HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-01-04, Page 1Of you it is the little things that w1) Remember: the 1:indly'acts in quiet done ,As trivial. We want the world to see Our great achievements and applaud the while! gat you with humble tasks wore most •content - A ohi}jl's toy rep'in'ed; an hour spent Wrt1;';1in aged and lonely one, a / eiiieery smile Seat rth HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER RIES, VOL. 62, No. 1 SALMON FISH Rev. T. H. Brown Passes In Toronto Whole or Half 14c lb. OUICKEN HADDIE .. 4 tuns ....29c COD FISH. -2 lb. package per pkg. 33c ORANGES. -Sweet and juicy Per dozen 15c LETTUCE. -Large heads 2 for 19c CELERY STALKS. -Large 2 for 13c SLICED PINEAPPLE.- ? tins 19c 2 ALL WHEAT, with cream or sugar bowl, all for 23c CREAM BARLEY, with sample package 19c GOOD HUMOR BREAKFAST FOOD.-Pkg. 23c MORNING CHEER COFFEE- Half lb. 20c SODA BISCUITS. - 2 lbs, 25c STAR AMMONIA- S lb. pkg. 23c 1 CAKE LIFEBUOY SOAP, and 1 SHAVING CREAM, all for 25c OASTILE SOAP.- 12 cakes 25c LAUNDRY SOAP. - 8 cakes 25c PIG CONCENTRATE. - Per cwt. 52,60 C. RoutIede A.C Phone 166 Rue coal THE SOLID FUEL', FOR SOLID COMFORT r EO Le BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 11 a.m. "Int His Steps," 2.30 p.m, Sunday School. 7 p.m. "Manliness, with Godliness." Attend the Week of Prayer servioes e, First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hngh Jack, Minister.,, Sunday School, 1.0 a,m. Morning service, 11 am., subject., "Do We Need a Guide." Evening service, 7 p.m., subject, "The Source of Spiritual Power." Midweek meeting, Tllnrs. 8 pan. St, Thomas' Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m. "hi Thee. 0 Lord, do I put my trust." 7 pan. "As thy days so shall thy strength be." Sunday School at 10 a.m.. Week of prayer service on Wednes- day, Jan. 10, at S p.m., Rev. H. Jack. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,13J3, 10 a,m., Sunday School. 11 a.m. "The Judgment of God." '7 p.m. "The World's Reception of Christ." McKillop Charge Winter schedule: Bethel 10.30 a -m. Caven, 2 p.m. Duff's 3.80 p.m. It, W. Craw, Minister. The Salvation Army Sunday, 10.30, Sunday School. Sunday, 11.00 a.m. Holiness Meeting Sunday 3.00 p,m. Sunday Seh.00l. Sunday 7,00 p.m, Salvation Meeting Tuesday 4.15 p.nn.. Young People's Meeting. Thursday, 2,30 p.m. Home League Meeting. Thursday, 7.00 p.m. Band of Love. Friday, 8:00 p.m. Week of Prayer•, Rev.Hurford. W.I. TO MEET Tba Junior W.1. are having a meet- ing at Mrs, Frank Kling's' on Wed- nesday, Jan. 10th at 2.30 p.m. Roll call, "One thing I would like to do this year." Rev: Hugh Jack will he the guest speaker. Former Rector of St. Thomas Anglican Church Dies -80 Years of Age Rev. Thomas Henry Brown, re- tired Anglican clergyman and well. known 111 Ontario, died Tuesday 111. Toronto General Hospital, i'u11owi1tg a brief illness. He was 80 years of age. Moret In London, Eng., he was a graduate of Cambridge University. Coming to Canada in 1806, he was ordained as a clergyman of the Church of England at Woodstock, the Diocese of Hur'on, in 1080. Mr, Brown served a 01(111her of parishes in Ontario. Including Thanleeford, Delaware, 141eatord and Seeforth. Re- tiring ten yeulw ago he.had lived in Toronto since that time, He was a meinbel• of the Masonic Order. the 1.0.0,1'. and the Orange Order and St. Leonard's Church, To - route. S0rviving are his widow, Anne 1.. 17o'oeek Brown; three daughters, Mrs. 0. 1'. Livingstone, Miss Guerra and Sllss Margery, and one son Leonard, The funeral will be held Friday at. 2 o'clock from his late residence, 186 Brookdale avenue, funeral service at St. Leonard's Church, 15 Wanless avenue, and interment at Moult Plea- sant cemetery, Toronto. ]rev, Mr, Brown was appointed 181" toi' of Seafo•ill in 1912. following Rev. Johne Berry. He had previously been at Meafoi'd. During Mr. Brown's long rectorship he made many friends, both in and out of his con- gregation, He served on the Public schnol board for yea's, and was -active in howling circles. In 1930 30r. and Alva. Brown retired and moved to the city to make their home. TIhe sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Brown and family in their hour of sorrow and bereave - 010111. DIES IN TORONTO The death oeeurred at her rest, dense, 16 Westmoreland Avenue, To- ronto, on Saturday, Dec. 30th, 1930, of Mary, dearly beloved sister of Jennie and. Thomas' G. Soole formerly of Seaforth. A private service was held al the residence on Sunday evening and interment took place at Maitland Bank cemetery, Saafortb; on Monday, Jan. 1st. KIPPEN air, and Mrs. Gordon Wright of Schumacher and Miss La111'ahell1 Wright of Hiilsgreen spent their holi- days with their parents, Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Wright. Mr. and Mrs: Harry Stewart and two sons of Toronto spent Christmas with WIT. and Mrs, Jas, Wright, Miss Laurabelle Wright and Mr. Frank Wright attended a Normal dance last week at the University in London. Miss Mabelle Whiteman left 1)u Monday for a visit with fr0uds in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, John Jot'rott enter- tained a number of their relatives on New Year's day and also eelebrrated l.he twenty-ilfth anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. Alex Cook and daughter Miss Pauline Cook visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McClymont over the New Year holiday. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Allen Johnson is ill in Clinton Public hos- pital Miss Helen Chandler has returned to Blenheim. Owing to weather conditions New Year's passed over very quietly in the village. Mrs. Jas Shaw of Simcoe is Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McGregor and other• friends. Mr.' Simpson of Toronto spent the holidays with klippen friends. Mr. Jas, McClymont is able to be out and around after his recent i11. mess. Mr. Hugh McGregor is confined to his room under the doctor's care and in a. serious condition, Mr. Andn'ew 13e11 has treated him- self to a. new Dodge car. Tho Women's institute held a very enjoyable evening recently in Watson's, which was very ntueli en- joyeci'.by all present. To an embittered soul; an , ecu•be81 prayer Ful' some one sorely tempted; winter bloom 'taken from your scanty hoard to a. sick room. Little yott had to give. but much to share. Heroes leave lilonu.men.is their fame to tell, But you, through lowly service, left a well, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940 Rev. Father Phos, 14i('Qnaid who sang his first Mass at St_ ('.ololnbatl C11111811 last week. Father McQuaid, wv110 is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid of St. Cohtmban, rvi11 teach in Toronto, until he goes to China this year on mission work. SALVATION ARMY GIVE CHRISTMAS CHEER Twenty Baskets Distributed in Town and Egmondville The Salvation Army cheer pot and donations amnnnte0 to the Sum of $43.48. Twenty baskets of Christmas cheer were distributed In the town told Egmondville, and during the Christmas season eleven boneless men were given meals, Captain and Mrs Dougall wish to thank everyone who kindly helped to matte this effort a succ080s also Mr. Ferguson who Loaned his car for the distribution or the baskets. WILLIAM A, CRLCH The death occurred on Friday night of a well known Seaforth 01181- 1(185 01011, in the p0l'sen of William Aubrey Crich. Mr. Crieh had been in pont• health for some time 111111 planed away suddenly on a. train while re- tuning hone from Toronto. .4 little over 11 year ago Mr, Crich wns ser- iously injured in a motor ac'eident atter which be was confined to his bed for several months, He had not been actively engaged in business slice his accident. Mi•. Crich was 01 his 6911 year. The deceased was horn in Brussels where he attended school. After smite years in Idaho he returned to Settfol•th where he hail since resided. About 10001 Mr, Crich founded his baking business which he has since successfully conducted. He was a former member of the school board and the town council and at the time of his death was on the board of the Scott Memorial Hospital. He was active in district and provincial bak- ing associations and took a leading Part in organizing the baking industry. Mr. Crich was a keen sportsman and took an active interest in fishing and hunting. About forty-five years ago he was married to Miss Mary Andrews of Seaforth, who survives, together with a family -of four sons and four dau- ghters. Dr. W. .4. Oriel). Miss Gert- rude Crich, Mrs. Earl Smith, Fred and Geoge, of Toronto; John C. and Miss Nlarg1ret, who have been a.sso- c'isted with hint in the business, and Miss Helen of Seaforth. The funeral took place on Monday afternodn from North Side United Church and was largely attended. His Pastor, Rev. H. V. Workplan officiat- ed. A quartette was sung by Dr, F. J. Burrows, E, C: (Chamberlain, D. H. Close and J. A. Stewart. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. In- terment took place in the Maitland Bank cemetery. Among those from. a distance who attended the funeral were D'. Aubrey Crich, Miss Gertrude Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, Fred Crich and Pte, George Crich, all of Toronto; a brother; Chester Crich, of Carbery, Manitoba; John Walkey, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Walkey, Mr. and Mrs, C. Walkey, Mr.' and Mips. Richard Oldham, Toronto; Mr, and MPS. George Walkey and daughter, Mary, Harristot; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walkey, Preston; Mrs. Thomas And- rew, Cobom'g; D. Mullin, Toronto; Mr, Walter George, London; lir, Day - id Aitohesoi, Hamilton; Mrs. R. Welch and Miss L. Andrew, 731111111- tor; %i, r, Fraser, Goderich; Harold Newcennbe, Goclerieh, and Dr. and Mars. Fowler, Clinton, Roads Open After Big Snow Storm Deep Snow Throughout This District Ushers in the New Year T1lfs district is digging itself -bait after one of the heaviest snowstorms within the memory of old residents. There has been little wind o there i tie \ el is tr e no big drifts, but the snow is ltni- t'ermly deep everywhere. It is estim- ated that nearly 20 illcilles of snow fell during the four days since Bann, day ]Horning. Provincial highways throughout the district are open although the 30U)0 is reported heavy in plates. The county roads north and south of Seaforth have been plowed lend are open to traffic. However as the side roads are blocked, sleighs and cut - (OM at'O the order of the day. Snowplows and 5110W shovels have been kept busy during the continuer) 11110Wfa11. The weather has been (.an1- paratively mild, Trains were crowded over the week end with traffic returning after the holidays, JR. FARMERS' HOCKEY STARTS SATURDAY NIGHT Dublin and Egmondville, and Hensail and Winthrop, Begin Schedule The Junior Farmers hockey league begin their schedule or Saturday night in the rink here. Dublin and 1'lgmonclville Will meet at S o'clock. and the second game of the double• ]reader will be between Hensen and Winthrop. WINTHROP The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. meet- ing will be held in the church Wed- nosay. January 10tH. The euchre and dative held in the hall last Friday night was well at- tended. The prize winners were, ladies, most games, Hess Joseph Dol mage; lone hands, Mrs. Appleby. Men, most grimes, Mr. Robert Dodds, Ione Melds, Mr,. 13111 Alexander. After lunch n few hours 11/81'e spent in dancing. 'Alias Evelyn Campbell returned to Toronto Tuesday after spending a week with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. John Campbell, Mr, Bill Campbell :ponding his holidays at his hone, after sailing the lakes all summer. Mrs. Eaton and Donnie spent 8 few days with Mr. and Mrs, Foster Ben- nett of Seaforth. We have plenty of snow *at. present, too much 111 some places. T1,e snow Plows have been on the job day and night to keep the roads open for traffic. Nlr. and .\Irs. William. Hohnan, par- ents of '7(r, Russell Holman, received congratulations deem their many rela- aice_ and friends, the occasion .being th"ir li,iti-1h 1011110'' anniw'ersary At Mole was celebrated at their home at 11'nnkbl nil Nt'ac l'ear'n Day. Mr. and lIrs, 110h01 acre at hoarse to their 'host of friends on 511nelay 'after- noon wIra called to wish them 'future health and Iliapp iness. Un 71000ay members of the immediate family nverr present at a family dinner. The elin,intg xoom can prettily decorated for the occasion in a colour scheme 01 mauve and gnirl. and the table was centred ,with a -wedding calces Mr. and Niers, Holman ,were married in the year .1,591) by 'the Rev. George Moore, 'Methodist sninister of Strathai,len cliuroh in East tZeorra, ;the' bride of Ifilf- ty years sego 'being Nctl1ie Wilson, el- dest daughter off the late 9Ii-. and Rini,. .klorrisan Wilson of Woodstock, anti' the bride:grotnn, \'Vitlraml Russell Hol- man, eldest son of She late lir. anti 'Mire. Enoch Holman of Flint M,ich. 70he first years of ,their married elide 'were „pent on a tbanm in East 7,orra, later ,moving to Vona Township 1'n the year 110A0 where they 'resided on the tram irbw awned iby thfeir sou, lWalter. Sixteen years ago ehey retired and 'took top resident -le In this village. This ;union ways blessed with three iclau)Gthhers: Pearl, Mrs." Donald Math- eson. off London; Bier to bin -s. William Stephenson, ,of London; 'Elsie, Mrs. • orman Engler, of Monktoes, and :three sons: Russel, ,o'f Seafiorlh; Wail - ter, tort the ls.omes•tead, and Ed'w'in, of Almond. ,\'Ir. an(1 Mrs. Holman also 1sa'(1'e twenty -tom 'grandchildren. The bride .arid ibrldegrooun received ;many lovely gifts from the family and :friends. Phone 84, HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Ashtiei l .lienee Ales, F. 1I-rfl meld. fit1 )-ty. .Gilbert I'rayne. L'i d.ilorn1'- Ret'(0, George C. Feagallt Gtnlerir11 'Township --Reeve, Benjam- in Rtthwwell. Grey -Rewe, 11 r :\, 'Rews. Deputy, 'R'. C. \\"i'l50tn.. Hay .k c e George Armstrong. ng. Holwiek- Retve, 1 \V, etterhie. Deputy, 1) 1,, 'Weir. lhlliert- Reeve. Jame Leiper. \1cNillo•r Reeve, :. R. Derr:in'e. \lorris--Reeve, Francis Dilncan. :emirs R, evr, Fred \\'arson. Stephen le ocv e, \1 nzr:r . 1t r('ann, (0101-15,Roy Rate. Teckersionhe Rete. S. II. \\''hit- •nore. 1 urnbe,'ry --Reeve, Rnl1nd train, 1 . l.tree Reetc, Mercy Pia .uulre. East Wale Reece, Raymond Reel:m on,l, \\••1 \\ :1 ano.s1)-Recvc. 'I'•honnas '\Veh Ice, Clinton- 1:ea, we, .N \\ , '181,11 tioderieli 1 cure, ft E. Turner. 1)epnty, 0. I) Brown. Wing -ham- Reeve. R. S. Hethering- ton, Myth- -Reeve, George E. 91cNall. I.ru.:cels Reeve, R. ,I. -Bowman. Exeter- Reeve. Benson 'Tuckey, Hensal4l Reeve, R E, Shaeldirk, Three candidates have announced their inn:111 m o1 contesting the war- denshiip of Harron for 11,9411 111111 sever- al others are rumored. 'i'hose who will definitely he in the field are Reeve Roland 1;rai(1 of 'i'urn'herry, Reeve George S. Fea0au of Colborne, and Reeve George I?, 71cNall of Blyth. Voting took place in five municip- alities on Nlonclay and some cru, until' is developed. In Stephen town- .\lanzo McCann and C, Nlawitin- 117 ran a clo.e rare, The :farmer win- ning by a vote rad 5318 to '93(1, lit Exeter Benson W. Turkey de. leafed the veteran \V. 13. Sanders fly 473 to 330, stormy weather kept number of voters home but despite the fact that many sidern,tcls were 1111)0004 by snow 1,111 tarn -out at the holt' was eonsielere-d fair. Results In Monday's Voting Hay Township - Reeve, George Aninstrcog 11013, 7l. I rrrnbull 398. (8111a --.\le\. Crerar 400, Roland t,eiger (122, bred Haber er 5,), \\ln Haugh 559, Nelson Stan- ley 3'03. (Inrst four elected. Howick- Reeve --J. W. Gul1tbic 520, J. A. Bryans .143. Deputy, D. '0, Weir 948, 1. E. Toner 3,63. Council --E. H. Strong -W,7, Ed, 1lcCaibum 401, John \\'inter 379, Robert Baker 3K19, Wet. Reis 1107. Morris- Reewe-Francis Duncan 21'8, Cecil \\''heeler 1;1:4. (No, contest 'for caun- rill. Stephen- Reewe, Alonzo McCann '598, 'C. Nllnwit inney 5440. Deputy, Roy Rate 0195, Ed Sh•lignton" 476. Connell, Thom- as Love •0)12, Arthur Amy 624, Nelson Schenk '5139, Herman I'owu' 512, 1 First three elect 11. Exeter - Reeve. Benson W. 'l'nckc•y 473, \\-. 1-1. Sanders 230. GIRL GUIDES On -Sunday, the day before Christ- mas, the Girl (;rides gathered at the hall and took boxes of fruit, nuts and candy to the sick and shut-ins. Upon. returning to the guide hall they sang carols and each guide got a bag of candy and a bag of lints. Meeting closed with "Taps." HURON ROAD WEST Was Eva Holland, Clinton, under- went a delicate operation the )week in the Stratford Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Stew Ball, Lambeth, spent New Year's with Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Ball, Clinton. Mrs. A. Durnin and daughter Miss Doris are holidaying in Wisconsin with her son Mr. Harold Durnin. We wish Mr, Wally Crich, Clinton, a speedy recovery from his serious lingering illness, Miss Betty Crich, slaughter of Mr. Wally Crich, Clinton, underwent an appendix operation Thursday evening in the Clinton hospital and is recov- ering nieely. Mv. Harvey Nott. London, spent the Christmas holidays at. his hone with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard 'Nott, Seaforth. Mass Edith. Dale is recovering slow- ly from 0 lengthy illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Wright, Mum cey, spent the Christmas holidays at Mr Fred Cook's, Clinton. Mr. Norman Hanna, Vanguard, Sask., is visiting friends and relatives in and around Seafortb. Mrs, I.,, Tehhutt is under . the. weather, $1 a year. ita i a gm/44e I � BRIDAL ig V l.t3) -A II , 7ld7a'�l� , ,nr,n1 r 411` IT WOULD MAKE THE WHOLE YEAR HAPPY FOR HER A.VAUGE Jeweller and Optometrist Opposite Post Office, Seaforth S Observe 55th Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs, John Fingland of Londesboro Honored b y Family Gathering lir, and \1a•s, loin hingland. 1.on- fleshoro, were ih• 1pv in having their remit:, of e$.,ht with their wivea,`Mrs- hantts and children at ,hoose on Thur - May in a quiet observance ,10 their wedding* day. The ((81.0inal plans for a 1.11ristinas Day reunion and aetta- ine anniversary- combined; were changed to 'Thursday and modified awing to Mrs. l li1glaud'd temporary mrl,ispo rti nn at that time. John Flag - land and •Catherine Baird were mar- ried on rite '90th 1)'f December, 11484, at the hone of the dn•idc ( parents, 1]roocnc Grey county, ,by Rev. 0. P. Niven, Presbyterian minister. The rereniony was witnessed Iby Margaret Baird, sister of 4410 ihride, bridesmaid, and'Thomas 'Meller, was groomsman, They farmed 'in Beverly Town ship, \;Yen t worth, .and many years ago moved to a darns near Au- burn in .Huilctt township. Later they retired to reside in Lonule•,!boro. John Ilinglarel has 'been prtmilirent in church and anunicipal affairs. For up- wards of twenty years he was an off- icial of Ki111x Presbyterian Church, Auburn. in Loilclesboro he ha, been identified officially ,with the United Church, 1-1 is nmmniripa,l ,record in- cihde4 serving ars eottttcillOr and later as reeve of ihullett and upwards of twenty years' service an clerk and treasurer of the township. In fraternal mrganiaations he is a charter ,member ,)f H'uilett Lodge :\,F. & A.M. No, 308 and was ,secretary of the lodge f10,11 the time of its incorporation am- bit a dew year•. a'u,o. He is a supporter df 4418 Liberal party in ,polities. The fami1y of enure, four sono and ,four daughters are all living and .were at home dor the anniversary celebration xn Thursttay. They are Rev, \\'ihiani Finglantl. St. Andrew's 'United. Church, Niagara Falls; Can. farming near Walton; , Frairk, ;barrister and 1:.(',, Clinton: Murray, 'C-oe'hrane, (Int.; Mrs. 1D8.1 R. Grierson, of Sun- derland, - IOM,; Mrs. J. \,i: Barker, To- ronto; Miss Alice at tome 111111 hers. \\ illian ;Fon e4, Ayluner, ,On't, '171117e are eleven grandchildren, Except for 71r�. Fi nr,iand's slight illness (luring the 'holiday week, both are in sound health tlron'g'h advanced ,in year,. EGMONDVILLE The regular meeting of Egmond- ville Y. P. U. was held Tuesday even- ing with the president 13111 Forrest in the chair. The meeting opened with Hymn 571, after which Warden Haney read the luinutes. The busi- ness period Was then discussed. It was moved and seconded that Mayne Watson act es press secret- ary for the coming year, Mr, Gardiner then gave els a very Interesting and instructive tails on "tile Roinantists' ideaor the Universal." Harold Fin (11ga11 took charge of the Citizenship,: asking questions of "The High - Lights of 1939." Pearl Townsend and Ma.yme Watson tool: the missionary period, coltinning the study of the Untouchables, Mr, Gardiner then con- ducted a game, the meeting closing with the Mizpah benediction.