HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-12-10, Page 8FIENSALL r, Mervin ,Brown of Toronto is ,Ing 'his parents, Mr, and Mrs. G, went. Pyre u'ltc many friends'of Mrs. P y ;i 'be sorry 'to learn that she has at confined to her room through ecss. the Youngt>1 eo le's League of the iited Church .wee held on Monday ening The topic was given by Miss e Morrison on "Kindness to Oth- "'Solo by ,Miss, Nellie Boyle, ac- ittpanied by Mies E Murdock on violin, reading by Miss Viola Hig- cis, and a chorus by a number of ung girds were all greatly enjoyed, 'ext Monday evening will be mis- ,nary nighr in the League Mrs. Peter McArthur of Vancouver visiting ,with Mr, and Mrs, •Robt, cArthur and family, The Rainbow Club held a bazaar in basement of St Penis church on ,turday afternoon last The pro- ' ads amounted to $50 which -will go ,v cls endowies p..cot 'for the Sick nilren's 'hspit$l ztf Toronto MIs Geo. Reynolds and children cegtly visited' -with friends in town. M>. J. Kastner of 'Kitchener was town on Tuesdayout business. Mr. Wm. Moore of London, visit- friends iu town last week. The many 'friends of Mr. Richard 'atefiford are ,pleased•to learn that is somewhat improved. Mrs. Jno. Parks and Mrs. H. C. )flan spent a .few days this week 'siting friends in Hyde Parka The marriagie of Miss Elsie Soldan Mr Garnet Case took place on 'ednesday December 2nd• Rev. Mr. twards performed the ceremony in ondon. Aftr the ceremony Mr. and yrs. Case left on a wedding trip to 'oronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo td on their return they will make 'tear home in Hensell. Congratula- '005, Dr. Knapp is suffering from 'a se - ere attack of sciatica. A large crowd attended the dance the town hall on Friday evening 1st. The proceeds were in aid of te hockey club. They are putting on daughter, Mrs• McBain. pother dance on Friday evening of Miss Alice Currie, of Pine Creek, his week. The management of the skating 'nk are getting the rink in shape for he season's skating. Owing to the eft weather on Friday and Saturday est the roads in this vicinity were in e bad state, the London road cspec- ally being in a bad condition. The friends of Mr. Holland Little rill be pleased to hear that he is im- -)roving Despit,. the 'condition of the roads arge congregations attenied the Un - ted church on Sunday last. In the •vening, Rev, Mr, Sinclair preached at the subject of the Runaway Wife. fter the sermon Miss Greta Lam •nie gave a violin selection which ,vas greatly appreciated by the cnn- rregation. We understand Miss Lam- nie is to play at a Free Press broad •acting in the near future. Miss Edith Cameron left on Wed- eesday last to make her home with ,er grandmother at Whitevale. There is not much municipal etc - ion talk in the village yet, but as 'omination day draws nearer there •.•ill most likely be some candidates >r -municipal honors Mr. Lorne Ballantyne of Detroit, is isiting his mother here. Mr. Wm. Simpson who has been isiting his mother here for a week -:turned to Detroit on Monday where .e has a good position. Mr. Hobbs. of London government nspector of weights and measures, :as in town this week, inspecting and esting the different weigh scales in he village Miss Viola Hildebrandt is confined .) her home with a severe attack of ,neumonia VARNA, Our school koncert which was held on Friday night was a great success. Those who missed it certainly missed din a treat Miss Walsh, of 'Kincardine, ably sister to our teacher, veryfilled the position of pianist and'wmust say much credit is due the. pupils and teacher. Door receipts amounted to around $38,00. Mr. Taylor shipped a carload of livestock to Toronto on Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Lee McConnell acc- ompanied by Mr ,and Mrs. Stephen- son motored' to Marlette, Mich., out Friday east, M•fr, Garnet Taylor spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Evans of Seaforth visited her mother, Mrs •C)ark, Who eve are sor- ry to report, is confined to bed with an attack of pleurisy andher many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The Union church are busy prepar- ing for their Christmas tree to be held Wednesday 23rd. Mr Wilmer Reid is spending a week with friend's in Toronto The W.A. of St, Jahns church will meet at the home of Mrs, Chuter on Friday at 2 •p.m, for the purpose of packing their annual (bale, The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Elliott last Wednesday. HURON NEWS. Brussels. Word has been received of the death of Mrs, David Archibald, a former resident of Grey township, at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Arthur McInnis, at Pelee Island, Mrs, Archibald was 79 years old. is not improving as fast as her On Thursday, November 12th, friends would like to see, but hope Miss Agnes Pearl iBaeker, youngest for a speedy recovery, daughter of Mrs. George Backer, of Brussels, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony in 'Westmhtster church, Winnipeg, by Rev, Dr. Christie, to Mr. Norman Forbes, of Winnipeg, and a former -Brussels old boy. The friends of the happy •couple Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the extend 'hearty congratulations topain and produce a sensation of ease them. and rest. A trial of it will establish Mr. Robert Kerr 'has gone to De -1 faith in it. troit to spend the winter with her ROXBORO. School Report for 8,5, No, 13, Me- Killop, for month of November;— Sr. 4th — Beatrice McGowan, '•Arthur Powell, Chester McNay, Wil- mer Howes, Sr: 3rd—Kenneth Harrison, Ber- nice Howes and Vietta Coleman (equal) Olive Stirling, Harold Agar. Jr. 3rd—:George Ward, George Powell. 2nd—Jack Ward. 1st—Elizabeth Howes, Pea'ri Cole- man. Sr. Pr.—]Robert McMillan, Jr. Pr,—North Nesbitt, Ian Nes- bitt. No. on roll, 17; average attendance 15.6. Least errors in spelling — Sr. 4th, Chester McNay, Arthur Powell. Sr, 3rd, Harold Agar. Perfect attendance—Vietta Cole- man, Bernice Howes, Harold Agar, Kenneth ,Harrison, Elizabeth Howes, Pearl Coleman. Teacher, L. E, Hutton, HARLOCK, The Women's Missionary .Society will hold their meeting at Mrs. Leo Watt's on Friday of this week A very successful Ladies' Aid was held at Mrs. Bert. Allen's last Thurs- day. There were 25 present, Of- ficers elected for the coming year, President—Miss 'Gertie Ferris; secre- tary—Lydia Reid; treasurer, Mrs, W. Beacom. Mrs, (Rev.) Abery, of Londesboro, It Bids Pain Begone,—When neur- algia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the back is the time to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric BAYFIELD. Mr. and Mrs . Will Townshend ,lid family and Miss Gwen Elliott notored from Manila on Friday last nd are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thos. iliiott. The two churches are preparing or Christmas entertainments There was quite a lively time here n Monday when the municipal elec- :iion was held. A, E. Erwin was el cued as reeve over M. Ross with a najority of 22. Candidates for the •ouncil were J. Parker 134, J Pollock :29, -L Thomson 102, E. F. Menne 9, .G. Castle 85, Abe :Brandon 68, T. :lailey 58. Mr. Widcombe and Sam Wid- •ombe returned from the West last Wednesday WEST END TUCKERSMITH There is still a considerable amount )f fall plowing to do in this neigh- iorhood i Mrs Levi Trick of London visited 'ter daughter Mrs Fletcher Towns - :lend last week Mss Ida 'Ball visited relatives in )etroit last week Miss Hattei Turner returned home 'ast week having spent the past 3 nonths visiting relatives, in British 'oluntbia, Saskatchecwan .and Nor- hern Ontario. Mr Ernie Crich spent Monday of 'est week in Toronto. Zurich. Mr. Louis Brisson has sold his 146 -acre farm on the town line •>etwecn Blake and Drysdale, to Mr. 11ex. Aubb , of St. Joseph. The 'arm is in Stanley township. Pos- ,ession will be given next fall, and },[r.'• Brisson will .likely locate in ome busin,ss. A scheme is under way to have the oad front Zurich to Hensall paved. Mrs, Victoria Detiomme has sold ter fine 100 -acre farm north of St. roseph to her son Frank E. Denom- ne, who will get possession next all, Mrs. Denorne has reserved the ,se of one of the houses on the farm t1. her use. Mr, and tMrs. John Kipper and 'sot) Frances, who have spent the past few nonths at Biggar, Sask., arrived .cone the past week. Mr. K.ipper ;tales the crop which was a good ne was rather hard to get harvest - d owing to the rough and wintry ; —� weather, sels. She is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Currie, former- ly of Brussels district. Goderich. At the last meeting of •Goderich Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, the follow- ing officers were elected for the coming year; Junior past noble grand, Mrs. Vrooman; noble grand, Mrs. Toole; vice noble grand, Mrs. Lawrence; recording secretary, Mrs. Marshall; financial secretary, Mrs. Evans; treasurer, Mrs. Hunt. Announcement has been received of the marriage of Miss Jean Louise Reynolds; of Hanover, to Mr. Walter Laidlaw Saunders, youngest son of Mr, Alex. Saunders, of Goderich, which took place in St. James' church, St. Marys. The bride is well known in. Goderich, being a .former superintendent of Alexandra hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Saunders will make their home in Goderich during the winter. A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, Nov. 25th, at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Atwood, r when their slaughter, Lily K., was united in marriage to Mr. Alex. Donelly, `son of Cant. and Mrs. A. Donelly, of Goderich. Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Egmnndville, officiated. Little Edythe aud Dorothy McMane, nieces of the bride, acted as flower -girls, and were the only attendants. After the cere- mony the guests entered the dining - room and sat down to a delicious wedding dinner. During the after- noon the young couple left by motor for Goderich, Seaforth and other points to spend their honeymoon. The bride travelled in a dress of rosewood crepe, with hat and hose to match, and also a handsome Hud- son seal coat. On their return, the young couple will live et Atwood,, where Mr. Donelly recently our -I chased the store of Tohnstone Peebles Clinton. Miss Tillie 'Colclough and Mr. , Adam Cantelon, both of Goderich township, were married on November 29th at Clinton. A town hockey league is proposed for Clinton this year. Efforts may also be made to place a team in the tJ.H,A, Mr. Harold Livermore has gone to Detroit to take a position. Mr. Frank Glew had a number of teams engaged hauling gravel for the Huron road. Mr. Frank Powell was -ailed to Worthington, Algoma, to atted the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. John Powell. Miss Jean Hogg has taken a posi- tion as principal of Cooksville public school for December, DEATHS AITOHESON — In McKillop, on Monday, December 7th 1925, James Aitcheson, aged 79 years, 8 days. THII SEAFORTH NEWS• THURSDAY,'DE'CEMutliglt •id; t928 • LONDESBORO. Mrs. James Watt has returned etc' Toronto after, spending a few days i with her parents' at the Manse. We areglad' to report that t Mrs:= po a Abery ' f ei is e n 1 better. B Mrs, Helen Quinn `spent a ,few days with Clinton friends. The Ladies' Aid of Knox chtu•ch held their .monthly meeting on Tues- day at the home of Mrs, M -Cray. The Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the Community :hall on Thursday, The report of the district meeting was given ,by Miss S. Barr. A splendid lunch was pro- vided 'by the ladies, (Intended for last week) A social evening of Knox e,hurch Guild was 'held at the home of Mr, George Cowan, of the lath conces- sion. With games and two very interesting contests the young people were well entertained. A splendid lunch was given after kards, About #'fifty-five attended the meeting. IvFrs. Janet 'MeVittie is a guest at the home of ,Mrs. -Harry Moon, We are glad :to report that the siege of monsles is over. Mr. Won, Taman is visiting his sister, Ides. Jahn 'Armstrong, of the vtilage. Mrs. Abery •hes:.'"returned to her home after three months' visit in 'Toronto. Mrs. Ja,i es Watt and Soli Owen, of Toronto, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs, Abery. The dance on Friday evening was quite a success. Another'dance will be given in ,the Community hall on Friday. evening; December lath, /Recognized as e leading specific for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails, Suggestions PERFECTION OIL HEATERS CARVING SETS Special Value SAD IRONS Per Set $ 47 .25 to $6,00 AUTO SKATES .fi, HOCKEY STICKS l 5 c to 81." Q .50 SKIIS Y• 87.50 84.50 to 89.00 $2712.50 52.25 to $6.00 POCKET KNIVES 15c to 8225 THERMOS BOTTLES Pints and Quarts LUNCH KITS WITH $ 75 THERMOS BOTTLES 75 c and 83.25 22 RIFLES, Bayards LINED MITTS FLASHLIGHTS SILVERWARE in various designs CRUMB TRAYS SERVICE TRAYS 'Nickelled Copper TEAPOTS AND KETTLLES $7.50 50c to $2.25 $1.65 to $2.25 $1.00 to 520.00 $1.00 to 53.00 7Sc to $2.00 $5.75 to 83.00 59c to $5.00 25c to $3.00 150 to $6.00 RAZORS SCISSORS TOOLS A STORE FULL OR GOODS AWAITING YOUR INSPECTION Geo. Tia Silis & Sons HARDWARE Handkerchief le Great Variety—Great Value. Spc..:al Christmas Offering. COME AND SEE. BUY AND SAVE SPECIAL.—Our 97 -piece $'17 50 DINNER SETS at..,,.,... o (It. just 'beats all.) "Santa's come to stay From now till Christmas day" at BEATTIE'S SEAFORTH CAFE NOW OPEN.AGENT, WANTED. The Seaforth 'Cafe ' opened Asst I Agent,, part or full tittle, for Life Saturday The new proprietpr," Mr• i Insurance Company. Good''contract. Percy Howe, has 'Urea, in the res Apply News Office, tf teerant business in Canada over l p ' t eighteen years, and has coml.letcly redecorated the -cafe and; given it ,a clean; fresh appearance, The service is good. You are invited to come and inspect the tip -to -date arrange- ments throughout, NOTICE. All books must be returned to the Public Library on pr before Thurs- day, Dec. 24th, GRETA THOMP- SON, Librarian. 51 AUCTION SALE Of Hons.:hold Furniture, On Fri- day, December llth at 2 p.m, at, the rear of Mr, Hill's shoe repair store, Main street, Seafor''., there will be sold by public auction, kitchen range, tables, chairs and other general household effects, THOS, BROWN, auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Of Farin Stock, There will be of- fered for sale by .public auction on Lot 18, Con. 9, McICillop, on Wed- nesday, December 16th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following valuable farm stock. Horses -1 draught_ gelding rising 4 yrs, old, 1 draught filly ris- ing 3 yrs. old. Cattle -1 tow 5 yrs, old freshened 3 weeks, 1 cow 3 yrs. old, freshened 2 wks, • I cow 5 yrs. old due time of sale. -1 tow 3 yrs, old due time of sale. 2 cows 4 yrs. old due in February, 1 cow 6 yrs. old due in April. 1 cow 5 yrs. old due in March, 2 cows 7 yrs, old sup- posed to be in calf. 12 steers, rising 3 yrs., old; 3 steers rising 2 yrs. old; I8 heifers rising 5 yrs. old, .3 heifers rising 2 yrs. old. 1 good Durham ,bull 2 yrs, old. All In good condition. No reserve as proprietor is short of feed. Terms. -6 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent, per annum for cash. John 'Pryce, prop. - Thos. Brown, auct, HOUSE FOR SALE. e residitce 'and and Ann streets, The News Offie Modern frame lot, corner James. Sea- forth.- Apply, to e. PROFESSIONAL QARDS, Medical, DR. H. HUG H ROSS, Ph sI is and. Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England, Special attention to diseases of .the eYe, eat, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind' Dominion Bank. Office. Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 106 BEEF sFOR 'SALE. Beef by the ijuarier or by the 'cut, First-class beet, t.,all Trus H>cknetl;- phoue t'tr9 Lublin;_ or James J. frlurray, phone 1/1.23. Dublin. - tf DR. F. J.' BURROWS, Seaforth,. ,Office and residence, Goderich street east of the Methodist church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron, Tele- phone No, 40. BOOTH' & SKATES FOR SALE Two pairs of Men's Hockey hoots with shales attached Size / and /f5, 1n goon condition. JACK 11tUoL.', .Seaforth, 50 HOUSE FOR SALE. A comfortable frame house and seven acres of good, ,productive land oe North /Mainstreet in the Town of Seaforth, ',Good barn on the property. Furnace, electric lights and rather conveniences in the house. Will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply to: BEST & BEST, 49 Barristers Ac., Seaforth, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 75 acres in the Township of Mc- Killop, brick house, bank barn. Land ie good state of cultivation with fall plowing done, Possession this fall. For further particulars apply at the News Office, tf Every careful and observant mother knows When her cbildr suffers from ,worms, She also knrws that if some remedy be, not speedily applied much 'harm will result to the infant. Att excellent preparation for this purpose is Miller's Worm Powders. Items of news are always welcome. I?rincess THURS., FRL, and SAT. "The Silent Accuser" FEATURING THE MARVELLOUSLY INTELLIGENT POLICE DOG Peter The Great The feats of prowess performed by this wonderful dog are uncanny in their effect, Undoubtedly it is the most remarkable picture ever shown here. ELEANOR BOARDMAN and RAYMOND McKEE appear in the leading human roles. MON. TUES„ WED„ Viola Dana IN "The Beauty Prize" ARE YOU A ,LAWYER? "Legal (aBye.: 'fie . ,' nee is s1. 1 W 215 9 an re ex- pensive tha.tla Long ist:F'na&:' 99 farrier a Lawyer QT,Always use Long Distance for quick decisions Music for ehristmas Now is your time to order a new piano, radio, phonograph or player piano, The time as limited to a few 'tore days till Christmas bells are ringing. And what is nicer than a musical instrument. First, it is a sen- sible investment, lasting practically a life time. At any time the heart/ may desire, withoui^really any upkeep expense, your instrument is ready to be used. Don't be foolish like some people. who think that children can learn music after they are finished with school, Figures show that only 1 out of. 10 ever develop to anything beginning at Shat stage, and only 2 out of 10 fail who get a Start in music at 7 or 8 years of age. I tan place ie your home a pianoeto suit your needs and at a price which will save you many dollars, even hundreds of dollar`s over some of my •competitors. Some of our friends thinkthey are saving money by dealing direct with the big city stores, but they forget that. those stores are not run on a few cents a'day; indeed some of them cost $100.00 a day and over. This only adds to the cost of your piano or musical instrument, If youdeal with me you get' the goods at a smalljgelling cost, with a small selling profit added. And I can assure you the goods are absolutely of the same quality, as the .manufactur- ers ship their goods from coast to coast to compete with others, and the goods have to be right or they would have to ce-se their doors. Kindly bear in mind I am always here and able to serve you ,iii a right way in any of the above lines. Phone Mite 34-616 or write Jonathan E. Hugill DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons et' Ontario, DR. F. J. R. FOESTER.-Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in '`Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York 'Ophthel- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefeld'e. Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hoe pitals, London, England. Ate Commercial Hotel, Seaf,o r t h . third , Monday in each month,: from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street south, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. Dental, DR. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, Gradu- ate of N •rtihwestern University, Clti- cago, I11. Licentiate Royal College Of. Dent'a'l Surgeons, Toronto, Office. over Sills' hardware, Main street, Sea - forth. Phone 151. Musical Instruction, CHAS. A. H•OWEY, organist and. choir director, North Side United Church, Seaforth, Instruction gives: in piano, organ and theory, Stndic over the Dominion Bank, General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT THE IVIcKILLGP Mutual Fire Insurance Cor. FARM AND ISOLATED . TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURER Officers James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. Janes Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth;. Sec. -Treasurer, Directors, Wm. Rina, No . 2, Seaforth; Jobe Bcnneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M, McEwen, Clintont James Conolly, Goderich • ;Atex. Broadfoot, No, 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,. Harloclr George McCartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E. ifinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, fiolmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. - James Kerr and John Govenr lode, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other 1 usiness will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective poatofHces, that tired look and "ragged' feeling out of your face. Say "Borie71a Facial" ice your barber and coma up smiling with a new appear- ance of vim and fitness. Be one of the "rmillon a week." ROBINSON'S (Just Around the Come-- Seaforth orn-Seaforth PONG W NG LAUNDRY Having purchased the Laundry business on Main street, Seaforth from W. H Lee, 1'' am prepared. to make a good job of your laundry le olk BOARS FOR SERVICE. I :hold for service a Yorkshire and Tamworth boar. Both of these boars are from the best of herds and should prove profitable to those who are anxious for the beat they can get, 'Government papers accome pany these • hogs and will assist any who want registerel stock. Terms $1.50 with privilege of returning if necessary. I am yorrs for :buelness, JONATHAN E. HUGILL, Phone 34-616. 3 miles west of Seaforth: P.S. -I have for sale 3 young York boars with best of breeding, good feeders and the right type suitable for spring ace -vice at $18 each or $20 registered.'