HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1940 IMeTAVISITS STOCK CLEARING SALE CONTINUES All Dresses, Coats and Millinery cut to the quick in order to clear at once BEDSPREADS Extra large and in • many shades. { These are grand and only 1.99 TOWELS Dozens of ft,�� h` designs and t many lovely ' colors. While they last, each 39c WOOL BLANKETS Only a few of these left but what value. r Real large 2.98 BEDROOM RUGS it New English Linoleum- Bright, cheery patterns. 6' x 9' Special 2.98 LADIES' AND GiRLS' UNDERWEAR -- All our lovely \pool GarBlents are to be sacrificed for a quick Sale. Buy Now - For Now - or Next Year HOUSE DRESSES e, - A pattern and . ° ; color far e e �?•< ` every an �f + Sizes 14 to 52 "ar, . try ,< 98c SPRING PRINTS f e(•aa,, s `et�`‘Florals, • see "-e stree ipes. I � !�/ rJ- checks, c iN t *ere :paisleys. 1351 v ''' ._ dots. plaids, icy s ,r®le 4. etc. ®r- IP N w WOOLLEN SWEATER SALE ALL WOOL WORSTED PULLOVERS in R. -d. Blue. Green. Brown stud Maroon. Turtle, Boat and "\"' neck styles. Sizes 22 to 34. To Clear 63c YOUTH'S ALL WOOL JUMBO KNIT PULLOVERS size, 26 to .16 - $1.29 MEN'S HEAVY WOOL JUMBO PULLOVERS Sizes e4 to 44. A Real Buy $1,59 MEN'S SWEATER COATS, ALL WOOL Rine Green and I t .est 11.^anter. Plain Colors and Posterns. Only A Few Left, $2.98 UNDERWEAR - - Buy Now and Save b t impo,sii,l,^ 1,, hecto 11entiring 1]lr.e tasters -inn e,tm,• in ,..,e ter yonrcif BARGAINS GALORE THROUGHOUT THE STORE MTJ S ' HENSALL •11r \. lee -eel', reamreeme the e e it n, e'w:r „t \1, i ;tet Meer .,;t :*,,at ! kith• ni eat and 1r ted tut.• ib tht c -k. \ir 1 uk. tiell !eke thc tt railroad ,l -L'-.-1 ua- Ity ,1r. i nn Tapp. Mr. and Mr.. llns '. :x'.1 and don r ter Gwen r,torn.ti 1,, Uetr„ i', t1 Sn•t .cc ager yis.,.1.•• -+,th Mrs. Rob- ert iionrhron. \l,. and Mrs A. '\\', E. Tie•mpliel et red hottir front Rochester on Friday. tt„ it to the alines. of Rev. \int. Weir the service:, in Carmel Presby- ter::alt Church were conducted ttt S tr.rhy iby Mr. Merrey, a etttdettt of L relon. Theohoir sang two ,beauti- ful anthems, "The Heavens Declare 'iffy Glory," and "I Will Extol Thee" .\t :c meeting ni the iNational C, oe- servati e party for the riding of Hnr- on-i'erth ,held in the town hall here on \tond'ay afteritoon. Mr. J. 'eV Mer - ley, barrister and .solicitor of Exeter, Levee chosen the candidate to contest this riding at the election to be held en March 216th. R'ev. R, A. Brook conducted service in the United •C'hurrh on Sunday and preached excellent sermons en the eth_iects, "The Provider." and "The Unknown Friend." Tlhe choir sang a de:i-rhtf.al anthem, ''God Will .Come," •the trio being taken by Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, •Mrs. Geo. Hess and. Mr. W. O. Goodwin. The evening anthem was "Lifit flip Your Heads." Y.P.D. Meets. - The Young People's Union met in the basement of ;the (United i0hurch on 'Monday evening and .opened 'their missionary meeting 'by singing a ,hymn followed by prayer Iby Rev. R. A, Brook Mies Mary 'Goodwin road the scripture and a poem, "The World Bible" was .read by Mrs, Geo, Hess. Mfr. Deb Hess favored with a piano solo and the topic inn "The Untouch- ables," • mos very ably given 'hy Mr. Carey Joynt. Masonic At Home. - The annual at home •of the Masonic Ledge was bele( in the +awn hall on eefonday •evening with a large num- ber of 'brethren and their wives at- tendirug. The reception committee Was Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Kyle and Mr, and Mrs. J. 'Vv. l3onthron, Wor. Bro. E. D. Kyle acted as chairman •oxer the ifolluwine program. .which included male quartette, Messrs. Rev. W. 1. Young, W. O. Goodwin, DrI. G. Smillie and W. A. MacLaren. "Vocal solos ,were •given by Mrs. J. W. Bon. .throe, Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Dr. and Mrs. Smillie and Rev. W. A. Young. 'Mrs, (Dr,) W. D. Bryce played a :a+, •.,, and \]r. le. \\ . ll i.; r ,ave reelins. Vied ,tu:erhtic^, sort el- ,rn of Re'.. nil me, see 1. Youu. .111•3 \ir. n,] \1r . \C.:\ \Iacl.+ren: Ile 1 \Ir,. Smile,. eerie t;. el. tie atel \1 r, W U I, ,,,l, u h ,-t .e, ,+• rn duv nr; .),trine, the :ire. .,rami were Mr- Young. ),1r-. Mrs. \la kle :tee Ur. Smiler. F, e - in.; the ty'e,t:ram eards set 1,: :1 1. 17r. Meer and Mr, E. 1.. \tickle a..h. ';til ,re in char.:e. The taint,' tir-t neve ca- wrm ', Mr,. 'lV. \. Mae- 1.-eren and lade oa. la r o, Mrs. Udm Shepherd n:s' tr t meets, \]r. Jame, Parkin, .,ens, consolation. Mr. \ester Dentin. )Dancing followed iter dainty refreshments were served and the committee in charge of the dam•tns tae Mr 1. C. Cochrane and Mr. G. el. Drysdale: floor manager. Mr. Rohr. Dalrymple. Music was fur- nished by Mr. R. R. MacKay accont- ,,anied hy Mrs. 3. \V. Bonthron. \ very enjoyable time was had hy all pre-ent and the evening concluded be s'nain:: God 4xi'e rhe Fine. Rev. \V.:\. Young and Mrs, Volute Fergie- visited with friends hers the. week. Red Cross Present Play - On Friday evening. Feb. 1'(ith, the \il-a Craier ,limier Institute and Jun- ior Farmers presented a three 501 comedy play, "Lena Rivers." in the Hensatll town ball, ..poneored 'hy the Hen.a11 .branch of Canadian Red Gross. The hall was pecked and the program commenced at 8.115 pan. Rev. Mr. Brook nave a very fine address to the people and' then introduced 'Mrs. W. 'W, Love, the director of the allay. All 'three acts took ,place in the Livingstone home. 'Mr. Livingstone, who had sheen attending ithe'fieneral •o'l his lather and was about to bring his old-fashioned mother and her grand- daughter back home •bo live with his family found his wife was ,horrified when she learned' about it. •Cat' l'inc, elle elder daughter, was ,the echo of her mother, 'haft Anna was younger, warm 'hearted and 'sincere. Junior 'was :netted )hy his mother. Mrs. Livingston tries her beet to get rid caf the u•nwerl- •come ,guests, heading ,to a chain of events. - The story concludes with everybody good friends again :and bass a Happy ending. The cast included lean McLachlan as Aim 'Millie • Gor- don McNaughton as Old Caeear;- Anna MxLac'hlan ae Mrs. Livingston, Evelyn Stewart as 'Caroline; Lois Darling as Anna: Ross 'Currie as Yam Tinier; Gurdon Ste.cart as 'John L'tv- inesten; Nies. F. McFarlane es Gran- ny. \nut 'McCallum as Lena Rivers. Tack reels. a- Durward Belnr'nnt; 'reorge Haghes ac Malcolm Everett, Carlton Amos to Frank Graham. a southern gentleman: ;Jean McNsegh- SPECIAL NO MACHINE MOST BEAUTIFUL LASTING PERMANENT Special Offer only 3.50 FEB. 17 TO 24 'B' BEAUTY SALON L. M. BOX Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth ton as Mrs. Graham, his jealous. wife. Between the first and second sceates fohte Broderick gave a splendid solo entitled "Step It's Wonderful," and a t,:,e-trap dance which ,was. much en- joyed, \taster John Beer played a lovely cornet solo 'between 1he• ieeeoud and third aces. • Ladies Aid Meet. - The regular meeting of the Ladies' \itl ui Carmel 'Church was held on .1" Ia dal evening in the school room )of the church With the president Mrs. :rank Farquhar, pre kung' and open- ed '11 nrgm r a hymn followed hy a .1,rtycr. \ short period was alev 11ed to she memory of the late -Mrs. Edwards end e beautiful glomi 'vas 'read 10 me- Merient 'by Mr,. harq•uhar .followed by silent prayers. The business was discussed and it was decided to hold a social evening in the basement of the client on Tuesday, March 5th, with different organizations of the chtrch presenting the program. Death of Mrs. Basil Edwards. - A shadow of gloom was cast over the romitutnity last week span •hear• ing of the serious illness of Mrs, Ba• ell Edwards who -passed away on Sunday afternoon in her 61st year, at her home on the second concession of Hay township. The deceased, 1rltoe,e maiden name was Atmaratha (Minty) MacGregor was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor and sons born in Tuckelsmith where she taught school for a number of years at ti S, No. 2 and later at 2.S,'NG. 10, 1• She h'sh 1 respected y in 3,+t h was highly h t e. ec ted by 1) g 1 who • knew her For tier kind disposi- tion tied was a great 'church worker and will be greatly nliesed in Carmel Presbyterian Church of which she was a valued member. Surviving is her sorrowing husband. three sisters, Mrs. James Mustard, Klppen Sirs, Arnold Petrie. and Miss Mae Mt Gregor of Toronto. Two brothers, Mr. John Me. Gregor, Hay township, and Mr. Wm McGregor, Kipper, also survive. The funeral service was held .from the home on Tuesday afternoon to Car. met Presbyterian Church and was eondutted by her former pastor, Rev. W. A. Young of Fergus. assisted by Hes. John Richardson of Hensall Res. Young tools as his text (:or. I chapter 15:54 and delivered a very tine sermon, epealting highly of the detieased. Dr. Smillie sang a solo "'rhe Stranger of Galilee." and a male quartette comprising Rev. 'tv. A. Young, Messrs. R. Y. MacLaren, W. -1 Meet arta, •utd James lieugough. state, "God Will 'rape Care of You." The eltut•ch was filled to capacity, showing the esteem with which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were Messrs, Robt. Milan, ]ten Elder W. H. Deega]], Wesley Coleman, ]Daviel Shirrav and .Alex Mousseau. In- t, rno tt in Henst,Jl. Union Cemetery. Wm. M. Craig- passedaway 011 Tuesday morning at his Mime here. •t highly respected resident of Mensal]. in the ]person of 11r. William Moore Craig. in his 77th year. He wits the son of the Into Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Craig anti had been a resident here for the last 26 years. He was taken ill about a week ago with pueUt000 e, and in spite the best medical skill and nine: Ing, passed away on Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock. Surviving are one sister * SPECIAL SALE - 1 Masterpiece Range, flew .. $65.00 1 Masterpiece Range, used inew tire beet $25.00 1 small Heating Stove like new $10.00 1 small Heating Stove $5.00 1 large Heating Stove, good condition $20.00 Several Coleman Stoves, new and used -Priced tight, Come in and see the new Coleman Oil Heater work. We carry a full line of repairs for Coleman Stoves, Lamps and Lanterns. Bring them in; we will fix them up Repales for Masterpiece Ranges on hand JOE McCULLY & CO. General Merchants, Brucefield Seaforth 659-81 Clinton 518.81 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Robert Edward Coates who passed to bis beavenly hone, Feb, 18, 1928. You left sweet memories to blossom. Bearing fruit for the years to come. In the lives of those who loved you Precious memories of days that are gone Wife and family. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, T. J, Webster anti family wish to express their thanks to all those who sn itindly assisted in opening the road for the feneral, "What Does Lent Mean to You" Mis, Harry Tynciall's "Never Fail Omelette" won this week's award REGIPE "Never I'aiP Omelette" 4 eggs - 14i tap. salt 2 tbi, cold water elicity milk 2 Bd. flour Sprbnk]e Of pepper Separate eggs. 'Beat yolks until lemon -colored. Add salt, pepper, and hour. Mix smooth with water. Add milk and fold in egg-whites beaten stiff. Have frying -pan hot and dry. Place a tbl, butter in frying•pan. Turn to moisten the entire bottom. Turn mixture •attd cook slowly till puffed and 'delicately browned underneath. Place pan on grate in oven to finish cooking :slowly, When firm remove attd turn onto a platter up -side -flown. Spread Ono half with ell cup of grated cheese and turn other half over it. Serve immediately with hot canned tomatoes or green peas "FARMERS! DRI-IiIL YOUR STOCK NOW" Tender Juicy Steaks . ib, 23c Fancy Roasts of Beef .. lb, 23c Special -60 yds. Terry Towel- ing 35c yd. Joy Laundry Soap, 6 bars 23c Special -Fancy Head Lettuce 10c Qcedar Polish -Large 50c Cdy-Gaiety Toffee 150 % ib, Cdy-Butter Scotch 15c % Ib, "Large Stock of Axe Handles" Coopers Dri-Kil lb. 30c Special -6 'String Brooms 29c each "A, good . stock of Jams and Marmalades' Special -Peanut Butter 2 lbs. 25c Kleenex - 2 pkgs. 25c Dr. Bell Veterinary Wonder 99c Special -Lard 2 lbs, I5c Milk Magnesia Bottle .. 49e Special -Cod Liver Oil Bottle 49c Have you entered the favorite Lenten Recipe contest ? C. 1. Finnigan AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, every Friday. Cows, feeder cattle, young calves, CARD OF THANKS pigs, poultry, fm•niture and veget• ables, Bring In anything you have to The Wilily of the late James sell, Rates are reasonable. - Hndson wish to ).hank their friends 1 Durham bull of serviceable age, and neighbors for kindness and sync- :, year-old Durham steers; a num• patty during their bereavement; also her of young calves, the R. Bell E. & T. Co., and those 60 pigs from weauers to 100 lbs: who kindly loaned cars. 1 young sow, - 30(1 bus, oats at for seed, Numerous other articles. Miss Reveal' Craig, and one brother Homer Hunt, Manager, phone 852-12 Mr, John Craig. Funeral service will Geo. le, Elliott, Auctioneer. be held from Carmel Presbyterian Church of which he was a valued AUCTION SALE member, on Thursday afternoon at 2 Of Farm Stock, Grain, etc, at Lot o'clock. Black Knights of Clinton will 10, Bayfield Line. Goderich Tpt, on take part in the service, and will be county highway 3 utiles east of Bay 2^ Web', Tuesday, February _ at <: i and tied on a da N t at r, Bay - conducted by R v. \i m, Roz, Y, Y t J. B. Townsend, 'rhe pallbearers are 1.30 p.m., consisting of: as follows: Mr. Alfred Taylor, MI 15 cows, some choice Durhant and W. A. MacLaren, Nor. Thomas Hud dairy type; 2 fresh, some spring, son, W. R. Davidson, Peter 14Ioir and balance to freshen in April and May. Archie Ryckman. The floral tributes 6 clah'y bred heifers in call'. were very beautiful showing the high 20 Spring and Summer calves, beef esteem with avhtcit the deceased was and dairy type. Young Durham hall, held, Interment in Baird's cemetery, 1 sows with 25 pigs ready to wean. Mr. Clarence Munn of Aylmer vis• 1 sow with 7 pigs one week old. ited with relatives here on Monday. 2 sows etre to profit last of March, and attended the fours] of the late 100 bus. Alaska. oats, 30 bus. flax Mrs. Edwards, seed. Sap pan. Quantity of short mixed wood; quantity of cedar posts, telephone and hydro poles. Thos Gundry, Auctioneer. Ernie Townshend, Proprietor. tot WANTED Secretary -Treasurer for the Tuck• ersntitlt Telephone System. Apply 111 writing on or before March 4, stating qualifications and salary expected, to J. ft. 'Munn, R.11.2, Hensel). FOR SALE Twenty York pigs, ready: to wean. W. H. Maunders, phone 56-4. Brussels. WANTED A geed need bicycle wanted. Phone settee Seaforth central Have for sale a Rolls razor, good as new, FOR SALE Ten pigs six weeks old. also Daisy chime. P. Headman. North Main st„ Seaforth. HOUSE FOR SALE Doable house in good condition. on Jarvis street, Seaforth. 3 rooms downstairs, 1 rooms upstairs in each half; garden lot, good cistern. Apply to A. ('. Whyard, Railroad st.. P.O, Sox 248, Segforth. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for 10 cords of hard body wood, 20" long, half maple and half beech, delivered at S.S. No. 1, Me' Kfllop. 'fenders to be in by Feb. 26. John Ballge, Seo: Treas.. R. R, 4, Seaforth. WORK WANTED House work, town or country. Ap- ply at The News. ROOMS TO RENT Over C'hristie's Butcher Shop. Apply to G. L. Box, FOR SALE 6 Hro 'ee turkey hens and a gobbler (not related); also Clover Leaf man- ure spreader for sale. Want to buy spring tooth Massey -Harris cultivator (wheels not necessary). Campbell Eyre, phone 84x13, Hensall central, or phone 6591.21, Seaforth central. TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1940 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid. 1940 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D, H. WILSON, Treasurer. NOTICE R. T. Gibbs, Piano Tuner, connect• ed with Helutzman Co., will be in Seaforth this week encl. Also next Thursday and Friday., the 22nd and '3rd. Write R. T. Gibbs, c/o Gen Delivery, Seaforth, of Phone 35, Sea. forth. - Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Joseph Hickey All persons having claims Dollen the Estate of Joseph Hickey. late of the Township of Hibbert, in the Coen• ty of Perth, deceased, who died on or about the 1st day of February, 1040, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 291.11 day of February, 1940, full particulars of their claims, with al - davit proving same. immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the patties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth thi's Sth clay of February, 1940. ELMER D. BELL, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Elizabeth Lowrie Snell. All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Lowrie Snell, late of the Township of Hallett, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 1st clay of Dec' ember, 1935, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 29111 day of Febru• ary, 1940, full particulars of their claims, with affidavit proving same. Immediately after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice,. to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any Y person of .whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of February, 1940. ELMER D. BELL, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors ELMER D. BILL. B,A, Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Ufticc 1n the Dominion Bank Build. 14, eeafortli, Office hours:- 're.c I t 1+c sd Thur. a n 1 h and Saturday I:30 p.m. to 5 o pan. Saturday evening, 7:30 P. tn. to 9 p, m. WANTED A barn, size 36x70, or 40x60, Apply to John Hesse]wood Sr„ Londesboro, R. R. 1. TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received until Feb. 26th, 1940, for delivery of 10 cords of bard body wood, maple and beeeh: 14 inches long, to S. S. No. 9 Tuckersmith. Wood to be delivered by April lst, Ivan Forsyth, Sec.•Treas., R. R. 2, lifppen. FOR SALE A good young bull lit for service of the Roan Lady family. Mac Scott, Lot 20, Con. 4, McKillop. Phone 839r6 - FOR RENT Small apartment in Seaforth. Use of bath froom. Central. Alao barn suit• able for garage. Apply at News Office. CHOICE GRASS FARM FOR SALE Lot 30. Con, 5, Hibbert, beat grass farm in Perth. Abundance of grass and water, and being thoroughly un- der drained is an excellent farm for growing beans or grain. Apply to Frank McConnell, Dublin. RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC. Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for maii•order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to. Miss Jean Turner, Seaforth. J. A. BURKE FUNERAL SERVICE Dublin - Ont. Night or Day Calls Phone 43 10 INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & gearantee bonds.. Rates reasonable. All risks placed ,n first class companies. Informsr"on cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES' 0,.,. 414 STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES Fall & Winter Time Table Leave. Seaforth for Stratford: Doily 8.40 ,.m.. and 6.25. p.m. Leevee Seutorth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hol,, 1,26 Pant and 8.10 p.m,. :Sun. and hot., 1.26 p.m, and 10.20 P.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton. Buffalo. London, Detroit, Tatviatock, Woodstock Agents: Queen's, Commercial,Dick Haase CASH FOR DEA .,P ANIMALS HORSES, CATTLE, $2.00 PER HEAD Small Annuals Removed Free PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO, OF CANADA, LTD. Asemerlemeemosimmostaarerrasa