HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR
$5O 1010, $500 or $1,000
INT, 31 . — 10 YR. LOAN
Subscriptions Solicited
ELDER D. BELL, Seaforth
Phone. Orders 173
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Music by Arthur's Orchestra
Admission 35c
The annual meeting of Duty'.- snit.•
ed Church will be held on Friday
evening, Jan: 19th There will be a
-Pet-luck" supper and reports and
business will he presented after -1
We are sorry to report that Mi
Joseph Bennett le not improving at
ter his recent it tees as his friends
would like.
Fourteen ladies reepouded to the
roll call at the \\ . M. S. meeting on
Jan. 10th. Rev. Gilbert installed the
officers for 1941), Miss Knox presided,
A detailed report was presented by
the treasurer, Mrs. W. Davidson.
Mrs. Gilbert offered prayer. Reports
were adopted as read. The study
chapter was "The Miracle of Modern
India," in charge of the MoKillop
group, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Marshall and
Mrs, Coutts. A letter from Mrs, John
Buchanan expressed thanks for the
gift of a hymnary. The closing hymn
was 239,
We are sorry to report that Mrs,
HughShannon has been under the
doctor's care with the Au..
Mr. George Dale, who has been
quite ill, has been in the Seaforth
Mrs. J. Hogg gave a Christian Stew.
ardship reading, The Gift of the
Loving Heart." Mr. Craw closed the
meeting with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs, John Cochrane spent
Saturday at the home of the form'
er's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cam-
eron of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simser of Chess
terrine. Eastern Ontario, are the
guests at the home of the latter's
niece. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney.
Mee Allan Johnston returned to
her hong from Clinton Hospital on
Sunday. Her many friends hope to
soon see her out and around again.
Mr. W. Harney and Mr. J. C. Sim -
ser e . spent Saturday in Goderich.
Nis, \'era Ropp, who has been at,
tending Bible School in Kitchener.
renamed to her home ou Tuesday.
Me. Clarence McLean of London
spent the, week end with 111e sister
Mr. and d Mt Allan Johnson.
Mr A ehie Ryckinan of Exeter
spent , slay h t only at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons.
Mr. William Sherritt of Harplee'
spent a fete days recently at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mous,
Mr. Wm. McKenzie Jr. has return'
ed home from Guelph where he has
spent the past few weeks taking a
course of study at the O.A.C.
Mr. James IsIct'lymont has had the
Hydro installed in his home.
Mr, R. J. Cooper and daughters
Beatrice and Doreen reeeutly enter-
tained a number of their friends to an
evening of cards when a good time
was enjoyed by all. The high prizes
were win by Mrs. Earl Sproat and
Mr Robe. Elgte. Consolation prizes
by Mrs Edgar Butt and Mr. Emmer-
son .y'i.
'Fr 12..lat. Elate and Mr. Robe "aa;
We bed .am' tire( 3anaury' thaw
Sunuaywhich was welcome to re-
epl en1 1 -soiw cisterns but it did not
last long enough to help the dry
Quite a number from here attended
the social at St. Columban last Wed-
nesday everting, and all report a
good time tripping the light fantastic
to the music of the Corn Huskers of
our burg.
The high wind on Sunday damaged
some roofs by blowing off the loose
The annual meeting of the Mc-
Killop, Logan and Hibbert Telephone
Co., held at its head office in Dublin
fast 'Wednesday, was well attended.
and the usual dividend declared,
which shows the company is still pro-
gressing as from the time of its in-
ception in 1909.
The annual meeting of Rime' Un-
ited Church is to be held this Thurs-
day afternoon.
We are pleased that the Lear fam-
ily are improving. All but Mr. Lear
have been laid up.
The Watt boys are all better and
hark to school again.
Mrs. Jolut Shannon spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr.
And Mrs. Bert Allen.
'lVe are pleased that the last report
Mr. Geo. Dale who is in Seaforth
Hospital is thought to be improving
a little. We hope he will soon be buck
to normal.
Mr. Thos. Knox has been assisting
his son. Mr. \Vm. Knox Jr. as the lat-
ter has been busy drawing and pre-
paring turnips.
Mr. and airs. John McGrath of Dub-
lin celebrated their 37th wedding an-
niversary on Sunday.
Doris Pepper, year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Olen Pepper, Logan,
died in Stratford General Hospital ou
Mack Feeney of Hibbert is reported
to have received painful injuries to
his eye in an accident an his farm
Mr. Edward (Teddy) Hickey of
Dublin visited his brother Joseph. in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London. on
Friday. The latter is said to be mak-
ing' satietat•tory progress.
Our sympathy is extended to Mr
Mr. .tl x Murray leas beet( a1 h tv w 'k ._•uti in Taf to Leo Ktauskopt and fancily of Logan
Seaatetih Ito: pfal.tri wunhap in the deed). of their wife
e d roc° i *! x 1. w t 'et
-. c,a.tlt-c ..a t:,?„y aolire, respectively. Mrs. Leo
`ele:KILLOte levee seep(.
Tli-• W. M. S. and \\'. A , kion CONSTANCE
i hues , >lr Killo,. hell ton regular I•ii.iRON ROAD WEST
191,-43111; ant the home of M1: Robert r • lex. v •\ 1 r:wa Holland returned home
w +- 1 lir 61111"71"1-111 ret
Cantph••1: on .into 11 with 0 iat .l:u;, . Thursday. Jen ilt&. Mee.
'resets ;he •tratfortivery Cleneral delicate Hosppalaitte•al
tendane«.. :Miss Malvina Murdie. e. \\'.uiwho!,.h.• itad a
11'11.. n .idem of rite \W.A .
M,S. I, ideent, openers the meetingp. [nl , ration triad is recovering slowly.
the W.A. lneetina; by he ode of
With hyn.n 571. Scripture reading nw tilt (trete Lecke? is
hymn 1'•f• followed with prayer 1'y home atteun•
ins her rester wedding.
:Hiss D,rotlly Ilollaud spent the
week end at her parent.' home, 1Ft.
and Mrs. Noble Holland. Clinton.
:Hiss Martha hale spent the week
end ;It Stratford.
Miss Marone and prayer by Mr-.
Crain. Th., 1V. M. S. ways of raising
money were discussed. airs. Craw is
bringurie a sketch to the next meeting
-end -Moving Millions." is to be read
at home. The fourth Thursday in
mr,ntf is the :meting day. The
meotintr Was 'hr+n taken over by the
W. A. president, Mrs. Robert Camp.
t\'ao s of raising stoney for the
:nae,_ ,ii-ccnssen. It was deeid.•d
. ; Pit? „h a play. The in••eting was
oi;Or.sell 1$ 11'11 repeating the Lord's.
tt!ra.yer .1 et-l.cious lune'h was served
..... c .9eiat. half hour ..hent,
':- her.- had real winter weather
rhe past couple- et weeks. The heavy
tele on Sunday would be greatly
welcomed by those that are short of
The euchre and dance- held in the
hall Friday night was well attended.
The prize winnere were: Ladies,
most games, Mrs. Robert McClure,
lone bands, Mrs. Gordan Papple.
Men's most games. Mr. George
Campbell, lone hands, Mr. Oliver
Pryee. After lunch several hours
were spent in dancing to the Agar -
Hogg orchestra.
Winthrop don't seem to be getting
any where in hockey- this winter so
fat-. Maybe have better luck in the
future. we hope.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and
Bobby called on Mr. and Mrs. George
Eaton on Monday.
The W. M. 5. and W. A. Bold their
first meeting of the year in the base-
ment of the church on ,Tan. 10th with
the president, Mrs. Alexander, pre-
siding The meeting opened by sing-
ing Hymn 479. Ma. Alexander lees in
prayer. The reports of both societies
weregiven and both showed they had
had a very successful year. The re-
mainder of the meeting was in charge
of Mrs. T. Pryce. captain of Circe No,
3, Hymn 071 was sung after which
Elva Pryce led in prayer. The Scrip-
ture reading was taken 1ty Mrs. R.
Bolton. Hymn 05 was sung. Mrs. F.
Johnston led in prayer. The topic,
Ministry. of Medical Missions, was.
ably given by Mrs. Craw and Mrs..f.
Little favoured with an instrumental.
Mrs. te,lee Rogerson acid all repeat.
Ing the Lot'd'e prayer. The minute-
of the last meeting were rear; and
adopted. The roll Bail was- answered
by the payment of f: -es for heli•. :\
very eec•c•eestul report of the year's
work was given by the treasurer,
Mrs. L••iteit. Suctessfl.1 rtpnrts we're
id.', gtw 'r➢ by emit of the tett' grnti5
leaders. After business was discussed
Mrs. Austin Dexter leader of Group
1. took charge. Sang hymn 24ri. fol-
lowers with prayer by M E. Adahus.
The Scripture lesson :vas read by
Mrs. Robts Rogerson. An instrumental
was given by Mrs, Geo. Addison. after
which Mre. Wm. Britton gave the
study book. Sang hymn 352. Meeting
closed by all repeating the Mizpah
benediction. Lunth wee served.
W.M.S. Meeting—
The regular meeting of the W M.S.
was held Thursday afternoon, Jan.
lith in the basement of the church.
The president, Mrs. Peter Lindsay.
presided, The theme was "World's
Outlook of Jesus." Hymn "Joy to 'the
World." Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Lind-
say offered prayer. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
adopted and the business transacted.
Various reports were given, Mrs.
Lindsay gave a reading. Roll call was
answered by paying the fees. The
study book was given by Mrs. Brit-
ton and the Scripture lesson by Mrs.
R. Rogerson. The W.A. then took
Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dexter and
Mrs. Chas. Dexter visited at the
home of Mr. Henry Adams of Lond-
eshoro on Saturday.
What An Autograph Secretary Does
A day in the busy life of the "Girl
Friday" of Governor Dickinson of
Michigan is described with words and
pictures in one ofthe many features
in The Metropolitan Magazine, Witit
the January 21 issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times, in ALL EDITIONS.
Autographed pictures of Jack Benny.
and Fred MacMurray; fashions.
beauty hints, counsel on cooking, e
Crossword Puzzle and many other at-
tractions also will he in the same
issue, Be sure to get The Detroit
Sunday Times.
Mr. Norman Rock had the tuisfor•
tune while working in his planing
ntili to have his first finger token MY
In the iointer machine.
aliss Vera Hoek underwent an op-
eration for appendicitis at the Strat-
ford General Hospital last week. We
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Fred Hinz visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Con ScheIleoberger in Mit-
r•lieIl last week.
The Young People's Society of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen,
held a meeting on Tuesday evening;
San. 9. The president Edgar Elligson
opened the meeting. The devotional
part was conducted by Adeline Sie-
mon. After calling the roll, the secre-
tary Mrs, Lloyd Prueter read a letter
from the pastor of a Finnish congre-
gation thanking the society for a
small donation of money. To show
their appreciation, the congregation
presented the society with a book de-
scribing the country of Finland.
After completing plans for a sleigh-
ing party the young people gratefully
accepted Rev. Friedericksen's kind
invitation to spend the remainder of
the evening at his home where games
and lunch were enjoyed by all
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser
and Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Rua-
eril Shnldice and Gary visited With
Mr, and Mrs. 201 Kreesler in Strat-
ford on Friday evening.
Mr. Tlillits- "Islaria, I don't like to
have teat spicierrlegged Hankinsoe
hanging about the house. Does he
crone to see one of our girls? Ts it
possible that any of them would en-
courage the idiot?"
Mrs. Billus- "Mr, Haukiuson seems
io me, John, to be a very worthy
young matt: He. comes to see Bessie,
and since his aunt left him that
handsome legacy of money and prop•
erty he ie—"
Mr. Billus (greatly modi9ed)—"Oh
if he means business I'vt no objec-
tion. I didn't want him to come here.
trifling—that's all."
Continued front Please One
'ectiv.nte wild!! !lave a chance." Was
Dt `eel
The cn'.u1i of (lasting.; seeks ett-
dorstulon of a resolution to aunend the
l' r:n!ic 110 seinen Act to provide that,
e, opt in vases of tttlergency (10 Itl-
,ligent person shall he -admitted as a
patient - in a ptrbilic hospital !whether
or not such -patient resides in a ntitnt-
icipality 'bl,rderiug a separated .city or
town in :which the City is situated,
'without art order in writing from the
!medical health officer of such nuuuic-
ipaluy in which the patient resides.
It 'Was sent to the Legislative cunt-
The same county also asked that
legislation be enacted whereby o-ii-
•tagee would get a fifty per cent, sub
silly on all atonies expended on gave
ernrent approved streets, salve to 'be
spent under elle superris,inn of a duly -
appointed road superintendent. Ref-
erred to Legislative Committee.
The Education 'committee will lea
with a resolution front the 'united
centric, of INorthuanherland and Dur-
ham that the cutting, sale and trade
in Christmas tree: he placed tinder
some kind of supervision and requests
in * tine Department of Lands and
I tt t• -impose such regulations 'vas
.cut to, the legislative committee.
Endorsation I- asked by the county
of Grey of a resolution that the pre
nliunt on grade A hogs ,be $2 per hog
over ;trade 11 instead of St 'because d
the greater cost of production. The
a.areulhn-e contnlittee :,ells consider it
-1`lic t.nmty of tirey•s :request the
an earnest endeavor die made to con
tri' :he prier of nee,edties require/
by farmers -o iliac :c rcasonitl e parity
may h1' obtained between values o
far•nrr's ;u -„ducts and requirement
r. referrer! t•, the lc51-alive coon
1111: .
7'hc ,rod r„ads committee still con
it r trie recommendation 01:11 the
} uhht
Service U', rks .\rt of the
111 htc ars 1c -ae amended so :ha
o:ieratin,r rorporati-n,1 ire remit'
ed to bear the _e lti t , re-loc•at
iti4 any appliances N IA ark, on man
roads high waw. ashen etc'h-
a ,r'i- i- required by thv road author
sty and :which reverts to the practise
tri tin.*.pra,r to 11925.
End,rsation w'as asked 1ty the Focht
Cation committee of Kent to a moth);
that the agricultural grant the paid b-
all high and con'tinitaton sehiols, and
deploring 'high cost df teat ,honks
The application of Ross Johnetoi
for Id. re -appointment as corn bore
ins-pet/or for 11240 ,vas referred to the
executive committee.
A regaeet from the Huron Law As
sociation for improved library facilit
.les in ?look cases. lockers, etc„ •was
referred to the property committee.
A letter from :he Ontario Agricul
rural l'ailesc advised that though tht
appointment ' , corn borer i neeveto
not mortal: r'. it was -stn tderet
folly not to make it as the letter said
11 e torn•*• afford to ran risks 1n W3
roue• '•
an.i T \1 liaberts tier'
the .'r',utina
otTt a:r.,n tt. eintirtm,
tptioiroinent t„-, ce
it 1
(Continued Front 1101re 1,1
one goat wile!, Johnson and Garrick
ac nh eros Fleilty stow: t r PM tit • game
in the bag for Seaforth when he
5,)001 on a slice pass front Nichol
.ser •i':'.1 c a«' ant ->'t 1, d'•
't tr:, I. Ntt t. a a. V„.1 1,'1., •sent.
I art'.: tin M!,.-1.etel. Nish: wren•
u.ate<, Htidebr-n... Flannery. Reil',
t inn el', C tin
tiofierich , .a', II '\\'corse:': 411
f,•nr,_ Vont Q. \\ e .'r, 141k ,:entre
t...arri:•k: cin_• l:. •\\.,,t'sel', iohn
(1! rn. to ll. ak. \laeon. t- , .
e11 i)m'+.uu 1 !ttl'c h„cut,s.
IL„rrv, \(terry.
Fourth Straight Intermediate
Seaforth e a' tr Beaver-. a',1r
their £aorta tt (! `;t eerne a-iten they
defeated Pict t.tk 4-1 to 'favi noel
Friday night la-:. t Fa1r cretin wit
messed the gatre ,w ,tit saw Ra1.p'
\i i i aeleiin turn Co. stat trick and swore_
three :..ttoals for the visitors. A. 11e-
Faldtlt sc red the fxrrrh ;ohile Pear -
ton scored Teter 1 c k's lone 'Counter
to t pa -s from "Smoky” Harris and
\\ e,title. 100rut',-;vc) 'peualtiey mere
branded oat.
Seaforth -- goal, Stade; :defence,
Hubert and T. Silh; centre, R. •1tc-
Faddin; 'wings, A. 1 eF.addin and F.
Sills; alternates, A. Hildebrand, G.
Hildebrand, McCallum, Flannery .arid
Tavistock — .goal. Panch'on; def-
ence, Pearson and Kaufman; centre,
Harris; wings, Neel) and Woefie; al-
ternates. 'Vogt, Matbhies, Yousie, M•c-
Denrnott and Faber.
Referee. ,Chick Appel, Stra'ttiord.
Clinton Wins
Clinton Colts defeated the cellar -
dwelling St. Agatha team 9-2 in ,Clin-
ton. A fine crowd Watched the Colts
roatliy burn on the heat.
St. Agatha—goal, Tisdhardt; def-
ense, Gorman, !Welber; centre, Schaclt,
wnt_s, Kittel. Bersc'h; alternates, F..
Steff'ler, Hughes, •Cressman, Strome,
Dietrich, J. Ste&lcr.
Clinton --goad. H. Doak, defense, A.
Doak, Grant centre, Pickett wings,
Draper, Street'; alternates, Foster, R.
1ic.'Lw'eu, Young, McKay. Referee.
Moir, Seaforeh.
New Hamburg Trims Perths
New Hamburg intermediates '¢ave
Nur Stratford I'ertlts , 4-1 trouncing
at New Ha -Aura Friday night.
The following 'is from last week's
Busy Beavers Win Again Goderich Signal -Star:
cefr,rth tro'4 thei.r fifth game in a "Skipper" MacDonald, for years a
row When they w"hy,p:d Perth's in luminary In. Goderich hockey, has
Stratford 4-1 \dondav night. R. NI' r- met and played against most of the
Fad -din, great centre star, scored two hockey players in this neck of the
goals for 'the Beavers in the first per- woods. He knows many of then,
ods T'he only groat Of :the second was personally and almost all of them by
be the Beavers when A. Hildebrand sight, hot Last Tuesday night itis old
netted the pock on a pass front ,Me- knack of recognizing faces crossed
Callum and G. Hildebrand. R. 'Nt- hitt, up, Just before it was time for
1^addin in the third period scored this the Seaforth-Goderich junior game to
(third goal df the night, With 'four begin, Skip approached oue ofthe
minutes to go 'Relish saved itis team referees, a Seaforth man.
from being shut out when the scored'T hear you have quite an interred.
on a .pass 'from Haibkiek. late team down there this year,"
Tyrone Power Alice Faye
Ragtime ..Band”
Sonja Henle Tyrone Power
Mon., Tues., Wed.
p\la�V t/,f� N)OUunott
[••rrgga` E
1711 ' 1 pn aMgtA p1C1YR
Seaforth—goal, Stade: defence. T.
Sills, Hobert; centre, A.,Hildebrand;
wings, McCallum. G. Hildebrand: alt-
ernates, A. McFaidin, R. 'vi I addin.
I. Sills, Flannery Willis ...tab -goal).
Perth Regitncnt •- "ua1.
ham, defense. defense. MIR r Haloed., cen-
tre, Schneider; At P r Reith:
alternate .-•l1'ry . •n •sr• berg. Lyons, l.y al, '.alar:. E •.•••0 Iter,•
1 l+t•„•t
Clinton Colts Stronger
i nibs• -. .c cent••
, I 11 Ia
St, Agatha
.l 111
St. Agatha Goalie Stars .. Defeat
Seafort - . .
atm ..wr holt (.rr 1
1'1 .\.;'•,t' 0, -1 . _, !•a
lit'',Iay n't
'41:1'111%1 ''t•1st., . ;c
i,or the „r;llratt; ,+ .
St. \sat i 1
ill rhe I11 •.10 • ., 1.-•i- .•..-"1.
u1 .aI 11 3,1 4. .11
n ,lir n
nd - at I n • -
for �t•tror�
l' ettnery i - '
u•ruat•-, A. Tt a
hr nil, \l, t .c.: .
reuse, tronner, S. Sterile.. t 1 t Pit.
,wings, '\\-eber, Berac t titer -
nates, Strome, ,Hughes , i. A Steffler,
Reinhardt, •Cressnta•t. Refer:e. •Chick
Appel, Stratford.
Wingham Juniors Blank Goderich
Cmderich Lions -lost their third
straight game 'when defeated hy
\Y`inlghaem 2-0 at G. Goderich Tuesday
night. This enabled Wutghain to take
second 'place in the ,group standing.
Junior Farmers Hockey
In Junior Farmer competition on
Saturday evening, Egmondville de-
feated Winthrop by a score of 11-2,
although Winthrop was good and
In the first game Hensel"( defeated
Dublin by a narrow margin, 4-3. The
game was fought stride for stride.
The smooth and heady atickhandler
John O'Connor, was the star of this
The Duncan Cup hockey fon' Satur-
day was postponed owing to soft ice.
Excellent Portraits at the
Right Price
in and make an appointment
�r nip t •enures
h • boys are going all right
'a -. 1 arbiter cordially replied.
1' tits F ltumery that play-
. h"nt dist yetis'?" Skipper
teed e laugh the refer,•,
\W. t right now he's
1 •,•r n Hoist of you.”
Mil i f il.•d to reengniic'.
1-a i hen whom Ile played
nosh•. 'Itld 1,50 year.
h“.0', rumor of discord
ays K. Hart Brown
Saturday's Beacon.
1 1,1 that 111-• Beavers are (X -
little trouble regarding
titer •*•'+•- T'he grapevine informs
som.. •t 111» llnme boys are
,att. " they oat-of•towncrs
e. given privileges, etc., such
1'' .t.. tet•s aren't heln5 shown.
We:: 1, eldniou, what is good
0' also good for the
.. Yours truly is
eel • enow that so many members
h • eeaforth Amateur Athletic
A talon. and Intermediate hockey
imnagomont, read our hockey column
.,\1I last winter this column boost -
el 'hr (t wkey team and never re-
creed, nor expected any thanks....
When the column turns up something
the management doesn't agree with
.. wowiel...we hear about it in a
hurry, •
...Lindy Leppar'd, speed merchant
from Mitchell, has been granted his
release on his own request, it is und-
erstood,, , .It was rumored that
Archie Hubert was about to do like•
wise...but this is now denied....
aerie Joliet, former Montreal hockey
star, insists that if he had it to do
over again he would never have sign-
ed a professional contract...because
he amateurs around Montreal receive
almost the same salary... ,Cooney
Weiland, Egmondville's big leaguer,
is corning along fine at coaching in
Boston,, .the Bruins are topping the
circuit—Andy Lytle, sports writer
of the Toronto Star, suggested that
putting hockey player's names on
the back of the sweaters, would be
the better way of knowing the play-
ers.,.not a bad idea..,but what
about these fifteen letter names.
Cyril Flannery appeared on the
intermediate line-up this week for
the first time this season—he will
strengthen the Beaver's.
The new low .prices, announced this
week, for the J'turior Farmers pont-
tar Saturday night !hockey double-
headers ern i'ic alas Loc.
A letter Inas ibeen received at this
office entitled "Should Local Men
Be Thrown Out of 'Work 'to Give
.Pdbs to ltnpontcd Hockey Players,"
but no name was signets. The letter
:will the pulhiished in a later issue, if
the :writer will kin'ddy furnish 'us with
his name.Letters can be printed cwt' h
a gen name, ,but ,we must know who
the writer
Want and For Sate Ads, 3 weeks 50c