HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-12-03, Page 4WALTON.
Mr, Russell "Marks, o.f Morris, hes
bought H, Slcfnn's house and expects
to incive into it in the near future:
Mr. Marks is going to '•start 'black
smithing in •lite village as soon as
he is. settled,
Mr. L Cumm'iug and Mr. H.
Jackson were in Toronto a few days.
on 'business. •
There will be a euchre party and
dance in the Club .hall- on Friday
night, Dec, 4th, •
The Anglican church bazaar was
held ,on Wednesday.
Mr. Jolut Tomlinson and bride,
of Detroit, are hotne on their honey-
'Mr, and Mrs. Jack Carter are home
on their holidays from Waterdown,
where air. Carter •is C.N.R. agent.
Mr. Ii. Stone has installed a radio
in the hank. Mr. .Radford. has also
installed a new radio.
Mrs. Walter :Pennington and Thos.
Pennington, ' of Cranbrook, visited
friends in Walton 60 Saturday.
\fisc 1 yd7,t Reid, of Harioek, -is
visiting at her uncles, Mr. R. Reid.
Miss Greta Seethe, of Moncrieff,
and Miss Beta Campbell of McKillop,.
are visiting at the horse of Mr. W. J.
Humphries. They will also take in
the fowl supper.
Miss K. Coulter, of Toronto, is
visiting her neice, Mrs, A. Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, of Water -
down, is visiting friends in the vile
Miss Melville and Miss Pratt, of gramme 'hy the Elgar I sties' Quar- struck a telephone poet and was
Moncrieff, are visiting at bias. \V. tette and Miss Jean Walker, of Lon- brought to a stop. The colt was
\foods.tori, reader and impersonator, The lamed but able to walk away, and
Mia. Oreo. Jacks: a and MIT. W. H. door receipts were $2122,00. This the driver although badly shaken up
ShoVtatt spout the week -end with 1eas largely augmented by the sale was not otherwise injured, The.
the tatter's slaughter, Mrs. H. 'Idoov- f ,tuplus fowl and baking. car was taken back to Exeter for
er, of Mount Forest repairs.
The anniversary services int Duff's DUBLIN.churchor,'Sunday were well at- Mr. John Redmond spent Tuesda MANLEY
tended. lou fowl supper the •to!- y
the guest of Hensel' friends. 1 lir. Henry l{ichor, 7 ., wears` a
}ewes Monday evening was also a Mrs. D.McConnel visited friends smile since the 22nd ut when his
success. wife presented him with a baby girl..
ing ateDoitaideliae been
days tvisite in StratfoTtl on Wednesday.
last Mrs. Tom Burns returned home The many friends of Mrs. Thos.
week.trout Kitchener after a few 'weeksO'Hara are sorry to learn that she
Hiss •Baird, a€ Kincardine, is visit -1v ieit with her daughters, Mrs. Chas, is under the weather of late.
Strubb and Mrs. Chas. McDaid. Messrs. Kenneth. and Robert Kist -
ins with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelly, Dr. Reid returned to London this ser, who have returned from the
9th line, executive of the Red Cross i week. He was here relieving Dr. West of late, report that •the laborers
The executiTraynor. were idle a great deal of the time on
held a meeting ort Tuesday of last
week. The money that is on 'handl The dance given in the parish hall Recount of the inclemency of the
will be given .toward helping to in -1 ail Friday night was a great success. weather, and a great many ran short
stal Hydro lights in the village. ThisMiss Mary Beale spent Thursday of ,funds for the return trip home.
will be a great benefit to the public the 'guest of Stratford friends.
as well as the village people. The .'tudents of the Continuation It Testifies for Ihsel€, —Dr. Tltamas
`There was a good crowd at the ,school, `Dublin, intend holding their Eclectric' Oil needs no testimonial of
dance in the A,O.U.. hall on Fri- annual school concert on 'the even Its powers 'other than itself. Whoever
day evening. ing of Monday, Dec. 7th, at 3 o'clock. tries it for coughs or colds, for cuts
Mir. and Mrs. W. Woods entertain- Everybody welcome. The pro or contusions, for sprains or burns,
ed a few friends on Wednesday gramma promises to be varied, in- for pains in the limbs or body, well
evening. teresting and entertaining. know that the medicine proves itself
The Anglican church service on Traynor-Rafferty.—At a solemn and needs no guarantee. This shows
Sundays will be at 2:30 o'clock in- high mass this morning at St. Louis' why this 011 is do general use.
stead of 3 o'clock for the winter church, Waterloo, Elizabeth, daugh-
months, ter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rafferty
Miss Violet Rankin, of Seaforth l of Waterloo, was united in the holy a�
visited Miss Gertie Miller for a few bonds of matrimony to I1r. Aloysius Seaforth Cafe
toys Victor Traynor, of Dublin. The bride
Mr. Sam Love is here from the was given in marriage by her father,
West to spend the winter menthe James J. Rafferty. Miss Gertrude
witheMr. and Mrs. J. Love. Rafferty was bridesmaid, while Mr.
,Mrs. Jos. Bennett is visiting with Barry Ashwell, of Detroit, was
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett. groomsman, while Mr. Allyne Dug -
Mr. J. Watt was in Toronto this gas acted as usher. The marriage
week disposing of two loads of ceremony was performed by Rev. T.
cattle, Traynor, of 'Hamilton, brother of
Miss Grace Shortreed is helping le celebratedhobyolemn Rev. high
masTraynor, svgs
holidaye attire, Brussels, for the Arthur, another brother of the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt spent groom, assisted by Rev, Father Sul -
Sunday with Mr. and bits. R. Reid. liven, of Elora, as deacon and Rev.
Father •McTreevey, of Acton, as sub-
Tde chopping mill is doing a Heaton• Rev. W. B. Mayer acted as
good business. master of ceremonies, and Rev. Fr.
The McKillopcouncilay - the of last White. of Dublin, was in the sancta-
w.O,Lr.W. hall on Thursday ary. bliss Eva Reidel presided at the
weekerfian while Mr. Joseph E. Fehren-
Sunday, Nov. 29th was a red letter bach, of Kitchener, sang Gounod's
churchhitt a Duff's church, 'Walton, The Ave Maria at the offertory. The
auditorium ing filled es both bridal party left for 'Montreal to
moseing and evening services. All spend their honeymoon.
present enioyed the two excellent 1
sermons given by the speaker of the
fiComplete in itself, Mother Graves'
,lay. Rev. C. G.m Armour of text in waas s Worm Exterminator does not, re -Separate Rooms for Ladies
eld. In the moraine the nuire the assiswance of any anter
Mark 14:6, "\Vhv trouble ye her: medicine to make it effective. It does ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS
she hath me." Mr a •good (lovelynotelet not fail to da its work. MEALS AT ALL HOURS
work on Mr. Armour contract- From Menu Card
ed the sniriY of love and genernsitlr
materialisin shown by Judas: showl Items .of
;hewn by Mary with the spirit of news are always welcome. PERCY HOWE, Proprietor.
ing that only 'tile former were of
abiding worth. The speaker, very eat-
tly. illustrated our attitude towards
those with whom we meet by the
story of a king who sent two ser-
vants out into his Kingdom; one was
to bring him a specimen' of every
flower growing in the kingdom, the
other a sample of every weed, Both
returned laden. 'When the former
was asked whether there were any
weeds in the leingdom,he answered
no. When the latter was asked if
there were any flowers in the king-
dom he answered itt the negative.
Each saw what ,he looked for. In
life 'tire habit of looking far the good
in others develops a saint, the habit
of looleing for the faults develops a
In the evening the text was Phil. 1:
21: "For to me to live is Christ, to
die is gain." He emphasized the fact
that Christianity and Christ are one
and the same. No amount of church
going or beliefs iu books or creeds
can take the place of personal relig-
ion. Dependence on the living Christ
is Christianity. The special music by
the choir was enjoyed by all. In the
morning Mrs. Armour sang beauti-
fully a solo, Olt, it is Wonderful."
Iu the evening the audience Were
treated ,to a beautiful duet by Mr.
and Mrs. Armour, "Come uttto Me."
The special offering for the day
amounted to about $400,00. On,Mon-
day evening there was a fowl supper
with about five hundred present. This
was followed by a delightful ,pro-
Mr. Roy McCulloch is under the
doctor's care at •present with a very
serious Cold.
.yrs. James Scott recently spent
ten days with her daughter, Mrs. Me-
Kay, of the Walkerton manse, •
Mrs. I-lottghtou has been staying
with her sister, Mrs. McLean of
Chiselhurst lately, owing to the
health of the. latter.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar
'mud Miss Sarah McKellar, Calder
McKaig and Jim Hoggarth have all
returned home after three months
spent with relatives and friends in
the Northwest.
The Young People's meeting on
Sunday evening was well attended.
Mr. James Scott read a very fine
article by Rev, E Scott, editor of
the Presbyterian Record.
Miss Olive Hackney, of the 'Sea -
forth hospital, was a recent caller
at the home of 'Mrs. TufIord and
Miss Currie en route to her home for
a few days'' holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell, of Avonton,
were recent :visitors at the poise of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Graham.
Mr. Otto Walker on returning
home from a visit with his sister,
Mrs. Parker, of Thames Road, hap-
pened with an unusual motor ac-
cident -by a .collision with a terrified
colt being hunted by..a •dog. The
colt's front •:feet landed in the front
part of the car, smashing the geaar-
ing so that the car ran 'off the road
completely beyond •catttro1 until it
Dec. $th.
40 Cents
Oysters Stewed
Fried Salmon Trout Sliced Lemon
Boiled Sugar Ham Mustard Sauce
Breaded Veal Cutlet Sauce Creole
Fricassee Lamb with Sifted Peas
Roast Young chicken Celery dressing
Beast Sirloin of Beef
Brown Gravy •
,Lobster Salad
Boiled or Mashed Potatoes
Custard Pudding Maple Syrup
Apple, Raisin, Date, Boston Cream
Tea Coffee Milk
I 1K
;3etniaClaE95 flea
We received this message from the North Pole to=day, saying:
"Address all i etters to me ('. anta Maus) in care o! R..i. Gibb's
store as l will answer same from this store."
Signed `Santa elaus"
Gift Suggestions ; Gift Suggestions
for Father or for Mother or
Brother Sister
Christmas Gifts Galore for
Father, Mother, Sister
and Brother
This showing comprises every
new style idea and is certain to
be of great interest to every
person in Seaforth and sur-
rounding country. These Christ-
mas gifts were received this
week, thereby insuring absolute
newness.. Watch the glory of
color inour window displays.
A new Overcoat or Suit, Hat,
Cap, Gloves, Neckwear, Sox,
Belt, Handkerchief, Shirt, Py-
jamas, Braces, Garters, Arm-
bands, TJndsrwear, Bathrobe,
Collars and Sweater.
Every Gift in a Handsome ''hristrna.s lox
A new Coat, afternoon or
evening Frock, Silk or Wool
Hosiery, Hand Painted Scarfs,
Linen or Silk Crepe Handker-
chiefs, Woolen Gloves, Woolen
Toques, Underwear and Bath-
THURSDAY, DECEMBItit' 3, 1925,
The End :iii ' the 1i r oseen_ sa�ttinnal Shoe Sale
Ever -Held- Seaforth is in dig t
EOPLE who have up to this time neglected this
Great Money -Saving Sale and who would like to
"get in" on it, Wilt have to get busy, for it' won't last
much longer. There are plenty of "Good Shoes" left,
for Men, Women and Children and. we have cut our
prices deep enough to induce you to buy, regardless of
whether you are needing shoes at this moment or not.
ret y all cow ts'%eti t ora
Note These ecord = Smashing Prices
Men's High -Grade Goodyear
Welt Shoes, 3.45
70 pairs of Men's Fine Shoes, Black and
Brown Calf Leathers, Goodyear Welt soles.
Comfortable lasts. Values up 3 45
to $6.00. SALE PRICE 47
Men's 4.25 Work Shoes for
24 pairs Men's Work Shoes, Black and
Brown Chrome tan, Wetproof leathers. Ale-
solutely solid. Sold in most2 wQM
stores at $4.25. OUR PRICE
Boys' Solid Leather Shoes at
1.95 a pair
50 pairs of Boys' Shoes, Brown and Black
Calf Leathers. Sewn and Nailed soles. Rub-
ber heels. $3.75 to $4 values411 4 4M
Sizes 1 to 5% ito
Men's and Boys' Hockey
Shoes, 3.45 and 2.95
20 pairs Only.. Inside Ankle Support. Mc-
Pherson's Lightning Hitch and Tebbutt
Sikes 6 to 8
Sizes 3 to 5.
Women's Ove(gaiters
Regular $1.95 to $2.95
Women's 5.50 Shoes, at 1.75
50 pairs of Women's Straps and Oxfords,
all Leathers. Regular price up 1 o7
to $5.50, SALE PRICE,...
Child's Cushion Sole Shoes
at 95c
30 pairs Child's Lace Shoes in Patent. and
Calf Leathers. Some with . 95 c
Cushion soles. Sizes 4% to 7%
Misses' So -Cosy leather Slippers, ?Oc
30 pairs, Black, Brown and Red Kid
leathers, Ankle strap and Cushion 7 0 c
Insoles. Sizes 11 to 2
little Gents' Sewn Sole Shoes at
24 pairs Little Gents' Shoes, Brown and
Black Chrome, Calf Leathers. Repairable
Flex Welt soles. Rubber Heels.
Sizes 8 to 10. Regular $3.50 shoes "��
Childs' leggings for 65c
Corduroy and Frieze Cloths, 12 Buttons
with Buckles at top. Just the thing to keep
the kiddies warm.
Ages 3 to 6. SALE PRICE ... .
Think Of It v
Women's Shoes at 25c
60 ,pairs, All Leathers, Oxfords, Straps and
High Lace Styles.
40 Pairs at, your choice 45c
40 Pairs at, your choice 95c
Every pair of shoes in this store have their walking orders
1 !� Baaitfu
Bealtiful Goose = = bsiliuIeIy Free
Every custom buying a pair of Shoes has the privilege of a
draw for this very fine bird. The more Shoes- you buy, the
more chances you have.
Opposite Daly's Garage•
Seaforth, Ontario