silver, driven into a corner, might
light with the courage of despair. The
sight of the secretary's deadly white
and terrified face as he opened the
door sufficient to peer out showed
that he was at bay.
"If you come in I'll shoot," he quav-
uavered, brokenly. "I'll I'll brain yes
with the poker. I'll throw hot 'water
on you, and—and scratch out your-
"Colne, come," said Garvington
boldly. "It's only me—a friend!"
Silver recognized the voice and the
dumpy figure of his visitor. At once
he dragged hi mint() the passage and
barred the door quickly, breathing
hard meanwhile. "I don't hind yen,"
he giggled, hysterically, "You're in
the same boat with me, my lord. But
1 flincled when you knocked that the
police --the police" --his voice died
weakly in his throat: he east a wild
glance around and touched Iris neck:
anew:113' as though In: already felt
the haugln 11l s rope ench'e1111g It.
Uat'viitgtou did not: a110101e 111 this
The Secrets
Good f
Few women possess naturally
lovely skins, and even these must
take precautions lest they suddenly
lose so priceless a heritage. The task
of nurturing your skin will be simpli-
fied if you know something of its
Besides being a covering for the
body, the skin acts as an outlet for
certain secretions (perspiration, for
instance, i$ a natural one). There are
countless pores in the skin, and any
impurities that lurk in the blood-
stream may escape through these
pores—with resultant pimple., 10111
m101 5,
1tterior ede..ullfucss is t110 001111 1011.
Proper functioning of the system will
1('1t0vtz the likelihood al Skin 1,1e11 -
lucking tip his tined to adopt t certain ishe^•
gr.10 pantoatinlu, and wore. "F'n, t:u ,tiny on itch 'road like t 1 triers
x 11111 -about which he wished his l e
gifts alone. damn yen," hr. :aid
mite 111 know uuthilg. "1'11 lis, doth. roughly. "1 Cs 'ill right, so far!" Ile and sweets; eat ruin's, fresh fruits and
Jatnu." vegetables. 1lrink lore of mincer tin
dewu :tui hu seu('11 his ave rcaut,
"eked della take tory more tviu , " 1 LMty, eu meals: not during ntett0.
for the phete wet, like a Tarkn 7 bath
wade'4 J:utc, as she drilled out 01:1 or heal "1 want a drink. You've hl'i'n please!) and it will rive your' nye-
aft. rounl, "F 11 1(1 411111 tett i teat a real fillip if yen will drink on
miming yuurnedf, 1 eve,"and h
as 11 is, dear.-_ , 10 a ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,i ,,,,,,r wine O'casiuu,ll glue, 1)C hof. miter during
11111 Freddy did not. Mite 11110 advice,
but drank glass atter glass until he
Lemons pot•valttmt. He needed cour-
age. as he intended to go all by him-
self to the lonely Abbot's Wood Cot-
tage and interview Silver. It occurred
to Freddy that if he could induce the
secretary to give up hiss Greoby to
justice, Mother Cockleshell, out of
gratitude, rnight surrender to him the
sunt of one million pounds. Of course,
the old hag might have been talking
all round the shop. and her offer
night be bluff, but it was worth tak-
ing into consideration. Garviugton,
thinking that there was no time to
Mee, since his cousin might be be-
forehand in denouncing the guilty
woman. inurried on his fur overcoat,
and lifter leaving 0 lying statement
w'itli the butIet• that he had gone to hind when he gate up the ghttage, a
beef, b„ went out by the useful blue revolver loaded In all nix chambers,
and a barge bread knife Apparently
dear. 111 a few minutes, was trop the matt was 111 a dangerous state c,f
tin along the w•ell-ltnow'1 pa111 utak• 11 i, 1 111 and was ready to give the 1)1•
int tip, his mind what in say to Sil-
and it bottle of brandy 4111011 were on
' the ruble along with a tray o1 glasses.
"Silly ass yon are to mix."
"I'ur- 1'nl- lteepiug up try -lay..
my .spirits," giggled Silver, wholly
unnerved,unnerved,and pouring oat the brandy
with a sltaldng hand, "There you are,
My lord. There'; water, but no soda."
"Beeping up your spirits by pour-
ing spirits dower," said • (larvIltgtou,
venturing on a weak joke. "You're in
a state ttf siege, too."
Silver certainly teats. He had bolted
the shutters, and had piled furniture
against the two windows of the room.
On the table beside the decanter andbottles - of brandy, lay a poker, a
11110y club which Lambert bad
brought from Africa, and had left be -
ver. The Interview did not premise to I posers of Uw law a 11"W" we I, 1111,.
be an easy One. when tltey mime to wrest hint. Ile
"I wish I could do without him. teuvaled 111" 000111ns w,r11
0ns 1ever-
ih0ng111 111- 1m1410'01s little r.cottnd ishly.
rel els he left his own property and ''111 sir,' [hent beans,- her said,
pF looking 1"1.0"1Y ['rent 1.41" 11) left.
struck a'ross the' waste ground be=.
coot( the park wall, 'Batt I can't, dash
et all. slur,' he•'s tin• only person who
saw the crime- actually committed,
'course he'll get jailed as an access-
arseafter-the'•fate: but when he 1.011105.
oat l'll give stint a thousand or so if
the old 100111ap Parts. Al all events,
I'll see what Silver is prepared to do,
and then 111 call on old Cockleshell
and stake things right with her. Hang
it," Freddy had a qualmish feeling.
"The exposure won't be pleasant for
me over that unlucky letter, but if I
can snaffle a million, it's worth it.
Curse the honor of the family, I've
got to look after myself somehow. Ho!
Ito!" he chuckled as he remembered
itis cousin. "What a sell for Noel
when he finds that I've taken the
wind out of his sails. Serve him jolly
well right."
in this way Garvington kept up his
spirits during the walk, and felt en-
tirely (lteeritl and virtuous by the
time be reached the cottage, In the
thin, cold moonlight, the wintry wood
T'hes'e are dee men vim are risspons-
ilhle for Nhe CBC 'On'tario Farts
Broadclasts which are heard Mondays
• to Fridays inclusive at 412,30 p.rn. EST
over the 'CRTC On'tariu-1Neticvork. Far
the rnv.,1 part their .mark is "'behind
the scenes" but their activity is an
insieneant quart of every ,daily !broad-
cast Left to right, Syd Brown, ser-
eice producer of the programme; Don
Fa!rhairn, cent m en ta•tor; -Dean Hugh-
es, author of "The •Craigs", the daily
dramatic sketch: and 0. aW, Sha,,gg,
"Every doom is looked; every window
is bolted, l've heaped up chairs and
0utas and tube,: mud elie'sts of draw -
01'., and W111111.0111-1, ami mattresses
against every opening to keep 11,e
devils one. And the lamps look at
the lamps, Ugh!" he shuddered, "I
can't bear to be in the dark.'
"Plenty al light," observed Garv-
ington, and spoke truly, for there
must have been at least six lamps 111
the room—two on the table, two on
the mantel -piece. and a couple on the
sideboard. And amidst his primitive
defeuees sat Silver quailing and quiv-
ering at every sound: occasionally
pouring brandy down his throat t0
Beep up his coinage.
The white looks of the roan, the
disorder of the room, the glare of the
many lights, and the real clanger of
the sheet ion, communicated their
thrill to Garvington. He shivered and
looked into shadowy corners, as Sil-
ver did; then shrove to reassure both
bimseli' anti his companion. "Don't
worry s0," Ire said, sipping his
brandy to keep him up to concert
pitch. "I've got an idea which will be
good for both of us."
"What is it?" questioned the sec-
retary cautiously, He naturally did
not irnst the man who had betrayed
"Do you -know who has inherited
Pine's money?"
"No. The person named in the seal-
ed envelope?"
"Exactly, and the person is Mother
Silver was so amazed that he for-
got his fright, "What? Is Geutilla
Stanley related to Pine?"
"She's his grandmother, it seems.
One of my servants was at the camp
to -day and found the gypsies greatly
excited over the old Cat's windfall."
"Whew! Silver whistledand drew
a deep breath. "If 1'd known that, I'd
have got round the old woman, But
it's too late now since all the fat is
on the fire. Mr. Lambert knows too
much, and you have confessed what
should have been kept quiet,"
"L had to save my own slain," said
Garvington sullenly, "After all, I had
nothing to do with the - murder. I
Supervisor of CRC Farm Broadcasts. never guessed that you were so
mixed np in it until Lambert brought
the day. Water gives the iusidr., ;1
Try a1) ,,' asl0ual regimen of fruit.
salts. '1'(1ln' a dash in a glass of tweet'
immediately on arising in the morn-
ing, two or three Clines a weep, but,
don't make a habit of it. 'l'lris helps
to tune up your system and keep It
111110 1011111g properly,
This is the first of a short series on
Skin Care, designed to assist you to
understand the functions of the skin
and the rudiments Of beantifyitlg it.
Write for a ropy of my helpful book-
let on Beauty Cure and ask about
your personal beauty problems, too,
enclosing four one -vent stamps please,
Address: Miss Baal'bara Lynn, Box 75,
Station Be Montreal, (Site,
that bullet to tit the revolver 1 lent
„And which 1 gave to Miss (110•e -
by," snapped S11v'1' tartly. 'She is the
erinlittal, net 1110, \What a. t 1110 she
will be in when she ]ea11114 the truth,
I expect your em15111 will have her
arrest elle'
"I don't t11iu1- se. H„ has some telly
idea in his head ;,beam the h,nnr of
0111' name, and won't pr,-, ni1111 - 0
unless he fc )'erred to"
"Who can forece 111111," e012,d Silver,
looking 1111)11' at ease, 'Shies lip saw 11
gleam of hope.
•- 'Chid,';,! She's death of slaking
trouble," •
"t'au't we silence her? Remember
you swing on my hook,"
"No. I don't," contradicted Carving -
ton sharply. "1 can't he arrested."
"For forging that letter you can!"
"Not et all, l dill not write it to
lure fine to itis death, but only wish-
ed to maim him."
"'Chat will get you into trouble,"
insisted Silver, aoxi1us to have a
companion in misery.
"It won't, I tell you. There's no one
to prosecute. You are the person who
is in (I anger, as you knew ]fuss
Greeby to be guilty, and are ihereion'e
an accessory after the fact."
"7f Mr. Lambert has the donor of
your family at heart he will do no-
thing," said the secretary hopefully;
"for if Miss Greeby is arrested along
with me, the writing of that letter is
bound to come out."
"I don't care. It's worth a million."
"What is worth a million?"
"The exposure. See here, Silver, I
hear that Mother Cockleshell is will-
ing to hand over that sum to the
person who finds the murderer of her
grandson. We know that Miss Greeby
is guilty, so why not give her up anfl
earn the money?"
The secretary rose in quivering
alarm. "But I'd be arrested also. You
said so; you know you said so."
"And I say so again," remarked
Garvington, leaning hack coolly.
"You'd not be hanged, yon know, al-
though she would, A few year's in
prison would be your little lot and
when you came out I could give you
say—er—er--ten thousand pounds,
There! That's a splendid offer."
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
J. D. Colquboun, M.D., C.M., Grad-
uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, M.D.,
L.A.B.P., Specialist in Diseases in
Infants and Children, will be at the
Clinio last Thursday in every mouth
from 3 to 6 Pan.
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 P.M.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone i, J
W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F,A.G.S.
Phone i 5-'V. Office John rite, . eal:,.-th
Physician :011 Snrgcott: Late of
Loudon hospital, LaudO0, .Ninglat.d.
Special attention to diseases of tie°
eye, earl 1.1(14e uud throat. Dolce anti
residence behind Dominiotl Bank. of.
lice Plante No. 3; Residence Pllone
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute.
Mooreiield's Iuye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Cornntercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday ineach mouth from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. ---53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
London, Ontario
Graduate Toronto University
Licentiate o1 Amerieau Board of P. .11
aides, Diseases of Children
At Seaforth Clinic, lust Thursday ,tf
t f: ru ocm,
(.P.U111 1: h:LLb0T'r. I ceruse,:
Auctimns.0 tar the County of Iiuron.
Arrangements can be made for Sats
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction gearantecre
' F. W. AIIRENS, Licensed Auction
eer for Perth and Huron Counties
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application.
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property. R. 11. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office.
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect•
ed at lowest rates In First -Class
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm. Knox, L ondesboro
Vice President, W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A.
Reid, Seaforth.
P. McElercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brimfield; E. R. G.
Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; 0. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Wm. Yeo, Holmesville, -
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; James Connolly, Goderioh;
"Where would you get the ten thou- Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. B
sand? Tell me!" asked Silver with a Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
curious look. Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
"From the million Mother Cockle- Hugh Alexander, Walton.
shell would hand over to rne."
"For denouncing me?"
"For denouncing Miss Greeby."
(To Be Continued)
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post -
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c ol3ees-