HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-04, Page 6GE SIX THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940 However, taking the wise advice of Isaiah to "Make no haste iu time of trouble," Agnes possessed her soul in Patience, and did not seer; out Mss Greehy in any way, either by visitin or by letter. She attended at h lawyers' offices to supervise her lat husband's affairs, and had (region consultations with Garviugton's soli tors in connection with the freein of the Lambert estates, Everythin was going on very satisfactorily, eve to the improvement of Lambert' health, so Agnes was not et ail so i at ease in her mind as might hav been expected. Certainly the sword o ••The deuce: What's that for?" "Well," said Agnes, explaining re- lucttntly, "yon xt'e Noel paid no rent, as Garv'iugtan is his cousin, and g when an offer came along offering a he pound a week for the place, Gaming- ,' tan said that he was too poor to re - it fuse it. So Noel has taken It small e.- House in Kensington, and llrs. Tribb g has been installed as his housekeep- er, I wonder you didn't know these 1 things." s "Why should 1?" asked :Hiss Gree - 11 by, 11111)er aggressively. -. Damocles still dangled over her head. and over the head of Lambert, but consciousness that they were bot Innocent, assured her inwardly the it would not fall. Nevertheless the be ginning of the new year found her it tOlything but a placid frame of Reiner "Because it is Mr. Silver who has taken the cottage," Miss Cireeby sat up alertly. "Silver, a Oh,- indeed, Then that explains why 11 he asked me for leave to stay in the I 1 country. Said his health required fresh air. and that London got on his nerves. Plum; ]uuu!" Miss Greeby bit • the handle of herr umbrella. "So Ire's taken the Abbot's Wood Cottage, bus 11e? 1. wonder what that's for?" •'I don't know, and I don't care." said Agnes restlessly, "Of eaurse I . '0111,1 have prevented (darvington lot- Se.e, was greatly relie\'eti when -(lis (?reeby at last condescended to pay her a visit, Luckily Agnes was alone When Bit lu y arrived. as Ga1vingt0n and hi van- - were both out enjoying . them lv'-a in Their several ways. The pair 1±.,,i ' on . reying with the wealthy widow for Christmas, and had nota yet ishan Breit' departure, since Gamma. ton Away,. tried le live 41 reply 1-1dy's expense if. possible, I1, leo naturally slant up The Manor tiering the t'estive season, as [ha rili:ag.-rs exper.ted Coals and hktt!l. is a11 ]io1.1 witao- .>t:d pitztir-fln,jdirigs, ivll ich lr, bail rreithrir the money nor lilt.. 111,,111l atict, t„ suppiy-. in fact. the i*r'v1y. little mall cotlsidere'3 that they snenni ask !or 11(11111(111 al'tel pay lat'ge1 'halt they .114. By d,s.'rTing tb to when mane., mit earth 11,1 g.00d- wili 10 men prevailed. or ought to have prevailed, he ,lisappoiiit.•4 1110111 g - ,l!v hackled over their jam. r? ion s. (la rvington was very ho - 11 1i it smut- ways. 'b,W •v.•1• both the corpulent littler Jer'i anti his untidy wife were tont of t.e stay when Miss the by was to ))Bird and Agnes wits thankful That 51151) W115 the :ase. since the in- terview 41s found (0 he an 1lnllol't- ,•r' rite. ,Miss (1reeby. as usual. look- ed large and aggressively healthy, bouncing into the room liter an indite rubber hall. Her town dress differed •ry fitly- from the garb she wore in eminity, save that she had a featlt,-r-trimmed hat instead of a ap, and .'urried an umbrella r pix'' at a bludgeon. ;4 .1(111„, whirls showed all her st('l11(1; white ir•el11 in a somewhat carnivorous way, over - hog face as site shook hands vi orously with h,-1' 11,1st'+se_ Arld rTi.. t it 's Rtip wax Sly iri.ndly 115 I-4 be pm itively palniuh Iit-te ,.,11. are. Agnes, and here. ar: 1. B atstly day. ain't it? Rain and rain and rain again, Seems as 11101101 we'd gori' hark to Father Noah's times. don't it?” "I expected you before, Clara." re- marked Lady Agnes rather hurriedly, and too full of anxiety to discuss the weather. "Well, I intended to come before," confessed Miss Greeby candidly. "Only, one thing and another pre- vented mel" Agnes noticed that she did not specify the hindrances, "It was the deuce's own job to get that letter. Ob, by the way, I suppose Lambert told about the letter'?" "?,Ir. Silver told me about it, and 1 told Noel," responded Agnes gravely, "I also hear about your interview "Oh, that's ages ago, long before Christmas. I should have gone and seen him, to tell about my experi- ences at the gypsy camp, but J thought that I would learn more be- fore making my report as a detective By the way, how is Lambert. do you know?" He is all right now. and is In to sn." "d.t his old rooms. 1 auppose, For how long? I want to see him." "For an 'indefinite period. Gartin11- ton has turned bim out of the cot - tag." 1 ,l'^' -ideal net t'-- 111 t1),' meantime at a 11 . vents." "Silv''r", meaning is not hard to understand." said .vliss Crc,41y. drily and feeling 11 her pocket. "Ile, W10(15 ting it to hits .lure he tried to Wavle - mail one. but 1 thought it 11115 hest to see1h.' letter. ami 10 understand his 1 m, ;riling more, thoroughly before Tell. ing 1111' brother about his impertin- .nu',•- Noel wanted inn to toll, but 1 to g,:t twenty -live thousand pounds lot this." She produced a sh4-at of paper ,h'auratieally. "However. 1 mad.' t11. little animal give it to 1115 for unthing. Never mind what argu- ments T ns„d. I got it tett of him, and brought- it to show you.” Agnes, paling .lightly, took the let- ter akel chimed ,0511 it with sur- prise. •'Cell." she said, ,hawing tt long breath, "if I had not been certain that I 110101' Wrote sneh a letter, 1 should believe that I did. My hand- writing has certainly 'been imitated in a wonderfully ar'enrate way." -Who imitated it?" asked Miss Greeby, who was watching her eag- erly, - "I can't say. But dor-sort lir, 571- . -oh, he knows nothing. or says that he knows n0thlr,g. All hr' swears to is that (`11a1.15a found the letter in Pin,'.-; tent the day after his murder. and before Inspector Darby had time to sea:e•h. The env5lope had been de- stroyed. 50 We 11010 know if the ler- tar Was posted or it, livered Ily hand." "If I had written styli a letter to Noel, said Agnes :11110'1\ -if 0r, randy would have b• et, •1, (i. or,•cl by band." "Iu Wllieh ease Pine ))light have ia- 1or."opteel the no,,..'•11.'r.' put 111 Hiss Greeby. "It ct,nldte't have 1.'.-n sent by post, or Piny Would not have g01 hold of it, 'unless h • bribed Mrs, Tribh into giving it up." "Mrs. Tribh is not open to bribery, (Tara, and as to the letter, I never wrote it, nor did Noel ever receive it." "It was written from: The M.otoa', any how," said Ili., ',reeby thl'utltlj, "Look at the crest artd the heading. Someone in the house wrote it, if yon didn't." "I'm li t so sure of that. The paper ndgitt have been ,ttxlen." "Well." Miss hereby again hit !her umbrella .handle reflectively, "'There's something in that, :\• le-. ('hal!dca told Mrs, 11eItgrove', fortune itt the park, and afterward she came ,la ,the d'rawiner-rno.m to tell it again. I won- der if she stole the paper while s1ie was In the ,house." "Even if she .11d, an uneducated }psy- could have ;*,4 the toter." "Slee might h1 have_tot somebody to, d, .t,_s"e ted Mi.. (ire-ln', nod- ding. ']'hen the .0ule1odc nitti,t' ,- Neil acquainted With toy handwriting," rr ,torted Lady .171e1, anti h,gan to 1'.al, the ft.,: line. )tlo.vrl,:, She 'mieiht ,have written i4 herself, D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR 0:.bee --- L4101111r0:4, Hotel Electra — Thecapi=l — \: H,n•. FOOT CORRECTION by ,-15 ^. .1-rav 0551- : neat, - 1, 15 227. d .40 mach tji,i it 1.'e+1.111'):, 1c 6inlna' the ter,, c.,111mitnieation s.t:no,i that the writer, who aimed herself "Agnes i'ine," would meet "her dcare-t Noel" outside the blue -doevr. shortly after tuidtti;dht, and hoped that he w,nld have 'the motor at the park gates 10 take them to London ell route to Paris, "lluhert is ,are in :;rt a (31,.,ree,'•'ended the letter, "and then .115 tat marry at one',, and it' happy ever More " 1t tea.: et -rudely a silly letter, and kgnes laughed scornfully. "1 don't express myself in that way-," she said contemptuously, and stili eyeing the writing wonderingly, "And as i r'espec'ted toy husband and respect myself. I should never have thought of eloping with my cousin, especially from Garvingtnn's 1loese, when T bad much better and safer chancres of eloping in town, Had Noel received this. he would never have believed that I wrote it, as 1 assured- ly did not. And a 'motor at the park gates'," she read. "Why not at the poster)) hate. ticlufh leads to the blue oor? •that would have, been safer ;iin51 encore reasonable, Pah! I never hoard such rubbish," and she folded up the letter to slip it into her pt het. _ Miss Greeby looked rather aghast. "Oh. you mttet. give it back to me." she said hurriedly, "I have to Molt into the erase, you know." "I shall not give it hack to you," said Agnes in a determined manner, "It is in my possession and shall re- main there. I wish to show it 11) Noel," "And what am 1 to say to Silver?" "Whatever you like, You eau man. age him, you know." "He'll make trouble." "Now that he has lost this weep- on"—Agnes touched her pocket' --"ht' e tort." "Well"— Miss Greeby shrugged her big shoulders and stood up—"just as you please. But it would be best to leave the letter and the ease in my hands,' "I 111111k not," rejoined Agnes decis- ively. "Noel is now quite well again, and I prefer hint to take charge of the matter himself." "Is that all the thanks I get for my trouble?" • "My dear C'lara," said the other cordially, "I ani ever so much obliged to you for robbing Mr. Silver of this letter. But I don't wish to put you to any more trouble. - "Just Its you please," said Miss (ireeby again, and rather sullenly. "I wash my hands of the business, and if Silver makes trouble you have only yourself to thenit. I advise you also, Agnes, to see Mother ('ookleslteit and learn what she has to say." "Dees she know anything?" "She gave ole certain mysterious hints that she did. But she appears 'to have a great opinion of you, my deal:, so she may be more open with, you than she was with me." "Where is she to he forme?" "I don't know. Chaldea is queen of the tribe. which is still camped on the outskirts of Abbot's Wood. Moth- er Cockleshell has gone away on her own. Have you any idea who wrote the letter?" Agues shook her Bead again and again and studied It. "Not in the least." she said, shaking her head. "Do you know of any one who can imitate your handwriting??" "Not that I know—oh," she stopped suddenly and grew as white as the widow's cap she ware. "Oh,' she said blankly. - "Wliat is it?" demanded Miss (tree by, on fire with CI1ri0elty, "Have yml thought of any one?" ,'To Be Continued) AN EFFECTIVE NEW WEAPON Woe Office Photo -Crown Copyright reserved -Courtesy Canadian Pacific of the most effective fighting units with the British Forces in Prance 3s the Bran Guts carrier. tiers you see o tine picture of one of them and its crew patrolling behind the lines, THE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTH PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC 1)1', E. A. McMaster, 111.11„ Graduate of University of Toronto. J. D. Colciultouu, 114 D , 0,10., Grad- uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax, The Clinic is fully equipped with 00nlplet5 and modern x-ray and other• up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptfe equipment, Dr. Margaret E. Campbell, M.D., L. A.13,P„ Specialist in Diseases in Infants and Children, will be at the Clinic last Thursday in every month from 2 to 6 pan. Dr, F, J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of -the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held 0u the second and lest Thursday 111 every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A.,M.D, Physician and Surgeon 111 Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5J W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F,A.C.S. Surgery Phone 110.W, Office John St„ Seaforth DR. H. H. ROSS Physician and Surgeon. Late of London hospital, London, England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and residence behind Dominion Bank, Of- fice. Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104. - DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, university of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, 4loorelleld's Eye, and Gulden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p,m, Also at Seaforth -Clinic tint Tuesday le each mouth, ---:,3 Waterloo St„ Stratford, Tclephuue 267. MARGARET K. CAMPBELL, MD, Landoll, Ontario ;ra1111ate Toronto University Licentiate of 1)1(10115)1 Board of Pedi- atrics. Disease.. of Children At Seaforth ('link, last Thursday- af- ternoon, oath month, AUCTIONEER GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hurter. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed F. W. AHR1')NS, Licensed Auction• ear for Perth and Huron Comities. Sales Solicited, Terris on .Application. FarmStock, chattels and real estate property. 11. 'B... No. 4, Mitchell. Phone 414 r 6. Apply at this office, Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY ;Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fera insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Thomas Moylan, Sea - forth; Vice President, William lCnox, Londesboro; Secretary Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. Mcliercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brumfield; D. R. G. Jerntouth, Brotlhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; Wm. Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS - Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; George Leonhardt, Born- holm No. 1; Frank MacGregor, Clin- ton No. 6; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. McEwing, Blyth No. 1; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth No: $; Wm. R. ' Archibald, Seaforth Na. 4. - Parties desirous to effect insurance or' transact other btislness, will be promptly attended to by applications to any ofthe above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. - - ONTARIO, l.iv�. V ."4 ' $, 'r"S• rv;.Pai £ o Y�7 vt e.)F F-�- i•W' i�ti .1 §r '41�n I g� n '� } � r �,. + ' r,` -, ..1 3 � iva, 4. ,,,-•.gyp + ., �t•'•e' sd ; '$ -.,-ti / 1t. °4. k �t .4 1}y l•', � / vrt . •-:,.. "' 4.0'' };`g i"BQYSeGlRLS H •.4." r 4atl )T1. F; a. �; {y tS, �.:,., .1•q"pYp'�p^ .,1. 1. '. ..3, 4i�,. '�.<'..,y�µ �¢ i r )1py y wre, �f�"�}T.�)�' / �']Y,•' V2 . x11 . >;....I' ' .�1 t i"n [��Q E8 f±/ .u� F .F+'.t _± � �'lfi� .?� r c{venture ak er` id 5 k i e ,(,, p� r s I Cri ',rS3,' k//r,.,ar^" — __�/� h,t i k *,t�` ii `•,;zlr 3',�„•.,.-4R __,/"�.1- ttFi 1'l. (I7 , �. l.� ill r t>` • I -. I' � Y%udtJ '' " It �Yl,,X,G.,}e , ,ii,✓ �'v@•"Y,'tr VYto �',ys',(j/fjd`����}r[.,�y/��1}'igi .1 .+i"•II" JJ� r�` !..' 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I am check- ing below the offer desired with a year's sub - seription to your paper. ("] SUPER -VALUE [ ] BIG FAMOLB ee Name Post -Office R 13 ,.. Province THE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTH PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC 1)1', E. A. McMaster, 111.11„ Graduate of University of Toronto. J. D. Colciultouu, 114 D , 0,10., Grad- uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax, The Clinic is fully equipped with 00nlplet5 and modern x-ray and other• up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptfe equipment, Dr. Margaret E. Campbell, M.D., L. A.13,P„ Specialist in Diseases in Infants and Children, will be at the Clinic last Thursday in every month from 2 to 6 pan. Dr, F, J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of -the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held 0u the second and lest Thursday 111 every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A.,M.D, Physician and Surgeon 111 Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5J W. C. SPROAT, M.D., F,A.C.S. Surgery Phone 110.W, Office John St„ Seaforth DR. H. H. ROSS Physician and Surgeon. Late of London hospital, London, England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and residence behind Dominion Bank, Of- fice. Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104. - DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, university of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, 4loorelleld's Eye, and Gulden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p,m, Also at Seaforth -Clinic tint Tuesday le each mouth, ---:,3 Waterloo St„ Stratford, Tclephuue 267. MARGARET K. CAMPBELL, MD, Landoll, Ontario ;ra1111ate Toronto University Licentiate of 1)1(10115)1 Board of Pedi- atrics. Disease.. of Children At Seaforth ('link, last Thursday- af- ternoon, oath month, AUCTIONEER GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hurter. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed F. W. AHR1')NS, Licensed Auction• ear for Perth and Huron Comities. Sales Solicited, Terris on .Application. FarmStock, chattels and real estate property. 11. 'B... No. 4, Mitchell. Phone 414 r 6. Apply at this office, Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY ;Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fera insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Thomas Moylan, Sea - forth; Vice President, William lCnox, Londesboro; Secretary Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. Mcliercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brumfield; D. R. G. Jerntouth, Brotlhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; Wm. Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS - Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; George Leonhardt, Born- holm No. 1; Frank MacGregor, Clin- ton No. 6; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. McEwing, Blyth No. 1; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth No: $; Wm. R. ' Archibald, Seaforth Na. 4. - Parties desirous to effect insurance or' transact other btislness, will be promptly attended to by applications to any ofthe above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. - - ONTARIO,