HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-18, Page 2PAGE TWO
*They're So Convenient
Miss Betty Wright of Detroit is
spending a few weeks with Mr, and
Mrs. Het'b Kercher and family of
near Chiselhurst.
The Young People's Society held
their first meeting of 1940 on Tuesday
evening last. The meeting opened by
singing Hymn 48, "Day is Dying in
the West," after which the Lord's
prayer was repeated in- unison. Miss
Ruby Dalrymple took a chapter from
the book• "Girls Who Made Well," on
Marie Curie, the discoverer of rad-
ium. Ben Stoneman then favored with
a piano solo which was much enjoyed
by all. Hymn, "Upward Ever Upward"
was sung followed by a responsive
reading. In place of a topic Miss Jean
Venner had prepared a number of
questions. The closing hymn. 'Abide
With Me," was sung and the Mizpah
benediction pronounced.
The Hensall Y. P. U. invited the
Chiselhurst Y.P.U. to a skating party
on Monday, Jan. 15th at Hensel' rink.
We are pleased to report the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Ostrum is improving from her recent
Misses Bessie and Harvey Chuter
entertained a few of their friends
Tuesday night.
The ladies of the community are
busy sewing and knitting in c'onnec-
removed promptly and efficiently,
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
For Dainty Things
and Small
Mid -Week Washes
Miss Simplicity
Gives You The
No need to use (and clean) an
entire Washing Machine when
you have only a small wash! And
you won't want to put your dainty
things in with your regular heavy
wash. That's why Miss Simplicity,
the modern electric Washer,
provides (at slight extra cost) the
Mid -Week Washer, a small
Washer that requires only a kettle
of water. it's particularly con-
venient where there's a baby.
Washes 14 diapers in 15 minutes.
Also useful, with non -explosive,
non -inflammable cleaning fluids,
for dry cleaning. See it today!
Main St, Seaforth
thin with Red Cl'Oss work. They have
bought two machines to be used in
the hall.
:Mrs. D. Dewar of i3aytleld spent
Monday witli her sister, Mrs. Mossop.
The Hibbert Township Council met
in the Steffe township hall on Jan. S
plu'usant to statutes. All members
present• and subscribed to the neces-
sary declaration of office and assum-
ed their responsibilities. Bylaw No.
4S0 confirming 111e appointment of
municipal officers and fixing their
salaries was given its third and final
reading and passed. The following
officer's were appointed to the respec-
tire offices: Thos. D. Wren, Clerk;
Roy Burehtll, - treasurer_; Joseph
Roach, assessor; Thos. 'itiolyneaux,
school attendance officer; Andrew
McLachlan and Ernest Templeman,
livestock valuators; S. W. Archibald,
engineer; Jas. Scott, sanitary inspec-
tor; Jas. Morley, township solicitor;
Frank Tuffin, caretaker of township
hall; Jas. O'Reilly, weed inspector;'
John McDonald, road superintendent.
Bylaw No. 481 providing for estimat-
ed road expenditure was given its
third and final reading and passed.
The read superintendent was author-
ized by resolution to purchase 2500
feet of snow fence and 120 six-foot
posts. The following accounts were
paid, Beacon Herald, $4.08; Municip-
al World, supplies. $2.09; Geo. Hess,
$2.25; Whittier & Co.. tax arrears
notice. $S.50; interest on private
loans. $50.00; dh•eot relief, $95.38.
Regular council meeting will be held
on the first Saturday of each month.
—Thos. D. Wren, Clerk.
Miss MacEwan Passes at Goderich
Mise Isabelle MacEw-an. member of
a prominent Huron County family
and sister of Mayor H. J. A. MacEwan
of Goderich, died last week at her
residence at Goderich. She was a
daughter of the late Peter MacEwan
and Christina MacKay BlacEwan,
who came from Scotland. Her gather
was a pioneer in the salt district of
Seaforth and Goderich. The funeral
was held on Saturday at Goderich.
Miss MacEwan was widely known in
women's church and patriotic circles
for her fine qualities. A member of
Knox Presbyterian Church. she was
active in W.M.S. She was born and
educated in Goderich and lived there
all her life. Surviving are three bro-
thers, Peter J., Mayor FI. J. A. and
W. G. MacEwan, and two sisters.
Miss Margaret, with whom deceased
resided. and Mr -s. F. T. Egener, of
Pigs Is Pigs—
Archie Cameron, well intown farm-
er of the Port Elgin area. has a York-
shire sow which brought 19 pigsinto
the world last year and 16 more little
porkers this year for a grand total of
35 piglets in two litters.. For a long
time it has been kn:owu that "pigs is
pigs" but it seems to us that Al'chie's
motherly Yorkshire is overdoing
things. Fortunate for Archie is the
fact that Adolph Hitler or Beuito
Mussolini are far from Bruce County.
else they might draft her for their
motherhood prizes. She raised four-
teen of a litter last year and is under-
taking a similar program this year.
Weighing in the neighborhood of 800
pounds, "Greta",as she is affection-
ately known, is as gorgeous a pig as
can be found anywhere in Canada. If
anyone knows of a pig who can beat
Greta's mark, we would appreciate
the koowiedge. With armies on the
march and reddening skies in Eur-
ope, creatures such: as this age in -I
valuable.—Pbrt .iiplgda Times.. '!
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and FargG Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
Electric Welding
Done by an Experienced Welder, Ken Campbell, starting Sept. 4411.
Work guaranteed. The portable welder Can be taken any place with
or without Hydro
All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please
London Youths field As Suspects
Pending au inyostigatlou Into the
are teal destroyed the flub Hetet at
Grand fiend one night laiti week, two
1,undcil youths, Clureuoe Hicks, aged
twenty. um! Jack Talbot, aged 17,
were arrested on the noldilg charge
of vagrancy by constables .t"ergueou
and Wallerfurd and lodged in the
colony jell at Codericlt. A charge 01
stealing an automobile at London
also hangs over their heads. Police
say they have evidence that the sus -
Peeled youths were seen about Gland
.vend all the day of the fire, and that
the Hub Hotel was burglarized before
it was burned.
Marriage Announced=
:Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stirling of
Goderich township wish to announce
the marriage of their eldest daughter
Elizabeth Jane (Betty) to John Fred-
erick Dtkken, eldest son of John T.
Dlkken, which took place at Mon-
teith on November 18, 1939. The
young couple are residing near Mon-
teith,—Clinton News -Record.
Snowplows Out Last Week—
The "all clear" sign was out in
Huron County last week after days
of snowing and blowing and of stren-
uous efforts of augmented day and
night gangs t0 keep County and Pro-
vincial highways open. They 1111 tt
good job. North and south roads
gave the most trouble. Assistance
was received froth Toronto 1n the
form of a brand new and powerful
caterpillar tractor plow, which was
brought to Caderich on a platform
truck trailer, This plow had a 10 -foot
nose and 21 -foot wing spread, with a
speed of three to tour miles an Motu.
Real trouble was encountered be-
tween Pine River and Kineardlne.
Snow banks ten feet high were piled
caterpillar two flays to make 35 utiles
and a day to return, but -a permanent
job was done, 'there was very little
sntiw south of Goderich ou highway
11 and practically none at Grand
Last Week's Temperatures—
Early last week the temperatures
were quite low: Official records cam -
piled by Mr, George Baird, Stanley
township,show that Sunday, Jan. 7111
was coldest (22 below). Monday,
Jan, 8t11 was 2 below zero, and Tues-
day, Jan. 9th, went down to 19 below.
Hullett Tp. Officials—
The following are the list of offic-
ials for Hullett township for 1940;
Jas. Flynn, assessor; S. McVittie,
collector of taxes; F. Tamblyn and
R. McKenzie, auditors; James Me-
Co31, clerk and treasurer; 'Wm.
Brown, sheep valuator; Wm. Carter.
road shpt.; Bert Stephenson, school
attendance officer; P. Quigley, sani-
tary Inspector; Wm. Lyon, sanitary
inspector; M. Ross, weed inspector;
Road Commission; whole council;
Fred Pickett and Geo. Brown, mem-
bers of hall hoard; A, Shanahan,
member Board of Health; D1'., B. C.
'Weir, M,O. of health; M. Ross, twp.
constable; Chas, Weymouth, grader
operator. Fence viewers—Lorne Tyn-
dall. Malcolm McDermid, Tltos, Dale,
NorritaIt 13a11, SVn1: Heftron, Fred
Shobbrook, Jack Jackson. Pound keep-
ers—Howard Trewartlla, John Collin-
son, John Freeman, Robert Grimold-
by, E. J. Ch'aWfOrd, George Hamilton,
Thomas-Falrservfce, Wm. Hamilton. -
Golden Wedding In Hibbert—
Ou Monday, January Stl1, Mr. anti
and Mrs. John W. Balfour quietly cel-
ebrated their 50th wedding anniver-
sary at their home in Hibbert Town -
up in that section, It took the big ship, lot 5, concession 4, where they
have lived all their married lite.
Their hone was tastefully decorated
for the occasion at which their fam-
ily were all present, Mrs. John Bar -
hour, StalTa, Mrs. - George Pepper,
Zion, and Dalton at home, There are
seven grandchildren and ono great-
granddaughter. They 1111 partook of a
sumptuous fowl dinner, the table be -
!ng centred with the wedding cake.
The family presented theist with a
radio. Their many friends hope they
will have many more happy years
together,—Mitchell Advocate.
Appeals Cost $1,060—
The cost to Huron County of the
tribunal which recently heard equal-
ized assessment appeals extending
over eight days is $1,060. This does
not include town of Goderich and
Stephen township appellants, which
nuutleipalities must pay their own
Walkerton Lawyer Made Judge
Announcement Of the appointment
of Otto Edward Klein, K.C., promin-
ent Walkerton barrister, as judge for
the county of York, was made rec-
ently. Mr. Klein has been a lifetime
resident or. Walkerton and one of its
leading citizona, promoting' the wel-
fare of the town in every phase of its
community life. The new judge was
born in Walkerton 67 years ago, a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John 'Klein,
natives of Alsace, who came to this
new land of promise when many' in-
habitants of that part of Germany
inane Canada their adopted country,
Mistress '-- "Be careful how you
clean these pictures, Jane; they are
all old master's,"
Maid—"Good gracious, ma'am, 1
didn't think you'd been married all
those times!"
The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive
subscriptions for a loan to be issued for cash in the following terms:
31/4 Per Cent Bonds
To be Redeemed by Annual Drawings by Lot
as follows:
20% of the Loan on February 1, 1948 at 100.00
200' r<
. rl
41 CC
CC 41
14 14
February 1, 1949 at 100.00
February 1, 1950 at 100.00
February 1, 1951 at 100.50
February I, 1952 at 101.00
Issue Price: 110!@°o and neertaeii interest.
The proceeds will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes.
Payment is to be made in full against delivery of interim certificates oii �r after
February 1, 1940.
Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will be
payable without charge semi-annually at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.
The Bonds will be dated February 1, 1940.
Denomination of Bearer Bonds:
$50, $100, $.500, $1,000
The Minister of Finance may, at his discretion, authorize the Bank of Canada to
accept applications to convert Dominion of Canada % Bonds maturing March 1, 1940,
into an equal par value of additional bonds of the above issue. The 3% Bonds accepted
for conversion will be valued at 100.17% and accrued interest to date of delivery.
Cash subscriptions and conversion applications may be trade to the Bank of' Canada,
Ottawa, through any branch in Canada of any chartered batik or through any approved
investment dealer or stock broken' from whom copies of the official prospectus con-
taining complete details of the issue may be obtained.
The Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot cash subseriptiont; in :full
01' in part.
Subscription lists will open at 9 cern•., F.S.T., on January 15, 1940, and; w i' r•8r4jtt
open thereafter for not longer than tiro weeks, but may be closed at any tttse at tate!
discretion of the Minister of Finance, with or without notice.
Orrnwn, January 12, 1940