HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-19, Page 2a, .r phis:offer ht a rest, but she braced herself.EAL FOR EYES ;"3-Irellfen iiii-deretecid. reaulrod edueation. and Ekstrom of becoming I think liii Way nussit PEi. a pleasantwith tortoiseshell -or horn rime, ta fast'dressing room. -7711eii She came baCk- expoosi. to and -from New York. For urth, He set blarbourese-veneSe welettinytteepi ti,ii.re•Note hovilt relieves ,100,:so. ' becoming a craze froth whiCh some . •He distnititurMb.roundei She opened 'Tit!ie little iteei:V,qp gh-riatii, itip fr0221 high ale dookt;ge.nnA Panieeaame to.him. lti'ilver nit' tlie,Orge 43;413e7t1 fit'f311536,' ' '"'afte, z'heartY ea "'27(,, hie or her enplane°. At the same"Yes, igr.-iigPilsetaitiTx; -.Mu --via: 1.4, Jih,x,/,,,,i7.--,1,1o,,ir iimov oval ,111 .'o )",i.iill4bra th,e teeth. -it-, 1,, A , ''• . %'',, X:, Mfriii 0 c` -l' ^';' C'oitlibii particles thrvittletilitif4 anying that, as a na- tion; We ai7e, `of se keenly sighted tisfail illo • 12fttl'ifx Pjartri411.2!' will •°)61rbo'u'?'ali.f; ' ' 71.2 ''',11.., : 1.1. oil cierfokikarrimr ',tit r;:r ..initit",eatari -41(.11J l• I '''' ''''3031.333'? '3' 'toMes tO you.oculists have', ever beenlingiler than1, rol'ied°f oexcloltifseetarrs..,11e'fidils:.,Y...e jai';',3ttwitil::„,',,.4 .1.11;7,„ . :!...1:,t,11:ticis,ilit'll:":,;:-te::' ni:'117,1-ifi'5'.i.iilitr!ii.if:lYteZ1141.112:11).:,,,2:1911111(i'g'7.111'"1413P'i,:l!.LIK,„...ritt.1:aVCOIrerl. andawf'ly segyd ..t Nailee batIlmt,41 ,•,i,r, Anil . olo,soly allied. Some interesting factshas a c 11and IV'S' 012 ,gt peoe.,,,,,,), r. ••,;;6., t.••• -un-: ,auxioo 1": no? ', .es, unarm... „Ialmola ,o'r . irit,i1,,I, ,777,77,717,:, .T7,44,374(ii 71.ai3r.47.4matarisa---Vitilf1414 Tinyhalay_ei la:tell fame: tom light la tots con- -A Br.d Temper Cure.Atethe same time, it rather. touched' - ' ns r .:The ridescent stream of &Cite -melts the patient's. health improvediiie,Ortrance technique, I was afraid yeiii'd Brine go foT .„. ei.iti.4 7,:)t.,11011.:114 44,1,34 ti.iw,„111.11.teiftiztwri 11,4,..)hie.,1:1i.: i ivii ii it-iii.e3. vir.iiii,nittli:td-iti‘sLii,,s10.:na'ites,.,teis?ahlt..hsiaixge,glilale, Thttaofehre i;ciianni:Ith3gely the muscle controlthat ha flowed through Neilson'sIns ease , his colors. P*ttft.P2''He %,ks exuiting inwardly. Iler "F°' '''601"' Ill'e**4ilt 'at 11.7ttidl?';' '")the diredfibn ••.,Vg82.3114 'Sled -Wiest." ',9i)4 • ,.7.774 ' yaBight, i has been d sanvered, of - One miner he and -1-lendrickihacl' ...i....„: hiewn„,eitaiblx 3,._ Het eyes well.: Yea thirliti'I'd...leteyolvellimyf,e.,af6dr.1 .iiiii,i, .,..i.l.i.".i , Um f r ', ink ,777,(7.7,9 • .i.w 7 i .7 a 77 •. . if'en, affects, the digestion.' A woman ...,1a shack in Maine together, Whey ""-.“', „we •io .,100.11. .Itiee .1 ,u); ',mi.. .1)/kapgie?" replied t.he lady.gray, and looked unnaturally large. nu)ricipin'ige,'.4ei.Wf,,t,s,lib,gelreplla's.,r,vaLiel .,,t:iik'''t f -.1,6.',I8: 1",;11?"‘ -'4,': 3.:Tf4 7 r iiii•Nd;i' Unlade, ma; ,a,m;.; 1)&444, a tbstim 0, vino 4,moilittaiitiftvtio I „ei,painted,the sea and the rocks e.nd theHe would make her leave that off. 1°.`v'dfethe,mascara on her lashes, thosei highbalgurlitiftlAmtertil4V0 '10rishe had been almost a martyr clisap- that the dyaliettsla to which' latterlyReared after ;;r0,1.12 a,yeek or two ofto pose for them. , . _ , . ialk:. tiei.. c6101. wasIft s lit h as, ltic„IcH.'ai ve-1„:10silit%,..w.e,ttIme:iientitiest.vithe,, ,•11.,;210,,,,,,i1 ..illiii,1:::: e., -,,i tice Wintestic, es the flat -iron CaM9Iii. erri,‘ etheill.keenetti Aside qrorn Ina =Scare, "Y-yes5)buU, it'ir Veal i SatuodayLnighll .i.,d"',•., t'..,,c,..:( ,,icicilitiii.,:tisn, the.an,ls., 41.toso_ini:i.th.i..4:iliteples.:jet,,z,1 iiiitai:w7.17:jetrius4a.ilngailstiThicni_. 0:fotrfit.4.-.E.th6i911.11;:t117773.6".:10iir.:•;.--4:,-;...:..,.:. 1 Ifinished product; but ;%letilseli.,t3E44;#10 oTtr,cieit.3 e -.?1'.1c.- .1.Tfil'g'qeeali Fic'eth• Neilsen. sighethri- .11,,,:eio ..L. T .iiii.,. 'en ro omit):didn't intend to iintsli 1.4, /.-. hail i . t- advh, pliase. 1101.V listen—I When she had gone he sat down rlroji...: •different idea, don't want to hire any model who"I don t want to do a stiTi ure Won't stay until I'm finisloeci."in a seni ettin " -0,„saiil. ., ' vent IT Tiseftagtifitiliptquityright." as saleable asuitastoott, liletlineiv c.. ' Ivan'll6.4"Itible t,MTP qrkiti'lli.uf.' --r-c-t-•r' " ' .. froftmlirte b 0,4149. 64 i c)r; ..4111 Ito do a girl—a gaykiyaingf g • in a ,,, , Alta tioii t .„;o1.,,riter to work for hey werb good. Beautiful, litheirbright blge shift, poised on that rock, anyone else. I'll pay her so well that oung Aimee L. i wiiei was? putting her t...ii.,,iiii-ti.'.:' ii.,..; - . !mu.. ..i iii,streiNature's Danger Signals.with arn outstretched to the water— iyouth c allenging the se , On she i'von't need to. he must rest a nto the best wit hOilhadpeige.h)dignoti .6i ..v -6 .., imbik .6: I 2v$ St: 1:t[iii't'sJill:pillite!:Ivtli,tht!gm9.4wird;11;:41S84,go:ct)i4410!.;,11411, -:0‘i);:i3''''''';;A.:,.. 1;01'.1\1' D.7...15itgi,..L. i".17:2!..:_. :: 1 : os'17.e.t,Vo.e,,3;es san old, A Ise cruel thing hke thasvery yo ig thing dares ale: n erink too -many highballs with some- ( ?? •:,..0.. ."She must be not only young, but o'clock?"beautiful and extremely gay, A dome- Neilsen raised his chin.ter." ' -1, Aimee fidgeted, then giggled. .,„... He felt a destr-qe,tive.,inqoci'dpacoudii .''; 'Ittfill."314:rb°:1'1131?Itit'Whe'll '1)44 village'l' '''''''ir ''''.'3' ..• ;':1-16):111:11'4"'"' 117.71:-- ),•1".°7"_ :.1i,,ley..„8:el evaing pose,p„o_ligavier,,,thani„...s.sii.ourthal„ te. "It neepooary,"_ . . ,. _ _had ,,a vagne idea 'of going Soniewliefi ir.O.r.11; .:ari,g,,,apd isoxemphflecbin wiei,:r. owdliat k all og,t, reipli-ig oilis14;„ 66 r...4.-.....,......1*...........1.44..... V....4 .,...offered her $60 a week. She was He took-tlie- subway to 12Alti,44;et. ;Iferg;;:iiit lien styled; with,dusteeneughi .the,lenfew.1244e91,Ketsekei. II,R)...,6Th ,,I,;';','1 'f.',Algh,,e,Tell'cinlaTillat 111144 . aftaktel:.•stio'rreeliel'2..11'51o'fligletior':.tiviniseilahlas'' '14ra:1:11.'6;4% ,'.' • •here, facing- the yrefer to them for"I'll do several studies of thisit I startled, an 'didn't try toy il 1 I it, and ferried to,NeW......TerseY.; PTA tette :flare,;;to inakeiftimewr:and, still be 'Ihg, til''11. sgr A g .tor pir v a 4 nsketches of the sea, tbri re • them. a for a He set to work! ie�iit d diel il''� , t n^ t?t 1>�e jp t ou' o scrambled down the c:�i1£.ltnd through Lr � o.. n✓_ n-l;.Vn },•rgca,c. ,, ..,. 1\einarclis -•ilei: L 7fIU3": _"�_ i. , ,,,, „ . • 1111 t A SI Q , s :fif ,I '4 sdyo1 rlahlnpeYmaneuG-'tGi4e "in i -'.t.-21:;:'1:....0 decided paint ,..i,. �, s ,. h ftl;1wh1 two noir .abed erdturelLdw•Undei ilia ed r r->.�°' _,. arra,ac avlr,¢e, tair� ilii. lvr,.au,,c a;u •o of � � , t, :.'tcT•igRtiY ,._ � colors in. lingerie ,,�� .},-,..• Alvvays Buy u - t "'l1 �. in his New York studio. Then the- is its kind, impersonal smile. "Gan oil Here he sat down and lighted his' ibtittene.' €1 cent ' ti i'eiil bnbl� iereasteil I• -4:,;11e ocean below 60ll�r Yeo,' thea , •,- c t,� r lit 977 a ad ltgliV. 'i�'a' Iiut lh><' ^Ih g119L9, rTBlid:3'4§keit§ lit eye trouble; li,gl4t ipm„�•eadillg , eager to go back to the city, start to- oye at 9?' "'"'+ i e. The her"tvob, ,"�ye� 1'1 thus' h fur',tr>ntmui mafyi„be ; •• c 1� a t P,P �tPri}1; r 'rte• ei. Rialst5 'd r., y.b,, v, Hendricks wanted iter ,; stittA ” fe 3'r ed .tsn ?,tri '' •a , air softened hihif'-There waeh•Pitllettl iii-Sitted ; Alli'' av gr ui; 0 iiiieiiiees e a quite , tiiermly- 37- 40 ir:� � f! 'r t x:±r �.r r pi oaf ti oma .Priom behind and; p5 e t s Y ' ' °3td1 �� , o1r $.i. '4 r ra0 iIs ees +a t, to IR ltY , o• d a t'e, siboldngs f There were some girls:4136yiegi.PR the ',Neilsen 4.vtes pie tilt msef, gold haze the: Hudson -mid practical coat. SimpSe,_t; taight r, + r�; re; i -14.-a--': fiiggl} ± r orplrly,;over tAo'lett shouldor. ,: ' ` coast a little way who were willing to He we i'0 ..,` , •T.coat,-making ' dbrdoi tenYtiatattt1e beingegrees, S ... swbatera, dr erfa5 „Fins lurk lii,uld not ,betJ1er- ae ss -,the: hall, banging kit hattan. tl +• •sekms are used in .this--coat,-m g r „ oda make things pleasant for twee, visa, Adarn"8 '" r7 n t ''. t1" He was•an,artis he told himself--; c i c.:,560 T it, � � "t41e.' `otioltilif' • . r. goveri3's; ha fngs.Isdat tl ^. u o't 11113' -f r '= p e itths. a d dragged ham $ 4. it tin epsyRitibdtl,FoJ the:lSbtvnN.dn$nsd.i'.11.s?i r tached men :"'+':a 9 I i s: Th o, + t 1.. 771 g rri-r, : I-11 i, v e. ? i awe woingn :ilii . >;g ey w pt an aitist.pflworthrr•:T a "had wRrked Amei,ican.''At a• Egi -). bP,1'200 :Yee-:, —lei till ! r.•; t ouici:xlbed gasses if this were roto$ m3laer,:, No- b„ii innSizes 9;:36k ; Neilsen snorted a that. T e-opiy, to + pp bfi f..,cl4ae. He told Beeth hard, . If. the should the tq daY, his t . tempern,ure !..-mi„from ot3 t#egi +i . , . u ,;t)laiiionil! byre-no',otlei le ld r t i• ,;;; •u,..' girl he could 1]111 about w iv liAtt". { n'+=:att,3tt.n , 38 404, 42,144 and 40nnehes.busttk4szx I.f- 1 R ' Y.. r s , Whatley, atid.ao ed upon. �' ..' e t 1FSs"s would *cies that :: ro 6141 ega' ., S• ,er, to spirit ofyouth In a blue hint ': " ' „ ],� admired( :,Some of,hi •work he 88. 17ust reciuirestbl4ryards of 86 inch, . �� -i ::r: iter lbau w ab t eo1 v{le Qo !lho mm- ,, , ;r,'.:q{emol4 lag y 1Er iVaj*Ys '',:;.,.'• p , s ;. �2 ,1 . iii? Adam •blttja ie t , d, Soma S . t „ o., , ',,,,,i2 teuial:3lpA yr sh to co]pF,is nog of gdlk,, arrived m New rk at the en _"o '>Ght9u fi "1411 hadse.•' "AI ne h w fhou ht, wouicl hive. :. I :rgr:3} Yards •of 84seethe rri' terial.•THL '} e t 'f' l leu n 0410 Wh..•en;a fiiikeight'btt2llyr°lod edrtitrithe ilii. - $" $ Y .,. sa g Q; match�ler ,atlt?1 „lets„lf tiRP )Yiietl er ii,is 4,1,11 r. , x hhsoast'i1dTo August. „t. Atha ilxaiizrgton. sa4b'1=O'•'Snd now he .ua$, doing Inc befit Ie ,jiuing;:requires rthb r•saihie ambiitnt' df nail- :' ,- 'It',..1”' F1R edr:lit°y gr.4,ijs of the'upperll eyi]ti cl;'i< gob'il He interviewed several model im- .hey thereonce.:A beautiful ehxldy{•t+w Mew it. It ryas o reF:aE' ;]lice tIttn g material as'the co4tE: ` Pr[de 20 cetff>#•'g� bur '' ` i"-rr mediate] One "Ai' blond:.,.....:0: `Not, onl to ` a man is s ria o —eke. s otlie .• 7+ "', ...,---..1,.. •li1. , ilii >1n.. ,r.m---r.9r-, F -, - e+,•:c: em. - •• the 1 1hes oAYin$lit €s tpaake, hold` of g, q i].. .....�, his The•ga1115tsttiiitrr$ n. our i'ie v yiyenlaehes• o tl t . or.:l h [ sen f i } ( Y oks Yuen b } i � j9.:,. f.: . }, „••1 , y, was too statuesque: One had lovely, Young," exulted Neilsen, " Sevenii yet in doi' g. this ,,he. was.. depencjont . , ti.�fi .e_ i 1°it,. „ doing. Fashion jrBook, are .;td., nce .•styles fii r3 .. •.. , 1,11, SingeL.tind 1 iiiTi 3 d i1F3iR ,the ]•it3:ouG Childish features and the right color- Hear anything about her?” on a braitiless,little. butterfly - r' 1 rhea t� t' ,w an „'`- v ing, but she couldn't hold a danem The Scotsman laughed. .He eould'n'.t:gp pis wiih,,`Chelleiige" thei:holhe rlresa9}_ r•, ;}!}t} 11::. 9?Kf. s 8rde «01 downwards; the lashes ot g . , }1i44d'1,g a,v ,7r.rthe.dowar 1111; a:otlkg hs• h)kkru4h 4 rlt • pose, She wawri gored-nate'heti% gin i'•••,=`Shiloh i'i; ltsiit • - g e 3:14 114 'Without Aimee..If'he should',ta to nn- or :girl ;who desir to. rments r i. ,;• and t}}led to bel shim. ..ti..i-,r that::She•earri 1 ' t s f• oEiter model now all the work' ould 'tiel3diiclalr_e; for. ase rill}pllaity,i!an�lr .... the offendili'g 18,11gf 3,111it -tits,' its ! heti, "Wh don't you try -bares)? r lha"i • `4Alt r iii l'1'' tiiJerl-:` doff "`'1 r have to be Aimq r•.. isbe � ,ha kc=conomy wii'1;fjitli 1g defiixes:iuliil'ed:1 while your toilers; bii65igitf'a.bo `ISti',Yb had ballet wor, and she's a medium' trouble; •-Penia g=15'He won't." -borrow become a part df' lilt'. He'h'ad'tIonb in aux patterns. ]Price oa:the:book:10 -' ryr' irritation oP ° " yet' 'clo' the 1.t1es,t 4 brunette, She's broke now, too;' Aimee cazn &tm ek the next er in every%pose;'with''eyery medidni ants she co. • t Eauh:t o' ist¢Iudpsl : i ` ,-1 � r +t• . ; r 43�t�' '.1 ': I" wirovhn ct ri tin the "Why 's she broke?" morning,an e- a, + c PY PY , 1 rt J 1 t Method ' y"�g' t -work at once:": #ie could cdtiiiitandi He haiku -the r } s : �r§Tt're1P aim is vide, the sates] m•etliod �d]' �g one ate on 1,00d+lFor'fiad'cerits' in tib -•! She wase wiitlt: a - nusi9?fil1 road show Neilsen toldcher to` re hen'llhe .eft $lightest persoriial interest in he'r, yet i., •f�' ` 111, i 11 11::1, •': , ' a purchase of`•rany pattel'n' f', t~ aitilling yr:1`st+lritl is to talfg a serine. ' •b this summer ,,,ea iugy.;di hia.,tak�e,. theleneed-ef^•ibrhe-he^tvavapt°°tolorget+sheewas a•partiieE his life., • • . - i• .:: ,t,: . , :.c ,- on again ""When ,they._.srgnrA them ai .Site-held.the-poseeictremeiy �var e -thought of her side of the gees= : •IiOW To:ORDE}i •RriaTTEitI�3. rl„ of kJle4;ri �vliite binttlifg:.;said-tnais2taq. for winterrr found. Apparently she had no nerves. ]tion• Damned queer; how steel .could t 'F•:* „t+� the til, and niaply it to the spot. , ;Tho, iorelglk, body tvlll'lsr0babl a t o, "Why•.didnot,theyesign•her•up?,a ,'- He,matIWiitte.titavin'g'g"orli&F :tit , e y cfl to a feather! Bah had -said...: Write -your name and adr:ress plain:: • ._1;• ,, Y. 4 gx'g t The gel shrugged. her hand, her foot, At 11 he told her that Auimee: had grown • up under •a :ly., giving number!. and; tT}eistri7?; Its presence' is readily rle- Too many parties after the„haw, I to go and take a brisk walk t "h : loud, She: had tro sehoolm ,Slee itaike,,df such g• patterns as Roe want+•1Enc:bse 2oo.in hatted.er t guess." good lu h; "and come back n (Tone, ad no lntailecssi Her best sphere of,:'stam' Stamps Or twin: (coin . referred:: visa ,. ;, ° �:: r i .. No. poselble harin,,by e'erattift�ng can "What do I wa off^•h r, 'then, if, She cote]' •est in nthe'st ilio" 0 8h if sefumess, aside-. ,posing, would it care 1311 for ea"ch=+nuttibe3 i abd one were to taw: totptenfive ba rlggo•,by this iueijas;'sa wauid be °� Y).,,.., ,1111. she's not steady? i`aI'm,lo -in for ar she wish , but ire th' g 't it o td be a to Marry•somer nice,. stupid boy and! , „• model to pose fort� alonedfor ever��l better if : he staY,ed alit i t air ,,_:rise babies; but -beautiful, BroadweY .AddYess; yotYz order td: i?attetni Dojitt weeks—possibly irlfliith3: T'll Her He ]iYm�self sfl �`` " �xiodels do 1t have• tt trice up; ,w ;with ilacin Publishing Co •73 Wet •Ade `?t S the speck with a sharp instrument. P y Y f owed no such pia et •. i. 1 " lie,1 ter. lac well, but she can's cut up on the Job." gram. He brooded over the sketches steady, stn id,:boys,.: There- aro toe Iaide'S_.t•, Tbrontb Patt'erh§ sent by r -� •3 Ir: t p' tice...as _to�beatrongly< "Oh A• ee'll be all rig* now. The until manybrill . Ouths of .pone pr, return Mail.' ' - r-" `etc, fki,'3, r i odtgetiiiied,• ,w,,,,� �„ . �, � , ,,,;, „e,• _- ,, im Ji s returned. He leas ghted lHnt_. o 1 Y .. , ir. ,i 1s tc.: =r, •r 1 .x�-,,"., ....•,,,...,. _„, wind's out of her sails 'tiShe'll b a h ni told mself "famtl ” bead. , t • "' 7� lvih 14 h$gu? tier Y Y 4 give, them . a.• good .. ... n , t c t 1 d 1, 1--0, r 1111 s , regular dray horse for an'tie.thh�auldtime.Ywaka moir�iliFi'ouh (Canadas a• �V ter Covered !..a s aawoeea•eve`doeuY0newantforeIekrld,7iamthxvirthou- Not nice, lilytflought,Siaepul(i.gopu iDid you ever ''f' 1a kit',p 40 a�i ofCanada, look relit darsvou J •tv ,der at thelarge areas that are -printed fd tall;'showing that, th(e u: , coyer- ec h rater It ra✓i` 'tat`Net `ow :1 .mlydh of Canada is thus covered. Of - �thAyoy64'1'area of Canada, 3,729,666 s1Icare nudes, no less than 126,75Ahliicre mil w.at . It4i. r.4 ,iric• b to 2c n9O1e.vtli,�t,�lnteres(:ing t nate' bltatt thecal-•lan� Y'" itles't'i'1$i the4l '7 i ]9n4aand135ttitgea' 11'd ''ises'.d11i,g1JI`l4t►f of New Yo? s combined is�pwt 3�i@ 00E.1(digtratitrstlue ;i l littdu'Sit `the'datltt'etiii ianteaC0Dfu c1DDt.; weregat,i,i��ern,ed into one�plYtcgert uld oc•euny� 1 ttrI !t.a°�`Considerab]Yi ar, •itt a' ; 1y'i 1'l'& :l,:ttaiP2nalithgaste lv pZi�••tion o iiia ne g n oring republid!-P- Phil, water -surface, hiiIlitt'allt'Oar from tieing valueless:i ll i},,own: +('•3'htitlt b.ie i�.'7'6tS , xtiit it+5 i :1': 5114u htfi-1aketi rivers, with ,til,p o4' 5P , r.,1::davesaMi14' have upon the tempera ureupan agricuQtura n n p�,,,' k:Y� q +e}..id➢Jwi�`�rjt't': :igle'i�tlrfli : �At't.����r�Y D./,rr.'{1 }e,t1-a haste far ,i•, a epi vupply'( originG'12 ZOtt GUt Lf/Q1ZUlZE +1' our'. n ZLCi2 iZ y"i , it ;Oungi1' e- ansportatfon fighlllenty6.11l a±r, '� 1 il�ail: 1 t,l.callIg aIT b `<va a to -v eel 11y Gy yn t� : L .neO�Ob l.ces wn-h::" - `flay tho uNFto �fi'ki'f able.Q'§"+! cfEater,,l.�.t;1Ii, balances ao ni..ely, seems- be just right. :rho1 rown r '1'ig t t 3 lar thandle is rigid and ices not trjS�.round like a lain ed g ' 3.� �G, .��IEtt c: �4, u�autAv lid;i1111. l: lce land rivets, Yinatistr aso nnau.d an, Y11 ' , '��►au ,,yy�j�p�,p��j gg ¢fig „'eCci�B:� e. • lou Tiffinttie,tli .p,;cb hih'iw1�1Ils' .1110 g inure tt', to n, ' x. i �tw a�1� .Ip��> �'or t .t.,,.,awlid and can fill itrylit%inder tifgto hS dipper resource',"�..•,�took supply tipp pinery ' because the opei{mgis at tfigfird e ted: the centre ower f •tg •ldev G', `. 1at1;.IYtoshimgo4ta'1�t�,�•tt,il���oonprip .t,,.,tuta c l3t_•�en mtfza p bpda�en��ilantlmNii �t,[Iib ,:Aar lef'i`, i .2;eo eleatrlc *nergy. Zthis development of Q Il'wet r•• R we s a o :n s •:in ,u rpt pp d �1fi rr r ir _} rr, b1Urt.rUtC,JIT ttfii o IJir1.i r R .. 1847 l, '1)11.0„ t111 rsit •r i� i .:•ryita'i; t,e 1m •k 0. ! f +, ` tit iteov�arerd'wit •waleniag)�o ', oto7t 'i. '7r ^rr€ x ti anr1 .:'.!l`e'ases t o da a4'ri $ "ot' ilveit nn°ci tit a' h lri g v That eveningAimee ca1 han t ll herxis What 1d t end be #o �i h d h He knew at once the h '1 sa her. She was dressed as n � p�' :more, e i ousands sand poses if need be before he set posing, using makeyup more god of flappers wap„ dxessed„.that..sum-• brush•t tit -^^'""`'"„ , , for-rgpme years.,p •fort agyire• mer, in a shat white 91 't'-a'ntia That afternoon he made a figura. work she .��oou'1d go on ..,Jrliiehrlijte. , colored, low-neckedrsweatets ,414ygif; liralgingt diet:Andy Again imrnatie b, Then—no, the end. ou1ll'itot„be nir . a blue sweater—not the shade he• had buts it was, what • owanted, yot,g and, No brains! Idq, sense! ,A feaft4eit in mind for the ictus r sufflsstienti.;than; btibtY ftot=i:odi`tt1'iin.t {A ail] �etd- Yet he, a an, ' steel ylgtt • �yp,�_.' pp r lr- like it to make him sure] that she lured her toy�alki��d a,�tt ar,}c}'tg rg,� � dependent �. herr] , ,: •''�' could suit the rights ii:5ucirl Her knelt' 18t lien re'to-niidit w. Hie 4a:en It did;hi n gQpd to tot ii,.pyg. ,oul ryas adorablychild: rp of r'+ ,� aa^ ,.. •C:i a#t'aitl .of os'e.ti»�,-fan She 'there in th ,.v,' :g41�'e'�ti`gf he.�anh :,to Bab said you wadded°at m6iel.'h hadn't an ounce of spare flesh. no eonc)usiodr `'He'baliz 'that' 10' "I do. `Will you :,e,tancl3ovgc tblere)Isr1Qdtlius 'kfi4'tl orlitl1ire`ffe? oto •1?Aiiliiii had been: working indoors% sifi.i' •. by the window, please" Take off your m u u l n h ed, �}gr(To be con udei3. hat, Turn so that I')caiitiest:1th*in-'s'ar'iSh'eh'FnveY"ted�d°4to''iiii"tTrTe ' .5' °'.. Ctiti t0 ane. Raise your arms:' � r n• i.i Aimee 'lid as sh +`f 1PS "iilda arri'di i owed. 8g51P it xtgdit raw 4Ri A I4iicigierc';'J5#4'd•1Si QaQg§sir . 1 something' else—she � 'sedrr i tidlyrioegirdtioJigtday ".ail,bi-oih>49it•lit 'i ani1Sflnlilr-4J Persian-F011or erltlbteittalidirriizt bald .1 of one footand dtdn'L ivabble. It look- blue silly stuffs. Aimee squealeL4,,vee.��• slowly hp;•-tii''ly'tir 1 d'a veY9 clr vttr h them. One length that she ailfiitt4G ,,theme liyilittl'ch till Rm1=lihteousi 'r•e —and that be rejected—he gave her.4.110 10 heribiac,''� 11r'%; 'ia'1°init In ' She xshe wqs r to e a �t . ,lfir''i .r• rte , t i ' • $ j ®sci�etne,i no 1 cort,Y ge wit: r l party ass a°f` �1r;i,: e� ^ t� it oS 1. "Just straight, with stra s, and a th eacbirj�p of:1, ` , > 11,:;11,•1^ t: ger;d1F4' $11,151 e'p13:Y1vtllo.l P 5- tl,t natat a1 utgValY•!.t rtgr:la"yiaUptspis. > 15,V. 1f Xi r i9 nt, hilt no late,, panties,' thoed t end: in0 eyg;,y religions o., pl1 f . d! Y u t ing •- ti$ -, _•Flit :o :.�±i,'- yt rl.:ut.:,- i' Ii: ' +f 414? uk ga+:'t lg11 `r '1 en'thel'end enures aeoamdw rto ,,. L r�co_gye e. 'moi' e. ni, i a She _pouted a, little, but he ignoredthisa Pestsjcsar plain; alintttruir. isetrltelg e. it. br t' d rvevii t1' n• t 1 r ; 1 i e ei ok •i rf e risco t ii t �i< Ili wet n ctic3s.>;r+a lo. 4t d .. � , ti �.P� iii irLo� t g t$" ,the various blues against her. Finally, bridge crossas'4ltr0ht ytiii ihe1376u b'h he chose the one he would use.It was of the he'adrjtl t nil of ]the 7714+ l.'sOL -7 • that, the•'k high, co'.' 1't' �tt?i . at*,,. 1, • g , me , The hri� `a 1�• Tif�e ie pit ti edge" "t ti%s pat a e14 ]Flue , s.2:n mp,es. of a sw$nd' t�Htticin {S'v01•' .is 9ikei�^' �1i+� "I[l� .;�, -�mf,l's' r�g`r1 . ,t ,. Ua541 4,rlY.}-.e�.� _ 4'Y•.,,�✓(.•:� -417{1 -sw ,rer1 ;`r.l ,v rt Ile folded the rest, Ittto,e Tet,utrned to doing tam sirstal}i:,„elle, dt1 kop.:elm 11 walking the dealer. ' Aimd`e •wrappti�l• up ff%l Y '• Itatris„ 1'. •;nt;z ,ne, length he had given her. Pereobs wili,e havRitivgdl• ccorc ag 14 t A 41113 th ed, ant tb: studio b - .the best! rules.,.agilvaegitlgeiousri,¢pyiy,s c m fi 'ed' wi, h studies f the girl. f, . shat Arland i h atii at, tr a r, , a.,, this p,Yld ci6g}fv&x Q. t.-- ,QF o r i a taus ltd�°fi” ' g� I :+ "i n the ii" i t., 1t . nnrer U �r• is Italie,: � but the' sd anile Yind.i '� a ld P - r. c lt'ppr' e Iiathls�bae e �4ie� back) . P � been ba' ` hsrt'.caJner.gtcLctyzain0rshtli crfiitWl>e:° wanted the drawing of l:er to be sec- 6t to brimstemotf diz+ortttatd "sash tidughS,tnv I,' resa%la�'Jlltmiats ;F Yuri -s'1L ,,tsr lar jun ,16 t. t. One ,morning, as he t ,led, proflie - tui rr-ta l-tr:3lrtii ,' 3i l ifi45t,ch' i Fit %til:ifr'4 4758! ugle, he h ,t'>~ c r€€ivrtr it saw thatppthete were rings under her Agent,-1-'i7aliam,,,xg, y ?,101,3%914;`tU177 e36&. 0 :1.111:`Dl'F „ elactric iwashor on thirty days' trial?' I Been wearing the new gown, viiHousewife . ilo, but I'dlike to buy Oh, yes and it's grand! Every one i?tAf candy'•that way." fell Par it:' "- —40. - He went on, painting. Suddenly her when hoarse use m'na'e's Liniment, On a l;a'btt, S,i intens f ' 3i tir,+o ! , w.ouldn t venture: outs'It'',Bout J8 ' 1 i- r'good og,'ercbat to keep out lee cii318:' n [ - re 4 tr• , r 13uta31pur 411lstcie wants keepit>- r is +'Wenn , .1 ! 11. .,, . 'ice of riillia n e • lttcrat: bake :r$tr,piacGl 1 g BOVRIL regifIaPly du ;} gr t 7t. --winter- centh�s`.. It keeps up ��l1y yoy, 1IY1' .1orrr.13t 1 ., jtality iignd° 1's 1 s ybt ""to l 1 L' rs to }�}}f•,rry-,i�llgi�1�tt�,r'jl' f1u1sn ci ta' anis;: , la GAJ'`u tT(mina, 'n_ 11')isrt'fa iivr:'ItDd� - r11i11 1101 i v Y' f ,a.�',.ti.,,t 1 This trade !rr rk , s si every packa. : 1eake look for it to be sure you get the genuine Kraft Cheese. 31.25. 1850E No, 47—'26. 1.::,12; 1'. 1.111i„ ttlrr Ir.. - r .r- ria` nt:t .[i.. �yy r' Imo TT88 ii�77 3i :`•t1)' 4141. .. if . ' ^ 1 i 111 tifn u 14: 1 .,14t11$.•1'" -5 h7 •1111di 1 %.-eylrrtroy 01 ethnicise---; 2L71 t1417.y17•:�+ittrxifl4Ai M&ttercet C1tit - tow_ 1'7W, 11y> .r3 440; ,r t P,lei iinr:rhxc tVlCP,t7Y.9 .rr ':'' ix.(�ratlr deer=aaat2epitsr---r r stn' b .aay.I c, trii>i: 771 •11 11•r. ;,a _od4n.,rn 01111117 '4 ;•v! 7ota.r C1O J lRiYl•ri> 0 -va,1, ,1 "01,7' 7 nn rt_^ 13 � e1} :1t x41s�}G!ii, r':th iigsrun 'UO01'' li i1W''. =iIi '1.. d li'ert5. -u oursd 17mint, 'rsrrPretupbn8ersl1e atitd >' rr I r r t ivy t,cw .�>trQi3> ,>n ;ftttk+ti'tta�(itI_tYN;.J• fni'-'rlisti mom +ttot"'J trya 1741 it 1i !ItI' ,,vr tri n^171t4111.4 i4 @`N y715 t6 n: to tie 1111 ti 70'1,71 '. o'" tt r 1041 a. 1041) Lien .1 ; (I' n 17rt g 1. A JAKTTLE streams 5'nr water 42,; e n R s • d' to iiac# the avail �S QdatiS"e i nj ,: the drowY4iig-of land. - These who work becausetheylike rt are better workmen than those who . work because they have' to.—Bert Moses. #'