HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-15, Page 81@ .$AR-''''ftl3�fl ' c11aarz41 's9; 86911 is revea1e a. The flavor is ,i,ifwwe, fresh an f °a rant. Try it. $mcK . Mixed or Green Blends. Love Gives Itself THE STORY OF A BLOOD FEUD BY ANNIE 8, SWAN. %ore gives itself and. Is not bought"—LongtellOW. CHAPTER XXXII.—(Cont'd.) "Three bags of nuggets! Eh?" re- peated Peter Garvock, with the vivid ,interest of an eager school boy. "Rep- resenting how much?" "Between forty and fifty thousand pounds. We took it down to Dawson and had it assayed and carefully put away, then we came back here—" "Wasn't he excited over it?" "No—only rather like a man who sad got rest far hie &eel at last. Ile aid We'd Speed d the Mummer here and et back to civilization, possibly to l Europe, in the fall. But from the day he found the loot he began to decline in health. The lung trouble came back in full intensity. I've had the doctor out several times. Finally he took to l his bed and yesterday he died." 1 Rankine's steady voice broke in his throat, and he turned his head away. "It's a queer experience, Peter, for a pian to be shut up in such solitude, with a soul drawing near to the other side! Affery was without fear. He talked of it as the great adventure, beside which everything else paled. And he died last night as peacefully as a child, with his cheek on his hand, i and a boy's smile on his face." Ih With that Rankine picked himself up and walked away a few steps; and a Garvock understood. It was wonder -1m ful the understanding that was 'be - mood, and usually entered into them Madox had arisen front her refusal With full zest. to takethe chief part in ,a' play Ma= "I think it is very selfish of Claud and Cicely not lox had written especially for her. ;F,to have come," went or this decision she had 'given no' on'Judydiscontentedly. reason, even to Judy see had simply "Bet_they are coming next, week-" said she did not care for et and would "Too late. They should have been not take it. Madox, keenly sensitive, hero yesterday. It will be like keep- as most of the writing" fraternity— ing Christmas a week into the New'especially in the dramatic world --are,. Year! Well, here conies Baddeley. had resented it; and Carlotta, a little Now I wonder what she wants?" worn andfretted in spirit'by the`leng It May be said here that Ann strain, had seized the opportunity to Christy and Mrs. Baddeley had spar-! break away. ed, all the summer, the housekeeper's sitting -room at Stair, and were the best of friends, despite sundry dis- cussions, which sometimes,. waxed a little acrid, regarding the relative merits of the Scotch and the English. The common bond between them was love for her who was now mistress of Stair, and surely never had there been a dearer one! All the county knew now that the famous Margaret Tenterden was wife to Alan Rankine, or perhaps his widow. And on the whole the county behaved well. Judy had simply en- trueted the secret to Bobbie Sander- son, and instructed him to spread it abroad as it ought to be spread; and Bobbie had come up to high-water mark. But the pity and the sadness of it all weighed down his bright spirit, because personally he had mall hope of Alan's ultimate return. hough he was honestly glad that eter Garvock have ve risen so " markably to the occasion, he did not elieve that he would ever find Alan, tush less bring him back. Mrs. Baddeley's thin, eager -face ore a very odd expression as she vanced towards the ladies, address - g herself to her own mistress. "lleas'em, it's Mr. Madox in the brary," "Mr. Madox!" Carlotta and Judy stared at one tether in amazed silence. "This is very strange, but on the hole I think I'm glad, Judy! If I'm -- ing back to the stage I would rather with Graham Madox. This thing 1 never go now. Take care of it I come back, and if I am more • an twenty minutes come after me, r I shall need you."- \ Carlotta made constant and frank , mends on her sister-in-law's time d devotion, and the rendering of h services as were in her power de Judy's allegiance to Carlotta nplete. Together they had taken tangled affairs of Stair in hand, a (To be concluded.) FMiff N tween those two from that moment henceforth! The past, with all its bit- terness, was wiped out -as if it had never been, se e ,"recently Rankine came back and sat down again. "Affery hasn't a relation living in AFTER EVERY 11,11 MEAL affords benefit as well as pleasure, Healthful exercise for the teeth abd a spur to digestion. A long- lasting refreshment, soothing to nerves and stomach. The World Famous Sweetmeat, untouched by hands, full of flavor. r® A It al Sz Ilp to now kitchen cinlis have cost real money. Now, at low cost, yon can put in the newest type SMP Enameled Ware Sink. This is a strong sink- built of rust resisting Armco Iron, with three coats .of purest white: enamel, ante. as on. batlitubs. Complete with 12" back, strainer, brackets, fittings, and full directions for setting up. Standard size 20' x 30' x 6". deep. Price, complete, $12.00' to he say. And I am wondering how soon I tan get back to Dawson to send Omelette a cablegram. Won't you come 'back with me and sleep at the rest -house to -night?" Rankine shook his head. "I won't leave him till he is under the sod, Peter. And that will be to- morrow. The Presbyterian minister will come out from Dawson, and. we'll bury him close by. He chose the spot. Then I'.1 leave him to the music of the Klondyke till the great silence enfolds him in its bosom." Garvock, a little awed, in truth, stood back and looked at Rankine's uplifted face. For the time being, he had not much thought to spare for Carlotta, but was loyal in his fealty and love to the friend who had lifted him from despair. Huy one or - two of these SMP Enameled Ware Drain. Boards also. Made to fit SMP Sinks and . all standard sinks. '.Size 20" x 24". construction s as on 33.1P const Same sturdy a scat Sinks. Very handsome and g labor saver. Sold complete with brackets and fittings for. setting up. Price, complete, $6.00 For sale by plumber& and hardware stores throughout the country. "SHEET McTAL PRODUCTS Co.= 0108250At TOIWNTD .WINNIPEG :EDMONTON VANCOUvaO CALOARv 209 Just soaki.. g iti®®sen 1 ail a };art - saves you the hard To1,s rIt of nabbing Itr160 rastaulazieivimmieweTeeneeneseeareameggesmagemagestil terial es it impears when out out. Every detail is explained so that the inexpert' --iced sewer con snake ,with- out diffeuity an attractive . dress. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOWTO ORDER PATTERNS. S. Write your name and address plain. ly,giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap It 'carefully) for each number, and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Ade• laide St.,'Toronto Patterns sent by return mail • THE STRAIGHT AND SLENDER MODE. Long tight -fitting sleeves and the high neck are important features of this new fall frock which follows the Carlotta's quiet imagination and straight and slender mode, and but - e sweep of view, allied to Judy's i tons at the side front from the high ong common sense and practical I` collar to the hem. Fine repp fashions application thereof, had mightily this model, which relies on its hand- astonished old Samuel Richardsons some trimming braid to lend distinc- and even caused him to change his mind regarding the business ability of the sex. Judy sat down on the grassy slope after Carlotta went, and with her chin in her hand, pondered on the strange fate that bad cast their lot together and added such a unique and vivid page to the history of Stair. Carlotta's hope and courage were invincible, and although no word of Peter Garvocks success or return had come to them, she simply rose up each morning' saying it was all right, and that things might happen any day. Judy had caught the invincible s frit too and though her face was puri Garvock knew that he was in the thoughtful at that moment it was not presence of a greater thing even than sad. She was thinking of what this the love between man and woman— visit of Graham Madox might mean, and that probably the middle of Sep- tember or early October would see Carlotta once more domiciled in London. The Professor, and his wife had CHAPTER XXXIII. the Black Forest, and were expected gone foe_ a long -planned excursion to LOVE CLAIMS ITS OWN. at Stair to 'spend the latter part of Carlotta, with two letters on her that summer.Judy wondered in the depths of her knee, sat on the terrace steps at' the practical soul whether it would be back of Stair on the morning of n possible to find a six months' tenant glorious Twelfth. for Stair, and determined to speak For the first time within the mem- ary of man, no gun was out on Bar- of it to Carlotta that "very day. But she must 'first wait until she heard aide Hill, the shooting tenant having the result of the interview with gone, and the Laird of Stair being Madox. Personally y the deathless love of a man for his friend! "I'd like to see him, Alan." • "Come, then," said Rankine, and led the way to the door of the shack. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Brown Verses White. Wholemeal bread is 'seriiously 'ri-val- ling the popularity of the white var- tety. Some users claim that the wholemeal loaf' goes farther, a great point in the case of large fat lilies.. It is said''tha't 1'60'square mites of oxceiletit corn -growing land, 'in. York- shire utas been washed into the sea since the writing of, Domesday Beek., ROSS, Physician e of London �o. England,. Special '�C�° es of the eye, 'ear, L'1t, EI ` AN "' Office and resit- L7ADae • n Bank Oi'Fsa I DUST IA iBES EXTENSIVELY EMPLOY- ED IN MANUFACTURES. The value' of the crop taken from the hop fields of British Columbia during the year 1924 is estimated to be $31,7,169, the yield being 818,228 pounds. Five hundred and seven acres of land were under crop. Keep Minard's Liniment to the hoese. tion. The front and back are cut in one-piece, and a set-in pocket is con -I veniently placed at the right side. The! diagram shows the simple design of No, 1187, which is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years, or 34, 36, and 38 inches bust. Size 18 years (or 86, bust) requires 818 yards of 86einch,- or 3 yards of 40 -inch material. Price 20 cents. Home sewing brings nice clothes within the reach of all, and to follow the mode 1 delightful, when it can be done se t:a„i'iy and economi ally, by following the. tyke. pictured i•t our new Fashion Peel„ A chart aceorn- panying ea' t pain: h showy the mn- Jud had always far away from his own demesne. liked Madox, and had admired his Three months' complete rest had treatment of 'Carlotta, and forgiven ! undoubtedly helped Carlotta, had him for making love to her. taken away the wan look and the The coolness between Carlotta and sharp outline from her face, filled the curves once more, and restored all the waste which two years' incessant and exacting work had made. The call to action had come again, and in her hand she held the contract for her winter's Work. It had nothing to do with Graham '_iladox, with whom the rupture was Lcomplete. Carlotta was sorry for it, and further was conscious of an odd reluctance to sign the document, men t, ., though it was generous in all its pro- visions, and there was not one con- dition embodied in its elaborate page which ,she could desire to alter. Having made the stupendous of £ort, she felt, somehow, as if she had come': to the end of her resources. Presently, when Judy came to her she found her with knit brows, set lips, apd stormy eyes. i 'This ought to go. to -day, Judy, and something inside of me refuses" to sign it!" 1 Judy nestled down on, the grassy'_ step by her side. 1 "Then wait till the inspiration i comes. Is there any hurry?" � "The man must not be kept wait- ing', for he wants a holiday himself, and isg oin g to Marienbad the clay. •.-morrow. after to "Well, Marienbad isn't the end of the earth. Put it by till to -morrow. Do you know this is the first time in Stair history there hasn't been a gun on the hills! Let us get one, Car- lotta, and go out and kill something!" Carlotta hardly smiled, though she baisfieSeselaesleeueengaSniesentafiseehRareneesee hire 1838 `�?»w3+a m1 laapimm SERVICE TO MEN Men who like their clothes hand- led particularly and skillfully send them to Parker's. e Famous Valeteria method for press- ing. Prompt Mail :Or- der Service. Carriage charges paid one way. Outlet for Canadian Casein Found in Paper,Mills, Which Now Import Largely. Attentiou has been directed to the growing -importable et the, use of; casein (the curd or coagulable .part., of milk) industrially and the.des4rability of further exploitation of this product in Canada, 'particularly in the &stab- - llehment•of plants for the manufacture of various articles, in which casein is a constituent. So far there; has been no geeat development in the',prodnc- tion of this commodity, only three plants in the Dominion reporting that they produce casein. This product is so little known to the general public, that it conies ,as a ,surprise to know of the multifarious' uses to which it Is put. It is used In the manufacture of waterproof and glazed pallets and adhesieee of the Tvery best fl for ircraft and wood-wo rk- ing. It is a constituent of nearly .all the collo water paints. • Extensive use of hardened casein: is' made in the manufacture oe sulbetitutes for such materials as all kinds of electrical fittings (radio, telephones, magneto terminalis), automobiles, buttons, Chinese jade, lapis lazuli, ivory, ebony, amber, 'tortoise shell, coral, and as hard rubber 'substitutes caseln-^pias- tics are proferred to ebonite and vul- canite for many articles. Casein plas- tics aro also used .bottle making of ,„..' celluloid, pboriolio resins, beads, jewelry, cigar; and cigarofte holders, lchessmian, dice, toliet articles, scien- tific instruments, parts of furniture, •or- gan stops, and stpve polishes. This list could be extended to cover an al- most endless variety of articles. A handy size pack- age for OccaS1oI'is when•half a pound is "just right."' 821' „Vereferss, ‘IJ DYE, WORKS LIMITED The Raw Materials. •The raw material of most common use for the preparation of casein is skimmed milk, largely a by-product of creameries and of those Cheese fac- tories where special creams are made requiring the addition of butter fat to the whole milk., Buttermilk can also be used for the making of casein. Two processes of peeeipitating casein from skinned milk are usually .:ob- served; first, the ,natural sour or lac- tic acid method, and, second, the acidi- fication method with either hydrotlotic ;or sulphuric acid. In addition to the foregoing processes., casein is made:10 France by two other methods: a pre- cipitation process in which pressure is need, and alp electrical precipitation 11160 eocl. In Canada only .the first two methods described are used, In the establishment of a plant for the manufacture of easeia, a few fundamental principles racist be taken into consideration, The first, and probably the most important, la the. seleotion 01 a good dairying district from which can be drawn a regular supply of large quantities of skim milk of high quality. Hero it inay be mets- tionel that the [-reduction of casein by an established creamery mea' he undertaken, as when the market is overloaded with butter, cheese, etc., the plant can produce casein, thus keeping production at a unil'ornt level. and allowing of more economic opera- tion. Good rail and water transporta- tion facilities are also of importance, depending• upon whether the plant is nianfaattiring for export or domestic markets. Other factors which-. enter into the cost of casein manufacturing are the' price of:skim milk,' quantity of casein to be dried, fuel used for dry- ing and ,condition of curd. Opportunity for Extension. The advantages which Canada has to offer for the establishment of a Plant ntanufaettlTing oa using casein in making various commercial ar- tieles, are many. Supplies of skim milk can be obtained in large quanti- ties and of good quality at a price con- ducive to low manufacturing costs. Provided' the quality of the casein is kept up to teat produced in France, which is. recognized as a standard, s- tk inCanada,e good and et 'there'is a g h paper mills which . pebially from the , now import largely their casein re- 1 quireulents from other countries. This is an outlet for Canadian casein which is capable of considerable expansion, It is ant`iclpated that .Canadians and others will become more actively in- terested in the farther' development of manufacturing casein and les pe'oducts' ' 1 the Dominion that within time, e and will be able to meet its own needs as well, as develop an extensive foreign trade fee this c6mnaodity, 791 YONGE ST TORONTO a Right at the top of the list of camping necessitiesis a tin or two of real Mustard. Men who fish and menwho', shoot know what a spiciness and flavour mustard freshly mixed with Cold. water adds to the Ham, bacon, fowl; ven- ison and other good things they eat in camp. . COLMAN-1tEEN (Canada) Limited 102 Amherst Street u7e MONTREAL aids digesei®l epi •t j U A D OF DOLLARS Are Earned Each Month I Know_ Because I Pay I I » e& ® raMSPrigMfdTi 1.1 f2. No matter where , you live you can work f'or .me. If it is money you want, read this. HOW would you like to earn extra money without leaving your home -without e 1 ctin g your r other duties? Not b3 canvassing uv or sell- ing, ing,. but in.,a pleasant, private way - right in your own home! Even though you have no actual need to .earn money, wouldn't it be very pleasant to sit down this af- ternoon en an d ternoon or this, eveningt easy restful Way- turn youie spare time into dollars? Here, Is What You Do With a simple hand knitting ma- chine you knit wool socks for me. I eeY yott cash for the knitting-, so much, a pail' -and.1 keep you supplled with the yarn that you USe. I sell the seeks my workers knit to wholeealo firms here . in • Toronto—Hundreds of thousands of pairs. I have immediate sale for every pair that I can possibly, Experience Unnecessary Bach worker rearms froma set of simple, clear instructions. They work as much or ns little as they please, filling in the hours that best suit their convenience. Of couree the more socks they knit the larger their pay -cheque. These Worleers Are Happy With Their Earnings I have over one thousand letters In my 000e written by men and wo- men'who are only .too glad to tell others of their success. I only wish that I could print them all for you to read! Think how pleased Mrs. - George Poole of Ontario must be that she sent me her name four years 1 ttey ago."1 !lave haere is d, myart t l er last machine over four years, since taking up the work I have never been with out money. As we live three miles from town 1 have always wanted a car, and flown* have one which my Auto Knitter 1s paying. for. Last winter I cleared $525.00." And part of a very interesting Letter_ reamMrs: Janes Shaw, also of Ontario, reads as follows: "We have had i M Dur machine three years. Last fall from October .until two days before Cinis.tmas', . it brought, nae in 7'. W; Chadburn, resident, $400.00." Mild moot of my workers I The Atito Knitter Iiosliery Co. are women, hitldrods of inen find Ltd. 1 iroliteble to :turn their spare, - i 1 187.0 Davenport Rd„ Toronto. time into tla1a l', who Wet= to Mr. Mr. Chadburn: • Arlington Fraser, who lives in a I Dear 1 small Ontario town: "f was4little Without theslightest obligee afraid of starting as 1 had never I tion on my part; please -send me L with •natio n aeon making butwrit SnY.ot knitting -machine thou a , the help el the instructions it was I money at home, easy. Ihave only had the machine five .months and' 1 have made 1 $326.00 in nay spare 'time." When 'Kale ... , ..1. you read' these simply written re-, cords of what others sale doing, is there any reason why you cannot I do the dime? T. W.CHADISU RN PRESIDENT Beautiful Booklet Free 1l in- formation giving fu My beautiful Uo S % fo mation about Auto Knitting is free It is illustrated with photo- graphs and hotograpllsand letters of those tvho are making . a great success of this Home-Rarning,:plan. I would like very mnoh, to send you a copy. -I know you will be surprised to learn how valuable your spare time isr Simply fill in the coupon below and by etarum+ mail you will receive the r booklet. And please remember,. there is not the slightest obligation •1n your doing this. It will be my pleasure to send_ it. Why not clip the coupon right now and mail it as soon es you -can? Address ' Dep. 9910 Light on Finger Ring: . The most recent application of the armature electric lamp' -•ie •in the torm of a finger ring, to be worn by writers, travelers or any one desiring a highly ' concentrated, convenient light. The lamp Rocket, attached to the ring, ie so designed that the light le thrown. directly upon the book -page or paper, and' is equipped with a tiny reflector which keeps the light out of the user's 1 eyes,• A small transformer is supplied, by means of whioh the lamp can be riper - . +ted from any lighting of let Tho new finger -lamp was designed particularly for the use of invalids and patientsin hospitalwards, by whom it can be used without 'disturbing others near by. f The sualiest bone in the human body is situated in the car.