HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-19, Page 6• ;r ITALY ACCEPTS U.. [years, is $2,407,000,000, If ItelY had RO CAL SINTER FAIR � VII BRITISH S ARID11-1 L h)1 DEFER ON W4kR DEBT + e ael„>_ p • • r t .. maim uw,;. ,. r...a ,.:xaU,- ;. ..x: � - d .,. .... ._.....: .: .... .... l I : }t 1, . ,: Sn<n ,'ktat4 Yfi1Ta,>}Y� IT4RAhfoii «, « . , QItO.N, O. ' ` Th 1; _, _ ° C�1nY da a Yield Wil x -'d ,•roz=w:ne:;.'a�k6�v��'r:,'�#1+-a:Nt .. ,:. .,•,&���i,���•,.,, . :., .�9j'��'ti'i�i�"r.R� `�rL'�i�ON `�iV® see �6, 0.;000,000 to the 'sixty-tt� r,1�C..r��:�...,�'.�i�31�$•�C. .. (�= f%r R' i:.�b••' t r. (� Years -62 . Years to flay years. r coYnmodatl n Requiring P h�ni NO N ot� "Est .acs by' 27, I� ;;,i !;r t.•.!_+, tr +•:��:",:.e, r',� .e e. a,., P,. ,�'.$ 3' Be/Sheltie ;tz.'*5'; i': c ;, �� w . ., ,'r;•+! :L' 111 I+i'• . erclses . ' -yr2 542§OOOOO�:...... :"'_` ......�.�.... s, L y.J.,Y 7tY�y Ul t'llli' .: L a c : r _' .. i lN',, +C..c• iA, :n`"91{A1 1Sucly Ergiltfl.s� c � d- N. e.P sPY ur w -v..._ i , "•,, i i 1i°rlflltlgili:,.s1311tII �fll ter « o a . i �11, .oats -No. 2 CW:, nomtnalj A • eh from Otte Ya '°. t „' of 3l 1 •u 'f'S s Pr o- T (] eagiial. A despatch from Was 'neon w (� n ,,,g iA despatch from Toronto says. Start Int ti,, R EiY , r rF fi ilii Nm• 3�r4110 75 e' Nos Xa fie),' 41!'t'i`liit • mho 317 d of. wheat li' , a a� y M : Ys:` I'ta• h'sea i Su , ire Los . ITle• «-•«.w, w: 476•-, m« r i s roiled to loco , . { kt,.XeY ! r i . - a. >xN.,lt.tnx,raPeci,�`�fi, 2 feed 44c.7", t,..t•: a Y" P t3•, � Plat s+� �. VS �al' S� 'fid' w�'��'- t�. , 83g�� �?;nil � . A despatch � t ., . D+.r•• - o t; � p„ et /aF iia. a i d tat 1 0111 Nv , d, , ov. �iL(1 re in t reateat of ail in its,::. roxtt tion o a Am, corn, trade;-Totonta-No. 2 ;no ry , �istonall�v' esim�Ce ir �,di�jg } . 1'office hd the ez ac t�4y ih t11>0 vessel es 1 r ant f he 1-nittin • mill of D. Graham & !SOD'. S : ,_ 4 .;. , :N:.�. a, .....,.1.t <. ;to ryje aPorr laau ;by : ' 1)q Ii on slit's • Sixty-ei t ives o«G&S t . o r war debt to the United g i1szW; . $1.0,41 fit,. Isejlifs tot; ' N".n, ti .,e' c est • �o ix g. water whe lO;•.,,inn hnva.han„�nv"t"�;v"`�he(lisastar'So: m�. But it is in deep Z•tatela. 'Pb`t'h,a formal is;o•„�n.r(„•�.v et mite and A. J,.l3rawn Ss C hitter;,re.i}'�;ipnshS,p,e�}veen; cltyr.�xzd. •,ilyji�ldfeed-Dei.. c':lYLbtitreal:;(tf'tekuhltei L'nau,of,„;�itntietit<A �;Y.:!4�", ',Ufiu.r'''-' ,e ....L.P•ene,•(' 8npatu::O,ii Thursday ight n 'r Sir Henry! ." merit tef risk in c. 'rig out taong searc.h -proved eneut'cessful, and but there' was nothing to suggestAf .4 ” 0 4.4 . , a) monitor igi::Tri:jil: ga4 : sa.k*67% .: :dlei ,:i 6yo'anntti;d6.;° 46.1.4010.9,1114 :41 1:4:614a de:Y:14:00g . "14: aciiisi:Ily .1 hj.thoOto utparalleIedeitteiesihiatoryee $1.22 f.o.b. shipping!''liteh's, 6....-Ceord.0 'j:e,Pe.uaisst.letatt:lavo,eme„eit'x-Iler, ioiild'e4e ptathimireshoinrignIeicause it was the first undersees era , to:T2414hoaeoixoplt7070ino.c:4';":14:1;:ett41104111:!ests,i?..-orancis Cliv ;corm ' e in -chief ' t 'tir N C e. 0, 0,000. were destroyed. The loss will lie b 'S'e°°°°r,61°°i''''naisli IVI'OS:,za-146eir' G:aen:et'o 1:1.a.pea.th,,,, ' liffiCallit p4alii.:6;doi?v,h,,,,Idei,ixii:;..3.40-et?eih „aerigwe••a-Ner'e2j,i13.00.e.ilei00...i. en. ee,..e.:0o4; tikesp.00robsj,,k,j,Bst Tmeriamtg,'has been lost with all heeds during' ticipate in the sea operations of t i, , P tg-iqf .1) 0 rt IA / AO 444ftt o'SatvP.: Chil• Iexerelses ie the echannel." .. I period, and three ships of thise t , d the liEufitsilf, ..AkfAelan%iiiattfbeeftes t.9 F/t i.v....aLt, I`, . .1.,,,t„ .xr.,Donald, who had fallen in, Mr ' ilia. PlelskU.10;g1ST116xiieduhtinhltO3,7p-en VIP. nenbo.4.',ri,rd 'in: bk•nik, 'W0 -, - ,'En,'I '.3.n94,44,s,„ 717141 marnii 2:r. 0: rtc„sctrkc,r1.:- - ents are calculated on the same basis ' 's"'pFE OF MISSIONARY'. ' t ' ' . ALBERTA COAL with the British..,&eliatadgik VS/2 „ i osition andlifiok,ge4StioW 41-1 thli,Vbrld: ', Screenings .- tan dard rec eAti, dBishop S erlsito Citz Con- D ',...1 Sh'41 Cans Expln rninal „eggegieone-eighth of 1 per ing to details just received here. 1- _,,.., .,, „ ... r•• , c, ..,. !••,. , ;•••,,,,-- 2§Agintsattearkg„,et,ostaltoszonteomi ,,'-''' .0") -,'-. -5.- 5 o t. N'r't6liuiete,rse one-half ,per cent. Halifax Poit d'• -car''''Arfr- ''''''''.c:t , tilD 'sli.ort. sban of tour' years it li.a., Al iv w iotgo 26-;r7,,,,--gz ityoniiiefits*;:t.a2efisC2';.11s ven years, which bas been cut to a rTfra te Fling afternoon, accord..f• A despatch from Edreeneleeteekl", 11.59ify„.44111., Nov. 15.-A - ' celfelerrrirfliWrdRide • 1 r --fit-'other iner Injured; oxp, : • tlhe,e 1:aueeeteleeeemeeefx,i•Tath;_reite:rti:reilkis:tsee,e4eme Iti...• eefroyelekei_...4 d t _ ...,. i„..L.tm,:kftyi,1,1,,,,f9,i4,n;alit,",,...,tiorip,,v4,,,..:Tafk;:at,0,417).:1,,,,,,,,itirb;4x,e.,...itiTkert. t e•g4.e,t 30c ,i, rttri.eireist, :0 eAo.,.,c. ; tr!p;e0t.s,,file4. 1131.9i7.6,11.28 1c6(2:4361,z.19.ii).1; .r8o)T-Isa1315r.fy7e (1(2t186.10)),,;r(tiba51,:e..leyzyi 1piretsh le te4.4211. peas 17.8 (18k infeelidiell.3 (16.6);a•tenelle,1 aelee.0 ler elopee eel.0 AZ 1 7 ,e,,,. „A„,,,,. _ ei.Lic loen. i•s• .‘„1:\,,,,l.. '44Eielo,slal'iringd ,th:ttkii„ei:71ner',76!:riatliel„eDle.o: i2,b ,t;seisoceso,lei.etnoos4tuar:s11:74Z.4ci,--11r0;t-o;sap;41:8, ersoi; ,i'2'9' ii(17-1).-1--- '1*.: srliiilak._,;..!;149r14714aY''asiF. ;21si4'1.S''''";7;';'; :;" "kfliltil:7:::1:1's..it's thought that the life of Miss lilas- a delayed shot, wrecktel a New Pro for the last SOrtirlfet214 which give1,,t,21.,, a worker in ilie Anglican ells- pert coal shaft at Kirkpatrick, at itea ' rs Whfch WI he eng"-ia- •e - Now 'Yore' _Beaten s . e '-',.:2-. . 'mi.,- ,"•liedinen ',never .tetieWlee ,dsiernotede4n 1(.1141741.ell;Pr,•Xtt't ‘19§."''';'ili14'''.1:1;;;rttl''. e''''''' isa',,„•iWP' lazco"rldi:srind #mparos fv'ith 8,$073,(10°6to the far -away railway station and we•ed:Jthe-eble eel" plishk,tiebb'ugdlii;.the'tifiee- .. ,-,e VIr".VtLWssqna;lieltg:F,IJI1' nulktUpon. arrival ligie.: Bishop Rcbins „-.4ple .t.l•plee .71,en b.p,I.I.pyp,4,;„ilqw), .9}4.4,. ?ilitF4-7'r:-.24e•---rg:;:fliticT4 :-.44:iNiail3n:4Te'iseiimmediately 'decided' upon. Ths next eamilYefe efalcoleweeberriebniliontssee . ,xtovc:fis„te„liroack-m00. With -tent man, had his jaw broken:We:in leg :.,.',::';', i'l: 1371St..4...,r,.4'Ciiedii.Pital02.P114•44file'ells(131:Igiv,I.I.TP.,by radio fioni C,ICIA. -This was done eeploeleff efeleretelp,5•1 '11', ' e•Ty'•"`!' .„.;,-,* AttrYil,tgekaieVAIA i' to Chanze inin.ns,, . -0. good results that to -day a •received igiVielleit tha inLea, rid8-7).2yeitoecegtel 2e. evetesiii•es(tlibe tro-1,51oc ;; 1 '' have dug in for aa all-w•eterI W 1 „up by the,terrific emeh-eeftsgelfi:filiat ,.',.,„. ::' '''. ',:,.!, ;:' ":,P. '?'-'..c:j (1;111.Flrii°4!_ig:.421i:11Pkio t° 17c:17/1°'"' 717:15-/E57-111..I'l ?'!'17:7', $6.25 to $6.70; do, geed, $a. they will egree to no settlenmet thatFord Citix ' troit Girl I t EMAL2Sh Iiit.'471:-9,,t;sp)itgrr9,;tq., 50' , '., . W. :4n' ,o eflike:Ealrt•diticatartregPII 1It'1-11 l'se,''l'itkii 6; do. rned., $4.60 to $5; do cont. • '+ , will increase the cost of fuel to theKilled an no ier Serio ses ?Abe submarine M -I, which dived in the 7 divers' operations are 11,,!watera of the English Channel off i When the submerine flotiaa le t, ,. 1RM1M11 A7:';.xsr: i ,�Ciinl:,il IL'f11tItft5 !-+i l.1 _.. - - - - - - _ ,.- ..�,. _nt 4. - Y - 1 . - c pet :10.,1 i. , n,i trig..; h:t ii1 ' ..r.1d'a: 9nlitne : an cat ere, • e e,,.,. 0, `spring- C m ng on :p of a declaration in- a •,r' • y�, r n 4 a " o "D1aTt1W2Y1ll�1z :]J to ::,ii o:ri nn tins),-" t , •tom W_k3Srriii itl , •"Tk �: gy. °X+ a tlithtsrbo Tooth e :n Y w' tel9fidie N' 493'1`.1l?#tn ieill411. tlkns.nA.4eelterieTislei!ee choice, $00 to $100; do, fair, $40 by Joh t L. Lewis to the Governor that )y, . a) y :: Syy . _ •l•i,l ; on• +, 8 flf A hid, RiaT9t' y�t4.aSlitt+Yr 9fttob,}c :'1T,ri eXkosmy Ito 'G0; feeders, good, $a. +: or iii yrs'( ,i r fight until the oper- i.. .d•. ,a. veil j><.:,h'o'Fi'EG"ii'Ct.y < ver ea �e aq ''vv,ltm ,. : =:xi F .,?:,bliged ` 2lev- R iber, t e word is horizontal. if 1:1 o ctriyldt>ilaitkt u Mb ttuist)3 laY� dC 4tllsutileLtixird ihi2tnrh1caU1 7tiit�dailidijt)$n vthhtatYte3can-nahigtirsxr#i$do fair, X450 to $6; sta sit fi0 abandon their position 'II t"oilsf,,-:;.'l ti ,'st.uco h riser orate; of t9)urso begin rv{ar7#.Iftnd;,Yt vslPf�dats1,_•fl'9texYdfl�dtloi4ditt°d out txdh.,�tflnierdd�t$eoenlr4odtttlioi5 $4 ;5 to $,s.75; do, fair, �o o n..l i 5, e raases and continuous ..' r. i 3c: ` `�,e =it 1` 1 th-. t. rl'u . t I trt . a .fo to v i r : t esr•1?ti•:tlri> r riF3 iii ha dNe'<arc t�iat7l% ca .es choice, $10.G0 to �aPX u`�do, operation. 1Fia'or Inglis' statement 11 r� 111 1' t ! . �r, Nt, tut,htilfll. T>tin th,tivti tlbgrs ,CA.7. g. , r P ] g $ Srt, R, " d' �Ji? _ I i till 9; o t a J o !:f 6 n 'iho 1 e ' i e'- 1 ,5 rip $9 to $l0; do, grassers, GG to ; ti jQ i I , tit3 ¢ . u ,w . - r 1 i1FhsY e Britt liltiso}1}is39R1:i1A4F;Ap..'{11i edfit .li-train^"t'ite%Ecerta hi°•t+Itie , $h'di'c+'_ ',left the situation exactly whore it was • rw ,, eta 'r it .t , s: L I'i, � is ; riy Stec thy aY o o e r. f , r f 1 i` a$G goo light shoe gG.GO to .50; r 9 . le �o d, r x r t tS 631 r c. , §litP1 .. lRIT'-.I +^,� YGig .1.0i. �vou:d be @t>lted ba_or .khan',' .tkri�t x a 1 ; I I,. 1 .id + iig h' e . t6�1 T 51Y�er3 '; ' a' h wl:l'te square. 'rills will furnisd s t, , et aI es w ds lii ci t;..a t t t r.:; :,r� i her. pies;°�14i�7. "ji+l.ii to $f b4S �A[$�ils t$1WtttYiomthdoliY4gement to s ( envie: '-ill Kay ei ; . °��` FI; iv hit at right t : -- �1,sus ; s.9` r> PS ,... oete .. ov�i ii uiltl}n alt} 11. $oil; r; ii e u i lis $13 to 13..2G ; do ed., $12 the Governor to, xoset 1: tip five per m, Lt I ; •:. ght nngles: Continue i tl A'iit Hle f u�!i #11 i'J1•'�aq $gyp$ e i3 fie, -71.1:341e4- •r ,...:t a 1 ,.de:r. , r fs N h .. �rx : ^ med., 'i „t 4 - 17. , ti t„"'",sons 1 ,: r �;. 4, �� }f4fingri' t 11 d. Xf ujY tzzle ; r 6EC�' �E! ii6if rieacryt.{ b rt i , }yc7oz lfib�j t pr✓aJ<� 7 ttyu url t: o ' 12?a0, $, 3bd' s, $%0i' Ib. G? ct 413. inLaY tt scl lS ii b e close t +it hlil.;,t l - ;,..: ' R*� SJo':§! i'0,611iLi� .. C�`9IiR.tt`PP+ �,li Vet• , ya �} g� : 1�g 'ttl ( r 117q,,��a t?R '” ' the "1U, wdiLQ De a An ,1`I) h3llr.;�+'&�tflePond',g ¢�} HI fluff} boa:, db cues, $S.GO to $tJ.50; hogs, thick to h9&xi"lie'ismPk&iflcav a :b s'fifid • I . i.s 'e Et2i wee - :q s e rain '�.tew' 5ny:- i !Ii' a ti Jsnr.• !•srntorrr %MTV t' t g Bess -c, Horizontal. Ar t 1. ,htnaii al :,1. 1,-,0- aa: ,r, '• bite,•t}.,}het:4. +91?. ;G^i8:;'4??? 11+?g sn , ths, fed and watered, $11.SG; do,' eom romiso. ' t Iii r. ns .,;;�„;drj .,..!_n ,t9- b t, t ' 1., 11.2G; do, country Dints 17 :Iwo mliiOrFt aaash .a rise o3±r't° alaiatsietiivstariitbYt lens l•1 Xn an ontert ° �anner. ' 'tpi} iia'dn$l;ilirr.'fMtlAuaQlZjlaltei)z : Re ,tr,'ry!1V d t+ >tH1:':a4Y hIP" 5-21:1 $ y P Y Si ' --= > ti't;'r is in Hig'h:and Park it 4l'cR11 4Vieal'iifcjt ion the death of the thizr• 0, Destines q ; er tnin5s4. c nt}1}iaGjg ,pii Itlye; valy 9fr atts.b, ldjsagits 'x .;j .12,..14 do 'off cars, $12.25; seed premiums, p $2 $ $e� n� gsatiitr.e huntin YgdA IZussi$ ig` t,ai i' $2 Dazavdao.n9farr ropaa.l$ro:O set. Vital with a•.•l>ittkelf kJY'Y18 'anzli, tither: Y�'ttzQ int,°:dfiafittrlt ' ' g l�k ii'' e, , tent hapy� n ki nd wkthil 2l"'Tho Goc • z r r * az:,l r r',«c.! ...>nr, , . ,:�taq� �-I�o� d^'��Y�"�^�:�. s (I j. �i, b't'i� 4. n � 3' 't� a s, .r it at x1+• r".: , • MONTItl]AL. e teas ✓a' }' luJreF. tt T. .t},„;�} r.. �11 '1' a }�'t Sl j6' Common level. Q 6' t „, >{ [V �rS }� ^ nsWt s:si li : f ;,,s„ yll. u ats Can. west. No. 2 Gdc do i rl cordtn to turf' 8`s' of thg• eci-'ifi hou h a � arl•, Y 171 IX ate i r , � ?.:s> nnT::!(,? ' ' 'Aniifee 3 ;” dr'iry s 4.. din .g... , r, r .tfrl' •,. , t: <r . L i e d t(a r f 76F.: 6 Litt �xj��,or .4 ... 'r., :Nt , G61lsc; exk iVc"s?e� c21de'G� , '' l' es�ii idlt fzti� 1 mz� 1SeR aYa:- d' atf'Ftotg'e-r, wltt_o o�irida S To request 7f4irC'- 4..1.11;1! rlY� �0,r1��S,'; si''r • VVOrfl{ll: �_ �. �?. j.T.1 nt •tlre aatefi�boi.e was on the wrong 'Nos kil�'e tde of the street The impact thieve Martin Dahl, aged t25 yearp' o th0 }� cirrous fruit •" '°•''t �a•o- local white, file. Floor; Vlan. Bravo dyeds and brave men were hon- i 'liter; tklc+a•drniver, 'find,4 4ttasi4Frolastf:400 ii05iPiltii Rf&tit'tt4tch5ii.' ivas shot r 1 y', s o& ,, �.7�" f-., t :tndsltdebritIttchii•,..:•r:s`sat'tervii."LEiritriskyn6f BtufP 3 Bil9 wa IG ii {�1T�,441143 11*.�,1 do imrteiuevm of Icary„t t5urt[x)r' I, n pJ a' . o �ti t tats, ba t G ai' v1r' ;+• rough ---se, l Did tts•11: la,} ah,,his,sdi0 IPathe 3-,?:7I':nn atio'it 1lmAll hfiiof Ititf587ixal•aliV?9;uprt i The human is nat:bke.onWyeinitriit at rJP s. TAn dt1 wii�iict"$i ti"it ifies, t'�y� tttdtid{t"isln `, e Y y �6 k s s + • rel tzaet2d+, b gocli tlours tt Y SipnTd�r qq v $ Shorts, ave their lives for their counts and + a son vvexe ink h bush,_ toggtherl' t ql( 'ntbolo a} ftl.nofad maudaiin7spttn 1 Y a3 1ti;a it;,, rc 35.25. lino rr _ g >+ �y n”' k :r. , ai or1,1•1"A7•, A.d .;. ,... r& 'Ps•E] f'!Y 4' _. •a: 4G AS, '. ,e,, ia':s§SOY 1 1' 117!:: , ,.->•rvurir t "' -r, _c , all of whom gained the ighests ,r„^ h, tTl n�nare. ,r�, „ �- >� 16.,. efeati..'. 11 -91121,1 1''N t'i'dnh1 li'ttlt A%helrtt hesl0idtiffei 2. ,er ton, car lots, $�4w. �o�rit 3sdtt AAix$shrough the knee, frotri � 0 + :ttuP .i+. Q ' 51 1$., t: 31 ' "� .G aatynanw.akv ° i ire' ritatit w-«iueai ii,..: i,.. j a t 4 p} i1c}c � c m )fae?lau..lati u' ^ Illilve'f96;a:lilallan'.11/4111tilhOrak-:1,0 ltuAyBythitfiieasts, .22 /ac,•--Butter;.-Ne.--1-pnsteurie .,,. 1p,Yrs „1.1*ltet=1at,�:: -'' i 0 ', ` u iCai' fns �t. 70: Plie final a a, r, are:FuM wt s. QFea e • 42 to we,' :"""�"'e111 19111. o' i ell" .1 cam. •t': , i ?�Ia,.. ,, t Agia*p'i :$ <' 1, Parlor aPshy soul i(.. itftitttl }'n tk 6ed, 48 to 431JI�'� 1ante cou'ia fie secure..:... — ;{ cld0�ition: p ! Prom tract BJ? N$?Pi# (luddhism). +• }., frdd` T" b1'4YI3 t iii a t3h. d'a andI i .- ,, icinity of : Rj. tlspe)•.. Park ;40,%00 421.4c; Seco F,.. : gsa, I C F . n a.• tree cases death was pro- `4 4 ,�3t Preserve i„�bt ha. 73. One v ho steers a, gat. ,: n,,, , . er.: o` a r. : r storage extras >��i> ,-§t0liag� Rrs$s is l 7 d {��t i '1 thapfev ,,b, ?, ..:•(i,.. .,•t.,., ,;^., . S ,t. Leo�t"rJ P �at� 1 I u. h�nr,.•-' G tli. et a,a.ee i.. 2fiIT1•eki aft PnYtt a t� LF.. SQBE RIZE°23.Zffi ; axhunctselr�iee*id4itt11•I:. yl•, f, ..• s ia<,�,' . i ,.h°. : s:,.,o,', +,•: Ai resent ,time ver -:la . ',storage SO, 'Ere'h``sPeoia'i$; ; i o 0°T ��i g" S. 4 idr€ Je genus Y ell fish (1ti; i) 2„6-.01.,,,-1-0 stlilfftllbn of ,tlie earths itQ .11- Y. law. two: _ ktl ... n t� n y eY ZE aSAli ( -w-- • 0 .Gh'''Y ,(astir:) a;, J % :,dr $(irfa7eV,'rcu '2: ,u... ," , ' humitars of elk and deer are rasirttg:70c; fresh' extras.• G3 to GGc;:frea]I larmilitia ., ,r;., ,i s. f i` r '• and r1ta s 045 ftrtss58c iPtiYed • fir }314..-6.,- d A taco ay tot lir i4�itikt t� �,liC � r t fi, 41. 7 :F Duca. j:r - 23t xii eoo>fl vessel deity,. rim- the• eou se,. d axod , :.,ham,, rg of, tirat>tl stood) in xeaskY3tltz: t.etice, t he fou °dipcd n 2{ttlu a 7C fl d• #tile ?43.1 e of: stea ? i uin fro • 03:0e 3 ::SUrrbtls(ddd- with a'tth : 'i: the vicinity. lite Clifn- 1tOts: Qu g r $� $-- t : t In tgr ea tits A9P x.r • k r, X , 1 ?�?- 51i. g , .. 11 numerous in v y , o1,1.:;. .,,,, s: r Sit {, aitttliis iietFt.i3Tlerli€Ct�ti xod earn g::verYr:arnall(sdatfg) :. f t t t v a, ar . rq.. r .ft . s t ro asva a soon''+4' t nbdieh rob` nn ril� Y �p Ea'TI+. n Britain i '` €tr to ttte;p r ,h. • % 3 , tiaythIn any he isl3ued 31i. etrueti011 �the4t ;le -. j{ s .:''#+i� 11Ix taB;=.nieid ri'nh2t ecm4litl tlmo rci�ailp• o,slr atx _ 444. 4 outhern cons dlTatlan. r"''err: 3 ir>vlafgliatxhiolste'red leap) E1.., p :I lea �7et Crtsaturtg CI fl,.,l,,ii. ' e. bit s Aur. to: ALMetitl rho ages al�el nod gizteeo, i '{ - t '`.•, I r •elk and de Y Te not tb be'•in(y.es .. Asgo°latiUa. Thpa wo c,Q a i' ' brk% 1 t11P. klra�t(,'e'" S:°ttl:' 1C31'll't r(]( al11 at you from London says: '•A,,dbn. 3,. An,-lnfAn$ta,':hedr :' 11" - r " g :ire_ .: tahl :..r. �i,Iato tlLlo Ur Ad- ABSOLUTELY FREE too A d__).atch y i , • .. for"d even °%:atn the 'cOt4x ee as -t cit AV --:9771;e: 1/c,"trI"thfl' t]'ed$`i7 afri%.et �vgex i `7. An nt ( . I .. 3 :/A Pout1)0rua•esert .. h s li '., r: X 1'1 a f t a. �7 cid i.: )repo- l zt*, Col Me nl,r ras9'i "'" ..�•� ,,. r ., ... ,; , veil short r Thsa o d fl tom} e c til)%nue i sp, ae of the ,. v es,,,, Frodtic, 'ligi Vay{iaN L in' Seyera (., .P ? Cq}tt„:Q.. Ira c, AL. ..w ., z{a aooh.. a. Atata g '`%: Xf'.."h :,_,• Y'.,. { . -..,° i 1•p $: i;'t .. (?Y 1 ...nee, ' :: aimere ee :m a n ay...... +, dorsa �+ . ,, n°t a- A. a er,rd° •aag� ��: Soot=and;matith' disease:f�ltlle• Minister „ S Stan''" _ � 11 �' ¢i i m ... : �gt n r s , fs g ti tike a_ •taYrnhekdettts . {! v rJYt,ht.. mo.a cors a ries: uaY"% col- „ i''clAAt (dialect)t if, 4 w „4A, a• . .: ways, one Q r ,,i. b'T.4-,',t , •-,'- e .: eeP„i' a iofaiiytt A..� , dy ro;rat �.-s,d,,.,.,.,,� r:.''.: 3rai'o eteitt Motion or synonyms to aero of icu.tur has issued a stand -..15 A:Y3e ci. anitr arr:; �i ss 4L.','lkakes,77058 h i ht.,.:,,a -” 'the„Fp rsa.1,.tntmed t ,e ta'tilatet reporter) .for the* „tontlt_of October NapaneE-•"JV'a1PIdiY'78•---`•-^-'”-' Tao and() no ' � ” 4t'. • ay., .., Y� .:% 1 . ,1.:3 - ' ,. .,e µ .at3% ,:,...I r r Una letter of ol- d botscl Of Yana a0° rlu `>a�•t 1=~TMoi•der prohibitingany movements ki61'. ;Co.tyrp ect ,•: s:", ugl ect d '• ✓ 44"A` t•isg. pm ... '` accord >;t�z1 s#af.tstt'is xfu":itmh�d yth'e t^. A� i, :i liaboG n , q,`�tgG, v : �• 1- ,:,, ,, .,;,.}.ie 1 }(. trp�t�r, „s y, J :t:t.::;, 1 rkklat ti}4. ,G1fFP�Tjv Se.2i}, u1y itnd, t170}�t; t Ig;.. i �;i,,� lnYaYldmO�her at Thi k�l"three nnit. Ut snaawo MAIN! ofthia ,ga� rt;`3or`eatt':e over a large art of the Mid- 1 I: N 4 A. Kln ,•O,FSWl)CS(.fAb ,1'�'Ctl .,a,;lii COIIraC .dllri , k' earl. }V d .nU.Tnr sa�, l�::Qf�Ii:`•y'%'y ai[. i<tmntlb,'�'lOnAII3{'�,tWAai �ir,py-7,1�yAi jl�',,°",,�,z.,, add!nan. the onnortuatty of g P r: 1, i--`` TTt81.'�' .,+.:'r . fi7i�,. Q Fi '1. for "t�atta" e6arlaa In Lao SnOO.00 toga , •.. •, •,., i g N '. k 7`:r/'�„;,1: - .:.•- .4, 1,tt ilylental{ 1.4,iisf r i41if::n11':la . ., ».: .1. , -. ,.27G A'liri tRIY419i41.3=11a1,1�t'ayibros'�imgitttk°:t.: whlyr ulll bo tllVided - ..+and C;tl?11ati,,.3,,y,Rrlr�.i•tSouth ling.and. ,: .. i � N, ,, .., �. ',su, , ,! , 't r} - ...: ba•:�nn:�ie l,lla�•.2�S1r.•,,it. .r.. . 11. (: ,, is • 1, t. A. despatch -from I{zngstcn says:- _e-tb tis . ...., T i,p< ' 12.149; \ l., ?, lfi C.. ,a rr11<rryr. ..,n, , f sl'lsvbt.urn pu•rlbs:iuscuiy. T.� nIi temp rthe measure will ,.,.. - ;7,,, �, ,i - B. -. ,. , ,'I ippo '.' 1 si:`fd'e ultrtA -z•`:"asin ':iit,Lac:2s 0.11�sy4Vreyttols`sleil}ythcAdr icars4 -+- •,• - , frond your aUlutlanottbo aaovo Puzzlnaad taoAlx r-hopes� i •{ .,. �If ,, , 51f'rJ;a>?thlnt, (s}-nt o. ,;. ,.1;,,; •;r ..Seavex,; 'tc g ..,. a .c ,�� s. iiVi•.tam FSa. 1+- v1 td+:s-nest' truos and sddr,'sg.(m today a°d 4at Your book. I[ till only temporary but he Dint .out , +`1 ::.., Ijv , i ,sy r • r r ••,.; �. r ...F?' •>v rb?:and•*bite:t`co.an .rhos estab�:(�UI .gQvglnsexi•:atr.t:tis,.nt scFp6Ytr�ii€ ihe�ii, y� oananaoiva oitieele'l'r aMetogoi y,em Y P Yr P «li :;: � ,1 fr,._, I ; 6 R:Td pracedd,., •. ,,1, :,etui e > lg - 4idtk ltesont r: ertI theliee1 Ni''Pante,"enjoys 4:1 h .} a dtstine- iai..,iFe°p og °ve oa,tbnt Sar,qO;,a �Dttzo. that 951drp9feTi Sig 3 n Ged it as, >t i, „ It l•ad:g I fins'eeLoVe ?tik:10101 6i bid, g'l P 7; ".'l vi * nr m 1 r t ddr:}93�sJ o, td.MadalP.c,rrSle'1ai-sii .- �. ;;,gr,itvzi_=,; Dole xtia3A: +! o,. .)< e.. e. 1Ti, 119Pgr;itritvi,i,,, ,b t,,. ;, e•., : '.•4 Al.i :tdoaiiU Ite41W1 i in i t'f1p� dT $m = t,'tka.ryia s...,, -....to, iiopt• wL and 150 outbreaks to sixteen counties. ..iP,`� sl ei 7" ve 3 t• siyo g e' uidG t]Ifl i'`htNe 1 /. i 7t ala 3a y1icY ; ast;e:Ulte age; (y t t r 1 al srdlibe .. ,`-, .?�.'�'_._ .:r_ , r_.._ ii'! ,••-i :.'b` Y I r- 'T" 1, ��,•' :,,1 !.t :1. 941"'71, (,i %Ir .7 1.1:4.'r' IrA1r7-Y ,II'�i'f-'li'4' fi 'iE.F$'_^TY7''''1"14151111 �i 5: ?i,l �M h5`j' 1 l r - Y +I : ; . ud 1Fis q Z ..i. t las rna•.,, (Jij r t.> J t�• flYei$7�.$ 3 s. 51ii Jo ei nitb4so hill i i4I nvfiTt� { *'1,{ • Yi Y f!"+"^ p _ M;,�{ i t lis r4T 0i's$A.e l ot1COr138S ft (3 YI�u1i8YnL>SSrr• et�LECBt}7 i� & iiti'O5hawa,J; ho a the uga of 74.Nwi.S,,,+-x_-S„F _y�..,s1.---"�-..--1w.1 ..__ .6.•Y•...�.... .--�t _.....,_._ii.,('s rr: ss t:i _e:cls sts,d uu'!, tGr� oFFe2aov A You'vE Got�`too. rlvc r t r,r _ h.. r.• ,d sx'•-v'tjic mot of five Children, the stYConT jN•y5 11;=.7rI({itt i�ti„,141 °s` _ 'l 1?a044d}i"ri zs.ilHeve6et eaii ce TH tb loset :' w P� }4,ea.'tc.-ns•- .4 'ssd'm55oC1' -j 'S,t'J-A Ji:� A �� ��' ,�'� . •r,t� _ i:.Yi99�iv^;to& t�- a rn7 5Y I v'o b �' u TR n1a'Rtcro cl� 1 , 1i.� �1�fi ' I .. } you Ac A r $11li Yf' StG 2 fid; g.l 1 _. ns lnin97:.i;s .. } �' Y`r..,t+is• r _rr a 1 ,��3� _sU � `� Y I g`[� .+u�t�l § ,- �-�Tat• � ;-�,_, t, .s ; ,;,n.,„:z itrzid, w�ia tyos near te5i eau i el,. Go ARovND AND e VP n r 71 I SC�AD' as tb v5 _.rl.. .,417 t13d6s'Cakglf '_' 4:'0�, f atf ` % i'iial {� • If ' , leis]' nt• !ytt dl , is. Ilalcer„1$1'• $4Qye�,, s- of "c �,rl�si 1 .n.od''c ie. rt and has ti Rot ogt,aq �,poF 4110 W �r b . 7rJo:. .list bra 1 M b R: 'l''��(t ''d' ) lJl, j`ry, (. ,'+it•. i , ,x_ ,tit -Is ' ovtes, O ori nx li f, a: s.sr: , s 'i�!+i; )1412. T ns iamt,y gas e:, t itched m y„aw•oaw„ � ` ! ,' 0 t” f 4 t a l ' 1! Faos rFp• oz :1e :)'111"1 ,3903 3:• f •1 fra?, fteerd'whielti- r oidig wqut3• 'c• ab:o mr•o w"G es stir o inl rfl s sI sr 1r tR cc}ual, �” xx"t�. "•�i; to o:h� 7air•rn•ro ss$' .yliza t t:• "tit1t"39 qg7 7 •,,..0.} t•, jo 2911 37 ']til: 9Yt 'halo Plans G> f5lz3:'Ld! 'N9'eek 7s� .b7r�+ rr3 nadw d Y e } rki 3G :r1u1L f n I GD �s0°3 �Ae1•kestt�b4.50 1;t ▪ .At 3 1401.49 grit; 1 1 It 1L: j'; ono sd stair); . d 4. despatch fitto 1 i"says • )171 i lrrit9c 7 ,arjt govei �1 ! is e 11 s b7a: 714 3 G'ti 'rage t i t a B4iti. a rn .1741 .a. ” F pine pi y e pat• lit . �1ilgc . ^'• rt' s + I tr,,yb new fields.. '' I 1 pursuanco. of this tf 01t1 151741457-.1--''''''>iDlley the Board of Trade and the A.47-7----1...:14.' #- 'lot 1C dr G1' r TA e et' t uti v(1 t Ii.c r d!'.:111-::•1:-1,,,I#1,41-tr ty� Jr" t b �! ' 11 legclers thxOUi''.th a Its tging -, ?'. r�.4., �ho to groin to r' •e i> anus )...r w,l,�)V...l: _ - : r: < N 3-.'.�'S� fl',z�1i?6" � <.. „ 't" t t = 4f mmt rr r: rry tv33,. ; ..tins sliii-,::In< e r ;, t. Safi PFS f Wes1c, to be ddpvoted so:$.y _ M ,'1 «,'44 S1 s�si,tl :1.i,;•: Jl •>r - s tf , lrli f' s r, .. -, ,rt> 1v; ,... F ;( T�tttYiaq - i rro•-::..,s,,a•., I `o] nvrr_.; tali tan.n:,c•. s.lr , 1 to the sale of em e' pa 1e goods in �t r.a: rt'. tit: nlJr' ;ytrlol. kyr •�sds2 vrkf na«ie , :r ,+ i. !s very city and to 4kfi•Ytho Uni ed :'r ` _, 3 .,_....._-:.--,r-'..-7-1,\v-11,0 s '{.1 hilts -1.. '1';1 - .7ei'21r F"F,. •`fr airiw,.' 'Gill `f •, t ,.1. �r, , m0 r ,fi^ ..-,..„,.--...-Yak„...„. � ci __ rY R P 17 ri ii a t x9 ai T . r T4itigdalrl. 511 Pe i g r t .. ..., :1 a 1ua tine 7rti.,lt:',t 11 :Y 1::7 IS ,heti t � v:ri:J' 'lr� t � n�"� 1 vhn, v� ,o��' 1 i g IMO a s .) ,fsllzlr i,S 1 "' � e, '� '. raF} 9•r,: cn i �tst..t fa:r ' f :r. -r ( : (r 1t' (114 ,:(1 ! .' qt' ^t ',Cr'.. it i' - + I0 AtC• ,: (;7' P;t"alhill if:ecd, ilk Iii iGi 7' ,11',•, u.:.�' �, px. yI� ;5ssr f ,•rC+r1K7.a t:U._ .r S- IEl"fr. :.1:fY' . �.I,„,L, =4^,1+J ill '.^t.ttlxslT, al r, ' -s:14a 311.E,1J a r. pli .a, ��t l 9' 1� tl 1 , � tk • M :+N 1 r t n 1 � ,• �f0.:x ", d J+r.rl ale is t btYrf zea s IrY,v 5r'atits" a , '4::l ^'1)14.2 4 r1 l 12).•191 s)- 2ki ,t,,,,t 01 r'?, i 14fr,!54.447'i; E. ,0'431', 015 >..,,,114 1..,,. ,as'74 j �fl? 5'! ¢!kYar/41WY11T+NtxP1Nl%f,:(okha h:hN1 LY hU G n,y,l+J i :91' P)'.t4: i(e .4.1241.14a ri'kri�i.- :7'19 m i f afa asSO0IU: man :re:tu g EevE c- F{{'o, ''O00 Fort Olde Ye R: ;tCt IGNCD vertu SAP STup�los` FoR FFII140 IYeA1Rs AT' I000, AaSTABlea t et , lt, 141..A.Ne Ae. tie 'roRE vA Tile co 1MT IN PA JIFFYt NOW Tor tea! 1 d� A O4N nhff AtSV MY,Av�'aGePR11- IXO4J5. 4iot gr{ l t'o'tlGitver AND!rD' E,V6.65 "Fo't, 1210' ..4101 ll021vr • +d1'"' 3 r 1: Jerk} 1S '. 11914 01 „ 2,19 01 - " 1200 ) t F! '-; J y .. r I lii!A 4 Fx lI h ,,,t d Fri :.,l)ryezociia .fall) 1 t2 <Ja s,,1a tan'gtin f 7'tt?' wHAT cAN L Do A h. T :We= bri740( 01 :114 f yw d fa d seer t ori' e• t "* ,N, NYaRi7rYYEEiblAi0160011001)1" a%4.71444111t11 Jr „W'%;rY'wWoPtuY+•Wn),PJ-4JNruOxWNu1',4044.l,