HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-11-05, Page 4Pito a'OUlt. MIN THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925: ibb 8 Opertin IGHT in the heart of the season we are selling our Quality Merchandise at prices that will startle the most Thrifty y uyers. • Because we sell for Cash and Cash only we are able to undersell our competitors. When you buy here it means Dollars in your pocket every time, for we sell only depend- able Merchandise. "Once a customer, always a customer." ..*.......a,1112,9111x•=1.5 141.2 .24P 1 lOth at 1 MEN'S AND BOYS' HIS is surely overcoat weather and this is certainly the Overcoat Store. Our stock is now at its very best. We are literally loaded with new Winter Overcoats for Men, Young Men and Boys. All the latest styles are here in all the newest fabrics—warm, well-fitting—luxurious Coats—wonder- fully tailored. Now is the time to buy your new Overcoat and this is the store for high class coats at moderate prices. ormionsmenexastmvalmeamerwomeormeesemerunommiamemsesnmeensamor 38 dozen MEN'S STARCH COLLARS in all sizes 14 to 17 Extra Special 6 FOR 25c 15 dozen MEWS SOFT COLLARS All styles, sizes 13% to 17 Extra Special 35c 2 for 43 only _11_11. Men's Heavy All -Wool TWEED PANTS in Grey and Brown Shades a 34 to 44 +95 x. Reg. 5,00 for 10 dozen Men's Grey and Khaki Cotton Flannel Work Shirts. Large make 14 to 17. Reg. 1.50 for . r . 9 for 3 dozen Men's Extra Heavy Black Lined Smocks with corduroy collars. Big B. Make Reg. 3.25, for.. 2.89 5 dozen Men's Overalls Large make with elastic cross - b a c k brace, set in pocket, reinforced front. Every pair guaranteed for $2.95 Reg. 1.85, for s. Stanfield's Underwear $6.95 $24.50 5 dozen Men's Extra Fine Quality RUBBER BELTS with Fancy Buckle 39c 10 dozen SILK KNIT TIES in all Shades and Patterns. Extra •Special 39c Men's Extra Heavy Cottonade Pants. Extra Large Make. While they last * BOYS' CAPS All new stock. All Shades 634 to 7. 89c 5 dozen MEN'S CAPS with and without ear -lugs. All shades. 63/4 to 754 69c 6 dozen Men's Fine Fur FELT HATS in Grey, Brown and Sand shades. Regular 3.95 to 4.50 For Iden Thousands of Men are insisting on "Stanfield's" because they know from experience that it never fails to give satisfacton and long wear. Note these prices STANFl LD'S . REDLABEL � aS Reg. $2.50 for 2.3 STANFIELD'S e BLUE fLABET, g. $. STANFIELD'S 8800 2 - for Reg. .5 t, $13.50 to 39,50 Entrancing Frocks for Evening and Afternoon Wear In a stunning collection, designed in filmy georgette over silken slips in radiant but subtle color, and in cut velvet gleaming with gold or silver. Youthfully graceful for dancing 1 Charmingly becoming for afternoon and evening wear The dresses are tantalizingly "differ- ent" and altogether lovely. All the models personally chosen and are designed for the young girls as well as fa: the matron. Their smartness is happily combined with unusually low prices. $7.5Oto has 20 per cent. off All Men's Suits This gives you a wonderful buy in Brand New clothes. We believe they are the best value on the market to=day even at regular prices. Styles For young Men and older Men. You'll think they are good buying when you see them. THIS OR E Contains a carefully selected. stock of worthy merchandise—Men's and .Boys' Cloth- ing, Hats, Caps, Furnishings and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear—that you will be de- lighted with, Colne in and let us show you what is absolutely new and correct for Fall and coming Winter. WE GUARANTEE EVERY ARTICLE WE SELL TO GIVI PERFECT SATISFACTION, .OR WE WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY. That makes this a pretty safe place to do your -buying, doesn't it ? (FORMERLY THOS... FERGUSON'S) eafort .�c^,..ate1,::f leA rs,;tay:: aid J, rin i1 per cent off all Women's and Misses Coats OUR chance 1 This sale, your one best op- yportunity to buy your new Winter Coat and save many dollars. This is the Coat event of the season. No other one will approach it in variety or value. You will see no coats more stylish than these, for every Coat is a gem of the mode. They are a profusion of types, insuring you an individually becoming garment at a price much lower than you ever expected to pay for such beautiful coats. 5 doz. Men's Fine Rib Sox Heather and Black. Reg. 65c for 4 c 10 dozen Men's Heavy "Hanson" All -Wool WORK SOX Reg. 65c 49'c for M 5 dozen Men's Heavy ,Dark Heather Mixture Work Sweater. Extra Special $1.78 Men's Brushed Wool Neck Scarfs Extra Special $1.19 45 only LADIES' ALL -WOOL HOSE Extra Special 49c 5 dozen LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE in Black, Brown and Tan shades Reg. 1.00 for 59c ■ 5 dozen Heavy Boys' Black Cotton STOCKINGS Reg. 35c for. 26c 10 doz. Boys' Heavy ALL -WOOL STOCKINGS Heather and Black Reg. 1.00 for 79 c MEN'S and BOYS' Sweaters 20 per cent. Off SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES ON Men's Work Mitts See Our Ladies' Underwear ALL HEAVILY REDUCED 12 dozen Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Heavy Silk Rib Hose. Black, Brown, Camel, Tan, Grey and Fawn shades. Reg. 1.75 for L29 Values for Thrifty Mothers in Our Boys' Department Boys' Suits 57 BOYS' SUITS in Dark Mixtures, Grey, Brown, Blue and Lovett shades, Every suit guaranteed to give satisfaction. All sizes, 24 to 34 Valdes to $12.00, for ;, . $6s95 . 59 BOYS' SUITS in all shades. Mostly Two Bloomer Suits with three-piece ‘belts. All the newest styles... . All ''sizes "24 to 34 Values to $15,00 for