HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-29, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1940
Late Ellen Sreenan—
There passed away at the lime of
her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Sreenan, west or Blake. on Tuesday,
February 20th, Mips Ellen Sreenan,
en aged lifelong resident of the coin -
:enmity, aged 7 years. Miss Sreenan,
who hots been a resident of Ztu'b•h for
rmn«' yeltes, stet who -till has 1t„1'
residence properly in town, has not
been du good health the past two years
,131,1 le' aI 19111(0(111e1a',".1)C, in i ' 1101'
home, wild hr,r 71ep11811•. tieing of
Irish descent, hub horn in Ontario. she
WAS indeed tut inter (':oong old lady 10
converse, with. and WAS of a. v,•ry
quiet and pea/outdo disposition. The
funeral was held on T11ln'aday nlorn-
ren.Segt<umramssxswxauxm1.... 11.. 1':.•,:m,.
iatzust CANAMAN
MAKE plans early this year to harvest a bumper crop of smooth,
clean, high-quality potatoes. Good seed is the first require-
ment for an excellent crop .:. because only good seed will grow
vigorous plants, plants that can withstand most of the serious
diseases common to potatoes.
Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes. By
planting thenmany ofrho losses due to disease will be avoided ...
higher -quality,
cleaner, smoother, more uniform potatoes than
chose grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced..
So, this season, harvest finer potatoes--- and more of them. Plant Can.
adian Certified Stied. Grow potatoes that will grade Canada No. 1.
Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are available in all standard
Varieties. Be sure to select the variety intim suitable for your
Locality! Ask the local District Government Inspector, Plane Pro-
tection Division, for full information and list of nearest distributors.
Food supplies are important in wartime --
This year, plant and raise only the best.
te,, (01 ll,entnfr,aa.it ',in lizitt
--t1' 1 ,.. v t I. R ,• . 1
genttial t,m ldlan Conn
lad Seed Etamme n
t tefully.
t t t S 1'r c r I4,01l 1 m to C,'rtilltatir n.
lIcrticultural Department, Ontarra Ago-
u10,1a1(_'i4µ, Cmiph, Qnt.
Agricultural Supplies Board
Honourable James G. G,irdiner,
tit Minister.
iug, from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Sreenan, to St. Peter's dmt'eh
and cemetery, French Settlement, for
Interment. --Zurich Herald.
WIngham Man Dies at Guelph—
Funeral serylco for George Case -
more who died suddenly in his 48th
year last week in Guelph, was held
at Wingham on Saturday, the Can-
adian legt:,n liner tnoutcers naving
charge of the service. 1vlr, Casemore
had been an employee of the Western
Foundry, Ltd., for a number of years
and just: recently received employ-
ment in Guelph. Surviving besides
his wife, is one son, Robert, and one
daughter, Bertha, both at Pomo, two
brothers, William, of Wingham, and
Robb of Shallow Lalte; four sisters,
M's. W. Walters, Wingham; Mrs. W.
Jenkins 'Pur'nborry; Mrs. L. Kirk-
wood of Harriston, and Mrs. Wight.
1111111 of Toronto. Rev. J. F. Anderson
conducted rho service.
Nearly Asphyxiated --
That an expert at: furnace. work.
and treating problems should be al-
most it victim of asphyxiation by
(• alrhlg cox, gas sot It as befell 14I'.
4hH Jageh'w'slii. 11 R alltr•rlon 111)1n1h-
01' 111111 11,011 Sp,4o•it1Nst, ns 111' 1114014e
hi his 1101111, 010110sdfe the 1lwn ita11
cue Sunday morning In ,w ailing it
slate rout hr felt 11: was on his way
11111 umice:, sntn,-ihing Could 1,,, tone.
.011,1111 it g11irl.ly, 4IIIIWO that 1' 14 are
immune from 111141111110 of ihi0. kind.
1'+41rbeetitte that the Nome, must I,''
l'1111111g It'-61l:,.ierlll to 10«• hus,•tueut
'(md there (10111(1 that :'111 e,spb,sinu of
,lamp blower .'real had blown open the.
farinte' door and separated the pipes
i1', .1 maturer that Will rapidly iillii o
the home with poisonous Enures.
Whirled Around Shaft But Lives
Wound around a driveshaft until Itis
clothe:: were alt shredded 11'0111 Itis
body, with the exception of shoes and
((n('killg5,: and pret•ipitttted into al
grain bin some six feet below, units
Oscar Gutscher, 211'year-oltl Carrick
resident, still alive with no more ser -
ions injuries than a fractured leg and
bruises,- Walkerton Herald-Tlntt's.
Finished Post Office—
,V. H. Rlnt.0)11 & Sous of Wingham
e wood•
have been busy finishing [h
WOO: at the nmv Sutton West post
°Prices. The work will be completed)
this we,'lt. Mr. Duncan McDougal had
the co111)1101for the Collsteuteinn of
this property,
Af. h' e , - ,1 li'11 I "Pvti 1)•y
beet 111 Ikl'1 itr '' Imre. ill !If, sail,.
1'ri"1),l • 'Violrc'1:15 .11„111,1 ,. .
1•11,,0! ,1'11 i 411:11 ?'lade,
Train For
NOW for the first time you can
buy books in A B C Shorthand.
Take dictation in 9 weeks. Free
folder describes system. Write
76 Evelyn Crest, TORONTO
We Are Selling Quality Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily..
All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as Youl
Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
e Scaforth News
Car Licenses Expire End of Year
Return to the calendar year system
in the sa]e of 'Ontario motor vehicle
licenses will be effected this- year.
Premier Mitchell Hepburn announced
in hie annual budget address before
the Ontario Legislature. Licenses
sold before March 31 this year will
expire December 31, the premier said.
Visited Aunt by Plane—
Mr. 13111 Townsend, of the R,C,A.F.,
at Camp Borden, paid a flying' visit
01) Saturday morning to his aunt, Mrs.
B. Costello, who has been a shut-in
winter. Itwas quite thrilling to
see the plane circling low over Mr.
George Thornton's buildings, finally
landing it) Mr. Wm. Nieholson's field.
Several of the neighbors gathered to
see the plane tape off again. hill is
looking line, and is very nrueh inter-
ested 01 Hying.--Wingham Advawre
Buried at Clinton—
Death has removed another fcu'(ur=1
Clinton citizen 111 the passing of ,lir=.
San•tih Stott 4011(1 1111.11 suddenly at he;
home 111 Detroit, Mrs. Stott will oi
rontouthl•1«•d by older citizens a
Sarah Alalloy, her payouts being the
lit, Alr. and 11rit. U, Malloy li , e.a e'.
was dui nitly re•itn,iuin1, 100011,-r 1
III, . 1'0 Wily, being pride, eased le, lin''•,
sisters. Suer Hattieand Mts.i Tevitoitt111; t -e her I,t'oth I;L!
,\5,I. and 11'ill. '1'11 remain- tt•!,. ut
, etIl til) i0d to Clim.0 by her I'a„
ne•era. Mrs.. 11. 'l'wlt,fiell and 'I1.—
I I',!, 'I wit. nt' of Vltol'u1' i V•'
ritiitor et it.-,. d -t Nt I.i.
t 011x, 11 t In11111, tiontlfic10.1 iloi
rat .14 lh1' ra.r.•.id,e.
1he .1110.11.11 1/et1110 ,.rel !u 1',„
W0," 411 -WOW::
Metier l lu,n 1111, yirgd of , 1117.uu,
bn•Je 1- in 1:13. (010,11 was cme u}' tilt:•
short t.st crops 011 record. 1,1 the
Maritime I'revim•ns there was 1, cote
st,mlial mo•rease i11 1934 over the
ma -viten; year but elsewhere 111 t 'an
Ida, tipelit•s 1)r-11)0)1(1' Inerelieee were
l e cot'ded. The vain,• of the crop p for
I03J, however. is ('0peeted to stow it
1ulraaatia1 inerettae ever 143x.
Sunday. March 3
lgltl-10.13 a.ni, Neighborly News.
Presented by Andy Clarke, front
13.(10.12.15 pan. Just Mary. aturies 1'<(i
111' young by ",hast Mary." from
Dm -1.15 p.m. 1)111 ('outory \tail. 'Falk
oat civilian life in England by It.
`4. Lambert, from '1'w•nutn.
::011.2.80 p.m, liar) Moose :,trine,
Quartet. chamber 111ra,h' reeitat
front 'Toronto,
^,,1(o •I :in p.m. Philharmonic -symphony
in New 'fork. Directed by .11111),
Itarbirolli. from New Yolk.
6.3110.r. pan. 'l'la, Rodd Today. .1
1 i•Vi„15 (t' lit, 1l' 1:5 11.4140 bt
11111111111 O'I.e•ll- . ileal (1(6,45,,.
Monday. March 4
1;. nn -11150 p.m. Milliatnre .Vl n.•.ieu6
Soloists with orchestra air„ le ,1
by Jane's Robertson, front \V n,
7,00-7.1 :1 p.m. 'l'lte Recon'iru1limi of
central Europe. - I1(, rvii w with
Arehdulie 1"''Iix of Altstria, trout
4.4.30•11.4111 pan. '1'00 the 'troops it.
England, 111,1111 broadcast with
tannin by 1300 1311wmtul
from England.
Tuesday, March 5
4.1 5-4.30 p.m. War Fashions. Talk by
Doreen Day. from Montreal.
7.e0-7.311 p,nl. Halifax Concert Orch-
estra. Light concert music coin
dneted by Ilan Williams, from Hali-
Wednesday, March 6
5.30-5.45 par, Curling Broadcast. Run•
niug commentary, from Winnipeg
8.90-8,30 p.m. Canadian Snapshots.
Actuality broadcast; dramatic
cast and orchestra:, from Toronto.
9,30.10.011 p.m. Music by Faith. Drell
',ett'tt directed by Percy Fait 14
with Louise Ring and Dave
Davies, vocalists, front Toronto.
10.00.1 11,30 pan. Canterbury Pilgrims.
Special broadcast, from Winni•
Thursday, March 7 p.m. Monologues of the Mo-
ment. Monologue by Barbara
Whitley, from Montreal. p.m. Waltz Serenade. Pat•
richt Bailey, vocalist, with orch•
estra directed by Russ Gerow,
from Toronto. p.m. Miss Trent's Children.
Radio dramaproducedby Rupert
Caplan, from Montreal.
9.:10.]11.1111 pan. Entertainment for the
'101 Ops. Soloists, . male octet with
orchestra directed by Albert
Pratz. front Toronto.
Friday, March 8 31,10, Sevillana, Orchestra and
soloists. 100111 Montreal.
7,45-5.09 p.m. A Dirt Farmer Looks
Fast. Talk by Jack Sutherland
front Calgary.
31111.1111 p.m. along thrit Boulevard.
eentinental i .tale with m'chestra
::md s1il.1o42', 111,10 1lontrea1.
!ISM').le ;o p-10. W.ndhouso and 1154
kius. 1'onli11y 1Y,,,m with 1)0,01ay
.414. t (e'tie-I ,m,I 01, he 0l 's air
ect,d by (, uart'y llad,lingr.t:
0,00 W'ittninog,
Saturday, March 9
,t: 112:14 1,11., 'S'h:.. c'iiiih'en' '(1)''],0,
1 101,11 11. )11 )11 itnnl
1'.1.111,l r,,.
I „ ;,.01 AT, u , pbt:,l,' 11),
(1 111 d 11p,wa Th.
11'1111' ,
:aG i np0li*.1l'. '01r,1'.1 tl„e-s. (run`ci.
• w
7 1- i:„ 1,111 '1'11„ 1-ui1, if Tit
'.1.1•,. '11 ill; 'n I, i4:4'') ,4 lir 11.
2'2".1 , ;run! N. yr 1'n19t.
I a 4,1 . 101-'5'
11 5,- 11.11. Iuuli. i,
iva. ?L:rel1 11.0 arty ,u. i -l»,• "hl 111,
, 1 t11,• w I'lik;l ,511; 110;1,0i 1„r1uithrlc 1,1 all, d, 11
He rota 1'y 111,11)1Y'' ,.r li,'1'1n 111y (1'lilll
11'])' 1e 19111. 16'pi1•liug the rim:' of
11111'' :.114 Snzi4ml non) a 1...,a• can
etigne fu a meua,',- I. 111,' 'wave' tri.
111--• amid.Several ont•,•ial 11o1y
31}1 1:11100 ' ;it.. now ill 1,1,11141011 100
(111 Laet,l 14110,1,5 ties ).'IW is plan
111110 11 5p,vtal ha. tl')' 1,rna111'n1't 1',0'
period 7.au.lo.n,1 p.m.
CBC Commentator Gives
Knitting Instructions
11. S. 1.rn,bert, whose talks on "Gid
roumtry Mail” ore a regular ('BC
Sunday presettation. 1,•rtailtly started
something wile» he spoke 111101)1 knit
(ittg mutts for the Air Force! RI
quests for h,otr.no tinny peered 11) from
all parts of Canada: the pestralw'0
hag Was weighed d114vu With lel 1eet•-
frnn1 itstc0ter0 in Ilritish ('uhnnbia
:1(1(1 Nova SC(1)111. and tliere were even
sone. Nam' the rutted Stales, 'tow
ever. ale Imeibe l 1- .sed 4,1 hat•ine
a Lira.' Pile 1)t' mail, i„ ,•:, n.;,• his
140r444.leact. heard over tie 111)' 1'w
tinnal 11,•tWm'k at 1 p.m. Sunday:, i-
based 1,11 interr'stitir: naso- 00.10 , iV
1'1. ,,..
a , •`I.1 51'1', -i
WW1 iii 111 l tt to n h
n,! i001 as lWe front [Left
�peaa quo«' with friend, 1,1141 r,•l:,
t in Ileo 1)1.1 ''010105'.
'i'le. tuorl in!,vti,'w'eti Irian 1)r t11'
1. 11111e0d unl 1, 11' biline \\
41 in;,'� of eke cit' lbtCl)l: rine, 110
it I' ihirtieultirly while he wit,:
within shinning itf the t'1':'
'name' studies'. Art In, just ri
fti l'te vl In ('111141,01 ,,flet• (we 1)1,10111+ In
F:nel.oul. hat•iug
3"."111)04i,..1 1104'
peemi.n aim lie 11•.1 1'0111iu,.')1t ,
(111' 100mdi11 Ala iv.. 1;,•rrie, Force
Catnrull}', .hoist of th,- 1111erviewers
are 11(011115 111 01(110'' 0boll! nlal•kolll1
:1)111 romvnys, 111)1 Whet( Art - ptv.h1re11
a gas mask, In. muffled a 'ew of thea)
by letting thole try it on.
Here.'s ;! new party 5111111 to try on
your guests!...Make them stand in
the middle of the room, and "peep"
110.- baby eh1('ks for five minutes
without laughing. -it -41lay be fun t0
you, but It wilts a serious 'natter to
1'13' sound effects (11e01 Wlien they
found that Doan Hughes had written
.1)1 episode 0)001 ehleks for "The
Craigs," a regular feature of the ('I31'
farm broadcast. It Was getting Pretty
7• Far rer'evi tgdts-
%-� comfo'rtsof chest
colds and night cougl s, rub
VapoRub on throat, chest, and
back atbedtime. VapoRub'spoul-
tice-vapor action relieves conges-
tion of upper air passages—eases
soreness of chest and back mus-
cles—helps the youngster relax
into healing sleep.
For coughing and irritated
throat caused by colds, put
VapoRub on the child's tongue
to relieve the irritation. Then
massage VapoRub on throat
and chest.
VFor "sniffles" and misery
of head colds, melt VapoRub
in a bowl of boiling water. Have
the child breathe in the steaming
vapors. This loosens phlegm,
clears air passages, makes breath-
ing easier. Also massage VapoRub
on throat and chest. Mliiions of
families use these three time-
mens.:. q�
i:: ' 1, lit, 10111' 01 lir' in 1)t&
,1ui 10iitii woro nit ottioliis, 1. t1)...
ftnlnd. How,•t 1, Harold ..ytoo-
(1, ri1 11yldnllu aro usiod 1(1 eni•1.41
•'lt i� and 11,,.5 "twin ti group
1(4441,:44 1,:'. !',µnld,,l up
0::y m1110000, I,r•.,ht,•e!;' sin.: •!
n, 11,4•r. ,.:11 t1rll > w'110 11il1,1,-*!i•,1 n'
!, -around, EN. in fro ihr - ll:.:
.. !'r !••,il. i1 1!:'1'11, :, n,] With Ill:'t'1�
.11r'w'I5 r11fit-•• I1tm1(10 wl!iie.• 1
1111 ,v nldtlnos of 111.' d••--.il'..1;
IN 'I •n titl;. •. I(5wm ronrlitrted tie
first pe.ferur.nn•,•. inWila.11t•-t.e-.
England. of hi, work, 1'>)t.''1'
Inky 1'il0rifrts," 14t4-nart VVi15on stint,
the- tee..., solo eerie. and ,a lad ],y
Ih,' flaunt 01 .1501, -:Robertson, a '(Vin
.•11.-Ier hot sat enthralled Ly
the music o1( \S odnestiry. March n.
the \Vinnipog I'hilhurinouie Choir :11111
t111' Winnipeg Male '('Dice Choir are
going to present "The Canterbury
oflgrluls," a catnral setting of Geoff-
rey 4'haucet''s "Ca)1terbtu'y Titles.'.
for their (4110001 concert. By an tilt-
erc5t111g coincidence, Steuart Wilson,
now Irving 11) Philadelphia. will otter.
more be the principal scl418t, and
James Pohteasou, now the permanent
elitidueter of 11(11h choirs, will be
conducting the ,erformenc•e. e
I Th
Cuha11tan Ifrna<lcasting ('orporatinn
Will Inuttleast half an hour of the
concert to the mit 10010 network ---le
If) 111,:1,1 pat'.
We Have A Ful Range of
Electric Models
D, t Go tu•r;a
Bh,irie nut
:.pillion from 8I , ,4. 1 an
As Sew as 52(1,1(5 t4 Mims')
$34.95 1five tribes)
Radio Tubes
Expert Repair Work
1,o,Gnnotive Washer's, General
Electric and Corfield
Edeetrie Washers
Electric Sewing Machines -3 beau-
tiful models on display
See us before buying
Phone 75
\ year ago .this 1110011)), the CBC in -
1 the 01tar(1 Farm ReacMst
to erve rural listeners of the province
with a,;gricultiuroal at'e.ws produce r1'-
ports and market trends. Lrtltereat,
The pro1rannnt'e'became 'evident by the
response of lis -renters and in ll'a•y. the
iprogratllrne 'boas 0x1'8 nal od from its
d'ail'y fiste'enenitrate period to that '0f
a 'half hour duration. This extension
•brought a!boult -the introdoctksn of
"'Five Craigs", a ,daily ,draan,atie sketch.
There is no more typical rural fam-
i t in 0,1w province than "'du 0 a0s
n the Ontario faun moatdc 1st H la
cr.cr. since that time their daily visit
has 'weenie a popular one to the hom-
es of thousand's of rural end urban
listeners. I"he cast is .composed ref
Thomas, die father. played by Frank
Peddie, acid Maratha, hos 'wife, thy
Grace Welbster. George ,Murray has
the ro:ie of son Bill, who ',faces the
charaoterietic .problems of •fanii 'youth,
while daughter Janice is engagingly
played by Alice Hill. T11 -t they have
made ,their characters "live" for the
listeners is borne out by the concern
expressed ,whenever anything goes
wrong at "Brairwoocl Farm". The
sketches of "Tate Craigs" are written
by Doan - Haughey: Tlhe C11C Ontario
Farm Broadcast is ,heard 'Mondays
to Fridays inclusive at 12,30 p.m. EST
over stations of the 'CB'C Ontario ne.-