HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-19, Page 7• • itd,:ii••I'i,;.°4„: • • • .4,,,orpk.g. ".1 • • • , . To stend still 1tt1F1,11,ffiag. is to Stag- nate.- To -07 tareltwIrdli",b7a1N. get;e0.4eratiii't jig .i% pe0ffre-arliti-the''reinitt11e1'‘iir9Wel, ancri•iiir Conk? f6t,fi1,ge*q.9#n4E04 is 0,„.VP,:solgEiRn4gOklif3,9w: ;!i 3 4, to *fli 8fpr 4.!..1142:r.: are„ liat330kAine,adt41054deld, teilutibie deatelmblinertrfalthvgfneda turezIs skwayier Intal'etitlfg* itSttiattc%thg• fIrnionTentilWdilies1 t1elVeing4P Is not only found Ihi the greateit 1:116r1Trittililtr,TI-11. , 0 "7-51Tan eve,115140t., sot ba I Sat, g la 4 a 1•1381 tot . Kri the b gglea ean never bta,4.1til.! :666°,441 3-.15.....11,11,4=5-0-11-11-seanngz-=hateve.• (Alm itotIK incigtelliin affiluithrofilyharraratig: bat bisaT cumetaMg ,areseagriiisit14150;:n19:1f4liiiiIF 1,1,agtitifttn,ffif14, 0111,6 a, 10t, tr.t26., liver6V otilatairiPAI ooi t a OttglAW. °rat Mea w.Loys 1ta. ,,, at isdli 8 '104ek2-Va 091.k Tint*: • ..4rIon: * • , .r• 7 11111111111111111100„. • an, al' 16 Wily 11 0 cannot do ancl saYrarkltre likgr._"=rffiMrt7Thir:Zr-ake eftgrip-• on others. .11111100.1 ,, Jh Si .(5,1 i d OW 1., Calln 0 A Aav-.14 31ci? to A. ..3 , , fait„tottmedy# 1 TrawN'tii'',i; p wvi- 11'07 Zs trE; ti la ins4, et 11.9 t ° P., ,, ,ft, atil.„1191•TOP.O. aPigitilAta NY' ca eft fu,' We artmottArcief Ate, SUM() St1'01,1RE11-41,1„4„,4,, WC711nr-19'1071;31-ThIwTgai40/1WirlYing • wheels We shou d have nsatipgjo„ dflificitiFiT41.,3 41,aviknetAwski.,,d,c• Pltii2,41t6 fg.gt,,. IlltN6avip.far01811, illgi i 880;r4 VP: '11'441414019.1 tilfr•011gtikW,11g1)134i:'' • 'Nit, ,Akai %::gilf) 444110tivittEw—easaihn-I '! W hrEtczeVdtkidti A'6101 PqAARkt aestiaMing sialeela4ratlY ilwatale 1 : This• otheihmawodew el: eenovrA 14 VMS. aitore 1 40 anotr .: 11-1§-lasau--aa-u-L..Pu *ereApyil..46, 9JP171ffit iTOeXt '1..RITI10. I'm irdt-gblirliniftlier ; th-7-e-i3O—rk of , . the 114:101111„setekie4:811113111Sirito a„. specialist, at a itiviveligiven in T.,on- Dr' FIll t ny let the w le s . nit . it a. ,,,amill, lilt 041 :4111 WIN? m saus-t ••-•• lattia5t5„ „ Mr. Jegor ..mpe aafetnernneu,i, by iticovelt, ajutiepswi.1 .,2 rtemons•trRitag oin •tChrenber :,pfathe of societ ian a itatilk, lif,,,Atabiffe, 1 1a,„,die,„,e loae 5;o„,vtliy,,,, maninwrve blcal 01'. .eart . method of curing a bAntlttphe. Ofinges• UP . 1. .43 71 yr 44; o la ty,Ve tion, declared Mr. aKrey, watqlfre- ,41440: a right trkiielifecelftliols fOlseli4 tIleiii, yt9-4u9shvtrxefs LlitiVER,24,44-'1,-.*:( ar.e-those-who theough-nrisfuttuou ‘,..n , _„,,,,,, too wesOcAoltoprj .,. t‘.0 li P 0 MX Ern U'AVIV ttil.?4,, so, iih V nientilltrnti1/41 • spirt , Writ it3g4lfgrir ILIERS'' wei ; s1 ell 41., Ittni,,m, WS V.,11 :. . IlititalV82159-169r/SagOgre.g4i77P607 ':WE BUY ALL.YEA1:2,,ROLIME)- ,„ are tinaiie to q them.voestaiw,e/PaifeYfit6 .,. Iviqi t -he a 4.. ,:aa. RiP,RULINh&CO.altliTED 5 "fig, lia_q^Citi q .., 'DIN. -4:tca' -•ca2,.tig:4L_____41=....r.„__r_,,,,,,*(4:11.KfflgtaiWala - is in raft(' y o th a if,t, nor the bat- tle to the strou.rr t. ,.'"to,rti,iss hasst , - .34411: ,ai. ':• - 5 54 5.1-.1 • • • 11 104. 3 In:tees in --• tle, 1.41 sosioz sot 17sa •41 ,rtio13, d0145P. 7."1'17,, ri( • 5(1 A [1) t al d'T • 012.64 CI awl -0011 .,. .16741[4.):1•1 :42 liard-water---in-juieMeA Drit.rry a licIPIR MITe softens.,-vvittlert.4is2 31 31 •d741 54 tlIgr 0. XI:WO nil reagpiactig.„4-tilexty cleans ""'Et")VsE E4146,WTHal.iffeenTiterarrig,iling313,47*auol.r 49thiagatiPtegittga SinOW4lakentQlectmoime, tikee ing 1(.}:rTe., 4R*19 .r• 311, 1,1;1/,'14• _ .„ 1 tad ta anslosvtios _ 513. 2t1 VrY 6.1 111,11110+.r.14,10aummxt.4.ror,r,o,,,,,,, ; r7F ^Zri-71.0, clre • ; ),; •• heroes. In ..1.1.14. esteem. ,itheyLoutrank ' foli4:,,I#e.: a .,fylead.:;ii,,c .;,P)i,,Ite- • ; to:;bis sonsc.tert: Arab loves his , 3 , -ct Vac “0113eS Poeni You Shoal& KinicAv t, 'agoliitriandaie Welk 'Ilit'dliati retuidek 'donkepaleraales1,4141fke „Apex, met; :, A• sf:,:w.',-, f4ra u.i ;4; 131! ffieet'ialria an, es tffitei f,JEtub IVIan in Ells Hun -our." ir ,ti 9 Tv. ' l;lill'itiC .•;.::::: '',t• glowwriewq•yr244w3sYli. a•POWYGati, ' sP4,304'6,i 0.4 1,4143FIr 1q,-J91a1}35..Pc 41;1 'Itoln a pligrimagc to lie,cca. A hupl'id ;BAIA yht.L.atnf,aalc#PPOPine.., tignYerbiim :,-• - , 'Arett,•of' hietriliti4Meri,h 'nand,' 'otit,0'.'..,4:ioinaoh"s OrstrittuccessfuLpiocet:",Evary, "31:46piclay4TYA. "..gf).40.149.cX i?",. Ili0;'. ' ' Iie'lialta wan.Viedfaadd eNtealeired,, kY 6' Pg'4:;.:r•Alho' .8,90N...• ,m9119- ..-E4:1 9A), 34 0 le F'. owW i geirei) kick ;:areitliigh it' 'Vida' I, J. ‘, ar:-11,di:utitui. Arabian nitiie, reclemver tha 0:a0.14411ritt,..litt'Afe,4,Miltl!•Fd••rhre5i'int , •proieete heilies;,0 hlvdelapted 14111351 a aa at f....dr..• 44.6f 70 :.• •,:. Z.i:igIgli 5: I. c ,eareffilly,.. the banks 4of :the,barn,4. ,playipla soil) laut 8,1J/rig:jilt py, gro, '"' ' +•-.3,, w,z,,,I,,,.., r,..y., , ::,,,o., ,duetg,,o,no na.allep.arut Aownlher.1faet:1,,: , • • •" , • • , , it liatingb* hei,. weigiali doWM:1gratlaially ," )-44e,:ruclo,laiinig,havc;,.179liched 1? '‘i • yr1 11 e Ig"itlier'. gob& ' 4'4 ,noamarift eifistekked7Ofer iterlini I2Iatn,,ypu .rml.111.ed.1,,1/14, ,141.01 AA; 0!3'.14/(3.; '''-i .,IF, mrf. -17 1,4i4 5(4.1 .5R .:.:57, af Mack liittfflireli•ixisifir*I'lligijibe. '' • ai.i•'464'"1.111 '18'4 '' '9 ''''' 1' ',6 Or awan'sal,O,Iert 'Iever?t,at: .t -,• n',"Ar'vsily.,:a.f, ,thi,T-1 : • Ai ' , ,ef,r'”,alai,eTt Sl'fitT17,Reel 17. . • bi: a i i'.-4 :I; ti.lia :::: ...'"AllYiltt I 'libii Yi.I. i l'&' l'il :lin if 611111 ilt 1 i:i' till; ii*' i 111 II; d6P il li4:6Y:tieil;.1111:. :9,?1:1 16. i'41i-A.;e„B' v.:4)::litt9otw'rnth;'i4't1ile't.h,Vt'lotl'o:I'llfl'Ilill.lietle'b4e;.taiv.t2eP.:13.gi11.4.1.t.w.":%••15%:::tatto;11.17•••i 3i: ig',,,,,,,, J:„.r„,_31,,,,eat.,.„2.:_i'r';'. rt. vlitt,. t eqprAfte :2 r laave-raeit,o'.tiakitwa,a4 tlilatbrieh.4 . I rin.lr Z2314WIII• -`,414,dogft •ii.ri C citrEniro ow& movisumgAbgl swim:Repel: W:1 ;1,4=ft .,' wart ,. Jgr,r• 5rni (dP11I1 41 . c 1 . s..qh. prfaot ..e.Napiapenp, ok.., .-.e,- 1....mbraolfe•vott ro• +go nk.eo.., . -,, i ,r1 - •:.0.,, ..ti•t.,.,T1,+1 ll .5./4 :4,4 yr,2„ ,,,,' „ G um •Gnril•'' i • u 1 t• : i 11.,,,,,deik4trPvillirltiAtikr Pr'Ice PnrP,P9K WI' 11 e1: Itfil). 1 penffigrt tal:elh•gmi, SMI(qr taiitIktflthefing ,5f iii311.1ee'!• ' '.' Op:ZIA qail49(10:tightAyc 1u6uf.2/6126ifYgoraatinn 4064 41•036617.1 as meta, wiiii4 it.14. .cletr,seill to, .have :44,. inktelpgzent,t,AnilOri, 0 !ski rwhitittl!'ef" Si> Art f .; d,lije irr.,,061q.: ' 6...... • ' . `, 'A''' ' ',..8.9,1W11,57'.. i4i7/ 17.44i641411 !Yr.': .,‘ $ 10103 v: lot t It rr', l',1*Wd 24tVectedt Mere atitdaition 4.1artir r t '''"''''""-:1'' -143° ''•1" '1' 113 • ei,._,,,,, .4..,,,,,,, ,,,a .it.,.., , m: ,, ..ruri 1..Lx),,...?....,, c.T... .,,.. ,--jr.,-, ,...2 .... t.s. 42. a atanoingz,or oitall.thaiy. Wear duidg. i , , •oargkigit .? , 1.a.ps,c, 0.0-..; errati.a.strimotnersi . LT, •tbienelnirdizmot theft onateil.t.',2.wo•ryt tt , . . ""-rt- ,t- / `-'&131,7/;•:-.- I 1 i 'I ,,i I 4'41' 21wS,104n,.0,0111P410411. 41. '''.A.tfl.•.0 / 4. 'Bollibs'wenktilatetti I Vras,Bastoifirtatil• , , ,Vah,1 11*-Ortets Otisidlence 7 ,,t 1 .-41:-: n r.1-11v.-4.1-4911411/iplkitiw,°14,144.13,4itA''3 p::4-° .1.`3.-."4"' ""'' '? 41hAeffgil Itg 4314#rP014.104141.19Y•›34/571. , 41.1inilVt.4403°Lst,vg6',s'4148V,,,e,6',1',„1„,tactiC4thr i'lli...,;8Vmyob:10441-04, /4 i 1; aCi: .t,,;.o,ia,:m.1.4.-f:,.41;,,I;f1 14, :)iawt.:ttltir11 1,4.,_.. tmst,..ai 414J3'':i'i . ;.4.'il'''' WAVar (3'146 )7 iby 7,09,1tandge , 6 li•YliOn4,a ,:.'''.4.A,ahia'il. •." At 1.• ta 136-.N4`.. i.:14'.'6,Airiai'ld'IO*01..wl? 01- grl'Alt 6•Wkii9F AlPfk, (114?67.11•104,1511i6TP:11 3.41.pilk ILI 1,44:a)H,:bottitttail"i,v1;;P,P,Pet,017:•:0'iltal."1,":1; , ,..... .. .-„a.,, ., , Y., :3..fter-goinrt cAtd. 1,1% 'S1 q -8114d. 'Cr8;T7 3'3 ' i''' ;71 occasion; .ifold1theY4.10aPli ini5IS )I14/1 043 th, „11at.fq'' . 3„.";,.. 4'.112,' 4518 ,19341.11,(1741%raicOrfit 10 bili140.1 AVoce'r ,W • i• 'lelcit,,,4,%4141trIll'ageil` 1145:40/.1..14i: T71;119411.°- 0:.ni'd*vil'itirtent:nnaleitturealr tifa' ntilt;af'ettb,r:P, i'P'168:121;111511tbilie:.111111.44Rilt .1.4041,41P7:9fie ,'.17::1(.4446':::41;iittltr*:::16'1511.11'. '14'ij(I''''''irl:4, b ..11-,..r?,..J.e.,?;'.,4„)., yr, ko ,-01,,,iii.,yr„,,.111.•,1iiil I 3.1, ; y11.7 Irt,,,,, ,,,,.3 31„, .gop.-,... 1,4 1..,. 1 , Ift31412i7F1fr.ne-1 crt.7-,-, ,.as.4.4 19.3,..,,sg_ 7E. ,_ ,irip9:1415;dttslate p.et ...0% sv,„114.111:::offig:lrotivt7; trit;4116,httles,IsEgi it ai,c,iiii leitaVrt itriri...„.1 .148;iti4ks t, ren .j.,r,f4 a:131416in, vrin!sta.ianadilugowil bars , aw,b13:10141e13. elwaocirj.StrOlgar141:1i4ndiv.iitewalpaugoVits;49613:6•E i al :tylitij ial 1 k6 -„Ir 1; : ' . 'SOJAA'SlrbOtlYglgird,m-F ,a41- .•4 z „214 -,,„ , fnme writ4,10P„Aillat-1, gg lin,," th, . il 7ii2antlfitVz'illf fli#1theirtvenv..tisi,,he Jan' elie' aii ta''''WOU1i6r‘,24iIi., i1/25.....,.141 ;',,J, t ,,1 47,...inirg i gazed ai,oft, at, the ixdf,1%ftglofOsitarse Ifar ,b,,ettei.:,,adva..fttage ,A.14,1i1,44Fiettel,; ' toraii Hoary tag ei ;t: seirviln '7,045 tt,,,,I i ,a.fl u'd.,',4 r ii q •ScfeeilftiottvrTdi) fb.44thenVilltia°0/i tliiti4edo,Atim.,eifegt:,,,. , 'I`PI:q t3lifftel(bri!. '4441 6101Y 4gEtliV1/4411:Og'6C,-g.)P-,. 1•43442^947 Eteave44141.'1' 44 c/pLyi...ei:aekly...Y.taill 01'..t • ribpr*olicratiltuh;• nrwrtieornliile•nr•ht.:i. ,.... . 0, ,.,.. IT 1•11,ePt. f.iin4...gp, p`rSieJahh;-011, , ii..3§491vis ai'itw 1454 qn.tilAli4V1.r.p..,i,/!. I'lli'VE''' . 44 ...4,0-1 ' • . ,,,, •:. :,..,,,,,.,,, ,,,, od,p,R9A. ,,,,,,i.z.-,f -.., :,-,, - • .-; ;./: : II; AhltaTeri4iAl t‘i,, 1 eal?iitli-r;th:gc; IlIncloree iNteltpietiviimailtoing4, 4./1301g. Au -01.131esarilpt57 '1.W,:i,P.--'''D %111/410qt'PE ', ...,,,e,?'• -: '1,-, 1PeAl %It'll:3'41V; WiaiKte,i)go,,Wt1U11.41.ek .;., '11.'3 141r. ,40,,e411 -D IVV,714-Fu'4#1:1•WP-Y.. ;42:14,2':: 74r5Tr",,_ k i„, ',,.!• '.--.-n .,:c'. 1' „,,,4' '1"1 th,0 Nitirg„4f Itt,.., ilak Pills% As tfienett wsireoltlu'es:i of: :Pvintltt1Lffinler.QPst11"5).FIWIP• :If 41 ,.,.,1_,4 lanangntriteevordisnairtffiesitt.„.ceantrars. loPults from talfilglire'Pill-cand as I portant.,:fachor,,,111nn Alt4tkifttITA01/11/g T:-Plvtll faults before naggitirlitliatheier!,ta a TheftIttart11, e‘.t.114,aI*Pqta: thlf.:...9.4i'll.,,ft__,7ging Ms metribea'is tc1korredt,theita 3,•"A litleikl." ,ri r,This.)414 tert}e,„,fpungt.,itia tlie.,, nay chstamrs who were obtaming good 0:11sfagi ow_T .4" 811 srq34-j, ofkiiikqe lair? l'ill4,041,4,ctrawornt. 7 .:45-514. 141 •Ernia:`.32±;,,ehrf. iN.gramlest." fort,thzers,..-, l'agallieSun, then, and ge,oui,;s. - bp-gigE.sum - r.3.2 Alio OldcTimeINFIttDatitaiii. lapfai ,imnts.fiun Westerna In . old ..1. J. ,,r• n, 1 TreelalaillefiLl tap4-tite s t • packetis of 0,1:PP.:p1t Bell -'-Swallow ,A.,ArISI .',01 Tai:f; I4lack,;XATta othei lines ' aid fa: r -r ul i .• .01,84,,thgoiaqy .Ware,,,rinGS•t•bf th`q4715,., SS ..5S1r7giasi.1•51tmlibul.,t 5411114ts in i1 -J• .014-00 '44205..110811 cuninniimalt,i, dietittotly" ,1 "had -belled"' 4circluittl, cutting limbs up pro:Almelo.' lath,- profttitsr: .11+ '74'41,5-ttly-olle menv 02 the`,..,-°14dTtg,,,,Iffirl4a_ickktking '...igl, 40 11 inches. xrdiev.,... opi&Iiliaility }Atli 404iirtying "uin 4, 6, 5,10 and 12 ' 01 32.40 ,,,, at 1111004 Bu 1.11.1114 ,.4-gfei e4.4eptions..„ ; tourm Hardware Dealer hars-11M, Milt,' OneTif„zthiii ..'Vair,papy.fn 4,,A. Mar- ganYbk the 'B41-it0h.:13134,,,43,l7e58. two ;WiestOur d.suriptIvecIrculo, sear • COrtiq'P.9:5 tmrenet.he Hendrik. Hudsoni to any oddross on roonet; an(LithErVFleteear.;... -3, . . -. , - : • ' 110,,:1)%313kOted :for the ettlni., mine:, iied mar/ ;int wiriclit lie"tobk ,the trialCOMPANY, LIMITED ..,.-- of a packetsiiiitain's life: : Instead' of GUELPH, ONT. the 'usual ilanctIRregtilii wool 4F:ed 11 'Or -We ha neg ecii, h traced back 65 rOgee in need og.rxmpAisik._,extrdecitled aw.e:Yniin nali,altrationa 1' round6d:byithets:eas.ruid'frallerted.114P4, 4 Ted • `4:111.11t".1 ,quently tliaKlaTigancidIVIffapula. g end. ,,s;i 3;1 ilii :kin: otl tilM ,' a i. Xis', tawtille.m Keyf, t.n. ,r,..,-,. ..„ phasizedPTiiNgatifsthhaiited'f'dt ltapt- "A.14644)47n1 Nights,"nittl.t •451i,d "fhtevii)Otly 149F ,;3tM,Pf4, 41:151.2: insnleidlh•tr,091'It>r. , >2,.; '2"--,v,- "-" --- r - - • ,' ' .eaff*PY':'°r ''t5:°1' 7' Mil this could be n'TTRA.yeq,..41,e Am- ',..thitkutitiAni:etriftes 710r 05 litialma. o_04 1,-; I'dc,da;t1W.,e..P.nsli#eliF ii!..(P).29#1:g.la 1.rmh.,.., ..kv .,,,,,na a t.,aal ... ald.dlanf ff n ) • 0.,..,:, t.t.t.a,, , ,,, /.1.,-, .4.",...7„,,,,,,t, ,,-.3-17 j 4 3,4 - 1 lt.•:: rit:rt ,h,340. Ai 1.7.)1?..5ii14.14, Yot9.1,e, 1));13t h4eli.1 1 or58-Wett 'lima "kridegiti"16.1,10. 'eompletely broken dawn mY/11:14141,01,,- 4,Y,„!':',' '1‘-'--","h.,11-,. Vrn'it 14064,,d, it 4.03'.'.. ., continued the lettiate'l,): sintlethe serest Not:0044 inytii,; ..r.lifiehl.e..pit anoit.die ',4a-rtecP:1061Villi41-1•M•ovvitlt &wedgy , TIkv.,-0.-N.,,iwAY.P..:s.f.},;',10.VM rim', 0 .;9;.';'' szcon"5"Ebui'scloirmovapkns cAurtituANe.': i Triji ,..q.4 .P.../kkK. ATIf•P',14 kr nyi.mquuslu...uks.y. ;,„.: rcom8tareopft,g,6(gangfittlefdteaostazhoT ty B•gg,:pq •,,easg.,Renivek,frienn en,"eld ithreermi foaralvearre'diel'A'etirin.ffit'al "4 le 4;,144.74s;- :5'7 root )1'1'6.'9' i'l: " ' d 4'1' , .31..,,, '.t.„•••_,,3,1;•_3, -.'.i. ' : StiNNINDOWST 6,ctND IsrvrrAli #Aftpipily,!, iti.0,70..tita libjztledoratri;ttmii, 4;1:ast vileuvelEifaMPAAR4 ...vsogeoirakuery ha...0.,,,I,,,&p,47:prot y,(4,6,1 pas,b,Y.E., ..P..703,1:1, - _.,L, uktaTiw.ton,,. tiDlomws,i1 31.,, ac...t.Aistaa?..Pt lit l'oil'er 'ilifiP. ‘ that makes clean bi0005lat523 4 1111w. r,letettA. 4T10.1c.AtpratugAt}4,-.11aftlia,anh: ..5,on fidence, but by , the 1;,11•01:1,V"Tititi! ligntn, anThe 5.1141. 554.1;11.1flzitNel'1°..P.rrtri •,. ••••••••51 ;1r ., It is .1Ealy'4.1s1.41efadrgfilliKey, to re- ...jec,tt,-Afran .alahOst inatioati altdry:POrInt22 4,'141,1t:rttoliv6entilleanIr 6,11:Laiithbx.eltIatilt8111411ju'elll. ly lallqr l 1611W114ghl°A113h511194"P41 waYtttentOrfeot heatithitis totityas onifooffi Beriat%talktstalot., oplydfoani h,1p,p,.., i.gard 2atOrtaingg head as the 0f/ell-ding l'ar.ifitelin2itainie intineaberitcltuaninagt,itlie .ttelt;.'„ 4,11141rqd.10ed3,!,1)51...,'Obei.110 , ;Of the heaven to div,10-/the,dity Ironat,, 1, , thorkg6e1/01.50,041. ggle....74gyliAild yfr:1.14..aVer.' at. ,....22 .2!!.2 il 2- .s!,,, ,,..22,. mi: 2.2: .4 ..2-3. 231,i 2 -. sg'r -gt;sii;a: -,:1,11 .1 the maghte,': as, they.Baellt-.Of :genesis) .,14' arttgoll : 1g.reaVoirint.grit4 liitaniatentd:alr."1.1118.7.:::•44,44,I'v':: •):,,,:?:'[..• :::'',1 try,e,Itheinalia.F.Priipt itiletfAypiVin:,11-1,..ti: jo-(1',Y we Imo w that InVorael slie VP 1:144111;13i1Y7Mat.A171115X. s'el;e•ewil,I.ell, !•.Al/le .-ae?I!'t.E•l.n.1 :$2T;0-. lk;a:: di,e4IrbOlo, t4,".1'..o Ai9,119.E.t,i -,19,nagP?pf. nl. . I ' LIEVE'" ' '" , ..„..... .. 'ge -'189Cal,R13' ; b44n lilli'lrldl ''.: In lieiTS•t0i: • .1.1461:i11.11;!tT:eljal4611°.nignig.1.114t',.,!4...! feast; 4,t -ii§., eht•th :la ,!litil, Ant". - ih-iti12, 1 : ,-,,c1“4retr.te- sit, ,-.: h3,/,,o:117. .,;«,,,•••••'.', Nature's alarm Ere it' 141,""tIterns us that 110 If , .. ... . . „. .7!1•65 feeling run,dOwn cr without '.Ftli?' ly.e4s-31-1'-&-\'''t t'llie Slan an.'4•48 Igq,:ulac11,: - 'we • ftabl* tc?Ais...y4t11.t 'bur 'ePlrili .1.:,-ri• „CotADS llow.iI 11.ctetbilt he.§itiii2tfi 10: TeVRIP10.314i 7i1b#Yaln' 41,0PrACA.i,51''RcAtt'SliWttAR.E.lef. 1. . ; ,C , I Dr. ,MilliasaW Pink Rill's to• anaitiVvho• . movnig ,t1m,emme;ageititysentialnicsatdie,i.. : • • _..., :ppergys, as Ittiiinkt• they ..tai4e a. ibleisine :Eargpk..*: tlia.11.t4e3 sPIN• , ;" • " • ' :,, . " ., :1 plioliggq't;61 -th9. tflti0.4oPIPO.I.Ptise:Pfdrat ••3- : 7.,:at ,,,,,, ,, .. piamia.e:It ofri:,:...7evi..,;:i111,, fn.n.;c4c;iiia.,,,,...i:pataaietr,,•1, 'Aviifd S'erioti§ Results bS*4.%iii 17. • a Baby's.,Own:Tablets. ,- a• y'lleeltgIceptinta . 'tg.! ir.Weai)t*':i.kis-b112a:sliiling.°•Ws'h.)114t*-21ii'tiatieilY4t:4.1'.41.f'l'Alira , manse. :4,4,•,,VillitiiireouM gei'd-headaehe Wileib,04.4ktld einrwe,dite,itits.,,e.shonp, was Air. Seguin, kfitT.ATan get the , ,, ...Tv!..iI.Tfi, nanthenrdsw-hm If by some _soli atariiiigic vrefi• could i ."Per.ilienea. mote I of,. thiS axanonv cont. i • -,.., •,•::: that AP•headac.1,1e might hny,e,..a.,,iii•elizial • ,..,11:::;:1•0 '7., t .• e..rt-tt•-,-. .1..... : 7. 77 rair trial thei will be convinced as give Dr, Williams'_pink Pills a thtuleagadriz.-91. tienee ..inrge•P tilten4I on.r. BUIL,: : i .4. 1i,-. :' : .. .,, 4.':' ' ; .. 7 7,. ' , ,m,dier tifKiegertliiili,:•.F a., diss.9wee,ww?. toinglotm.,...64,,suoh:as5sueming, red. a1:14,,ftwa.,79..,q cirkiggi§p,,,pr, Ap,.„4141. „eud,d4v17 UltmE000.iiti °firs:elves ':•io :setae 14 2,.... 4.1...-:3.44., ,,,..,.:,..aot7- :...... , harriedlausbalin -on' the' porgii,d/e„ .neao"of ,..6111,.e eyes, • cloggadoorcorneal ...of ..t he UntlaserSe-aWbetta.theSe ,..-.• _;, „, , . ........4. , . t.t. .._ - nett;,",;., ,,, : , ,, . , , , .7 :, , . , , • , .„ . ; •iios,ti• Orcrmp.Unientaktre's1, finnrener may. tisins.,,Iplegicinet, Co., Arf.atiktileiaOnti .*.tga'lli'l 41141110 ilrei- Onf 144,1411• stk. ,4,31ilti'l.'.' WiAtves."099164,.insp,at.enSei.11a4 ayot, h&'r•", .Sf7ird'sults1i' •:o'''' h.vei-, s S.h' bir. ld . • , *4.. s stp40ve a1,ofitt;hiti; : yw.e. oruy lddinf •f ,coit-toisr;.4• -1•I . 1 sald.wasAoidme; erline°ngeial.Owriiiliibli hind eonehiinpio• lralac Cotha ta7 cor_sbe 1010.11Y ini.tble. t1 theugais-and iiaecutvatianor naareamitlreetiiityii44ypirrhnrd.PmncebTitlesbittrT;1nN1q-19Psrtali:4 I1 1 ontiniatic outlookdiet'i':,.ef.cuit0t:2res111is1ige!tiUtl _,ru EaIl 91114 ltrail as aat,1)sby's 9fAAalilaKRC po Tlii"Xinia4tail tieGoiipLn„humorous garbrsvaxalrarp pie. . 1 ..7. Wert, a -tiff -then iitiddir niediettal ihper- con1,,N9 'PO- Oi,1140-,P1',....trO110ntalf,,,, are ,cord, 01' th4 11:141111,Y:,0f,$fifolp,,, IS I.1•6t „Lure of the ettottl,.4.0 in 1,4, im„,„ggla,pve ,f5.,. IstOok; 120t3t.: Lila .8iOrrefiAd'i 111541 to End. dlty- Vkiirit ty 1 vial on. '15 r'1.1 • taeteitess„and.:harraess:: 7 lity,e, losepil ,-.9a.f:,%19,eilinii44.1S,,ye.1.:7,11t,e04."\v.{e41.1:0,1.e.t11,i7trciialilialp.'see.. Hea.04;:, ,,....:.., ...i,,. _;,,: , . ,.,. ... , pii.actinos,, v. , t tote „_.'ic — CadigPx• tTiot)!Okre,:_):Xn.§Sir::::084YP'.-7111 4 •ege a Ad. ..,..,. , .... haveoloed Aithy's, 0 wn.filal)itt§ fOr :131Y.t.portstitnt.:Hasreentrin.y,,,,, t is et A., , ... 3,car,l.t,041, ,03,,,,,,,11,,„,1p0v ,ilie,. Itylth.41a,:. , Profesapr Norse, who invented the children and iitid them a. -very krutis,.., itg Nui, 511,44,41blispatiott, .tw,itiath 711as la -heaven, ii.ntle: taat thercorner at. the • . .,C9rwowy4,. Aire t Saligesfioh alegliiiiiri,"ace had a lapse of reason. f act+) r? itleclitiate. -' When rairlittle'boy" jadaPtetklit§gt wIt'll1 el -111,1..1°4'g ..r44-'it'itY-• universe . in Which cata'.eartb. Is 10(1111031 . . ,:•., , ..; ,,, , t. ,t itotl„tikway411 Icaftr to the new Conditions rd.- the world a•nd Te,aes, the is 5011511 :that 1,!,•, is: 881014500 310 eel' .Fuot,i.r::,,, sor,.;„7, -,-.7-: p f. ...,. Ito wanted to get th tau ore and,,,iblaiglih'i!'aci°1,111(11IlegaL4:11,811116:141,,vete .).Tt.4.,,b,a1:15,1S.°1 - 11\311. (Allot. tl, l'ilifria:joatyz,tili en,,, Ilesiitavt.diocn. n. Fglislor eila,1 1..3 2: .€11,"tdie iair17."Pit '15;"&asy enough, but mail tit 25 cents a box from The, 0143 1 ,•„•,,i, it yi,thl t1m4 initeatAri Iiiit. ienglifr, Morse 110.1,e's -aerqie.Ve stream, and without ),Irefiqn,tvf tAq road handed him over thi„jc ,pa,,iv,i,.. ‘-t'o ettiiordinag, 0111510 of brains, who oenteksedl that 1 + *etre wRs"ohe thing 1-1°1143""4'4:1i°3'' 11191114 Trfirremdone tlien? We can't erect that baffled him. "As long.ae.tbe „rail- 0i' hal144" ' . ' '' . :' . LIl san1,11.asyntile..pet-.441.9.:IfteMP.Ss5.2iigh:Pf.:X.ce td,ea, road-i;niii Where.- pctfes. May •bir. iteet• rueB.,:reblYn's'et.ljtIvi.ennilersthio:11;6111lebsetdatite1131Y1 'Ital..; )cin4o't istlitntliiit,4:30. dirA Can. you sug- a a a h he n t dis use ng tli-etitAlie •tvrie would sag and berhaps when we come to•the big bridges, wha,t li4t,eak. frpm tt.1 2SVAINtept. 1 confess ges.t a way out of the difficulty?" "Wag don't yen ffisten the wires to the bricilEel„,?," .a.Aliglis companion, with- enstev't give, a. ilia than liqiti Medi- hous5i• 'of: Xlie.1:"Warld-are, grMiped, as ki,,,,, NI i,.,H. Liriii.n6ni , handy. eine I recornieend' the 'rabiets,te; all rolio•Vs:::' ' ' ' • ' - 3.--....i..• ....1........ - • -. Ivalsasvidrthaias valty,evalbovi,i1.03.t. iohata;retisydd,nr.si„wbuats mothers who thaXe iian:1111v4:cyhi4idbrene , .keenvdt., : reilgn. Tiki jog 1:ini4glo.:1,104ap.rcii,r.e.ees.4, oimn„ as ,s,q.e. 30n, 4, . er,:t,h a ,11,e1,h!y ,..tower. Williams' Medicine - e,,,crE.,-• Brockville, aivteict,,"iithea'tncl,cifet17.1a.ciliililltkliZ,Ii1oica; 6ciarl.iiiti:14 . v.A,,ilt•:.. 3: -:-:i. pwa' 'foliate are much geneelogfear'',cliatli," of " 'the: .2 priiitely, GuI . tlib ire*, mapa of aHrtropea latest Metawataztlititlimoire labok ie kit.. vffiettaiiito three•Sectiond, lir Whidh :the many : wlitch. )ut,,c1e ,been. . dethroned ' ' That gleams in the m,00n's -tierse, . • • • . , ' . :. • pains in my2back:and sides 3t,hatj•cenict Or: is'11.801,1'i;li-ost2.17 ife'l•i'' 261: *. --'tad me to....try'it.: 1 tool; her adviCa'and 'a' ille'l'-l12.1'-';. to 'b ;' t::::•14.7i7. 472.7 1,-2 , .synippinsa.s.ne ousness aidi331.tufiet, ....-.'t- Nate art,hAe:. li. :Model of. the :Urti. , .L!,,,,,R6.' t-,6,4•fis--;:,;,xli,,•.,;::teln:tr,:471'1.1x.§1.1;....00,rincTi_.;11;,.:111er, Basha,tchewan. .. .- ..„ •• , , , :,.t..1G-Tiswo,te:niu.vamevl,e::di.e.ilt1nega::i:•:at„orkh.o%t4:i'''84:7f'dts:O.w' 31,:x:. ; ' ••• Trilintidnitha-smi acolannz.sa4y iet_1:1,ar!helped mc 0.10h . i .. Aani oat ,ef thlealoer 3 a°45.tinhIlleteshaati i"dke• 5,01C/11-.*bli17:q°314Pm446;1111:4P:tietii ••'.:' .. ?that' tisietuni in tile -silent nitilit? • , : ,..,...;....:::_,•,......:_•._......_1:,,,- , At ...Midnight. wlittis.11:00Fni :-•-•, .monial."-Mrs.ffEtfiLtisiiigF,Fusi- Dal-e 2fi,q,,vneisli'etiniue',.:aans4:926ose*csasivilebtiriall'Pa'exrisrtoon tAl'at Ona farm With notIt hotisa'neareit`than -; not de. aby.thing,-..-cauld,..not even lie 'have ..beenathankfullortit,:ever.since: • tgetertir upeet ''df 'the' 'SYstein. 1.411c.t.,...,...t? deYs ev.ery. 8P ofti.1 fr'NvogoilliTo hitov;:stbsureehe .. , quietly in bed„.anci. inY,head ached, „too. After - taking the. mieditine.,. fon ...three -.- - . ''• • ?1:rkiffet4.44"wa.l.auip, i::.••-t•l•-,. pinkham's Vegetable Compomid •:,and .iVlysister-M-laWtoldrde abinitLydia E- . - moment Morse gazed at him with open 'aStregtiltatY; ili hanIP d'Udadif he 0 -u1 n/1407/1 ,44E,Ialmed, "Why net, la qed?„333V4t. I.9.qter.Aotta/514 of that - , -...-.--•., I A ..: indicifetUiefditi-F6f fe alaViiii.lajpig:•..„ ..'''. ...,., !-...,..Women so bot.keitiat ' o vi.„ • a E-gl'...atriai. Thir,Qdh liati 6eltIllias' ' _....-0._.......—_ , .3,:i., "..,,.,44 41141 ....M. 1,4-31-. qZ. rialaillmiii-"Cre a e . ). ear.34 ed4ie du 4 .,relii,CAnic: "Never: min ; I'lte dfdsit1.nip IA.th,15TOY age; ' •4 was H IVTO .4 es Ay e ' t ,t,I.Avotate,a.,:d" ight a swa IneeasilY Id1atir-,3.1av3.3.iot ship' ant erVi3nrgu'it:§aigfl „iti't,itit-aa , light d eittas•r4aaut.,•colifiden el iftWifilifi'Yi a Sri hteUll,,,,enligraylk.4 i ucit occa log • 5' r.4 ed. Iaal3. the,: artie , avhft. 144triT4 encdi to b makingII th 1 Wigl t in Morg5, 1 t.the ort sten htway mad lain , ailing the ,!4 J/L through hi hollo 'ed handstil the exclarn tlou, •GnSatJav,ens, w 49 e' the 1,11stukMect'tte ' 0 the eat.07•„bi •k bit porta it/ 1{f135114p141814ll4foh Nqtii a savedeamfaselattoewitiffk\r'ean' fami v, -2=8415335 'WAS ,11 dam Westin On ofuitheAsgataill graneagrafAthgvIgarl Viet 'In11•1140/40.dtarittingtdialfr',Iontinhip bear was the game of draughts whio itlMtiWiPilietffileV 519REVIRM41.- . Pelf, Allat.13,04tiag14544.yert .144171 do what neeteiraiffinirfrehtit.',11101."or a gale or.windtoma,doaairuortliastir the old can"inta„ta tqa8pei'. Yet in 1 1. -the days when the....ganer_a.lity. 42.-511p---1 tailia.--VantinciinerLaa...be-rougl bears.-Alorga.ri--was-the-eesal--of-to courtier on al mcmilonpg,h0,10,31, onY. When QiiaIelal ,:i Vfcterria,'''in ' 1844, In achey 41.-thef iparriii 4. -Tack -2,'.. liner th h. get „Oakieddrela ter, the Puke or 4ewcastle, who was one .. el Pot. i'VO,I.Q141i0c1MogrittiigfctiOSIttl4rt Port ,ownor,ot ti.1,2 line-maffix hi. laid., Led ; ne4Vitireti. °Vale' 0114.sge3i liftet ,,t : ite4:11fiMe,e,tq 1)431/51041)431/5104523_1, ,cr. , tv ,d1f4Il - 1 : r7.. NtWer Whitt eiip itiiq.13fitiwag' wl6f y "Bocausereplied 'Morgan. ell,n‘iii “wet n i or her." ,j`KIM floe JI I WW,41-inaleing-Kbs-fes-:Otte-tree:13ntri u8e.t1113433thclinaLtvixiaresAAhlietldt01: TliW, ararxidnagtotuily,ittnago4o,m_dfewill na loodopotemvtroyi v' e3 147„gEAi7g u*BJ-VAaki ie f 1tl6ett1lr1ili4attrlAb'f cgip:t1E7li4a , 1 ‘„1T'i>e. ,1 r t MalaitVtegbii, r.4le 3.14 0 1.1 43. yagtta1h1a-• a7..i,n...Ti.!Vt3'':„•e,'.(,ihtf4i.ai4*'17•ia;.'3tsi,lf-1.l50:'.."•I,tn$kT,1t,91.th,9i1l.:,o'l3e Wtiir1"'-rn1,81riana,11,1iIF,15ra1'1oti'4-1I.s1,4L„M'.''t,t-„3---.l:T1r.lP1ei:i*t-.o'2d•itfi.--e-terl7,'1dC.a„',ai.gA'i.7neJ,o,1lmoZ1l1),',l7.el144,0q.r7.1I.rgi„-‘a„4•.e 4•i3,1:'t„,ats:,"1i.32e'2T1a'b*T',6i7.;i'97'..tlk'ef7f,hi1t.n.s1-1e,‘1"42,I'i3t1:46,.7oT:t,nAir,,:;a4R.1''."l.2T..(6r;l..'R.1=i.:41t1t':i'ft,-„l;Itli.lh,.lgP'e0oiI?::.Aue,,if§,...i,ii;-gtivtl1it,:rFtai4.,, r1-Ara.",i.;t:'.t:- g•1i',lif.::1a,-,i,.;'11'f.P,:-°,nih6,--4'l;.tl.(.0.u17i-...,1."kr4w'" i_1y'l,2 t,-,,70,I•,; h-1. ,,. i.'he,, f1ie-e,.,l, •p* ,v1aldIi66,Qi1•r:4io.cFt g,40.91l':v.47....I.Fi1•5,..e41;yst:K,4qt2h'„e,,S ni4,'0Ini:▪ xam_1.t.)1.47•.CiS, 1tZa, 14rdF,,,-es4,1i't40)pin1-74'.'j3.305-1431,:-tii,• a,e-t.,,'4,'• 'a,'.•O...k:1:,3.305-1431, 0.104'.'.A•'L:'',-:tS n,4o gohr ittythesoveregnnotever ., y latitude, Minutelyenumerated, iireladi„,•. ing details or neignng fmilies in Japan,, ggYpt, Afghanistan; Sata: and the Indirii'datea, -”" Setnee Sbnioit2The genealogical•dtatiS7Or Ibs §4en (iSSE44YOqirei7Triii4g.to. tilliouhrerni41ei'hetfe'1Oly AnthWe emswiqnthe,q9lbvteetine,o3tatttleiicikiffa:Fesea4iig'tfqt131rtli elaild3/ t• arar.•; .811tai,13oCi:tsot4fnliana* ft -Watchinthe 1)30181113 -.o1' Go/1 isheyathai4pffrt„t14e61150 throaglrithetguarymf a sunseEritencefdfitlieVyPidtliejOyointip -ticurg lar the mi:Verses tnrio. whieh flle4ed, for In t444 41 'urPZthjb-1111%t11861!61i16f'8481\9W(RJRitg08•11ff"4)el43615 .g• r.: ;! r , scope .11:35.115hed10mtkihsiglkltefAtilk.Aaaia -Staad111g eivaisli.4t"'tiIitthgtalifillomote!irighnest? has I- e. :. : 1 • andalinaifg11aebiraeVirdpX. ehdzile114w iiVh.tz vy,41:3 :‘ gr:11014:Vk1Thethrd S1did,R10111••WhIelavi1 life a 1o1vey'aNe.• il4vst.tindedNift tavtareeir813a- 1:,,12,.'•2.-.t4,.'.'-'.2'3,,.,l,T!0..."'.,,'.t.-It 2L. I. ,tRii 4904RI etYRgT,0;/cted lirtibirifbegirliontes,,Moa!seV2 age11A ths lipAf ppe011„,hippok01p1531in Europe Airfififik4 14 --sgtt7313 .40lwiua,4kmid0n127. Franceioi' r enany432/35- zipadmul07:. viati,4i the 51142 740Y-:7Rf*r 4 33;,ellookfa.sylpti113!be,wtiVs•thp tri14tt4g:t; P.A?-9tP6Atn/?Si si n.50153421±134S1'/UPp Wilabc it.441y lcIth?ttfahlosba,ttenAin4he poplr3 ug gtoro. -• of Engand,,,,,,,m1.i 4'3'3' :sorusn;j"• .17, 1045, >:7Agc51VP2” 41"14Z Waing was, ctIFsl„1ama. eketnfindihipri,t6atlff ucqwwsb.f9e 11W41C11CV1114 :0141rinVul3l'atiEtropec4,.f...14114i11.1,211.1,213”)0 ta4;1"61Tgii,lgkth,i.iiiglijvoi;;= :II., 14.tti!Ator::Nl,.; A111tiisor,6siings Alksbie;woridastitn-hutstb /0 CF0,40111 3433133.,}113.9 40re sForeare fen 41i 111N491t1?33il(4,-,PwqG478I''*' 11111pellyr::;tws::::,:::::.10 :701411:11114li.77T15i ,0. ,j iieivair41f:war d atalle:)Tbefaiendhppitheaefortot".d rtrAes0 t dienen abkeaesasiionbes tloaotP_ V g.,110341411btthe3101311glretalif4' aDI rbet, A of them is good in_ hinvellynleqa a IncaivaIIAM,Iityroir''''4 ga,ivroadbottiaii ,,ba .. a 9,211t° gmttiir vii35iv olfgc of.Eng.and 1ms c Oal' •0f1/133S w ,'' p it of mgafettes, Vox of matches 11 th'"offil3aa9§fnWigil r54$fork ti sb t 4f0102 1/43- 31144 83/3M r.V b y tn4 0S.1rA;x: 3 :: A40s..at •.r1t.133344 11 n5 1r a„ed14ifi.vb7af',i ,d.1,Al60i.Th„21nl.t.41ei;1°:16A,11":s64a3.1riI . y, 31e2,1e:Kt,pi•a1:i„k eo idr.ii2ai''r•..ttt:0a6ist!c56 la&ii"t.Sb6t4btut5ir:Sfiilf•o,7-Si1ta.bd.cAl1tiat1a-isc11Vll7n*iwdifiqgee'1•ulBt-r4ii1A; 13rffil, , a t'_4erffiariA41ctme'l4tti”i:'ix,ftWi1t6,:t gr-tp '6r&vag..2 i,..7,.il, emd1li1"lf:it:—':i. 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