HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-19, Page 4b
Sale Ends
turday, Nov, 28th
Preiaving Yotrsdf
to Greet
King Winter
This Sale affords you a splendid opportunity to
choose the Winter Overcoat you have been planning on
buying, The care we have exercised in purchasing these
coats assures you of getting the best • value for your
money. When it is known that our Overcoats are tnade
by such firms as Ascot, Empire and Society Brand, you
are in company with Canada's best clothing makers.
Ail Coats 20 Per Cent, Off
No Coat in the
store over $35,00
Your Chancel This sale, your one best
opportunity to buy your new Winter Coat
and save many dollars. This is the coat
event of the season. No other will ap-
proach it in variety or value. You will see
no coats more stylish than these, for every
every coat is a gem of mode, They ate a
profusion of types, insuring you an indivi-
dually becoming garment at a price much
lower than you ever expected to pay for
such beautiful coats...
So That Ail May Have
A New -
Afternoon or Evening Dress
A Great Sale of Dresses for every type of woman.
Priced at savings, and ,a scale range to gratify every
means of expenditure. In styles for every type of wo-
mna, flat crepe, crepe back satins, fancy faille,, plain
georgette models. Long and short sleeves. High and
low collars. Colors include all the newest.
to $25.00
See our specials in all the newest shades of Flannels
18 Dozen
in all sizes 14 to 17. Extra Special
• 9FOR 25c
5 dozen Boys' Heavy All Wool
Stockings, Black and Heather.
Reg. $1.00
20 per cent, Off
5 Dozen
Men's extra fine quality Rubber
Belts with Fancy Buckles
10 Dozen
Silk Knit Ties in all shades and
10 dozen Men's, Heavy Hanson
All Wool Work Sox; 4
Reg. 65c for
10 Dozen Men's Grey and Khaki
Cotton Flannel Work Shirts,
Extra Large Sizes 14 to 17
Reg. $1.50
for 'i 7 .19
3 doe. Men's Extra Heavy Black
lined Smocks with corduroy
Collars $2.89
Big B. Make
See our Special Prices on Men's
and Boys'
Work Mitts
5 dozen Men's Overalls, extra
large make, with elastic cross
back braces, set in pockets,
reinforced front. Every pair
$ 1.49
43 Only
in Grey or Brown Shades.
Reg. $5.O0 for
• $3,95
Men's Extra Heavy Cottonade
Work Pants, extra large make
While theylas$1.79 agx79
2 dozen only Men's Heather
Work Sweaters, $1.78
All sizes
Men's Fine Rib Sweater Coats in
Fawn and Grey $2
shades. Reg. $3.50
See our
Special Prices
on Odd
Thi; gives you a wonderful buy in brand new clothes. We
believe they are the best value on the market, even at regular
prices. Styles for Young Men as well as Dad. You'll see they
are good buying when you see them.
We wish to thank the buying public for their most valued patronage given us
during our short titne in Seaforth. We havealways new goods coming in from week to
week. We ask you to come in and look around and see our new goods whether you
wish to buy or not,
Pentnan's Heavy All Wool Rib
Shirts and Drawers $1 '
Reg. $2.25 `
See our prices on
34 Boys' Suits in all shades with
three piece belts. Value to $12.00
No Dress in the
store over $25.00
5 dozen Ladies' Pure Silk Huse,
Black,3rown and Tan 59
Shades. Reg. $1.00.. . .
45 only
Extra Special
12 dozen Ladies' Extra Fine
Quality Heavy Pure Silk Rib
Hose. All shades $1.29
and sizes
Thousands of men are insisting on Stanfield's because they
know from experience that it n ever fails to give satisfaction and
long wear.
Stanfield's Red Label, Rag. $3,50 for
Stanfield's Blue Label, Reg. $3.00, for
Stanfield's 880(57 -reg. $3,50, for
WALTON. scene of a pretty wedding on Artnis-
W, M. S.—The November meeting nee Day when their elder daughter
W. M. S. was en 1Ved- Marguerite Hannah became the
of the clay, the 11th gu t, held the base -
of Mr. Edward Earl Fawcett,
mem of the United Church, the eldest son of Mrs. T. Fawcett and
chair. the late Thos, Fawcett, of Hibbert
president, Mies. Oster iu the
township. The ceremony was ton -
After singing a hymn, Mrs. Neal led
in prayer, followed by Scripture fleeted by Rev. Dr. Brown. The
readiu yb • Mrs. Oster. A splendid bride, who was given away by her
g5 ... father, was attired in a gown of
rt- rt of the 1.iyi1, Presbytery was powder blue georgette over satin of
blu,ght by Mesdames . Gardiner, the same shade with silver trimmings
Berry and Neal. The topic on "tut- anti wore. siiver shoes and stockings.
,mt„•ation' eat given by Mrs, II. She also wort cite gift of the groom,
Campbell. Rc p'use to roll' call was a rope of pearls and carried a
a Scripture verse containing the word shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and
Peace. Secretaries are requested to lilies -of -the -valley. She was at -
bring reports to the next meeting to tended by her sister, Miss Effie
be held at the home of Mrs, A. Balfour, who wore a henna satin
Gardiner. The following officers crepe gown made with plain 'bodice
were elected for 1926: President, and flounced skirt and carried a
Mrs. Hugh 2i1,1
Campbell; 1st ice,. bird bouquet of gold chrysanthemums.
Simpson; ..0 1 vice, Mrs, B yang, The flower .girl, Miss Dorothy Dris-
vice, Mrs. Jladley; secretary, Mrs' toll, wore a frock of coral chiffon
McCallum; treasurer, Mrs. Per- and carried a basket of pale pink
guson; supply sec., Mrs, John Mo- rose,. The groom was supported by
Donald; home helpers' sec., Mrs. his brother. Mr. Fred' Fawcett, At
J. J, McGavfn; press sec, Mrs• the close of the ceremony a dainty
Oster; literature sec., Mrs. Berry; luncheon was served by four -of the
•.:Messenger sec., Mrs, Drager; Strang- brier's girl friends. In the evening Toronto after spending a few weeks
cis sec„ Mrs. McArthur; organists, a rec'ption was held. 'Later the with her sisters.
Mrs. W. Davidson and Mrs. J. young couple left by motor for Nia- The Guild of St. 'George's church
Ritchie. gara, the bride travelling in a gown diet at the .borne of Mrs, R. Hoy on
A fowl supper will be served on of sandalwood charfneen with hat Thursday of last week,
the evening of Nov, 30th in the and coat to thatch. Upon their re- Miss Anita Stewart has been
basement of the United Church, turn they will make their home int chosen as organist in St. 'George's
Walton. Admission, adults 50c, Stratford,, church as. Miss Hattie Bolger has
children 25c.There was a miscellaneous shower entered into the holy 'bonds of unatri-
A' party of bunters from the Hutt held at the 'home of'Mrs.John G. nt+on This fever for matrimony is
lett' Hunt Club left last week for the y
Grieve on Friday last in honor of becoming an epidemic around 'the
northern woods dear Pakesley, They Miss Agnes Beattie, prior to her village;
report big game scarce in that dist marriage on Wedntsda the .18th. 'Mrs. Smith dies been on the sick
tract, Those leaving' 'Walton" were About 35 guests had a very enjoyable list for the past few weeks with a
Archie Lamont, George McArthur, afternoon fn talking and playing severe "Ad.
Hugh . Campbell and Cecil tLydiattt euchre. After that
They will be Joined at Toronto by a deito-euopened
was served, The bride-to-be opened, ' DUBLIN.
party from Seaforth—Hawthorne, the presents and Miss Jean Archi-
r McMillan and A.
Dotn. a c.e l a M.
bald read the verses, Miss Agnes
Campbell, of Toronto, • Beattie thanked her, many friends
Fawcettanalfour:—The home ' 'of for the beautiful presents, ' after
Mr, and 'Mrs,. John (Balfour was the
which everyone joined in and sang' Mr. and Mrs, Michael McCarthy,1 visiting at the (tome of her father
"Oh, He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Logan.
Mr. J. Watt was in Toronto last Miss Aileen Jordan, who spent the
week disposing if a load of cattle. j•past week in Toronto visiting lir.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Sellers were visit•( and Mrs. Lyall Jordan, returned to
ing with lir. and Mrs. C. Sellers ;. her home on Tuesday evening.
over the week -end. i 'plisses Monica and Margaret
The annual bazaar under the aus-
pices of the ladies of St. George's
church will be .held in the A.O.U.W.
(tall on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. As
this has always been something that
was looked forward to for Christmas
gifts, this one will he as good and
better than those,preceding. 'Doors
will be strictly closed until 2 o'clock
Don't forget 'the date.
The benefit euchre held in the
A.O.U:W. 'hall last 'Wedtlesday even-
ing by the citizens of the village, was
a decided success: •Progessive euchre
was played until lunch acid after
that an old time dance until 1:30
o'clock, A good time was reported
by those present.
Miss Jean Drager is laid up with
measles and unable to attend. to
duties in Neal's store,
Miss 'Fern Love has returned from
re rift in 'it
Wedding bells a t aur
We tg g
burg 1
Mrs. Wnt, Monahan; of Detroit, ;is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Byrne returned home from Detroit
after a pleasant visit with their
brother, Mr. Basil Byrne.
Miss Mary O'Rourke,- of Stratford
Normal, spent the week -end at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs'.
Jos. O'Rourke.
Mr. John Flamtagan is sporting an
Overland touring car.
On .Friday 'afternoon, Nov. 13th,
the Dublin continuation school held
first literary meeting attd the' follow
tug officers were appointed: Presid-
ent, Dan. Williams; . vice-president,
Esther Ryan; recording secretary,
Jack Campbell; secretary -treasurer,
Anna Delaney; editor of the 'school
paper, 1Marie Beninger, assistant
editor, Iiugh Beninger; committee,
Angela Shea, Veronica,Dill, Joe Dill,
Mr. Leo Holland has returned from
a visit with his brother, Tom Hol-
land, in Windsor,
t1'Ir. James Shea made a business
trip to Loddon on Saturday.
Mrs, 'Leo. (Fortune, of 'Seaforth,
and Mrs. Paul Freeman, of Toronto,
visited friends itt Dublin on Saturday.
Mr. John Flynn returned from
London hospital much improved in
Weather .still continues wintry. We
had a southeaster •on Sunday and
northwester .Monday.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Father and was.becomin' becomingly attired itr
Kate Ryan is ' on the sick list again. g
Mrs. Annie Ryan has returned to a' gown of i'voi•y French silk flat,crepe
Seaforth after a pleasant visit:with+with silver'trimmfng and wore an
her niece, Mrs. Den. 'Dillon.
Miss Mary Beale and Mrs. James q
St. A
' Sundayat g
d' spent R mon s
ed P
was played byns 'F n'
M s EdnaJohnston,P
ustins sister of the room. The r
Miss Loretto Morels; of Detroit; is g groom I
Mr. James Morris, of Hibbert.
The Catholic Women's League
held their regular monthly tneeting
on Sunday afternoon in the•High
School. Interest centred chiefly on
the notes on the recent convention
lteld at Sarnia, which were read' by
the President. Ait interesting ad-
dress given by His Lordship Bishop
Fallon at Saguia was also outlined.
A vote of thanks was tendered to
the delegates after which the yearly
report of the activities of the C. W.
L. in this parish was read. This
showed much goad work is being
accomplished. It was decided at.
the meeting ,that the usual Christmas
boxes of clothing and fruit be sent
to 'the home at. London for the Or
plums and. Aged People. Mrs.'Wr.
O'Rourke kindly consented to pre,
pare a paper to be read at the next
meeting. It was also decided to hold.
a social evening in the near future, .
• Johnston -Bolger. - A very pretty
g P , . Y,
Nov. 4th, at the ,hotue of her par-
ents, .Mt:. and Mrs. John Bolger,
of Grey township, when their . eldest
daughter, Harriett Blanche, was
united in she holy 'bonds of ntatri
mony to Frank E, Johnston, only son'
of Mr, and Mrs, William Johnston,
of Mc1Clllop, The marriage cere-
mony was performed by Rev. F, L.
Lewin, the bridal' party standing
under a crescent of wedding bells.'
The bride was given away' by her
dein took lace on 'Wednesda
embroidered net bridal veil with
silver band and carried a thou uet of
c.e hes roses. Sw t rt `The` wedding music
gift to.the bride was a cabinet,
66 te,,.•
.1 �1 i . , w.
away ever ��
the customers"
c: ,e.JTi.dw.;t:�1lferchn,:t
�j t.
,>T1' Pithy take tz week to sell customers
. who can be sold in a •morn'i'ng
• -- -by Long Distance
During the signing of 'the register,
Miss Doreen ;Lewin played a violin
sele'tion, "Love Song" by Candoran,
Ouly the members of the two families
were present. 'After the ceremony,
the bridal party sat down to a
dainty luncheon in the dining room,
whi'ioh was prettily decorated in 'pink
and white. A reception was held at
the home of the bride's parents the
sane evening. About one hundred,
and fifty were present. The evening
was spent in .dancing and cards. Both
the hride and groom are popular
young people and the esteem in
which they are held, was testified by
the large nunnber" .of beautiful and.
cost] if•
t is the received. Y 8 Y The bride
travelled in dark pin -stripe suit avith
choker, hat, gloves, $louse and shoes
of sand. The happy young couple
will settle on the groomylgfarm a few
miles east of Winthrop. The bride
was organist in the Anglican church,
Walton, for the past six years and
will be much missed by the whole
community, -:
(Intended for •last week,)
November has started bright and
sunshiny and it is hoped that it will
be an improvement on October,
We regret • to say that Thomas.
Leming, who has been ill for sev-
.eral months, is not improving. Also
that Mr. Robert Munn has been in
very poor health.
Mr. Toll,' of Harlocic
by'hi accompanied
s eau h
g ter, visited friends on '
the Lead'bury line east bast Sunday.
'Mr. Neal and Mr. Humpht^ies, mer-
chants of Walton, still have rigs on
the .road gathering cream.