HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-12-03, Page 7... a NOW FIND'RELIEF phi!? was wrecked on Once . . reef in the South Seas - The crew got a a coral ashore as best they could, using any- ` thing they ;saw alloot as a lite belt. By -Driving the Poisonous Acid Not knowing the eslandthey were , From the System. afraid 0 go inland, For aught they knew its, inhabitants might be ceanni- Rheumatism attacks people when i bale and they had no desire to furnish the blood is thin and watery or forth a canniballeast. charged, up With impurities., thus sea I Presently one of the company elintb- ting np inflammation of the muscles Ze-a neer-by hillock and risked a look and joints. Cold, wet weather or ! over the island. Having won the num- sharp )2111de may start the pains, but 1 mit h,e began to wave his arms excited- ' the cause ie masa in the blood, and IY, beckoning there. As! they got near - to ' get relief it must be treated er to him they heard hien shouting, through the blood. An a blood builder "Come along, boy, We all right, here's and nerve tonic Dr, WilliamsPink a church," Pills are unsurpassed, and for tlsat reason do not fail to give relief to rheumatic suffererw when given a fair ' trial. Among the rheumatic sufferers who have proved the great value of this medicine is Mr. N. M. Foley, Windsor, N.S., who ettyte:—"elly trou- ble started with a bad cold, the result of working in a heavy rain otorm. Event, -that it developed into rheu- matism which badly crippled me and kept inc confined to bed 1 or upwards of six months. The doctor who treat- • ed me did not help me, and every friend who called to see me had some- thing different to advise, Some of • thee remedies I tried, but with no bet- too often takes these things for grant - ter results. My lege were stiff from ed, without recognizing their oceigins. the hips down, and every move I Christianity has made all the differ- enade caused intense pain, and con- once and often we know it not. stantly I was growing, weaker. Then The Church, for instance, has liter- s friend from Falmouth, who came to See are, asked. if I had tried Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I had taken so much medicine without benefit that I was skeptical and said so. My friend, however, had sq much faith In the Pills that he got me a supply and to please him I began taking them. I ltleC The story ie told by the famous Aus- tralian preather, Rev, Henry Howard, Who rent -1y visited Atn erica. The Church to thotte men was a symbol of security. Meer were no longer afraid. Becauee the good news had been pre - claimed there, those shipweeeked sail- ors felt safe. Without that symbol, 'they knew that their lives would not have been worth a moment's con- sideration. The Church in the midst has made a differenee. It has been the cradle .ef amaziag securities, and liberties, of philanthropies and literatures and en - Ugh -tette -tents The modern world all ally grown 'Good Samaritmes, and be - cameo of Item life has taken on kind- a luxurious, tabin, with hot and cold Hee and more humene aspects They water, lights. music, dancing-, news - have been found in every age—some Papers, radio and every desirable 0011- et them known, neost of them un. venience of the day, 11 18 bard to think known. en the middle ages for in- sta.nee, the Friars established them - Selves, in the pestilential quarter of had not been taking them long when towns, ministering to the lepers. Men I began to feel a change for the bet- like St, Francis and. St. Hugh of Lin- ter, and' I gladly got a further supply. colsa would minister to lepers with Soon I was able to get out of bed and their own hands, overcoming all re - walk around on crutches. Still tak- pugnance, caring for them in the spirit ing the gills I used in all seventeen and the name ef Cheist, Wnerever boxes, by which time I was a well Christianity has gone there have man and at work every day. Now I sprung up homes for lepers, orphan - always keep a box of Dr, Williams' ages, hoepitals, schools.- For the un - "hot Pills in the house and if I feel !privileged and dispoesessed life has 1 come to have new securities! and new LATEST IN MEDICAL SERVICE ON C. P. LINERS It is gradually being brought home to Mr. Average Man that the discom- fort asseciated with. ocean travel is but a bad dream of the past. Travel- ling across. the Atlantic in live days in an ache or pain I take them, anc aI - ways with good reselts. 1 believe 1 succourers.... 'Phe world's Elizabeth would still he a bed-riddem cripple but Frys, John Howards Stephen Grellets for these pills, and I shall always and Shaftesburys found their inspire - praise and, recommend thein." tion bn the.Chrietian Gospel. You can get thew pills from any The world be still sadly imperfect. Medicine dealer or by mai) at 50 cents In a senete it le true that Christianity, a box from The Dr. Wileiame' Medi- So far from having failed, has never cine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. leally been tried. Yet It has been a leaven at work and In deep and wide- spread ways, often too little acleaow- Seven Years Have Passed. ledged or recognized, it has made all the difference to our life. The Church When, seven years ago, the world it the midst Is the symbol of what realized, with a great thankfulness, Chrestianity has done for us. that Armageddon had actually come to get end, Flanders fields were vast tracts of land. laid bare and desolate CHILDREN LIKE by the invader, covered with mucl and debris, and dotted with struggling BABY'S OWN TABLETS weeds and scarlet poppies. Now they have regained much ot their normal aspect. . At St, Mot, Zillebeke, St. Jean, Boe- Because They Are Tasteless and single°, and in the dietriet of the Yser Canal reconstruction work is. all bat Are Easy to Take. completed, and everywhere newly One of the strongest points in favor built shops, homes, and churches pay of anY medicill9.f°r children is that it striking testimony to the industry of Irieo etteotbrIgerotlemittthfieowerinottleer iditoteies the Belgian people. ncih:.fre Here- and there, It is erne, certain°11°'° tilmat * ..a War-eime features have been pre- Baby's Own Tablets have no drug served, as, for instance, the trenches taste, may be crusbed to a powder if at Nieuport, which have been made permanent by fortifying with cement. are and babies like 'them. They are perfectly sate for they contain no At Ypres, the town be entirely re- opiate or narcotic. They sweeten the built, and reconstruction. work on the cathedral is being pushed forward at stomach and remove the cause of fretfulness, a rapid rate. Only the ruins of the wonderful ,old. Cloth Hall remain, and Rile.1,rss.ayAsr;t1Charlebois, Pawtucket, .tur 'I have found Baby's Own will stand stark against the skyline for ever—a memorial ot suffering and Tablets to be a gentle lexative and a sate remedy for stomach disorders in earolsm. 'children. 0112 little .boy had been a.- Amid all this newness, two striking ea given hatsh cathartics but these tab- xceptiona are Hill 60 and HouthulForest. The latter sun remains a lets worked more effectively withoutForeet, group of blackened tree -stumps, just the severe griping. I can recommend them to a as it was after that devastating gas- ll mothers of little children" attack in which thousands of French Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 soldiers, many of whose bodies still cents a box from The Dr. Williams' lie hidden in the denst undergrowth, Medicine Co., Broaltville, Ont. were overcome by the fumes. At Hill 60, the visitor may see old The Watch Maker Muses. hells, cartridges, boots, socks, and HowTher e .! It is fixed: •At last it's done? other pathetic remains. Here to -day more than at any other place in the beautiful to see it rant For cogs, obedient to law, - battlefielas, is it possible to realize to Are intercaugh the full what the War meant. t witholit a Ilave: The work of coMpieting the rever- And with a calm, unhaurried speeding, ent orderliness -of the cemeteriee and A steady strength the springs are feed raising memorials ice also nearing its lng. .. .1c°4. delicate aud gossamer end. In fact, the country has, now all T but settled down. Those who contem- The little springs, wad 'spirals whir, . ' plate a visit to the battlefields. should Till wheel and coil and cog and catch Wit make it as soon as possible. With mightier wheels and - spirals • match; ..-----.---- And all this ticking and this beating If you are mashing potatoes be sure the milk used is hot. Cold or luke- warm milk will make the potatoes heavy and pasty. of the time when it took weeks or months before a tiny schooner reach Ateerica after.aghting its way over each wave, threatened with Mee aster by every high wind. Ocean travel has reached elle point of perfection where even invalids and those taken sick suddenly can be given all the medical advantages of shore hospitals. -The ship hospitals are as modern and upatethe-minute as those on shore, but of necessity, ere more restricted. But even the finest of men's calcn- lotions .are sometimes upset by the WE WANT CHURNING EA We supply cans and pay express chargee. We pay daily by express money orders, 'which can be cashed . anywhere without any charge, -- To obtain the top price, life -ram must be free from .bad flavors, and contain not less than • 30 per cent. Butter Fat. •, Bowes Company Limited, TOrontO r.,Feferenoes—Head, office, Toronto, 'et 1,T• eatee local banker. 'b thIZ'IY 'n4te'et uncontrollable sea. On the Canadian Pacifle liner Moracalm recently, a pas- senger became dengerously ill andan immediate operation. was thought necessary. At the time a fierce storm was reging. Commander Sibbons, R.N,R., oraerea the ship etopped for two hours and Dr. Girvan, ship's surgeon, aided by Lee D. E. ROSS, of Montreal, performed- the operation. The woman is now. fully recovered. Dr. Girvan remembers occasions when condithent were not se eatiefee- tory. During the -war, in Mesopo- tanilit, he eut out the appendix of a na- tive with a pen -knife when he could not get the patient to the hospital on time. In the wilds. of Scotland, performing an operation for appendicitis, the man holding the candle fainted. Dr. Gir- van summoned a woman to carry on, The patient recovered. Hospital for Sick Children. 67 College St., Toronto, 2, Ont. Christmas, -1925. ]Dear Mr, Editor:— This is the fiftieth year—the semi - centennial of the Hospital for Si& Children. It is the Golden Anniver- sary of an institution which started out in 1876 with a six -bed equipment to cure children medically of their ill- nesses and to rid than surgically of their diaabilities. Fifty years have passed and the tiny hospital has grown into one of the greatest inste lotions of its kind in the whole world. The people of this province demand-, ed this service—and- they have made it possible by their Christmas Time gifts. They are rewarded by the knowledge that thousands of Ontario children will grow up into manhood or womanhood blessing , the "little blue cots" wherein they were restored and strengthened to play a full part in the battle of -life. To win back health for six thousand boys and girls was the measure of the Hospital's ward -service alone this year, Besides that there were over half a hundred thousand.. attendances' in the Out -Patient Department, where the less serious cases are treated. All this cost a great deal of money, even Britons Growing Shorter. though the doctors give freely of their Sir Arthur Keith, conservator of the skill and the nurses of theirnare. There Royal College of Surgeon's Museums is board and lodging and laundry to and Englana's best-known authropolo- be provided, besides the best that can gist, says the avera.ge height of the be Procured in the way of all the modern Englisman Is 5 feet 6 inches. the disease, even before the rash ay- of its SiZe. An athlete could jump six medical and surgical supplies re- , It was Pre -vim -81Y ser/Pcsed for many pears. This lends extreme interest WI times as high on the moon as on the meired to treat the myriad ailments years that the average was 5 feet 8 the prevention of measles by the in- earth. On Jupiter he could only jump and accidents to which children are inehes. Sir Arthur said also in a re- action of serum obtained from con- half as high. On the sun the force of subject.. I cont lecture that the brain of modern valescent patients into persons ex- gravity would be 27 times as geeat as in order to maintain Its high stand- Europeans is smaller to -day than form- posed to measles. This method has on the earth. Undea such conditions ard of efficiency and also to -widen the scope of its service through clinics conducted all over Ontario, the Hos- pital is compelled to borrow heavily during the year. On the occasion of its fiftieth Christmas an 'appeal is made to the public for the funds which will allow the Hospital for Sick Child- ren to enter upon its second half -cen- tury of service with its courage re- newed by a credit balance in the bank. It is indeed a noble cause which I feel sure you will cordially commend to your readers. Faithfully pewee, WAS MR.CORN EMBARRASSED WHEN THE ELCCTRICTAH TOLD Hifi THAT STORY? 'Upset stomach. sluggish liver, and acid condi- tion cause bad breath. Seigers Syrup getaat the cause. Try it and have a viholescune 'breath. Any drugstore. with ass other European city the in - °ligation to Bet it down beide Venice Would be very etrong. The points of similarity and the Watures which have earned for Ghent the appellation of "The Venice 01 the North," are of course the eanals, and the bridges The Scheldt and the Lys are distinctly ir- regular . In their behavior. Their branches are a network -of such irre- gularity as to divide the city into tveenty-elx islands., the necessary con- nections !between them being made by some two hundred and ceventy bridges of all kinds,and descriptions. Despite this similarity with Venice, however, Ghent le Ghent and nothing else. Its individuality le made up of living' remnants of • every century, from the time -of Beldwin Iroearm, fleet count of Flanders, around, the year one thoutsand, down to the pre- sent time. in fact, it would not be Un- natural for the visitor to ask whether there be any other town or city on the European continent that has 'such an abunds.uce and variety of places teem- ing with asociatione of history both religious and secular. if, geographically, Ghent can be called "The Venice of the North," hese torically it ,can be denominated the guarantee of quality for 30 years EAIs good teat" The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it I SUN IS SMALL FRY BESIDE STARS But Earth Would Melt Like Snowflake if Thrust in it, Secrete of Science Number Three. By David Dietz. The suu, we learn from a-strew:it:pie is not the lordly monarch of the skies theft it appears to be. rt only appears so to us, becauee this earth of outs is so 'very much city of revolts. Encouraged by closer to the 81.111 than it ite to any of dukes of Flanders, the inen of Ghent the stars. at an early date obtained commercial Many of the staas. which appear to and political privileges which thee' jealously guarded against the attaeks from many lutruders, and would-be conquerors. Now they were under the Yoke of some foreign potentate, now they revolted and made themselves free again. The story of Mane in a way, is the story of human freedom. • But the story of Ghent has not been all martial. Intertwined with it are encountered the recorder of peaceful pursuits. One finds that in the four- teenth and fifteenth centuries Ghent enjoyed the distinction of being the leading Belgian cite for the manufac- ture of cotton goods and leather. Nor must we overlook the fact that from an early age, too, Ghent has been pre- eminently a "City of Flowers." Flori- culture has remained a chief feature 01 110 city to this clay. The multicol- ored flower beds, originally confined within the walls of the city proper, have burst their confines, arid now the suburbs vie with each other in the presentation of spmphonies in color. The Prevention of Measles. The preventionand treatment of measles by the -use of serum from a person who has recently had the die - ease is one of the most fruitful con- quests of preventive medicine end should bo included in all public health programraee, Mea.sies is to -duty the gravest of the communicable diseases affecting child- ren. From the viewpoint of mortality it ranks before scanner fever, whooping cough and diphtheria.. In France it boiling sea of vapors. us as mere pin -points of light are any., where from 50 to 500 Ulnas larger than the sun. The reason for the difference in ap- pearance to us is that the sun is 93,- 000,000 miles from us while the dis- tance to the nearest star Is 25,000 bit- - lions of miles • Everyone now with the exception of •Vpliva and his followensbelieves that the earth and the seven other plaeets circle around the sun. This belief is stated to -day as a matter of feet. It Is aocordingly interesting to note that it once took a great deal of cour- age to proclaim that fact. It was an extremely dangerous thing to do. In the year 1800, the astronomer Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for daring to say that tbe earth was not the centre of the universe but that it revolved around the, BUD. In 1616, Galileo was thrown into prison for making the same a:ssertion. The sun, as has been said, ie rather small fry compared to some oe the stars,t there's nothing small about the sun in comparison to the earth. Tine diameter of the earth is about 5:es0t.niles. The diameter of the sun is more than 100 times that or 866,000 In bulk, the sun Is 1,800,000 times the size of the earth. The sun is a great seething furnace of a temperature beyond human un- derstanding, xis surface is a white-hot CHILBLAINS ! Wash the feet with warm water and r u 1 with Minarcre. Quickly stops • the pain. [rw'.--SHIP US YOU12 POULTRY, GAME,EGGS, BUTTER^ND FEATHERS -WE BOYALI.YEAR RouNDz Wriie today forpriees -we skaraniee them /Or a week ahead P.PEAN.,&4c34. MMITED. e 8619 Sonrocat-Moraia —Venereal lee would find the force of gravity so great that he would be unable to rise to his feet again, Next article: A "Close-up" of the Sun. What's in a Name? Sometimes a great deal, as will be seen from the following selections. This compilation shows the *mime% and even ludierous, results of inched- ing family names with the baptismal ones, Sponeors who read this little list would do well to hesitate wisest they are requested to "name the child"; Edna Broker Mothershead; Marlan English Earle; Sawyer Turner Somer- set; Nealon Pray Daily; Benton Killin Saxage; Owen Taylor Money; rma Lit- tle Lambe; Broker Husbands Hart; R. U. Phelan Goode; Marie A. Bache- lor; Eaton Growe Phatte; May Wins Uppe; Betty Sawyer; Knott Worth. Reeding. • In an ounce of sugar there is suf- ficient energy to produce any of Shakespeare's plays if it found its way to a brain as gifted.—Sir Arthur ' h. killed 30,000 children from 1906 to If the earth was suddenly thrust 1913, while its victims throughout Eur- into the sun, it would melt as quickly -FEZEISIMMEMEagraMM-6111" ope, from 1900 to 1910 numbered about as a. snowflake falling on a red -bot a million. stove. Those most in danger of measles Astronomers believe that 11 all. the i /her Kind are thildren•of the poor who live in coal fields of the earth could be piled , tops Coq chs large cities. Its effecte on sueli child- together and burned, the total heat I ren contrast very strikingly with the would not equal that given one by the disease as it enure among children of sun during the fraction of a second. ivell-to-do parents and children. who The earth is protected from the rays live in rural placesThe high mor- of the Olin by the atmosphere tee blan- tality of ineaelee in the cities among the poor is not due solely to hospital conditions, but is a consequence of the debility of the children, the unfavor- able .conditions in their homes, and the early age at which they catch tha disease. What remedies may be opposed to this. situation? Measles is not con- trolled by the time-honored preventive measure of isolation, because it is so very catching in the early stages of kat of al surrounding the earth. Were it not for this, even though the earth Is 93,000,000 miles from, the sun, so much heat would strike it, that the great ice fields at the north and south poles woulct. be melted and within a year all the oceans would be- gin to boil. Lite, of comae, would be impossible under such conditions. 'The force of gravity upon the sur- face of any heavenly body is a result IRVING E. ,ROBERTSON, Chairmen Appeal Committee. Note—This Hospital does not re - Are but diminished sounds, repeating celve an appropriation from the Federation for Community Service The movements of a greater clock, The thunder of whose tick and tech Forever rolls without a pause, ' Reverberating heivenelY laws • • • The strengtb that stirs from out these eprings Goes leaping on in planets' ringe— Thie spring, that's bit by bit unbend- eng, In hurling conetellations, sending What spinning eons forever wendeng! This coil win& out into the sky To spirals of the Nebulae; About this balance -wheel, with ease Are pivoted the Pleiades: Thia little watch will' but rehearse The ticking o1 the universe! Does Some One coil the cunning' springs . Of all the whirling etarry rings? Does Some Otte wind, beyond treeall, The greatest ticking aka of all?—, - What springe and spirals does' He Drive. Silence. - When one small touch of Charity Could lift them nearer,Goa-like state Thea if the 'crowded Orb should cry Like those who cried Diana Groat: And I, too, talk and lose the touch I talk of. Surely, after all, The noblest answer unto such • Is -perfect stillness when they brawl. —Tennyson. No Ticket. The new servant brought the visit- ing card to her mistress. • "There's two of 'em,'' sire said, "one in the draviingeoom n id one at the "But wby,didn't you show them both in7" asked her inistreas. "They only had one ticket," answer- ed the servant, ! , erly. 1 passed beyond the stage of expert- our athlete would not be able to jump ment. Reliability of the method leas at all. In fact, if he were to lie down Keep Minaret's Liniment handy. Material in Oldest Stars Weighs 22 Tons, to Pint. The oldest stars, known as "white dwarfs," are made of the heaviest sub- Not one person in teat knows hew to stance known to science, according to 'breathe. To breathe perfectly Is to an Interview with Professor Herbert draw the breath in long, deep inhale - Dingle, noted British astronomer, pub- tions, slowly and regularly, in crew to Relied in "The Daily Mail." It has been computed that this substance is 58,000 times heavier than water and 10,000 dines heavier than iron. A cline) could net lift a piece the size of a penny, A pint of it would weigh been proved and confirmed in France, Germany, the United States and In other countries.—The World's Health. How You Should Breathe. An 0(10 o'er this. watch's case? --tee—. •-Louie Ginebnrg. Mlnard's I-iniment for Chilblains. relieve the lower parte of the lungs of 'all injurious aoctnnuletions. Shal- low breathing won't do this. A doctor sap : have overcome naueea, headache, sleeplessness, seaeseelimess, and even more than twenty -two-tone. more 'serious threatenings by simply going through a breathing exercise— Mix a little annnonia with the bees- pumping from my lower lungs, ae it wax and turpentine used for floor were, all' the malarial inhalations, of polishing. The wax will then dissolve the day by long, slow, ample breaths. quickly. Try it before going to bed, making sure of standing where you can inhale puee air, and then darken your sleep- ing -room- completely. We live too numln in an electric glare by night." Mine is Not a Singing Voice. Mine is not ar singing voice, IMy fingers rasp a lute, And passion, though it burn me up, iStrikes me stark and mute. Search, oh ‚love, my open eyes. In men like me rise notes • :Which beats out paeans in their - breasts, • But strangle in their thrones, - —Harbor Allen. lf I cannot afford a thing I go withe out it 1 have done 'so- all my life. --Judge Cluer:, ft StoPped tier c* ugh dnd am.ght Peace, Comfort 'do Restful Night GENUINE ASPIRIN PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package res not affect the Heart Unless you see the "Bayer Grosse on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin proved sale by milliens and prescribed by physicians over twenty- five years for Colds eeeadaehe Neueitie Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken "Bayer" package con. tains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents, Drug- gists aiso sell bottles of 24 and 100. Buckley's Mixture "Strong" or "Modified" will stop your cough or cold. Buckley's "Strong" is the same efficient remedy you have used before. Buckley's "Mod- ified'. differs in taste only. Made for those • who find medicines dis- tasteful, particularly the children. Both Mixtures act like a flash on coughs, bron- chitis or any affection of throat, chest and lungs. 75c -4O doses BUS-X. E "Trao NO" 05 "MODIOUW W. K. Buckley, Limited 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 207 Why Suffer With Itching Rashes When a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and applica- tion of Cuticura Ointment will afford immediate relief and point to permanent skin health inmost cases when all else fails. Smal. Saab thee by Mall MaresCataPan ""81,51,0,0, Ltd„mentrea1. , r‘ca, holm 25, Ointment 26 and 50c, yalcy.m 25a. SIgb• Cuticura ISSUE No. 49-26.