HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-04, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940
Tell Story of Transportation
"Transportation is Civilization,"
said R1dyard Kipling. and it can be
said with equal truth that "trans-
portation is history." "The Swift
et:M a les," a story in sound of the
advance in transportation from the
galleys of Cleopatra to the stream-
lined globe -spanning aeroplanes of
194ie, will be presented for CBC list-
eners, unties the eiroctiou of J.
Prank Willis, on Friday, Jautta y 5
at 0,00 to 10,310 p,n1. The training of
wijd horses lir primitive days to mid
mon in his hunt for food; the inven-
tion of the wheel, which is claimed its
the greatest single contribution of
science to 1'1\'ilizatiou; the intl'odue-
tion of 'realm; and, the ultimate con-
quest of land, sea and air by the in-
genuity of man, will be reviewed in
this special feature broadcast from
DBC'e Toronto studios.
Australia Broadcasts Daily to the prochu tion staff at (,RR, west.
Programme for Canadian Listeners err[ e station of the IR, wan
The Australian B1'oadcastilg Com- y'
mission has cominem'ed the present- tlroadyustiilg ('o'poratlon at Hueco-
nti'n of a daily short-wave world ceras, has reeeutly been announced.
c gramme on behalf of the Common- Mr. Allah is erne cif the survivors of
pr the form-doecl "Atli enia." liltcrviewee
wealth Delboga enc of 1ufor13(1 sir hi' arrival in Vancmnver, the 32.
This s y it began last week and wasYear old rival "veteran" told of his
by3li 11v inaugurated With 11, speech harrowing experience as a result of
by the Prime Minister, Rt. Hot. R. G. this sinking His father, Rev. William
Menzies. The 1111' rissinn of these' •#Ilan, Was a lactim of theRe di'a'ler:
ealedeasts from the antipodes is d14 Allan. a fair-haired six-fopt.er, was
stated to Canada between 5,00 and
horn in :lrhroaih, Scotland, hot he
0.00 p.m. FIST, and will operate or 'lour most of his lite 111 the Untied
(*4411 elte.y cit' 9.bin 111111 1111' . The 1
call letter is CLQ and . the. wave States and Canada between visits to
isnelaud and Aasiralio. He is it grad:
*tate of Peterborn collegiate and To-
rotte Uoiversily. The producer enter-
ed rialto in 1931 after some expert-
one,- in amateur plays aed profession-
al stork and as a journalist,
The text of His Majesty's Clhrist-
changed. 1u this manner, ()Mario
farmers will hear how Maritime and
Prairie tarsiers propose to increase
111'0d60On. When ,the exchange ser-
1es lwlwv, n 0133' farm broadcasts Is
eonlnletecl, listeners in each hog•
producing region i11 C'anaclawill have
}learn a resume of what is going on
in the industry* in the rest of Canada.
Pottery Dates from Stone Age
The baking and drying or earthen -
Ware is one of the earliest of the
arts, 'rhe greatest invention that has
been made in the history of eertunics
is that of the potter's wheel. which
revolutionized this art. Jessie Beth-
une, in her talk on "Potter Stream -
lintel," Friday, January 5, at 4.15 p.m.
will describe the development of the
potter's art from the Stone Age to
the present, tor national .melwol'k list•
'rhe appointment of Andrew Allan
length is 11,2 metre,. These times
have Leen selected by the Australian
broadcasting ronuuissinn on the ad-
vice of experts who considered that
the service would ho unlikely to gala
adequate hearing during the evening
boors when ilstt'llel'0 arecatered to
by local stations.
Will Exchange Farm Interviews
1e. future, weekly interviews 0n the mag Day broadcast to his subjects in
Ortarin farm ,hrottdeasts will bring to an Darts of the Empire and to lght-
thr airways nut only nphtlous of On- big men 0fall.ranl:a:
MO° ngriculturalict. het also those.
fr', r,1 Maritime and Prairie provinces'.
'11*' First subject t0 he discussed will
be the new ('anadian-British bacon
0y r -.:-melt. Interviews on the Ontario.
11: tithe,' and Prairie harm broad -
east, dcaliug with the Macau sitna-
t.tln will be reenrd'•d :md - thou ,..x.
Here 1s at recent photograph of
_.e�Uave Davies, featered vocalist on
r 'k1nsie by Faith" every Wednee.
day to 9,30 p.m. iron Toronto.
A1o11g with the songs of Louise
King and the orchestra directed
by Percy Faith, the programme
18 beard l*y an international aud-
l'ne•e over the CSC national net-
work and stations of the Mutual
broadcasting system.
The festival which we know 111'
('111103nln e is above all e. feetirui
of .peace and of the Mime. Among
all free peoples hive of pence is
profound, for this alone gives
'remits to the. ihnme. (bt true
peace i0 in 1110 1lear1a 01' men
„rad it is 1114 cr;lgedy of this time
,Mat usurer are powea'ful co0(1301es
wins, direction and pun's are
buo.''1 nn atteres-3e11 and the Slip.
pr,..3,0133/1 of t,11 se hold deaf• for
1(4*', ind.
n is titit. !haat lois stirred our
peoples :and given them a Unity
(11l3tn0W11 in any preview.' war. 1, VC'
}la v•- 111, feeling in nor ]hearts
that w,- are lighting against
tvil9tnclm'ss ;fol this (Unvic'tion
wilt give us strength from duly to
day to persevere omit victory is
At horse we ate. as it were,
taking 1 11 1. strain for what may
lie ahead of 11x. resolved anti
eonfidem. We toots with pride
and thankfulness 01) the 110001.-
(ailMn_ rattrap- and devotion of
the Royal Navy. on which
1hrnghott the hist four months
Mas Most the storm o1 r(tllless
and unceasing war.
And when 1 speak of our navy
!,,day. I mean all the 11101* of the
empire who go down to the sea.
in ships. the mereantile marine.
urine sweepers, trawlers and
drifters, frons senior (Allem. 10
the last boy who has joined 1111.
To every one in this great fleet
1 wend a message of grntitttde
and greeting from myself and all
my peelules.
Ole inni1red Ilenwort3, (sequently
heard as pianist and organist, is
Hest 10100011 for her contributions
to the Monday and Friday pro-
grammes of "The Balladeer,"
These broadcasts are heard over
the:nattonal network of the CBC
and stations of the Mutual broad-
casting system al 12,00 (40011
EST. from Vancouver.
rhe same 11100 1100 I- send to
our gallant air force which, iu
co-operation with the navy, i, our
sire shield of defence. They are
daily adding laurels to those that
their fathers won.
1 would sone a special word
of greeting to the al'1n1eS of the
Empire to those who have cotyle
(rent '[fat' and in pUrticnlar to the
British Expeditionary' Fm'ee.
Their task is hard, They are
w;riling. Waiting is a h'ia1 'of
11evves and dieciplino. 131(1 i knew'
that when the time costes for
action they will prove themselves
worthy of the highest traditions
of the great service.
Tn all who are preparing them-
selves to serve their country on
say or laud or in the air I send
my greetings at this time. T1114
men and women of our fat' -flung.
Empire working in their several
vocations with the one same pur-
pose all are members of a great
t'alilily of nations which is pre -
Pared to sacrifice everything that
freedom of the spirit may be sav-
ed to the world.
Snell is the spirit of the Em-
pire, of the great- dominions, of
tiidta, of every eololy, large or
shall, from all alike have (mile
of'fe'rs of help, for which the
mother country can pryer he suf.
ficlently gra tet)tl.
Such tinily in aim and hi ef-
fort has never been well in the
world before. 1 heli*VO from nay
heart that the effuse whieh hinds
Harry Adaskin, well-known To-
ronto violinist, is hoard over the
C'BC National Network on Sun-
day afternoons at 4.30 p.m. This
informal chats on music entitled
"Musically Speaking," have at-
tracted a wide audience of music -
lovers over the CBC Network.
We Fire Selling Qu
lity Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.
All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as- Low as You
, Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
Appeals Against
Equalized Assessment
Judgment Sustains Assessment
By Mogg and Quiniafl--Ap-
peal by Municipalities Fail
In a judgment handed Flown late
Friday afternoon. the appeals of the
town of Ooderielt and the toult51113(
of Stephen against the equalized as-
:4055111will 11111dr, by Mogg and Quin-
lan, for the county o1' Huron, were
Tho tribunal whieh heard the ap-
peals in November consisted of
Judge E. W. Clement, of Waterloo
c'onnty, Judge T. M. Costello and
Sheriff Robert Johnston, both of
Huron. The sittings lasted eight days,
includir>g an adjournment of two day,
to December for healing argument.
The town of Golerich was given
an increased assessment of approx-
imateiy one million dollars and the
township of Stephen two and a 11x11
million by the county valuators, who -
were engaged by the county cnnmii
at the Jaunnn'y session. 1 elle. to
equalize the assessment of the whole
Reasons given in the judgmentin
arriving at the decision were that:
Twenty-two of the 94 municipalities
4, r; Wff,i4, ,' 10P J'i#"\wtl'f , ,i f a;
to.ether my peoples and sur gal-
lant and faithful allies is the
cause of Christian civilization.
On no other basis eau true civil-
ization be intik.. Let ns remember
this thrnagh the dark tithes ahead
of ns and when we are making
the peace for which all men may.
The new year i, at lemd. We
c'a11110t tell 0,1111t it will bring.
If if brings peace, Mott' thal) k(ul
WP. shall he, i1 it brings us con-
thmed struggle, we shall reu1(110
Meanwhile I feel that we may
all Ilnd a message of eneonratg0-
nlent. i11 the lines which, in n13'
el0sing words. I would like to
read to you:
"1 :mid to a Maul who stood
at the gate o1 the year, 'Give
Me - a light. that I may tread
safely into the uakmm'l.' and he
replied. 'Do out into the darkness
and put your hand into the hand
of God. That shall he to yon
Letter than light and safer than
the 3tuown way'."
May that Almighty hand guide
and uphold 115 all.
wort, satstl'e1 with the system adopt -
eel by Mogg and Q111111Rn. and o3'
those whose percentages have been,
raised, Only two complained of injine
lice, The sale Daiwa' for properties as.
set T'en'th 1ty the loyal valuators ten-
011[;e'd by the appellants. are lint a-
rab measure or a1tttal valises (01 as-
;.essnient purposes, and would not be
representative of the whole class.
It weedier (Meetinstalees Mable i
OW, 10 get a bargain for cash at a
elven time, the tieures of than liar-
ga1[1) are 1101., of themselves 1 ?il'
measure 111' actual value for assess
trent purposes."
The judgment Rets forth the meth.
title which the valuators atsed to ar-
rive at their decisions. They divith'd
all properties in the municipalities
into classes based upon their nue as
s11(11111t'1• resorts', baldness, farm 00
small farm holdings using the sane'
yardstick Im c'a011 class.
"The court is of the opinion that
the sy'Rtelu adopted by Mogg and
Quinlan is well designed to pr0vlde 1l
for equalization."h
proper flash' 111 T
1980 egoaiization u -1l5 doem0d not
acceptable 110 being actual value, nor
the figures of Om a se'swo'y 141 1.110
['(1110 under- consideration aceeptahle
as ae'tual value. There 15 un separa-
tion of ialnds and buildings iii t10.
c1odei'Jcb ati-wss1nent.
This valuation has been thor-
ough," the judgment concludes, "and
has loiterally cost the county a lot of
money and these procewdings have
twee long drawn r,nt and expensive.
Iint, assuming that this mart has tip-
pruacheti the whole matter involved
from a correct point of view, we' feel
that these proceedings should be an
education to every 30(11111(3)143 official
iu the- couuly, and that thereby much
trouble and expense,' in the future
may 'hese' hewn saved,"
The costs o1' the sittings will he
Lorne by the county of ih1101), but
each municipaiity hili pay its 0114
E. S. Livermore, h (',, was eounee3
for the township of Stephen, and With
D. 0.. Nairn for the town oY (loderich:
R. ('. Hays, K3'., for the comity of
Huron; F. Fhlglu110 for the town of
Clinton, and W. J. Metlihbon, leitch-
ener, for the outer In nuicipalitiee ex-
eepting Wllgham and Exeter, witic-ll
were not represented.
May- "Did your past rase before
ynni' eyes when your were drowning'"
Fay -"No. but my future olid- --I
married the lifeguard who rescued
Highlights of This Week
Sunday, January 7
10.00-10.1 1 a.m. .l'nighhorly News, Re-
view of 1110 week's happenings in
Ontario tOwila and villages, ,
gleaned from weekly newspapers
and presenit-d by Andy Clarice,
from Toronto.
12.00.1,'3.1, p.m. Juet Maly, Children's
programme, front Toronto,
1,30-9.00 p.m. And It ('acne to Pass.
iliblleo I drama fief* tlons 1111.00eil
by Rupert Caplan, Preis Montreal
3.00-4.91, p.m. Philharmonic -Symphony
u1 New Tore. Symphony coneen't
eouductetl by 1var Stravinsky,
front New' \i(Wk. 1
4.30•-4.45 11,111. Musically Speaking.
Talk on music by Harry Adaskin,
from '1'01'011tt.
( p.30, The World To -day. A.
review of the week's news by Dr.
1f. i
Stewart, from Halifax.
9,00.9.311 5.111. Your Government and
the War, 'Palk by Hot. 3'. 13.
Ho tve on "The Second Front
from Ottawa.
Monday, January 8
4,15-4 ;n 5.10. The P'annily cook House.
Talk by Malik roteuherg, from
7.00-7.15 p.m. Between Ourselves. Talk
It. I:. Farrell. from Ottawa.
Tuesday, January 9
9.45 I 0.to a.m. Rt. -Hon. Neville P31ant-
h,•rlatn. Talk by the Prime Min-
ister of Britain on "The War- -Its
Progress and Its. Future,' from
Lehlclon, leitgland..
4.1 ,-1,30 p.m. 1Vr R*•a 11jag, Tall[ by
Mary Little, from Montreal.
5.10-f,.3 5 p. In. Tours For a - Sung.
Songs by Put Bailey with - Ruth
Lowe, pianist, from Toronto.
10,13.11.014 p.m. Toronto Symphony
Orchc ha. Conducted by Sir Ern-
est .U,u Milla[, fano Toronto.
Wednesday, January 1D
4.1:-4.10 p.m. Hen Lunches and Stag
Suppers. Talk by Dorothy Colqu'
hour, from Toronto,
e,en.seo p.m. c'anadian Snapshots.
Actuality broadcast. dramatics
east and orchestra. from- Toronto
Thursday, January 11
4.15.4,1,(3 pain. Tho Refugees Next Door
Tall; icy 1lonlea 11114101, Toronto.
7.00 7.30 p.m. Waltz Serenade. Direct-
ed by Rums Gerow, from Toronto _
s 311;a,00 pm. 011 Parade. Concert by
the Band of His Majesty's Canad-
ian n Grenadier (Maras. biotireal,
Friday, January 12
2.00-3.00 L1- m. Music Appreciation
Tiunr. Condneted by Dr. tlam-
rnsch, from New York.
Eer !leo.
Za':y 'tilt
rw ? , lJ e -o ga b u t
dpeon,. icehr ete etta
"BELIEVE IT OR NOT -I've spent a quarter of my life in The Hospital for Sick
Children. Eur then, I'm only six months old. My little feet were being straightened so
that I'd be able to romp and ulay when I'In older.
"I'm all better now -going home to -morrow, I £eel just fine, too, except when 1:
think of the debts I'll be leaving behind, You see, Daddy isn't able to pay for the
wonderful care end treatment I received.
"The Government and the city 1 live in, together, paid $2,35 each day -I was here.
Unfortunately, that isn't enough because it costs the Hospital an average of $3.45 every
day to treat nee and each other little patient,
"More than eight thousand little children were cal ed for Here last year, just like me.
We're the ones who cause the large deficit of The Hospital for Sick Children every year -
but everyone admits that we're worth it
"It isn't our fault that we get sick or become crippled, but the Ieast we can do is
appeal to you for help -particularly when we know that Dile Hospital does not share in
the Toronto Federation for Community.eService funds because Public Ward patients are
admitted from any part of the Province.
"Won't you send a donation to the Hospital to help meet this deficit? Even a small
gift would be greatly appreciated. -
. II c .. . .eoets.Qt fl TODAY