HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-02-01, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1940
February 1 to Feb. 711)
RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz..... per jar 25c
GOLDEN CORN, 17 oz 2 tins 17c
PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. 2 tins 1 9C
(60 to lb.) PER LB. c"
PRUNES, New 2 lbs. 25c
PEA SOUP, Large per tin 100
2 LBS.
Woodbury's Facial Soap, 3 cakes --23e; .., 1 cake -1c; ...4 cakes 24c
Five Roses Flour 7s -30c; 24s 89c
Catelii's Cooked Macaroni Dinner per tin 11c
Ovaltine, small— 38c; Medium -58c; large 98c
Pearl White Naptha Soap 6 bars 250
Hawes Lemon 011 6 oz. -15c; 12 oz. 23c
Keen's Mustard 14e-270; dyes 49c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkg. and Glass Bowl for 25c
Christle's Premium Soda Biscuits, 5a/4 oz. pe`r pkg. 10c
Lipton's Tea, Red Label yes per pkg. 33c
Fluted GLASS _llitui :'.
BOWL only 1, ,1 %
wft i Y large package's 8orN wRl•
Now Large 2 for Bar
Med, ear
. , ..4 for 25c
Castte Floor Wax, Is la 25c
Brunswick Sardines
2 tins 11c
Pure Clover Honey 2a -23c; 4s 40c
Loose Soap Chips 3 lbs. 25c
Aylmer Chili Sauce, 12 oz. per btl. 15c
Crother'e Peppermint Chocolate Wafers, 16 oz. per box 29c
Newport Fluffs, 16 oz. bag and Glass Tumbler for 25c
Grape Nuts per pkg. 15c
Peanut Butter, 3 Star 24 oz. per jar 23c
Shirriff's Pure Vanilla, ire oz. per btl. 19c
Blueberries, Golden Diamond per tin 11c
Big Five Cleanser per tin 5c
Blue Boy Coffee, is per lb. 35c
2 tins 21c
2 for 25c
per jar 23e
per lb. 19c
per Ib. 19c
9 lbs. 17c
3 roils 25c
per lb. 31c
Bruce's Grape Fruit Juice, 20 oz
Junket Tablets or Powder
Orange Marmalade, British Canadian, 32 oz.
Humbug Candy
Scotch Mints
Rice, Choice Blue Rose
Hillcrest Toilet Paper
Choice Breakfast Bacon
N� h ps a� Md"�'�
GIA � ,:5A ......
Ross J. Sproal PHONE 8
Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77
Introductory Price
Mr, Stewart Geddes, London, spent
tate week end at his home.
Mrs, \V. R. Plaut, St, Marys, was a
visitor in town during the week end.
A tobogganing party was held by
the Presbyterian Young People's at
the "Gully" east of town on Tuesday
evening with the members and
friends enjoying an evening's fun. On
their return to the church hot soup
was served and the evening closed
with games.
The C. W. L. of St. James' Church
are bolding a euchre in the parish
hall on Mouday evening, Feb. 5111, at
Miss Margaret Swinton of Harris
ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Austin,
Mr. William Hill has returned after
spending a week in Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wallace are
visiting Comber friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth and
Lloyd visited his brother James and
his sister Miss Mary A., in Heiman
on Sunday.
Mrs. Davidson of Newton is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Reid.
\ social eveninz and eudhre 'was.
held in rhe parish hall of S't. Thomas'
kngl}can 'Church at Friday evettint;
,under the auspice.- of she l..adies'
Guild, when a eery enjoyallele time
'wa:s spent. The prize winners were
'Ladies' first, Mrs. R. Strong; lone
hands, Mrs. 11. Coirthe; coitstelatian,
Marie Ainsthorough; ,gentlemen'"s first,
E. Mole; lone 'hands. Barry Earle;
,consolation, el, Pretty.
The ,proceeds amounted to over $20.
The regular meeting of the North
Side United Young People was held
on Tuesday evening, Jan, 30th with
Jack Stevens presiding. "He Lead-
eth Me," was sung, followed by the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison, It
was decided to hold a crokinole par-
ty on Tuesday, Feb. 27th, inaid of
the Red Cross. The minutes of the
last meeting were read by the secre-
tary and the roll call taken. The soc-
ial convener, Myrtle Carter, took ov-
erthe meeting. "Faith of Our Fathers"
vas sung and Ethel Storey led in
Halder oi- Government diploma
and license.
Flowers fiu'nished.
Night or day phone 67
Excellent Portraits at the
Right Price
Come in and make an appointment
"Seriously ill at the time her Ilnrslban'd
died in the torpedoing of the Athenia,
:Mrs. Atgnes Hanna Foisbairn Allan,
Sa widow of Rev. William Allan,
minister of Dovercourt Presbyterian
0buro}r, ;l'ort*n1o, died .suddenly Mon-
day, night while visittTsg friends in
llanrifhon. Death was 'due to a heart
Mrs. Allan suffered a .stroke late
last Augsiei ttlhilu Cher husband was
visiting his 'parents in Srotlanxl. Mr.
Allam sailed for .home nn the Athenia
knasving that she was ill, but not
aware of bhe. setiorisneee of her condi-
tion -,whiele was ;rich that for a :few
week she not 1,e tole of his
Annual. Meeting— 4
The members and adherents of
Brucefield United Church held their
annual meeting in the school room of
tate church on Wednesday evening,
January 24th, with the minister, Rev.
Harold E. Wright, B.A., very ably
filling the position of chairman, and
John B. Mustard acting as eecretarY.
A goodly number of enthusiastic sup-
porters attended and heard very grat-
ifying reports from all the church
organizations, The membership list
is approximately 250, and the total
revenue from all sources for 1939
amounted to $4,43744 of which $le
041.20 was contributed to Missionary
and Maiutenance and other philan-
thropic church enterprises. It was
with sincere regret that the meeting
accepted the resignation of its chair-
man of the Board of Managers, Mr.
Thos. Chapman, who has so very
faithfully served as a manager for
thirty years, and to whom a very
hearty and spontaneous vote of
thanks was tendered. Three new
members were elected to the Board
of Managers for a three year term in
the persons of Mr. John Hazelwood,
Mr. Lindsay Eyre and Mr. Wm. Foth-
eri.ngham. At an unusually late hour
the meeting was adjourned, after
which everyone was treated to a very
tasty buffet luncheon provided and
served by the managers' wives.
Mrs. Janet Ross and her brother
Mr. Hugh Gilmour returned from the
west last week where they spent a
few weeks visiting with their bro-
The annual congregational meeting
of Brucefield Church was held last
Wednesday night. Rev. H. Wright
presided and Mr. 3. B. Mustard was
secretary. Favorable reports were
The World Day of Prayer will be
held in the school room of the church
on Friday, Feb. 9th at three o'clock.
All the women of the community are
cordially invited.
The W.M.S. will hold their monthly
meeting on Friday, Feb. 9th at one -
The Egmondvilie Mission Band Suet
on Sunday morning with the president
Donald MacKenzie in the chair. The
prayer. Maxine Lawrence read the meeting opened by singing the hymn
Scripture. Psalm 96. Winnie Savauge 1 "Far round the World Thy Children
read a couple of Robert Burns' poems. Sing Their Song," after which the
Hymn. "Blessed Assurance," was Lor'd's prayer was repeated in unison.
sing. Irene Workman gave the lite The secretary Helen O'Dell read the
story of Robert Burns. Donna Mole minutes of last meeting and called
gave a reading from Burns. "Must the roll, 26 being present. The offer -
Jesus Bear the Cross Alone," was ing was taken up by collectors Eu -
sung and the meeting closed with
the Moab. benediction.
Mrs. Kirk returned Monday after
being over to her daughter's, Mrs.
Creighton, in Detroit, where she was
attending the funeral of her grand-
daughter Thelma Creighton, who was
killed by a car.
Mr. Lewis Tebbutt was to Goderich
lust Monday to visit his brother who
is 111.
Mrs. ,fames Carnochan visited at
Mrs, Lewis Tebbutt's one day recently
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman spent
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott spent
last Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Whitmore.
Central Business College of Stratford
IHas Arranged To Hold
Every Thursday Evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock.
Bookkeeping, Typewriting,. Shorthand and Allied
Subjects will be taught.
Maid coupon for full
information to
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Send Information to:
The death occurred at her resid-
ence, 171 Thornton avenue, London,
of Mrs. Edward Merrell, widow of the
late Edward McFaul, dry goods mer,
chant of Seaforth for over thirty
years. After retiring from business
Mr. and Mrs. McFaul leased apart-
ments in the home of Mrs, McFaul's
brother on the old MacTavish farm
near St. Thomas where they remain-
ed until his death. Later Mrs. Me -
Ea' your valuables safe from Fire, Theft or Loss.
A convenient Safety Deposit Box in the vaults of
The Dominion Bank affords permanent protection for
bonds, stocks, title deeds, insurance policies, jewellery,
etc. Security and privacy are assured.
Renta box to -day and be relieved of anxiety. The
cost is surprisingly small.
ESTAle,LISeleie 1871
E. C. Boswell - - Manager
Ing the members' purpose and learn-
ing the memory verse, "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever believ-
eth in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life," Mrs. Gardiner
closed the meeting with prayer.
gene Cook and Ross McDonald, then
"We give Thee but Thine own," was
repeated by all. Hymn, "Father lead
me day by day," was sung and the
scripture lesson was read by John
Robert MacKenzie. The theme for
this month was "Learning to be a
good Christian," and Miss Mayme
Watson gave the story, "Mark Fails
and Tries Again." A prayer asking
for guidance in being a good Christian
was read by Doris Broom, and hymn,
"Jesus Loves Me;" was sung. Then a
story, "The Blind Princess," was
given telling of a little blind girl of
India having her sight restored at a
Paul moved to London. Formerly mission hospital. Mrs. James Allan
Margaret MacTavisb, she was one of then told the story of King Cobra,
a family of 11 of whom her 'sister, chapter IV of the study book. "Shera
Mrs, John Haight of London, survives. of the Punjab." She made it very in -
A, stepdaughter. Miss Kate McFaul, teresting and review the life of Shera
lives in Exeter. The body was re- the little boy of India. After repeat -
moved to the P. R. Williams and
Sons funeral home, St. Thomas,
from where the funeral was held on
Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. A. el. Stuart,
of Colborne Street United Church,
London, officiated, assisted by Rev.
Robert Hicks of London, and Rev.
•oufmelm h
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones spent
an evening recently with Crediton
Mrs. Mina Love is spending a few
days with her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simser of Cltes-
terville, Ont., who have been visiting
at the home of the latter's niece. Mr.
and Mrs. W. Horsey. returned to Lan-
don last week where they will visit
before returning hone.
Miss Mildred Pybus of Zurich spent
a few days recently with her grand-
mother, Mrs. H. Ricker.
Mr, and blas. William McLachlan
and Marilyn visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs, John Baker of HiIlee
Rev. and Mrs. ['handler entertained
a number of the congregation 07
Hillsgreen United Church one evening
last week.
Mr. Harold Jones is spending a
Ernest Grigg, missionary t g
from India, who is visiting et Exeter
at present. Interment took place in
St. Thomas Cemetery.
Mrs. McFaul lived for about three
years in Staffa after her marriage to
Mr. McFaul, who bad a general atore
in Staffs. She came to Seaforth about
1882 when Mr. McFaul purchased the
A. G. McDougall & Ca. drygoods store
in Seaforth. Mr. McFaul had been
employed in Seaforth about seven
year's earlier in the Kidd store. Mr.
and Mrs. McFanl were both well
known during their many years in
Seaforth. It is recalled that on the
occasion of the Carnival of Nations
held here Mrs. McFaul capably rep-
resented the part of Queen Victoria
and took an active part in the com-
munity 4n many ways. Though Mr,
McFaul disposed of the store in 1911
they continued to reside in Seaforth
until 1919. They then went to Mrs.
McFaul's former home in Yarmouth
Township, a few miles north of St.
Thomas. There Mr. 1VICFaul passed
away in 1928. Alter the death of her
brother Mrs. McPanl secured a house
in London and had resided there for
seven years. Mrs, Menial was 93
year's of age. !—
-- —
Erhart --At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Eckert, on
Monday, Jan, 29, 1940, a daughter.
And Her Melody Boys
Mel Crich. Caller
C. Watson, Manager
The euchre and dance held in the
hall on Friday night 'was well attend-
ed. The prize winners were: Ladies'
most games, Mrs. Irwin Agar; lone
hands. Miss Dorothy McClure; men's
most games, Wesley Hoggarth; lone
hands, Robert Dodds. After lunch a
few hours were spent in dancing.
The telephone meeting held in the
hall on Monday was very poorly at-
tended. The commissioners, Messrs,
J. M. Eckert, Ross Murdie and Mat-
thew Armstrong were elected again.
Mr. Reginald Pryce spent the week
end at his home.
Miss Clarissa Dale spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Orval Dale of Huilett.
The regular meeting of the Tuck.
eremite Ladies' Club will be held on
Wednesday, February 7th at the home
of Airs. le. Lawson at two -thirty. Mrs.
F. Walters, convener of the educa-
tional department will be in charge
of the programme. The roll call will
be answered by suggestions as to how,
home and school can co-operate.
Willis Tipping
featuring Marion Bell, Vocalist
Dancing from 9.30 to 1.30
Admission 50c
The annual meeting of Bethel Iin-
ited Church was held on Jun. lith
few days with Mr. and Mrs. William with a good attendance present. Rev.
Mr. Craw presided Over the meeting
with Tennie Dennis secretary. The
Sunday school report was presented
and showed a very successful year
with a good balance. There were
twelve pupils received their Roheet
Raikes seals and three received the
diplomas for attendance during the
year. The treasurer's report of the
Women's Association also showed a
very successful year with a ;nod
balance on hand. During the year a
W.M.S. was firmed which was car-
ried out successfully. The managers'
report also was presented and showed
a balance for the year. Rev. 7Ir. Craw
closed the meeting with prayer and a
social half hour was enjoyed by
The annual meeting of Duff's
Church, McKillop, was held on Jan.
24th witb a good attendance. Rev,
Mr. Craw conducted the opening
exercises. Mrs. Chester Henderson
was appointed secretary and RevMr.
Craw chairman of the meeting. En-
couraging reports showing steady
progress in the work of the church
were given by the church treasurer,
Mrs. Ross Murdfe and the secretaries
-of the various organizations. The con-
tributions to the church amounted to
3589.00; Women's Association $223;
W.M.S. $93.00; Mission Band, $20;
Sunday School, $18. The meeting was
brought to a close by singing the na-
tional anthem after which Rev. Mr.
Craw pronounced the benediction.
An old fisherman hauled in his net
and found te mine in it. Hailing a
Passing merchant ship, he called
"What shall I do with it?"
We have fresb arrivals of
No. 1 Anthracite
Stove or Nut Size
313.80 delivered in town
A new car of
First Class Alberta Lump
$11t20 per ton delivered
60 cents per ton less to customers
who haul their own
Phone 336
Parsons of Cromarty.
Mrs, Samuel Ropp is visiting her
sister, who is seriously ill in Pigeon,
Mrs. Hugh Love of Hillsgreen spent
a few days last week at the home of
her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
James Jarrett.
Mr. and &It's. William Horsey and
Miss Irma Ferguson visited one day
last week with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Stacey of Exeter.
Miss Laurabelle Wright. teacher
near Hillsgreen, spent the weekend
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Wright.
W.I. Euchre and Dance.—
PPet East st N.I.aP
a eu-
dire and dance in Kippen 'hall on
Tuesday evening, lJan. 30th There
were thirty-six taibies of euchre. The
winners were: Ladies' Mee. Rose
Love; second prize, firs. Harvey
Moore; tonsola'tion, Mrs. 'Wil Fred
Tvemeer. First. men's, -Mr. T. N,
Forsyth; ,second. Mr. (Wilson: rone l-
ation, 'Mir. E. Met.can. 'rirkets mere
sold ,on a taffeta comforter and the
looky ticket, No. 137, was ;held by -Mr.
Laird Jacobi, Hillsgreen. After lunch
a ifew hours were spent in 'dancing ,to
music euplplietl 'h'y- Mardoek's nrohrs-
tro. The proceeds of the evening
anmtmted to S'+0 On Tuesday day even-
itt:g, Feb.Nth. the W.I. will sponsor
another euchre and dance wish a short
Program and tickets n ill 11,e sold on
another comforter, a honked rug, a
gifted shedeprea'd and a pair of men's
sox. The ,proceecle of t -hese errtertain-
ments are used to mate i ospittt1 'sup-
pile: and iknitted'artioles Inc ribs sold-
Mrs, Lavine Tomlinson is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs, Geo, 'Bilis in Eg-
Mrs. Eminerson Kyle and Miss Do-
reen Cooper spent a day in London
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moffatt were in
London last Saturday attending the.
Bissett -Sharpe wedding at Adelaide
St. Baptist Church.
Miss Agnes Moline spent the week
end with friends at Drysdale.'
Mrs. Joseph Hood is visiting with
relatives in Hensaf.
Cards 9 o'clock sharp