HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-18, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS tors ro January 18 to Jan. 24 PETER PAN PEAS, 17 oz. , . , , 2 tins 17c No, 3 sieve 12 tins to a customer FANCY RED COHOE SALMON, Golden Net, 1s .,...... per tin 25c 6 tins to a customer ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE .............. 32 oz•, per jar 23c HILLOREST BRAND PURE LARD, 1 lb. ,ca.rton.,........ 2 lbs. 21c M ANNING'S Chocolate Mallo BISCUITS per lb. 1 5c Kellogg's ALL BRAN, large.. per pkg. 21c 5c - 10c - 15c VALUES McLaren's Jelly Powders per pkg. 5c Big 5 Cleanser per tin Se Cow Brand Soda, 3 oz. per pkg. 5c each 5c Nall Brushes, email Carnation Evaporated Milk. small , , each 5c Manyflowere Toilet Soap per cake 5c Aylmer Tomato Juiee, lobe oz. per tin 5c Lynn Valley Pears, 15 oz. per tin 10e Ogilvie's Blended Flakes per pkg. 10c Aylmer Pumpkin, large, 21/2s .. ,.. . - per tin 10c Aylmer Diced Beets or Carrots per tin 10c Ginger Snaps per Ib, 10c Durham Corn Starch per pkg. 10c Clothes Pins 3 doz, 10c Grape Juice per tin 10c Glacier Sardines per tin 10c Pineapple Juice, Plum, Apricot Nectars per tin 150 Shaker Salt, plain or iodized 2 pkg. 15c Connor's Herring in Tomato pertr bin 15c Vanilla Extract, B oz. per tin 15c each 15c per tin 15c per btl, 15c 1 Ib. 15c Aylmer Peaches, 2s, squat Cotton Clothes Lines, 30 ft, Apricots, Golden Area, 16 oz Aylmer Chili Sauce, 12 oz. Baking Cocoa Sultana Raisins Sair Pitted Dates Tomato Juice, 20 oz. Mazda Bulbs, 40, 60, and 100 watt Brooms, Rose 5 string Brooms, Star 5 String, polished handle 2 lbs. 25c 2 lbs. 27c 3 tins 25c each 20e each 29c each 49c SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE .... 2 TINS 21c ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE REP. GALLON 25c osg 114' _-- _SOW, tte,a l PHONE 8 ryce ce PHONE 77 WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING ANI) EMBALMING J. le. WALKER. JR. lIol•ler ;+i tiovernnteitt diploma and Yitense. Plotvers furnished Night or day phone 67 Clinton Clerk To Continue - A special meeting of the Clinton town council was held on Friday evening to take action on the resign- ation of R. E. Manningas clerk and treasurer of the town. The matter was discussed with the clerk who agreed to continue his duties for the present year. It is understood that all other officers will be retained, al- though confirmation will not be made until the February meeting of the .council. They are, chief eonstable, A. E. Fremliu; day constable, David Elliott; engineer, Thomas Livingston; assessor and collector, N. W. Miller; lire cheer. H. Fremlin. Want and For Safe Ads, !1' week 25c SCOTT'S EMULSION Best Way to take Cod Lriver Oil Contains Vitamins A and D 530 and 960 R. R. McKINDSEY, PHM.B, Druggist THE NYAL STORE PHONE 111, SEAFORTH Central Business College of Stratford Has Arranged To Hold NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES IN SEAFORTH Every Thursday Evening from 1:30 to 10 o'clock, Bookkeeping, Typewriting. Shorthand and Allied Subjects will be taught. Mail coupon for full information to CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD •,,,,,,,non„ 11101110111/11111111111111.111130111.11111141/411./t1014 Send Information to: Name Address TOWN TOPICS Mr. H. M. J.,r.k+ot£ ranee front Tor- onto on Wednesday to spend several days here. - - Mrs. Archie McTavish has return- ed after spending several weke at the home of her nephew, Mr, Lindsay Eyre, Brueefleld. Miss Mary McGavim who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Elliott, had the misfortune to fall in the house and break her hip at noon on Wednesday. She was removed to the hospital. Mr, Con Eckert is able to be around the house after being laid up with a bad cold for teu days. Mrs, Leslie McCartney of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James Allan, Egmondville, Local Orangemen are endeavoring to have the county 12th of July cele- bration held at Seaforth this year. The annual meeting will be held at Clinton shortly. BORN Christie -In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Friday, Jan, 12, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Christie, Seaforth, a daughter. Vivian --In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Saturday, Jan, 13, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Vivian, Staffa. a daughter. Kerslake -In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sunday, Jan. 14, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kerslake, Heusall, a son. Mason -In Blyth on Sunday, Janu- ary 14th, 1940, to Mr, and Mrs, Har- vey Mason, a son (Ronald Herbert). Fiinchley -At the Owen Sound Hospital on Tuesday, Jan. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hinckley, a son. Burke --In Scott Memorial Hospital 00 Wednesday, Jan, 10, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Manny Burke, Seaforth, a son. Hartman --To Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman, Varna, on Friday, Jan, 1e, 1940, a daughter (Agnes Pauline), STAFFA The January meeting of the Lad- ies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. A. W. Norris 011 Thursday after- noon with the president, Mrs, W. C. tVorden, presiding. The roll call was answered by "My Favorite Scrip. tune." Mrs. Aldsworth read the scrip- ture lesson and conducted a contest. Mrs. O. W. Reed favored with a piano instrumental. The hostess serv- ed refreshment, Mrs, Albert Smile Wus called to Stratford owing to the serious illness of her sister. Mr. and Mr.t. Harvey Leslie mud Agar and Al,a .hiller were in Lendue on Wt•dner:day. Mrs. C. McVey of 1lTiteheIl visit, -d lir sister, Mrs. William Jeffery. Old & New Tylne NCE AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, JAN. 19 with CLAYTON STEEPER and His Canadian Cowboys FLOOR SHOW A REAL TREAT Something New And Different General Admission - 315 Ors. t', W'ateen, t1aneeer. Tired of eteyin: in? Don't \''ant m,j entertainment Then ,eome t.s At St. Thomas Parish Hall FRIDAY, JAN. 26 8.30 P. M. Admission 25c Lunch served. Prizes. Pleasure for Under l- Under auspices of the Ladies' Guild JUNIOR FARMERS HOCKEY Palace Rink, Seaforth SAT, NIGHT, JAN. 20 lst Game -Winthrop vs. Dublin at 8 P.M. 2nd Game-Hensall vs. Egmandvilie at 9.30 P.M. GENTS 150 LADIES AND CHLDREN, 10o KIPPEN EAST W. I. EUCHRE AND DANCE PAGE FIVE. 0 WEDNES. THURS Ilr AY FRIDAY SATURDAY art s great JANUARY ,'7th to '2'Oth In the face of rapidly advancing prices, we offer you these sensational sale values. - You'll probably not see values like these again, in years. BE WISE AND SAVE NOW ! BIGi REDUCTIONS Men's Suits and Overcoats OVERCOATS Regular $16.50 Overcoats ....... , . Sale Price $12.95 Regular $22.50 Overcoats ..Sale Price $17.95 Regular $27.50 Overcoats Sale Price $21.95 Regular to $35.00 Overcoats , . , Sale Price $27.95 SUITS GROUP 1. Special assortment, one of a kind, English worsted suits. Regular 1+glcia values to 22.50 GROUP 2. Our best seller in the regular way. AO new patterns and styles. 18.. All size§ GROUP 3. Regular 29.50 2 -pant suits. Lovely wors- teds and Berges. All sizes 2=. 3.,'0 styles and colors ons BOYS' SUITS & COATS 10% off SAVE 20% TO 331.3% Ladies' Coats & Dresses LADIES' COATS pj� Regular to 23.75 Sale 1.6.95 Dress Sale Regular to 29,60 ...... Sale 19.75 5 Regular to 37.50... Sale 28.95 28 Dresses some as high as 4.95 Sale 2.45 :38 Dresses -Our popular new 3.95 line Sale 2.98 45 Dresses Regular $6.95 Sale $4.79 50 Dresses -Regular $7.95 up 20% OFF GIRLS' COATS & DRESSES, 20% OFF adv_ e. HERE ARE SOME OF THE SALE HIGHLIGHTS ! Men's 4.50 and 4.95 Fine Suiting Pants Sale 3.95 Stanfield's Underwear, regular 1.75, 2.25, 2.50 Sale 1.59, 1.89, 2,19 Sale 2.19 Sale 1.79 Sale 11.95 Regular to 1.39 Boys' Pullover Sweaters Sale 89c Regular 1.25 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose Sale 98c Regular 1.00 Ladies' Pure Wool Panties and Vests Sale 79c Plain Silk Crepes, reg. 1.00 to 2.00 yd. Sale 89'c New Spring Prints Sale lSc yd, Sale 29c yd. Sale 55 for 1.00 Sale 1.59 a Ali Millinery SALE HALF PRICE I Penman's No. 95, regular $2.50 Snag Proof Overalls, regular 2.00 13.95 Horsehide Coats, fur collar Pure Irish Linen Towelling (To -day's price 45c) Regular 29c Hand -worked Linen Handkerchiefs Regular 1.95 Crepe, Satin, Sheer Blouses ST EWART BROS. SEAFORTH IN WATSON'S HALL KIPPEN TUESDAY, JAN. 23 Proceeds for war work Cards at 8 P.M. Murdoch's Orchestra ALL LADIES PROVIDE LUNCH General Admission 25e r BRUCEFIELD The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 10th. After the call to worship hymn JoY to the World was sung, followed by Prayer. During the business period the annual reports were given and adopted. Mrs. Horton read a piece on Temperance and Mrs. H. Aikenhead ou Christian stewardship and finance. Mrs. R. Allan conducted the worship service when she read short extracts from missionary monthly. Scripture readings were taken by Mrs, Brock, Mrs. A, T. Scott, Mrs. H. Aikenbead and Mrs. T. Baird. After hymn 256 was sung the prayer written by Rev, Haddow at the request of Mrs. G. E Forbes was repeated in unison. Miss Bowey had charge of the study Per- iod when chapter IV, "The Ministry of Healing in India," was taken. Miss Bovey was assisted by Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Haugh. The meeting of the Red Cross held last Thursday was well attended. Meeting; were held last 'Thursday and Friday at the homes of Mr. W. Stackhouse and Mr. A. Caldwell, wben a representative of the Depart - ment of Agriculture, Mr. Wilson of Ottawa, spoke on poultry and poultry raising. Miss McMaster spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. A. McTaggart returned to her home in Seaforth on Saturday' after a pleasant visit at the home of her nephew Mr. L. Eyre. VARNA The January meeting of the Varna W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs.. Stelek and airs. David Stephen- son with the new president, Mrs. S. Keyes, in the chair. Hymn 55, Joy to the World, was sung, and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson led in prayer. The Bible reading was six short passages read by different members. Mrs. Steiek rend a selection. Mrs. A. McConnell read about the poet saint of India: One of his hymns, "One who is all unfit to count," was sung. Mrs. S. Keyes then read' one of his poems. Prayer in .time of war was repeated by all from missionary monthly. Leaflets were to be ordered for Day of Prayer. Mrs. Keyes and Mrs. Peters were to consult with Angli- cans about the service for day b4 prayer. Various reports were read and filled in. Treasurer's report show- ed $150.40 had been raised. Mrs. Keyes and Mrs. Peters were to meet with mission band leaders to organ- ize mission band. Minutes of last meeting were read and offering tak- en. Seventeen members and 3 visit- ors answered roll call, with a New Year's thought. Mrs. Ben Rathwell took up the topic on untouchables from the study book. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. McClymont. A social half-hour was spent. HILLSGREEN Mrs, Wm, Reichert attended the funeral of Mrs, Herman Deer of Au- burn recently. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love visited with their daughter Mr. and ell's. Percy Campbell one day last week. Mrs. Charles Robinson has been called to her home in Mitchell- due to the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. M Elliott. At last the January thaw has cone and there are many pleasant smiles, as a water shortage was facing sev- eral farmers, Some Were already haulingwater for their stock,