HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-04, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940 s SIMS Saperior Values off to January January I's 10, 40 another year—read thele all every week. 4 to Jan, 10 AYLMER PORK & BEANS, 21 oz. 2 tins 15c Fry's 'COCOA, %2s per tin 1;9c POLO Golden Waxed BEANS, 2s..,.,.,.per tin 1Oc HABITANT PEA SOUP, large tin per tin 10c Chocolate Mallo BISCUITS ..,per lb. i 7c PRUNES, Santa Clara, large 2 lbs. 25c n,l,u,,,,auuli„Iuu lll"1414"111n lllll 1101 llllll 4 lllll 11111114lllln,u,"41""p1"11111441,,,, 411111"111 „11,1,11 Aunt Jemima Pancake (Flour per pkg. 17c Pure Maple Syrup, 26 az per btl. 4Gc Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkg. 25c Shirriff's Lushus Jelly Powders 3 pkg. 25c Hillcrest Pure Lard 2 lbs. 25c White Beans 2 lbs. 10c Pure Clover Honey, 2s -23c; 10s --BGC; 4s 40c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Hillcrest Soap Chips 3 lbs. 25c Connor's Herring in Tomato per tin 150 Yellow Sugar 3 lbs. 210 Aylmer Pie Cherries, 12 oz. 2 tins 25c Richard's Carbolic Soap per cake 5c Choice Breakfast Bacon per Ib. 31c Allan's Apple Juice, gallon size tins each 25c JUNKET 4 MINUTE FUDGE PER PKG. 23c AYLMER LiMA BEANS, 2s PER TIN 15c NEW COOKING FiGS 2 LBS. 23c Ross M1SS 1i J. SproatPHoNE 8 ' ryce PHONE 77 WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR. Holder of Government diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Bayfield Hunters Bag Foxes.— Saturday was a lucky day for hunt- ers in the Bayfield districL Melvin Davison and Kenneth Brandon, of Bayfield, and Harry Baker of London each returned with a fine red fox, and a fourth member of the party had shot at a fox and missed. This is believed something of a record for fox hunting. Breeding and Broodiness (Experimental Farms News) During the past twenty or thirty years, the broody hen has gradually lost its importance as a hatching and rearing medium, due to the advent of commercial hatcheries and reliable breeders, states D. G. Donny, Dom- inion Experimental Station, Summer - land, B.C: Iudueed by the chauge in method for replenishing annuals* the /took of laying birds, the considerable tendency towards broodiness normal- ly exhibited by the popular Americau breeds of poultry such as Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, aid White Wyandotte had to be reduced by breeding ilu order that they might become as free from this characteris- tic as were the Leghorns. 'While, at first, It was doubted whe- ther much change could be brought about by breeding, it is now recog- nized that constant selection of non - broody and less intense broody lines has so eliminated this liability In some flocks of heavy breeds that they now compare favorably with the Leghorns, both for egg production and lack of broodiness. There was an approximate differ- ence of 7 eggs per bird last year be- tween the average number of eggs laid by the non -broody and the broody pullets. It may be argued that it is easy to eliminate broodiness from flocks that are trap -nested regularly, and that it is more difficult to control it in the ordinary poultryman's flock. In actual fact, however, the desired result can be secured by the simple procedure of placing a celluloid leg band on the pullet's leg each time it goes broody. It is then an easy matter to cull from the breeding pens all hens carrying any, or more than two bands, depend- ing upon where the culling line is to be drawn. In auy case, the Use of breeding males from non -broody hues is advisable if a rapid advance is to be made. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks Sac WO.cg Central Business College of Stratford Has Arranged To Hold NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES IN SEAFORTIFI Every Thursday Evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. Bookkeeping.. Typewriting, Shorthand' and Allied Subjects will be taught. Mail coupon for full information to CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD 44141/.4,111411111111411 lll 4 llllllllll11111111114111141111111.1341114, Send Information to Name Address THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE: TOWN TOPICS Miss Marjorie Peat, I3:A,. of Ottawa, visited Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Hurford for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zimmerman and Edith and Jimmie spent New Years in Stratford. Miss Janet Chesney of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Ament of Waterloo were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Ros- 005 Frm. Mrs. Howard of Auburn is spending a few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Miss Helen Chamberlain left on Wednesday to attend business col- lege in London, Misses Angela and Bessie Eckert and Miss Celestine O'Leary have left to resume their &ttiee in their res- pective schools in Carrick. Brant and Culross townships in the county of Bruce, Mt', Con Eckart, ,who has been laid up with a cold, is able to be around again. Mr. Thomas Jarman of Climax, Sask., spent Christmas and New Years with his father, Mr. Thos, Jar- man, North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. William Austin and Marlene spent the Christmas holidays ill Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Richards and daugh- ter Maxine of Stratford spent New Year's with Mrs. RIchard's parents. Mr. and Mrs- John A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kruse of Galt were holiday visitors with the la.tter's mother, Mrs. Wm, Sclater. Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham and Tommy and Russell Grieve of Windsor were visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Thos. Grieve over New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. J: A, Case are spend- ing the winter with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Scoffield in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong have returned after spending Christ- mas and New Years at Ripley. Mrs. Bertha. O'Connell and Miss Dorothy O'Connell came from .Detroit on Friday. Dr, and Mrs. Frank Dooherby of Conneaut, Ohio, ,were eisitors art the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Docherty. Miss Dorothy Reinke of Hamilton visited relatives in town. Among those •who attended the fa- mily gathering at the Thome of kir. and ,firs, A. C. Routledge on New Years Day were Mr. and Mrs. George Durant, Nleaford; \lr. and Mrs. Chas, Merrill and Mr, and -Mrs. E. McLeod of Clinton; Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert.Mc- Gregor and family, Kipipen: 'Mrs. W. D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne \Vil- sou. Mr. and Mrs. IW. 'Chapman, Mr. and Airs. Wilson Broaclifoot, Bruce - field; Mr, and Mts. Robert McClure, MCKil4ap- and hfrs. A. G. Breadfoot,, Egmondville. BORN Boyd.—In Scott 'Memorial 'Hospi- tal, Seafonbh. on December Mt, 1N3P, to 'MT. and lfrs. John Boyd, of West Monkton, a daughter. Feeney.—In Scott Memoria4 Hosp- ital, Seaforbh. on December 2701, 1039, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feeney, Dub- lin, son (still iborn). DIED Brown, Rev. Thomas Henry—At Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, Tuesday, Jan. 2. 1940, Rev. Thomas Henry Brown. be- loved husband of Anna L. Horueok. Resting at his home, 1811 Brookdale Avenue, ,Funeral service at St. Leon- ard's Church, 15 Wanless Avenue, Friday afternoon. 2 o'clock, Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery, POSTPONED DANCE St. Columban WILL BE HELD ON WED. JAN'Y 10th CORN HUSKERS Admission 25c. Lunch served Old Tyree LJANC DUBLIN Mr. William J. Kay, reeve of Bib- herl, has announced a meeting of all tite ratepayers of the township at Staffa hall on Friday afternoon, Jan- uary 5th, at 2.30 for the purpose of organization for Red Cross work, An efficient speaker will be present to Make all necessary explanations. One of Dublin's octogenarians 111 the person of Michael Flanagan, re- cently celebrated his eighty.third birthday at his home with all his fa- mily present. Mr, Flanagan is a nat- ive of Logan township, having spent the greater portion of his life there. He was married to Miss Louise Krauskopf about 39 years ago and resided on a farm in Logan until he retired three years ago and has since' been a resident of Dublin. He is en- joying very good health. He has three daughters, Mrs. Gilbert Murray, of McKillop; Mrs, Frank Feeney, Hib- hent, aitd Mrs. Andrew Dantzer, Dub- lin, also two sons, Philip, of Toronto, and Patrick F., Logan township. Many cars in the district were stranded in the snow storm this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Hrauskopf spent New Years in Detroit. Mr, Harold Ryan, of Hamilton and William Ryan, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs, Peter Ryan. Miss Irene O'Rourlte, R.N., spent the week in Toronto. KIPPEN FRIDAY, JAN. 5th CLAYTON STEEPER and His Canadian Cowboys EVERYBODY WELCOME General Admission 35c STANLEY The regular meeting of the W.M.S. and the annual election of officers for the Goshen appointment was held at the home of Mrs. R. M. Peck on Thursday, Dec, 19th. The hymn "0, Come All Ye Faithful," was sung after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Rev. Mr. Peters was in charge of the election of offi- cers. Mrs. Peek was elected presi- dent. this to be her fifth term, Mrs. Jean McKinley moved a vote of thanks to Mrs, Peck for her splendid interest and never tiring service in the past four years. Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley seconded this notion. The following are the officers for 1940: Honorary president, Mrs. Jean Mc- Kinley; president, Mrs. R, M. Peck: 1st vice-pres-, Mrs. Russell Erratt; 2nd vice, pies., Mrs, Elgin McKinley; 3rd vice -press Mrs. Elmore Keys; 4th vice -Pres„ bits. Pence Johnston; cor- respondence sec„ Mrs. Ben Keys; re- cording sec., Mrs. Elmore Stephen- son; press sec., Miss Vera Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Bruce McClinchey; supply sec's., Mrs. Wm. Hayter and Mrs- Richard Robinson; missionary monthly sec„ Mrs. Geo. Anderson; literature sec.. Mr's. John Armstrong; strangers' sec., Mrs, Jean McKinley; mite box secs Mrs. W'm Clarke; suet. systematic giving bins John Arm- strong; temperance sec Mrs. Henry Erratt, Mrs, Ben Keys; baby band Supt„ Mrs. Richard Robinson; mis- sion band leaders, Mrs. Bruce Mc- Clinchey, Miss Norine Robinson; org- anist, Mrs. Wan. Clarke. assistant. Mrs. Geo. Anderson. The meeting con- tinued artinued with Mrs, Elmore Stephenson singing "0 little town of Bethlehem." after which the hymn 0 Conte All Ye Faithful was sung by all, Miss Vera Smith then read the scripture lesson from John, vs. 1-14. The Christmas message was given through the can- dle lighting ceremony. after which Mrs. Peck offered prayer. The offer- ing was received and the treasurer reported $161.96 already raised. The ,hymn, "His name shall be the prince of peace," was sung and Mrs. Peck closed the meeting with the benedic- tion. A social time was then enjoyed by all. Mr. Mello Steckle Jr. had the mis- fortune to fracture his knee cap and is at present in Clinton Hospital. Miss Margaret Mahaffy of St. Marys is visiting with her sister Mrs. William Sparks. Mr. and Mr's. Janes Barrie of Zur- ich u -ich were visitors at the hone of lir. and Mrs. George Campbell Wednes- day of last week. Ou Wednesday evening, Dec. 27, the Y. P. IT. of Goshen United Church held a very enjoyable social in the hall in Varna. The president. Mr. El- gin McKinley, presided over an int- eresting worship period arranged by the literary group- A delightful solo was rendered by Mrs. E. Stephenson. The topic of the evening was on "the life and works of Stanley Jones," and was well given by Miss Dorothy Armstrong. The program closed with a brief prayer for our safekeeping during the ensuing week. The recrea- tion committee had charge of sev- eral interesting and exciting games. A specal feature of the evening was the presentation of a beautiful oc- casional chair to a recent bridal cou- ple, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Varna, the honors being performed by the president, assisted by John Keys and Harvey Keys. Mr. Beattie made a very eloquent reply. A delicious lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served. Owing to the storm last Sunday there was no Sunday School or church service ill Goshen 'United Church. Mr. and Mrs, Eimer Stephenson Mrs. J. Johns, and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce MaClincltey 1 Mrs. Wm. Veal and family of Win- of Goshen Line visited at the home of ;chelsea with Mr, and lairs. W. Elford., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson of Eg- The Mission Circle; honorary and peendville on Tuesday afternoon. 'active members, held asocial- evening Buy Work CloIhes N 0 W c New Shipments of Shirts and Overalls will show an advance of as much as 25c per garment„ High cotton prices plus 11% exchange on American money are responsible for the advance in price. Buy now at OLD LOW PRICES OVERALLS SNAG PROOF 7 oz. Black, Bib Style 8 oz. Black, Bib Style 8 oz. Red Back, Bib Style 9 oz. Red Back Bib Style 7 oz. Railroad Blue 8 oz. Railroad Blue Sanforized Shrunk Walker's Overalls Smocks To Match — Same Prices Denim & Cottonade Pants 1.69 1.85 1.85 2.00 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.50 to 1.95 Work Shirts Coat Style, Covert Cloths Green, blue. grey 1.00 Heavy Military. Flannelettes 1,00 Best Quality Military Flannelette. coat style ....1.25 Guaranteed Navy Twill ....1.00 Heaviest quality English Doeskin, All colors and plaids Coat style, big make 1X69 SPECIAL ALL WOOL WORK SOX 28c - 39c - 50c Come To This Store For Best Makes - - Size Assortments - Best Values StewartH Bros. r DASHWOOD Ezra Tiernan, a well known Dash- wood business man, died early Sun- day morning in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after ati operation four days previous. He was in his 72nd year. A native of Stephen township, he had lived in Dashwood for 44 years and was active in business life there. For a number of years he conducted a meat market and at the time of his death was owner of the Commercial hotel and the general store. Surviving are his wife who was formerly Miss Mary Ann Weigand. one daughter. Mrs. Garnet Wildfong of Dashwood, and three sons. Addison. of Dash- wood, associated with his father in the business; Ira, of Hamilton. and Capt, Eugene Tiemau, M.D. of King- ston; one brother. David, of Dash- wood; one step -brother, Willard. of Hay township: three sisters. Mrs. Ri- chard Thompson and Miss Emma Tie - man, of London, and bit's. Matilda Croft, Dashwood. The body was ta- ken to Dashwood where the funeral was from his residence on • WVednes- day, followed by service in the Ev- angelical Church. Interment was in Goshen line cemetery, ELIMVILLE New Year's visitors ill the eom- munity were Mr. and Mrs, A. Gardin er, Miss Mary Gardiner and Mr. Mel- vin Gardiner, Mr, and Mrs, Gib Dun- can and Mr. Kenneth Duncan of Far- fuhad; Miss Margaret Mayer of Lon- don; ondon; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Long of At- wood; Miss Jean Venuer of Chisel- hnrst; Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore and fancily. also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mayer and family of Thames Road; Mr, and Mrs, Garnet • Johns and Mr, Allen Johns of Winchelsea. all at the home of Mr. Wm. Johns. Mr, and Mrs. 9', Horne and Kath- leen of Winchelsea, also Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Ford. Miss Leola Johns of Toronto with at the home of Misses Marion and Margaret Miners on Thursday even• lug of last week. BAYFIELD Mr. Jack Ferguson and wife and, _ son of Kingston and Miss Margaret Fergltson of Tecumseh spent the Christmas vacation at their home. Mr. H. Baker of London is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baker. The Orangemen held their annual dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening. Mrs. W. N. Woods and Miss Woods spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Middleton of Henson. Mr. S. Castle of Simms. spent Christmas with his mother Mrs. Geo. Castle 8r. Owing to the state of the roads there was no service in the Presby- terian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Ferguson is spending a few weeks is London the guest of her son Mr. J. P. Ferguson. THE JACKSON STUDIO Excellent Portraits at the Right Price Colne in and make an appointment SOO reuuml SCOTT'S EMULSION Best Way to take Cod Liver Oil Contains 6112.Vitamins A and D 530 and 9$0 R. R. McKINDSEY, PHM.B. Druggist THE NYAL STORE Pi -IONS 111, SEAFORTH