The Seaforth News, 1940-02-22, Page 2PAGE TWO
u rarity You'll Enjoy
The regular meeting of the Tucker -
Smith Ladies' Club was held at the
home of Ales, L. Lawson on Wednes-
day, Feb, 7th, with a good attendance.
The roll call was responded to ou the
subject, How can we foster co-
operation between school and school.
The red cross committee reported on
socks made and yarn given out in
counection with their duties, 1YIrs,
Walters. who was in charge of the
program. read a very interesting
article on the old and new curriculum
of our school. Mrs. L. Lawson offered
many helpful suggestions to over-
come the monotony of the !meet boa.
An interesting reading on Sir ('has. 11.
LL Roberts was given byb Mrs. _Wal-
ter e Pepper. An 111ni1'11n1'frLL:tl by :11r'.
W. Rog, a 'sou was greatly appreciated
as was the demonstration „n making
the home and hospital bed given by
Ma garet fetch and Eenia (leer„t. The
touned social evening Of the emit will
be herbs on Ft i,tay ev etting. Feb. 1uth,
in the ebrtrt4t Everyone in the dts-
trier cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Walters moved a tote of thanks
10 -lb's.. Law:.on for her hospitality.
The remainder of the afternoon was
spent in sewing. after which 'meth
was served. Mrs. Rey Pepper. con-
vener of the music and literary the
partment, will be in charge of the
next meeting at wlticlt each member
will contribute) a gift for the bale,
Three of our citizens celebrated the
occasion of their birthdays over the
week end. Joseph E. Carter marked
his 79th birthday on Saturday. He is
a pioneer of McKillop Township but
has been a resilient of Auburn for the
past twenty years. On Sunday he was
84. He and Mrs. tarter are members
of Knox United Church. Mr. Syming-
ton has spent his entire lifetime iu
this community, having farmed for
some years in Colborne before retir-
ing to Auburn. On Monday. Mrs. John
Raithby t•elebrated her 74th birthday.
She was born near Pilton and came
to Hullett with her parents at an
early age. She has been a resident of
Auburn for twelve years where sheds
a valued member of tete Baptist
Itir..an7 1h's. Thous. Snowden nm
the Blue Water Highway celebrated
their :5th wedding anniversary _on.
Saturday. Fele beth. Guests nunthet•-
ing over fifty- were present. Some of
those from a dtstauet• were 1I r. and
• Mr.'. Edwin Hobson and fancily of St,
Thomas. also Mr:. Frank Hobson and
Mr. I., A. Petihale.
For Dainty Things
and Small
Mid -Week Waskes
Gives You The
No need to use (and clean) en
enure Washing Machine when
you have only a small washl And
you won't want to put your dainty
thanes in wilt your regular heavy
wash i^at't why Miss Simplicity,
ti•e modern electric Washer,
p e
o des (at slight extra cost) the
Week Washer, a small
Wainer that requires only a kettle
e$t.e. It's particularly con-
, :'11 where.. (hares a baby.
s 14 nrapers. in 15 minutes.
o u.>i..,l, etah non -explosive,
re-ireefiee,,eale c'eaning fluids,
1er di( can, 9 See {(today!
s a et
Main St. Seaforth
The Royal Scarlet Chapter of the
District of Stanley held their annual
meeting on Wednesday afternoon,
Feb. 14th, when the following officers
were elected for 1940. War, Comp. Sir
Kt. Comp. Fred McClymout; Dep.
Conte. Sir Kt. Cotnp. J. S. Petty;
Chap. Sir lit, Comp A. E. Erwin;
Scribe, Sit' Kt, Comp. Chas. E. Pil-
grim; Treasurer. Sir Kt. ('ontp. Elmer
Webster: Herald, Sir itt, Comp. Percy
Johnston; let Let•turer, Sir lit. Comp.
\\'. J. McLeod; 2nd Lecturer, Sir Kt.
Comip, Louis Clark; 1st Conductor,
Sir Kt. Comp. John Pease; end Con-
ductor, Sir lit, Comp. J. 11. Rathwell;
Inward Herald. Sir Kt. Comp. Geo.
Cluiko; Outward Herald. Sir Kt
comp Anson Coleman.
('has. C. Pilgrim, Varna. Both.•.
The February meeting of the Lad-
le,' Aid and \v \L8. of Burnie Church
wits held Wednesday afternoon of
last week at the home of Mr. and
]irs Berl Allen with a large attend•
11r. A'alter L'ett-ley of near Walton
scent most of hist week with Mr:
Reece Ferris.
Mr Charles Parsons spent a few
tiers the beginning of last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Len Watt,
\Ve were very sorry that Mr. Peter
Taylor had the misfortune to lose a
title horse one day last week.
Miss Pearl Glidden has been assist-
ing Miss Mary Reid as the latter has
been laid up but are pleased that she
is getting better.
Sirs. Robert Watson spent Satur-
day afternoon at the hone> of Mr,.
and :firs. Thos. Knox.
1Ir. and Mrs. Leslie Reid enter -
mined some friends on Sunday after-
uoon and for tett.
11r, and lb's. Jack Mettwhtg and
baby spent Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe.
111' Peter McDonald spent one
evening last week atthe home of
\M•. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson.
Mi'. and Mrs.—Ernest Knox visited
erre evening lust- week at the home
of 1b'. anal 1'Irs. Joseph Shaddick
neat' Lonileshnro.
Hal Stade's Parents Celebrate
25th Wedding Anniversary,—
The following item) from the Zurich
Herald describes the 25th wedding'
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Stade, parents of the popular Zurich
lad who tends goal for the Seaforth
O.H.A. Intermediates; "A very pleas-
ant celebration took place last Friday
eveniug when some neighbors and
friends gathered at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, R. F. Stade of town, to
spend a social evening in honor of
their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
which was on Saturday, February 10.
This happy couple of 95 years, were
presented with a beautiful silver rose
bowl containing twelve American
Beauty red roses and foliage. This
was given by little Betty Ann
Geselto -anti Billy Yuugblut, also an
appropriate gift was received from
their son Harold, along with numer-
ous other valued gifts. Many curds
and telephone calls with best wishes
were added over the week end. A
very delicious luncheon was served
by the hostess uontuining the -imide
tuul gt'omtt cake, the fernier being
baked with, the same recipe and by
the sante person. namely, Mrs. Stade
lime Miss Ltuu'a Steinbach) of 21
years ago, it was a Cour story cake
very neatly Ile, -orated and favorable
to taste, along with malty Olitei'
goodies that help to stimulate tete ale
petite. The ltntms sped only too
swiftly when the ;:nests had 10 think
about a hit of fest before meriting.
However, before returning homeall
wishoai Mr, and Airs. Made many
happy- stn ui veretries, Those at.
tending from. a distance were; Mrs,
(''has. Kallifleisch of Detroit; Mrs.
Flossie Brown of London; Mr. and
Sire, \\'rat. Stade and sou of Dash-
wood." - - - -
Married In Toronto—
A quiet reremnty look plane in
Deer Park Chapel, -Toronto, when
lsahel. rirtghter of Mrs. Jean Mc-
Tavish, of Lxeteu', was married to
Mr. Harry Charles Darrell, son of
Mfr, and MI's. 1'. \V. Darrell. Rev. Dr.
G. Stanley Russell conducted the
sorvice, The bride and bridegroom
will live in Toronto,
Barns Saved—
About toter hundred lire fighters
saved two valuable barns on the
farm of Ed Dundas. McGillivray
Township, about aas' and a half
utiles east and north of Mooresville
fast week. when lite started in a
straw stark. The stack was situated
Mr. Peter Fowler had the good in the angle of two big htr•tts tatd the
'au•h to g;•t a fox rant• day last week, ; tire• fleas said rn lmve started by at
R-.• 1101S2 tris lueit tray continue.
=mall boy "shooting" Sparrows With
The snow plow event down the: loth I :1 11-y cup -gran. Fire fighting equip•
:Again on Monday._ i memwas rushed in the sreete from
81r. and Mrs. Albert Rapson speltI Levan and Ailsa Craig. IIos tt rs se-
na,. flay last week at the home of iter cured from Exeter awl with the vmn-
nuttlier and lesdher Mis, Iltgtnt and bitted hose the fire lighters wore able
.ea, near \Velton: to st'emre water from a nearby creek.
WALTON Accident—
The Mission Band ef Dntf's I'udtei t Traffic Oftiver \\'tu. F. Robinson.
thntcit met nit 8nurl,y morning at 1 whir a short time ago was transferred
the usual hour. 'Naomi Martin prestd• tlinn Exeter to Sntithyillc, met With
ed and the' lemur,- lesson was read t an arrident when his motorcycle skid -
by Doreen t unites. Thirty responder)
tied on a slippery pavement while he
to the roll call. The story, "Sheri of was on (hay' 011 NO. 'J11 highway item.tete Punjab, teas read and rxplainrrT� the outskirts of Hamilton, His mach -
after which -Mrs. McCall ted in
race iva first crashed into a pole, -hurling
prayer. yer. The , captains, Shirley and
him from his seat, theft shot. ahead
Marie Bennett, chose ,:ides for the and came 10 a stop against 11 tree:--
cantest and classes were formed for b:xeter Times -Ai -Ivor -ate.
the study period, after which the
nteedug was closed by singing. and Royal Black Preceptory—
hee liizpuh benediction, The Comity Royal Black Precept-
The Y.P.i . Valentin,- Stinal was
he•Id Tuesday night last at the home
,t Miss Ruby Dalrymple with a 'urge
',ember Present. The evening was
-hent in t'ltitt e-. e it,•ckers and (-role
Melia followed by a plana (lure by
Misses 'llargare•t and Doris Kereho',
end ti voted solo by Belt Stoneman.
st1'!nr which Much was st'rvtd inctrtd•
ing lee ereartl,
tir:xt week will he the ntonthly
missionary meeting and will be held
in the basement of the church.
The Y. P. S. held their regular
rnteetiug in the basement of the
church on Tuesday. February 13th..
Mb's .:Attie Pethick was in charge of
the meeting, - Sang hymn 237. Prayer
live 11elen I3laneharrl. Scripture, Luke
1, 1:137 by Margaret Montgomery.
The )hinnies of the last meeting, toll
aril and business and the offering. A
reading, "The World's Bible," by
Annie Petltick. Hynde 2 was sung,
topic by Oliver £'ryt'e, Hytrin 252. So-
cial part led by Thomas Blanchard.
"Valentin,- Hope." reading by Reta
Holman. A piano, solo by Helen Blan-
chard. Guitar solar by Oliver Pryce.
The balance of the evening was spent
in genies, after which we served
Lunch. Closed the ineetdng by all re-
peating the Lord's prayer.
eo•y held their annual meeting in
Clinton with a good attetidante rep-
resentative of the county. The annual
lection rat nfttcers t Oak place, and
are ue follow.,: e'o, Master, Harvey
flunking, F.oulesboro; Dep. Co. Mas-
ter. C. 1', Pilgrim, Varna; ('haplain-
1'Incµ. Stewart-. Londe: koro; Regis -
hare H. M. Hartley, Clinton; Tre,as-
liver, J. B Itathweil. Varna; let Lec-
turer, Asa Deevns, Clinton; 2nal Lec-
turer, Norman Sly, Clinton; 1st Cen-
sor, Herb Dexter, Blyth; 2nd Censor.
Elsner \Vebstcr, Varna; lst Standard-
bearer. Wm, Bryant, Blyth; 2nd Stan-
tlardhearer, Ed Morrison, Clinton;
Pursivant. Garnet Cornish, Clinton;
Tyler, Chas. Rheil, Blyth; Committee -
Men, W. J. McLeod, Varna; W. J,
Falconer, Clinton; Thos. Granby,
Blyth; Ed Mole, Seaforth; Fred Wat-
son, Varna; Dr. Harburn, Seaforth;
Chas, F. Pilgrim, Varna.
W.M.S. Holds
An Open Meeting— .
The Women's Missionary Society of
:omit Side United Church had charge
01 the prayer mer -ting an. Thursday.
February ldt.h. It took the forth of an
open meeting at which 'there was a
good attendance. The meeting opened
with hymn. "The Church's one foun-
dation is Jesus Christ her Lord,' fol-
lowed with prayer by Rev. Mr,
Bremner, Roll call and minutes were
read and adopted by the secretary
Mrs. Porteous. Reports were present-
ed by the treasurer and the Christian
stewardship secretary, A temperance
10,1111111111t1 lua r u u u t n m ta+ un,u n u, t e, n u u u u u i 1111(1111,
reaming was given by 'Mrs. C. C.
Kahle. The visiting committee report:""”"u,,,,,,,,:,:,e::n,,,,„,::,,::,n,,,n,nsseseeetse,,,
ed 22 calls during January, A letter Town Tai,pi.cs.
was read regarding the June bale, Mr, G. M. Chesney, tnrnnerly of
requesting second hand clothing, Seaforth, .but now of CieilRary, is in
quilts, etc. The program, "The Chris- I town tut present on a visit ,to this
tiara Church in India,” was ably . mother, (Mrs, .Cihesney, j,ahn street,
taken by Mrs. H. V. Workman. Four Mr, Chesney reports all the S'etufooth-
iees in Calgary raved and 't)rouperimg,
Mrs. Chesney. (nee Miss Edna Pick-
ard) has quite regained her former
iheallilt, her 'many friends there will the
gtnd to Ceara.—How about 1,7 tbelsrw
for nice winter .weather That is
'what the thermometer registered
'Wednesday urornintg', The ice • harvest
is now in tali swing, thanks trot the
cold snap: —Thr 'hockey ntatctt •in thte
Palace Rink Tuesday night was 'very
nnuch utterrupted toy the electric
lights insisting on going ,nut every
tow second::. The horning out of a
fuse was the caner.—Mr- Alex David-
son honk a nasty tuntlhle one day this
week, and is still very stiff front the
effects of it, 'but eland to have no
hones ,broken.—Mrs. A. McLennan
visited friends in London this nveck.-
W. R. \ll+Kay. , f T1'c'if•tu,
,urns the wvecl; end at Nle h. -,rat,• OF
Mr, and Mrs. 1, Dodd:. i; ,leer' ''t
ladies, assisted itt Scripture readings,
Miss A, Govenlock, Mrs. Webster,
Mrs, Consitt and Mrs, Hudson. A re-
view was taken by Miss A. Lawrence,
of "Our C'entr'al India Field," It was
announced that the Huron Presbyter-
ial will be held in North Side United
Church, Seaforth, on April 23rd. Mrs.
H. V, Workplan closed the meeting
with prayer.
R. J. Deaohman Nominated—
R. J. Henchman, who represented
North Huron in the Federal Parlia-
ment just dissolved, will again be the
Liberal standard-bearer in the elec-
tion to be held on. Tuesday, March 211.
This was decided at a convention
held in \Vingham last week. Mr.
pendulum will be opposed by Elston
Cardiff. former veer, of Mortis town.
Ship, niutinttted by the Conservatives
last autumn. \V, H. Robertson of
Goderieh allowed hie name to go be-
fore the c•onventiou also. In all eight
tt•re nominated, including ci, 1.. Par-
sons, Goderieh: Frank Fin€land,
Clinton: Arris Josie Stutters. of
oeilerleh; Is i:. 8, eirn, of C;nderit'lt;
Sheldon IM-ieker, h'ordwit•h, and ilugh
11111. Goderieh, 1.. S. Hetherington.
It.t'., of \Vitgltant, presided.
Buried At Bayfield—
The funeral of 3b's, Robert 11.
Elliott, of Goderieh. whose death in
her :till year, °metl'1'ed last week,
was held on I1'ttluy from her lute
residence to Hayfield Cemetery. The
service, which was attended by Many
friends from out of town, was core
ducted by Rev. A. C. Calder, of God.'+
rich. The pallbearers w,'tt. Fred
Mugford, ,iohn Bell, harry Fervent,
of Goderieh, and Walter Sharp, of
Brussels. The floral tributes were
carried by Stirling McPhail and Sam-
uel :\h'i\latit, Friends from out of
t,wn who attended tate funeral were
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ('arty. of De-
troit; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hanley, iii'.
and Mrs. George Hanley. 111(', olid
MI's. M. H. Hanley, Mrs. Sarah Cum
taloa, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, E. GI'eell
Guelph; Mr, and Mrs, Robert Thomp-
son. Goderic4t Township. and Mrs,
Jarvis. Clinton,
Married At Goderich—
A pretty wedding took place at
the manse of Knox Presbyterian
1'ltnrt'lt, Godt•ric•lt, when Miss Doris
Williams. (laughter of 11r, and Mrs.
Holier( Williams. Goderieh, was mar-
ried to 311•. Allan Gordon Grant, of
Lurkttow. Ilev, R J. Lune oi'tirittted,
Mt', anti lb's. (Trent will reside in
Loses House By Fire—
Mr. H. McCartney of the Pith con-
cussion of Goderieh Township had
the misfortune last week In have his
house destroyed by thee. The blaze is
said to have started front an over-
heated stove pipe which set tire to the
t•Irinrtey. Mr. McCartney discovered
the blaze himself when he heard
strange noises from the upper sertian
of the house and went to the stair
door to investigate. By that time the
fire had gained some headway and
although he rushed up Ile was unable
to rescue a suit of clothes containing
*'70 in cash, the proceeds of a Sale of
hogs a few days previous. About if -
teen years ago the barn on this farm
was destroyedt by fire and had to
replaced. Tltis is the original fie'r.
Murphy homestead and hate been a
landmark in the tewt.. u , f ,;
veers. 111. Murphy 8''.' th1.{
11011Se wh'-n =1, .' '
years ago.
Clinton Physician Passel—
Dr, Percit•a 11,a.i. -_ee Mar aerie
at his More, la r,r; : tai, eeth
year atter at. r` tieverai
months ret a, beer. ':cn'litiert. 1)1
l'Datn 'til :c1, tI ti:'- tete William
Hearn and Mr% ife,arn, the ]attar urn
t•,rn;er Jaw, Taylor anti was horn in
Termite. Atter greetuat1ag bit rnreiverl
his 81.13, degree. -Ile : i'rvr;rl In the
war all tthifl:11 furl cin On 1 1112 Empress
eft Ltitain. ertti-ing the. Mediterran-
ean daring 1915 and 1:117. After the
war he practised at Toronto, for a
year at Blyth and 17 year ago pur-
chased a practice in Clinton. In 1913
he married Bernice house, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, 1. 13. Rouse. of Ham-
ilton, who survives. There survive
also two sons and two daughters, Gor-
don. at Toronto; Billie, Jean and
Ruth, at Clinton; two brothers, R. T,
and it,, J. Hearn, Toronto- Dr. Hearn
was secretary of the board of Wesley
Willis United Ghuroh, Clinton. Many.
friends attended the funeral. The hon-
\fe-, McKay, tem, !res ur❑ cisltin'=
her arcvt, ,ince the trst •,i the year.
rcterned to Tttl ate .vi':, her lett-betel
on \l nndry.--\lr. 1. 'et 11!t'L r a. hn
died :n (—hell—rich ,.r I l n.l ,e,-,1
year-, ea• W c11 a tt'l tit ua.ti.0 Mu es it
Ly many in toe le w11, 11 r.!
dcal'1t iri'th ni.n h were .--\lr,. 1
t'ap,t, of fun bt, and \lr:. T. S. Ro-.
beets. are it eta,' ties- %eel: ci-itnig
their sister, NH-. a.r.—\Irs.
Din mate of 1)'lii',t lust iarshi.e
her mother, \1r-. 1;Orelort, .,i 1l:rnitr-
'.tcc, who 1s t-cri' ill. Seaf1:•ilt
t lint en, •} 1.t 3 ie ievar of Clinton,
)ne e,e.tld ,cu•reiy
tdtat •wa, .plaptd in the Palace Rink
Tuesday .,tt'tw('en t'linh,n earl Sea -
for -ch it'terutediate-. as it teas a cut
'tori shish spinney stun- on tate part
of the visitors. -I'tte line leis et -err.
ovaerriti, 81<1i'tih, Hays, Reid, Sills,
T. Deck, Tladrkitk, Cl, Dick: 1'lintln -
Iohnstnn. R+tmbtll,
)11.111 Hell, fluff.
Kerr, \1ittirll 1/rater referee. Ed-
eitund- t Stratford goal intt,ire. J.
itt•.ederiek; tint,' -keens', I'.titehell
til 11.Smith; penalty. R. \itKettzie,
flay Iitsid.
That bis; thaw this ,5,tl- irekr tto
the ice in the river nn T'hut day
veveitt g aryl carrier! it ,g1t 10 the i•du•.
1'rvtaratittn for 'tit ice harvest had
just hewn. --'1 he 'bear saw 'tis sha-
de ,v on \len{Lu, I , a. mi. •,o bio!;
.nit t.•r siv week,' more %sinter. --Mr,
end Mr-. \Vallnce Joie -atom
ruur. w-h,o helve urcn ',isitino
their n:n•rnts Ter the 1,-1.1 ct..)eth, heft
Tietr-clay ,a Jnr Writ Item,•.
21,21•.' ,!,net wail 2-1'
ie ,e ,2,e'. \ir. I ,'m+bm . •t;'t:na in
the ;emeriti -stet, 1,t -rate--, 01,1 ha -
.1011,. well. -iter,• ,t n'r•te R c+t, t'u, 1;
r r_y car- ago,
nrtu•y- pallbearers were John McTar-
ish, Goderdrh; t ,n'ge Clark, Toronto:
(1, 11..1, -1'e -rain. E. Pttt,•rs„n, Geo Mc -
Lay and .1. It. Iiurey, t Itntuu. Ar'tive
Italllteitt•ers were Dr•. .1. A. Addison.
Zurich, Ih•, Cokes and lir. liilpatrick.
Iily-tit, Drs. Oakes. Douglas sad Shaw,
Clinton, lnternenit took plate In the
Clinton t'etnetery-.
Walkerton Council Tries to Resign
Harold Barker, who resigned as
councillor of t\'alkerton to become
town clerk and treasurer, started his
ditties this week Meanwhile. with
ix councillors resignations in the-
hehawk of the ole k. the councii is
without a quorum to conduct the
busine s, As the situation now
+enir.. only :1,1;:yor Watts and Reeve
Winttet eotirtititte the eonncil. But
quorum they e:tunnt accept
the : :,dttatiorts of the others, so it 114
••t 'n.,t ti th 111-tr2012 to 1•un tinuo
t.l sot b- rtf.,nnattt,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hoover Mark
Golden Wedding Anniversary—
Mr. and Sire. R. J. Hoover of Grey
Ti,wt,,hip ertiebrated htilt 5oth wed-
ding anniversary on Montlay. Mrs.
Tliesver was formerly Margaret Gib -
P ".A5
F t.
YOU �.
song dattgluer of the late James and
Margaret Gibson of the first line of
Morris. Mr, Hoover is tate son of the
late Adam and Ellen Hoover of tate
ltlt a oncessinu of East \Vatwanosil.
The retetnntty was performed by the
late Rev. I. FI, R'allwin, thea stationed
at flluecale and pastor of the former
Methodist, Church nn the 19th day of
February. l (Itt. They started married
life on the 4tlt route .-inn of East
Wew•auosh, near \A ,sttleld, Twelve tip
years tater they tnov.»(1 to 11111 tomes•
shin o1'. Grey township near Brussels
where they have since resided. To
this lotion wen- horst two daughters
anti three :oils: `Sirs. Dttncutt Mc-
Callum, Blyth; Harvey. Mount For-
est; Beth and Norman at home, One
son, William, died in 1925. Mrs.
1£onver laid one brother. the late
Peter Gibson '.r Hautillon. Mr.
Hooter is one •4' it family of thirteen,
eight of whom are -.Gil living, his
twin breath=,. resin;; 111 Welland.
white the nth r -id.- it) Alberta.
They iter,- , t etit,Lbildfenc Har-
vey. ,1 alt led Irene 1I, t uilmut, Blyth;
Mel -in and Gordon toe, ten ver Monut
Forest; John and SDIrrav !louver.
Brussels. Mrs. Hoover is 75 wbfl,• •
Mr. II uvet• 7s. Ti••y ere both '•n•
jut hl„ „'nt,i esstiti,
45,000 Women Who Have The
Jett Davis. "International Bing of
rhe Hoboes," and philosopher, ex-
plains In an article in The Amer'ic'an
Weekly, tete great magazine with the
February 25 issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times. how dishonest, un-
scrupulous "trampettes1' and "hum
epos" are making Iife difficult for
decent, law-abiding, industrious men
and women who have the wanderlust.
Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" fa
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Grant: in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
Electric Welding'
Done by an Experienced Welder. Leen Campbell, starting Sept, 4th.
Work guaranteed. The portable welder can be taken any place with
or Without Hydro
Ail Repairs Strictly Cash- We Aim To Please