HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-19, Page 5`blea01611911,1160111111■14111111EXIMINISION do A SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- tees and some green vegetables, ha won't get up from the table dissatisfied. D. 11. STEWART Your Butcher Seaforth PH ONE 56, RUBBERS REPAIRED All kinds of Rubbers repaired.. Rubber bottoms sewn on Rubbers resoled. Felt insoles, laces, etc. in stock. .First class shoe repairing. Fred Barlow SEAFORTH Two doors south Beattie's Variety Store. ed & White ehain Stores laff' Y Specials for Friday, Nov. 20th and following week. 3 Minute Oats, lge, package 22 Lion Macaroni, I ib. 11c Crown Table Syrup, 2 11. tin .14c Serv-us Baking Soda, 1 M. 08c Serv-us Sal Soda, 2'i lbs ". 08c if you are not getting in on the Red and White Specials each week, you surely are missing sorrithing. Ask your neighbor. - New fruits arriving every day now. Our groceries are the very best quality we can procure, and don't forget the specially good ,Serv-us lines along with the other prompt service you always receive at •our stores. Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 W. M. Stewart Phone 77 "Where you will eventually buy," ORMS01110136M11196:111111101111P4=163011 W. J, Walker & Son UNDERTAKING -and-- ElVIBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 7. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. WAN& IIIIROSIMCNVIDZICANIIMME*013L tabs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. List .Ready EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prima for quantity olland ean, import eo Niagara Falls, Ont. Items of news are always wekome. CHURNING CEA WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own commutdty. Bend or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and teoting. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same, Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaford', Ont, moontimaesimmams.Wow.... eammommeatornmaymaaPammeamaranx..... D. H. McInnes chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- •' noons in future. Diseases of all all kinds success- , fully treated. agessanmageggeggenanntaillannnalinl FRESH OYSTERS Oyster season now m. First shipment to arrive Thurs. Nov PURE OLIVE OIL SWEET POTATOES. CRANBERRIES. CELERY TOMATOES CALIFORNIA GRA.PES. II 1 EZ for EeZEMPit 11berhart's Drug Store Seaforth HOG SHIPMENTS. Week ending Nov, 5th, Seaforth-Total 62, select bacon 44. Bruce 32, select bacon 16, thick smooth 15, shop hogs 1. Walton -Total 95, select bacon 29, thick 'smooth 59, heavies 2, lights & feeders 45. 'Huron county -Total 1,366. select 'bacon 458, thick ,smooth 810, heavies 40, extra heavy L. shop 49 :lights 21. The Northern Hockey League, m Wingha, Nov. 14. -The • annual meeting of the Northern Hockey League wit be .held in the Queen's Hotel, Palmerston, on Tuesday, De- cember 8th, at 4 o'clock. Each Club enteringthe League is entitled to one delegate. Notice of - amendments to the constitution, .must be in the hands of the Secretary, M. C. Bridge, Wingliam, not later than.Nov. Nev. 24th, and nomination for office by December 1st. The annual en- trance fee is five dollars for each team, Senior and Junior, and should be forwarded to the 'Secretary, to- gether with• a list of officers of the. Club and Club colors. Certificates will 'be distributed to the Clubs.. on 'payment of - fees. Clubs are 'requested to make it a point to have entries made early. 'Suggestions for group- .ings are also requested. To avand delay, when forwarding certificates for 'signature of the N. H. L. Secre- tary after completion by the. Clubs, there should be enclosed 'with the Jthalor, official birth certificates and amateur cards and with the Senior runateer cards. Amateur cards may be obtained on eaPplication to the Secretary; "Registration Committee of the Ontario Branch, c:tf C.,' 46 Richmond, street west, 'Toronto. Following in tbe wake of theeall.A., a residence, rule will in all probability be amended in brief as follows: A player must be, a bona -'fide and continuous resident • of the town to which bis ChM. •belongs since Mev 15thi, 1925. "The exceptions to this rule are etudeata teachers and sail- ors. The last wanted must' play where living January 1st, .1925. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c Vs Hezrolwao.m.rkowa................a.smamq•woosow•A giTown opics Miss Helen French, who is sup vising for a Montreal firm, was ca ed hime this .week owing to ti serious accident to her father. Mr. and Mrd Wesley Somers, BruSsels, spent tme day this we iwtrietliler.r. Somers' sister, Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. J. .A. McLaren .ha returned from a two weeks'.visit Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rising spe Sunday afternoon at the home Mr. Wilbert 'Webster. Mr. John M. McCowan left Thursday for a visit with friends Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. .Wilfred hicLar motored from 'Saginaw, Mich., at were guests at the parental home the former in Egmondville. Mr, and 'Mrs. john Gibb, of ,Stra ford, were town visitors, • Miss ,Belle Jackson has returne front a visit with relatives in Kite) ener. Miss Annie Gibson returned o Saturday to her home in Port •Bur Mrs, 'Allan Stone and little. so have returned to Norwich after visit with Mr, and Mrs. Nines Hud son, in Egmondville. .Mr -Harvey McKean l'oront is a guest at the home,pf his unci Mr, Pearson Chesney. Mr, 'H. 'F. Freeman, of Buffai Motored over and spent the .weel end with friends. He was accomp allied by his mother, who 'has bee visiting in Buffalo and Lockport, als with Mrs. 'Win. Clive in Hatnilton. Remember the Egmondville anal versary services Sunday next. Mrs. Homer Hunt returned o Thursday from a visit With friends i London, . Mrs, R. Bain, of 'Detroit, and Mis S. Dayntan, are guests 'of 'Mr. an Mrs. D. McCowan, Roxboro. ,Miss M. Johnston has returned af ter spending the week -end with Wal ton and Brussels friends Mrs. Fred Adams has returne after spending a week with friend near ,Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderaot spent Sunday with Tuckersmitl friends. The young ladies of St. James church will hold a social evening it the parish hall on Wednesday, Nov 25th. Raymond Redmond .archestr will furnish music. Mr. and iMes. James Dorrante en tertaitted about 90 friends and neigh burs at their home northeast of town on Friday night. Miss Edythe Hunt is visitin friends. in London. 'Miss Ellie Arclibald, of Toronto Mr. Chas. Else of Detroit, Miss 'Flor ence Theakstone of Toronto, and Mr Francis Fortune of 'Brockville, wer Thanksgiving guests at the home o Mr, and Mrs. Robert Archibald. Mr. A. M. Doig, of Detroit, visite his sister, Mrs. Crawford Simpson, o Egmondville. Miss Ruth Thompson, Tillsonburg and Miss 'Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, were •here atteeding the Green Thompson wedding. Miss Doris Clarkson, Toronto, i the guest of Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. Mrs. R. Fulton Irwin 'returned thi week after visiting her son in Gran Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie ar visiting their son, Mr. James Gil lespie, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparks and sot Lorne left on Wednesday to spell the winter in Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan Sr„ left on Tuesday for California. Mr. and Mrs. Honey, of St. Cath erines, are guests of their daughter Mrs. R. E. Bright. Miss Pearl Beaton leaves this weck to take a' position in Detroit. Mrs, Robert Strong is visiting he daughter, 'Mrs. A. Teamerson, it Kitchener. Mr. Backus is relieving in the bank at Wingham, Miss Belle Cumming, of Ottawa, spent the weelc-end in town. Mrs. J. Spain and family have moved to Kitchener, where Mr Spain has a position. Mr, A. Huclsoi has ren'ted Mr. Spain's house. Mr. George Hutchison was' hona from London over the weekend, The heavy weight of snow prove( too much for the Commercial' hote barn roof, causing it to collapse at 'Monday. evening, shortly after six 'Work of repairing is.now well under way. No serious (tentage was cased but ,Mr. R, Gibb's to contents, sedan which was parked iu the build ing had a narrow escape front a fall ing beam. ,Mr. Rowland, of Walton, recalls attending the naising of this barn sixty-two years ago. CHARLES H. RILEY. The whole cottemunity was shocked to hear hear that a well known citi- zen of Tuckersmith, Mr. Charles Riley, 'had. passed away on Sunday, Nov. 15th, following' a two weeks' illness. ',Ile had suffered from an- emia for 'the past year and a half. Deceased was born in Tuckensmith 58 years ago, the youngest, son of the latteajOs. Riley. Thirty-six years ago he married Miss Jane Allen, youngest daughter Of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm. •Allen. He had been, a menebee Egmondville church, and 'being public spiriteel, took active' 'nterest in municipal affairs, and Was member of the township council cor six years. Besides his widow, 'he 'eaves six children: Win, at home. Mrs. Bert. Hoggarth of ilulieti. 'Thaeles ' who served with the il'61st Bettalion 'elateieg the war and is now 'n the West, games in the West. \label and . Vera at' home; also 3 'trothers and a sister, 'George and 'cniatnin Riley of Kinblarn 'Med Jos. RJiley of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. 'amts Mann, of Constance. The untral which was field Wednesday fternoon• to Maitland Batik cente- kery, ,was 'largely atteeded, The THE SEAFORTH NEWS la a . = ' II- of !Ic . ,c 1 at D f , In . nt af : d 1 - 11 Prompt - ' . ... , ..., . .. , .. ..... ... ... , .. , 1 ' "sr ' 'r , Ladies' • Tailor a Gentlemen's Service . Assured Satisfaction . . Reasonable Prices . . ./ ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: • Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH Deters AVI&NINW. PHONE 257 , 1. arissiaamousasiaseentaminmsemliromits, exassnastaansranwatmaasamasonaminilatmam 11 a entire pathy hour Mr. - home - Bickell, 1 Monday, ) He was Ireland, - a youth in Grey' 1 1873 1 place years a they 1 to Seaforth, 12 years - of a - and •Mrs. 1 LATE 3 Onc spatted t Thomas home1 away ' Ross, I was • 88 years I was 21 to 'Martha • decry • a few hope, plied 1 ing and that township, , Killop. - land • was 1 cleared f tiful and continued 1 15 years London youngest ' to 'illness, ' to McKillop • his two was highly ; was as Scotch ; byterian mourn daughters, 1 of London, • Gavin H. Ross ; MCKillop. [ on Wednesday Bank ' conduoting bearers • Smith, Boyd, : , :With death , ed away , !RI ootsese,3,ealoloofrtisilihgiaseguoioldila.cceusssg"Th.iHotielielirs, Crfateir held on FergusonJ.aieland Those Mrs. Ross, Winnipeg, James dleefetPteastinsoYtiturflathtlYiethlotshs°se father. We :sBvipe,em: • etkidseds_ y. week hoM.nre. ttimailsdisert,,IGaCetir.:No Mr Ele .......,....,..„„........... • 5 Bars 3 - Poundslci.ngSugar 2TnsAYnerRas • 2TinsAylnerC:rn 2Tin 2TtsPork mecrnick,ssodas,2pounds.i,,. Ready Sehneider's , • community extends its sym- to the bereaved ones ih. their of grief. the on as in re - of the 'he in - in Mc- up He to his a to of the the eA'tso.. of Mr, and daughter at the last week. Mrs. week -end and sister, Conley. Mr. 'Stratford Mr. and Rochester, honeymoon Eckert. Tilly O'Connor, united in Monday. in the former and on Her many journey Miller's, the etomach ' and no with them rect the digestive courage that arc growth tested cases and trustworthy. - MANLEY. .Mrs. Uffelder and from Kitchener were home of Mr, Fred Pat, MeLaughlin spent at the home of her Mr, Peter and Mike IVIcLoughlin visitor last Sunday. Mrs. Prank Mack N.Y., are spending at her sister's, 'Mrs. She was formerly of Hibbert, 'marriage 'to Mr. Mack She was a trained place the last their return will reside friends wish them throukli /He. their visitxtrs Eckari tht brothel •Maggic was a from their Peter Miss and was last nurse 17 years there. a happy in at once, contact cor- in 'the and en- to the have at - of HENRY OUGHTON. ' Henry Oughton died at of his son-in-law, Mr. Thos. after ten .clays' illness, Nov. 16th., aged 77 years. born in Wexford County, and came to this country with his parents, and settled county. He was married to Margaret Ring of the same and lived there for about three and went to Walton, where spent 13 years, and then came where 'Mrs Oughton.died ago. He is survived by two family, John Oughton of Idaho, Thos. rickell, Seaforth. THOMAS SIMPSON. of McKillop's highly residents in 'the person Simpson passed peacefully on Monday, Nov. 16th at of his daughter, Mrs. Allan lot 16, concession .10..Deceased born in Londonderry, Ireland, ago last March. When years of age he *as married McDermid, of London- and they sailed for Canada days, coming to North East Perth 'County, Mr. Simpson his trade cif carpentry and item- built almost every barn and several in Six years later he took on the 10th of McKillop, which ;then a primeval forest. his farm and made a beau- home for himself and family, to 'reside there until ago, when he moved and made his home with son Thomas. Cater, owing he deckled to come back and make his home with daughters, Mr. Simpson esteemed and his word good as his bond. He was Liberal in politics and a. Pres- In religion. He leaves his loss two sons and three James of Winthrop, Thos. and Mrs. R. of Winnipeg, Man., Mrs. Alex, "and rldrs. Allan Ross The funeral was held afternoon to Maitland cemetery, Rev. 3'. A. Ferguson the services. The pall- were Calvin tHillen, Jatnes James Morrison, Robert John Bullard and David Boyd. Worm Powders attack and intestines worm can come in and live. They also unhealthy conditions organs that invite worms, setting up reactions most beneficial of the child. They their power in hundreds at all times are thoroughly ..0.,,, atr;.Z'a. ea faa ' %ael.1% •to „elj :ea'. • I - r,..,,,.. ...."..4 "" - -•'"it- 4 • - """'"."*"m" '1'" a j'143-7fridrvmc'T lym Oneida Community's Most Beautiful Design ---Cr'-'----- a a axle*, ,, IIIIV3/41111n .„__. 1 ' i ---.".-•'--e--•----'sketeaa 111111111111Pul e'en ., II" aet ."'" !I , '4,,,_' „•-';', '-') „.. ( ' 's, l' ,. .: a & ,...;:,, 1,I ' ) ‘-' 1/ op:r -rft,' .7r ' ° :1 :.7.:.....(i. -..4.. ' `-'-'— 5 ' , e ;;:; 11, 4 41,11.1 Il',,A,.s,,,,,,, Ai ' •',1''.'1' '-':01:•:A.,,r1.',..0 t Ir _ • • ••• ' 5:: ...4 • re, - I •• o' ,111 rilil v I - ,',1,,, ",--- ae 4 At . u. a1 .. a . ' L t`'.i i. ' ,,. WINTHROP. much reget we learned of sor Thomas Simpson who pass- ,Monday morning at wofMuiffielre:rdiaci elxdAusNilveloaevpt: ' Wednesday ahEteearn Bactodcudcuecttneeateeyi es°v:rnvjic taiDri.3lovMainrcge- Allen Ross and Mrs. Alex. :of McKillop; Mrs. MeGavin that are left to not: Thos. • of London and of McKillop. We extend our that 1:,),vivsfisb:NI:ero,11..titanRii,odbest; -rtaBi:enecrIgtsviiivc:61 ocir ra'3CY;riiiocltIvocdeinNi elViOa.oeci.k spent the 'rt.:Holland, aWoftancelIteidaromiAtgissis)treojetrirtio has retureed m. ,IBeros.,.ise.kv,atoi.:1C1B.. elBennett:caialtd • in.!with .Cominunity Week at Savauge's - Kash and Karry P. & G. Soap 23c • 25c 25c ' • '' • '' • • • 25c2TsAymerTonaoes sCampbell Soup ' 25c and Beans . . .'''• •• ,'• ' • • ''''' 2255cc 29c Cut Macaroni, 2 pkgs. 19c 'Cottage Rolls, per, pound 27c . IT PAYS TO BUY IN EGMONDVILLE W. J. Finnigan • Weicarry the Westihighouse Radiola 111.A A with Music Master Loud Speaker NThe most satisfactory set' at thelrnost reasonable prices. ICA and see them. 1 J. rodencti Electrical Supplies Isalosamm wesialami4p, with Mrs. John Brown. We are glad to report that Mr, raithwaite is able to, be out again. • LONDESBORO. w Mr. and Mrs. John Moon and Mas- ter jaek, of Toronto, spent Thanks- B giving with friends in this vicinity. 'Mrs. Harry Moon motored to To- ronto with Mr. John Moon and will rernian a week. Mr, and Mrs, Win. Addison cele- brated their silver wedding anniver- sary, on Saturday, Nov. 14th. Thera were bout forty guests. Miss 'Bl'anche Snell spent the holi- day with 'hr 'parents, the Rev. and Mrs, Snell. Some of the farmers still have tur- nips and potatoes in the ground. 'Mr. Dennis Roberton motored to London on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Riddell has returned after spending a week in Toronto. A very successful meeting of the Guild was held in Knox United church on Sunday evening. Mr. Ab - try gave an excellet address on Japan and a series of lantern -slide view, Practice has beguit for the 'Christ- mas entertainments. Mrs. N. Hunking and two chil- dren, of Clinton, spent the. week -end king of RADIO For Volume, Tone and KING EUTRODYN HINNERS Call and hear them at DODDS' GARAGE SEAFORTH. Phone 17. Poullitrg I 1 1; Gmaraerteed, to Maisel Ibur Hens Laij Mare Fggid Pratte Poultrys2,5,alk. rlr i adAdvice FREE PEATT FOOD CO. of CANADA ,letettat. TORONTO k,t11.41111hliPisitilt11111P' I 1 NINESIIINIPM111111129 IN FIVE YEARS' TIME What Will You Be Doing? Where Will You Be? The answer depends very largely upon your action NOW, You cannot hope for the greatest success unless you fully prepare yourself for it. Write today for full information regarding our courses, The completion of one of these may mean the difference between success and failure for you. New classes being formed every week. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. Principal, 55. P. Lumsden,B.R. LT The Smecial Milverton FI ur We Have it—Give it a Trial. Alto. Ground Screenings Chop of Pill Kinds C. G. T110 GRAIN DEALER S N IIIONE 25 Your Auto Needs If you are in need of Tires, giv,e us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, or have a Battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene we/ding, expert auto repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and _Chrysler Cars? Regiees .;;arage PHONE 167W. 61