HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-22, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1940
Eggs are easy to cook. They are
conomical, a real health food, and
they taste good.
Eggs may be served as the main
part of any ,neat, but are equally good
an entree or in desserts.
The Constuner Service Section,
Marketing Service, Dominion Depart -
Ment of Agriculture. recommends
the following tested recipes:—
Golden Glow Eggs
u eggs
small unite
Salt and peep, r
e fps milk
tablespout.s gutter
4 tablespoons dour
Hard moil ,'gr remove shell and
.•111 in halves 1,-i11tgthycise. Remove
-.olio and pre,- thronch a. sieve ar
:,rah witha tock. Beat until srnnoth.
Add 1 tablesponit butter and a little
-alt send pepper. Pii lightly itt the
;whit ee. Ma lc,ct cream sauce. ,Veit
nutter, add onion thinly .sliced. and
ur.tk until clear. ,Add flour. Stir until
nitunh. Gratintilly add mills. Stir
ilitl [hie kt tl d. Season. Pont' of er
and around eggs in a (10310.1.1110. Re.
114'11 1Lart i h with minced piu•sley
r fore spry ilig. St -eves fa:
Scrambled Eggs and Carrots
e tablespoons, - but.t.r
fee1 tap grated new corral
Become A
.:1 loll'•
to !hate t. {
it IN,...illi''
r u ph. r. ler,
• lit. i11 the!
roll •'lf-
tl it t :erne. 11x1100'
1 ialit. fer Tel, -
76 Evelyn Crest, TORONTO
71-teu 44 no gewt,
i' to racca EUiST LU(E
1 cup bread cubes
(about ineh square)
6 tablespoons milk
Salt and peppeer
Melt buttes', add brettft mates, and
saute until golden brown. Meanwhile.
tela eggs until very light. Add milk,
carrots and seasoning. Pour over
browned bread. ('aok slowly, stirring
0,-easionally to prevent sticking.
Serves 4,
Apple Mist
4 eggs
t cup 1o11d dry cake crumbs
2 stip sWi-'11e11erl apple :att.:
A little salt
aople sane, through sieve.
AddwellBeetle, eel.; yclke and then
take [crumbs,Bit tv'4i. with D1vet'
..gr beater. Have egg whites very
stiffly beaten, Fold in :limb. mixture•.
Server: to-ry [•011 with whil'gaod creast.
Sponge Cake
6 ego
void. .p, m 1• -inns.
1 r'up n ii' ^purr
t; teaspoon 'nit
1 tut lion).
Beal egg }tile ultt11 itck and
fight. Arid sugar and t' tine,- heat
itg until sugar is 1115 !nv,•d. Add 1.4•
neon ,1111, 4.. Leat whit PS gait very'
light. Add sell, Iole] egg whites tool
yolks together•. Fold in well sifted
float, (atefnite Pals' itt en angel
eake pan 1 bole' in a slow overt a 32:4
l glees F. I,
Resells Of 3.111 It let L'rit t. h In rr
1 tuts tn.tt from the German pet
▪ shit l,t rl: toy [,iii -h 1t'
r`l •r 1",1 .l.nu t,u Lc ti'
dna illy. Ito .1 lank iti , n,,t, u
\row .ran 110111, 1,11' '1, grni.,11
.o vt 'aro? '1 t41 il„ 1
Brill- it to .uter,•,1 „n sus Ito
:\t. 1110 salt 'ink+ tit, ...it tur•ih In,1 •
tic was itt :wear, t the-
'1it), the German t 1'•1' replan was
.seen passing outside 1errtl Ot'itil nt1•
Ti,.,ilobIttr c t W scuttled her
tet•• -t the l.,t•itieb demanded she halt,
The Admiralty said it had searched
fm- ih.• .Altmalk slave Tne battle of
Monti t ide•n, stili h envied in itt' de
< 1rne'it1 nt tet- Tierman putt. -i battle
hip ,Atonal Gra vlpee.
Tlte ani risen ll tititintern were trots
the s,-.. a utr•r,•h,otl strip, ,111111 by
the Admiral (Iriat Spee•.
Two days pret'i -rely, it had bePu
learned. thit Int 111 mark was trying
to enietit into a . mile bort, goipg
1110,10 t10 \orw-e ,11 roast. -British
plate's and diet t v,rs aver,. ..ear to
AUBURN 'was borne to its last resting place in
Miss Marjory Arthur and Mies Eve- Ball's cemetery by six neighbors of
the deceased. Messrs. Harry Yungblut,
Sidney McClinchey, J. C. Stoltz, Jack
Tubi-rville, eperey Walden. and Wil(
Fred Piuuket. Among the friends pre-
sent from a distance were Mr. Harry
King of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniels of Ingersoll, Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Anderson of Lucknow. Mr. and
Mrs Wm. Mairs anti Erma Mains of
Lonclesboro, Mrs. Mains and Mr. How-
ard Brundson of Clinton Mr. Temple
Clark of Lucknow, Mr. Oliver Clark,
Mrs. Frank Woods, Mrs. Albert King
and Miss Margaret King ofGoderlch.
Annual Meeting
Knox Presbyterian (.'hunch bad its
annual meeting on Wednesday. iter'.
A., M. Boyle was in the chair, and
M1'. J. C. Stoltz was secretary. Very
encouraging reports were given, in-
dicating a most successful year. Wm.
Dobie, \Vett, Wagner and George
Yungblut. the retiring managere
wa'l'e r'e-.aecle.1 The truster,. for the
coming year are John Du,,•!•. Herman
Deer. .1. 1', Stoltz; plate collectors.
1111111 Houston, John Wilson: dole•
gales to veldt -01 committee, J. C.
Stoltz, W. T. Riddell; treasurer, .It
etollinsnn: ushers. Robert Scott, Iter•
Hoot Doer; publishing .onrntiliet'. .1.
C. Stoltz. ,1. Rollinson; ereanise Sirs.
Join Houston asetem us, lenient
Res, Josephine Weir. 111. the Sunday
seined the foilowing officers tvicevr
[stetted: anperiltt•ude.ut, john \\'il•
son; tearltels, Mrs. Wesley Brad -
neck. ,hiss Dorothy \\ ilsan. Its v. .A,
M, Royle. 1,ol.el It Iliusot; cradle
roll sllpi'rilt,•i,dent. Mrs. Kilner
Dawson, organist. l)enald ]'toss, ,
rmary•trtaserm. Donald 7Ross.
'1'11,' World 's Gay (It I'ray,•r wee helm',
In Knox Presbyterien church on Fri-
day. ;]lis- Dorothy Boyle of Toronto
gave tial t,Jie on "Prayer.'.
lyn Plaetzer, students at Stratford
Normal, spent the week still at their
respecttive hones here,
Mess Susie Blair is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs, John Robertson and Mr,
Robertson of Goderieh,
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Robison visited
on Sunday with Mrs, A. McCool of
Three pioneers of this eomimunity
celebrated their birthday over the
week end. On Saturday Mr. Joseph
Carter was 79, an Sunday Mr. John
Symington was 86. atilt on Monday
Mrs. John Rathby was 74.
Earl Mugford, of Lucknow, spent
the week end with Stewart Ferguson.
Mr, Chas, Robertson, 1I,L,A. for
Heron -Bruce. is resting i'otnfo•tably
at the home of his brother-in-law,
Dr. B. C. \Veit•. of the village,
Miss Violet Sharp is ill at present
with pneumonia, hiss ('lora 31e(lowtnt
of Rlytlt is supplying in hiss Sharp's
absence at the 1 otitinttatiut, ::rnoal,
'l'ltis community mourns the lass of
a highly esteemed resident, in the
Person of \Vallate A. King, who pass'
ed away at his home two miles east
cif Auburn. The decease -d, who had
been in poor health for some time,
owing to a heart condition, was the
sot of the late William Eine and
3largaret Wilson and was in his sev-
entieth year. lir' was born on the farm
where his sleuth occurred alai where
b+• spent Ids t'nt.ife lifenm His pass-
ing is keenly felt in 1 he neighbor
hood, where he has always been 11
kind friend and helpful neighbor. lie
was identified' with the l;uitee clunrh.
I1,• is survived by two sister;, Airs,
'i'honlus Doyle c Annie,, of Auburn.
anti Miss 'Margaret King. who resided
with her brother on the homestead;
edea by six aw'''es and two neplt''e t.
hr,.,1li t', Albert piing' of Uoderaele
passed away jut four months [11s ago.
The tuuer:al was f
held tmto
his Lt
r,•shl'te oil 'lit 'taw afternoon and
was a otelliel •d by Rev. H. C. \\'ilsot
i Knox failed Chur'c'h wbr epee,
wands ,d' rnutfne( lee tie set rosy it
ones During tate sends'. Mr. Henry
AL•(i, +01.t . "When 1 Colne to time
End o the Road," Th., beautiful floral
tribute teieiv d from'Fite Sister[..'•
',,,, Albert Kin„ and family, Air. and
Dairy Production in Ontario
Ft' f It
t ,1•
nti tf. ,i a tt
n 1n n
illtttatT ii Milli Janutty was re-
e-port I at 1,7::7.68:: potnele d. Cnt11-
paro,! with l., 11,..ae pound, iu Janu-
ary 1929, uud Ioetory elemse a• n74:
:isle prruttee-0s ,unpaired with `=7,.1,;2
trettn,t., Sto,•h of both totter and
eheine. luiti to untatio at February
let w re cotei ! :1 ably 'cower than atop•
ph, s ,rt hand a1 Jaisn:oy 1st. In dairy
Mrs, 1s,niels, liar! King, 31r. and tt , renin.,; 11u- intuit na' protina but•
Al r•. .1 Seott and Bliss liertlia 1<ing.',-r •turf.- okelito.d Irnut n ,a,,Fnt.
owl Mr..lacl; 'i'nhert'ilic were Pat'ried toupet, to 3,o:1—Loll p rtllr'i. , anri.
ley Stewart King. Pd•Pi,e from 1 t4u.>:,1 to 7:17,1.71 Ileo-
Phuti;r t (eel Louie hoer. The easeet \V,n nt ti - in the t it t of 'l trona
had 1.V.4,; pounds of , r',or t y httt-
fend _...it , ' an ,it,• r ,,r,i ,. 1. ter in ,n1 • .a 1-'.. i+r en'ny
‘,.••11.1i1 11 , ut mi t i ' ib t tits• .tut not i t ,„1•,.111 nt .l watts at,',rani
: ,11.1 ,1It x u,nv;1,:I:' p,nuni5 „t ,r d,ln• ,fib. s. a-
b, leer .r)111. laser Ito 111515 r
• Ioard the lirit'l•1.
' iday night. 1,11 new order”
.,r1 4 • Adutitalt1, the -destvo •, r
13.. i ci< 5.4-4•111 41,41 ilo•
y ten 9; 111/11t,t-tit re,I to try y to
rata the riesaek. the .ldtnirelty
toted hitt instead ran .agrnntcl
tet' -1. between three and four Ion:
I,ei la itisft Prisoners who }tad beet,
i erten, d down helot w'•, taken "1'
Lo red the• Cossa' h, and taken to Brit
•Thr• liberated prisoners state
that i,n'ing the N.rw'•tiit exanutra
tion a0 hergea of the Altmark;' said
the admin:aity. "their effort% t1 nude,
their pr, sense known to the setlreh
int huts were unheeded'
Roth Germany and hritan Imre en
'eyed biotests to N rway- c'cnt'ernhtg
the affair, and Norway has also pro
Gael t0 Britain.
We Are Selling Quality Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.[
All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back: Prices as Low as Youl
Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
The Seaforth News
Ae"? a.:1V1, x., if.•W:+F
t,,,rtt .., I,snt,out te,nnds.
'ih 1.t i,. ,ri natter raaaiu••,1 rills
stmt....n..1 in J,t tkn,ll i', the average
;-1 1. lept;4e foe t1;.e mouth being.
...; , tits p•. r pomp{ m1,ared with
,•.•pis it the orreion, month, and
,,,•urs itt .hunters
ward tt••ad in ,.heese pet es 1144 4,411-
1•:xP, a1'. Of 111! pl'4441 is feta
:neat,, in liar 41111e41' an(unute4tl 1e
at, c ntpnt'ed with *t i-1., ,;
ate (tee:•nater' leas. Most of this d.•rline
was a,eonilted for by a Eolith lion ill
eheeso shiplaelit..The decl'ease alt
rinses exputts was dote 10 the first
thatt attadial -tusk.• ter- . ni ,yell
overseas ratil.t' earii, r than usual this
season, -
Change in Delivering
p ol..••1 ;1•,•• 1..,
y i II.11V. '.'.4. lac ,•lly.tt
\', .9
: 1 01'' . a
1 ,. :1, '.1 1 1.a .1.,
„i 1:r 11,
sir, 411 _Imr Id.... 1',. ..0.)
lr.,cel.! 1 tel :1 :1 t•
s tItt' at 'tr.t- 1:,ct,-1 3,i 1•i,l+i, 4c
per eon 'arri% ea ntec -emir tt slter.
Thirty -seven "t1 Cv111
iit'rea t ,d :at:t : ''1 :or .cat
and 30 per ant of -;gee', and lam e
trate:11c-,l by tr:o•k in I A2, ccnupar.,i
ait)t f1, r,3 aid 11 err con, rt'ste.c
lively, in 1039.
Improvement in Quality
'i'here. was an nnr4,Ora0in_ nn pros1'
Wren( in the quality of cies inarketvd
in Canada in 1193'4, ;geed and shunt
graees 03 veal sitoWin.4 increase
of about 2 per cent, while a to rre-
,pondtng decline was hown io the
cannon and medium cies sliicatiots.
Average Prices Increase
There has been a gradual upward
swing to the ,cattle market in Canada
during the past four or fit's tear.
T'hie fact is ,borne out by average .erre
ces •cs:.mpiled dry ,She \ittrket lutor-
atiatn Service, Dominion Department
.of A'grieulture, which show that the
Dominion average for all classes '
,cattle in 11036 was :83.45 per hundred-
weight and this gradually moved ftp
to an average of 53,1111 in 1939.
'Phe same holds trap in the .case of
calves for 'much The average in 1113;
was $4145 per huttdredwet it ani - ecs
cessive advances took Mace e mach year
until 1939 •slowest an tyertate of $6511
per hundredweight for all calves mar-
•ketcd ill 'Canada.
Record Prices in 1939
Hsg• prices in -Canada in 19/: were
the .highest: 'with one exception, sinCe
I93tl, the average price per hundred-
weight •it1.ti:.:, .$8.153, i -r 111131 it was
9.3.,•while the previon.s high mark
was in 1930 -when the price was s't1i1.30.
Helps Prevent the Development of Colds, too
NOW, it's easy to relieve head cold
discomfort. Just put a few drops of
Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and
feel the tingle as Va-tro-non's stimu-
lating medication reduces the swol-
len membranes, clears away the
clogging mucus, helps to keep the
sinuses from being blocked by the
cold --lets you breathe again.
NEXT TiME, don't wait until your
head is all stuffed up. At the first
warning sneeze or sniffle, use
Va-tro-nol at once -it helps to pre-
vent many Colds from developing.
Va-tro-not is specialized medica-
tion -expressly designed for the nose
and upper throat where mast colds
start, Used in time, it stimulates
Nature's own defenses to fight off
ma co,
or to tht'aw off
headany colds inldyecKs
stages.. VA.TR64IOL
Was Real Wolf—
We understand that lit'. Janus
BIt'hanan, of near Donegal, who re -
,:eptly sent a pelt to Toronto to (debit
wolf bounty 00 the same has received
word from the Departmen that it 4s
a brash wolf and has received a mom
her of other paper-, and forms to WI
in before payment is made, headers
t1 Thr Stut will remember the item
which appeared in these columns rico
weeks ago telling of the shooting of
a wolf in feline Township by Mr. i;n•
C<Ina,1's is•year•oltl son. Elgin, who
bagged the wolf with a single taboo
from a .22 rifle.- Milverion Sun.
Chessley Weekly Sold--,
Salt' Wilt; romp][ -ted this we,k
the Chesney Enterprise 141 Clayton
SPhaus. who has been editor of the
Hanover Post since the death of
George Mitchell, its publisher. Mr.
S—haus acquires the Chestey weekly
from the estate of William McDonald,
who published and edited it until his
death a year ago. Since that time it
has been carried on by his son. J. CO
McDonald. well known in Western On-
tario sport circles. --Kincardine News,
Live Stock Sold
'her., .: ri -t,t k
Yard, h p i hre.'t t:i:td
p, t10 and direct on e\; r'ri ill 1
111 10.i'1 y ,. at lit Ilf 1...116,1111Th,I
Uu i u • o fr to 1, , i.t t !,Pavd.r ..11a^-
;. n_ ... 1111 n r', { r. 't. I ta. •t
v ,t .r .:tie Int ... •'141:
;,11i111;;!.. :,1.,_1 1,rc,i ,n tit, ,.r
le,•t.,•, •tr t'..c„ ,r
r :t aur,: tlip 1 -,rust .t,:,rk.-t. 1
m.: p;m
HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS WEEK o- ..,-(eee t 1 s' Fa(en Peeeel.
Sunday, February 25 res. it•-Sartnt.att til hr• the t lex
Tull: e et (4 .t'., t101t,h. nu 3L..:h ''
1n,r LI
tsar c)ld Co;tn;ry 'Alai!, 1 tassel ,. ,
'i 0 n
it, ftm Toreme. iabts 1 y a
1,.111 \tt! i, (':sans° 1 . '1''-' i ant:ins .-t••tst in lite .Asst _..
Iiibiieell :ham) ditr•t'ted itt 1:1aµ Ain't* et tit. import art 31 ..;: .
,a'r ri ,1:11. from Aloutre'
ai present t the' ('u,
l -.,t loyae_
l tit y-!
a1-_:10 pee. Harr I-husr• Stem-
a2, 1'F e1 ( Ii ttlibel' :tttl 1' .11:11
frena, 'rent tt'.'
;e I ;o p.nt t'hilh,tutnt1 i'i>'
N,`,1''1,ak 3Fmpbuny eiet .rt.
will r ,- ll' ''t in :at, ilite-rrteW w'at't
Don Fairbairn.
CBC Feature Salutes
"Canada's Merchantmen
from ♦ •w. Vinke • one of the most ttnfielll
p ta. The Weald 'foileye :\ I 1/14 -til tt.•4., t 1 ,n by the 1.1:11'
review ut the w,.••it', 11r•w - by F.1 "nml BIT Effeete deport trtt.teld htte just
1!. :award. freta, Can, env':r. l r. n t nu t t -r. '.. , ttt'wit't -„ 1! '
Monday. February 26 P d 1'e- t Blest of the sonbil ,ri
til , 'a to '1'11'• i r , 1: 't eine tort- -ll feelend-laid-Ts: t u..
A'., i;y programme ntO Den Ni.. d,,ym,lnomil ha,- Tts.
Ai N•'i1i
Master 1 o I nix m r h el reeerolings. of vita
"11111 , 1 in e •.tel to n 11:gig
The t t.' n' t -.1s,a: r Ste t I t t e
yet e , :al,t Graham. f' 1 , 11;,1
Kincstut;.. A- hstt a rt t1' a ,t 1 '+i'1.
•„r , p t.. With .114' , s it
1 .east =p• -i a t r'.- t t ,t.- • teeelere. pet_ cteetiee
• mme at, ty by I•ol, U, w:n'; 1 11 neosoat feature Inae,.„)-!
f.1n 1C,t^l,ar,i t t _tt 1110
1.i1.'lint e,u:'t:. • fall: 1,- •t•yere rrlt., AI, -h 1 sto
1 n , a - \ sitar. 1 .rn ,r t ,1 1'„- by
t, \,+}air 4.. Helps t 1 t
ttani t tr. 111 t ,•h wee
• t.
i Tuesday, February 27 r.t.'o eeeeeeeee, eti the,iii t, -
;ni.:':' 0e, (ttit.ti Felt, 1 'd a1t.'.ry r see lite.-' . .
amt. r. ,,l 41114 +ti' Qin-t, lt. it ,111 1 • t,
'1'tt•olt.. ,w','?;t who eves bort, in
i' n. 1'h., Fr.,hvh Arrow at,d \\ tet lt', Ittt lett :parent,. nts. anal
1r- 'l'r tin ny -,.tel 1111 c 1i:' wise ha, seem s-v-:tal seasons as a
xr ban .• btoa,i,•,tst from attars. concert train -t in England and uli tb.
9'ed iesday. February 28 emollient. ie feet ettitatte a reputattee
', I: P.m Ceutrtl Heating Plait. in teatime, tel tete i sited setteeas a
.teftaley bura(rasl and eon) t o ni os.'r 3,1i.. Sadowski has 1 e^.lt
tr,nttty. help. Winnipeg. 'tht.,st lar emir • 1.111'0 in” [,.tis
eme I'm M-1eieeetiestt 1'• t -t y trill s1u,l In l.l iand. Ii.: Played
ttr'he,t ro .end -,toast... ;r rte: many. c.1 ts. frr the 1111 sial ill
81Mit r.1r1, Ftllce 11 >tndt t1 with B1an'.1:et.
1.r.0.10 O.* p111. 3dmip by Faith. (Mph Sit i- tow Byrnes net c'atafc. -tt Lt
•'+If's '1l:', est. r] i.y' } n1 . l`:Iii11 yt'ir It • siainting The 1'.1[1111 1 14alin 1 Al _. riven
King, 1) n•, pianist at .I ant l ti ,-
I lit IA.-, :ant 11,r, IthythmairPs. from will 1111 t l r. - wl i, h . -4
! saute, it r+illl!,1-re Noll at pl tel „net
1 r -a r 1' 1,111 '1't nett',• In 1 'r t :n LEli ata .t 11:
i ashy 1tttai - i pro reedue, whirl( Miss Seilowski reeemly . ,1::-
f.'uni 1,1 1 ipeg, t .1. 1 1 l reade,t. i inebelitez dee,
Thursday, February 29-. Math', ne it - eet utility feetneee
eieee to p.m. Waite Serenade. (trete
erstiet die's-,'t'wl by 1111 '
rich i'ar 11:11 y, vocalist, forte
7.1.;-s•tu p.m 1.41 'i-eztr Ladies. Alit:•
.rogue by Barbara \Chilies, tt'„n.
Friday. March 1
2,„r,.2 :11 - p.ltl. Jlusis .\lien+laden
Hour. t'ololnel,l by -IDr, 'Waller.
•Ditltttnch, f•, nn N"w York.
7.110 -7.30 pee, St David's Choir.
Choral Group. Ireton \'ani•ttpyea
it tIu liar p.m. Canada:: 3lerehautnaen,
Feature presentation, frotn To
Saturday, March
1 ••l 1 15 pin Opera and
posers. Talk by R.
from Ottawa,
1 to 5. le pin. 1411 i'oitOhllll it Opera
('ontpany. Grand -opera, from
New York. -
Its Com -
B. Farrell,
Major Mac, Peggy and Johnny
Jolly and all their young frieuds on
CBC's "Children's Scrapbook” are
now paying a weekly call on the
young listeners of the Mutual Broad-
casting system, for the -Scrapbook
dh•eet from the point at which the
actuality is to be presented.
The next event of importance to
was recently invited to become an
international exchange feature, and
Canadian boys and girls have been
joined by their American cousins
looking over the pages of the big
hook. Each Saturday. 12,311 to 1 p.m.
the twins. Peggy and Johnny, guartt-
tans of tate Children's Scrapbook,
open the book, which has a new chap•
ter added every week by Aethoess
Mary Crannan: Then begins the half
horn' of adventure, music, nature
study and nu -tile -spot broadcasts with
commentator Austin Willis speaking 1 '
bee,: eve. the 511 n et111111 1
u ,wont, l i.t stay-. Fele e. e p.tn-
.An old t ni.1 .a 1 0110. in his yo:t'14
1tlo1,1 nnfer Tsehaiktiw'oke. tells the
lot. 't try (he great Russian eolll-
r,ser1,11 :west young pup ti against
1 Tsr1 tel m yy sky'•
works 1• . r y at orchestra. This, it,
the (or n, whir .. Jo!i-t lie,ttttawin',' ttai-
ntt to 7 t.tikot-ky will lake 0n
Wednesday. ay I'ehrn a ~. 2e, 10 to 10.0e .
pen. The 4 r piece orchestra cnndueted
by Geoffrey Waddington will p)'avld,
the musical setting,
We Have A Full Range of
Electric Models
neForest, General Electric .and
Sparton from $15.95 up
As low as $26,95 (4 tubes) and
$34.95 (five tubes)
Radio Tubes
Expert Repair Work
Locomotive Washers, General
Electric and Coffietd
Electric Washers
El tile Setting Machines -3 beau-
tiful models on display
See us before buying
Phone 75