HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-12, Page 5TH'U'RSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 lawirstaimamonstexTinnowo THE 8EAFORTH mews SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous elice of our roast beef, with pota- toes and some green vegetables, be won't get up frdm the table dissatisfied. D. H. STEWART Tour Butcher Seaforth PHONE Sa. The Right "day Shoes repaired the right way , give double Me wear. Rubber Boots repaired and resoled. Leather soles nailed and hand, sewn. Rwbber Bottoms sewn „Fat. Our 20 Years' experience hail taught us to repair the right way. Fred Barlow SEAFORTH Two doors south Beattie% Variety Store. Red & White ehain Stores SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY. NOV. 13 and following week, Aylmer Tomatoes, 25's 12 Benson's Corn Staroh, 2 for 18 Comfort or Pearl soap, 10' bars for,50 Interlake Toilet paper roll .07 Tiger Cntsnp, quarts ..... .17 Quality Sect -us Ross J. Sproat W. M. Stewart "Where you will eventually buy." Wi, J. Walker 86„Son UNDERTAKING —and-- EMBALMING and-EMBALHMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go. vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. - Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. List Ready EARLY ORDERS PAY Lore prices for quantity 14ollan'd Can, Import eo Niagara Falls, Ont. Powerful Medicine. --The :healing properties in six essential oils are concentrated •inn every ,bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil; forming one of the most beneficial liniments ever offered to the use of -man. Many can testify as to its power in allaying pain, and many •more can:certify that they owe their health to it. Its won'derful'power is not expressed 'by .the small price at which it sells CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own cote nunity, Send or deliver your cream to ns and revel's the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing sacro. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. O. Ha McInnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Winghant, will 'be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated. ' FRESH AMMO -'OYSTERS Oyster season now tn, First shipment to arrive Thurs. Nov PURE OLIVE OIL SWEET POTATOES. CRANBERRIES. CELERY TOMATOES - CALIFORNIA GRAPES. T. Phillips EZ EeZEMPL At Aberhart's`; Drug Store Scafortli'' VARNA. Visitors in and around our village during the :holidays were Mr. and firs, McNaughton, of Kitchener, Miss Erma Diehl, of Hamilton, spent the week end at her old home 4th concession Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. 'MCAsI2, of London are the guests of the letters' mother, Mrs, 'Weekes. Miss Rowantree, of London spent the.week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ings. 'We note a strange freak of nature, while some of the apples are frozen, yet .others seem none the worse in the same orchard. Mr. J. 1'. Reid, of London, was re- newing acquaintances in and around our 'burg, Mr. Bert McNaughton of Kitchener spent the holiday with friends in the rural district. Mrs. Weekes motored to London in company with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. McAsh, where she intends spending the win- ter .months. Mrs. 'Sparrow spent a few days in Hensall last week. The L.O:L. gave a .fowl supper on the evening of Stlt ,November. Supper was served in the Temperance hall, and a good programme was given in the Methodist •church. All present pronounce a' good time. Miss Welsh spent the week end with friends in and around Kincar- dine. Mr. George Mitchell has purchased the old 'Mitchell` homestead for the figure of $6,200. Excellent for Croupy ChilArei. When a child is suffering with croup it is a good plan to use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil.' It, reduces the in- fla,n.mation and loosens the phlegm giving speedy relief to tate little suf- ferer, It fs equally reliable for sore throat and chest, earache, rheumatic pains, cuts, bruises and sprain's. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil is regarded by many thousands as an indispensable of the family •medicine chest The Salvation Army. --Special ser- vices, Sunday, :Nov, 15th, conducted by AdittMilt.rtnd bfrs.,'Lewis and. Men s Sa'cial staff, of London 1Sftlsic- a1 meetings, 11 aim, 3 p.m,,attd 7't.m. r3u....uee.....au....®,n n ......un ar& rr,...n..........r..w, ....n.....0c .1 Towiti Topics l! 011.®,.aa.....an•memman•.•roas••..44.8.,,..0 Miss Bertha Beattie, of `Toronto Normal school, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beattie: Miss Guerra Brown Is visiting her sister, Mfrs, (Dir,) Livingstone .in. Toronto. Miss Annie Strong was home from London Normal school. Miss Jessie 'ic'lvtillan, of Toronto,. was a 'holiday guest at her home, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDermicl spent' a few days in 'Detroit. Mr. and MI's, WG. Speucer and children spent the week -end in Port Colborne. 'Mr, 'Leslie McKay, of Kitchen was a visitor at his home in Egmon ville, Mr. H. Edge has taken apartme in the Royal. Miss Frances Houston was •Ito from Brantford for the Thanksgivi vacation. Mrs.(Dr.) Moffatt, of Port C borne,Miss Beatrice Larkin, of T ronto,0s and 'Miss Helen Larkin, spe Thanksgiving with their paren Rev. Dr. and Mrs. 'Larkin, Miss Ann 'Prower, of Toronto Titversity, spent Thanksgiving with Re and Mrs J. F. Snowdon. Mrs, Honey, of St, Catharines, visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Bright, Miss Dorothy Frost has accept a position its Beattie's store. Miss .Annie 'Kennedy, of Seafort is spending a few days at The hot of her niece, Mrs,, A. tDucharme,'Hi' bert. 'Mr, Arthur Ament, of Toront University, spent she week -end his home here, Mrs. R. S. Evans and te,aught' Eleanor spent the week -end with he mother, Mr.s. Wm. Clark, of Varna. The Seaforth Red Cross 'Soviet have each year furnished a needy re turned solder's family with clothin and Christmas cheer at- Che festiv season. In order to help raise -fund for this punpose,, a bridge party wil be held 'the first week in Decetitbe under the auspices of the loca society. Rev. and 'Mrs. cLean and so Clifford, of St. Catharines, and Mr F. Gillespie, accompanied by hi mother, Mrs. •Gillespie, of London were Thanksgiving visitors at tit home of Mr. and Mrs. UV. Knechte1, Miss ,Pearl Mero, of Kitchener spent' Thanksgiving with her tparents The ladies of the Altar Society o St. James' parish are having a euchre on Tuesday evening, the 17th, in th parish hall, followed by a short pro gramme and 'drawing of 'prizes, and old time dance. HHogg's orchestra it attendance, Cards start sharp at 8.30 Mr. and 'Mrs. James McKinney, o Guelph, were visitors 'at the 'home of Mrs, Wm. McMichael, over the week -end. Mrs. J. Walsh, of McKillop, spent Thursday at the home • of cher •par, eats, Mr, and Mrs, Wit'. Nigh, Tuckersmith, Miss Jean Winter; of Goderich, spent Thanksgiving, with herr aunt, Mrs. Wm. Ament, • Miss Emily .Kennelly; of Stratford Normal, spent the., week -end at the home of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kennedy, Tuckersmith, Miss Catherine 'Murray, of Sea - forth, spent the week -end at the home of her grandparents, 'Mr, and Mrs'. P. McCann, Hibbert. Miss 'Florence Mero, of Ursuline Convent, Chatham, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mero. Mr. Scott Ferguson, of 'Toronto University, . spent the holiday with Itis parents, 'Rev, J. A. and Mrs, Ferguson, Mr. and ,Mrs, George .Baker, of Redford, 'Minh., Mrs. 'Wilson, of De- troit, Mrs. Pethick of Strathroy, Mrs. 'Canip'bell of Hi'bbent, Mrs, Hanson of Mitchell, spent 'Thanks- giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Pullman, Tuckersmith. Miss Grace 'Kneohtel, of Sebring- ville, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Knechtel. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kennedy, Miss Emily and Angus, of Tuckersmith, were visitors on Sunday last at the h orae of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Ducharme, ibbert. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reed, of M Mitchell, and Mr, and Mrs. Robt. A. adler, of Staffs, were visitors at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chain- serlaiu on Sunday last. Oefr. W. H. +Little has returned to Toronto Normal school to resume his ourse. Mr, 'Little's many friends re glad to know he' has made a com- lete recovery from his long illness. Miss :Johnston, principal of the ontinuation school, Hensall, was a oliday visitor at the 'home of Mr, ad Mrs. Robert Scarlett. Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Heron left on Wednesday.of this week to spend the viuter in Florida.orida. Messrs. 'Fred Archibald, Jarvis; dward Archibald, Toronto Univers- y;_Wallace Archibald, Wiarton, and r. and Mrs, Arthur Arohibald, - of ayuga, were holiday visitors With lair parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew rchibald, Mr. John Archibald, of Toronto niversity, visited his parents, Mi. nd Mrs. Wm .Archibald, Tucker- mith. er, d nus the ng of o- itt, ts,' 11- v, is E. ed h, hon b- 0 a S' g e s n' 5 e f e i' H S c a p c h E it M C tl A U a Mr. Andrew Beatty, of London, was a week end guest at the hone of his brother, Mr. John 'Beattie. Miss Alice Williams, of Detroit, was a visitor at the Home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. 'Geary last week. 'The young ladies of St. Janes' church will hold a social evening in. the parish hall on `Wednesday, Nov enrber-25. 'Raymond Redmond orch- estra in attendance, Mr, Donald Kerslake, of Toronto University, was a visitor at his home here, - Mr. Frank Cudmore sang a well rendehed soto,;in Brussels Presbyter?, Tan' •thn1c'h' Sunday evening. Mrs 'William . •Muld'rew, of 11-Maiiiil- Ladies' atem Tailor Gentlemen's Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction ° Reasonable Prices ALSO .PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating', 'Drug' Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH Ovid* EVENINGS. PHONE 257 ton, visited at'the 'home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Scarlett. Miss Edith Siegel of Mitchell, is visiting her sister, -Mrs, S. Deeny. Mr. and Mrs: Richards 'and family, of Stratford, 'were Thanksgiving vis- itors in town. Mr, and, Mrs. S. Gottschalk were Datshwoo'd visitors. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Winters, of Godenieh, and Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto, were ,holiday visitors at the home of Mrs, 'Root. Winters. Mr, Thos, Smith, of Guelph, visited at his home 'here, Mr. W. ,Aberhart and Mr. 'Fergu- son, of the 'Medical 'College, Toronto, were holiday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. C, Aberhart. Miss Wright, of.Toronto, is the guest of 'Miss Jackson. Mr. Warren Antent, of Detroit, was a week end 'guest of his parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. W, !Anent. Miss Erie-'Stetirart, of • Kitchener, spent the holiday With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D.11, Stewart. Mrs. Kenneth'Ferguson, of London was a week end' uest of her paretrts, Mr, and Mrs. J.'kJ. Merrier. Miss Nina Robb, who has recover- ed from a recent operation, has re- turned fro'iii Toronto. Miss Marjorie Brown, of Toronto, was the guest of •her parents, Rev, and 'Mrs: T. H. Brown. Mr. Howard Kerr of the Galt Col- legiate staff was home over Thanks- giving. Miss Mary' Stewart of Toronto Un- iversity, spent the•'week end' with her parents, 'Mr, and Mrs, H. Stewart. • 'Mr. and Mrs..Clendoue Colbert,,'of London, were hot}'day-•visitors at the home of Mrs.Colsert's parents, Mr. and Mrs.: AA, Barton: Mr. Jack Walkdrt,,'of Toronto, was a visitor with nisi parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. W. 'J., Walker,;. Miss Evelyn 'Adams, of London, spent the 'holiday, at her 'home 'here. 'Misses Ida and Eva Love, of Tor- onto, were holiday •guests at the home of Moir parents, Mr. and Mrs John Loves '0[r. and Mrs. J. McMichael have moved into apartments over Mr. W. M. Stewart's store. Mr. J. Innis, of Sitncoe, was the guest of Mr. Earl VanEgmond. air. and Mrs. 'Richard's, of Strat- ford, were guests of !Mr, and .Mrs. J. A. Stewart. 'Miss Petlow, secretary of young women's auxiliaries, is the, •guest of Mrs, iH, J. Gibson. Mayor W. 'H. Golding was a St. Thomas visitor. Mr, W. Marriott, Oshawa, and son Wm., of Toronto, spent Thanksgiv- ing here. a Messrs, Orr and families and Mr. and Mrs. 13aker, of Brampton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Parke. Mr. and Mrs. T. Elder were in Hensall visiting relatives, Mr, and Mrs. 'Louis, Wiltshire, of Leamington, spent the weelc-end at the home of Mr, 'W. Deem. Miss Beatrice 'Brown spent Thnks giving at her home in Brantford, Miss Mae McClinchey, of Toronto, spent the holiday here. Miss Annie 'Gibson, of Port Huron, is the guest of Mrs. Ii. J. 'Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan, Sr., intend leaving for Los Angeles, California, next week, where they intend to spend the winter, or per- haps longer. ,• Their daughters, Mrs, Kirkby and Miss Annie Carnoc'han, live there. Annual bazaar of St. Thomas' church, will be held 'Wed. 'Nov. 25th. LONDESBORO. The anniversary services were held in Lpndesboro United church on Sunday, Even ,though the day was disagreeable a -large 'crowd attended. Rev. Mr. Tuffts conducted the ser- vice both morning and evening and special music was. rendered by the choir, Princess THURS., FRI., and SAT. RAYMOND GRIFFITH The screen's new comedy sensation in "The Night Club yf A Mad, Merry Melange of Girls, gayety and Griffith. Peppier than a jazz band, Madder than a March Hare. Funnier than last summer's straw hat. A new King of Comedy that checks all Grouches at the door. Vera Reynolds, Wallace Beery and Louise Faxenda help a lot too MON. TUES., WED., Edna Ferber's Broadway' Play ' WRLeomE HOME picturized by Paramount, with Lois Wilson, Warrener Baxter, Luke Cosgrave R RINeESS TEI-I SJ-ILE Regular Price 70c per pound Sale Price 5 lbs. 2.75 Costa you 55c per lb. Your money back if not satisfied W Ja Finnigan PAGE FIVE We'carry the Westinghouse Radiola IIIA g with Music Master Loud Speaker ;The most satisfactory set -at thelmost reasonable prices. ICail and see there. J. J. Broderick Electrical Supplies On Monday evening the fowl sup- per was well attended and a ,great success. Mr. Wellington McCool and Miss Della, of Toronto, spent Sunday with .Mr, James McCool, of the village. Miss Myrtle 'Grainger, of Toronto, spent the •holiday with her mother, Mrs. 5. 'Grainger. Mr, and Mrs. M. Armstrong and Miss Ella were guests of their son, Mr. John Armstrong, on Sunday. 'Mrs. Charles Ruddell is spending Thanksgiving in Toronto, Mr. Thos. Levan has returned to Toronto after spending two months with Mrs..Ruddell. Mr. Tuffts spent the holiday with his sister, Mrs. 'Geo. Moon. Miss Marjorie Lyon, who is at- tending the Toronto Normal sdhool, spent the holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'Tamblyn, of Toronto, motored up to the village to spend :the holiday with Mrs. J. Tamblyn, Miss Annie Garret, of Stratford Normal school, was home for the holiday. 'Harold Richards, of Toronto, immeramear was home for the holiday, Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson, of Toronto, were Home for the holi- day. King of RADIO For Volume, Tone and Selectivity KINGEUTRODYN HINNERS Call and hear them at DODDS' GARAGE SEAFORTH, Phone.17. What IN FIVE YEARS' TIME What Will You Be Doing? Where Will Yon Be? The answer depends very largely upon your action NOW. You cannot hope for the greatest success unless you fully prepare yourself for it. Write today for full information regarding our courses. The completion of one of these may mean the difference between success and failure for you, New classes being formed Every week. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. Principal, R. F. Lrmadon.B.rt. EN4IIJR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. round Screenings Chop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs If you are in need of Tires, give " us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, or have a Battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert auto repairing our specialties. ci Have you sects New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? Regiler's Garage PHONE l67W. ;