HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-15, Page 4t .church,rM1Walton,n Wednes- Iiitl�s . S?. day last 'Oct. 7th, Rev, Geo, Telford, \M:A 13�,D,,presiding. The attend- ance was very large including visit- ors, ,filling the beautiful church to its utmost capacity; The morning session was largely of a devotional and inspirational character: Ad- dresses war"e given by Revs, C, J. Mooreho.use, W. D. ,\Mc'Intosh, A. Barker and 'W', E. Millson, of Lon- don. 'These united in giving the church a clarion serfl to sleeper con- secration and higher effort in carry- ing onthe work of the church. A resolution of sympathy in the loss - of his another was forwarded to Rev, j. A, Ferguson, of McKillop. Rev. Dr. J. I;. Stewart, missionary to China, gave a most interestinged- dress, explaining . the present situa- tion in China. The Presbytery agreed to accept $70,000 as its share of the Budget Scheme of the Church, and a coin- mittec of which Rev, W. D. Me - Donald is chairman, was given the task of allotting the amount to the various pastoral charges of the Pres- bytery. It was agreed that at the next Presbytery one hour be set aside for the discussing of our mis- sionary work. Mr. W. G. Medd re- ported that $1,120 would he needed for the annual conference fund and MO for the expenses of the Presby- tery-. .These amounts were accepted by the Presbytery. The Presbytery agreed that the two United churches at'Forlwich should amalgamate and that a joint pastorate of the two ministers should exist until June, 1926, lite two l'nited churches at Corrie were allowed to unite and an induction service xsas arranged for Oct. 155th when Rev, F. W. Craik will 'become pastor of this charge. The trustees of the former Metho- dist church at Kippen were allowed to dispose of the church property there. Salem was united with Wrox- eter under the pastoral care of Rev. D A. Armstrong. The resigna- tion of Rev,C. Tate, formerly pastor at Bleevale, was received and ac- cepted. Rev. A. Lang was relieved of the care of the former Presby- terian church at Gorrie, asked to con- tinue his efforts in conserving the property of the former Presbyterian church at Gorric and was thanked for his efforts along this line. It was ag- reed to hold a convention at Clinton on ;coy, 13th of all the Young Peo- ple's 'Societies of the Presbytery. Dinner and tea were served by the ladies of Duff's church for which they were tendered a hearty vote of thanks. The time and place of the next meeting of Presbytery was left in the hands of the chairman. Thus ended one of the most interesting and enthusiastic meetings of Presbytery. WA. LTO N, Mlr, James Mose has treated him- self to a car. :Mr. Ed. Stafford is moving into -lir. \Cit , M cGay in's house, Leadbury line. Miss Ida Crosier, who is teaching e near ti-Iensall, spent the wreck -end with her parents, Mr. Nrman Rowland; son of Mr, John Rowland, rho went out West on the harvesters' excursion, is in the hospital, having br,.ken his leg in jumping from a tank wagon. It will be a little while before he is ready for the journey hone. Miss Effie Balfour, of Listowel, spent the week -end at her home. The young people are petting on a dance ,m Friday night in the A.O. U.W. hall, A new piano has been purchased for the hall this year. Red- mond 5 -piece orchestra in attend- ante, Mr. Thos. Staples had a sale last week. Mrs. A. H. \ethery and blaster Heber, of Sarnia, spent the week -end at the residence of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Clark, McKillop. tb4r, E.Case. of Egatondville, visited Mfr. Thus. Beatty, of lop, on Sunday ' Mir, and Mrs. W. R, Clark, who have been spending a few weeks_ with the for-nter mother, motored to their home in Guelph on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoy, o Benmiller, visited the forte's fathe and mother last w•eeir, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison, o Toronto, are visiting in the village Mir. and Mrs, A. Dundas an Vern., a.• Clarke and Mr, and Mfrs Wm, McCall, and Mr. A. Murray re- turned home from the West. 'Mfr. Harry Rina, of Mfclillop, and Ed. Faw'ett, of Mitchell, returned Moine from the West. Mr. Stewart Young, youngest $nn • of Mrs. Henry Young, had an ac- cident with his car while turning the corner from Blyth to Brussels at Drum's church on Monday afternoon going to a soft hall game at Brus- sels. The car skidded and collided with a telephone post, damaging the car 'badly and breaking the post. There were several in the car but all escaped being hurt, Mrs. 11, L. Marshall, lot 27, con. 9, Morris, is having an auction sale of farm, farm stock and implements, on Tues., Oct. 20th. Mrs. Marshall has bought Gen. Clarkes residence and expects to move here after the sale, Mrs. T. Mose and Ethei and Luella have returned to their home at Campbellville, • ,Mr. Chapman, from Wingham, is now working hi the bank and Mr, Blackwell has been moved to Ford, Ontario, Quite a number went to Brussels on Monday evening to partake of the fowl supper given by the "tidies of Se John's church, 'rherc was a short play in the teAw-n hall after supper.. Mrs. W. Dennison has returned to the village and is spending a few weelts .with hiss If. Mtowbray Che bazaar held in he \ O i,:SG,I hall was well attended, $133 was realized. S . Plowing match was the attraction of the people on Thursday of last S aro improvement e ore ou9, Mrs. A. hfcGavin " is improving nicely and able to attend tohe`house duties r Dundas intends. mov- ing D 11s btto Mrs. Enoch Clark's house and Mrs. Enoch 'Clark is going to live in Armour D.un'das' house, ilfiss Fern Love has gone to To- ronto and intends staying if she can procure suitable' work. The heavy frost on Friday night did considerable d'S'mage to corn and vegetables, !hiss 'Ularguerite Balfour has re- turned from a visit in Toronto. DUBLIN, 'Miss. Camilla Meagher, teaeher of Linwood, spent the week end at her home, Mr. Ed, McGrath, manager of the Standard Bank at �St. Clements, was a Sunday visitor at his home, 'Perth county plowing snatch is to be held on Wednesday, Oct, 21, 'at T. Parker's, Ellice township, lot 12, con„ 4, 2 miles north of Provincial high- way. Mr. Fred Forrester, our genial 'C. N.R.station agent, has rented Mr. Peter Cckart's fine new bungalow, and will occupy it next week. Zion church held a fowl supper on Tuesday evening, followed by a short but enjoyable programme. Mrs. fete Evans spent a few days with her son, Mr. John Evans in Sea - forth this week, Mrs Mary Beaumont, of Stratford, called on friends. hi the village on Sunday. M r Jos. Weber and his mother, two sisters and Miss McKenna, of London; called on friends in the vil- lage on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Stewart, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling on. 'Monday. . Field Day. -The students of the Dublin continuation school held. their annual field -clay on Tuesday, Oc- tober 12th, The winners were as fol- lows; Giris Sports --.Running, Sr., Annie Ryan, Esther Ryan, Rousing, Jr„ He- len `Nrauskopf, Mary Hills, Fast Walking, Sr„ Annie Ryan, Marie. Murray. Fast Walking, Jr„ Theresa Delaney, Rose O'Connor, Club race, Sr„ Annie Ryan, Anna Mtolyneaux, Peanut race, Sr„ Mary O'Connor, Annie Ryan, Peanut race, Jr„ Ther- esa McCormick, Dorothy O'Rourke, Three-legged race, Sr„ Anna Delaney and Mary O'Connor; Annie Ryan and Anna Miyolyneaux, Three-legged race, Jr., Veraa::rice Dill and Theresa Delaney, Mary Hills and Bernice Mc- Grath. Shoe race, Sr Mary Mc- Grath, Anna \folyneaux, Shoe race, Jr„ Theresa Delaney, Annie Watters. Threat! the needle, junior, Veronica Doll; Helen Krauskopf. Dodge ball, Marion Dill and Dorothy Moly- neaux, Form relay race„ third farm, second form. The highest number points for the girls was won by Theresa Delaney, Boys' Sports, -Fast walking sr., Jos. Carpenter, Dan Williams. Fast walking, jr., Kenneth Dill, Hugh Mc- tirath. Running hop, step and jump, sr., Jack Campbell, Jos, Dill; junior, Clayton I.,octhy, Hugh McGrath, Running 70 yds,' dash, senior, . Jos. Dill, Jack Campbell; junior, Stephen Mdorray, Kenneth Dill, Putting' the shot, senior, Jack Campbell, Jos. Carpenter junior, Stephen 'Murray, Wilfred Krauskopf, Pole vaulting, sr„ Jos. Carpenter, Jos, Dill. Sack race, Keung Di11, Jos, Dili, Three legged race, senior, 1 Jos, Dill and Jos, a Carpenter, 2 Dan Williams and Jack a Campbell; jnnfor, 1 Kenneth Dill and be - ore, Clayton Looby, 2 James Doyle and t d John McGrath. Doughnut race, \'i1- t Erred Krauskopf, Hugh Benninger, T Form relay race, form III, form I. p The greatest at num her was . won by Joseph Carpenter. points r 'rite girls' baseball \b game under \� Marie Murray and Luella Watters as to captains of the different teams, was 1a won by the latter by a score of 4'ta 0, M The boys' football game under cap- Ill tains Clayton look!: and Kenneth ,C Dill was won by the team of the Ih former. The sante team came off vic- fo torious in the tug-of-war which clos- edl\ the clay's sports. Rev. Fr. White Ty stiltsUy, Mr, r. Itr. . ash. 'McConnell s t - e pet t Sttti day Visiting Kinlcora friends. Mr, rilfr•.ed • F e i 1 e t ey'i•'eturned ]tome from a trip to the West on Tuesday evening. 'Wilfred says it's a great lifel bliss Muriel Britton who is attend- ing Technical school in London, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, M'fr, altd Mrs, J, Britton, Many people from Dublin and vi- cinity attended the funeral of the late M•Irs. P. O'Connor held Thursday morning, Mrs, Ed, Gormley visited on Sun- day -with her son Albert, who is at- tending school in Aurora, Ont. Mr, Mitt, Murray and James Mc- Quaid left for Detroit on Tuesday. vfiss Mamie McGrath entertained a number of her friends on Sunday last. All report a good tithe. Rear. Father Knox, a Jesuit mis- sionary, spent a couple' of clays with Rev. Father White. Misses Mary and Helen Delaney spent' Sunday at the home of \It. and Mars. J. Murray, Jr. Feeney-Doriitelly.-A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Si. Pat- rick's church, Dublin, on Wednesday morning,'October ctoNer 14th, 192 5, at 9:30 when Catherine, daughter of Mirs. Elizabeth 1)dnnelly, was united in marriage to Mr. Leo Feeney, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Feeney, all of Ilibbert. Nuptial mass was sung' by Rev. Fr, White. :The bride was giv- en away by her brother, Mr. Joseph Donnelly and was charmingly dress- ed in white georgette crepe, with silver trimming, wreath of orange blossoms and veil, and carried a bouquet of white mums, baby's breath and fern. .Her sister, .Miss Mary Donnelly, ,of Buffalo, was bridesmaid, and wore ashes -of -roses georgette, large black velvet hat, and carried pink carnations Mr. Frank Feeney, cousin of the groom, was groomsman. The ushers were Messrs, Mack Feeney and Eugene Donnelly, After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding breakfast 'vas served at the home of the' 'bride's mother, where about 60 guests as- sembled, The house was tastefully decorated with autumn foliage and chrysantltenttttns, the color scheme being yellow and white. The groom's gift to the bride was a chest of silver; to the bridesmaid a turquoise bar pin, and to the groomsman, gold cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Feeney left on the afternoon train for a wedding trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other points, and ups their return swill snake their home on groom's farm, "Poplar Grove," on the 4th conces- sion of Hibbert, where they will take ,with them the best wishes of a wide Circle of friends for a long and pros- perous wedded life, - Out-of-town guests present for the wedding were; Mrs. Mary Potter and .Miss Mary maty D otmelly t , Buffalo; a Mr and Mts. Win. Doyle Goderich; Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Donnelly Mfr, and,Mrs. Gerald Donnelly, Detroit; Mfrs. 1, Friel, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. John Feeney; Mr. and Mfrs, T. Enright, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Evan.;, of Stratford; Mr. and Mfrs. 'Michael Feeney, Detroit: Mr. and Mrs, T. Mlelady, Seaforth and MMe. and Mlrs, Stephen Donnelly, Kendra. The fine weather this week has prompted the popular and efficient secretary of the Dublin school fair, Mfr, Hills, to wonder if he had taken out a special lease on the waterworks for show clay, How- erer, this,is the first bad weather Dublin fair has ever experienced and s the exhibits were more numerous lid of a higher order than ever be- te, and the gate»receipts showed no cebite whatever, everybody agrees he fair this year was the best yet, he officers for this year were: Hon, residents. J. Smith, T.P.S., V. Quar- y, I.S.S. and -Dr, Field, I.P,S.; pres. .toes Doyle: treas., Ed. fordatt; sec,, in. Hills, Directors -For McKi1- p,. A, hranskopf, J. Walsh, T, \toy n, H. -hiller, Geo, Benneweis, furray, P. \'. McGrath, 3. O'Sul an; for Hibbert, J. F. Murphy, -!tat, oyne, P, Ib•ICIvor, 3. Krauskopf, R, trehell, E. Gormley, P. Maloney; r Dublin, S. Murray, A. Darling, Stapleton, J, Flannagan, Ed. -ars, acted as superintendent of the sports r Among the visitors was Rev. Fr. Dantzer, of St. Columban, and the f Doll • d t m st.ltoni board was represented by 'Messrs. Jns, Krauskopf and P. Maloney. After the prizes had 'been distributed. lunch was served and ail went home pleased with the events of the dale. Mr. and Mfrs. Joseph Nagle gave a musical and euchre on Monday night to a few of their friends. A good time was spent by those present. Mr. and Mirs, Henry Weppler, of Petersburg. were visitors at 'Geo, 3•I. Diegel's ort Sunday, bliss Margaret O'Connell, of Buf- falo, is visiting at her home here. Mir, and Mrs. Leo Fortune spent Sunday at Mfr, and Mrs, Joseph N agl e's, !Mrs. John Jtulge is visiting her parents, Mfr. and • Mrs. Michael Re an, of Logan. r. M. Kahle and Mr. Fred Koeh- ler, of McKillop, returned from the West on Monday and report of lots of snow and cold weather. Many acres of wheat are covered with snow and threshing operations are at a standstill, The 'C W. L. are holding a dance Oil Thursday evening, Ney's orches- tra is furnishing the music, Miss an is vtsitinglliwith Miss Ma aryfO'ConneStratfrl.. Mr, Louis Evans returned to De- troit on :Monday. Miss Ella Evans, of Beechwood, is visiting Mrs, Hugh Flynn, 'Mr. L. J Looby and Mr. Jos. Nagle made a husmcs trip to Kirkton dur- ing last week. \ir. John 1nrrenateirr has improv- ed his h011s0 with a new siding, \(r. and Mrs. Fred Forrester spent nuday with friends in Mitchell. Through the courtesy of Mr, Wm. tapleton, our baseball facts are able „„..•o• a program._ ,Eli. Germany, as a Leaghelata,,,,. Mold make. This problem presents' r, ST. COLUMBAN, !Misses Mary ad Margaret McGrath spent the week -end with Stratford friends. Miss 5, Queetau was a Stratford visitor on Sunday. Mr. Frank McQuaid, Reeve of Mc- Killop, was in Goderich this week attending meetings of the Huron County Road Committee. iMdr. and Mrs, James J. Clennan and son James, Jr., of :Detroit, are visit - i ng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. McGrath and other friends in this vicinity. Mr, and tars. Joseph Kale visited at the home of Mfr, and 'Mrs, Owen Hart, St. Colurnban, Miss Annie McQuaid, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Frank IbleQuaid, has returned home after a three weeks' stay in Toronto where she was taking radium treatment. We are pleased to learn that she is improving in health. Mfr, Frank O'Reilly, who has been seriously ill; shows improvement and his ultimate improvement is hoped for. Mr James McQuaid, son of Mr, and Mi s, F. 3'. iblcQuaid, of McKillop, has gone to Detroit to work. We wish our young friend success. Miss Gertrude . Heffernan has re- turned ' to Toronto. I CROMARTY, On Monday evening the Ladiest Aid met and planned for a hot fowl stepper to be held in. the U. F, 0. club rooms, on Friday evening, Oct. 23rd.-. Tickets can be procured at the .church where people may -wait in comforj. and a fine concert will be given afterwards by the Maple Leaf Quartette, of Galt. G4., t,asaeq'away 'On" Tuesday, Oct th. 'Solemn clenu ligbiatass was sungby Rey. Fr. Dasttzer, assisted by Rev Fr. White and 'Rev, Fr. Gaffney. A the offertory of. the :Mass, 1'fissy 0' - Condor, sang.'tbe YfUtr' ' �•tC 10 !race," Interment was made in St Cohtmban cemetery. The pallbearers' were six nephews, Messrs. Daniel and Joseph O'Connor, Daniel Mat- thews, Joseph Eckart, Joseph Burke and Joseph hickey, The late Mrs, O'Connor was bore in Sinicoe Goon.- ty in 1842, daughter' of 'the late 'Wil- liam and Sarah Ryan Matthews, and as a child carte to Hibbert with her parents and settled on the fourth eon- cession, Upon her marriage to bit'. O'Connor, sixty-four years ago, site came to the third concession where site remained the rest of her life. De- ceased was highly thought of thrcug'hou1 the co unttwity and everyone found it a pleasure to milt with hes' as she always .took a keen interest in curreiwworld events 'and had a remarkable memory: She was the last survivor of a tastily of 1.1 children, Her husband predeceased her three years ago. Surviving are five daughters and two sons, Cather- ine and Margaret, Daniel 3, and Mrs. William Burke, of Hibbert; Mrs. Peter Eckart, McKillop: Matilda, Rochester; and tient. P. of Detroit, !Mr. and Otlrs. John Walsh and fancily, of 'McKillop, spent last tEn- clay at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wnl. Nigh, Tuckersnaith, :Mrs, Ed, htolyneaux returned to Dublin on Saturday last after spend- ing the week at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. Michael Doyle ,Hibbert, Mrs. August-iHicknell and. Mrs. Peter Hicknell and little son 'Leo, of McKillop, were visitors at the -home of lir. and !Mrs, Peter McCann, Htbbet:t, on Friday last. The Council stet on Sept. 16th with all the members present: 'Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, Ivir. Robert Norris appeared of behalf of the promoters of the. Staffa school fair soliciting a grant of $50. I•t was moved by MoDougald and Jeffery that a grant of $50 be made in aid of township school fairs to be divided equally between the Staffa and Dub- lin fairs, The Clerk was instructed to prepare By-laws 4'o provide for raising, levying and collecting on and from the lands comprised within the arca of the McGrath drama the amount required to stake up the deficiency its the funds for the completion of the work and the redemption of de- bentures issued under authority of By-laws nos. 37 of 1905 and 59 of 1907, and By -law -No. 169 of 1917, and for serving the townships of Ful- larton, Logan and McKillop with a copy of the engineer's report on same. Orders were issued on the treasurer amounting to $185.30. The next meeting of the Council will be hely hon Monday, da Oct.y, 19th. at 1 pan. J, Jordan, Clerk, STAFFA, r The Ladies'" Aid of the United church held their October meeting on the new grounds and spent the afternoon in planting perennials and borders. A hutch was served af`er the afternoon's work, Mrs. (Rev.) Jones is in hospital in London. A young son was born last Friday -morning. Ottr a as been making et record S.S. ntotQonly ttat home but abroad. They captured first prize for drill and They at the local school fair and third prize for drill and first for costume at the Mitchell fair recently. Miss Moun- tain, a graduate of last year's Normal. class at Stratford, is the teacher, and deserves the greatest praise for her splendid work with our children, The October meeting of the Perth Presbytery of the United Church was held in Central United church, Stratford, on Wednesday of test week. Ret J. E. Jones, M•. Robt, ''orris and Mir. 11..1. Sadler attend- ed from here, The chief 'busines was concerned with the allocation to the various charges of the $50,000 share of the $4,000,000 budget of the Church, assumed by the churches of Perth. Ways and means for secur- ing this amount were discussed in detail, The finest and co: revait d hrough- operation prevailed through_ fret'', spent at Mr, and Mrs, • Harvey d-tiliitnon's at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffrey spent Sun- ( day at .Ami', and Mrs. Norntstt Bush - 1' [In Cecil O'Brien; principal of the: Ridget0wts school, and Mr. Harold 1) i'rieti, <if \resterit 'lJuiversity, Lon-: don spent the week -end at their, home. Church service will be held nehet Sunday at seven. :Mrs. John 'Sadler returned .on 'Sun- day after visiting friends in Wind- sor and Detroit. :Mrs. Oscar Reed, of Mitchell, has been visiting at het' ]torte here dar- ing the past week. \\'e have a large 'nuiibber of 'base ball fans who have shown a keen in- terest in the 1925 world's series. The minister preached on the Kirk- ton charge, on Sunday for Rev, J. L, Foster, who' conducted anniversary and re. -opening services at Zion. Mrs. Melville Gray and -,family vis itecl at Mr. John Livingstone's Sat- urday, MANLEY. Mr. Matt Murray, accompanied by Mr. Janes ;McQuaid, left ,for Detroit ui 'tlruuswiick"Ulu 'Of Londoiij will Put on a' good programine.: ,telt•, and Mrs. Hugh Love spent` Sunday at the home of his sister, Mr. ariil,'M4rs.' Clifford .Moir, (Jsborne. LONDESBORO. t eo l vas • l\ tncetfng of the•yo utg p p e t lield in the cotnmtnuty hall on Mon- day evening, Oct, 12th, After the games an enjoyable programme was rendered. F 1 Even though Sunda), Oct. lltt, was a very disagreeable day, Knox church was filled to: the doors, on its anniversary occasion. Solos were rendered morning . and evening by Mr, Archie Ballantyne, of Brussels, Mr, Chandler, of Walton, conducted the services: Mr, Jas, Lyon and Mr. S. Appleby have already returned from the '\Vest. Radios are being used to advan- tage at, .present enjoying this world's series baseball games., Mrs. Ballantyne, of Brussels, was the guest on Sunday of her sister, Mfrs, N. Crawford, of the 13th con- t cess 01. ArD. Sulherlaod's last Tuesday to seek their fortunes in Uncle Sam's domains, What about keeping our young people at hone, for its the best -we have got that seem to make good an the other side of the border? While our immigration department is spending all kinds of stoney 'trying to 'populate Canada, those who are born and raised here leave because they can do better elsewhere. It seems strange that in as large a country as ours that we could not have our population in- creased to -50;000,000 and create a market of our own. Mr. Jerry Ragan front Logan and Mr. and Mrs, John Nolan and Mr, and bits, C. Eckart from 'Seaforth. were visitors in our burg last Sun- day. HILLSGREEN. Bean threshing is the order of the clay. The cold spell we had for a few days • makes the farmers feel like getting the threshing wound up be- fore Winter sets M. Mr, and !Mrs , ,Clarence Park of Goshen line, were visitors ,at the home of Mr, Robin McAllister Sun- day. Mrs, Elsom, of Moosejaw, is spend- ing a few days with her brother; Mr, Wilson 'Carlile, A number from around our burg took in the .'fowl supper given at Zurich, and all report a splendid feast and a good programme, Anniversary services will be held in General Insurance Agency Town and Farm Property Bonds, Etc., Etc. Town Property Frame house, electric lights, far- naee, 'hard and soft water, 'central, good condition, immediate possession. easy terms. Faris Property Close to town, good buildings, well fenced, clean land, terms to snit the Purchaser. Nay and Apples for Sale 27 loads of hay, "timothy, sweet clover, alfalfa. All the apples on trees in orchard. Snap for quick sale. Bonds $100 $500 $1000 8 pet cent interest half yearly aaafe investment A. D. SUTHERLAND Seaforth Phone 142 Princess THURS., FRI., and SAT. ZANE GREY'S . Story of a cave man cowboy and a New York vamp code of the West with Constance Bennett and Owen Moore MON., TUES. WED, NORMA T2 LMADGE in the nine=reel super film Secrets from the stage play of the same name in which the Incomparable Norma presents a quadruple characterization -that of Girlhood of the crinoline period, 1865; Rancher's wife of pioneer days, 1870; A middle-aged matron, 1888; and finally a grandmother, 1925. Let the Provintce ABSOLUTE SAFETY of Ontario Savings Office Guard Your Savings It is easy to open an account by' mail. Simply send money by Bank Cheque, Post Office or Express Money Order-, or Registered Letter, to the Branch nearest you and you will receive your Bank Look by return mail. • The Govermltent of the Province of Ontario guaran- tees the safety of your deposits, on which interest will - be compounded half -yearly. You can withdraw your stoney by cheque at any time. - Province of Ontario Savings Office HEAD OFFICE, 15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO. Toronto Branches Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sts, Odor. University and Dundas Sts, 549 Danforth Avenue • Other Branches at: Hamilton, Ft, Catharines, St. Marys, Pembroke, !Brantford, Woodstock,; Owen Sound, Ottawa, Seaforth, Walkerton;, Newmarket and Aylmer DR. a; HUGH ' ROSS, .Phyaiciar nd Surgeon. eon. L.a e o a g t f 'London Hoe - pita!, London, England. Special attention to diseases of the 'eye, 'ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. • Otfilt► Phone No:5, , eR sidcpce' Phone ns, J BURROWS . ' Ssafe or'ti. Office and residence; Goderich tartly,. east of the Methodist -church, Cor- oner for the County of Huron, Tele- phone No.' 40.,,• DR. C. MACKAY.-C. ldackeya. honor graduade of Trinity Univers-. ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons s! Ontario. DR. F. J. R.'FORSTER-Eye, Ear&. Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New Y k Ophthal- rnIc andAural . Tnstit a o� Institute, Mr oo afield • Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hoe - London, England. r'tlt ,. Commercial Hotel, Seaf o r t third Monday in each mostly from I a.m, to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street south,. Stratford. Phone 2670 Stlratford. Dental, DR. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Roe Gradn,... . ate of N rtahwestern University, G OM- cago. Ill. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over Sills :hardware, Main street, Sea- forth, Phone 151, General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machin! James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire ar e Insurance ace Co, FARM AND ISOLATED' TOWN PROPERTY ONLY,-INSUPSID Officers James Connolly, Goderich; Ales. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pault- ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforit4, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors. Wm, Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; Jebel Benneweis, Brodhagen; James. Evan', Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; James Conolly, Goderich ;Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock• George McCartney, No. 0 Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents. nes... Alex. Leitch, R.R, 1, Clinton; IL Hinchtey, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, IG R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. ' James Kerr and John Govan - :oak, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoflices, -S. W. ARC2 IBALD CIVIL ENGINEER ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Office over Stewart Bros., Phone 70 Seaforth, Ont. cv Don't Thr o W Your Old Carpets Tray Theymake new rover - t: ,4 c sible"Velvetex" Rugs. tit .+..r;• Send for Velvotex Folder 2 CANADA RUC COMPANY tA7NDON, 01,1T. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max Wolsb, phone 178, Seaforth. EZO (. for EeZEM2 Tit Aberhart's Drug Store 5eafort'i thus tired look and "ragged" fig oat of your face, Sag "Banal* Facial" to Year barber and coma up smiling with a new appear- ance of vim and fitnm . Be none of the "million a week." ROBINSON'S (Just Around the Corner) Seaforth