The Seaforth News, 1925-11-26, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
nds Saturday, Nov.
Preparing Yourself
to ret
Kiig Winter
This Sale affords you a splendid opportunity to
choose the Winter Overcoat you have been planning on
buying. The care we have exercised in purchasing these
coats assures you of getting the best value for your
money. When it is known that our Overcoats are made
by such firms as Ascot, Empire and Society Brand, you
are in company with Canada'kbest clothing makers.
All Coats 20 Per Cent. Off
1S Dozen
in all sizes 14 to 17, Extra Special
6 (-)R 25c
5 dozen Boys' Heavy All Wool
Stockings, Black and Heather.
Reg. $1.00 79c
20 per cent. Off
No Coat in the
store over$35.00
Your Chance! This sale, your one best
opportunity to buy your. new Winter Coat
and save many dollars. This is the coat
event of the season. No other will ap-
proach it in variety or value, You will see
no coats more stylish than these, for every
every coat is a gem of mode, They are a
profusion of types, insuring you an indivi-
duallybecoming garment at a price much
lower than you ever expected to pay for
such beautiful coats,..
So That. All May Have
A New
Afternoon or Evening Dress
A Great Sale of Dresses for every, type of woman.
Priced at savings, and a scale range to gratify every
means of expenditure. In styles for every type of wo-
mna, fiat crepe, crepe back satins, fancy faille, plain
georgette models. Long and short sleeves. High and
lour collars. Colors include all the newest.
$7,69 to $25.00.
See our specials in all the newest shades of Flannels
5 Dozen
Men's extra fine quality Rubber
Belts with Fancy Buckles
10 Dozen
Silk Knit Ties in all shades., and
10 dozen Men's Heavy Hanson
All Wool Work Sox 49 c
Reg. 6Sc for
10 Dozen Men's Grey and Khaki
Cotton Flannel Work Shirts.
Extra Large Sizes 14 to 17
Reg. $1.50
ewe 4144•1142110
3 dot'. Men's Extra Heavy Black
lined Smocks with corduroy
Collars $2189
Big B. Make... .
See our Special Prices on Men's
and Boys'
5 dozen Men's Overalls, extra 2 dozen only Men's Heather
large make, with elastic cross Work Sweaters,
back braces, set in pockets,) All sizes
reinforced front. Every pair
43 Only
in Grey or Brown Shades.
Reg. $5.0x0 foror
Men's Extra Heavy Cottonade
Work Pants, extra large make
While they $ .79
Men's Fine. Rib Sweater Coats in
Fawn and Grey $2158
shades. Reg. $3.50
See our
Special Prices_.
on Odd
No Dress in the .
store over $25.00
Penman's Heavy All Wool Rib
Shirts and Drawers Si 79
Reg. $2.25 •
See our, prices on
34 Boys' Suits in all shades with
.5 dozen Ladies' Pure Silk Hose,
Black, Brown. and Tan 59 c
Shades. Reg. $1,00. , . .
45 only
Extra Special
12 dozen' Ladies' Extra Fine
three piece belts. Value to $12.00Quality Heavy Pure Silk Rib
Hose. All shades
$1 129
and sizes
This gives you a wonderful buy in brand new clothes. We
believe they are the best value on the market, even at regular
prices. Styles for Young Men as well as Dad. You'll see they
are good buying when you see them.
NORTH HURON RESULT. hese ballots, I found, came under
(From the Goderich Signal,)
lrgumertt n tife recount of the
ballots cast in the election of Octo-
ber 29:h in North Huron was heard
uy Jude,:Levels -,n Monday after-
noon of last week. Shirley Denison
of Toronto, and Dudley Holmes of
Wingham, appeared for the appli-
cant, Geo. Spotton (Conservative
candidate), and ' J. A. (formerly
Judge) Barron, of Stratford, and R.
Vanstoae, S,Vingham. were present
for J. W. King (the Progressive
member -elect), Mr. Denison in his
argument laid stress upon the prin-
ciple of secrecy of theballot, while
counsel for Mr. King cited precedents
to show that the intent of the voter
was the vital principle involved.
Judge Lewis released his judgment
at 8 o'clock Thursday evening, a slip
of paper attached bearing his count
ui the 'ballots: King, 5077; Spotton.
The judgment is as follows:
The returning officers first certi-
firate states that King received 5,342
votes; Spotton, 5,173 votes. Total
1%515 votes.
I .personally handled and recounted
all of said votes, except those of
three polls hereinafter referred to;
and 'I am indebted to the two senior
counsel, who were in the final argu-
ment, --and" to the two _junior counsel,
who were acting all the way through,
for' their_ assistance in my arduous
task. I comfnend them, 'for the fair
and able manner in which they con-
ducted their work throughout.
There were about 140 :ballots, from
45 polls, objected to, and laid aside,
for later consideration. I have al-
lowed and counted, all but five
these ballots, I have sealed up all
of same, in separate envelopes, for
their respective polis. !Scattered
among these ballots objected to,
were a number with counterfoils -on
section 62, ss. 3, of The Dominion
laection Act, and I allow same. they
being otherwise in proper form.
These I consider to Rfave had their
counterfoils left on same by inadver-
tence. said, by
On opening the packets,
D.R.O.s' endorsation on sante, to
contain the following votes, via.:
Pall No. 2, Greyfor King 88
" 11 Spotton 9024
Poll No. G, Grey, for King
' Spotton 39
Poll No, 7, Asl.field, for King82
11 11 It 11 " Spotton19
making for King, 260 votes; for Spot -
ton, 82 votes; an aggregate total of
342 votes. I found that all the bal-
lots had their counterfoils attached.
At once, without looking at same, or
allowing same to be looked at, except
sufficiently to assure myself and
counsel for the candidates what they
were, 1 .scaled same up again. and re-
served same for further. consideration.
Argument of eounsct was delivered
on November 16th, 1925.
In forming the conclusion that I
have reached as to these three polls
and ballots therein, I have consulted
a great many authorities, and espec-
ially refer to the judgment of Jus-
tices Idington, Duff, Anglin, Brodeur
and \fignault, of the Supreme Court
in the West Calgary- Electi n case,
vol. 64, page 235, of Canada Supreme
Court Reports. This report says on
page 254: -
Art this late day, it is strange that
citizens of this country- shotild not be
familiar with the manner of voting.
And however regrettable it may be,
that the will of the majority should
not prevail, still that will must:be.ex-
oressed in the required manner, .Oth-
erwise it is of no effect."
Also South, :Oxford- Case, Appeal
Division, Supreme Court.' vol. 32,
We wish to thank the buying public for their most valued patronage given us
during our short time in Seaforth. We have always new goods coming in from week to.
week. We ask you to come in and look around and see our new goods whether you
'wish to buy or not.
page 7, of Ontario Law Reports, Jus- lice 'Logic says:
tice Clute, delivering justice, says:
"The object of the Act is to secure
complete secrecy The coun-
terfoil is destroyed as soon as the
deputy returning officer identifies the
number of it, with the tfumber op-
posite the voter's name. The clause
requiring the officialf stamp, prevents
fraud, and to those
having the right to vote, by ens? r-
ing the use only of ballots issued by
the returning officer, the identity
of which shall be ` certified by the
official seal, furnished by the
Clerk of the Crown in Chancery
stamped on each ballot.
"To ,permit ballot papers not so
stamped, to be used, would, in the
language of Lindley, LJ., approved
by Lord- Blackburn in the Young
Case, 'in effect be repealing. the Act
of Parliament,' and would deprive
the publicof that protection which
„Parliament intended 'to secure for
In Owen Sound Case. Ontario Law
Reports, Vol. 27, Page 230,. Justice
T.ennox says:
"Secrecy is now a basic principle
of our municipal"voting; and if it is
important in a municipal contest, it is
vital in a vote, upon a tense social
question such as this., is the
statutory method that gives meaning
and validity to the vote."
r also refer to South Waterloo
Provincial Election, vol. 55, Ontario
Law 'Report; (1924), page 25.0. Here
it says, that where irregularities at
the polls :are traceable to ovetsight
or mistake, or downright careless-
ness or ignorance . of the officers
responsible, it is impossible to say
that the election .was conducted in.
accordance with the principles laid
down in the•:Act.
In. the Windsor Case. 1924, Ontario
Law Reports` 'vol. 55. page 2::,- Jos.
"If the election was not conducted:;.
in accordance with the principles;
laid down in the Act, the saviteg
clause does not apply, and the
election must be voided."
Justice 'Strong in Haldfmand Case,
'Supreme Court of Canada, 15,
page 515, says:
I hold secrecy to be imposed as
an absolute rule of public policy, and
that cannot be waived."
My own opinion is, that secrecy is
the basic principle of the Act, and
that the loss is vital, if it is not
present. Secrecy is fundamental, and
of the first necessity, and the very
life and meaning of the Act.
The saving clause in section 62.
ss.3, is governed by the word, "inad-
vertence,' and I interpret this dlause
to ;mean that. if a D.R.O..unwitting-
ly. by mistake, forgets to remove a
counterfoil, in the manner thata
bank.telfer snakes a mistake, in
counting a large parcel of bank
bills, the DJRLO. or the jud"ge,...taking
the recount, may retitedy this omis-
sion, but ,this cannot- possibly in-
clude the fault of a deputy returning
officer, who, either through wilfully
mistaking the law, or through care-
lessness or ignorance, leaves a whole
part of ballots, with counterfoils on.
T. accordingly, do not count, the
ballots 'for the saki three polls andI
lr•ar.e same "sealed up,. 'as above
As one of the principle points in-
volved was the 'non-compliance .of
three returning officers .with the re-
quirements of the statute, there'
should be no costs to either party.
Miller's;Werm 'Powder's` not 'only
exterminate intestinal and .other
worms,, but they, are a remedy for
many ether ailments of ' children.
They strengthen • the young stomach
Thousands p1 men are insisting on Stanfield's because they
know from experience that it n everfails to give satisfaction and
long 'wear.
'Stanfield's Red Label, Reg. $2,50 for $49$
Stanfield's Blue Label, Reg. $3,00, for $2.39
Stanfield's 8800, reg. $3.50, for $2.95
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biliousness and are tonical
n their effects where a thechild suf-
£ers, from gotsof supe'
e. Infever-
Lib conditions they will be found use-
ful and they will serve to allay pain
and, griping in the stomach, from
which children so often suffer.
A quiet wgdding was solemnized at
the 'Lutheran parsonage on Oct. 30th,
when bliss Laura Dabcrs`became the
bride of Mr. Milford Schilbe.
'Mr. and Mrs, Harry Badour, of
I3ay township, have moved' into the
town residence purchased from Miss
J. Johnston,