The Seaforth News, 1940-02-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS 4.1110011•0101=11.14111M 411.1.6 THE SEAEORTH NEWS I Seen doll 11W4., Ptd I j WALTON Sanderson-Bolger— St. John's Anglican Church, Brus- sels. was the scene of a very pretty wedding at high noon, on Saturday, Jan. 27, when Miss Marguerite Helen. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H, Bolger,, of Morris Town- ship, became the bride of Mr. James McKenzie, youngest sou of Mr. and Mrs. David D. Sanderson, of Howiek township. The bride. who was given away by her father, was charmingly attired in a fuchsia crepe dress. with accessories to match. They were at- tended by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matson of Hullett township, sister and brother-in-law of tate bride. Rev. F. W. Watts, of Brussels. performed' the ceremony. Immediately following the ceremony a sumptuous wedding din• ner was served at the home of the bride's parents, The dining•room was tastefully decorated with pink and white tapers. Four cousins of the bride, Miss Mary McDonald, Mise Laura Knight, Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and Mrs. Wm. J. Perrie. served the dinner. Amid showers of confetti the happy couple left for u [honey -moon to be spent in Detroit and points south. For travelling the bride was attired in a rust wool' suit, green coat with gloves and hat to match, They will reside on the groom's tarot in Howick township. Mr. Alex Murray, who has been in Seaforth hospital was able to be brought home last week. Mr. Geo. Dale is home from Sea - forth Hospital. Miss Norma Steins of Kitchener spent the week end with her mother in Walton. and sister. Mrs. J. Rut- ledge. of Brussels. Mr. Fred Kerb' of Toronto was a recent visitor with friends in Walton vicinity. Mrs. Peter McTaggart is with friends in McKillop. Mr. Walter Broadfoot of Grey Township is in Kitchener Hospital tor an operation. We are glad to report that Mr. Joseph Bennett is improving in health. Miss Dorothy Parke R.N. who has been nursing him, has re- turned to Seaforth. „IU111I111, IMM tl 11Oi IMM l,l,tl,lllp[I,[gl[,[,IUI,,,ln,l. TOWN TOPIC: TR"FINTY-FIVE, YEARS AGO „1111„11 I,lillti IIIII,ee,11111„IIIA1171,II1111111111 iiii,11111111 r..uul lira. '\Cheats irom 1Ltna- iota, \Lan., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thu Bickle.—There Will he another interesting hockey ;gatue in the Pa's ace Rink, next Monday evening at o'clock, when the Intermediates will shote ttbat stuff they are made of, in the first of the intermediate game- with Mitchell. Seaforth has a pretty fair 'looking •outfit and should have no difficulty in 'landing •the champion- ship, --:James S'leeth, who has been visiting with friend's autl relatives in Port Hope for the past 'three weeks, returnee• home on Monday.—The Seaf,'rth rink, skipped 'hy John Beat- tie. made a good showing at Lindsay honeeiel. The rink aka included \tests. Will and George Bethune, and \V. E. Kerslake. — 3lrs. I\\'. D. 4 atiE ttron i is visiting friends its To- ronto for a. couple of..week ,--Mrs.. i Met, of Philadelphia, is -visiting her mother. Mrs. F. -Case. Maple Hall. -- Miss t.er trade 'Carnochan. milliner of Carrie. is spending part of her- hole days at her home in T tvkersinith.— \\'. J. t'heeney of Cartwright. Man.. is visiting friends and relatives in town. Mr. Chesney like; to conte to see cis old Ontario friends, •but still 'has a strong regard for his western home.—Lord Strathcona. Canada's Granth 1114 Man, dud at his hotne in London, Eng. He matt 93 }•ears 1 W. Beneetugh will appear in Card n., s ,peva house, in the interests of the Canada 'Temperance Act, on Tuesday evening next. He is one of the cievere t ,cartoonists vii the day, —Miss Kate Broadfoot of Ha•miltou -pent Sunday with her mother. Mrs J H. Broadfoot.—Fred Daft is. of Goderich, teas a visitor to town an Thursday Pert 'Speare of London is visiting, iting Ins parents lir. and Mrs. H Speare,—Mr. and • Mrs. Alex Nfc• Lerman were in London last week at- tending the Masonic (ball Mrs. 'C. Layton. D D G.M. of Edeiweis lodge, No, 117, Seaforth, took her installa- tion team over to Carping Lodge, sNo. 112, Hensall, 'on Tuesday evening, and installed the officers. The night •teas very •eold. and the roads heavy but the trip was made succe fully.— t:ln Monday evening. just as people had finished their supper, a fire :harm. was rung in, ami owing to the furious gale ,hlktw•in • at the time, the thought -of a tiro starting caused con- siderable encasiness. It proved to he only :he reflection of a .soft coal fire in :he open stove in the clothing fac- t,ry ---Mrs. i Dr. -1 Adams. tt Carson 41 t left for her bonne on 31, 1) ae atter a pleasant visit with \Ir. and Mrs. A. E. Fothes.—\\'e are pleased t,, hear that ,L.-'hn Shiite has recov- ered fr..m his late indi=sposition which was only a severe cold. arid 061 pneu- monia as at first stated.—Mr. and Mrs. f,-.seph Stephens and little dau- \\'hite, Harry Bryant, Maureen Mor- tact, who have been cinereas his par- .ritt, Gibson (:ale and Jack Morritt. A 't'Mr. and 'Mrs. tStephens. of rt tt•gen since the holiday sea - Scandinavian dattee was well given son. have returned t., their house in by the following girls in native cos t'u• --.—Rev. T. and Mrs. Bruwu tore Rhea. Shaw, Phyllis Bray, Bet• vutittle little won visited friend, in ty Fairservrc:. Viola Young, Iva Mc I.1...,tc this week. lits Brown has cool, Maureen Morritt, Isabell Brig- recovered from the throat trotihie• 'tan1 and Ilelt•t, Howatt. Presentation , ..:n tclticit he than been -utiering: of diploma: was made by W. J. Mille Mr-. e\V. B. MacKay. of Halifax. 'N. fee • fuliow•ins graduates: Jean i, visiting her parents. Mr. and F t:if a el -eke. Wilma Watson, Marion Mr,. M..it❑ Dadds — Mi• . Black and :tv'thery, Amy Toil. Anne Philips, afro •hii':ren fr, to the \\ est, err vis Nome Doerr. Layton Bray, Margaret icing he- parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Casio fiererott and Kathleen McGill. Field v,i Mc'Kiil[iIli-s 'C. Pendergast, day prizes and trophies were present- µlav a- been v'ieiting her father in ,_1J to the following; Grade 12, profit- Egmondvilie Inc the past :few weeks, iency, Amy Toll: general proficiency. returned to Chicago on Saturday. Jean Fairservice; grade 11, athletics, Her father accompanied iter, and in - Don $undertook: grade 11, pro'fiei- tends visiting in the Windy •City for eney. Marjory Pearce; grade 10, pro- some time.—Seaforth temperature on ticiency, P. Bray: grade 9, proficien- Tuesday morning was 10 degrees be- ey, Dorothy White: senior gh'l ath- •low zero, Toronto at the same time leticg, Rhea Shaw. A musical skit fol- was 32 below. White River is still the lowed With the following taking part: coldes-t "place on the map, registering Lloyd Taylor, Betty Fairservice, -US below. Everett Grasby, Janet Hamm, Shirley Wallace, Marion McGill, Phyllis Bray, Frances Johnston, Viola Young, Bob Pollard, Jack Taylor, Louis Phalen, Clifford Walsh, Glen Tasker, William Pollard. A Scandinavian dance fol- Iowed with the following taking part: Doris Moody, Janet Hamm, Shirley Wallace, Frances Johnston, Jessie Philips. Doreen Philips. Jean Neth- ery and Marian McGill. "The Trysting Place," was a play in one act by the following: Rhea Shaw. Louis Phelan, Doris Moody, Isabel Brigham, Jack Heal. Jack Taylor, and Don Sunder. cock. A girls' chorus Swing Low Sweet Chariot," was the closing num- ber of the program. MANLEY Mr. Stephen Murray had an exciting time last week when his residence caught fire. front overheated stove pipes, but by neighbors rushing to the scene with three Jive extinguish- ers, managed to get the 'Ramer under BLYTH The Blyth continuation School com- mencement exercises were held in Memorial Hull on Friday evening be - fere au audience that filled the hall. The opening address was given by Rhea Shaw, president of the Liter. :•ry SovietY. One of the splendid fea- tures at the eoncert was the pyramid building exercise by the boys. A boy's chorus. "Home on the Range." :vas well given. "The Cuckoo's Nest." a play In nue act, was presented by dean Philips. Glen Tasker. Dorothy STANLEY game ui the season whin tioderiolt Mrs. Jean i\'IcKinley returued.home t Lions beat theta 2a1 in Goderich ant I 11: Melo. l h tetderielf team had te 'neer of the play throughout es - i' t for a few nimtttes of the this'd period. McLean scored the first !goal f, -n• the visitor, ,on a ;pass :from ;Nich- olson at 1.05 of the second period. In the third period the Ibreaik's counted for cioderich, Iw+ho turned on the heat. Costello scored the •first goal +for God- eriah on a pass from Doak and five minutes later Westbrook ;tot through the Seaforth defense to Ipnt 'the ,game in the bag, Seaforth—goal, Messenger: defense, 13csll, Nicholson; centre, Pearce, 'wings Cameron, MacLean; alts., Reilly, Gem -tell, Hudson, Rowland, Flans nery,Nigh. Goderich - :goal, Set iter: defense, Costello, Duruin: centre, Johnston; wings, Westbrook, Doak; alts., Gar- rick, Worrell, Black, ; ehoenhals, •Kingswell: Referees --Mo•, Seaforth : West- brook, Goderich. New . Hamburg Gains on Beavers New Hamburg defeated Tavistock at ,New Hamburg Friday night. However Tavistock was without the services of Smoky •:Harris who was in- jured against Clinton, Seaforth Juniors Do Comeback Playing the 'test :.ante of the sea. - on, the Seaforth Jtur ars got back into winning form tut'. defeated \Winsrhani 4-2 in Seaforth. About midway through rite first period 1'carce went in alone to score and •\tris -Hudson made it 2-0 a fem minutes later in a scramble in front of the \Vinghain net. In the second period Carter and Biggs scored Inc \\'in eham while Gentntell ;cored for Seaforth.A fight between Cameron and Huenemoerder was soon stopped with 'both player, getting major pen- alties, In the third period the only goal wart to Rowland of Seaforth when he scored on a solo. The juniors are ,playing good cout- thination now and are showing 'wond- erful improvement in form. Seaforth—.aai, Messenger: defence A. Nicholson. V. Bell, wings. A. •MacLean, J. Cameron, centre. R. Pearce; alts„ E. Gennell, Hilde- brand, Riley, Hudson, Nigh. Wingham—goal. Weiss; defence, Weiss, Huenmoeder; wings. I'ostliff, Carter; centre, Bowers; alts.. Forsyth, Tunney, Biggs. King. Referees: Muir. Seaforth; Proctor, \Vingham. Little Pickens: The Big Beavers suffered au upset at the hands of Clinton last week and look like this: atter a two weeks' visit with her slaughter, Mrs, Jack Scotehmer, on the Blue Water Highway. The many friends of Miss Myrtle McKinley are sorry to heat' of her illness and wish her a speedy recov- ery. Goshen school is closed for a few days owing to the illness of the tea- cher, Miss Mary Huether. Gordon Saunder and his friend returned to their home in Detroit. Mich., en Sunday after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce MvClinclley, Sunday School and church service was held as usual on Sunday in the Goshen 'United Church, Owing to the weather there was no service the two Preceding Sundays. The Y.P.U. niet as usual Monday night in Goshen Church. Mrs. Alfred Scotchmer Jr, visited friends on the Bronson line last week. Mr. John Wild visited friends on the Bronson on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Grainger, Miss Mary Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake spent Thurs- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale, CONSTANCE Mrs. E. Metzke and son Melvin spent the week end with her son, Gunner Roy Metzke, who is with the 100 Battalion at Listowel and is confined to bed with the flu. V ARNA The W.A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. M. Reid on Thur sday. Mrs. Austin, who has been under the doctor's care, is somewhat im- proved, and we trust she will continue to get better. Mt'. and Mrs. Billy Austin and little daughter of Seaforth spent Monday with the former's mother. Ile, A. McConnell spent tete week end with friends In Zurich. The ladies of the community are quite busy these days with Red Cross work. They meet in the hall every Wednesday at 1 o'clock. A full at- 'tendance is requested. control. I ST. COLUMBAN The roads are in condition for Misses Irene McQuaid, Mary Hart, sleighing- once the weather has Kathryn Flannery and Lil Miles have Moderated. left for Toronto where they have se- cured positions. Want and 'For Sale Ads, 11i week 25+c Send us the flames of pour isitors. BRODHAGEN Mr and Mrs. John A, Arbuckle of 'for tart e spent the weds end with Mr. and Mrs. Juerengesser. Mr. Ivan Juerengesser returned with them to epend the week it Tor- onto. Mr. and \Mrs, G. Rol Hart of Stratford spent Sunday with \Ir. and Mrs. L. G. Rock: Mr. and Mrs. Frank E:lligeon, Mar- guerite and Hoa at i of Stratford vis- ited with Mr. and \lrs. \\'m. S. Riehl v•11 Sunday. Mr. and \lrs. Ed. Prueter are visit- ing •with their daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. \V. Leonhard: and Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk were in Stratford on Saturday to sec their father. air. 'Joann Mogk who is ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose. ,Mrs, Harry Betterutana returned home after being at the home of her father, lir. John Eisler,Mitchell for he past two weeks. Miss Vera Rock returned home r,nt the hospital after an operation for teseeniici;is. AUBURN Miss Josephine Weir returned this week after a visit With Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kitchen of Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wagner have - returned to their hone here after visiting their daughter, Mrs. Garfield Stauhus and Mr. Staubns, of Detroit. Sorn—On Thursday. to Mr. and Mea. Frank Raithby, a son (Harold Franklin). Mrs. Eckhardt Ynngblut quietly celebrated her 72nd birtb.day on Thursday. Mr. Darwht Maclean and Al spent Tuesday (to -day) with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Cade. of Goderich. Mr. Roy Mugford is somewhat im- proved front Itis recent severe attack of pneumonia. ilIrs. W. C. Robertson is quite ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. Wil- fred Donaldson, of Goderich. Mrs. James Woods is able to be up a little each day following her recent illness. Miss Harriet Rapson of Hullett is visiting her sister, Mrs, Frank Lans- ing. Mr: W. H. Sheppard spent Saturday at Stratford. ,111.1., MI Pickin's of Sport "With Gusto" Beavers Beaten at Clinton S'eatforth Beavers 'met 'with their second defeat of the season when the Clinton Colts ibeat them 3-I in Clin- ton Friday night. Kell Streets opened 'the scoring ,with a 'few tseoomds to go in the first period, to 'pari Clinton one tap and A. .Me- Faddin 'tied Gte score 1=1 'when he scored Seaforth's lone goal with a minter left to play itt the second' per- iod. The third period •was ;hard fought with Clinton taking, all the hreal^s. \tier three minutes E'rank! \IeEicen was awarded a penalty shot and scored. tWie'j1 ,two minutes left to play "Punch" •McE.tw:en scored 'for Clinton on a breakaway. Seaforth — Goal, Stade; defence, Sills. Hubert; centre, C. Flannery; wing., 31cCatlluatt A. Hildebrand; alts., A. \MeFaddin, R. McFadd'in, F. Sills. Clinton --;gloat, H. Doak, .defence, Rath, 'McKa3'; centre, R. ,MeEwen; wings, Foster, F. 1M1cEwen; alts., Gibbs, Pickett, Streets, Young, A. Doak, Grant. Referee, 'Hamil, New Hamburg. ,Ell The Little Beavers also suffered au upset last week with Goderich; but by defeating Wingham in Seaforth, they are on their feet again and look like this: etas A hockey fan asks us where the Beavers got their name? Let's see... The beaver is almost an extinct animal... that can't be it. Then. too, the beaver's pelt is worth money only when he is dead....Nothing there! However, we recall reading some- where the beaver is known as a hard worker, so perhaps that is why our hockey teams got the name. What i5 wrong with the Big Beavers? Nothing much.., .Anyway the attendance has increased greatly since the games have been less one sided. Proctor, who referees the Wing - ham Junior games, is quite a hockey player himself. --,He has scored 12 times in three games with the Wing - ham Intermediates. Something .we would like to see... the Seaforth Amateur Athletic Asso- ciation publish a detailed report of their receipts and expenditures. Intermediate Clinton 8, Seaforth 1 New Hamburg 4, Tavistock 1 Perths 6, Tavistock 2 Clinton 6, Et. Agatha 2 Junior Goderich-2, Seaforth 1 Seaforth 4, Wingham 2 Junior Farmers Egmondville 7, Hensall 4 Dublin 5, Winthrop 0 Intermediate: W L T Pts Seaforth 7 2 0 14 Clinton ... ... 7 1 0 14 New Hamburg , .. 6 1 1 13 Perth Regt: ... 3 5 1 7 Tavistock .. . • 2 8 0 4 St. Agatha ,. 0 8 0 0 Junior: WL FA Pts Seaforth ... . . 5 1 21 8 10 juniors Lose First Goderich . 2 .3 9 15 4 Seaforth J,upiors lost their first Wingham ..... 1 4 8 17 2 .,..1t REGE ,1' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1940 THEATRE. T Seaforth NOW PLAYING DOUBLE FEATURE "Five Little Peppers" Romance of The Redwoods Mon., Tues., Wed. Next Thur,. Fri, Sat. Y CONRAD VAFERIE SEBASTIAN VEIDT HOBSON S@AW. A cotumals Coaling—[`9N NAME ONLY" Mrs. Grummett Marks Ninetieth Birthday •31t.s. Daniel airdrome a neer resident • ni tI i • distric wee, 1 held in high esteem in the e n nuni:1. 045. Served 'her ninetieth birthday very quietly on Saturday at the hone of her siter, Wife Brciivn -eu the •Introit .highway, just 'west of Seaforth, with -wh•ont'she has -resided sine:: the death of her husband ten years ago. Burn in 11750 near Loudon, England, Mrs. Grummett came to this country at the age of three with her parents, \\'hen she was nine tears old they moved t,, Hanpurhey where she has resided continuously ever since Her father 'helped to huilri t to first railway through Har turkey which was a thriving village w'it% sev- eral places of gbusine before the town of Seaforth sprang up. Mrs, Grummett Stas interesting reminisc- ences of these early days. She was confirmed in St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, at the age ,- nineteen. in 11469 ihy J3ishoe Cronyn in Inc, been a 11161111)V r Fur •seventy ons year At that time Rev. Mr. Johnstone. .t'.tn sttcceetled Rev. lir, 1 resswe''. the first rector, wa, the immiehent. She was Phe eldest daughter , : t- late Joseph Brown who sueelitel the vil- lage with milk. At his death "ter ,'a'1, - hand. the lame Daniel 11.1 -.'ti••- who cattle from 1' t eland wiee r..tterente, at the age of nineteen • w"t t t she was married in 1785 > z feet. the •business and nn his ret cementson Joseph Grummett cat rr e •n the`hairy which has been in the family for the long .period of seventy-six year?. Mrs. Grunimett is bright and cheer- ful. She sews and reads and is iuter- ested in ,present-day events. She was driven 'down Main street during the Christmas week and was delighted •wit'h 'fhe illuminati, -ms and decora- tions. She has received. cougraurla- tions and Greetings front friends in California. Winnipeg, Alberta and other places, also a birthday card sho'w'er. Her fancily consists 'of one son, Joseph Grinnntett, and two elan- ghters, Iles Sant, Storey and • ,Mrs. Harry Palin, cif McKillop, also five grattddhildren. STAFFA Robert Seller and E. - E'izerman have left for +1'att's e'er, \lr. •.nil Mrs. Q, W. Reetl spent the week end yr 11tanilton with • Mr. and -Mrs. Fred C ont;den. \h C. Me\ et, returned- to •Mitch- ell atter visiting with her sister, Mrs, \\tlliant Jetiery for three weeks. 11r. and 'left's. 1>. Eizertnann of .Mit- chell were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sadler. Miss Isabel Drake. nurse in train- ing: at Se. Marys Hoapitall, Kitchener, spent the week end at her 'home. Mr. an i M. s. I.. Hannon and Mr. and llrs. Norman Bushfleld, Logan, visited Mrs. t\t,'iiliam Sadler, \lits Laura Dinttiu of Stratford normal anti a-: R. Dinnin of 'Clinton visited their parents, Mr. ad Mrs, \\ ftliam Di'ttn. • ua Word r \\ ', been received here of c the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Trick in Vancesiver, formerly Lizzie Sadler, of b ae t S -t.• leaves to mourn her loss one i o^'.0 F. A. Sadler, and one sister, Mrs. Eizerm'ann, Mitchell, als Rd. Seiler Hamilton visited w 101 MI'. +,t i airs. 1), W. Reed, CROMARTY Mr. Kemp visited at Cie 11, k!•' :ted. .Mrs. William H u.:.., :cern Irene Kemp retnrn- e[i tt itis tot 'tt'.er a few wer'ks' visit with it=- grandparents -here. lit. Alit Sne a e of Seaforth v t<it- cd with her father, 'Joseph Speare, w 1 enjoying very good health. Mr,.F Macintosh, •Mr. and \ars. Ale.. Rata -ay and family attended the 4tuerel ,r.' e relative at t4\°iaterloo- 11Frank Reade, Jr." Dreamed 'Etn— And They Came True The impossible "fantastic" inven- tions of Luis Senareus, the American Jules Verne, devised by his dime - novel hero, 48 years ago, have become the tanks, airplanes, submarines, robots, and even Byrd's South Pole snow cruiser of our own age, an article points out in The American Weekly, the great weekly magazine, with the February 4 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. NOTICE Electric Power Interruptions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH HOURS: 9.45 — 10.45 1.30 — 2.30 3.30 — 4.30 DO'T yZi'. �� OR6ET! SCOUT m-- GUIDE CONCERT FRIDAY NIGHT IF)