HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-18, Page 6PAGE SIX
etter Gift
Master Noel said nothing, because
he was too astonished to speak, and
Agnes, seeing his surprise, and guess-
ing its cause, waited. somewhat defi-
antly, for him to make an observation.
Sne was dressed in a gray silk frock,
With a hat and gloves, and shoes to
n)ateh, and drew off a fur -lined cloak
of maroon -colored velvet, when she
entered the room. Her face was
somewhat pale rind her eyes unnatur-
ally large, but she had a resolute ex-
pression about her mouth, which
showed that she had made up her
,)find. Lambert, swift, from long as-
sociation, to read her moods, wonder-
ed what conclusion site had arrived
at, amd proceeded to inquire.
"Whatever is the meaning of this"
11, ;remanded, considerably startled.
"This dress?"
"Of course. Where is your widow's
cap t111d-----"
-in the tire, and there they eau re-
netirt until they are burned to ashes."
Lambert stared harder than ever,
"What does it mean?" he asked again.
'It lueans," said Agnes. replying
very directly, "that the vittint is 110
10:ager decked cut for the sacrifice. It
means. that as Hubert insulted Inc by
Itis will. I no longer intend to eon -
sitter 'tis memory...
"But. Agnes, yon respected him;
You always .said that you did?"
"Quite so, until his will w'as read.
Then when 1 found that his mean
jealousy --- which was entirely nn -
reasonable ---'lad arranged t0 rob me
of my income by preventing my mar-
riage with you. I ceased to have any
regard for hint. Hubert knew that I
loved you, and was 'catgut to take
the on those terms so long as I was
loyal to slim. 1 w•(ts 10y81, and did
what i could to show hitt( gratitude
for the way in which he helped the
family. Now his will has broken the
bargain I respect him no longer, and
for that reason I refuse to pose any
longer as a grieving widow."
"I wonder, with these thoughts,
that you posed at all." said Lambert
glohmily, and pushed forward a dish•.
"I could not make up my mind un-
til lately what to do." explained Ag-
nes. sitting down gracefully, "and
while 1 accepted his looney it appear-
ed to ole that I ought to show his
memory the outward respect of crepe
and ail the rest of it. Now," she lean-
ed forward and spoke meauingly, "I
ant resolved to surrender the money.
That breaks the link between us. The
will! the will!" she tapped an impat-
ient foot on the carpet. "How (•m1Id
you expert any woman to mat up with
50511 an insult?"
Lambert dropped on the sofa and
looked at her hard. 'What's up?" ire
asked anxiously. "I never haw 9 )11
like this before."
d:'I, nod tee:tilled to oast
mail 031 s:3'' 13,.., the estate: :•amid ire
freed before ,ye came to 1311; 1 lllcru.-
Andceel -40 now h:,,s the es-
tate• ;.n,-,(1:1:•,131 11V11.t
Fine's money, Agnes?" asked Lam-
bert anxiously.
\.,. 'd'hiu1- air: et er . , nrlrch
worse than I thought. tiaryimgtnn can
701,1 not for another Year, hut at the
cud of twelve months -the estates ,yip.
'1131 s.,1:1 up by the person (whose name
is in the sealed envelope, and -he will
he reducer' to some litmdreds a year.
The Lamberts!" she waved 'her arm
dramatically, "are ruined. toy dear:
entirely ruined!"
"And for the simple reason that you
±wish ns to :place love 'before ditty."
Agnes 'leaned forward and 'took his
hand 'firmly. "Noe'', you :love me?"
"O'f course I do,"
"Do you love the family name 'bet:
"Ili one way I ,wish to save it, in .an-
other 'f am tviliing to 'lett it go hang,"
"'Yes. Tiho.se 'w=ere :myview's until
three or 'four days eve,'
'And what :caused you to -change
your :mind, dear "
"A, visit w.h'iclt 'Clara Gree'by. paid`
'Ob." Lambert sat top very 'straight.
'She hasn't (been malting mischief has
'Neu at a11. On tfie contrary, s'he
has doe' both of n' a great service.'.
Lambert nodded thankfully. 1 -le silt
doubtful as to whether Miss tired)).
really had meant 10 ('1nntce her •al1-
enrd passion for himself, and it -acts a
relief. to `find that she had been acting
honestly. "Has she -then learned who
killed fine:" he asked cautiously,
Lady Agnes etelden•l9 rose and be-
gan to pace elle room, tmietin( her gl-
oves an crying to control herself, C.
tally she was s,1 composed that i.am-
bert -wondered at his restlessness, hTt
wondered still more 'tvlten the burst
into violent tears, and therefore hast-
ened to dray her bad: to the chair.
\Chen she was seated he knelt beside
her and passed his arm round her
1eel:, as distressed as she -,vas. It was
so unlike -Vanes to brcadc down is this
ailY. ant cnvv1e unlike her to sob
brokenly. "Cil, 1.'n) afraid --1'm a' -
-\fraid of what, darling??"
"1'm afraid to learn alto killed my
111 haul: He Wight stave dour so, and
yet he o111y fired the first shat---"
1-aurbell now 11'.1 'tld-
d,•nl), "are. you talking Of i'tart-in:.
1011 "
"1'111" Sic le,on•d hark 'unl ;tried
her rears. "In spite of shat he says, 1
a:11 afraid he may be 301)119'."
L:ou',ert's heart scrvnt3(9 to .4101,1
stir"Yon ':alk 1117 4 3ish!'' t1e .cries'
"1 .13 - 1 it was. Chit, bow 1 swish it
tea- rttbilishl lint 1 can't 1)r suer. Of
course. he .1(1119 have meant what he
says ---"
does he say? 'fell aur every-
thing. 1)h, what does it all mean?"
''Ruin to the Lambert -family. 1 told
4',.n so."
"You have only told me scraps se
far. 1 don't understand ales', yew cart
arrive at the conclusion that Garving-
ton is guilty. Agars. don't g0 on cry -
in ; sit :0 0nnere•'sary It -Wily, 19 thing:
have to be faced. surely we are 'trong
enomeh to 'are them. Don't let our
('111011,:'115 .make ''fonds of tis. Stop it!
Stop it! he said 'ltarply and stamping.
"Dry your eyes and explain nlette•r'."
"1-I can't help my fe1lin15," falt-
ered Agnes, bcginnin:,g to respond to
the spur, and becoming calmter.
"Yes, prat can. f don't offer vat
brandy or smelling" salts or anything
ec the sort, 'imt'an1.c 1 know von 3.. be
a italllan with a firm m)il11. Exert
your atilt and compel your nerve, to
1>e calsus This exhibition is too
"Ole" crier' Agnes indignantly. and
this feeling was the one 1.timbert
tried to ranee, "how can you talk so.
"Pecause• I _love you 10111 respect
1-011," Ile r 710114(1.
She knew that he meant what he
said, and ti110 'her firmness of mind
and self-control had always appealed
Ro .i,im, therefore she made great ef-
fort 81141 suhdned her unruly nerd's.
Lambert gave her no assistance, and
merely walked op and down the room
while waiting dor her to recover. It
UN as 1144 easy for her to ,he 1 ei•sel1. im-
mediately, as site really was shaken,
and privately considered that he ex-
pected tor' fetch, lint pride came to
her aid, 81111 she gra<itrally became
more anmposed. \lcnnw'hdle Lambert
p1111er1 up the Mint to display the ugly
roost in all ..its deformity, and the
sight -as h•e 'guessed it would -exert
cd 1111 exclamation from 'her. .
"Oh, 110w can yon live do 111is (horrid
,place?" she asked irrelevantly.
"Necessity know' 00 laws Are 9'0(1
"Yes; f wan all right. Hut you are
brutal, Noel,"
wouldn't have Ihcen 'honest' to a
weaker woman," he answerer'. "Anil
9ry acting as 7 !hare 'done, 1 show how
mutt] I think of you."
"Rather a etrange tw'ay of showing.
a.ppro val. But your . <trestle methods
have triumphed. I am garite teonngyosed,
and shall tell yon of our disgrace in as
unelnntion'al'1.01anner as if 7 ,were
reckoplifg potnld ,shillings and
"Disgrace?" Lam•bert 'fastened on
Office - Commercial Hotel
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the one word anxiously. "To us?"
"'To Garvington in the 9iret place.
But ,it down and listen. 1 shall tell
yon everything, from the moment
Clara 00411/ to s11e 1111,"
Lambert nodded and -resumed this
seat. Agnes, with wood -ell -1r] coolness,
detailed Miss - (irecby's vis -it and prod-
ucatinil of the letter, 'Thence elle pas-
sed on to explain how slhe had tricked
Garvington into confession. "But 'he•
did not confess," interrupted 1-ait pert
at this point.
Not ant the 1111gn11nt. 1 -le -did yes-
terday in a letter to me. 1'nti see, hr
left 311y 'house immediately and slept
at his club. 'then he went doe;' 10
The Manor an<l sent for Jane, who, by
the way, knows nothing of what I
have explained. Here are two letters,"
added Armes, taking an envelope out
of her pocket, '"One is the forged one,
and 11111 other catnx-'from Garvin;giton
yeeterday. Even though the is stet im-
itating 111y writing, you can see every
110ty and then .the 'similarity. P'e.rhaes
there is al 9anlily resemblance in our
caligraphy," Her cousin examined rhe
4334',) epistles witch rather a Scared look,
for there was no loathe that things
looked black against OW head off the
family. However, he did not read 'Gar -
011.1 ton's letter, Jho: tasked .\: we to
explain. ''\\'hat excuse does he -stake
for forging your name?" asked Lam-
bert le at business -like way, for there
was no need to rage over such a
worst its Fdd.
".11 very wreeakyone," she replied. "So
weak that 1 scarcely believe him to ,he
in .earnest. 17 -ides, Freddy dmays
was a liar. Ile decares that when be
vent to see about getting the gypsies
turned off the land, 'hr caught sight
of 993)313(3'), Ile did not speak to hint,
brit learned the truth from 11r. Silver
whom lie (,reed 10 spear:, 'Then lie
'wrote the letter and let it pm•poeely
9.111 rola 91r.Silver's hand's, (01(1 by
\t r. Silver it wt, prised nn to flub -
ere Freddy 'mites that he only
wanted 10 11111-1 TTnhe'rt 40 411a't 1111
1111 -All t 11e laid up in lied at The Man-
or. \\-'ten he ,was (veal:' -Hubert, 1
mean ---Freddy then intended to _et
all the money he could oat of him."
"Ile did not wish to kill fine,
"No. And all the evidence g0e" to
show Hurt only broke 11)lrerrt's arm."
"'That is true;" ntnrnlured Lambert
thoughtfully. "for the evidence of the
*:her mesas and of 111e servants
showed !31)1111(79• at the inquest that
the second allot alts fired outside
while Garvington was indoors.'
Agnes nodded, "Yes; it really
seems )1 , its though 1'r('9ily- for once in
his life is telling the exact truth."
titer cou'ht glanced at iarvington's
lengthy letter of explanation. "U0
yon really belive that Ile hoped to
manage Pine during the illness?"
"\Cell," said segues reluctantly,
"Freddy has (remendtnl4 faith in hie
potter: ,;f persansinn. Hubert ivotri41
*10 nothing snore Our hint since he
ea, such a cormorant for anoney. 1111)
if Hebert •had been laid up with a
broken arm,), it is just p„'si'hle 61101 he
Milght have ,been .worried into doing
'shirt Freddy 'wanted, if only to get
rid or his innpbrhunity.'
"1-Innt It souisls weals. Garving-
ton certainly winged 1'iue, so that
seed's to corroborate the statement
in thio letter. He's stitch a ;good shot
that he conk' errsil1 have 'killed pine
if ,he wanted- to:.
""''hen von <-on't think that l'•redtly
is responsible for the cltallt " inquir-
ngntir-e I .\,ones with a .look ul relief.
Lambert appeared worried, "1 think
not, dear. 1'le lured Hubert into this
own private trap so as to- 'get -him
laid up and extort money. Ilnfurunl-
Melly, another person. 11 81111 of the
trlup, waited outside and killed your
poor ill 'rand."
"Aecoldutg -to 'what Freddy says,
\ire Silver knew of elle Orap, since he
delivered the latter l0 Hulbert. And
\i'r. Silver knew that 1''1'1111(191 had
threatened to shoot any possible bur-
glar, 14 'seems -to nne;" ended A4;ne.c
deliberately, "that .lir. Silver is guil-
"But why should the shoot ('inc, et'
whom he owed so much?"
"1 can't say."
":\n<t, remember, Siteer ,tans IA.id e.
the house,"
'Yes, assented lady Agnes, in
disarray. "That is tree. 11 is 41 (great
puzzle, Noel. However, l ant not
trying to solve it. Clara eays that \Ir.
Silver will hole' his dengue, anti 1er-
lainl3• a' the letter is noir in my l>os-
session'he cannot bring forward any
evidence to ellov that I amt inc•elpet-
eil in idle matter. 1 111in1c the best
thing to do is to let Prickly and lir,
Silver fight out the matter between
then), while we are on our honey-
1..auiihert started. ".\goes' '\\''hat
do you mean."
She -greet* impatient. "()h, what 19
Ole nae of asking abet I mean when
you 'know quite eel 1, Noel 7 11 rt
insulted 1111 in his will, and cast a
4111r on any charaeler 'hy forbidding
ole to quarry you. Freddy-Mellottglt
Ile did not fire the second shot--re'r-
taint)• hired tither) to ifs death by
forging than letter. 1 don't intend 'to
consider any lmsban's memory tory
more, nor toy brother's position. I
shall never speak t0 'hits main if I
ean1 diel' it 114 he is (1 kicked little an-
in11t1, 1 ha ye sacrificed myself suffi-
ciently, and now I intend to tale my
own way. Let the million, go, and
let Freddy he ruined, if only to pun-
i.sh. hint ;for his -wickedness."
"Rut, dear. how ,'an I auk yon 10
share my :pote•117 " said Lambert,
distressed. "1 lune only five -h)111,1 er
a year, and you have been accustom
10 smell htxnry."
"1 have another five hundred a
year of (1111 roan," said Agnes 011 41(1.
ateiy, "which Hilbert settled on me
for pin looney. 114' refused to ,)lake
any other settlements. 1 ,have a
right t0 that money, since 1 sacrifiee'1
su 118c'h, and 1 shall keep it. Surely
ce can live on one elemental a year."
"In England " inquired 9.anrhrrl
31o1111111119'. "And after fall have led
smell a Luxurious life?"
"No." she swirl gtlitkty, 1 mean
in the colonies, Let Its go Co :\nsh•:ti•ia,
or -Canada, Or S011111 Africa. 1 don't
care which. and rut ourselves
from the pato. We have suffered
enough; let tae now' think 0f 01r -
"Hot are Mt. 1101 '("1)14'!) 10 let the
family name 'he disgraced?"
"Freddy is wolfish, and :will dis-
grace 'i1 in any case," said \encs,
with a conlenrptturns shrug. "What's
the also of pnllin1g - 111.111 MB of the
mud, - Mum he :will only sink hack
into it again? No, '!Noel, it you 'love
me you will marry ane within the
w'ee It."
"Halt it's so sudden, 'dear," he urged
more and ,shore elletre1sed, "'t'a're
time to'coitsi<lcr. 1 -how ,can 1 robyou
of millions?"
'You 5(0(11 rob me. 1'f you. refuse,
I shall make over the money to some
charity, and lice on any 'five hundred
a year. Remember, Noel, wlhat
peolplc think of me: -that 1 tarried
llobert to get his money and to be-
come -our wife when he died, so
111331 We corned live 011 'his wealth, Wit
can only .prole 11111 the11e•f 10 the fa'lae
by surrendering the -millions and
marrying as paupers.'
"You vlay Ib1 right, and yet-"
"And yet, and yet ----oh," she cried,
wounded, "you t'ene't 'love me,"
'Illhe man olid not 01114,t11'r, thtrt stood
looking at 'her with all his s'ou'l in his
eves, and' shaking from Ileac' stn 'fool.
(Never before 11(1(9 s'he looked so -de-
sirable, and never before had the felt
the tides of love surge to :so high a
.water -mark. "L'ov'e you'" the said in
a hoarse voice. "Agnes. T would
Rive my soul 'for you."
'Then give it." She (wreathed her
arms round- his neck and Whis'pered
wit+h Iher warns liras close 111 his ear,
"Give elle all of you."
:Nita Rm't 17130 •n'o'tions- "
u arc (rorlh 11."
"Darling, you,will repent,"
"Rop'enitl" SI,c .pressed 'h1111 -closer
111 (het.. "Repent that _ I exchange '1
10111119' life for c001)1anion'sfiif) with
you 1)11, any dear, 'how r0.11 y.011
!1110'14 so? 1 amt sick of (11011cy and
sick of loneliness. I leant )•0u, you.
you; Nuel, Noel, it is your part to
woo, and here stn 1 making all the
"It t ds snlch a serious step for you to
" is the nuly step that can take. 1.
ant iltto W(1 as a mercenary w"0111011,
and -until we marry and give 111) the
111431111)', ever)''body a1'i11 thin': scorn-
fully of ane. Besides, Freddy must hr
punished, and in no other (lav can I
make him suffer s0 11111111de-
priving 'him ,1f the wealth he sinned
to ovb'•.ain."
"Yes '1'liere is that view', certain-
ly. .\nd," Lam,hert gasped, "1 love
an --011, never doubt that, 31139 dv'-
linvn '
"I hall," she whispered ardently,
"unless you get .a special license cool
tear') 7111' straightaway."
"Hot Garvingtott and Silver--"
".And Clara (;reeky and Cfiatdea,
who both love you," she mocked.
"Lel then( al: fight out their troubles
alone. I have had enough suffering:
so have you. So there's ne more t„
he• said. NOV,. sir," she added play•
rally. "hilt thou take this woman le
be thy wedded ,wilt.?"
"1'es," h1 :aid, opening his arm..
and gathering .\gee.: to hie heart.
"1'113 ,what will 41e0111' say of your
marrying 40 40011 after Pine's death?'
"Let them say -what they like turd
do what they like. \1'c ilre :going as
the 1'alonies and will :be beyond
rea011 of slanderous tongues. Nom,let us have tea, Noxi, for 1 ant hungry
and thirsty", and quite tired out wit!)
trying- t0 'convince you of my earn-
Lambert ran;; for the tea. "Shall
(ct' lrll jar.tvin that we itllend to mar-
"No, \\'e ,:hall tell 110 one until we
are married," she replied, and kisser'
him once, twice, thrice, and again,
until Nies. 'Tri'hih entered 'wit'h the
tray. Then they both .at demurely
at the first of many aneais which they
(To be continued,)
British War Office Photo -Crown Copyright reserved - Courtesy Cenedlen-Pada.'
British and French Air Forces .on the Western Front, working in close co-operation, are.carryrng"out
magnificent work, In this photograph the fuselage'of a big German plane is seen being towed through
the streetsof a french town, 4 trophy which will afford much valuable information to the AlUer,
D1'. E. A. McMaster, 1431.B., Graduate
of University oe Toronto.
J. D. Colgtthoun, M.D., C.M„ Grad-
uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptio
Dr, Margaret K, Campbell, M,D.,
L A,B.P., Specialist in Diseases In
Infants and Children, will be at the
Clinic last Thursday In every month
from 3 to 6 p,m.
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
Free -well-baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 3. to 2 p.m,
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office, Phone 53
W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Phone 99-W. Office John St., Seaforth
Physician and Surgeon. Late of
London Hospital, Loudon, England,
Special attention to diseases of the
eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and
residence behind Dominion Bank. Of-
fice Phone No. 5; Residence Phone
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seatorth, third
Wednesday iu each mouth from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic lintG
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
SL, Stratford. Telephone 207.
London, Ontario
Graduate Toronto University
Licentiate of American Board of Pedi-
atrics, Diseases of Children
At Seaforth Clinic, last Thursday af-
ternoon, each month,
Auctioneer for the County of Hw'on.
Arrangements can be made for Sala
Date -at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed
F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application,
Farm %tock, chattels and real estate
Property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 694 1. 6. Apply at this office.
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All hinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
MutualFire Insurance Co.
President, Thomas Moylan, Sea -
forth; Vice President, William Knox,
Londeshoi'o; Secretary Treasurer,
11I, A. Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E, Pepper, ILEA, Bruceleld; 1D. R. G.
Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Wm. Yeo, Holmesville.
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3;
Janes Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox,.
Lonclesboro; George Leonhardt, Born-
holm No. 1; Frank MacGregor, Clin-
ton No. 5; James Connolly, Goderieh;
Alex. MCEwing, Blyth No. 1; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm, R.
Archibald, Seaforth No. 4.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptiy attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
a:cldressed to their respective post -