HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-18, Page 1This world that we're a'livin` in 9s mighty hard to beat, You get a thorn with every rose, But ain't the roses sweet. RON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER emacs drop of i.nk, Failing -dike dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes int:Tsands. perhaps mit lions, think, Byron WHOLE SERIES, VOL- 62, No. 3 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, T.FIURSF)AY. JANUARY IS, 'MO Phone 84. 1 a year, ELECTRIC LIGHT BUL S 40-60-100 Watt 5 F,OR 90c 2 WHEAT PUFF with Glass 23c COOKING FIGS - 2 lbs. 23e WESTON'S SODA BISCUITS - 100 pack. AVLMER SAUERKRAUT- Oc Tin JELLY POWDER-, 6 pack 25c MATCHES, 3 pack 19c PORK & BEANS - 3 cans 25c SLICED PINEAPPLE - 10c Tin TOMATO JUICE - 40c gallon tin HEINTZ CATSUP 17c botttie PETER PAN CATSUP - 10c bottle MACARONI 5c lb, WHEAT FLAKES - 5 lb. 23c SUNLIGHT SOAP 5c cake COMFORT LYE 3 tins 25c COLGATE SOAP, with glass bowl 6 cakes 25c ECHO NAPTHA SOAP - 4 bars 25c Mineral Mix, for all kinds of stock, 3.00 cwt. A. Calioutledge Phone 166 *'blue coal': '1HE SOLID FUEL, FOR SOLia COMFORT' +f. Northside United Church Rev. H, V. Workman, Minister. 11 a.m., Spiritual Ally. 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m. The First Commandment, Colborne Reeve is Warden of Huron Reeve Geo. Feagan Heads Huron County Council January Session Opens George Feagan, reeve of Colborne township, was elected warden of Huron county atthe opening session of the county (pencil on Tuesday af- ternoon. Fotor ballots ware required iivfore the ,hole( was made in a eau -us of the. sixteen Con set vativt members, Other eont.estants tar the honor were Rr@ves H. A.'Key,s of Grey; George McNal:. of Myth; Genrge :\rrr=n•cmg, Of clay, and Roland Chains of Turn - berry. H. A. Keyes, runner-up for the of- fice. u't:- airp(iiiferi to the criminal nude isned. In the appointment in s es.x t° h tiii i e �. ,�a the ,t,I reta:mitt' , also li •-11 111 �!L s :•;' tale a tap nF tme e wert „vsal ties in "' , � "� y i ,? y,} K. o��iE� "` ,y I Celle., the h..iiottmr, it eve George Alen- %3 t "r vm , ' � see + II ee:i.t.-, strong 'a n Th. ,+pp00110 nt, The � r}pp i :aOe11s t ed .w' l.,iurs. -:; ,vY' ,�,,,, �I # a sps, . a 4A 11 +'*y, rj 1' Ree:, ., eX '4afllt*°' t-"�y`'f',..a.. �.. i .td's_•,. �` ;� rr`i The r„wly.elerled wi.rden w•a, ,on. VC -, t„- rs�� •r sr -t ducted to *Ili. tads by Reeve R. F. � „ ^m9a 1i`` k? t ! i`':: t it` Jnnier._. Turnsr. hast yea, wartime -rw The grid key, need for the first ;i ' '� " °'s se-aiere, time, was presented to Warden � .+I ,� ''14 � . Feagen as ,. symbol of Itis ochre, by , tat Geilersh . ?ver. Turner. who extended venerate- 11 d ' D ° I,tn, or l .triwr,-- tations, r iS ' t4 li iris b 1 ilk . . V.3 ,) After ndminist,-ring. the oath Judge if ; � T, M. Costello stated that he did not lien -ell . 3 it know of any other county where the L 1 + ,' { e' x t i f ,, ; ; , ' :y \\ unary, tl A i t ' ! / , , rr 1 i` t rfkl Dublin t 2 pleasing ceremony of allowing the r a <, ytL 1 lli 1t 'ri ledge of the county the privilege of * fir - ,L f;•1 tai {lata tatiha �I i r looking over the old and new timber Mkt �'v ,,�r� :1'=, 4. Juniors Win of the county council existed. Last The Seaforth Juniors won t04tr I year was the first in which anything we q pp third straight game in as many starts 1 controversial had occurred, but he Thursday evening when they whipped the Gaderich had no apologies for the judgment of the school and pt Ails were by i t th of Young Sailors 4-2 at Seaforth last delivered by the equalization board. Judge Costello complimented the eau- c L i Ph lH Thursday. Seaforth had better of the sus members for the good feeling play than the score indicates, but evident. Hanel Muxwoithy, Jeannette A Worsell in Goderieh nets was brilli- "Yog for . think they had all been jJ h , i pulling for you," his honor told the R R \I Ii Teacher; Hughie ant. Angus McLean scored Sea - smiling warden. He concluded with forth's first goal In the latter part of the hope that by the end of the year the first period. There was no more Sky Harbor airport would be cam- scoring until Reilly scored for the pletea. Presb terians Hold 1 Mae lane Auxiliary Holds Rev, W. P. Lane conducted prayers y locals in the early stages of the cess and the thanks of the council were Congregational Meeting Eighth Birthday Meeting and period, and this was followed by extended to him andto Judge Cromarty School Prey To Flames I : nitu Int wu,"'"uu",,u'"unnaernnu",.uon, Pick&res of Sport with Gusto': 1/01011111011111111t1111.111 iiiiii 1111111M. iiiiii Hockey Scores of the Week 1l tern,rriiattt- S-::forth 4. '1`ar"t,.ck 1. )rete Ha-m1rur. 4. Perth, 1 �'t';,•on 9. Agatha 2. -aferth 4 St. 1. Nero Ilam':,sir: Ag _ S.tatorti, 2. .�;. .`e ria Junior - ,t ',lit- i er'.,.n 1 i-artner•- t can n'1ri'1,- 11. 11,., .li 1'ab..., .. list, .,,1's-..-- Standings First Presbyterian Church Sunday School, 10 am. 11 am., subject, "Weighed in the Balance." 7 p.m. "The Church's Witness To - Saving Power." Midweek meeting, Thurs. at 8 p.m. .1 i c Ii The 11 a ui ed school house at Cromarty was destroyed by fire on n last. None of the contents were saved. The above pictures t w e taken The News as June at a time the reunion at this school. From left to right are: Gorton Laing, Phyllis McLaren, Lila Norris, Leona \Vestlake, Mae McKellar, Ross McLellan, Ada McLellan, Bernice McKellar, Reggie Stagg, Donna Norris-. Gordon Houghton, aicKellar, Murray Balfour, Doreen McLellan, Blanche McLaren, Jimmy Westlake, Dorothy Norris, FergusMcKellar. Howard Muxwoithy, Doreen Morgan, .: ac ay,. Westlake. St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. Dr, Hurford. 11 a.m., "The Message of Jonah." 7 p.m. "The Church Witness To - Day." Sunday School at 10 a.m. Egmondville United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D, 10 am., Sunday School, 11 am.,"The Darker Experiences of the Christian Life." 7 pen., "The Longing to be Under- stood." J d Cos - tesla. The annual meeting, of First Pres- -- Bell's goal a few minutes later to put Warden's Address. 'hyterian 'Church wits held .'a Monday 'The pathway leading. into the fill-0:01110O:with e good representation ure is an uncertain one at the present 'present. 'Rev. Hugh Jack conducted throe,' rated Warden Feagan in his the opening exercises and Mr. G. A. inaugural address,We are faring onej-Ballantyne acted a, :huran:ui for the the biggest wart, in:hi tory. Molt).- Fns -,era ne report, cern of McKillop Charge Jan. 21st -Bethel, 10.30 a.m. Caven Church, 2 p.m. Duff's Church, 8,30 p.m., annual meeting (postponed) Monday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. Rev. R. W. Craw, Minister. The Mae Lane Auxiliary of the I Seaforth 111 the lead 3.0. In the third United Church held its Sth annual Birthday meeting on Monday when period the Sailors put on the power circles a and 4 entertained circles 1 and :'educed the Seaforth lead to but and at 0 buffet supper. Thi, regular (Csetinuud On Page Pour) Annual Vestry Meeting Of St. Thomas Church r g.rs- a - meeting followed. The devotional Mitts of each Colin:Ty are working Tor reve15511 tr.-.211 lit, V ,non,- a �a111/. section.• .was taken by Mrs. Bethel?... the :nttOe-„ of their respective, coml.; tion, of t!i: nn ,. In Th • -t 1 who attuned the first meeting of the tries and we do not know ,ditere these letter tate 1'a-. r thanked all -„rtheir year using most appropriately till.- nations will 05 aligned, but whichever, local support. L( •,snare-za12,nr has (rucitation with which oar Ring ,to -d way the .var develops it is our indir- i Tnembers, 15 tic,, members being his Christmas broadcast. A new ideal duty. cur timy y t- our municipal - added anti the (.silontnc.living re 70.%- year's hymn, "Standing at the Porte. sty, province. .:.mntry and empire to ed 'hy death NIT.;. Ii1ii tntth \Ie a u,, • was followed by a paern real by 'Diss prepare e,nr,elves for any enirr,: n- Mrs. R. Clarke. Mrs. John 1:21. M. Barber. Isirs. Workman led the c,e-. \\e nhu-t „ carefully at every \lig: Marion Proalfoot, Mrs ,lame.. meeting in prayer. The service of ill- itp--ior :.t the ^.cry least, the price Rankin Miss Charlotte '1'l.eutp n. stallation of the new offices. - was high.- Mrs, A. Park \l1 Haien Young, then conducted by the minister \Ir. Hi• Worship advised a revision of Mrs, T Dickson, \l:.s Annie ho -s, Workman. The president llliss F,rn- th,. County ,l,ty lEne lty1a v to meet the William high'. Jams., :\releibadd, 1.: 1• nen continued fn charge of the 'clue- nrr.etit renutr.me rt• and asked that era Dodds, ,\ E. Ker -lake, Sylie,ter ing. It was decided that the Auxiliary should join with the W. M. S. far a special Sunday evening servk-e ser their Easter thank offering. Mod' Koine and Mrs. Barber then gave their reports of the morning and evening sessions of the centre section of the W.M.S. which was held in Or•- totter in Clinton. After the second hymn and the GIRL GUIDES The Girl Guides held their weekly meeting on Thursday last, Jan. 11. Meeting opened as usual with the greeting of the flag. Mrs. Shaw, the president of the Girl Guides Associa- tion, was present to conduct practice of the Guides for their concert to be held Feb. 2nd. Meeting closed with taps. OLD TIME 'WINTER From temperatures as io'w as 22 be- low early 'last 'wee'k, the weather be- came mild over the week 'enol ,and a .Janivary thaw set, with a Steady. rain on Sunday. This week we have diad. blizzards again. arnd temperature 'w'e'll. (Wow zero easily Wednesday .mor - 'ring. The sno'w'plows have ,kep!t the main roads open but during the storm several leers left the road 'between (here and Mitdh'�l. No ,damage ,was reported, erica, c, 11s:fit:rat:on as- given reior- \nen, Mender .n antth e.tation during the session. 1n his .,p- :5005 'l( 0150,1„,111,, $2,u2.3.08: 'iuduet, inion the police committee should 3tt1'S; total rete t 13. 1..s.l2; Ladies; carefully consider at the session the Aid, $278.73 out of 'which $204 yas question c•i salaries to police 'officers, given to complete the nlyuieut of expenses. equipment nese -sorry, incur- $1,N5 for tis- ne,c healing system, once .coverage. telophone halls in ord- nearly all 61 which had been n raised uv er tv have a proper bylaw passed, the Ladies' Aid during the past three The present constables, who are also years. A gain of interest and attend- L.C.A. officers. are N. Lever, Gard- ince was reported by the Sunday scripture lesson read by Mrs, Colqu- ner, J. Ferguson and A. F. Jennings. School. flXlhite guts were sent to the Nem, Miss M. Barbet' and Mrs. J. The county had 'greatly benefited Toronto City Miesi0n at Christmas. Stewart favored the group with a by the erection of a shed and This year pins are to he awarded for piano duet. In giving the topic, Miss workshop by the county road cum- attendance. Total contribution $1d7,64 R. Thompson introduced the new mission, the warden continued, and he and Goforth \I scions Band Se3.60, study book on India, entitled, "Mov- felt the council would he justified in senior W.M.S.$420. an Indian outfit ing Millions." and referred to Mrs. purchasing another weed sprayer and and 'bales to the 'West. 'Me Barbara Barber's report in which the Madras enlarging the engineer's office. Kirkman Auxiliary had programmes "As to Sky Harbor Airport, ne ,prepared by the group leaders and va- amount of effort bas been spared to nous social activities. A 'bale for an 'bring an airport to Huron -we can Indian :boy was sent to The West and only wait now and hope for great white gifts elven. Membership 65, results. contribution $•h1u,3o. The Young The last debenture Of Huron noun- People's Society staged a very stte- ty will be paid off this year, leaving cessful ,play. The society raised $126 Huron county free of debt for the out ns w!hlch $50 was donated to the first time in one hundred years," 'de- finance 1011d. A skating :party and a stared Nis Worship. "We also expect snot luck supper were emoyed by the that it 'will be necessary to contribute Margaret Larkin C.G.I.T. growp, %ello to patriotic purposes so let us keep in contributed $1 0.50 and .white gifts 'tet mind the 'old (loan of Huron county, the 'balle. The choir also .had a success - ".Pay as you go: lel 'year. M. McKellar 'waS appointed The following reeves were named a church treasurer in ,place of D. H. striking committee: G. Frayne, I. W. Wilson, eviso resigned, J. M'. Goven- Gamble, R. E. Shnddick, IJ, H. Scott lock, Dr. McMaster and D. 14. Wilson and R. S. Hetherington, K.C. were re-elected to the 'board of man - J. B. Reynolds, governor of Huron agement and Keith Sharpe elected icor county jail, reported a total sof 11i226 a three-year tern).. Appreciation was 'prisoners during the year. At the expressed for tlhe splendid work of present 'there are thirteen prisoners, the Ladies' Aid and also 'af tihe effic- costing twelve cents per day each. lent services given by the retiring 'Phe ,council Mated in favor of a neo- treasurer. In future mhterch'books will tion brought in by Reeves J. H. Close Dec, 31s'e. Coffee and sand - OLD � wwches 'were senveal by the Ladies'. Scott and R. J. Bowman that a Hmr- Aid. on county equalization Of assessment 'committee be appointed to consider BEARS GO THROUGH SEAFORTH nvattters of .assessment and report at Shots from the guns of provincial anus session df the council whenever it is 'deemed necessary and that -the county police Sunday (venins striking committee name them at this ended the careers of two big black session. bears after a three hour hunt across An enquiry by Reeve 'Whitmore re- snow covered fields fn the Zurich dis- guiding 'the 'length ,of time of the triet. For 3 hours residents for a rad - equalized assessment launched a short sus of five miles around the home of dismission. The opinion was exliress- ed that as there was no ,ohange •hire assessment stands for five years. Reeve 'Treiwartha wanted to know if an ainport 'were .established in A'sh- field and acreage 'token from mwhiclh black bear roamed at large. Children Peter Baker, who operates a fox farm in Hay Township near Zurich, were terrified as a 300 pound enraged there evauld be no revenee, could They mere kept indoors and the family 'clam'( 'bo iihe 'county'eouncil and haste an adjm,stment made. tiin case the big fel- shotgun in most homes was ready for immediate acon Reeve Armstrong ,favored three members of a ,Conner council ,should low should show up. remain on the 'Otnunty Home coin- These bears were the source of 'nitbee. Reeves S�cobt,• Brow'n and much interest to Seaforth people, Watson agreed with In, batThe ap- especially the children, when the anions expressed 'by Reeves Bow'nian;trailer containing the two bears was and Gamble against the 'move so that parked on Main street Saturday af- 'Continued on Page Foes. tetnoon, annual t -.,ry slit' :':I 'il,,1,o- Church. Sea-.,tn. Monday eretli0 1'' 1)r. ilari.,rd, .c., a I u meet,n.; opened •inn '0. 0' read it Ib -�. \(r. 1,:5111 Earle. '['ne 5. 1'0 tics' u1 lift 4'50ials and 10,2551^ 71111 rc'i for their royal . 5-,od •surk. He also exert. `e,' eeerse ..anon of .cmc .1CCSril donatioro. for tett church's werk. The year ,et^, all enc,mraging one, •\is-. R Parke. 5ardci and rei:nre e. 61 the ;roan, 51 report5h:c ye'i Balance - t hand S tr .5th 110llne5 lde''ll) ,511 ta1111,r::. rice 55150. 01 $2't.:5. The Synod '21(1.. e: i,f $$n8 and 5'e5:m001 os Fat, were 01 in full. Reports of the Guild.. y\. -A•. Girls' Auxiliary, Sunday School. Choir, Chancel Guild, Social Dereice, each -,hawed a balance on ?taut The rector nominated Mr. T. T lnc+son 1s hi: warden and the meets again elected -lir, R. G. Parke, the a''Fle treasurer, a people's warden. Conference and conditions in India Officers were elected as fellow,. had been mentioned, The new hook La delegate', William le''t tu- terespromises to be a subject of much en- 1;tld aisd John isarit Sub-thate. R. . Parke and T. T (ottdi- With, The meeting came to a close tor. N C. Barwell and W. r a :nh- dith ahymn and the Mizpah bene. ,,,i e fir.; Select Westry, \1e- r E. C. diction. , Boswell, H.. Pretty, Rob. Archibald, 1 H G. Meir, 'When. Leybourne Vs ns. " COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL Hill,Wm. Deem, and Wm Old ield; Ladies' Representatives on Select On Monday, Jan, 15, the girls re- ti entry, \Its. Best, \is-:. Dt rni commenced their basket ball ached- Thorne, and \Its. A. Reid: 'idesmyn, use. Team I from Grade SI defeated Messrs H Pretty, \frit. Leyibe erne, team II, 16-11. The baskets were obs Rob, tkrcluhaid, \''m Smith Norman �cnin; 1, Int Farle and R. \l �ouris- w��l SAVAU6E'S Jeweller and Optometrist Opposite Post Office, Seaforth Red Cross Organizer Addresses Local Branch Major Watson Tells of Red Cross Work -Relief Clothing Wanted Major \\�atson, organizer for the Canadian Red Cross, paid a visit to the local branch on Tuesday evening. Here are ome et the points of inter- est from his tack: The Canadian lied Cross does not ell euppll,s. the British Red Cross eo.np,trating with the Dominions; tau Red c'anss ii: -peels concentration ': snipe in ail ::c entries and provides needed s'ippliee :or prisoners; the c'aradiati Red Cross Society's work is erried :'at 1'y an army of volunteer wo kers These <-rganizers receive no - em'tlller itt6n. All Red cross funds are audited; oe' charge is made for a branch char- ter; the Red Cross beadquarters make a thorough investigation before sup- plies are given and thus avoid waste. 1 In regard to the knitted scarves we are told to east on 56 stitches but find this doe( not make them twelve inches wide. Try casting on 65 stitches. Warm. new clothing of all sizes and kinds is greatly needed for the people of the distressed areas of Poland and Finland. as well as other refugees. Anyone caring to make clothing or quilts for these people may send their gifts through the local branch of the Red Cross. Mined by Isobel McKellar (2). Mar- gate Choir Leader. Mrs. 135+2, Or - tan Sclater (3), Betty Matthews (5), ttanist, George Clarke: Seaton. „ eo. Audrey McGavin (3). I Pink \ entry k. Jvvh Earle.' Fourth form defeated Grade S, 34 4 snxceney; plus meetiClerng cloised ,vita, to 8. Dorene Regier 7 baskets, Bar- I the benediction, 1 New Warden Is Native of Colborne Tp.' George Feagan, newly elected war- den of Huron county, has enjoyed a long career in the municipal life of the county as councilor and reeve of Colborne township. He has served on the county council for five years, and been a member of two important committees, the airport committee, and for three years on the good roads committee, of which he was chair- man last year. He was born in Colborne town- ship, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. John Feagan, both of whom are liv- ing, He is 43 years of age and oper- ates four hundl'ed acres of land -200 in his native township, and 200 in Goderich township, about a mile out of Goderieh. He is a member of the United church, is married and is the father of sic: children -three sons and three daughters. His wife was formerly Miss Mary Shackleton. Al- ways a hard worker, Mr. Feagan de- clared he had few hobbies, but at one time enjoyed horse racing, and is keenly interested in municipal poli- tics. As a member of the road com- mittee, lee gave valued ] service1 it to the i bars Best (9), Frances Elgie (1), Janie Moffat (1), Ahyvonne Moore (3). On Wednesday, Jan, 17 Fourth form defeated team I from Grade X 52 to 4. Barbara Best 6 baskets, Ter- esa McIver (9), Dorene Regier (11). Grade XI team I defeated Grade X 22 to 2. Mary Duncan (4), Betty Mat- thews (9), Ahyvonne Moore (1). ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Ruth Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kalbfliesch, Milverton, to Mn Andrew McIntosh, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, A. A. McIntosh of Southampton. The marriage to take place the latter part of January. ELECTED TRUSTEE The nomination mooting for public school trustee for north ward was held Tuesday evening. Rev, Dr, Hur- ford was the only nomination and having qualified is elected by acclam- ation. county and is a carefu eg s a cit. NORTHSiDE W.M.S. HOLD JANUARY MEETING The W.M.S. held its January meet- ing on Thursday, Jan. 11, in the base- ment of North. Side United Church. Mrs. H. V. Workman had charge of the opening devotional period. A hymn was sung, followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. H. V. Workman. The new officer's for 1940 were installed by the pastor Rev. H. V. Workman. Business period followed. Roll call was answ- ered by a good attendance. Treasurer reported $549.85 during the year, Mrs. Rintoul as leader of Circle No, 1 had charge of the programme, which was on "The Miracle of Modern India." A map talk was given by Miss A. Lawrence, also a questionaire by four ladies, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs, Ft. Archi- bald, Mrs. T. McMichael, Mrs, Hay. India- has developed a fervent na- tional spirit in the last 25 years and >s now% demanding self-government. In this period there arose that ferv- ent national spirit which has done more to unite all India.into one peo- ple speaking one voice, than any other fact in her history. Surely the welding of this great sub -continent into the nation we know as the India of our day is a miracle of the first magnitude in nation building: The meeting closed with "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow, and a closing prayer by Mrs. Rintoul.