HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-01, Page 6PAGE SIX
Yi !
sv'' lar.
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tr ry :�, r t ing 1 gees
madi tit
'She visited -t- -ter [anis..
sinclL...n c t r takingly.
"To punish, !iarvingtords
.ereoseberry eye nearly :ell out of bit
head. 'And what e 1 done
Lambert Wert 1 Shed and _shrugged rugged his
shoulders. Ir .e of this denst
=zct n -sea Maaosaible to d CAC
,n - +a.. He dismissed the subject
1'1 t ns dist not
.ems e '.a Garving-
- .. •._ -l. ately
,:attrg (Th i ee. .roc, stood pia si .-:.y
rie,1:171teir 7.
t i
rpite-- - h-r.c., _ -
ooiver with • whicir you shot Pine on
"1 only winged hire.'crier_ 4.
rane1;•, ''The -e
. l , 1•61trc -
It of l.icd.
when doing ..-,led out
•1Lltiter1(1 1...1F• '1... -e. .. :h'_ t,
411 :1 arre1 •< •+hithe -
saal she
,. r17'IL'w: r, tar:ed. his =O -Or .,
cc•'d 51.4 ht -,14ee l . 11 3:0
..st'- r..lisii3, 'T ha
pistol w hien tht LTt.-3 .':n rye ;-
he repeated o -.':y anti 'ac L
ing ,t(11,i'd-• you give m.
nue, \,r.1•'
'11 gave v rope in a cast.''
answered Lambert without mention-
ing the data of the _present. "and if
this fnullrt fits the ,,Fie you used--
sed- 'will prone nothing." interrupt-
ed the other hurriedly. and with
restless movement. 1 fired iron;
the doorstep, and rriy "onllet, after
-breaking Pine's arm, must have van-
ishers into the !beyond. The -shot-
-:notwhich billed trim e -a' fired from the
shrubbery. and it '.s. quite easy to'
guess how it pd -sed 'through Sail and
hnrierl itself in 1110 tree w!hieli
the line .11 fire,'
°I '.writ t, see the T •1141-..`
Lambert insistently, anfl this .1:111.
Chal l ea 31, kcrl at l:it: es-onderiira
why 'he was r n:Kis- t- to cOrfier_r4
"Oh, 'very well," snapped Garrino-
tori. with some reluctance. and walk-
ed toward alle :door. There he paus-
ed. and evidently :awaited 'le arrive at
some conclusion, the nature re .which
his cousin could not guess.
very veil;' he :Said again, and left the
are it fool, as
," said Chal.clea
wish it. hang vour-
that i shall gin•
Tell rate, C'hal-
.013000 that 1 ate
:le ..girl positively.
married me J should
-e•r ,
11 .0 t
:111 dya . saved
• 1., - reply lly tit. retnlrn
•;r,'ll 1 , ,+'t„ trotted in to lay
Antirogany case on the table. Open -
this. he took 0,ft a small revolver
beautiful .+, . knlalls3lip, Cha•ldea,
',.eerate':y 5a\i, ns to 'brim; !tonic.
'n • crime to L.em•hert, :}tastily :snatch-
,:,: the weapon from the little man's
nand and slipped the lbullet into one
-the chambers It fitted --making
allowance • for its battered condition -
precisely. She uttered a cry of tri-
:lmph "Se you did shoot the
many. my 'bola one," was her -vic-
torious speech.
-Bet-wise the r lliet lits the barrel ,1f
I girt- tr, lite cousin some
hr 111f,11in. Igo?" he inquired,
1,4110x'.' „ac .ill. "Twelve months
._ she e l',,td greatly disappoint
'Yes, as Lard iiarvington can
-„e:. to. .o : could not have used
weapon 1431 :hat right, you see.'
uses. it," i:r ry ington admitted
't :+ enough. .\nit winged Pine "
tl .. 1 i .1,4V( roll a brace
1.e.-. the .sant make. The
, n l•i .4,1,37d [1: one- :U it tines
• .1'111, r. 1 sec there. is
. '1\ 1,rsre i, the
. hen cd and he
ergs "1 1011' it to Sii-
••••• ;1114 tad -
• 1<ce„t1711 toe
. 11 ' hnrre,eed it
. 'al s e in :cared burg -
en.' n;ler t coolly, and
1 ..,f relief, for este
:n, .,ad been peat, "the inference
- 31s. Silver shot Ibubert Pine."
..Bene fn sates bukko!" swore4Cha1-
ne 'i,1l,- Mat she ,wished the de -
u1 one's holy. And she
y 011,111 O. 1101 1110 said, and
little .0011 ' , of the two Wren's in-
t. Na, . ;u;.ieil liy the enemy of
Fir!. <iuc •he hated 'both, The
was disappointed to think that
`-':lrlilert should rs•eftpe front her
..are. and enraged that. Garvirngton'..
r.'10111 11 of one revolver and :his
----tifession that Siiver had 'the other
retitled to this, end. "\fay the pair of
sou limn 1n .tell," she cried, taking to
sifiglish, so that they could under-
stand the insult. "Ashes may you be
rile Crooked One's furnace."
l.amnert shruc.:ed his shoulders, as
ie finite nuderstood her feelings, and
did not intend to lowed himself by
correcting her. He addressed himself
his cousin and turned his back 011
the -gypsy. "Silver shot Hubert Pine,"
:,Fie repeated. with his eyes nn Gary-
ington's craven face.
"It's impossible --impossible!" re-
rrunrned the other hurriedly. "Silver
seri shut up in tate 'house with the
rest I s40 ul the windows and doors
myself, along with the butler and
footmen. 'At the inquest-"
"Never mind about the inquest. I
kno 0 what .l:il said there, and I atm
new beginnin . -tri see why you said
"What the devil do /nu mean?'
I meat,:" slated- the other, staring
"nard at biro, tint you knew Silver
was cu icy when the innaest • took
,place, 1+1,screened ,,l -r1 for Saint rc-a-
son." •
"I didn't knwu;-1 swear I didn't.
know!" tnttere(1.:Garvinaon, ,sinning
his heated face• and -witch his lower lip
"You must have done so," replied
Lambert relentlessly. "This !rachet
will fit lboth revolvers I :gave you,
Obi a, y;1i1 ,passed on one 30 Si1t"cr•-i"
"Rubbish! ' Bosh! Nonsensel'° •ha'btbl-
Office - Commercial Hotel
Electro Therapist - Massage
Hours -Mon. and Thurs, after-
noons and by appointment.
by manipulation -Sun -ray
Phone 227.
ed the little ratan incoherently. 'il'hti!
roe'brouleht the ,bullet I never knew
that it would fit the revolver."
This was true, as Lambert admit-
ted. However, he saw that Garvin;g-
:on was afraid for sone` reason, and
pressed ht, advantage. 'NNorr that yon
ee how it tits, yogi nnnst :he aware
that it could only have been tired
'rob the revolver which. yon gave
"I don't see that,'" protested Grarv-
in•._ton. "That 'bullet may fit many re
Lambert -.hook his head, "I don't
1itfnk so. i hall that brace of revolvers
especially Manufactured. and the
make is nvcttliar, i ant gatite rare-narrd
to wear that the bullet would fit no
:ether nwt'agcn. And -and" -he bosh -
:tied, then faced the girl. wh,lingers
i 111 on and 1i:,appointed "You can
iia le:1, said 1,anlhert, ,pointing
tr. true French window- of the library.
wh!cit -A as wide open.
I'he c; y sauntered' t owar,l i1,
clutching iter sha01'1 and 'gritting her
white teeth together. ',D11, 1 go my
ways, my rye, ibnt I have not done
,with yon ret. may the 'big devil rack
my bones if I have. You win to -day
-1 win to-mourow and so good day
to you, and,curses on you for a 'had
one, The devil is a nice :character-
and that's you!" she screamed, be-
side herself with rage, "The pure
,heng is a fino mit 'h, if you will have
the •kale jib!" and with a wild cry
worthy of a banshee she diisappeared
and w,as .cern ,running unsteadily ae-
ro.a the lawn, Lambert shrugged his
,boulders again and turned to his mis-
erable cousin who had •sat down with
(logitd took on his fat fare. "1 have
got rid of her 'hecause I wish to save
the family name from disgrace,"
said Lambert quietly.
"'!'here i, no disgrace on my part.
Remember to 4011,1111 yon are sneak-
"I do. I speak to the head of the
family. worse luck! You have done
your best to trail our name in the
mad. Von altered a check which Pine
*ave' you so as to ,.et more money:
you forged his name to a mortgage-"
"I.4•s, lies, the lies of ititesr"
screamed 1,itrvington, jt1110ring an and
shaking 'tis list in play anger, "The
•eak ^1rouerly ,vi me 'life. r•r 1'11
your fleck," said Lambert
sharply.' \.t'., what she told inc lac.
Ing lie,. it is only too Irne, as yon
know. I read the letter you orotc
,messing that you had lured Pine
stere 1,, he shot by telling sral-chards
a1uerl .\ :rtes and rte." _.
only hired hint to ¢e: his arta
hrekc•n so that I might nur-e liian
when he was 319 and get some money,"
growled (iarvington, sitting down
"1 am well aware of what you slid
and how yon did it. But yon gave that
Forged 'letter to Silver SO that it
mizllt he passed on to Pine."
"I didn't! 1 didn't! 1 didn't!"
"Veiti did. And hecanse Silver knew
ton much you gave him the Abbot's
'Wood Cottage at a 'cheap rent. or at
no rent at all. To be quite plain, Gar-
'vington, yon conspired -with Silver to
have Pine kilted:'
"Winged ---only winged. I tell you.
I never shot him."
"Your accomplice did."
"He's not my accomplice. He was
in the house -everything Ilea. locker!
"1ly you," said Lambert quiolely.
"So it was easy ,for iyou to leave a
vinde•w Unfastened, so that Shiver
might get outside and hide in the
"10911" 1;arvingem jmimed Yui:
:rain, looking 'both pale and wicked,
"Von want, to put :a rope round my
tack, curse you."
"That a nte'lodrainatic speech
\+9110h is not true," replied the other
coldly. "For I want to save you, or,
rather, our name; from disgrace. I
won't call in the police"-1Garvingtom
winced at this sword -"because '1 'wish
to hu !t the natter up. Bart since
Chaldea and Silver accuse ane and
accuse 1.gnes Of getting rid of Pine
so that we might marry, it is neces-
sary that I s:h•intld learn the exact
"I don't know it, 1 know nothing;
more than I have con.fessed,"
"You are such a liar that 1 can't
believe you. However. I shall go at
once to Silver arid you shall empe
with rte,"
"1 shan't!" t,ar,iegton. ,vho was
overfed anti 'flahny and getable to
hold his own against a determined
pian, settled hits c11'in his i•hair and
looked as obstinate as a battery
••t rho y e., , 0a 0.111. ydu 13ftle
-.\\'urs" said- 1.a111he11 ircc•zingly concis
'l1ra dare you call 100 names
`Nantes! If 1 :ailed you those you
deserved I should hare to annex the
toc:thnlary 'of a Texan mule driver.
How such a beast as you ever got
into the family I e.nt't. C.MCC3V1.
"1 am the head of the fancily and I
order you to leave the room,"
"Oh. on 10, do you? Very good.
Then 1 go straight to \\ anhury and
shall tell what I hove discovered to
Inspector Darby."
"No! No! No! No!" Garvington,
cornered at last :sprang from his
,chair and made for his cousin with
unsteady legs. -It might 'be unpleas-
"1 daresay -to you. Well, will you
come with me to Abbot's 'Wood?"
"Yes," whimpered Garviirgtot.
"Wait till I gel sty cap and stick,
stirse you, for an interfering beast.
You don't know what you're doing."
(To he continued.)
(Continued from Page two)
up this matter, yet he sunmlg has iete11
nr.1d4, 3.5. No. 3 }idlest tKinhurn1
seemed 1a11(1 last spring' and hate
their tr e already 1':toted vhlflt rr„1
other '0111.ns, \,r.• 11 coolerirlt •413,1
2', No. LI Hay and Stephen, have
purrha,ed plots and w 1 set them outt
21 1„rest tree, this year. No donfit,
the present intern dnhl to ati,;i1 s ,.
interfere lith the progress "if this
project, hat it i_- intended t • keels it
before the school arr!s,
flit• ,11..
11111 „ltd to firsts ., .!':'tion :,, tido,:
T., errs. 11 •.tor ?1 + ,. .:1111ti114-
tre'e's :011.1 also to morale t 1,
01•11 •-: s, ^itr King and
e,..111 r;.•., 1.:1:711 1111-.1411 rat
the 411(1 '.rho, s -.':o ,-i May sun -
p11,,1 with .1-,e tree, , 11n1tiee a.
home, 3'11,•,4 trevs i,r.1n fit from
Saint \\ i'iant-. thren.fit tilt• en
:3111411thr -a r, :ri:nral - advisor
ntnntit tn•y
. '14 •1111 trucks and
icer, 1 1.0 t',N11,,.',,7/..7 sAilCre
ACM' 14,:1rer1 i1', 1110 i11!icidnal ,-4'110,51
: eet.inn,, thins avoiding any ev lett.e to
the schools i0 r'nal.n,i_ the tree;. \1y
inquiries in the school Iasi - term in-
dirtate that the ;midi, planted the trees
and in most cases art :giving the r.,
reasonable rare, sr 11121 an interest ttt
reforestation should roe itncuicated. in
Fie moas111r at It,1.1.. an101.g the
gritwing generation. 1 this can '1,-
h'a!ned.'the• future of reforestation in
41ti1 county need occasion nU mi 314-
The greater n1 tlority of the trtl-tee
boards are no40 realizing 111 necessity
for keeping the school -3.0i •lerty in
acrd condition, and are willing to
carry out the suggestions •rat le for
3011411 einem -. As an indication of
117'fact, 1\ :h . four 1.'11.4- in
Ht::cr 11+14-1°', 14(1 inti -1c 'n11et.
121.t.11411 daring last wars two ,tiers.
one being the 702.1h school :re•1 the
-alter No. 7 1- shortie, had -der1
flush toilet +10111installed. 11 n"t
he of hoer st ',1 ,n., •"t,-," of ''u- 7
rural schools in kaporafion 514 now
have inside toilets ,of an approved
-1)11)0, A nevi; steam Cheating ,system
eyes installed in the 1Jas'bwood PNB-
lic .School last summer at a cost of ap-
proximately $28100, putting 11110 accom-
modations in this school in excellent
-condition. The interiors of len rural
schools ,we•e painted, new •we'll, were
dug in several instances, lights ins'tal-
led hi a number of cases, and in gen-
eral a cammendalb'1e amount -of main-
tenance and repair •+work carried tat
The urban 'board•-. too ,deserve tredi
for providing better auconrmodaltio
for their :pupils each year, and in th
case of Goderich and Clinton •P:ulbli
Schools 1 e -the -matter '
f r securing a e tx' f ecuriug nrdiv
ideal desks received :special attentio
last year.
Attention to the teaching -of voca
,music in the school continues to 3)
given and this subject is our a reg-
ula•r feature of the work of all schools
In all but a few shools special ntntsi
supervisors employedand in genera
coed results are being gbtained. Th
improvement i1) the .singing in mosschools front year it year is quote a.!
parent Two music -festivals were hal
again last year, at Exeter and Clinton
;end three se Inn: were necessary 1
each case to ,permit all pupils takin:
!cart- to bt heard. The object of 4111•-.t
festivals is to permit the ratepayer
and -parents to ser the work that i
being done in •1111011' in the school
and t stimulate tilt'rest in the 01111
j,•11. \11 sessions a4 re well attencle,
and the singine- c.3 airs 11i141rtn Iva
.014111114 comme led ley Mr, A, \W
Quints, supervisor of music for Ili
31.nndoll schools. '.rh0. t services 11a
14021131 •ai, secnrod adjudicator ie,r th
up•to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
n equipment,
Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, M.D.,
f L.A.B,P., Specialist in Diseases in
e Infants and Children, will be at the
1 Clinic last Thursday in every month
e from 3 to 6 p.m.
1 ( Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
e Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
'1 Throat, 10111 be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
n j Free well -baby clinic will be held
g on the second and last Thursday in
e every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Dr, E. A, MoMaster, M,B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
3, D. Colgtthoun, M.D., 0.11,, Grad-
uate of Dalhousie University, I'Ialifax.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
e complete and modern x-ray and ether
Physician and Surgeon
• 1 In Dr, H. H. Boss' office, Phone 5 J
• W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Phone 90•W. Office John
' fins HighSchool elf 0110 exatililla
lion wa held innler the revised t ;nI
alioll last year in accordance -will
'17311 the number :f papers to 1
written has heen materially decreased
The lour papers note crit ten: 'hn•rr_
ever, were found t , sht .sufficient for
411e entrance :hoards to determine the
capabilities of the candidates and not
only minimized elle 1s train on the nttp-
ls but
as we11 decreased the cost of
conducting the examinations. There
were 336 candidates last year, of
0111,111 295, or SS Fier cent, were 01.10C-
es,ful. Di the successful ful candidate:
61 ear cent 'were passed on recom-
mendation without the necessity of
writing the Departmental high school
entrance examination, this percentage
being practically, the same as colder
the former regulations. It is worthy
of note that a greater number than
ever of the successful candidates are
contl iiltig their education at a sec-
ondary school or in fifth classes, only
54 pupils out of 205, m' 13 per cent.
being reported as stopping school..
This 3s the smallest percentage stop-
ping school of which I have record in
this area and bears out the assertion
previously blade that parents are
now more comeet•r,ed than ever with
their children severing an advanced
Now regulations governing school
fairs were put into effect last year
which co-ordinated the work now be-
ing clone in the eehools with the
school fair program. An objection to
the fairs pr,winn ly had been that
pupils sometimes w c:re said to receive
assistance at home; this has now
14' "•n nvr.rennt ly ?101311110 the prize
list to produce actually grown on they
tome farm. suc•}? asVeg(-
11:1, 40 01,,, irtit live stork.
4 -1111ry. 0te.: ;.1:1 11111: rating 01011
e1.1isos as baking. sewing. and Ilan
11.3 arts. To replant- these classes.
each sehaoi was, required to slake 1,
;iisplay rat tin - work done in the school
ray lne pupils: these displays were e13-
('0114llt 111 most eases and drew 21111th
favorable eoltf:nsnt. In addition 10 the
TWO fairs formerly held tat IlensaIl and
Grand Rend, the Goderieb Township
Pair was revived last year, with all
ten .schools in the township partici-
pating. All fairs were well attended
and good interest was taken in them
both by the pupils and the public
generally. It is felt that the new regu-
lations have greatly improved the
school fairs anti that their education-
al value Inas revere been as great as
last year. It is hoped to organize one
or more additional fairs in the dis-
trict during the present year.
The teachers' convention last year
was organized on a somewhat differ-
ent basis than previously. For one
day, the South Huron teachers joined
with ten other districts in a group
conference at London at which over
1500 teachers were present and where
addresses were given by leaders in
the field of education. For the
second day, I met the teachers in
small groups and discussions were
held relative to the improvement of
the instruction in the schools.
0cnd es the names of your visitors
English Youngsters Geer Canadian Troops
assed;by Censor - - Courtesy Canadian Racine.
With the first Canadian division down to bard work in England route marching Isla in 'n •
p Y g o mean part
in the training schedule. The illustration shows one,of the Canadian Scottish battalions swinging along,.
the smiles no,doubt being due; to the warmth of English welcome and in anticipation of the evening tea.
Physician and Surgeon. Late of
Loudon Hospital, London, England,
Special attention to diseases of the
eye, ear, nose and throat, Office and
residence behind Dominion Bank, Of -4
face Phone No. 5; Residence Phone
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and .Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic Bret.
Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 257,
London, Ontario
Graduate Toronto University
Licentiate of American Board of Pedt-
atries, Diseases of Children
At Seaforth Clinic, last Thursday af-
ternoon, each month.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed
F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction•
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application,
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office,
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect•
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance (o0
President, Thomas Moylan, Sea -
forth; Vice President, William Knox.
Londesboro; Secretary Treasurer,
M. A, Reid, Seaforth,
F. McKeroher, R•,R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R,Rt1, Brucefteld; E. R. (3,
Jarmouth, )3rodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; • C. le. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Wm. Yeo, Holmesville,
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No, 3;
James Sholdiee, Walton; Wm..IKnox,
Londesboro; George Leonhard!; Born-
holm No. 1; Frank MacGregor, Clin-
ton No, 5; James Connolly, Goderich;
Alex. Mol7wing, Blyth No. 1; 911omas
Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. It.
Archibald, Seaforth No. 4.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
ar transact other business,' will be
promptly attended to by applications'
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective newt -
offices. -