HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-29, Page 4,?AGE FOUR,
o ryu e• there is much of misundcrstand-
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J. F. SNOWDO p von
European- tatand Asw p
"1 love America more than ever,"
is the keynote ofanarticle by R
Dr. Samuel 1. latish of Winona,
Minnesota, formerly of McKillop,
and a grandson of Mrs, 'Barwick of
Winthrop, Under the heading "A
few months spent in Europe gives
alae a new appreciation of his home,"
the Winona Republican -Herald, of
Sept, 12th. publishes the following by
1)r, l'arish:-
••.\s the ancient sea -roamer faring
home front the northerly coast of
Africa or from beyond the Pillar of
Herenles beheld from afar - the
l4peartip of the Great Athena Pro -
machos. so anxious hearts w•ate11 for
the Airs, indications of America T as
the ,7477.;111 Inver conies toward New
York harbor," declared the Rev. Dr.
5. 1.. --Parish, in speakiu today of his
sensations on .returning home this
week fl -ran his European trip corer -
1117 the past tell weeks,.
,"The statue of Liberty was a wet -
:tonic sight to more than 1,800 Amer -
'can citizens who entered New York
harbor an the bl.ajestie last 'Tuesday
he said. "These travel-
Duties like a
Messenger, of peace and prosperity
. - too it. Amer-
icaWilling she can do more by sending assist-
ance over thele. ill education, agri-
culture and -,democracy,. so far as
these will he accepted, than she will
at the present time by simply' open-
ing her doors to relieve congested
"It is interesting in divided Ire-
land, From • Dublin • to Belfast one
meets a group of customs officers to
examine the traveler's possessions.
From Belfast to Dublin the customs
officers are looking for tobacco and
linen. • Perhaps it is religion or per-
haps it is polities, but whatever it
is, divided Ireland is groaning under
an almost impassible tax and shows
no sign of prosperity. that
"1 must not forget to say
Europe and the East are rich in what
they contribute to 'the student an
111e traveler. These people are
courteous and kind. Their cathedrals
and ancient buildings, mnseunts and
historic spots are -delightful :and ill-
spiring. No one can spend a few
months in France and England and
Germany \without becoming richer in.
knowledge anal mare universal in his
religion and faith in mankind,
•'.1s a result of tmy travels 1 love
ri1,t, Il r&'
en•: weere from two months to three America more thati ever, 1 appreci_
years away from the home -land. It ate more distinctly all persons.. liv
was an inspiring sight to see a mass int; and dead who have obtained for
ofpeople on .the flock frantically us what we. now noSseSS. I am look -
waving hats 'And'And-handkerchiefs, glad logwith hopehopetoward -the leadership
>ttr Man Mot hi, coat off and stand, r.7 come forth to bring us into a
i,1l • i1e' white sleeves waved it wildly League o , 1 Nations . that we may
above his head- and shouted when he he able to make our (emu -Motion to
caught sight of the 7001011 he want- divided Europe, ,pe, and unstahtlized
071. 1 Wished i ;lame one knew all Asia before another War 0 1117., which
-those thrills and could write 1 book. will-pr'n•e Utterly disastrous t., all
entitled 'The Arrival of the Majestic .,,r. present civilization."
1925.11ay \T . 'tii,ta, rr,tctnber g WALTON.
i wt' 41e1 Ideased trfird Mr. \‘', S. 1 M, motored to Fergus
and; Mes,, 11, F. staleap w1ir, are now' 1)3' way of Brussels, Palmerst,m and
living in New York. and were for Arthur, visiting his laughter, Mrs.
seeera; too:s a-soriate,l with -the 1t t', iia,wlaucl. H} returned by way
\t n7111 Teacher", c,lle- ,'. awaiting of 17.n,w i ia11ing 1I1 friends' there,
i:1I arrival. - I Kenneth 1 s -k s..tn. Who has been on
-Along the 1,1e7literranean at every the sick list is i1u1' awing. -
ye. .saw 1i na. emnitigs :.1:1 the \ .lance will be hel71 in the A. e),
'1,77.1111 horn,- .t1 as Wren w 1m- V. \V, halt 71 November tilt
e:, and. children -111:1. ho olet l Air, .11:11 Mrs. AleMurray and son
ya 1 , distant 1 1'':. yvasa r. ,s. 1. l. of Detroit. visited at the horde.
ea•y to knowtin, message elle people: of Nit. Dim 0411 'McNichol .last week.
t i 11•:1
by the t-• fl1 or pained rx-i \]r. Davi-1 1 •,y l and Mr. Janes
-,g•essions aF. 11:'11771 1714' knew the Sn1it1t arrived home last Saturday
language. Ir• the port of Ale•xatl. t from the West. David says the \Vest
,'.'•"1 w'.. ',1"'± -,e•1 Separation. ani is 1 grand countrybut not for him.
iL an 1 :kits. L. Leeming paid a
, era .a , r cr ,•, the hales t: v.r , E,
0,, ton :7111 11.,,,111 rd his going as 1-7e7 ,711,,r1 vii to Mitchell on Sunday. 011
A:1W for 1' airs 1.11717y a.11 m'ur•1f;i1-1 acc7 7ml1 ofthe/illness of Airs. l.cenr
lv 1 : m the 1<oran. littette is a v. -,n 1l mother. 14frs. Mitchell.
and political 1t e slte.l11 .;,enol a fel; \Ar arc 7rlt to report. the
e -i -illness
a country you call your ,,n 0. „± \1 Th . 1,.cmmg, [ss
-Breathes there a Whin (Cita so111 for ultimate reel/very.
so dead,\1 r Edwin Davit ,,n is busy these
\V'hose heart bath ue'er within days improving the appearance of his
hint 'horned .7777 by removing the willows.
1s home 1,:: f•, ,t,1eps he ha111 Air...Albert Duncias and •sons have
turned taken the contract of ditching for
From w5n.ic•r•'lw in a- foreign John Robertson, Thos. Storey and
1111." - 1George Dundas.
Mt. \\'m. McCune has returned
'tome after mending two months
with his sisters. Mrs, George Wilson,
t f r ,,ul Rapids, :mil Mr,. John
S alttzkv. of Viking. Sask.
with t e(r appreciation 01 lus home. Rev. Mr. Jones, rt C: rrie, . n tcupted
lihe 1» maths he will spend the hal- tate pulpit in St. George's church last
an,•v 11'14 lite eneouragil1g people 511ndtly. It was 'Thanksgiving Sun -
a.71.1 appreciate the wonder-, day,
)1711 ±+1 t ' gewhich are theirs. Com-) t2ty. Mr. t'handler preached anni-
pa,isons might he valnable. Peri1ti svrwiccs in tile Methodist
-The 7kinerican who sees-•ni( nls-
lor,1^e and disaster in our social
4111 political life 4117,n1I spend a few
months ,told e 11'lif 7),17 tai much of
' e and 411' will return
worild r,4 )n•. Mahle to ,end , nl1.ch last Sunday.
111e71 7011 women over for ak , \ir• and :4'., . Radturd wen! 10 \rtlnir \fce,?tt5rn. S Tial Service -bol
•ewe n,,t 1, and allow thein to try 1 u lwic11 uu 1nndey. A message
r give that the former's parents had lariat was read ke Mrs, 1)ougla
Airs, Knight read the immigration
bulletin. After touch discussion• the
questionnaire on Immigration was
answered and filled in,. to be sent to
he Provincial ronveucr. \fess Mum
rx• read a letter from the sccretatt
the report of the representative
' Mrs: :knit's/ to the International
Conned ,f Women held it) Washing-
ton. was re•1.1 by Mrs, Baud, Roll
eat! was answered by all extract from
R. 1.. Stevenson, and Mrs. Dow read
all article on the life of 1:, L. Steven
et. -\inch interest 511; taken in
the debate: "Resolved that. a dirty,
Miss Tessie Lynch of. Beechwood
visited with Mrs. C. Carlin on Tues-
Mr, Lee .Gleason is in Clinton help-
ing•to complete the apple harvest,
Mr, Michael O'Laughlin is Improv-
stables with a new v
Mr. Adam Clark has returned from
Deteroit where he visited his daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. Klinkhaminer,
Mrs. James Jordan, of Stratford,
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Wan. Jordan of Hibbert,
Miss MarytDonnelly returned to
Detroit on Saturday. She was ac-
companied by her mother who • will
remain for a short visit.
Ur. Verne'Britton has returned to
his duties at the Standard Bank after
a brief illness,
Miss Millie \Villiains, of Stratford,
spent a few days in the village,
Miss Mary Connolly spent Sunday
the guest of her friend, Mrs. P. 0' -
Sullivan in McKillop.
The card party in the parish hall
un Friday night was a real succuss,
all going hone wth much praise to
the ladies of the parish:
Quite a number from town attend-
ed the dance in Walton on Friday
Mr. P. Dill and Mr; F. McConnell
called on Seaforth friends during
the week.
'A shower given by the Dublin
friends of Miss Alice Reihl, bride-to-
be of reit week, tool: place at the
home of Mrs. Alex. Darling -Tuesday
evening. The house was prettily
decorated in pink and white. The
following address was read by Mrs.
1 J. Lr Thy. 'Dear Alice -It is with
mingled feeling. of pleasure and re-
gret that we hare gathered here this
evening. Pleasure in anticipation of
the happy event_ which is to take
place in the near future: and regret
111 losing one. so popular anti ener-
getic, from our ill mediate r7'nt111nt-
ity, During your residence among
n v,n have always been cheerful and
genial. thus winningan abiding place
our affections. tans - We take__ great
pleasure in presentiug pm with many
gifts as a mark of our lasting esteem
sura! friendship. When in future days
y:au look upon these mementos,
let thein remind you ,7f your girlhood
day,, and also of the kindest regards
of your Dublin friend.. We trust
that yon will be long .pared to enjoy
the best of health and happiness, and
that fortune may bless ynit with a
plrntitude of her Choicest guts, Sign-
ed by Your Dublin, Friends, Oct. 27th,
11125," \lits Riehl replied very nicely
and after opening the many pretty
gifts,' the-- bride-to-be favored her
friends with solos. \such music and
singing took place, followed by
dainty refreshments served by the
• large number of friends and nei-
ghbor. .attended the funeral of the
late -Mi P. 110,wey last Friday, the
service being hell in the church,
The; Misses \Iusselmatl, teachers
of S. S. No. 4, Stanley, who were
week -end guest, of 14115 Helen
'Tough,: - sang a duet at the Union
church last Sunday.
Rev, .\!R Clysdale occupied the pul-
pit here nn Sunday in absence of Rev.
C. G. :\ nitwit:, who ),.
tottr w o wa {teaching
anniversary services in Isxeter.
Rev. ani} Mrs. W. D. McIntosh and
family, of \\ inghanl, are renewing
acgnahnanc44 in,and around Bruce -
On the 21st, twenty-three ladies at-
tended the 1'. F. W. O. club meeting
which was held at the home 7f Mr.,
11,.4'ramnes s, that
they air, ;cant •1<11.1w the great
hiessings hest ,. upon- theft by
'111. etstmlerfill ,: (41115.77 in w•'11"h
they :a c, to live. \\, •ejoiee in
our 1 tort e l tile blessing _f big
-'l±t 1 big vile and the b..,
hal the ntt_t•'ritme to have their
Moose burned,
Vera t,ardtnel t' not able to
,rte Udsc.1,.,.1 ,his diel 011 iCC0011t
7,.,77 .ut 17.47 face.
Miss,- ,\lira and 171(77el 1h'y have
hrothee. loot 1 1 •y is tomeoed w71 11n7;7711 u,1•lt' me weather with a severe
sorrow' 7,. ea 1 .o 11111/ 1 I ,Ate .art 1 , )1'174-
sa.ents tolack so many things so ! - \\• Anderson has been been
easily 1 ,ah - 7074 ! . the house the past two
'''Shail we milt:.! t )e itaforlimates 40711 all al0Ce15 ',11 her fare,
Ainerie, from all lands Une ,71,1.. tile result of a -bad tooth.
rni7.at.on est, will show ; the Mimic- \l:•. 1, Flannery shipped a load of
tai ,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,ete of the mnnl S a its. • t to Toronto last week.
Our" -immigration laws cannot meas. .Mrs. Eivaelt Clark visited with Mr. ,ud natured housekeeper is better
lir, the minds .,f a list nen a± 1 Mrs. \\t r i. over the week - e
! than a clean, ill-tempered one:
le 17 e hellart lett- end' lodges decided in favor of the of-' Precautions In the L'so of Paris
work, 1o ' 'nay d not ) at to. Miss D yereat.z Is improving nice- 1
• 11 rn alive. A dainty Mulch was served I Green.
4er e They muddle the wit. •,f ]t by the hostess and all returned: to t
rue 1 They 1e1.1, the ways t i,,,:,.. The snow has stopped the farm ` If a double quantity of good,
.are They he 1ni11d5 of work for a tune. .Apples and roots t ..r._h.,mes feeling they ,batt had a .freshly slaked little or hydrated lime
.a•r kr•-, The: . a y like 'a atrram of 1 have -ttc,t- been stored yet, r. - profitable afternoon, Next meeting be milked with the -Paris green and
a Mrs:. Do �l
tt as.'
5then the mixture made into a. paste
o hai with t
Mrs.. U .tt sis ab,e t
The stories P
Of a sill
poison. T 1e in
( t ties t
workers i.. .,171 in Cairo, Athens,- the house duties again. \'Iata Haugh and Mr. John
water and Allowed to stand [n
I'rte and Lcndant. They come to Mrs. A. b Bruce, of Streetsvillr, McIntoshu.h attended the cadet shoot' this form some little time before
other ;and ut:ullle spirited' and to hr71t visiting• at \frs. J T Ate, at London last week. pdiluting and spraying, the lime will
shortly they become dissatisfied and ( awns'., and calling 0n other friends. \fisc Elsie Londesborough spent combine with 'the greater part of rho
-artinjuriousat the best national Mr. Geo. Ferguson, of Toronto,
Sunday with \[i. Pearl Douglas. I free arsenious oxide and remove its
lies D . to±,h.ilf seems to he c ,inmate was wfs}in, his parents, \'Ir, and Mr, and • Mr M. S, Aikeahead, 1 leaf seorehlag property to a great ex -
over much of Euro )e ace,;! Asia. The Mrs, 17, Ferguson. were visiting friends Sends in Bruce -field . ten. 8o says Prof, Ii. Fulmer, C,A.G.,
war made n , setticmerft between 'Airs. W. Smith is under the dog Mond5y. i Guelph.
France ane1 Germany. The: Irish tor', care. .Her many friends hope •
Presentation. -On Friday• 0vcnh1gl
recipient of many l;4a\ltiful gifts: A
dainty • hunch was ' 'served to diose
present and avery enjoyableabPc
ng spent in games and music,
A number from liere attended. the
anniversary services at Hillsgreee
Sunday and also the concert Monday
'Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Bair(!, Sr., of
Stanley, who spent the last month iu
Detroit, have returned home. They
were accompanied by i4Tr,. acid 'Airs,
Baird, of Detroit.
Miss Jeau Wright is visiting her
brother, William Wright, of. Sea-
Mt.'Stackhouse deft for Manitoba
last week to attend the funeral of his
step4ather, Mr. Anderson. His sis-
ter, Mrs. Will McDowell, of Auburn,
accompanied him.,
Last Sunday Rev. W. F. Clysdale;
of Exeter, was the preacher at the
United church, Brucefield, and his
discourses were much enjoyed.
Next 'Sunday evening the annual
thaukoffering service of the \V;M.S;
will be held. 'The special speaker will
be .Miss Mitchell, travelling secretary
of the \V,\i,S, A Targe attendance is
looked for,
Mr, H. Dickson. of London, was a
.guest at the manse this week.
The annual thankoffering of 'the
Mission Batt(' was held in •the church
school room on Saturday, October
24th, at 2.30 p.ni., when a large num-
ber of mothers and friends ,net with
the members to, listen to a splendid
programmme :and to hear reports cif
progress for the year. The president,
Mian Anna Haugh, presided, Mrs.
Hamilton, of Goderich, honorary pre-
sident for Huron Presbyterial \V,\LS.
grave the address of the afternoon,
and Was completely taken by surprise
when, at the close; site was made an
hc,noray life member -of the 1.77,\1.5;,
by the Beneetie.ld \V:AfS,'s Young
Women's Auxiliary, a signal honer
and a well deserved one Mrs. Haugh
presented stinted the certificate tificate anti the ad-
dress, which avas read by Airs. Hugh
.likeuhead, was as folows:
"Dear Mrs. IIantilton;--We, the
member of the 'llrneeficld W,\1..S,
anti the Y.W.-A., desire to show our
sincere appreciation of -your faithful
service to the Huron W.M.S. Your
long -years of untiring service in the
cause of Missions and particularly
your intimate assneiatio,t during all
these \ears, with the work of- the
\\'.11.5. have been a constant stiniu-
his to us. Your zeal and devotion for
the cane .o close to your heart, the
linselh.h spirit which you have ever
shown, and the happy - fellowship
which has characterized our associa-
tion with you have inspired us to the
Master's wort:, \Ce desire to make
recognition in a tangible way of your
splendid serviee and therefore have
sincere pleasttre in presenting- you
with an honofay life membership in
the- \'1 M.S, Our 11075 now is that, as
our beloved W.M.S. undertakes the
new and enlarged task in the tatted
'C'hurch of Canada entrusted to it,
you may he spared to enjoy many
more years of active service in. It and
that your, service may continue to be
signally • and richly blessed of God
and that, in the days to come, yeti
may reap the reward. of the faithful
Sower f• o
c F the Good n d Seed. 'Inasmuch
as, ye have dune it tanto one of the
least of these: 7117' brethren, ye have
dune it tanto rte.' Signed ou behalf
i,f the Tlrttcefield \V.\f,5 and Y.W.A.
--V, •H:tngh, President \V.\LS., E.
F,nwey, President Y.\V.A. Bruce-
fiebl, October 24, 1925." Afternoon
tea was .served and a happy social
half hour followed. The offering
amounted to ;35,,10 Anna Alkenhead
received ;t diploma for perfect at-
tendance. Beatrice AleLaaghlin,
Margaret McQueen and Eleanor Ar-
men were made life members. Eliz-
abeth Broadfoot and Hazel Haugh
reeeive'•l seals for their life member-
ship' certificates.
Soft corns are difficult to eradicate,
but Holloway's Remover will
thaw them out `painlessly.
Free State o tit t ye. 1 i none o1 - the p rob- t, r a speedy recovery,
last Mr. and Mrs. C 1T, Haugh en- Minerals.
tertained the members of Session i
gripby it; freedom. Labor has spent and Mrs. H. John ley'a, ±r Mineral supplements are et value
gripped the bread life of England Sunday at Mr. john Daley's, of and their wives, A very.; enjoyable when there is a deficiency of such
and bids fair to ani her amncic, \tehillnp, evening Wag pctif and just before
minerals in the feed. The usual de -
mercy off from Great Britain Syria r,11r village in the near future. e half of the Session, presented \Ir. I and phosphorous. It is wasteful to
is in distressing conditions, and a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennis have and 71irs: the.
Manson with a 1 teed a mineral mixture containing
succession of warlike actions shows returned from visiting their sons- in beautiful Bible as they were the first . elements that are abundant in the
resistance against the French man- Saskatchewan.
date, Palestine sees the Turk and
couple to married in the church.!
!Nods used. Try and find out what
Thos present besiriea the 11051 and the shortage ls, and then pay out
:Arab cs. the Jew. (the Zionist), both DUBLIN. hostess and family. were Mr. and your good cash for it alone. Mawr'
depending upon Pritish favor. Greece Miss Diary Jordan lags guns to Mrs Jas. Moodie, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. mineral mixtures offered contain a
is under military rale. France and Chatham yyhcre. she purposes to enter McQueen, !Mr._ and \Trs. Robt, Wats variety of unnecessary and in some
Spain are unpleasantly engaged in the Urstttine Convent, son. M, and 311x, Hugh Alkenhead, instances expensive iugrcdients.
Afr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin,
•North Africa, Indeed it seemed nn- Mr. awl -Mr.. John 'Bruxer have re- Ray C C' and lir 'Armour Rei W
cotitmouly easy for an Enylishnlan
turned from an extended visit in •a ., -
• W. I There are entirely too many stale
eggs sold. How t'ew eggs reach the
consumer that are actua1T:yrshl The
fault is not with the hen; She pro-
duces a fresh egg, but too many peo-
ple do not seem to realize that an
egg is one thing that does not im-
prove with ago, otherwise they would
not hold eggs any longer than neees-
and an American thrown together 1Vindsor and Detroit. S. c oto r. o t. en,
for days a, we were on this recent lfannah fully is visiting with 11 +s \tel)onald, Miss Ruby Taylor..
trip to quickly find points of differ- her aster .Mary in London. The annual Mission Baud l'hank-
enct., resulting at tunes in heated 0111Vednesday evening 317. and „tfetiu77 ineetiilg of the Tluited.
arguments. There tt mutat be a great \1••, L. J. Loots},entertained a few t'llurch, flrttc5field, was held in the
effort n the par; n.11.•these travelers 717 nrl, to a dinner :ami euchre to
`Iutday school room at 2:311 last
to find plaints of common intent it 11.'471 th7i guests, Mr. and :vers. 1, `'atnrday afternoon. The spook;; for
aur! leave other ping, unnoticed. 77 14'). of Saginaw.the afternoon was'1Trs. Hamilton, of
Ta1711ne s on America'sentry into \ Liberal meeting was held in the t ndeiieh, yvllo was eeryinteresting.
the tsar, asking En tan:l t17 pay all 1 , ,by hall on Monday evening. Mr.
the war debt or sober America's
0117-11 eit shall.
91 7,, t Honor t
i k-
England 1n tire, field of manufac-
t r - . -ture attd piurl7 estrous orr ready 7mints
of controversy. 'rho Pnctli h and
' .Alnericafl pen{ le m ur )r,lizt• ,inns controlling, world. peace tod'ty.
Little form of ii atau
likes which will harbor all 175111.er
of ,mistrust or. suspicions -
se "There is a 1rat of poverty in E11r-
At the close of tate muting -Mrs.
1 \!7 1
was made ho
orary life:fe
sIe \1;1c acted a, chairman and
n a very pleasing address follows Rberf ,f tc t,"1
bets of the and Kelly Circle.'w 1' \CAldar ,a I. eae°tate the ln.eting refreshments wereleen Jordan has returned
„±.y.td by the uterr,brr: a,t rhe Miss
nt t ;hart ut.,lt to Chatham.
Mr. Band.
•r! Mrs. T.s
Mnlyneaux visited On Friday evening last Miss
.•rt t,. t:•tcnda in Si., Cols mbar on Sun_ Y .s
Sun -Martha McDonald gave l mncellan-
Muss Mary 'MCCvinlcil, of Guelph shower in honor of MissTresu
a*icnt theweek end with her parents Arketlhead, 'There were about 30
:Mr. and \1'r,. David iweconaell. present and the bride -elect ,wad the
"Great thoughts hallow any labor.
To -day, I earned '77 omits heaving ma-
nure out of a pen, and made a
bargain of It. 11 the ditcher muses
the while how he may liyo uprightly,
the ditching sp7"I7t gad turf knife may
he 11117.04 tine:ratted 011 Cie mat -or -arms of
501417.111 v." near,
7.1 .1 11.0r it ' lu 11'.'1•117 m Jah-
U^Lrr or i r: I knowledge
i 11.: 7 1 ,'t 1,
Malty from this part attcuded the
funeral of the late Peter Bowey at
Brucefield on Friday last, which was
held from Union church. to Baird's
1e severe windstorm of last week
completely ruined 'tile apple crop,
which is a serious loss to many. far-
mers. In many orchards. the trees
are tbnl'pletely stripped•
a of .Exeter, t
:\li Thos. 'Laing,
Kipper friends ou Sunday last.
There were no services in the Unit-
ed church last Sunday on aecoent of
anniversary services at Hillsgreeu,
Nearly every roan attended the
nomination at 'Hensall last week a
spent a very profitable afternoon list-
ening to the topics of the day dis-
cussed by the different speakers. •
Mr. John Alexander, of Tucker
smith has 'bought a farm between
Brampton and Georgetown, and will
move there shortly. Andrew's
The women of St.
United church wit holdtheir annual
Thank -offering service next Sunday
mroniug. The service promises to
he of special interest. A number of
Life memberships in the new W.
M. S. of the t'uited Church of Can-
ada (being the amalgamation of the
Women's Missionary Societies of the
Presbyterian, Congregational and.
Methodist churches),, are being given.
In view of the special need this year,
every -woman is asked to double her
Thank -offering. Members of the W.
M. S, will take part in the service and
the special speaker for the occasion
is to he Miss Evelyn Mitchell, Field
Secretary of the \V, M. S. in Canada.
Quite a. ntunber of people from
Kipper enjoyed the Hillsgreen anni-
ver tt n services last Sunday and the
entertainment given there by the
Brunswick Trio on Monday evening.
Time has Tested it, --Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil has been on the market
upwards of fifty years and in that
time it -has proved a blessing to
thousands. It, is in hhigh ,favor
throughout Canada and its excellence
has carried its fame beyond the seas:
th • price } would
double c 1t e
If at were t (
he a cheap liniment.
General Insurance Agency
Town and Farm Properppy'
Bonds,Etc., Etc.
Town of Seaforth
$300, $4, $ 500
00 t)0 $700,
$6 ,
$800 and $1,000,
1929 - 1945
-5 Per Cent.
Annual Interest,
DR, +1. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
e i
nose and throat. Office and resid-
a B-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106.
DR, F. J. BURROWS, Seaford*.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the County; of Huron. Tele-
phone No. 40,
Seaforth Phone 152
IFTY �r'e,Lei7' S
will watch Pas e 21 in
next week's issue o
for opening ,' d
(It costs little to dress well at R. J. Gibb's,)
R. J.
Formerly T. Ferguson's
7 •' sU°„1`tt.
k3 �i
Ekctio Night
'( THURS., FRI., and SAT.
Depicting the last stand of the American Cattle Barons and their
final trek, with 100,000 cattle, over the Mexican bordor,
A truly colossal production staged on a scale equally as big ask
"The Covered Wagon."
Roy Stewart and Bessie Love
head an immense cast.
A Picturo You Should not Miss.
Some Cut P x t
The capacity of the Moths of Quality estab
lishmeaat is 2500 suits a week.
Suits and Overcoats to be sacrificed at a discount of 15 to 25 per cent.
Our Fall and Winter samples are now in. The choice in clothes is not
confined to 'a few -patterns, 'but varied in Weights and 'colorings, fibril`
the best makers,
The tremendous price reduction will invite buyers front all over
the county.'e •
It will pay you to see our goods before buying. No trouble
to show goods.
Suits $'18 up
('coats $20 up
DR. C. MACII:AY.-C, Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col.
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR, F. J. R. FORSTER,-Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi.
eine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Oph'thal•
mie and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaf o rt $:
third Monday in each mon*,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone 2671
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, Gradu-
ate of N rthwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill, Licentiate Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street, Sea -
forth. Phone 151.
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Autognobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machined
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire insurance Co,
James. Connolly, Goderich; Alex,
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Peek-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforek,
Sec. -Treasurer.
Wm. Rinn, No. 2, - Seaforth; Jolts
Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beeclnvnod; M. McEwen, Clinton,,
James Conolly, Goderich ; ;Alex.
Broadfoot, No, 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,
FIarlock; George McCartney, No. 3,
Seaforth, Murray Gibson, Brucefield,
Alex, Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E.
Hincllley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R
R, No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Holnlesville; R. G. Jermouth, Bern -
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
'nr:c, Seaforth, auditors,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranarst other tusiness will be
promptly attended to by application
*.o any of 111e above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
Don't Thr ow
�':� -.{ Your Old
•• , ;, carpets Away
They make make flew revers
I slble"Velvetey" Rugs.
scud Enc \'e15017.x Fonder 2
I.0xDos, u7T.
Highest prices paid. Max Wolab,
phone 178, Seaforth.
At 1•l;berhart's Drug Store
7i'i 1
that tired look and "ragged"
feeling out of your face.
Say "I3onctlla Facial" to
your barber and come up
smiling with a new appear-
ance of vim and fitness, 13e
one of the "million a week:"
(Just Around the Corns
Corns are caused by 'the pressure
of le ti1`
boots '
b hut no one
nem bed
troubled with them long when so
.simple a remedy as FIolloway's -Corn
Remover is available,