HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-29, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1925, SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- toes and some green vegetables, he won't get up ' from the table dissatisfied. D. H. STFWAUT Your Butcher PHONE 58. Seaforth The Right Way Shoes repaired the right way give double the wear, Rubber Boots repaired and resoled. Leather, soles nailed and hand sewn. Rubber 13ottnnts sewn on, Our 20 Years' experience has taught us to repair the right way. Fred Barlow SEAFORTH Two doors south Beattie's Variety Store. Red & White ehain Stores SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, OCT. 30th, AND FOLLOWING WEEK Choice Mince Meat, ib 14c Aylmer - - New Pack for 25c Eagle Brand Milk 2 for 35c Life Buoy Soap 7 c Corn 'Starch •c 2 plcgs. ... , , .. . • These special can - Ase sur - chased only at the Red and White Stores, Ross J. Sproat W. M. Stewart W. J. Walker & San UNDERTAKING —and -- Motor or Horse Equipment. W. .7, WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers .Furnished, Night or day phone 67. Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs .For Fall, List Beady EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prices for quantity Hl olland eau, Import eo Niagara Falls, Ont. CHUNIN CREAM ANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, I. _D. H. McInnes ehiropractor Masseur Of %Vinghaut, will he at the noons in future. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After - Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated, Oranges At all prt,:es. to meet your needs 40, '5O -and 75c PURE OLIVA OIL SWEET POTATOES.r CRANBERRIEti, CELERY TOMATOES CALIFORNIA GRAPES. afA il'hS4A3aitm nzwatrieeire°n"&rmigs iezins vc sfm For Catarrh(, -It is one of the chief recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric-Oil ,that • itcan be used internally with as much success as it pan outwardly. Sufferers from ca- tarrh will find that the 011 when used according to dirget' •ons will give prompt relief. Many sufferers from this ailment have found relief in the Oil and have sent testimonials. r�l�li1ll'� , ASP!R 1 HAS "BAYER CROSS Tablets without "Bayer Cross" are not AApiiht at all Get genuine "Bayer 'Tablets of Aspirin" in n Bayer' package, plainly marked with the safety "Bayer Ciess." The"Bayer Cross' Is you • only way of knowing that you are gett ing genuine Aspirin, prescribed by phyaiohtns for nineteen years and proved safe by mil• lions for Headache, Neuralgia,_ Colde, Rheumatism, Lumbago, 1Tr.nr it is, and for Pain generally. M (' Mole in iaad1. Gandy tin boxes of 12 tablcte—alsb larger, sized "Bayer" packages. 4epirin is the trade ntnk (registered' in Canada), of Bayer Msnufnuture of Monoaeetieeeidester of Salicylicucid, \t'hile it is well known that A tpirin mean„ Bayer manufacture, to s+eist bhe Public against imitations the Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd., will lie +txmpcd with their general trade mark, the "Bayer .Grose," SAYS, LEFIW'1 JUICE , WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make thle.cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juiec of two Iemmas into a bottle containing three ounces of, orchard white, shako well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at sexy, very small coat; Your grooer has the lemons and ativ 'drug afore or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. • Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, amts and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft sand white the glean beeomea''_yea] - 16 t. hs•rnlsaa - 8•iawm ,.nm,nor.,,.� uii � 1 zi Sys a Town Topics 1 ar+.®.na••�.e.®.�q ;Mr. and 3lrs. G, 'I•Iandlcy and Mr. Robert Gemmell motored from Lon- don and spent the week -end with Mr. and 'MMus, J. D. Gemmell. Mr; and Mrs. 'Gro. Gymer and daughter; of Isondoo, were guests of Mr. and fr. John McLennan over the week end; Miss Grace Stephens spent Sunday in .London, Miss Dougall, of Sarnia, spent Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Rev, T.: If. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bullard, Mr, and Mrs, J. Daly, and Mr. ,Ro'berr'BelI were in Strat- ford attending the funeral of the late TIr, Henry Bullard, Mrs Alvin Dale has leased apart- ments over Mr. R. !L.;„Clark's store, Cr. and Mrs. Lorne Dade, of Wingham, were guests of Mr, and Mrs iM. McKellar, ide At-ttold \Vestcott has returned from the hospital' in London some what ititproved in health. Miss Kehoe is moving into the house she recently purchased from 1f1•, 'Phomas Daly, on Fast William street. A rifle team of eight cadets from Collegiate, J Chesney, C. Anent, .R. McKercher, 3, Crich, M. Sevauge, sI., Workman, ',C.'Haugh, -1, „Willis, were in London for the - rifle com- petitions, Carl Aberhart, John Me- Intosh and Mr. R. N. flissnnnctte accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. R. n. Croft and chil- dren, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, A. Barton, rivfr, and Mrs. C, A. Alexander and daughter Peggy, of Galt, were week- end guests of Mrs. 1". Anderson, Mr. "ET trry Dill, of Detroit, is visit ng relatives in town, "Mrs, Norman Bohannon, of Lon- don, is the guest of Mrs, J, Pat- ersonc Miss Marie Hughes is home from Detroit owing to the serious illness 1 her sister, Mrs. L. Atkinson, Airs and 'Mfrs. S. d -reran and baby aughter, of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. Mr, and Mrs, John Modelan t have. eturued from their wedding trip to iuifalo. Don't, forget the fowl dinner given he Ladies' Aid iay.North Side United hunch on Thanksgiving night from .30 to 8 p.m. Afaster Louis Jackson is ill at resent, ,hiss Ria Hilts is visiting friends. n Toronto, Mr. Robert McKay and niece, les Jean Stith"), avere Blyth visitors, \ir. J. Pringle,. Milwaukee, was a )•rttest of Mrs J H. Broaclfoot, \frs, James Cowan is visiting her a righter, Dr. Mary Cowan, in To- nnto, The math friend, of Mrs. 1'. H, .arkin, who tc in the hospital will c pleased to learn that she is mak- tg goon progress toward recovery. Mrs. J. R. Archibald has been hoseu leader of St. Thomas' church hoir, ,Airs E. \V, Bateman having esigncd. Mrs, Archibald assumed er new duties on Sunday last. Miss Helen Kerr, of McKillop, is ack to school again after being ab- ent a week on account of sickness, Mrs. Wm :Smith is seriously ill at or home on West Gitderich street. Mr. Calvin Flillen and family at tided anniversary services et Duff's torch , Sunday morning and then pent the rest of the' day with his arents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hilton. r. 'Calvin Hilton has just recently irehased a new touring car. 0 d c 5 d r b 11 C c r h b it to el 1f 1st BAYFIELD, Dr. W. J and Mrs, Tillman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Daly, of London, spent the week -end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boug, of Windsor, spent a few days in The vil- lage closing their summer Pomo for the season Mr. and Mrs, I. M. Day, Miss Jean and Jim Day and friends, motored from Detroit on Friday and spent the week -end at their cottage. Rev. J. H. McLeod conducted the service in the Anglican church last Sunday in the absence of the Rector, Rev, P. f -i. Paull, "Commencing next Sunday the service will be at 7 o'clock, ;tr.A. J. Carver who has spent sev- eral months at Detroit, spent a few days in the village. He returned on Monday accompanied by Mrs. Carver and babe. Dr, A. S. Atkinson and son, J. M. Atkinson, of Detroit, spent the wecic- end at the cottage. Mr. Allan Pye returned from the West on Friday last. Miss Jessie Metcalf, . or Detroit, spent a few days last week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Met- calf. The Y.P.S. are holding a Hallow- e'en Social on Friday evening in the basement of St. Andrew's United church- Stall fee of fifteen: Cents for atonrmembers. Everyone is invited to attend, so conte and have a good time. Would like to see more join this Society, Mr, and Mrs. J. Perry left on Thursday last. Mrs. W. E. Mise+ter and family who have spent the past four months in Mr, G. Weston's house left last 'Wednesday for their home in Toronto Mr, Albert Leitch purchased the Property offered for sale by Mrs. )L Caldwell. The latter has given .yup -housekeeping and is at present visit- ing Mr. and 'Mrs, \V J. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Roy'Smith and little daughter of London returned to their home the beginning of the week after a few days' with Mr, and Mrs R. Smith. The annual meeting of the Y.P.S. was held last Friday. The fololwing officers were appodmted, President, Haruki Scotcltifier, vice ores., Jean McKenzie secretary, Helen Gerrie; treasurer, Lucy Woods; organist, Ploy 'Edwards; leader- of comm±.,•' ;., THE SEAFORTH NEWS E. W. Bateman, Tailor Gentlemen's Lades' Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING .AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTLI 0s4.24 _EVENINGS. PHONE 257 singing, Mrs. F. H. Paull. Forty-five dollars Was voted towards the new scenery in the town hall. It is not the object of this society to snake looney, but this money being an hand and they were generous enough to donate it, it is thought the council will also be generous and allow the society the use of the town hall for a few of their ea;tra meetings. The following refers to the decease of the mother of Charles Parker, who was very well known in this vlciuity, having lived in Tuckerstnith and Bayfield most of her life, About 17 years ago she went to N. Dakota; "Mrs. Louise Parker passed away on Wednesday, October 7th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs, T. W. Cox, of Walhalla, N. Dakota, For a number of years the Parker family lived near Osna"lirock and Miltcta. At the time of her death she was 86 yrs,. 7 otos„ and 7 days old, Mrs. Parker had been ill for some time and on account of her advanced years, no- thing could be done for her. Mr. Par- ker flied some years ago and the sur- viving members of the family are: Charles, of Bayfield Ont.; Mrs, F. Plater, of Metiskow•, Alta., Thomas and William, of Naicant, Sask. and Mrs. T. W. Cox of Walhalla, The re- mains were conveyed from Walhalla to Milton on Thursday and the fun- eral services were conducted from the "Methodist church at Milton on Friday at 2.30 p.m, 'bp 'Rev. M. John - stmt, Interment was made in the Oridfellows' cemetery near Milton. A very large number attended the fun- eral service to pay their respects to a woman they had known and honor- ed for a great many years. Five of the pallbearers were her grandsons, Supt. P. C. Parker, Nekona; Leon- ard Cox, Langdon Geo. Cox, of \Valhalla; Clarence 'Cox, of Granville; Murray Cos, of Calvin, and Hubert Tollefson, of Milton." (Intended for last week.) Airs. Wright, who has been visiting her brothers, W. R. and J. \V. Jowett, returned to Tottenham on Monday, Miss Nina Heard, of Stratford, spent the week -end at her home. The Y. P. S. presented their two plays, "Frank 'Glyntt's Wife” and "Miss Molly" at the fowl supper held at the 'Triton church, near Goderich, last Friday. Musical selections were also given by Arthur Peck and Ilar- old 'Scotehniet', VI r. John JH. Howard returned home from the West on Monday last. M is and Mrs, - "Dixon and , Miss Carrie Dixon motorcti-from Galt and Sunday spent with their slaughter, Mrs, F. H. Paull Rev, and Mrs. Paull accompanied them on Monday and proceeded to Toronto to attend She opening of the new Trinity 'Col- lege. They expect to be away two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Will Townshend, of Alanilla, were here attending the funeral of the fortner's mother, tite late Mrs, A.. Townshend, HIBBERT. The Council met on Monday, Oct, 19th, Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. ;loved by Jeffery and McDougatd, that the following orders be issued on the Treasurer; Russell Butler; hauling gravel, Bruce bridge, $16.50; Orval McLaren, moving grader, do, $2.50; J G. Scott, hauling cement, tlo. $17.S0: E. Kleinfeldt, filling ap- proaches, do, $2,50; W. E. McLaren, clo, $3.00; J. McLean. labor, do, $3.50; W. Kay, labor, etc., do, $13,25; W. Marshall, do, $6.50; N. Horton, gravel $2.50; D. Bruce, light, etc. $33,00; NV. Miller, lumber, $10,00; W. Stapleton, cement, $17.85 •W, Sadler, scantling, $6.00; \V. Rills '$r. Co supplies, $22.50; J, McDonald, labor, miser plank and timber, $43.00; Worden, labor, $13.50; L. Worden, teaming. $2.50; R. Hnggarth„ select- ing jurors, $4.00; P. Feeney:, do, $1,00; Jas. Jordan, :to, and report, $7,00; Muskoka I•fospital, $46.75; In- surance, T. hall, $1.05, S. McLean. ditching, $16.00; J. Hunkin, 'culvert. McDougall Drain, $512.00; J, W. Balfour, opening road, $13.15; E. Robinson, final estimate. McDougall tile portion, $635,00; Ed. Robinson & Sons, extra tile, McDougall Draift, $76,22; Jos. Worden, works at Miller bridge 534,00; Chas. Kistner, .1st estimate Tyndall Drain and Exten- sion, $560,00 E. 7.. Jordan, grant to Dublin school fair, $25.00; Contract Reeord, advertising, 812.40. 13y -Jaws Nos. 266 and 267 were read a first time and provisionally adopted. The ThaliksgMn Inner North Side United Church SEAFORTH on THANKSGIVING DAY, o d y, Nov. 9ti Dinner served from 5:30 to 8 P.M. PROGRAMME. Mr. Frank Moore, tenor; Miss 'Moyer, contralto, Mitchell. An address by Rev. Sir, Lundy, Kippent. Music by the choir and other local talent. Admission 50 cts. PAGE FIVE. A S Weicarry the Westinghouse Radicle !ILA with Music Master Loud Speaker ,The most satisfactory set'at thelmost reasonable prices: i Ca4l and see them. J. ra derick Electrical Supplies PIGIMINEINK Council the adjourned to meet Unless worths be expelled front t;t again on Wednesday, Nov. 4th at system, no child can be healtin 1 p.m,, Mother Gnat s' e Worm Ts.•te r' • mto at ;antes Jordan, Clerk. is an excellent medicine to desu-r, worms. 'Worms, however generated, are found in rhe digestive tracts, where they set up disturbances detrimental to the health of the child. There can be no comfort for the little ones un- til the hurtful intruders have been expelled. An excellent preparation for this purpose can he had in Mill- er's Worm Powders, They will im- mediately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were fav- orable to their existence, Dragged Down by Asthma, The man or woman who is continually subject to asthma is unfitted for his or her life's work. Strength departs and energy is taken away vntill life hecotnes a dreary existence. And yet this is needless, Dr. J, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has brought a great change to an army of sufferers. It relieves the restricted: air tubes and guards against future trouble. Try it. ,YOUR TIRES Be sure you get FIRESTONE GUM-DIPPF,I: CORDS, Cost no more than ordinary tires, Also our new IMPERIAL RUBBER CAS:: BATTERY Guaranteed for one year. We do all kinds of automobile repat work. All work guaranteed. Automatic Air Service Day or Nigh' ADAM DODDS rat& Poulin; Gla1ln"a31,lator MatUntie s lag re E mrr P,•atta Poultry Book and Advice TREE Write for it PRATT FOOD CO. of CANADA,Idmrted,TORONTO Phone 17. SEAFORTH. TN FIVE YEARS' TIME What Will You Be Doing? Where Will You Be? The answer depends yay largely upon your action NOW. You' cannot hope for the greatest success unless yott fully prepare yourself for it, Write today for fall information regarding our courses. The completion of one of these may mean the difference between success anti failure for you. Net: classes being formed every week. CentralBusinessCollege, Stratford, Ont. Princirai, R. P. Lumstlea, 13.98, N The SneeiwtI Milverton We Have it --Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings Chop of All Kinds C. G 1SON GRAiN DEALER. PHONE 25 Our Customers' Protection illla s' Shoey'. rtr es olden Rub ens Men's Hex. vy iirus daWW Shoes, ;313.75 Xi Pays to Buy in Egmdndvrille W. . e F 1 nig,t+c; n Your Ft to reds If you are in need of Tires, give us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, or, have a Battery to be repaired, see us. complete stere litre of trfost called for parts of various cars.' Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert ,, auto repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? der9 PHONE ' 167W, 9 a 4 d 4 4 4 • 4