HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ,, Small Kitchen Range ars cvisH7s arinqy' s e OF THE ENTIRE STOCK MEN'S COATS AND SUITS in spite of rising prices, we offer our entire stock at reductions from. 15% to 30% less than regular prices. Real values at any time. These bargains are astonishing now, SUITS $9,95 TO $14.95. COATS $9.95 to $14.95 BOYS' UNDERWEAR FLEECE COMBS. 65c FLEECE SHIRTS est MASON KNIT COMBS. _ ..., 69c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's WOOL COMBS. .. $2.25 Penman's WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS . .. 51.39 FLEECE LiNED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS . 63c DRESS SHIRTS. special . 89c.° WORK SHIRTS. warm and 69c sturdy ... .. :. . OVERALLS AND SMOCKS 10a, OFF REGULAR PRICES ...... .. .. ...._..,_ . — — Half Price — DRESSES newest of ."ode., See these for —$2.98. LOT 3 — $3.98 BOYS' CORDUROY BREEKS Reg.,2.25 for ..... • -.. $1.69 Boye' ALL WOOL SWEATERS 69c Boys' All Wool GOLF SOX .. 33c Boys' Wool WINDBREAKERS 1.49 LINED LEATHER MITTS ....49c r........ -- All Millinery LADIES' These are ell .mart Styles, hi the yourself LOT 2—$1.98. LOT 2 Ladies' and Misses' Coats Good all Wool fabrics, with and without fur trim, two year guaranteed linings. most with chamois LOT 1—$9.95 LOT 2—$11.95 LOT 3—$13.50 WOOL KNITTED SUITS, SKIRTS, AND SWEATERS 20% OFF Sewing Needs NEW SPRING PRINTS Patterns that are new in a vast assortment of designs and colors 19c BROADCLOTH, all shades ....19c BATTS 72x404 special 35c PRINT Special -36" printed taffeta for those desiring darker colors in small designs. now 23c yard KIDDIES' SNOW SUITS, 24-6 yrs. Reg. 2.95. for ..........$2.25 Special Worsted Wool Hose 29c Cashmere Hose 35c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR All Prices Greatly Reduced Staples Sheetings. Pillow Cottons, Ticking, Terry Towelling and Linens Special Prices Ladies' Flannelette Gowns s. M. L. Special 49c TOWELLING for rollers 9c yd. Linen Tea Towelling 25c yd. See These Before You Buy — It Pays HENSALL et e ri i of the 1.-n a tc lila a,: r and Hen . _ tl:.lia1 was, i rbiri,ture art: Conk ;,f Fke.er n ra ler. prayer, aere felted t Mr t r i Hr .� den Mrs. A. r' e * M... e Mr; 3. Millerf.,1r 1i r - tie Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Mande '7t den and Mr- G. Hess zontribute•ii very pleas -ng -dratr. Hope," accompanied Ile • Mi,e. Ireite Dongias. Mrs. C. L Jinks d prayer. The nresfedent. Mrs. George Hess then took the chair 1.,. the re- mainder of the program. 11-.. iseorge Hess read extraeis fre.tin the ad:kiss of Doctor 0. A. L.t' 1- t i Toronto am.: address N at the- ventic'n hell at Gait. Mrs. 'McQueen spoke ,bried,, ccunir.,zr :temper once •come PrUries to be given the best essays r , .C'-SurisIay pool. O1 rnotizet, Mrf:. Exete ant'Sr-,n dollarswill le certtrieuted from uniern .,:va 1 i. 1 f c t thron i e.. lV n ie000l.bar tort. -'.1 t),,a.5iire,iaeil ▪ 711ir well t1., tialr iteln-try were r - tali 1).:e.t: Liquor inn i tri310 ,he ':1_ea:.s ..i rete: Others were ri:eti Sl-- ( • .nsttt, Mr,, :1'.citc,r Fee, l.: 11' ddrn. Mrs. Miner-. ',Ir,. Christie. Mr: Gook. _Alcoihnli-m err inpire's wort cnemis, ~and -'. e the retreatcontributions wt can make at this tithe on Ibehalt c'f our cont y`- weliare, is to eliminate drinking and the liquor -traffic. This is the earn r -f rhe tV.0 T.U, Mrs. Hess cencludeel with a poem and the theme song, "Spirit of the Living God, was the .concluding number, Five more rmn-, fibers were added to the mall. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Will Come In'the evening the sub- ject Was The Glory of the Untaient. eel and M0 Brook delivered a very line sermon on this subject. Mrs. tDr ) Smillie sting the solo in the anthem Ashamed of Jester " Bow. Wnr. Weir, B.A. conducted services in Carmel Church on Sun- day which were largely attended. The choir sang two beautiful anthems, -"Praise the Lord for He Is Great," and "Blessed Is the Mau." Mrs. W. A. MacLaren was soloist, The sacrament of .the Lor'd's supper will be dispens- ed at the morning service next Sab- bath. -Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening at S o'clock, • Dr. Harry S. Thompson, represen- tative of the Canadian Dental Hygiene Council, gave an informative address on "The Dental Health Educatimr Program" to the pupils of the High School last week. Mr. Harold Bonthron spent Tues- day with his relatives in Hanover, He was .accompanied hone by his grandmother, Mrs. Youngblut, who will visit here for some time. A sleigh load of the former neigh- bors of Mr. and Mos. Geo. Walker of the second concession of Tucker - smith, gathered at their home on Fri- day in honor of their • son. Donald. who left 00 Monday for Toronto where he will train for overseas sen Fite in the war. A very pleasant ev- ening was spentin games and dainty refreshments served, A - handsome hooked mat is on dis- play in the dry goods store window of Mr. W. O. Goodwin which was trade by Mrs. F. G. Bonthron and tickets are for sale on the same tinder the auspices of the Canadian Legion, pro- seeds for Red Cross benefit• -Mrs. Geo. Gould of Clinton visited last week at the home of her parents. Mr, and 1lrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. Douglas Sangster has accepted the position at the C.N.R. •station made vacant by Mr, Donald Walker, wlio left on. Monday for Toronto. drs. Wirr \1' --ail 'i.ited her rr 4i',<x ^rmorial Ho.ni:al. Tr. t "di r 'ill nicely. Re -v. 1 Mrs. i t it ,pent Thers- i l' .n .::....'• . . ul Mrs. Bailey of ri t t .. e?t-+•ri home with them.. ,i'e:I3n ii. youngest si111 of ell.. and Mrs. Vern Ih'rlden reunited nr Frorti Fro:Memorial Hospital ire he had t a fete days owing ntlun'e n i t, r.nprovitig nicely. 110 s Kay Drysdale is attending the mess eollege at Clinton. Mrs, Dct d r1 of North Morning - at., rr- son Mr. 1F. R Da - Miss Dorothy Johns returned home • t o n and Mrs. Davidson. Mr. Iran K re: and 1Mr. Douglas on Friday after visiting for about Sangster .pent a •:cttlp'.e of days in two weeks with her sister Mrs. Fred Windsor dsor and Detroit last week. Long at Atwood. Mr. and Mr-. Eine Flynn of Lon, DUBLIN 110, IToseph Hickey has returned to his home from tit Joseph's Hospital, London. His condition, however, is still vera serious. Mr, Hickey is wide- ly 'known 'having been the hail car- rier for route No, one for more than a decade. Mire. Louis Dillon, who had :been dangerously 111 :with pneumonia is convalescing. The funeral or Mrs. Frank Meagh- er, life long resident of Dublin. was held at St. Patrick's Church :here on Wednesday, with internment in the SI. Patrick's cemetery. Funeral of Mrs. Margaret Meagher.— A large .group of relatives and friends assembled to pay a final trib- ute to Mrs. Margaret Meagher, nvhose funeral was held at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on 'Wednesday nloe- ning. Requiem Mass -was sung 'by Rev. Dr. Fotvtkes and Miss ,Mary Beale presided at the organ. 'Ml's. Meagher, who was in her seventy- fifth year. spent her entire life in the svrrannding district• being a native of bleKillop township and after her mar- riage to Frank Meagher lived in Log- an township until they retired to Dub- lin about twenty years tun. She :was devoted to her family and had- a i'beeriul ;tersonality. Many spiritual „tTerino10-titled to the esteem in which ,lie. ',ca. heli:: She ie eurviF-eci by one son, John F., Logan township, three daughters. Mrs. Carl Stapleton, Dtthlin: Mrs. 'Camilla Schamttuer and Miss Clara at 'home. and one sister, Mrs. Tames Hughes, Detroit, and fire brothers. William Flannery, Tucker- smith; Patrick Flannery, St. Colum - ban: Terry, 1'eKi'llop: John, Seaforth, and 'James, Detroit. The {pallbearers were six nephews, John Flannery. Seaforth; John Flannery, Dublin; John Flannery, St. Colmnhan: Joseph Flannery, Seaforth; Harold Flannery. Detroit and James Hughes, Seaforth. Interment was made in St. Patrick's cemetery, Dublin. GODERICH TOWNSHIP John Blackwood.— After a gallant fight for his life, John Blackwood, aged ninety-four years, died on Wednesday afternoon. in Alexandra Hospital, Godericb. On Monday morning he underwent an operation for gangrene, his leg being amputated at the hip, Mr. Blackwood resided with his daughter, Mrs, Thos, Boyd, on the fourth concession o. Goder'ich township. He led a very ac- tive life and until two weeks ago was up and out at the daily chores an the farm where 11e resided. He leaves to mourn his loss three sons and three daughters. William of Kitchener; Al- bert of Matheson: Stanley, Beams- -dile: Misses Elizabeth and Kathleen of Toronto and Mrs. Thomas Boyd of Goderich township with whom he had made` his home for the past eight years. Two sons made the Supreme Sacrifice in the Great Wal': Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Lane in Goderieh and Rev. 0. Smith in Toronto. Interment took place in Scarboro cemetery. Reception Held.— On Monday afternoon, January 29, Rev. anti Mrs. Win. Weir. who recent- ly were welcomed to Carmel Fresh), terian manse held a reception for the members of the congregation. The happy event took place in the manse which has been re -decorated through- out. The many guests were welcomer: by Mrs. J. A. Patterson and were pre- sented to the minister and his wife by Mrs, Franlc Farquhar, president of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. J. W. Bouthron introduced the guests to the mothers of lir, and Mrs. Weir, namely, Mrs. Fred G. Weir, and Mrs. David R. Bail- ey, who is a visitor from Huntsville. After enjoying a brief visit in the parlor the guests were taken to the dining room where Mrs. H. Arnold presided at the tea table which was delightfully decorated with spring flowers. Tea was served by Mesdames W. A. Mackerel), Geo. Walker and A. Logan who were assisted by Miss Lillian Fulton and Mrs, A. D. Mc- Ewen. The newly decorated manse wa. shown to the guests by Mrs, W R. Davidson and Mrs. R. J. Cameron, In the evening Mrs. P. A, Manson poured tea and lunch was served by 'Misses Irene Hoggarth, Helen Moir, Hannah Murray. This pleasing event enabled Rev. and Mrs. Weir to sleet their congregation and also gave the members an opportunity to see the many improvements that have been made to the Manse. The members of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church and their friends. held a r1•okirrole party atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell. A most en- joyable time was spent, with a large attendance. The following were the prize winters: Men's first. Alvin Dell, Ladies' first, Helen Moir. Men's consolation. Frank Wright. Ladies' consolation, Helen Dick. Conic slips of paper were drawn for partner. The following were the prizes for the favorite comic character, Margaret Sangster, Mr. W. R. Davidson. A dain- ty lunch was served consisting of beans. rolls. hot coffee and cake. ELIMVILLE i n :pent Ise week curl at the ihnmr About two dozen men of this com- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. munity held a wood bee for Mr. T• a.. Parkin.. Bruce Cooper in his bush last Thttrs- Mr.. Harold c.k and daughter Clay afternoon. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Roland Williams and daughter Onah are improving after their bad colds. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whitlock and bliss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas were visitors on Tuesday of last week with Mrs. P. Whitlock and Mrs. R. Dennison, The W.A. held a pot luck supper in the basement of the church last Thursday evening. About forty were present. An enjoyable Bobbie Burns program was given. e:r :a have returned home alter • en lin: several vhonths at the form- er in Buffalo. S:Y. hlr. H. 0Da _n an returned home Sunday after _pending the past n- ee months . Phoenix. Arizona. .Mr. and 1.. • t Prier and family •.t on Sunday with -n '1 d M Vera- Heiden.. Mr. s,:l Mrs. Alfred 1{trnkin of .lies Roo', visited ,-n Monday Mr MriS. h • \]acLaren. anti 1Tr-. erne Smith of Ex- itedor. r,0111 irulav the lilt-. :'. ther. - .. \sial:: 'auntler- Edith i'^,.rk;n. of Exciter -petit ,vse c d 1.1 the home of cher par - _,:t,. Mfr. and `Ir-. Jas. Parkins, 'Mrs.'Win. Dabs- was visited rec- ently 'oc her son-in-law, Mr. G. Statt- hitz and little .laughter, Marie, of De- b it.. • The annual congregational meeting of the United Church twill be held in the school room of the .church on Wednesday evening, January '301st, Mr. and Mrs. Gus 'Voth of Detroit spent the week end at the 'home of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. 'Rob't. Bonthron. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Kaiser of De- troit spent the -week end at the home of rhe former's •parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. M'essr- Milton and Lloyd iOrtwein of 'London visited over theoweek end with the 'former's .parents. Mn, and Mrs. J. W. 15rtwein, Mr. John ,M'urray of Minnesota is visiting With his brother, Mr. Peter Murray and •other eelati-yes. .Mr. and Mrs. - John Farquhar and :babe visited on Sunday with relatives in Exeter. Mrs. Rumiiball of Clinton is visiting with Mr. and ifr:s. Sam Rennie. At the morning service in the 'Unit- ed Church, Rev. R. A: Brook` spoke on "The Snow," for his subject and the choir"sang an -aritherM''"Thei Lord Hockey Game.— In. a lopsided game played at Hen sail on Wednesday evening, 1J'an. 2141b, Mensal] walloped Lucan 37 -to 11i to take the leacier,ihip in the Cyclone league. Hensall scores were Hudson 1, K. Passmore 3, Rintoui 1, Fairbairn 1, Nicho'lscn 1. C. Paul scored the lone Liman counter. Referee, L. O '- P,irien; linesman, Reeve 5ihaddi:cik. Miss Emma Johnston and Miss Minnie Reid left for a- trip to Florida on Friday, Mrs. Kerslake and young son arriv- ed home from Scott ,Memorial Hosp- ital on Thursday. Mr.s. Bailey of Huntsville, is visit- ing at the manse the guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Rev. and RADIOS WE HAVE A FULL RANGE OF ELECTRIC MODELS DeForest. General Electric and Sparton from $15.95 up BATTERY SETS As low as 526.95 (4 tubes) and $34,95 (five tubesl. RADIO TUBES Expert Repair Work Locomotive Washers, Ger.-'ra1 Electric and Coffield Electric Washers Electric Sewing Machines -3 hoar tiful models on display SEE US BEFORE BUYING ENOS BOSHART Phone 75, Seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1940 The Town, will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1940 "HOME KILLED QUALITY MEATS" Finnigan's fine selection of high class tender, julcy meats, is due to the expert feeding of the farmers in our community. Quality is all in the feeding Choice Round or Sirloin Steak 25c 1b. Head Cheese 18c ib Schnieder's Special Back Bacon • 32c Ib Choice Pot Roasts of Beef 22c Ib Pure Lard 2 ib. 25c Bologna, 2 Ib. 35c SPECIAL—Clean Salt 2 cwt. 1.19 SPECIAL— Quality Guaranteed Dominion Reds, Apples Good cookers ...per bus 51.00 Special—Taylor Soap Flakes 5 lbs. 35o McIntosh Red Apples 'basket .. ... 25c 40-150 Prunes, per lb.15c Steel 'Ctet Macaroni, lb , ..,6c "WE SPECIALIZE IN COOKED MEATS" Quality Overalls, 9 ox. ....$2.00 Special—Smocks „ .'.....$1,40 Heavy Plaid Shirts $1.35 Yarn (a11 colors), Tb 51.35 Heavy Flannel Shirts . , . 4^1.00 Deacon Plaid Shirts 1.15 Men's All Wool Socks 25c -49c Ladies' Part Wool Hose ...39c Ladies' Cotton Hose 20c Ladies' Silk Hose 25c -98c English Terry Towelling yd 35c Comforter Batts 39c Flannelette 20c, 25c yd. Irish Linen Towelling yd. .,.... .... .'18c, 35c Rubbers — Rubber Boots — insoles — Goloshes AUCTION SALE (•c:ntmunity Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables. Sea1'nrtb, every Friday e ows, feeder rattle. young valves. pigs. poultry, itn•nittre and veget- ables. Bring in anything you have to er 11. Bates are reasonable. Honer Hunt, Manager, phone 952.12 Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. PROPERTY FOR SALE in the village of Blyth. To close the estate of the late Catharine Mc- Millan. Building 4'x60'. 2 stores, 2 apartments. Hydraulic water system. Garage, barn. Very suitable for feed and produce business, also cold stor- age. A goad opportunity for the right man. Communicate with W. G. Mc- Millan, 429 Burbrook P1.. London, Ont. PIGS FOR SALE Six sucking pig. 6 weeks old. Large and fat. Ernest Pollock, Bayfield Road S.. 2 miles west of Verne, south side of road. • FOR SALE Chevrolet and Eseex !Tont and rear axles- twith Spa in s I for 5 tries and tubes 23.3' time 21.451+ with tubes: Aho s- i5 .ether harts for Ch v and Essex eays. .Also baby ':arriage and basiurt aa' eevellent ,'nmditi0n, Apply , ;beck V (l.-,mt. Het_sail. Y..R _ . _ 0 1. west of ltippen 1. TENDERS WANTED .Coe r yards of .'7" .c.diy :Food. half 0:elide and halt ._.®lir -cr S.S. No. 5. Tnekersnritlt. Tenders 1.i.e in by Feb,eth. Wood t0 3 arliwired Ma .1. 1st. High :t1. he'siley, Sec: Tose... R.R. 4. Seaiorth, On?. NOTICE Registered Yorkshire hog 301' ser• vice. This is a specialy well bred frog. Terms 5.1 cash. James E. Sloan. lot 10. con. 7, McKillop. Mrs. Biggs I.? your husband in- telligent when it eonlEt tt an argu- ment?.' Mrs. Boggs—"Oh. yes he never starts one with me." ELMER D. BELL, B.A„ Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.n1, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE Queen Incubator, 1000 egg capacity, with oil burner in good working order. R. J. Kruse, R. R. 3, Seaforth. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for 12 cords of 14 inch. hard body wood, maple and beech, delivered at S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith. Tenders to be in by Feb. 15th. Norris Siilery, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Seaforth. February Sale SENSATION FAMOUS FIRECO RANGE Reg. 99 315....Sale Price 585.65 1 only Small Kitchen Range Reg. 22(t..,..Sale Price 526.01) 2 only Quebec Range. large size oven Reg. 24.50....Sale Price 621.00. 1 only ,1 All Enamel New Type Range Reg. 78.00.... Sale Price 561.50 4 only Medium Size Quebec Heater Reg. 16.00.... Sale Price 12.76: Heavy Brick Lining No repeats—only stock on display and on order at these sensational savings. It will pay you to see these at your first opportunity A. ZIMMERMAN Above MacDonald Bakery Main St., Seaforth FOR SALE Cream separator in good condition, rated rapacity 450 to 500 lbs. per hem. Priced reasonably. Wm. -Rut- :edge. Seaforth. R.R.2. Phone Clinton '116.2. RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC, Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. s0% less than retail, Write fol' nail -order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Out. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE We have installed a Concentrate{ Mixer and a Corn Cracker and are now in a position to serve you effici- ently in this manner, as well as do your Chopping and Rolling. Open everyday. Louis Eberhart and Com- pany. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and o, 18th Concession Toxin - ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to Miss Jean Turner, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed Ill first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w J. A. BURKE .FUNERAL SERVICE Dublin — Ont. • Night or Day Calls Phone 43r10 STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES Fall & Winter Time Table Levee Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8A0 a.m, and 5,25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and bol 1.26 p.m. and 8,10 p.m. Sun. and hol.. 1.25- p.m. end 10.20 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, tintfalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock. Weodstoek Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House CASH FOR DEAD ANIMALS HORSES, CATTLE, $2.00 PER HEAD Small Animals Removed Free PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.