HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-15, Page 7SERVE ONE Or OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a 'hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- toca and some green vegetables, he won't get up from the table dissatisfied. D. H. STEWART Tour Butcher Seaforth PHONE 58. The Right Way Shoes repaired the right way give double', the wear, Rubber 'Boots repaired and resoled. Leather soles nailed and. hand sewn, Get your shoes fixed up for the 'bad weather, Our 20 Years' experience has ' taught us, to repair the right way. Fred Barlow SEAFORTH Two doors south Beattie's Variety Store. Sery Us Sal. Soda Pkg. 6c Sery-Us Mayonnaise, 30c adandy .,,,........ Campbell's Tomato 'Soup 1 c Bulk`Cocoa `. per pound Redpath ISugar, per bag ('Sugar strictly cash) $6.49 These prices are, good until next Thursday night, and the only place is the Red and White, Ross J. Sproat W. M. Stewart geia W. J. Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. List Deady EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prices for - quantity Holland eon, import Co. Niagara' Falls, ` Ont. CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns., This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, De H. Mclnnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Cornmercial'Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday 'After- noons" in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Poultry Wanted Special prices paid for live poultry, delivered Tuesday of each week. Poor or diseased Yowl not wanted All fowl must be in by noon. T. Bickell, Seaforth Oranges At:all prices to meet pus needs 40, 50 and 75c PURE OLIVE \OIL SWEET POTATOES: - CRANBERRIES. CELERY. TOMATOES CALIFORNIA GRAPES. T. Phillips ember's The house with the unrivalled reputation for qudlity hair goods. Free Demonstration and Display at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH. on Tuesday, October 27 See, Dorenwend's Patent Struc- ture with the new sight proof parting. Telephone Mr. Knight at the hotel for appointment. THE W. T. PEMBER STORES, Limited. 129 Yonge st., Toronto, Ont_ Special Optical- Offer. 'Spectacles and eye glasses, the hest make of the best makers, with high- grade lenses from $3.50 tip. Eyes examined by Mr. Hughson, formerly optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later far Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. The best optical work to be 'o'btained and at moderate'. prices. Friday and Saturday; October 23, 24. Beattie's Fair, 'Seaforth; 43. Many people are almost crippled with corns. But it is needless suffer- Seaforth Phone 63 mg which can he speedily ended withHolloea,s 'Corn- Remover. Rev.,' Mr. Carswell, of 'Toron spent Saturday with Mr,1 and M James tHillen• Mr. and Mrs, J.' W. Troyer a family, of 1Magnetewan, are guests Mr. J. 'IL 'Snaith. Mr, Wilfred Smith has been laid for a few days with quinsy. Mr. R. Thompson and: family a moving into apartments above M R. H. Sproat's grocery: store, Mrs. A. Barton, is visiting her da ghter, Mrs, Clendone Colbert, London. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kellar, Lava •Rising and Mrs.B: Rising spent S'a urday in 'Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. ;Lorne Webster, M Webster and Margaret Case motore to Stratford on Saturday, • Mr. R. Frost left for Miami, iFlo ida, on Tuesday, to spend a fe months with his son ,Harold. Miss Agnes 'Crosibie, Toronto, visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Dodds. Among the relatives present at th funeral of the late Mr. J. R, Habkir were .Mfrs. Isabel Smith and Mrs, R Scatter, +Ilagersville; Mr. and Mrs. A. Habktrk,:Dmnville; Mr, William and M.T. A. Flett, and Mr. Barron, of. Grimsby; Mrs. ii. Tanner, Welland; Mr, and' Mrs. James A. Dell;, Mfr, and Mrs. A.- Taylor, Hensall, Miss Bell, Windsor; Miss Mary ?Bell, London; Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Habkirk, Hen- sall; r. and Mrs.' G. M. Chesney. and Mr. A. Forbes, Toronto. Mrs. T. R. Habkirk was in Strat- fiord owing to the illness of her six= ter, Mrs. W. 'Hogg, 'Miss Mary Smith, who is training for a nurse at Seaforth hospital, visited her' home in McKillop 'on Sun- day. Mrs, John Webster, of Center st., has been very sick for the past few days, Mrs, John Qldfield spent the week- end in Clintohh Ladies of St. Thomas' church, Sea - forth, intend hold their annual bazaar the latter part of November, Miss E. Rennie, Zurich, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Miss. Kate Ellison moves this week to Pt. 'Huron where she will reside with her 'brother, Mr, L. Ellison, Miss Fannie Kemp, of Mitchell, vas a week -end visitor of Miss Evelyn Harburn. Miss Golden, of Stratfomrd, is the guest of Mrs. J. M. /McMillan, Vic - one. street; - Miss Pauline Rosendale, of Port hIuron, and 'Mr, N. Philips and Mr: F. Stangway, of Sarnia, were the guests of Miss 2f. E. Ashton on Sun - ay. , Neil Shaw Auxiliary of Egmoitd- vilte church will hold a sale of home-. Wade cooking in .the empty' store in he Reid 8: Wilson block on Saturday, October 24th, .Mfr. 'Wilbert Webster moved into is new hotne on Jarvis street, on Monday. . Mr. Rivers has moved into he property of Mr, 'Webster's on ohn ssreet. Mr, and ,Mrs. Hiram Proctor, of ew Liskeard, New Ontario, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs:nt eines Martin. Rev, Mr.'Chidley of Thanes Road, reached two excellent sermons in he North Side United church ou unday, which were greatly ap- reciated by the congregation. 'Mrs, Charles Holmes has received vord of the death of her fattier, the to Mr, Edward John Noakes, of amberhurst, Kent, England. The many friends of Miss Frances owler will regret to learn that she is 1 at ,present, Mrs, Black, who has been spend - g some months with her parents, 9r, and Mrs. E. Cash, has re- urned to her home in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe and chil- ren, of Dashwood, spent Sunday ith Mfrs. G. -Sillery, Mr, Wallace Parke left on Tues - ay for his home in Norwich, Eng- nd, where he will spend the winter. Prof. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson and r. and Mrs. Arthur LePan, of To- nto, were week -end guests of Mr to, r5, up re r. u- rn da t- ae d r - w is e k, W d J N S 9 m la F it in t d d la 1I ro and Mrs. J. C. Greig. Mr, and Mrs, W. Knechtel and Mrs. G. Sillery were in Rostock on Monday attending the funeral of a relative. The ministers and choirs of the Presbyterian churches in Mitchell and Seaforth will have an exchange. visit on Sunday evening when Mitchell will take the services in the Presbyterian church. • Mr. and Mrs,, Andrew Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thiel and family, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors at the home, of Mr. Louis Hildebrand. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Crawford and son. Conrad spent the week -end in Ingersoll. Mrs, John •Carter, of Fairview farm, Hallett, is visiting her daugh- ter,'Mrs. M;. McKellar. 'Mr. R. Torrey and Mrs. Crooks, from Seamsville, are visiting their mother, airs. A. Torrey. Miss Pelle. ,Jackson is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. Robt. Stewart, of 'Hensall, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Thos. Elder, of town. Mr. Lawrence 'Webster won the medal offered by Miss Foreman of the Collegiate for highest marks in Ancient History at last summer's examinations. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. The citizenship department were in charge of, League on Tuesday even - Jug. Mr. Reg. Reid occupied the chair. The topic of the evening, "What is Success?" was taken by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin Au instru- mental duet was given by Miss May belle Rands and Miss Evelyn Rai. - burn, and a vocal duet by Mr. Reg. Reid and Me. F, S, Savauge, During the intermission period, a contest was greatly enjoyed. 1 E. W. Bateman Ladles' Tailor Gentleman's Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPA1R1NG PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug .Store. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH Or1 tt ,1CVENINGS, PHONE 257 Report of Hog Shipments. For week ending Oct. 1st, Seaforth—Total 'hogs, 135; select bacon 36; thick smooth 84; heavies 8; shop hogs, 6. Brucefield—Total hogs, 59; select bacon, 22; Thick smooth; 21; heavies, 4; extra heavies, 1; shop hogs, 10. 'Walton—Total, 150; selects, 42; thick smooth, 94; heavies, 6; extra heavies, 2. 'Huron County—Total, 1334; select bacon, 385; thick smooth, 799; heavies, 54; extra heavies, 5; shop hogs, 49; lights and feeders, 11. Fruit Growers' Council. 'Meeting of Huron County Fruit Growers' Council was held in the of- fice of Dept. of Agriculture Sept. 30th, 'Main natter of discussion was qudstion of holding a fruit show for 1925 and it was decided that a show 'be held at Clinton Nov, 2nd -3rd, similar to one. held .in 1924. Officers were re-elected: President, R. R. Sloan, 'Bayfield; , committee, Robt. Smyth, Thos Fraser, 1Clinton; Geo, Laithwaite, R. H. Revell, Gorjerich; John Joynt, K. ,Cameron, L unknow; S. B. Stothers, Clinton, sec,treas. A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mother Graves Worm Exterminator, HENSALL (Continued from Page Eight.) 1Vinghann, visited Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Higgins and fancily on Tuesday. The Death of 3dr. Wm, Davis. — William Carey Davis, one of Hen- sa11's pioneer merchants, died early on Sunday morning at his home here. During the last couple of years Mr, Davis had suffered a ntunber of strokes, each one weakening /dm, and from the last one, which came on Wednesday last, he never rallied, Mr, Davis, who was in his 69th year, came here over 40 years ago from his former bottle in Aylmer, and had been in 'business here continuously since then until last spring, when he sold his -store and retired. He was one of the oldest members of Zurich Lodge, A.F. &IA.M., and for many years was a ineinber of the board of managers of Carmej Presbyterian church. He took a great interest in the welfare of the community. Mr. Davis built the fine brick building now occupied by the 'Bank of Mon- treal, and a block of stores, as well as (tis fine residence here, He is sur- vived by a widow, who before her marriage was a Miss 'Higgins; one son Lloyd, with the Sank of Mon- treal in Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs. A. W. Hemphill, of Hensall. One sister, Mr.'William Hill, of To- ronto,also survives. The funeral, which was private, was .held on Tues- day afternoon from his late residence to Hensall Union cemetery, The service was conducted by Rev, E. S. McL. Snaith, a former minister, and great personal friend of Mr. Davis, who is now in charge of a church in Toronto. On Sunday morning last R'ev. Duncan McTavish, of Crediton, preached in the 'United .churn to a large congregation, delivering a splendid sermon, Miss Rennie, of New Hamburg, occupied the pulpit in the evening aud,,spoke on the work of the W.M.S. of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker in- tend occupying the rooms over the Bank of Montreal. The regular meeting of the Young People's League of the United church. was held on Monday evening. Miss Gladys Luker gave the topic on "Giving." A. duet by Mrs, Lee Hed- den' and Miss Greta Lamnie, instal:- mental nstru=mental duet by Misses 'Beatrice, Madge and Luht McDonald, intsru- mental by Miss Irene Douglas and violin duet by. Misses Ethel Mur- clo'ck and Miss Greta Laramie, and ar reading by Miss Elva 'Shaddock were all greatly enjoyed. Miss Maud Glenn intends leaving for Florida `this week where she will spend the winter, The Council met on Tuesday even- ing for the regular monthly meeting and struck the tax rate for the year, which will be 31/' mills, or .one-half mill less than last year. This is the lowest tax rate of any village or town in the county of Huron. The year before the cement road was built the tax rate was 32 mills, since then the cement road has been built, the new continuation school built, the public school repainted and shingled and a new heating system installed in the public school, and new, up-to-date lavatories built for both schools, and the grants have been so large that the tax ate is half a mill lower than before these public works were started, so surely the men who start- ed and were responsible for these public improvements were justified, and have given the ratepayers a lower rate of taxes, rather than, as claimed by some at the time, increased the taxes so that people couldn't live in village. SOUTH 'HURON REGISTRARS., The registrars of each polling division must have their first lists posted in at least two places in each polling sub -division. The lists will be closed on the evening of Oct. 20th at 6 p.m, so it will be up to each voter to see that his or her name is on the list, Ln case any name should be left off that voter c,,aaa still vote by taking his oath that they are legally entitled tri vote. The names of the registrars of each polling sub -division arc: Stephen—No. 1 John Essery; No. 2 Victor Hoggarth; No. 3 J Holtz- man; No. 4 Matthew England; No, 5 Thos, Hall; No, 6 Jacob Kell- erman; No. 7 Peter McPhee; No. 8 Wm. Love; No. 9 Erwin Holt. Hay—No. 1 John. Campbell; No. 2 Robertson Dick; No. 3 Andrew Hess; No. 4 .Peter Haberer; No. 5 SUPPER Under the auspices of the Catholic Women's League, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21st - from 5 to 8 o'clock Sale of useful homemade articles and candy will commence at 3.30 Adults 50c -Children 25c Admission for supper: We Set the Pace for Prices BEN HUR FLOUR. $4.00 NORTH STAR FLOUR $3:90 G. SUGAR ,!, $6.75 ICING SUGAR, d Pounds 25c CHRISTIE'S FANCY BISCUITS ' 28c' CHRISTIE'S ARROWROOT. BISCUITS 23c 5Bars P,&G. SOAP 23e 5 Bars GOLD SOAP 23c 3 Bars PALM OLIVE SOAP 23c SCHNEIDER'S PURE LARD . .. 18c 24 Pounds PASTRY FLOUR 90c SALADA TEA, per pound 64c It Pays to Buy in Bginondtrille W J. Finnigan I Q We carry the Westi►1ghouse Radiola IIIA with1Music Master Loud Speaker The most satisfactory set'at theimost reasonable -prices. 'Call and see them. J. J. Broderick Electrical Supplies Clinton -No, 1 D. L. 'McPherson; No.'2 G. A. McLennan; No. 3 Frank A, Jenkins; No. 4'L. E. Rosell, - Seaforth—No. 1 John Grieve; No: 2 Chas, Rolph; No. 3 John M. Gov- enlock; No -4 John A, Wilson; No. 5 John J. Sclater; No . 6 Robt, Archibald. YOUR ` TIRES Be sure you get FIRESTONE GUM -DIPPED CORDS. Cost no more than ordinary tires. Also our new IMPERIAL RUBBER CASE BATTERY ' Guaranteed for one year. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. All work guaranteed, Automatic Air Service Day or Night. ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH. s sit R�upReuwdy1 ".\ Roup- Deadly Disease of Puss fo V - Pra is Roup Remedy is J •, ':a •Guaraitllteed to CUr�L�?�e a �Sti Valuable Poultry Book and Advice FKEE PRATT FOOD CO.,of CANADA, LIMITED, 328 Cariaw Ave.. Toronto. wow weassenaminseas IN FIVE YEARS' TIME What Will You Be Doing? Where Will You Be? The answer depends very largely upon your action NOIV. You cannot hope for the greatest success unless you fully prepare yourself for it. Write today for full information regarding, our courses. The completion of one of these may mean the difference between success and failure for you. New classes being formed 'every week. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont, Principal, R. P. Lumsden,B.R. The Steecial Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial, Also. GroundllScreenings"= (Chop of All kinds) C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PiIONE 25 Your Auto Needs. If you are in need of Tires, give us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, orhave a Battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various' cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, . expert auto. repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? so 9 PHONE 167W,