HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-08, Page 2PAGE TWO
■� hi a rii5' - lN+!�-6,fl A
On Monday, February 12th, the Canadian
Legion launches a financial appeal for 5500,000
to carry on a great, new and much needed
program of edecational and personal services
among our enlisted men.
While the first job is to win the war, every
man must be prepared for the inevitable retern
to Civil Life. The Canadian Association for
Adult Education is collaborating with the
Legion to prc-cide educational and'vocati•:,nal
training for aur men.
Through its 1100 branches- in Canada the
Legion will assist in the solution of personal
and business problems. Soldiere free of private
too worries are better soldiers. Legion s ry) es
57 will also include facilities for leave, ports.,
} reading, soldiers' concert parties and otnar
entertainm *-.
Give generously to this great new cause.
Send Jr take your contribution to your neare.$t
Legit: branch.
The Canadian
Legion's War
Services are under-
take with the
apixtoval and active
cooperation of the
t listen Club ranked fourth. the Cal -
gory Club being til•, highest for the"
i Passes At Goderich-
Jereiph llnphey. one of the let''
Ifir on citizens of t::oderich. died 1t Tflis QUIe ay
hi .yh-ane the 1 e .n Sunday morning '- . and Mrs. Baxter AIcAt•t1! president.
1e.:trthte; hatnhore tormfrey.ntich i ng stuffiness
siuta f-ew i
• I Mrs. William Thuell let vice presid•
I anion six e chs ... He had suffered it I 1•Cre
i sr ,,ke the w eek before. Known drop. of Vicks- V tro-nol-that's 1 ent, 51r Josie Woodcock; 2nd vice..
1 throughout lite entit e province and what you need. Feel it go right to work I president. Mises Watson;I,ecretary.
-bring real comfort Chis treatment 1 \hiss Ella Metcalf; assistant secret. •
{trthern United State Mr. Btophey ,s slutcte it zfause Va-tro-nol is
4 Wa engaged in the undertaking and c ii medication -containing sev- f ary-, Mae. George Powell treasurer.
l o niture !»tine.. at Goderich for 47 end essential relief -giving agents plus \Ir . Harry Brown assistant tre a •
ya a During his long association in ephedrine -expressly designed for user. Mrs. J. Watson;auditors••, lits.
nose and upper
1his profession he had charge of more F. Rogerson and lit.. H. Dexter; axe.,
than t I tures 111.. Al the time of entice officers with Mrs. T 11. \e•
the (erliiie st.rrnt whieh swept the g d '5' ` hitt anti lits 11 J Powell...A ren cent
Great Lakee the week end of Not. It. er lila or fie �, .•a was served by Mrs. R. J. Powell
l)[1 l lul .day atter mor the Ladies'
�A Guilts of Trinity Church 1ltr.t at the
E El home .i Mrs. 11. .1- Powell ter their
i� Y •annual meeting tin_ wit :n tit.. following
officers were elected: Honorary pres-
r• Clear Cold -Clogged Head
idents. \it • Metcalf. Mrs. L. Porter
to eat, Next time
'op't wait for a
cold to get a he
tart l ed t er -t
V o npl h ips _ 41ICKS - ; and Mt George Powell.
kccp a cold ••o"n VA.1LtO,i1OL 1 The Red Cross are submitting the
taliowine report of their work with
u,ratlon received: Cash on 1(51(2.
lough was married onlythreemonth ( $-;1,635: cash in bank. 14ri.1i+; dome,
ag . W. A. Hewitt -e. rotary of the tions from \\-omen's Inetitnte, $1e;01)11..'.. who knew Schlegel m his 15 softball. S2; white ift from Miss
Richmond's class $2.733. The .octets
ferwarderl F50 for the war appeal.
Tlt.:y also have forwarded the IOIIOW-
in°' aril 1,'.'. to headquarters: 41 bed.
Lads. 1,1 Hampton pads. 1. T band-
ages. d bed pan covers. 15 suits of I122111 ,IS "th. type at tuan wit 11way lance. 14 pairs of pillow lips, 12
Jo1 i oti21 . b! i',ttl .d.- +d 111..' In I psi•-umnni. jackets. For the local sold•
052.174 Schlegel w e second vii e nrrs the . society h v. made 15 swear-
I fitter, .4" rhe u.H A. and he roe. . 12 pan•s of sucks. wristlets. 14
t.. , r U., president 115 1 , i7 and
r , t •I W12,12 inose than 27.0 sailors lost
their lives \Il. Brophey and his bro-
{$ti with whom he WW1. then a -oeiat-
I ed worked ked day anti night preparing
the inalle.s Of Diet washed. ashore. He
was given V111:111.2, of the busier -of all
-allot. whose 1-..nianl were Nun(' be-
tween Sarnia and e, xierich. He was- a
life long 7e531.it of t,odeaich where
he was born ye;r-ago,the son of
John and Mary Fiddler Bruphey. who
Wer.- natives of Ireland. He was early
ass•eeiate,i with hes fattier in buein-
esS, w.,. 12'11.- married: first to
111-5 Edith Luxton and later to tis.
11-r a et E. Routlifre. of Toronto. who
.'tl v: -s with three daughters Mrs.
Thomas mas c l xl r. t tilts. Gordon T. i.
1,1111. 02 l ,•i - is•h. by the first )3 ,'t l
g.. .'.11.1 kliss Peggy hiit',.pll'y at
home. The rime.rvice as hid
is,. • t G,- i1' Ciel:e12 at. Guch.2111 1.
'p.m. on '11.1':, . "interment was in
Maitland Cemetery.
Mri.e'c' W,.122 r y it ed a
.i.Ii ter which i. doing_ good work.
W. s.. Biot good lack.
M Ward Knox re•i•'nt:y purchased
-n tile Dodge car whit'' we hope they
istaj,"y and that it gives lie.^.( Vail
1r Albert Rapson re.enTly f' eh
...sed a grinder which we hope titers
good work for him.
nherr Watson. t ".een nsome-
:1 'I! wirh a se.re hand and
Prank Ke,,ilittie assisting hist.
1 t helfesi hi:. for ,ta to threeton on Sunday. Schlegel fired two
me_ Wat=o , . ,..:,i t- im• a l' -.t cniecesv !shots into his wit . body a h- by
tel nisi -evit.. stdur. et his .r a chesterfield. kilted his 12 year
'al se -i ta knew tiller Mr .. tai_ amounting ting , 1 $2.1.ilfittith - in old son Jack in bed. and then tired his
"tai- wi, was in Seatorth hos. equ• -a
ti:-- Salvation Ar .y. revolver IMO t:e breast of r.ir dart -ll -
tittle. 1 t • - n - rt xt, 5', . Horne for
Aged 1 1I '14G.Bruce M3eCUllou h ' , of
▪ .. .,. tar tc...'+vink. W.• People. AlexandraH ptal,2Kitchener. as she entered :he hese.
het,- r„= may continue t, .14tr0v:, 52.1 x- e.,tl:ty thildrebs
Shelter. i.chl._r1 ended his own life r.y nrins.:
• Auei.rer Knox spent a fewdays J -. t o, -
it ..c,. ,'.,m r: 1 l:Sanders, E a 1 -:allot into his head. 11... Mict•ui•
• ,a t s in Seat:cll., 11 p t of E%-•!•,1'. L.,.: tL - i= .1
I -y w...,1•,-, r.: y,.l- to near ,2•1,-11:••1 1:11:71',1 Li 211, Will_
%e,"I1t a Iew
Nurses in Teaming.-
. _u. • rau.i MIs'. i The new class :,t probation,
t in T . ^n
ii -iii clic, heel' laid ur . , m , of PhyllisTerrell R.R.} removed promptly and efficiently.
( n r 1t J. 1 ti left Lavis and Jean Ci.
\: MI, F;'•vi::g Is ar,, 0%11 t• :,. r t':ui t.. ant: Marion N y illi.:. Simply phone "COLLECT" io
...I, rr. with a cold for Tint .mutt.
Purdah Bequests. -
Alexander Purdo;., tor a number et
years living retired in Exeter. died
on December llth. 1A35. leaving all
...tate valued at consisting
of mortgages. promissory not:.., cash
1:; the bank. betide and personal be-
1. , 1:. . according to ;he pap ^a•
til it: this office of The registrar ei the
i',. ;r* of Huron. at Gad-
, -in. u. ._.,.:_c, .1 with the applica•
sic.: tor p: ar...of l:i. will Atte: lose
Engagement Announced -
Mr. and Mir., Alexander St.•w.:11,
2 Toronto. Ontario. Wi,h tri attii:ante
the eng:lge'nu,nt of their only dal:,h-
Gwendolyn Gertrude, to Frederick
H. Suary. formerly of Clintol.. Ont.
The -marriage to take .place early
year:. as a member of the 4 r n'iatlon
• x.icutiv-i inti heiu2e that as a player.
5x11 tit i.,l.ellter h.- was "the last per-
son in the world youwould expert 10
ili-at 1: thing .bout.'' H•wut de
sr rib. -'i the sportsman and business
O.H.A. Ex -President Murders -•
Family, Then Kills Himself -
:dental illness was blamed foo •the
burst of violence that caused 52 year
old Alvin Schlegel. of Preston. int.
mediate past president of the Ontario
Hockey Associatiou, to shoot awn 'gill
his wife. son and daughter tiad then
commit suicide in their honn- at Pres.
Al x I dra Hospital. tr vier
. -...r 8,2.118., wee is e,,?sic , Fractures Heels ay Falling,-
tV I.'" -n suiting 111' -Andy- Smith will he a pet -.
.''-' .1,4- e Mrs A:1',17..'i?;15att ant Al-ftainba Hospital for at least eight
y .,- 11 1,S•1112 11:1111-g t i 1'
15: 'I'''I' -l'''..''''• 1.1. -----.1111122'.....• si .1. l .til: .. 2E
n •L
lav ye:m.. ,t t A F..... ,.. :r- G_i--.stili Iia., D
dor ainty/Things
ee t . t
!T ..t,. ,. ... owes (',iia .-: .
.. - ..^.:its.. w dears (,t1 a =cat,. t.
an 01,4:....:.J 111 1i1 beat. slipped ot:
:ma fel:. A. 11. did so, he grasped
a loose plank and was taking it down
with him. A.anth51' workman on the
scaffold grasped the upper end of the
plank. leaving Smith suspended in
the air. He held on until he was ex-
hausted. filially dropping into the
hold twelve feet below and alighting
or. both heels. The thoughtful work-
man who held the plank was Engin-
eer Fitzpatrick and he saved Smith
from further serious injuries as it
might have fallen on him. Smith's
heels are very painful. The heels are
now in a cast, suspended in the air.
-Goderich Signal -Star_
• 11: R.id, Mr. and
Mr- r , _ - c,,, sar.,1 Mr. and Sirs
.e , e . .. T.. a.lir.ss was read.
▪ roli A_'21',1•" •Is.12and the gifts
w... ..j iris 'rte.:• presented
3 .rim.ae members.
• ben .'aa- r-ry suitable replies.
All enjoyed a goad evening and a
ea: good lunch.
:yl- Sprung f::.. 1L- -W'ett is visit-
ing a he home ~of hie cousin. llrs.
ate Sir. Ernest ;inns this week.
Ta s visa: !9e-t:L?r o: St. Mark's
eingii,-..., thurit was held on Thur_ -
T... _ ... P.ev Ray M.
was .. chard.. Minutes of
r ', last. meeting were read by Chas.
1„ s t +t.. who also spoke with ap-
proval of the benefit the children of
the ennartigationreceived from the
rl'lnttlay S2:noui *.c u.•-••. abt .' was de -
:d st t sun-
.. .;n.a- The reeserer's.
r -y goer..
'. r :.r � .1 :' A:1 .... •ley
this yea: was rid 1,y voiun-
-al -,pt):-':,
ver neenraging report. asking 11 -
sn iia ':soy ..r Mr; Rob,: 1t•.dci
w k 15 ti, ..z present Theo- w,,re 47
.. ; tt.ay services with Ar. ay..rag•-' 5"
t.erdant•e cf 40. one marriage. 00
deaths and no baptisms. The rector
extended his grateful appreciation
for the cooperation of the ward=ens.
the treasurer, the organist, the choir
and of the great help of his wile.
Sirs. Weekes. in all church activities.
Miss Betty Asquith sent a letter of
thanks for her Christmas gift. The
election of church officials was as
follows: People's warden. Gordon
Award for Marksmanship. -
MIs. Elwood Epps of Clinton has re.
ceived a fine target rifle as a special
award for hie marksmanship in the
recent Dominion ripe competition. El-
l-wood competed ted ag 11 st the winners
of other province- and paled up the
1.ighest. all The other Prov -
12., --/s1 winners
-received similar
_w i.d'_ h. the yr..01r.Nau ,-0112 :,::2 the
11. Taylor: , 1,e.,. %:.:•t;en. James
W. Medd; ,. tt vestry-. the rector.
the wardens the lay delegate. areas-
..... president of the Ladies- Guild
and Alfred Nesbitt: vestry clerk and
treasurer, Charles E. Asquith; audit-
ors, Ephriam Bali and Robert J.
Phillips. Thomas Haggitt and George
Beadle; lay delegate to Synod,
Charles E. Asquith: substitute. Wm.
J. Stewart. A letter was read from
Bishop :Seager by the rector regard-
ing the 'obligation of the "Anglican
Church at the present time.
and Small
Mid -Week Washes
Miss Simplicity
Gives You The
No need to use (and clean) n
entire Washing Machine when
you have only a small wash! And
you won't want to put your dainty -
things in with your regular heavy
wash. Thats why Miss Simplicity,
the modern electric Washer,
provides (at slight extra cost) the
Mid -Week Washer, a small
Washer that requires only a kettle
of water. It's particularly con-
venient where there's a baby.
Washes 14 diapers in 15 minutes.
Also useful, with nonexplosive,
non-ini',mmabie cleaning fluids,
For dry cleaning. See it todeyl
l at ,i,. 228': of hl l .ith tl
was !ailuli'r of the U.H.A. rub
.o.11"1itt, . ii,: W115 kn.lwt 119 an
1•34.ir of!ui15at 11.,11 Juv.-nit
ts ,-k,•y II.:, '111. .. 2ne-r'h.,. of .the
f •..tot 1` glary club.
Dies While Visiting Daughters -
•There passed away at Ire' hurtle of
her daughter. Ili•. and Mrs, Christ.
2wurfzeetruhe•r, Bronson lite, on
Tittusday-, January 25111. MU•.. Annie
lehr. aged 73 year., Mrs. Z+•lu•. whose
home was in Lowell. New York
State, came over here to the 'Zurich)
district to visit her two daughters
here tact fall. and .portly" after took
321 and the end tame on Thursday.
She was of a quiet loving type of
lady and is greatly mourned by her
family. The remains were nett to
Lowell on Friday. Surviving are 111-2'
Two deught.:r. h. re, Mrs. r Swartz011.
amber of the Tlrousun title, and :Mrs.
Mose s -Erb of town also two .cits and
uaugilt'r 111 Le w,lt. N'I :Mich
Main St. Seaforth
Killed Three Dogs
With One S1101 -
-.1(•_a _. .. .:. . ...
-Haeover Peeee
ditty Mtge. Eaeh soldier has 25-5. -1
sricls. wristlets. a sweater. a ditty
ii•114 112111 .. Te tan1e111. rli t,+liowing
. III,' number of souks whi,•ll have
i,."11 knitted anti sem to London;
pairs of ,oaks avid : pairs of wrist.
lets; to the Ontario, headquarters: _i; I
pan's of sovits. -.calves and pairs
wrist i. t.: five quilts and one
blanket were also stmt to 11 adquar-
t,rs for those evacuated in England.
On Thursday the Blyth Hortieul•
ewe] Soviet% held their annual meet-
inr and election of officers in Mem-
:vac'was , • have lnquirr,l
oriel Hall with a gond attendance .t ,s arrest' :•11 a51,11,11a4
present. In the absence of the press- e115'.5.a--he ate supper with his in-
dent, Mrs. Lyddiatt, the vice presid• mils in their home next to the Well -
'lit. Miss A, Gillespie was in the•,., farm, r:1rce 1111es frau the vil-
chair. The officers elected were as ; Har-tid. The Thain :route
follows: President, Earl Willow, 1st br.k- down veto :t knoll on the frame
vice president, Miss A. Gillespie; 2nd ,Iwclline ..f the slain pair ,1n heavily
vice president. Miss M. Lockie; sec
:,.tat% -treasurer, Mrs. Bernard Hall; I +rmrr shower n, cat, i-,11 a.
directors. Rev. lir. Boyle, firs, Cher- srar,'ed a,._, I'd better
Jew. Rev. Mr. Sinclair. Mrs. F. Little. 11:.15 acre taken away 1,y
Sire. Ah Taylor. Dr- \'ok"s, 11IisS
ll.t'. kits. Garrett. Mrs. J. Petts, The arrest n 1arrin',e l 'i rm!tt11te in -
miss Livingstone-. flower committee. .. :.,t '11 %2 •]n alar„lay,
Mfrs. :kb Taylor. SIiss i o k.e: audit- o,•,i a ,r•..ri, %er1 2211 -
Ah Taylor: W..T Lyon: premium •. net. Faulkner. the di.,
ntuntiit,:,., t'. Wallows, Mrs, Hall, tri p est:nail and a distant cralsl11 of
Miss Lockie. Miss Steinhoff. Mrs. D. :he ,v ye.rr t':1 Wellman 1 5tultncr
11,1allunl. Mrs. F. Little. Mtge Galas. f•..ini \\ el:,nan 'n the t tie, 2 :•1r.
pie. lire. Ab Taylor; delegate to bort. 11, 1 i stiot r tit k, 1 , •a-
icultural convention in Tor.antn Earl \V•alra on 1 in the 11112.e h. came
Willows. A 1285115'". period followed 11a ear old Mfrs. \Venmee
the election.
solo was sung by I .n e.
Miss Bnvle with Mr., titre \'olds a. ; • :': '17s' :rt.221fti,..(1.1/Z1111.,22
Toronto Man Buys
Wingham Business -
On February 1st. the Buchanan
Hardware will be taken over by Mr.
Percy Stainton, of Toronto. who has
purchased this business. Mr. Stainton
has had eleven years' experience in
this type of business, formerly em-
ployed by the 11. Stainton Hardware
firm of Toronto.-Wingham Advance -
Times. - -
Charged with Taring Ton of Coal. -
1:1 fail on remand for sentence on
two rill e' of lifeaking and etf;erif "_2
t, which he pleaded guilty. john l,t
ang,vo4d o Exeter, iwas again re-
married to jai'. .while police ;cel
Mel owner for many e,' the 1rti1,
'2. adntittetily stole. In a 'barn (-Alai
Con -table Sora% and Comity fon-
<table Ferguson founts a pile e i house,
hold articles, carpenters and garden
tools, etc., ai riy :less rotre u'
,5":13C,' 1111; •1e e E iris. ;•1. e tett
and a half .1;'+ai en5stolen. I; re-
quired -'i trio- - s Ilan t e 1 <O
,,'!1 {ate.. the j,1 r, 1.118. ." rcr_,:'-
An elderly than w< 01 550.121
01(122 ty 55 5., .-t,
listened to his symptoms and smiled.
-515- dear 011n." he said. "cal. little
habit of talking to your.er1' ien't any -
thin z
nything to worry about.' -
"Isn't t:" .said the ,patient 'warmly.
"You -don't know what a -darned more
I am."
Want and For Sale Ads, 1week 25c
you tastier
free from
o ighy spots
sour taste"
a errs% .tit re sritte ad. :-ntr,,1 ar maks male y .
, oatp�•nia. t
1r1 t r i j h d 1 .
liar' -ss was given by 1?r Moires on the �'dr: tt;ot t'olt,a , Cit•ad ti rt.
•Tse pertie5 of Flower:."
511:: Emma Leelt' left this 'week `:leer t.r-:1 n r• e1i l 1
1,111:ht'. hi attar rr : cid 11'.r.
for ingersoll where site accepted a , 11 'r:
pt,.itien as dietitian in tn, hospital in \ >'oa ,t •.t
that Yawn.
A. the. ,3121)1151 1I1.-etlt311 rnl .•1•'S- \I i.. r '1 •',t iris y L• l
ttnh ,f •,ffc.; of tl:- hue! tire, bri• .
e`.i •1t.- ,njr,,wtl1'� ,t rte ......-
hn. _a 2'.1. 11'4'1; Fire .111'1 A. W. I' -ara
m captain Arthur Barr; , eeret• a
arc•r eitt,Urrr William \l . r1tt et
ii -1. net., H 52 \t Wit•: :.ori 21 211. n'int, - .t\ - , a_r 1.1, . .osl,lt .oi is
1,..;,r- Tannin: 1112-1na...'Ga)tt.dd Pa
firemen. Ent i Willaw•s. .T. A. , .y . n1 1 i '1. \\ e.mala
,",m. et,.Halm \'.edde•ti. lit-rry Wee-- .t :!.- • •, 1.42221 heh,•213 1.
month. Harry Brown. Will Creiithton. .' e :j cad.
uameetii(g of e iyfem t the .2110 was covered with dust;'
ficialAr Hall
tn*annboarld, the followingthDeity lir. 1\arm:as shill. "it looked as if it
e_s w•.re elected: Chairman, John'ht•en used for %tile.••
I'. -tis: secretary. 11i.s M. Milne;' i t:e.dies ,.: 51r. :u1r! Mrs. \VeIlrtan,
treasurer, M:nal:y nyaif. wawereGlen Kechnieiss A. is Gillespie, attendint the :leads par II military f,ennd Ile% a ,;,ostman who investigated
school in London, in connection with %5'2512 lie failed to receive his usual
the air force.
1'"„t",w!al • ..ft' i11rt-..la,. or Int„
the hotgtin slaying of lir. and Mrs,
Arnold Wc-Ilt .at, of near Belleville,
-WUng front t, farm home of the
ad•ed cou•de :z Beaev.ac. 23 miles
away. a. ins t for A. 1-1. Ward ques-
tioned Free Thain in Hastings coun-
ty jai:
• "chain, a theth1er of the coroner?.
7(,•,1115. -
Tire S.Tdics were taken to a Stirling
tillage undertaking establishment
aftr they were released for burial fol-
lowing examination 'by Dr. E. R. Fro-
aik ;medico -legal expert of ,the -Ontario
Alttorney-tleneral department.
"'What's your son doing now• -the
One who swallowed ;the G5 gold ,piece
4whe11 he was a yott111,.ter.'t
You mean Creamy. 1(c'. in a bank."
"R'eal y's-•do you get any -interest o11
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Camer. an:i see -the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We alae• have a Service Truck -if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
Electric Welding
Done by an Experienced Welder, Ken Campbell. starting Sept. 4112.
Wort: guaranteed. The portable welder can be taken any place with
or without Hydro -
PHONE 179.
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
We Aim To Please