HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-12-10, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 47.
Watch this spaceNin
next week's issue for
special Christmas
The Olympia..
Confectionery and Restaurant
variety and lower prices,
50c 60c per doz.,. Seedled Navels
riper and sweeter than usual at
this season.
GRAPE 'FRUIT at 3 for 25c
MALAGA GRAPES, per . pound - 30e
CRANBERRIES per quart or lb 20e
at 6 pounds for " 25c
Smaller ones at 10 for 25c
FANCY BISCUITS 8 kinds at per
lb, ,, ,.20c
ICING SUGAR, per ib ..10c
MIXED NUTS, per d'b. 25c
2 lbs. 25c
DRIED APPLES wanted at 8c per
tb, in trade.
Phone 166
wilt be given by
at 7 o'clock
This is an entirely new Cantata,
just off the press and a very
pleasing production indeed,
Organist and Director.
Don't Miss the Shoe
Bargains advertised on
Page 3 of this issue.
F. W. WIGG ;.
For Scalds'or Burns. -Dr: Thomas'
Eclectric Oil is a standard remedy
for the prompt treatment of scalds
and burns. Its healing power, quick-
ly soothes the, pain and aids a speedy
recovery from the injury. It is also
an excellent remedy for all manner
of cuts, bruises, and sprains, as well
as for relieving the pains arising from
inflammation of various kinds.. A
bottle in the house and stable saves
many a doctor's and veterinary's fee.
Miller's Worm "Powders .swill eradi-
cate the worm evil that bears so
heavily on children and is believed to
cause many datalities. They are an
acceptable medicine to children • and
can be fully relied upon to clear the
food channels thoroughly of these
destructive parasites and restore the
inflamed and painful surfaces to
healthfulness.. They are an excel-
lent remedy for these evils.
The North Side Church. -Sabbath
thrvices, 11 a,en and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school 2:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin.
Pastor at 'both services,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Melville
Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary.
On Tuesday evening, Dec:. 8th
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman'gave a
surprise gathering to "twenty friends
and relatives of Mr and Mrs, Law
rence Melville, who are respected
citizens of our town and who have
both: been invalids for some time, in
order to celebrate their golden wed-
ding anniversary. 'Mrs. Melville is
a sister of Mr Tyerman. Mr. and
Mrs: Melville were married in +Hul-
tett, Dec. 8th, 1875, and have one
daughter; Miss Mina, at home. The
bridesmaid and groomsman, Miss
Addie Tyerman, sister of the bride,
and Mrd John 'Melville," brother of
the groom, were both present to help
celebrate. A sumptuous wedding din-
ner was served by Mrs. Tyerman,
assisted by Mrs. N. 'Garter, the tables
looking very dainty with place cards
lettered in gold and mounted with
gilded bittersweet berries, golden
candlesticks with gold shades, while
the centrepiece •was a wedding cake
artistically iced to represent a court-
ing scene in the prevailing gold
color. After dinner was served an.
address was read to the honored
guests by Mr, F. D. Hutchison while
Mr, C. Adams presented the bride
and groom with a golden box con-
taining many articles all •suitably
wrapped in gold. Much amusement
we's caused as the happy pair un
wrapped the parcels which were
fancy and ornamental, valuable and
valueless, useful and useless, and
the climax was reached when a purse
containing gold coins was revealed
at the bottom of the ' .box. Many
cards and letters from friends far and
near were then .produced and read by
Mrs, F. D. iHutchison, extending con-
gratulations and good wishes for fu-
ure happiness. The evening was
spent in reminiscences, songs, anec-
dotes and speeches=•by 'Mayor Gold-
ingaitd others. Mrs. J, Fairservice
was pianist. Mr, Wilbur Hutchison,
Winnipeg, a cousin of the bride, un-
expectedly arrived in time to share in
the festivities. After expression of
thanks*by the wedding couple and to
the host and hostess for their gener-
ous hospitality, the very enjoyable ev-
ening closed.
The Salvation Army. - Sunday, t
Dec. 13th, morning service 11 a.m.;
evening service 7 p.m,; Sunday
school 3 p,tn. Services in charge of
Lieut. Tidinan and Lieut. Evenden.
Postal Information.
Those who post parcels for the
United States should understand that
these parcels are sent by the Canad-
ian .post offices to e. United States
border customs office and not direct
to the 'office named in the address.
At this border customs office the
parcels are examined for customs
duty. Owing to the immense volume
of business at the Christmas period
there is apt to be delay in the.
handling of the parcels. Further-
more, there will be no Christmas Day
delivery in United States cities and
the public are advised to post all
Christmas parcels for the United
States in exceptionally good time.
The placing of Christmas seals
of any kind on the address part of
the letter is against postal regulations
and such letters wilt nett be for-
It is suggested that all Christmas
mail for local delivery be mailed not
later than Wednesday, December 23.
Three in One
G.W.V.A. Hall
Monday, Dec.. 14th
8,80 p.m.
I. Entertainment
Very successg1 aniversary services
were held•,In•ihe Seaforth Presbyter-
ian churotl on Sunday, December Ath,
when ,Rev, A. S. Grant, iJ'.D,, geneetel
secretary of the Board of Missions di
are Presbyterian church and founder
of the Yukon hospital, delivered fvio . r HAaIKIRS.,trum`i'k:lt
forceful and inspirational discourses, , The Presbyterian, manse was the
In the morning the reverend .;gentle- scene of a quiet wedding on Decent -
man chose Nehemiah, 6th chaeta', 4th ler lst, when Annie Beryl Hunter, 01
verse, for his text: ".The -people' had Clinton, was married to Arthur Hab-
a mind to work," in which he 'em- kirk
phasize'd the need of a return to the youngest son of Mr: M. Habkirk
study of the Bible and foundation of McKillop. The ceremony was
truths and principles. In his travels n Dormed by Rev. F. H. Larkin,
as superintendent of missions Dr.
Grant said that he had found pupils ALMA.
in some of the Indian schools gave
more intelligent answers to questions Mr. W. H, Jamieson delivered a
on the Bible ,than some of the fine Shorthorn calf Last ednesday
scholars in our best equipped Sunday to Mr. Webster, of Varna.
schools. FIe urged the use of the Mr• James Scott underwent a criti-
cal also by the older people in the cal operation in Seaforth hospital on
church service. In his opinion the Friday ,last. His many friends hope
1 churches are over -organized, the for 'his speedy recovery.
average ch h k Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFar]
Mr, James Stewart and Mr, John
Beattie' were greatly appreciated. The
proceeds amounted to $395.00.
On next Monday evening, .Decem-
ber 14th;_ the Lions Club are offer-
ing -something different'in the way
of entertainment in another endeavor
to raise funds for community bene-
fit. This will be a- combined enter-
tainment, b.ox social and dance. The
entertainment will be specially, at-
tractive and the services of Mr. Chas:,
E. Naphtali have been obtained, in
addition to the Seaforth Quartette
and ''local artists,
The box 'social will provide a
novel feature and the ladies are sure
to `excel themselves in their lunches.
See advertisement, and don't miss
this opportunity of joining in the 'fun
and community 'singing. A. valuable
silver tea service is to be drawn for
during the evening, The tickets for
same are noween 'sale by a bevy of
high school girls and the service on
display in Walker & Son's' window.
The annual Christman Dance will held in the'G,W.V.A. Club Roomson the evening of 'Tuesday, December
29th. As always,, Christmas visitors
in town are made welcome whether
or not they have an invitation, Chap -
man's Winter Garden orchestra will
provide the music for this affair.
Special provision has been made to
give the' .guests the real' old time
Christmas wati: music, to say noth-
ing of the "Lancers." Luncheon will
be served: end invitations will be is-
sued .next week. Any special ones
desired may be had by consulting the
secretary, C, P. Sills.
The Christian Endeavor and Mis-
sionary departments .combined to
form a very pleasing programme at
League on Tuesday evening. The
two convenors, Mr, Will.Black and
Mr. Murray Savauge occupied the
chair. A very interesting talk was
given by Mr. J. C. Laing describing
his trip to the Old Country, Other
progeamme numbers included aread-
ing oy Miss Margaret Rivers; violin
selettion by Miss Asman; and a piano
selection by Miss Gladys McPhee.
A set of lantern slides depicting•
Canadian 'Home Mission work add
entitled "New Canadians in Rural
Canada," was shown. The accom-
panying lecture was read by Miss
Lillian Hutton and the lantern oper-
atesi by Mr, W. J. Williams, There
eve = 65 present.
Paramount Male Quartette
Chas. E. Nap`htali, Entertainer;
of Hamilton
and local artists
II. Box Social
Each lady is expected to bring a
box of lunch which will bel
sold by auction at about 10,30.,
i I L, Dancing
Stewart's Harmony Boys Orches-
tra. Dances of yesterday and
to -day. .
Drawing for beautiful silver tea
service -
Admission 60c, including tax
Ladies with boxes free.
ANight of Fun. Do Not Miss It
a g m c worker is so busy ane,
attending to the machine that they o -f 'Gaderich, were guests on Sunday
have little time for prayer or study last, at the home of Mr, and firs,
Chas. Mann.
the word of God, Quite a number from here attetid-
In the evening Dr. Grant preahced Q
an exceptionally clear and able ser- ed the fowl supper in the Presbyter -
mon on "Justification by Faith." ian church, Seaforth, on Monday
Special music including some ' fine evening.
anthems, quartettes by Messrs, j, T. Mr. and .'Mrs. G. W. Nott spent a
Scott, M. Rennie, D. Reid and J. pieasant evening at the home of Mr,
Beattie and a solo by Mr. J. T. Scott and Mrs. Wm. Stuart, Bayfield, last
were provided by the choir under week.
the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mr. and Mfrs. Norman Carter were
Rennie: The offering at both ser- guests at the Golden Wedding cele -
vices amounted to $553. bration of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
The Fowl Supper on Monday even- Melville, of Seaforth, on Tuesday
ing was most successful, The pro- evening.
gramme was exceptionally good, Mr, Jas. Carter disposed of a valu-
Rev. Dr. Larkin presided Addresses able horse to Mr. Galbraith of Brus-
were •delivered by Rev. R. C. Mc- Bels, and delivered it on Tuesday.
Dermid, of Goderich, and Rev. H. L. ST. COLUMBAN.
Bennie, of Mitchell. Miss Francis
Winters gave several readings. This A meeting of the Literary Society
was held in the parish hall on Friday
evening last, for the purpose of elect-
ing officers for the coming year. The
following officers were elected:
President -Thomas Morris; Vice
President -'Gerald Doyle; ecretary
-Joseph Shea; Treasurer -Margaret
McQuaid; Editor -John L. Malone;
Assistant Editor -Thomas McQuaid;
Committee -M. Dalton, M. McGrath,
and W. Maloney. After the election
of officers Rev. Father Dantzer put
on an interesting series of mdving
pictures, which were highly ap-
preciated by the audience prestnt.
Messrs. Albert Melady and James
Morris left for Detroit last week,
where they have secured situations.
Messrs. Basil and Joseph Lane, of
McKillop, had their tonsils removed
in Seaforth hospital this week, Both
are progressing favorably.
Many from here attended the con-
cert given by the High School Pupils
in Dublin on Monday night last. All
reported an excellent programme.
Mrs. P. J. Gibbons, of Wingham is
visiting at the home of Mr. and lugs.
Jno. Delaney, McKillop.
Mr. Charles Malone, of Stratford,
'spent the week -end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mal-
one, McKitiop,
Miss Hilda . Kennedy,. of Tucker -
smith. visited over the, week -end " at
the home of her sister, Mrs, 'August
was Miss Winters' first appearance in
the Presbyterian church and she
fairly captivated the audience with
her fine dramatic interpretation of
a scene from Hamlet, Charles Kings-
•ley's poem, Lorraine Lorie and a
humorous reading, Hilda's Court-
ship. Mr. Anderton, of London, acted
as accompanist and gave a well
rendered organ solo. Selections from
the Male Quartette, the Ladies Quar-
tette and solos by Mr. John Scott,
Mr. James 1'. Scott, Mr. D. ,'Reid,
The -Cautious Catering eo. of the
of the e'..tholic Women's League will cater
to this Community in the Parish Hall from 5 to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, December 15th.
for a Certain Conlnideration for each Commodity Consumed.
Children as well as adults are invited to Convene on said occasion.
C that you all Come. to partake of this Choice Collee'ion of Cooking
By order of Committee in Charge
0.111 GiftWhat'?
ISSUE No, 50
Only 17 Shopping Days
Then Christmas
After all the fullest enjoyment of Christmas .comes from the consciousness that each person
has been remembered in a manner most acceptable to his or her taste. This ideal condition
is quite' possible and without any worry when your Christmas shopping is done at a store
which devotes its entire energies to providing full and complete variety of Gifts for Christ-
mas Gift Giving. This stare is just such a store -A Real. Gift Store. As suggestions we make
the following;
Diamond Tie pin $10.00 up
Pearl tie pin, 14k 2.50
Signet ring, .10k heavy 5.00 "
Stirling belt buckle 1,75 "
New 12 size watch, gold/
filled, 15 jewels .. , , 15,00
New watch chain 2,00 "
Waterman pen 2.50 ""
Waterman pen and
pencil set , • 4.50 "
Evers'haep pencils . , , , 1.00
Umbrella silver handle 4.00
Cuff links 100 "
Gold pen knife 2.00
Gold Pocket Comb , , , 125 "
Ascot pin .75 "
Wrist watch ,,...'.. 7.00 "
Cigarette case,,,..,.. 2.00
Golf clubs 3.00 "
Golf bags
Ash 'tray
Diamond rix $25.00 up
Diamond bar pin . , . 20.00 "
Gold 'bar pin with
pearls 4,00
Silver bar ;pin 1.00 "
Dinner ring ., 3.00 "
Pearl strings 3.00 "
Dell -all Pearls 6,00 '
Ivory brush 3;50 "
Ivory comb .. .,.,.., 75 "
Ivory jewel case 2.00 "
Ivory mirrorr.. 3.50
Pearl choker 3.00 "
Everslrarp pen and pencil
set, 14k gold filled9.00 "
Eversharp pen and pencil
set, gold mounted 5.00 "
Compacts ,50 "
Wrist watch, 15 jewel
gold-filled • ...... , . 10.00 "
Boudoir set (clock and
candlesticks) 10.00 "
Under arm bag 2.00 "
5,00 " ankle pen and pencil 2.50 "
cases 2.00 "
0 Silk parasol 51)0 "
Mantel. clock .... $9.00 up
Blue Mikado china
,per piece i'.00 "
Mahogany candlesticks,
pair , .. 1.75 "
Serving tray 4.00 "
Floating bowls 3.00 "
Flower birds ... , , , .1.00
"Rubens" vase .or jug 2.00
"Titian" vase ... , . 2.00 "
Carving sets, cased ., 5.00 "
Consol sets 2.00 "
Rail Plates . . , .75
Silver service, 3 pieces 12.00 "
Silver bread tray , , 4;00 "
Silver sandwich tray 5;00 "
"'Gouda" vase ...... , . 1.00 "
China tea pot, sugar and
cream set 2,50 "
Fine china cup and
satucer 1.00 "
97 -place dinner sets,
special 25.00 "
Jardinieres ..., 2.00 "
Luminous alarm clock in
walnut wall bracket 4.75 "
In addition to the above we have well assorted lines of the following beautt`lul China and
Pottery, Gouda Ware, Shelly, Royal Stanley, Jacobean Ware, Rubens, Titian and Crown, Duce!
Ware, Congo Satin, etc. etc.
Fred. S. Savauge
Jeweler & Optometrist
Opposite Post Office.
Phones 194. Res. 10.
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S.
meekly inn!;;,•} meeting was held 1„,,
in Caven church last Thursday after:- 1
noon. The meeting opened with
Mrs. C. Hillen presiding. The Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Miss F.
Saunders, followed by silent prayer
for the missionaries of India and
Messenger prayer by Mrs, H. Alex-
ander. The topic, "India's Heritage,"
was given by Mrs. R. McFarlane and
was full of interest followed by vol-
untary prayer by Mrs. Geo, Eaton.
After all the reports were given by
the secretaries and treasurers, the
election of officers was proceeded
with, resulting as follows: President,
Mrs. C. Hillen; Vice Presidents,- Mrs.
A. Cuthill, Mrs, R. M`tRarlane; sec-
retary, Mrs, Geo. Eaton; treasurer,
Mrs. Robt. Campbell; treasurer W.
M S., Mrs. James Simpson; sec=
treas. of supply and • expense fend,
Mrs, G. Grieve; sick committee,
Mrs. A. Cuthill and Mrs. Wm. John-
ston; programme committee, Mrs. J.
G. Grieve, Mrs. A. Cuthill, Mrs. M.
Blanchard, Mrs. Hillen, Mrs. H.
Alexander; Messenger sec., Miss
Vera Campbell; organist, Mrs. R.
McFarlane, The meeting closed by
all repeating the Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. Robt. Nimmo, of Helena,
Montana, and niece, Miss Jennie
McGreggor, of Detroit, spent the
past week with Mr, and Mrs, George
We were sorry to learn of Mrs.
Theodore Holland suffering from the
effects of a stroke Thursday night.
Mrs. Joseph Bennett who has been
spending the past month with friends
in Wingham, Brussels and Walton,
has returned home.
Mr. J. A. Montgomery is in Wind-
sor this week on a business trip. Hd
is also visiting his sons, William and
Andrew, who have positions there.
Mr. Adam Dodds, has installed a
radio set for Mr. Wm. Johnston.
The dance given by the Orange-
men Monday evening was well at-
tended. Hogg Bros.' orchestra sup-
plied the music, • A good lunch and
hot coffee was served.
Miss !Sena Waugh returned to
Teeswater last week after spending
three weeks at her cousins' Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Grimoldby.
. -Monday was tax day and quite an
exciting time was held at the meeting
in the afternoon in -the Forresters'
Mrs. Benj. Snell left last Monday
to visit friends au.d relatives in Brit-
ish Columbia. Mrs. Snell intends re -
!mining till the last of April.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of
Brussels, visited friends in the vil-
lage on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miilson, of To-
ronto, is, visiting, relatives in;, the
Mr. James Mann had the mis-
fortune to fall backwards off .a load
of straw and hurt his 'back,
old Weather,
Whether or Not
E. L. BE)X
The Economy Fuel.
Do Not Procrastinate
Because --
There are only 886 hours from eight" o'clock
Friday morning till the same hour Christmas morn-
ing. Of this number the stores SHOULD be closed
196 hours not including Sundays of which there are
two, meaning 20 hours more, in all 216 hours closing
leaving a balance of 120 hours. Then again if you
take only one half hour for each M three meals per
day, not including Sundays, it means 18 boure, of
eats which are impossible shopping hours. Supposing
your work necessitates 8 hours per day for the re-
maining twelve working,days. which means 96 hours
you have 1211 eours miens 96 hours, a slim 24 hours
left to do all your Christmas shopping.
Can Von Do It
Arrange to spend thirty minutes in our store and you
will find it a most profitable half hour's pleasure.
Our Quotations Are Regular,
Not Holiday Prices,
See our suggestions anyway
Dress Well And Succeed
Tailoring and Haberdashery
�� i