HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-08, Page 1•
Once in the dear 'dead days beyond rect)1,
.When on the world the ;netts began to fall,
Out of the dreams that rose in happy
Low to our hearts Love pang an old eweel.
And in the duek where fell the fireligbt
sz•:t'tly it wove- 1'.' iffir:.,, our dream.
far , („day wr i se's Seng of yore..
p il: oar h ]� ,]110 for ever ;pore,
nts;lap0. slay sava•
.'.,*.: 11.0weary grow the
4(191 We ran hear it at the close of day.
So to the encu whit life's flim shadows fall,
Love will be found the sweetest song of all
"Love's Old Sweet Song."
Phone 84
fl a year.
All For 25c
Per dozen
SALMON a la KING.—Contains
salmon, Mushrooms and pim-
ento. Tin
27 oz. jar
Per lb.
SPAGHETTI. 3 lbs: for 15c
ORANGES. --Sweet. juicy SSc
Per dozen
7 for
HEINZ BABY soup, -25c
3 tins
21 oz, size. 2 for
REAM—with 1 cake soap, all for . , 25c
MATCHES. -3 boxes for 19c
COMFORT LYE. -3 tins 25c
GOOD B'ROO.M.—Each 25c
OYSTER SHELL.—Cwt. .....$1.10
A. C. Routierigo
Phone 166
*'blue coa�',a
Mrs„ O. Geiger Passes I Conservatives Meet
Away at Henson
Highly Respected Resident of
Hensall Died on Tuesday in
84th Year
ears. Owen Geiger, well known and
highly respected resident of Hensall,
passed away at her home early Tues-
day morning after five weeks` serious
illness. Mrs. Geiger was in her 84th
year. She bad been a resident of
Hensall for about fifty years. Former.
ly Emma Geiger. she was a daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham
Geiger. Hay Township. On July 26th,
1879, she was united in marriage to
Mr. Owen Geiger. Last July Nur. and
Mrs. Geiger celebrated their diamond
wedding anniversary at their home in
Hensel] where Mr. Geiger is the well
knew,. flax mill owner and former
Besides her husband. surviving are
six sons and one daughter, Edmund,
manual training teacher, London; Dr.
William Geiger, Waterloo; Rory,
druggist, Kitchener; Sydney,inspec-
tor of public schools, Gore Bay, Ont.;
Oliver, manager of Bank of Mont-
real, Fenlon Falls; Ira and Mrs. Eric
Kennedy (Vercy) of Hensall, all of
whom are here to attend the funeral.
Four sisters and one brother, all re-
siding in the States, also survive:
Mrs. Joseph Tome, Binger, Oklahoma;
Mrs. R.. N. Eccles, Nyack, N.Y.; Miss
Pauline Geiger, Berkeley, Calif, .Miss
Geiger arrived in Hensall on Wednes-
day); Mrs. Dan Karcher, Minnea-
polis, Minn., and Amos Geiger, Pig-
eon, Mich.
The funeral will be held in Hensel]
United Church on Thursday after-
noon, Feb, 8th, at 2 o'clock, conduct-
ed by the pastor, Rev. R. A. Brook.
Interment will take place in the
Bronson Line Cemetery, Hay town-
ship, near Zurich. Pallbearers will be
all nephews, including those expected
to arrive from Detroit, Pigeon, Mich.,
and Kitchener.
Northside United Church
Itev. H. V. Workman, Minister
11 a.m. "Doors in Walls."
2.20 p.m. Sunday School.
7 p.m. "The Seventh Command-
Thurs. 7.45—W. M. S. in charge
the meeting.
St. Thomas Church
Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. "The Church's Furniture:
1. The Open Chancel."
7 p.m. "Christian Heroes: Henry
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
Wednesday at 8 p.m., "The Prophet
Amos. "
• First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
11 a.m. "Lukewarmness,"
7 p.m. "Seeking First the King-
' dom."
S." S. at 10 a.m.
Midweek meeting on Thursday at
8 o'clock.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A. B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Boldness of Peter
and John."
7 p.m.. "God's Love at the Cross."
McKillop Charge
Bethel, 10.80.
Cavan, 2 p.m.
' Duff's, 8.30 p.m.
Subject, "The Outer Darkness."
R. W. Craw, Minister.
J. M. Roberts, county clerk of Hu-
ron, received instructions this week
to report foe duty at Ottawa as quick-
ly as possible. Mr. Roberts, who was
with the Air Faroe in the Great War,
offered iris services in the present
war the day war was declared.
Mr, W. L. Whyte of. Seaforth was
elected a director of the Yorkshire
Club at a meeting in Toronto on
Tuesday. S. J. Gallagher of Alliston
ie president. Norman Wade, of Ger-
rle, vice-president; W. P. Watson, of
Toronto, secretary treasurer.
Executive members are D. M.
Stewart of Oseoode and W. L. Whyte
Monday, Feb. 19th
To Hold Open Convention to
The regular monthly meeting of tin
Seaforth branch of the Red Cross
will be held in the Carnegie Library
on Tuesday evening, February tbe
13th at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome.
The Royal Tour in technieolor. a
fitil length picture, will be presented
in the local theatre on February 19,
20, 21. under the auspices of the Red
Cross. Beep one of these dates open.
Forty percent. of the gross receipts
goes to the Federal government which
supplies the film. This is turned over
directly to Red Cross headquarters.
The management of the Regent
Theatre is donating 10 per cent. to the
Seaforth brunch of the Red Cross.
This is a full length picture, not the
same film which was shown last fall
in Brucefield.
Sir Robert: A. Falconer, historian of
the Canadian Red Cross Society. in- wholesome fun and gaiety for young
terprets the significance of our First and old. The stage, which 'was con-
National War Appeal. verted into •a camp scene in the forest,
The magnificent response of the .formed a very effective setting. H. G.
people of Canada to the Red Cross Meir, who has always taken all active
campaign must bring us all fresh interest m the Scout niovement..acted
hope and courage. We are one from as ,ohairman,
ocean to ocean in our determination Mayor J. U. •Cluff brought greetings
to carry out a great moral and nat- from the town council and gave a
ional purpose; and that not through . short address on the aims and subjects
the urgency of any government, but of ,11)4 organization hi developing
by the resolution of the whole people. character and (good ,citizenship.
Now it is assured that those who Sonny f3t'ethentan, the ,clever young
serve and suffer for us on any land piano -accordion player, charmed. the
front, on the sea, or in the air, shall aatdtence wvitlt ibis scdos and selections
receive our support to the utmost; an the accordion, while Eva: Goad -
while those who suffered for us in ]nes vivacious songs and cap dancing
the past will not be forgotten; nor were heartily encored: Interesting
will the needy on the frontiers or:at d'cnlonstrations in Scout ;work land
the outposts Pail to welcome :training were given hby Boy Scouts,
their well known messengers of
IGirl Guides, •Gibbs and Brownies un -
health and mercy. Once again we der the direction of their leaders: The
mirthful play spirit manifested by the
younger- children in the games was
(Continued on Page Five)
n" nu11m11u11nnnunuumn11"1111,1111„nnnnunn11n"11,
Pickin's of Sport
"With Gusto"
Nominate a Candidate to 11,,,,1111„,,,,111111,1111,,,,1111,n11nn11"",11„una,mon,",u„
Contest Huron -Perth.
An open convention, without
accredited delegates, will be held
in the town hall, Hensall, on
Monday, Feb. 19th, at 2 p.m., it
was decided at an executive meet-
• Scores of the Week
Seek:tebh 7, Perths
Now Ham]rurlg 4, Tavistock 1
StAgatha 5, Perth
Tavistock 6, New Hamlet -i: -;
ing of the Huron -Perth Conserve- Junior:
tive Association in Hensall on Godcricll 3, \\'ilughani 2
Wednesday night. Junior Farmers:
A resolution was passed supp- gguunulville 0, lIensall 1.
orting the leadership of Dr. Man-
ion for a National Party. Dublin 7, Winthrop 5.
Intermediate Standing
CHURCH HOLD MEETING Seaforth • :. ..8 3 0 40_'22 16
— — Clinton. . ..8 1 0 42 24 11.6
Egmondville United Church held itsi�;c.ts• •Ilansburg ..7 2 1 45 29 1S
annual congregational meeting on g'erth Regt. ..,..3 7 1 27 4y
Tuesday afternoon. The pastor, Rev:' ravi tees 3 8 0 15
A. W. Gardiner. B.A., B.D., presided. 5t, Agatha.. , ....1 8 0 2t 55 2
Mr. John Weisel' was appointed nes- i Junior Farmers
manent ,ongregalion al peceetary eee 7. 7.
taking the place of tbe late William, I:,gniondhvil]e
Wallace: Quite favorable reports of Dublin
the year's work were given, The con Hensall
gregation had met current expenses Winthrop
and Bleared o8 5200 indebtedness. The Final Junior Standing
M. and M. fond showed an increase 1 W L T l 1-1 t,1
and the W.M.S. had stet their alioca- I Seaforth ...' 5 1 0 21 8 10
tion, Four new stewards were elect- 1 Goderich .. ....3 3 0 12 15 0
Win,glhatn .. ...1 5 0 10 20 2
4 0 0 6
2 0 4
2 2 0 4
0 4 0 4
ed, 'William Charters, Andrew Hoos-
on, Thomas Robinson and Alex Mc-
Donald; auditors, James Love, Har•
old Finnigan. The session report
showed 11 members received by cer-
tificate, 5 by profession of faith, 2
removed by certificate, and 6 memb-
ers by death, Mrs. John Forrest, Al-
fred Brown. Thomas Shillinglaw, Mrs.
Edward Boyce, Robert McKay Mrs.
George Needham. Mrs. John Sproat
and George Cameron. Total member-
ship is 286.
Encouraging reports showed a very
successful year with over $500 paid
on the debt and current expenses
met. Total receipts, 52,605.90; miss-
ionary and maintenance, 5627.61; Wo-
man's Association, 5214.61; Sunday
School. 572.17: \Vicks.. 5252.09: :veil
c Continued on Page Fiver
Seaforth 7, Perths 2
Seaforth Intermediate &r: vile 01-
feated Perth Regiment ie Seaicrth
'last Thursday mita to ntc:.ve rive,
points ahead of the Clintc.n C0dta.
The best hockey of the teen: w114
splayed in the first period eternity put
the Regiment one up.when he 0e0td
unassisted abouit a minute 'salter the
genie: got underway (110 not until lb..
middle of the frame 4c05 Staferth oriels
to tie the score, Wallen "Benny” F'an-
nery hit the cords on a nice i fr ro
Hulbert. The Beavers outslie,.e •h •
The annual Women's Day 41 F1eye,
service will be held in St Thome,'
Anglican Church, Seaforth el. Fee
day, February filth, . t 3 l_t::.
Exeter Presilyterian Young People
were guests of Seaforth Y.P. on Tues. _._._. _ ____
day evening in the schoolroom of the
First Presbyterian Church. Eight young car- I After the War,
people came from
loads of Exe- ,
ter for the meeting. After being intro- I What ? ? ?
dueed by Mrs. James McDonald, pees-
ident of Seaforth Y.P., the Exeter
group took charge of the meeting and
presented the entire programme. At
the conclusion lundh was served and
a social hour spent.
The Scent -Guide concert ]tele in
Cardnn'; Hall on Friday night was
a ;woe-tlh-while entertainment dull of
Canadians, acting as a unit and as
one body, have proved that we can
discover new sources of character
and sacrifice when stirred by a noble
The regular meeting of the Eg-
mondville Y. P. U. was held Tuesday
evening, Feb. 6th. The meeting open-
ed with the president Bill Forrest in
the chair. The hymn "Take Time to
be Holy," was sung, followed by the
Lord's praetor in :unison. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and
the offering received. Mr. Peter Peter-
son spoke on Denmark which was
much enjoyed by all. Slides were
shown on Japan. The meeting was
brought to a close by repeating the
Mizpah benediction.
of Seaforth.,
Traffic Was 'held nap for a few min-
utes on God00LC111 street on Tuesday
afternoon when two out of ,town cars
Passing .through on the 'highway were
involved in a 011100 accident 111 front
of the Presbyterian Church. One of
+the ,cora failed to coca back .to its ,own
side of She read after missing a park-
ed car. Fresh soft snow made bhe road
slippery on Tuesday. A fe11det' anti
tire -knoekncl fiat on one car and a
bent ;bumper on the nailer ,was ,the
only damage and this twill 'be ,covered
buy insurance on both cars. 5, 3.
,Jones of Stratford and Sidney "M.
Criokmore of .0larkson, '011,, 'wTeie
the drivers in the crash,
Huron Old Boys
Hold Annual Meeting
President For 1940 is. Dr. J. 0,
Ferguson Picnic Wit; Be
Held on June 19
The annual meeting of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of Toronto was
held on Friday evening last in the
Y.M.C.,A.. Dovercourt Road. with an
attendance representing every section
of the old county.
The popular president, H. M.
la kson. occupied the chap and
✓ •y encouraging reports Were read
trent the sec•r,,taly treasurer. 140(14-
4, the latter showing a comio0l00i'
Milano., on hand. and on motion:
v. -ports were adopted.
A motion, with a standing .ore,
was adopted thanking the ]1, iii -'1,7
ler his splendid services during tl:
aa. also one of eongratulatior
Mo. J. A. McLaren on his golden w4,1.
ding anniversary. The following
tion was passed:
To Mr. J. A. McLaren. 1M1nved :ly
It. Wilson. seconded by Dr. 0. F.
Belden --"That the Huron Old Boys'
Association, in meeting at the West
End Y.M.C.A., Toronto, on Monday
evening, January 29th, 1940. wish to
extend to you and Mrs. McLaren
their heartiest congratulations on the
golden anniversary of your wedding,
which we understand is being cele-
brated tonight. That the members
hope that you and Mrs. McLaren may
be blessed with many more years of,
happiness together and wish to ex-
press their deepest appreciation of
your many gifts to this Association
and your interest extending over the
past forty years. That this Associa-
tion direct the Secretray to forward
the above to you and Mrs. McLaren,
expressing the hope that the Associa-
tion will be honored with your .ton -
tinned interest and good fellowehip
to ell Old Huronites."
The following officers were sleted
for the ensuing year. viz..;
Hon. Presidents, Hon. .i. A. Gatti -
Lei. T. A. Russell, J. A. MoLa"e*s.
33. J. B. Durcan. A. C. :4l-Vict:0. Ie.
a. F. Belden. Hou. \-ice PrE;svlet:t8.
When the boys come bac}(—wil
they be trained to carry on? Many
have left school or given up premia•
ing jobs to do their bit in this fight
for freedom.
It is imperative that the members
of our fighting forces retain the ideal
of peace and a readiness to shoulder
the great responsibilities of civil life.
It is to foster this ideal that the
Canadian Legion War Services have
undertaken the task of preparing the
boys for the final cease fire.
The mistakes of the last war must
be avoided and we must make Dur
soldiers into citizens with the same.
smoothness and efficiency as we are
now making citizens into soldiers.
They are the cream of young Canad-
ian manhood—the priceless material
of Canada's great future.
This is one of the big tasks taken
over by the Canadian Legion War
Services, composed of men who them-
selves have passed through the bitter
experience of war and its aftermath.
With approval and full co-operation
of our federal government, the Red
Cross and all kindred organizations,
the Canadian Legion are making a
national appeal for $500,000.
There will be no overlapping in this
Every cant collected must be remit- and will be a go ahead president.
ted to national headquarters; no ex- Jackson, the retiring
Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
Golden Wedding anniversary, but the
members did not forget him.
- Geo. Ferguson told of the apple par-
ing bees. 30 years ago, and Geo. Love
hacked McKilIop against Hullett in
the matter of speed.
D. D. Wilson recalled the days
when he was a small boy, and
"Brown" Jackson trained the youth in
base ball and hockey and they did it
The annual picnic will be held on
Wednesday, June 19th, either in the
Exhibition Grounds or at Centre Is-
land. It 1411 depends on the movement
of the troops. If the troops are moved
to the frost, the picnic wi]1 be in the
same area as last year; if not, at
Centre Island.
Mrs. W. D. Steinke is a new addi-
'tl--,lames t,. F. Belden. W. A 111•Wit. tion to the Reception Committee. She
ehnen. W. A. Campbell. D. U Wilson. is a Blyth Old Girl, daughter of
s. E. Ferguson. H. J. Hodgins. B. H.
Men -eerie L el. Pringle. J Moon. Il
Thompson. 0. It Dane. T Mustard.
:Members, :Mesdames 11eCleeth. 0*,.
!Heck, R Holme.. S. L. Seri:, -r..
Floody. Zimmer, 1M. McKenzie.
Pact president. Mr. H. M Jackson:
Charles Hamilton.
The regular meeting of the North
Side United Church was held on
Tuesday evening. February 6th, with
Jack Stevens presiding, "I need Thee
President, Dr. J. G. Ferguson: Viee, every hour;' was sung. followed by
Presidents, R. Brooks. W. E. Hama.' the Lord's prayer repeated in
W. F. Cantelon. A. G. Smith. G. M.1 unison. The minutes of the last meet-
eetChesney, Dr. B. Campbell. M. Sca.lett. ' ing were read and the roll call taken.
A. McQuarrie. I The devotional convener. Audrey
Hon. Secretary. E. Floody. Seere1- I Webster took over the meeting,
any. R. S. Sheppard; Fin. Secy. John •Sweet hour of prayer," was sung
Moon; Treasurer, Dr. H. J. Hodgins. and Vera Mole led in prayer. Audrey
Chaplain, Rev. R. C. McDermid. I Webster read a poem, after which
Auditors, H. I. elol•rish, G. E. Fer- Maxine and Alma Lawrence favored
guson. I us with a duet accompanied on the
Conveners of Committees: piano by Lois McGavin. The scripture
Reception, Mfrs. J. G. Ferguson.
Refreshment, Mrs. D. Thompson.
Programme, S. M. 'Wickens.
Publicity, E. Floody. we have in Jesus," was sung. The
Visiting, Mrs, M, H. Brown. I meeting closed with the Mizpah ben -
Chairmen of district committee: ediction.
Goderich, B. H McCreath.
Seaforth, Dr. H. J. Hodgins, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WILL
Wingham. R. Brooks.
Brussels, L. M. Pringle. I The Seaforth W.I. will meet at the
Blyth, J. Moen. I home of Mrs. Margaret Hay' on Wed -
Wroxeter and Gerrie, Geo. Besweth- nesday, Feb. 14th, at 2.30 sharp. The
was read by Gordon Keys, Psalm 141.
The topic was ably given by Audrey
Webster on prayer. "What a friend
Clinton, E. Floody.
Bayfield, J. A. Cameron.
Exeter, Dr. Byron Campbell.
roll call is a remedy for cold. A de-
bate, "Resolved that Country Life is
Healthier than City Life. A trip to
Mexico, by Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie.
Dr. J. G. Ferguson, the new presid-
ent, is a native of Morris Township,
is popular in the medical profession
pense can be incurred; all is volun-
Seaforth Branch of the Canadian
Legion have undertaken the collection
of subscriptions for this district and
ask your whole hearted assistance Institute.
and support. Mr. Geo. Beswetherick, chairman Of
Geo. D. Ferguson, Pres.; B. 0. the Hoeviek Committee, carries on 0
Muir, Sec.; A, Westcott, Trees, millinery business on Danforth ave.
Campaign Committee'— Cbairma.n, W. F. Cantelon, Clinton Old Boy,'
H. E. Smith; Assistant Sec., J. E. and Wesi End druggist, was one of
Keating; captains: Seaforth=J. M, the original members of the Aseocia-
McMillan, E. C. Boswell, Dr, J. A. tion organized its 1900.
Munn; Egmondville — Jno. Earle; I There eves general regret at the un-
Walton—W. C. Bennett; Dublin— timely passing of the ]ate Thornton
Chas. Ilistner. I Mustard, Pt'inc•ipa] of the Normal
Subscriptions may be left with any School,
of above officers; or at •any bank Mr. J. A. McLaren was absent from
branch. the meeting, while attending his
president, received a special resolu-
tion of thanks for his splendid ser-
vices during the past year.
Mr. W.. E. Hanna, vice president,
is principal of Humberside Collegiate
The Seaforth and District Minister-
ial Association will meet on Monday.
Feb. 12, at 2 pan. in the Salvation
Army Hall.
Papers will be presented by Rev.
J. R. Peters of Varna and Rev. A. W.
Gardiner of Egmondville.
All ministers in the town and virin'
ity are cordially invited to be
The C. W. L. held a successful
euchre in St. Janles' Parish hall be
Monday evening, Feb. 5. Prizes were
won as follows: Ladies' first, Mrs.
Strong. Gentlemen's first, Mr. David
Bolton. Lone bands and door prize,
both won by Mr. Barney Hildebrand.:
The proceeds amounted to 535..