HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-12-03, Page 511111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111118 4 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925. SERVE ONE OF. OUR ROUND ROASTS • fo'r dinner tonight and make a hungry man .happy. He knows that when be gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- toes and some green ' vegetables,_ he won't get up . from the table dissatisfied. D. I. STEWART Your Butcher Seaforth PHONE, 58. RUBBERS REPAIRED All kinds of Rubbers repaired. Rubber bottoms sewn on Rubbers resod. es. Felt insoles, laces, etc. in stock. First class shoe repairing, Free Barlow SEAFORTI'I Two doors sough Beattie's Variety Store. Red & White chain Stores Our Prices for Week of Dec. 4th to Dec. llth, Gold and P. & G.! Soap per bar..,..05 ' (Not more than 20 to customer) Shredded Wheat 2 for .21 Lemon and Orange Peels, the beat .30 Shelled'Waltnuts, %'s 45c Sery-us Catsup, 'reg. 25c... ..19 Do not be skeptical about any Red and White goods. They are genuine, backed by a big institution andby our own personal guarantee. We have six deliveries to all parts of the town, Telephone your orders, or bet- ter still, come 'yourself, We promise you courteous. treatment. Ross J. Sproat Phone 8' W. M. Stewart Phone 77 "Where you get more for Less" W 1 Walker 86 Sen k , UNDERTAKING • —and-- EMBALMING and—EMBALtvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go-. vernment diploma and license. war Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Bulbs, Roses, S-hrubs For Fall. List Ready EARLY ORDERS P4.y Low prices for quantity Holland Can, Import 3 Niegare Falls, Ont. Items of newt are always welcome. CH.URNING. CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. D. H, McInnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noon in future., Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated. pfacmonspas FRESH 1YSTE 'S Oyster season now In. First shipment to arrive Thurs. Nov PURE OLIVE OII, SWEET .POTATOES. ' CRANBERRIES. CELERY TOMATOES CALIFORNIA GRAPES. AVEMEMZ4 Tit Aber'ha.rt°s Drug Store Seaforth CL\UNE ARNIM HAS "BAYER CROSS" Tablets without "Bayer Cross" are not Aspirin at all Get genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to a "Bayer" package, plainly marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" is your only way of knowing that you are.getting genuine' Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and proved safe by mil- lions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatiem, Lumlago Neuritis, and for Pain generally. Made in C ..nada. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also larger sized "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Mononcetitaeidester of Salicylicaeid. While it is well known that A cpirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Cornpany,..Ltd., will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cgoss." Help for Asthma. Neglect gives asthma 'a great advantage. The trouble, once it has secured a foot - bald, fastens its grip.on the bronchial passages tenaciously. Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asthma Remedy is daily bene- fiting cases of asthma`. of 'long stand- ing. Years of suffein,g, however, Haight have been prevented had the remedy 'been used when the trouble was in its first stages. Do not neg. lest asthma, but use this preparation at once. The Friend of All Sufferers, -Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil is a valuable. remedy to all those who suffer pain. Lt ^bolds out -,hope to everybody and •realizes it by stilling suffering ev- erywhere. THE 8EAFORTH REINS PAM PI'VI 0 I8M4e.o.eelMr eme11) weameHMama M48Q CQ Messrs, Earl and Jack Cluff, of Buffalo, N. Y., were home visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T Cluff. 1 Miss Jessie Bethune, who spent the summer with her sister in Ver- min, IB.C., returned home last Wed- nesday evening, Miss Johnstone, Walton, was a week -end guest of her sister, Mrs. George McTaggart. Mr. Robert Bell .has. gone to the West on a business trip, iMiss Verde. Best is visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mns. 'G. Handley, of Lon- don, were week -end !ghests with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 'Gemmell. Mgrs, F. J. Burrows was in London visiting relatives. The Lions Oiub are planning an- other evening's entertainment on Monday evening, Dec. 14th.sThis will be something different, so keep the date open. Further particulars next week. Mr. James iAitcheson, Sr„ is ill at present Mrs. F G. Livingstone left this week for Detroit. Mrs. Alfred Taylor, of Hensel!, spent the week --end' with Mrs. J. R. Habkirk. e Mr. Barber, of Georgetown, is visiting his son, Mr. C. A. Barber. Mr. and • Mrs, A, Porterfield,. of Flint, Mich, are spending their honeymoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Porterfield. Mr. and' Mrs. E, Lawson and daughter Bernice, of Auburn, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Sclater. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Hickson, are guests of their daughter, Mrs, C. A. Barber. Miss Staples, of 'Stratford, is'visit- ing her sister, Mrs. John MacTavish. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haigh and Mary •spent Sunday in Lucknow. Mr. Burnett, of Guelph, was in town over the week -end, Miss Halpin is laid up in the hos- pital as the result of a fall. Mrs. Coombs, of Toronto, Mrs. R. R. Sloan, Bayfield, and Mrs. W. Walker, Goderich, were guests of Mrs. E. McMurray, Miss Verna Graves left on Tuesday for Detroit. Reeves Beatty, 'Clark, Kennedy and McQuaid are in Goderich this week attending the December aneet- ing of Huron County Council. The proceeds of the bazaar and supper given by the ladies of St. Thomas' church on Wednesday last amounted to the neet'sum of $325. Mr, C. Howey, organist and .choir leader 'of the United church, has opened a music studio' over the Do- minion Bank. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rising enter- tained a number of friends at their home north of town on Friday night. Mr, Earle Dickson returned homes from the West on Friday afternoon The W. •2,1. S. of ,Duff's church, McKillop, held their meeting on Fri- day afternoon at the church. Mr. Jno L. Kerr returned from new Ontario on Thursday after a week's visit with his sons, William and Graham, Dr, Everett Rivers, of Detroit, spent the week -end at his home. Mr. Hodgins, of Kincardine, was a week -end visitor at the home of Mrs. Robert Winter. Miss Dorothy Hutchison, who has been teaching at Burke's Falls, h'as been appointed to St. ` 'Cat) erines school staff, Dr, Field, Public school inspector, was in town this week. Mr . Jo&., Eckert is ill at pres- ent. Miss Nan Campbell leaves this week on a trip to Florida. Exior Nigh, son •af Mr. and Mrs. Luke, Nigh, of Tuekersmith, under- went an operation at the hospital on Tuesday, • Ladies' Prompt Service atem n Tailor Gentlemen's Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating% Drug Store. MAIN STREET, SIAFORTH OrL1R ,&VENINGS. .o..sr.o. STAFFA, Mr, Allan Vivian is at present in! the Victoria Hospital, London, where he underwent an operation on, his eyes. He .is expected home this week and we trust quite recovered, The Maintenance and Extension Fund canvass in the United church has been a splendid success. The objective has been exceeded by a large amount. We are glad to report that Mr. Mr. Thos. Mahaffy is recovering from, his recent illness. The annual meeting' of the Hib- bert Branch of the .Bible Society met itt 'Staffs Tuesday evening. The fi- nancial report was very satisfactory. We regret that more were not in at- tendance at a meeting of such im- portance. McKILLOP. U.S.S. No, 1 Report for Novem- ber, is based on weekly examinations. Sr. IV.—Audry ,Murray 80 per cent. Jr. IV.—Joseph Lane 71 Jr. III—*Edward Nigh 77, 4Cath- erinc Lane 77. Sr. II.—Arnold Murray. 75, William Nigh 53, Mabel Nigri-.41. Jr. II.—'Peter iMurray 61. Sr. I. --*Frances Fortune 76, Ade- aaide Murray 75, Durene Nigh 57. Attendance 10.3. Names with an asterisk attended full time. M. C. Reynolds, Teacher. • Mother Value this Oil.—Mothers who know -•how suddenly croup may seize 'their children and how neces- sary prompt action is in applying •relief, always keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, because ex- perience has taught them that this is en excellent preparation • for the treatment of this ailment, And they are wise, for its various uses render it a`valuable medicine. •- PHONE 257 Weicarry the Westinghouse RadioIa I1LA withIMusic Master Loud Speaker The most satisfactory set`at thelmost reasonable prices. 1CaIl and see them. ALMA. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Fowler en- tertained a few friends on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Abram. Engin spent a few days this week at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Norman Jones, of Hensel', Mrs, F. Caughy, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fowler, has returned to her home in Detroit, Mr. H. R. Long, of • Goderich, called on friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Jamieson and lads,; and Mrs. Norman Carter visited friends in Goderich township on Friday last. Mr, John Staples has been visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy, of McKillop, .spent Mondya last at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Cooper. In all infantile complaints that are the result of the depredations of worms in the.stomech and intestines Miller's Worm Powders will be found an effective remedy. They at- tack the cause of these troubles, and by expelling the worms from the organs insure an orderly working of the system, without which the child cannot maintain its strength or thrive. These powders mean health and. improvement. Miller's Worm Powders will drive worms from the system without in- jury to the child. The powders are so easy to take that the most delicate stomach can assimilate them and welcome them as speedy easers of pain, 'because they pompily remove the worms that cause the pain, and thus the suffering of the child is re- lieved. With so sterling a remedy at hand no child should stiffer an hour from worms, Specials Friday and Saturday 300 Pound Choice Dairy. Print Butter 42c 5 Bars P, & G. SOAP 25c 25c 60c 25c 25c FINEST CLEANED CURRANTS 15e CHOICE SEEDLESS RAISINS 15c 1 lb. Tin MAGIC BAKING POWDER 30c IT PAYS TO BUY IN EGMONDVILLE at our Spot Cash and Carry Prices. We are paying 65c per dozen for new laid Extras, trade, 5 Bars SURPRISE SOAP CITRON PEEL, per pound LEMON PEEL, per pound ORANGE PEEL, per pound W. J. Fin loan kit x it'4301441 .. et 31i s�i' -Mva 'i �` 5i; '7 -fsts7 CARIN HALL. • 1 THE ONLY REAL ROAD SHOW ATTRACTION THIS SEASON COMES TO TWO NIGHTS ONI:Y Friday and Saturday 9 WHEN t �® ro .crick :;Electrical Supplies i Hog Shipments. Seaforth—Total 22, select bacon 6, thick smooth 15. Walton—Total 81, select bacon 22, thick smooth 48, heavies 7, shop hogs 3. 1 -Huron County -2,102, select bacon 639, thick smooth 1,199, heavies 119, extra heavies 3, shop 'hogs 68, tights and feeders 15. Trouble comes seldom to those with plenty of work to do. Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Saur Kraut, Schneider's Meats, Thames Valley Bread, Roquefort, Swiss, Limburger, Pimento, Cream Cheese, Comb Honey, Head Let- tuce, Celery, etc. Mince Meat, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cakes, Glace Fruits, Peels, Sweet Cider, Maz- ola and Olive Oil, Fillets, Salmon Snacks, Fresh Herrings, etc, In fact most Everythinl ROSS J. SPRQP[T� Phone 8 .I< i®' POULTRY REGVLATO1t snakes Rens Lay Eggs All meter. '4 - One Cent a Month i, ell it cost,.Pwlirl Book and Mime FREE'. Write fn, it PRATT FOOD' CO..of Canada, Limited , 328 Carlaw Ave.,Taronto King of RADIO. For Volume, Tone and Selectivity KING EUTRODYN XNNERS Call and hear them at DODDS' GARAGE SEAFORTH. Phone 17. OISESIMINIENONCINNOWIL IN FIVE YEARS' TIME IME What Will You Be Doing? Where Will You Be? The answer depends very largely upon your action NOW. You cannot hope for the greatest success unless you fully prepare yourself for it. Write today for full information regarding our courses. The completion of one of these may mean the difference between success and failure for you. New classes being formed every week. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. orincipal,Ft. P. Lumsden. BM, aegalinEMESSIEMEMEMMENNIENI The S eeiai Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also, Ground Screenings Chop of 2,111 Kinds C. Ge GRAiN DEALER acnsanownlenmammc,®ncarm PHONE 25 Francis e smpt IT Lv_47 Direct Froo PRESENTS THE SCREAMING FARCE COMEDY The Loyal Alexander Theatre, Toronto NOT A Popular Prices MOVING PICTURE BUT'A REAL PLAY WITH SPECIAL SCENERY AND EFFECTS Adults 50c. Children 25c ETAX XTRA Your uto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes of Batteries; A complete line of most called, for parts of various cars. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler Four and Sint Cylinder Cara. e lees ra PHONE 167W.