HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-05, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925. THE SEAFORTH NEWS -SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- toes and some green vegetables, he won't get up from the table dissatisfied. - .Fi. ' STEWART. Your Butcher PHONE 58. Seaforth Right The R ht Way Shoes repaired the right way give double the wear. Rubber Boots repaired and resoled, Leather soles nailed and hand sewn. Rubber i3ottoxns sewn on. • Our 20 Years'. experience has taught us to repair the right way. Fred Barlow SEAFORTH Two doom south Beattie's Variety Store. Red & White ehain Stores SPECIALS for Friday, -klov. 6th -and following week. Aylmer New Corn 2 +�+ C 2 tins Aunt Dinah, 13aking Molasses 2 tins Sery-us Floor Wax 1,Iff C 1 Ib, tin,...,.. v Table Salt, Fine 2 bags 11c SOAP DEAL 1 large pkg, Chipso, 1 cake Ivory Soap, '9 cakes 'Gold or P. and G. Soap, 2 cakes 'Guest Ivory, 1 white Enamel Dishpan'. Regular value $2,48. for iL ®49 Ross J. Sproat W. M. Stewart Ja Walker &Sou UNDERTAKING -and— EMBA?,xMIING Motor er Horse Equipment. W. 2. WALKER, holder of"Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67, Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. List Ready EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prices for quantity it olland Can, !nip ort eo Niagara Fails, Ont. CHURNING CREAM WANED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. .4...gym., H D. , McInnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- ._ noon in future. Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated. INSEMEMEISMEMEEP FRESH OYSTERS Oyster season now tn. First shipment to arrive Thurs. Nov: PURE OLIVE OIL SWEET POTATOES. CRANBERRIES. CELERY TOMATOES CALIFORNIA GRAPES. T. Phillips Z4 f r EZ l� i4t �berart's Drug Seaforth Store , WALTON. tea=". .Miss Viola Morrison, of McKillop, visited Miss Vera Gardiner over the week -end. Weather has changed and has all the appearances of Indian summer, Mr. William Hodgins and son-in- law, of Stratford, visited Mr. Wil- liam Sholdice's and Mr. James Shol- dice's on Sunday last. Apples are lying on the ground and do not appear to be injured much by the cold weather, Armour Dundas has moved into Enoch Clark's house and 'Geo. Clark has moved into Armour Dundas' house, Hallowe'en passed very quietly as the night was a little too bright. 'Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Clark, of Grey, visited the latter's parents on Sunday. Some of the farmers .have been cutting corn during the past few days. Mr. -and Mrs, Sellers spent the week -end at Heidelburg. Quite a number of children have measles, and also some adults. A fety from around -here attended the sale of Mrs. Jennie I'atteeson's in'Seaforth on Friday. Mr. Chapman, of Wingham, who has been helping at the Canadian Rank of !Commerce, has returned to his Borne in Wingham. Mrs. Thos. Marshall is moving this week _into the house site •purchased from Mr. -George C•1ark. Mr, and •Mrs. Thomas Leeming are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. John Boyd. NIr; W. 'G. Neal went to London on Wednesday on business. !Miss. Annie iSholdice: visited her sister, Mrs. John McNaughton, for a few days. • Mr, and Mrs. John Balfour, of Wilton, announce the engagement o,f theit eldest daughter, Marguerite Fianirali, to Mr Edward Earl, eldest son of Mrs. Thomas Fawcett, of Hibbert, the wedding to take place early in November. Many mothers have.reason to. bless Mother 'Graves' Worm Exterminator because it has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy,.' 1Whether the corn be of old or new and b' growth, it must yield to Holloway's Corn 'Remover. 0—.. one,®au_ ...on....-rtin�-.Bu T Town Topics II 0,...._,,........ ........................0 There wilt be a special service for Armistice Day at St. Thomas' church next Sunday morning. You are' in- vited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nott, of Tukersmith, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 13, Rog- erson, Constance, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Broadfoot have moved into Mrs. W. B. Me•LeanS house id Egmondvilie. Leona, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Box, is ill at present with pneumonia. Mrs: E. Mason has gone to Toron- to to spend the winter, Miss Frances Whiter was the reader at a fowl supper held in Hensall. Messrs . W. Sutherland, C. Aber- hatr and F. Crich were in' Toronto at- tending the rugby game between Queen's and Toronto University. Mrs. Alan Stone, of Norwich, is visiting her parents, Mr. and !Mrl, James Hudson. ' !Mrs. Martha Flannagan, of °.I uck- ersmith, had a very successful sale on Tuesday. Keep 'Monday, November 16th, open for another Lion's euchre and dance. Full particulars next week. - 00 Sunday last Mr. Chas. A. Howey, of Kitchener,' the new or- ganist and choir director, took .charge in the North Side United church. Mr. 'Howey, was at ' Aylmer, Ont., for seven years before'going to Kitch- ener', and comes highly recommended as an ;organist and choir '• leader. Dr. Aubrey Crich, of Mayo Bros., Rochester, is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. Miss Kate Broadfoot is visiting freinds in 'Oakville. Mrs. J. C, 'Greig is visiting her daughter, Mrs. U. D. Clark, in To- ronto. Miss Mary Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walsh, of McKillop,spent the week -end at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. WmNigh, Tuckersmith. Mr. 'Laurence Webster spent Thursday evening at the home of his brother, Mr. Gordon Webster, of McKillop. Mrs. R. Loughccd, of Grand Val- ley, and Mrs. T. !Sandriek, of Inger- soll, were guests of Mrs. John Mac- Tavish. Miss Ruth Evans, Clinton, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G Seip. ' Mr. and Mrs, John MacTavish and Mrs. Lougheed and Mrs: Szndrick motored to Stratford 'on Monday evening to attend the graduation exercises of the general hospital at theMajestic theatre. Mrs. C. R. Hall and family, of Tor- onto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Horan. Mrs. John 'Cameron •left on Tues- day to spend -the winter at Palm Beach, Florida. Miss Jessie Scott underwent an operation for appendicitis at 'the has - pial on Thursday 'last. Mr. and Mrs, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ballatttyne and Mrs, Hamilton, of Brifssels, were guests of Mrs. W. Broadfoot. Mrs. A. McDermld celebrated her eighty-eighth birthday on Saturday. Her many friends extend kind con- gratulations. Mrs. ''tt''in. Smith, of West Gode- rich street, who has been seriously all, is greatly unproved, Mr. T. Stephens has had a very fine Day FanDayton radio installed at the Queens hotel. Mr. W. Hays, of !Niagare,Falls, is a visitor at his home, - rltr, VV, Morrison underwent a tonsil operation on Saturday. Miss Florence Beattie acted as or- ganist in place of Mrs, Rennie in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mr. and ,Mrs. Crawford and son Conrad, were Ingersoll visitors.. Mrs. J. F. Daly, Mrs. C, Finkbeiner and Mrs. Jos. Keating are the dele- gates from Seaforth who are in at- tendance at the diocesan convention of the C:W.L. which is being held in Sarnia this week. Mrs. 'H. Bullard has returned from Stratford and will make her home with her son, Mr. W. Bullard, of the Royal apartments. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Eg- mondville, ; are visiting at the home of their son, Mr. A. 'McLaren, Cro- nta'lty, Mr. Thos. 'Webster, of Lucknow, visited at the home"" of Mr. John Webster, Centre street, Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr. and ,Mrs. R. Stephens and fam- ily, , motored - from Kitchener and spent the week -end with 'Miss geneJackson, Egmondville:. Miss Jackson returned with them for a .short visit, The friends of Mr, !Chas.Packert, of Stratford, manager of the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co., - were very sorry to hear of his death. Be frequently visited Seaforth. Cavan church,' Winthrop, is to hold their Christmas tree Friday, Dec. 18. 'Mr. J. J. Murray and Mrs. P. Mc- Cann, of -Hibbert, went to Kinkora on Sunday' last to visit. the latter's sister, Sister M. Marcella. Mrs. James Kerr !:pent election day at the•home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, James Hillen. MANLEY. Mr. Dfiohael McLaughlin has re- turned . Eton'the Western harvest fields and reports the situation is seriods to the .farmers of the West by the early winter, and for the harvesters as 'well, as the money seems to be tied: tip. Mr. John Reid has moved his dredge this week to 'the Dillon drain and will start operations as soon as inossi'ble, but if the early wipter "ocn- dunes, he will rhave an ealy start in the spring. The smoke of the elections is -tearing away. By all appearances the ;third, party is not wanted and the fanner still'' sticks to the party tg •m crests. E. W Ladies' aternan Tailor Gentlemen's Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH C)sr.1'r ,IVENINGS. PHONE 257 KIPPEN, The service in •Kippen United church last Sunday morning was oft very special interest.. It was W. M.1 S. day and Thankoffering combined, t The pastor, Rey. R. A. Lundy, pre-! sided. Short sketches of the his- tory of the 'Women's Missionary Societies of the three sections of the l United Church of Canada were given —Mrs. Robert Dinsdale speaking for the Methodist, Mrs, Thos. Kyle for' the Presbyterians and Mrs. Jas. Finlayson for the Congregational. auguration service, held in Toronto, Special note was made of the In -1 Mon., Oct. 26th, of the new Society„ Which is an amalgamation of the, three sister societies, and the Ines -1 sages, of renewed consecration and' joy in the closer fellowship given at'. that meeting were quoted. Mrs. Henry Iveson and Mrs, A. Mon -I teith led in prayer. The women's choir sang "Publish Good Tidings." Miss Mitchell, travelling secretary of the W. M. S., gave the address and to say that this was interesting would be but a 'feeble description. Miss Mitchell fairly carried her hearers with her as she described incidents in connection with mission work at home and abroad, showing us the al- together supreme worth-whileness of this work above all others. The offering will amount to about $250 by the time the envelopes are all in. The following Life and Junior anetn- berships were handed in; Life mem- berships— Mrs. Robert 'Dalrymple, presented -.by Mrs. J. D. Stewart; Mrs, Henry Iveson, presented by Mrs. Monteith and Mrs. Lundy; Mia Margaret Mellis, donated 'by herself; Mrs. Geo. `E. Thomson, donated by herself and her daughter. Junior memberships --Margaret and Archie DfcGregor, presented by Mrs. I, Jarrott; Dorothy Kyle. Dietz and Wm. John Dietz, presented by Mrs. Thos. Kyle, ' a Rev, R. Fulton Irwin, of Seaforth, will preach in the United church here next 'Sunday, Mr. Lundyi taking the anniversary services in North Side United church, +Seaforth. At the Sunday evening service here Miss Etta Jarrot, of Toronto, who had an overseas trip last summer, will give an address of her travels. Duncan Cooper will tell of the first Y hatiksgiving and 'Harvey Mc- Clyniont will give a Thanksgiving reading. The meeting will open tvith a song service. Mr, ,Wm. Hays, of Niagara. Falls, was a visitor here last week, taking back his,little daughter, Jean, who has been staying here for some weeks. Miss Jean McLean accomp- anied,her small niece home. BRUCEFIELD. Miss Margaret McMillan and 'Miss Elva Wheatley were week -end guests of Miss Hazel Haugh, C.G.I.T. and Trail Rangers held a Hallowe'en party in the basement of the church Friday night. Miss Mitchell, the W M. S. field secretary, gave an address at the: Thankoffering service's on Sunday night, which was much appreciated by all present, Miss Mitchell has visited many of the W. M. S. hos- pitals and school homes and was able to give a vivid picture of the work as it is being done. -- Mr. and Mrs, John Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaiser, of Detroit, were visitors over the week -end. Their old friends are always glad to see them. Miss .Henry, of: Egmondville, is a visitor with her brother, Mr. W. Henry in the village. Mr. and Mrs.; C. Lane have return- ed from their honeymoon and are now settled down 16 the sterner real- ities of life on the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith. On Saturday evening, Oct. 31st, Miss Hazel Haugh entertained about 35 of her friends at a masquerade Hallowe'en party. Many were mask- ed and great fun prevailed through- out the evening. Ganes, stunts, for- tunes and contests 'made the time pass very swiftly. After a dainty luncheon all hastened home before Sunday morning. Nurse Rhea Rouatt - from London, is visiting her home here, Mr. Rob. Allen is installing Delco [princess THURS., FRI., and SAT. PAMPERED YOUTH WITH Cullen Landis and Alice Calhoun A story of the third generation, adapted from prize novel "THE MAGNIFICENT ANDERSONS" WRITTEN BY BOOTH TARKINGTON. Thanksgiving Day MON. TUES., WED., Thomas Meighan with Lila Lee in OLD HOME WEEK Written by GEORGE ADE ARRIONEaStrike up the .band! Here comes a"PICTlJREl R RINeEsS E SALE Regular Price 70c per pound ale Price 51 rs. 2,7,5 Costs you 55c per Ib. Your money back if not satisfied W. Ja Finnigan PAGE EIV& , ®ae�sommassosamyeautomameammortomwol We carry the Westil,ghouse Radi:�la IIIA with Music Master Loud Speaker 1.2t1The most satisfactory set at thelmost reasonable prices. (Cala and see them, Brod' rick Electrical Supplies .44144140444. lights in his home. Mr. Allen be- lieves in having an ideal home. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Manson spent the week -end with friends in Brncefield and 'Blake. A Tittle daughter has. come to brighten the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Collins. Miss Laura Ross, who has been teaching school in the Parry Sound district, visited.during the past week in the village before going to Wind- sor where she has - secureda posi- tion on the teaching staff of 'the border city. Mr. and bars, Roy Monteith and family, of London, visited the lat tee's home, Mrs. Janet Ross, on Sunday. Miss 'M. Davidson, trained nurse, who has spent the summer at home, returned to Chicago last week. - For Both House and Stable, --. 'There is a good deal of similarity, physically . speaking, between human beings and the lower animals. Both are subject to many ailments arising from inflammation and to all manner of cuts and bruise's. Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil is an entirely reliable remedy for such ailments and mi; haps in both human beings and the lower .order of animals, King of RADIO For Volume, Tone• and Sele,;tivity EUTRODYN HiNNERS KING E Call and hear them at DDDDS' GARAGE SEAFORTH. Phone 17, is '4 Lice = ,�.- Killer Hens PreeAfrome Lice Wfli Lay Aroare Zas! • Write for Pratti Poultrv,Book and Advice FREE. Send 100 for 160 page Book,lllustrated PRATT FOOD CO.,of CANADA ,Umited, TORONTO InlialinsmosnlIninnanalnlinnlianniRnanniconcr r IN FIVE YEARS' TIME What Will You Be Doing? Where Will. You Be? The answer depends very largely upon your action NOW. You cannot hope for the greatest success unless you fully prepare yourself for it. Write today for full information regarding our courses. The completion of one of these may mean the difference between success and failure for you. Nevtclasses being formed every week. Central I3usilness College, Stratford, Ont. Principal, R. R. Lumsden,8.?i. a - ani,,., ata .,,as : eMeal The SI'ecial sMilverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings -chop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 s111111Me Your auto Nee, s If you are in need of Tires, give us a call, If you are in need of a new Battery, or have a Battery to be repaired, see - us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene `welding, expert auto repairing our specialties. Have you seers New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? Re ier9su 1, PHONE l67W.