HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-08, Page 7INHERITS TITLE BUT WILL STAY ON RANCH WON D.S.Q. AT THIRD BATTLE OF YPR1 S. The name "Red ;Rose" has ' been 'a guarantee of quality for 30 years LOi cl Cheyletimore Has Be- come Devoted' to Farming Q015goo eaJ Land Near Mix, Alberta. The call of thegreat even' 9pacea isal TheRANGE PEKOE is extra good.., Try it! a very real thing to some m'en. It is to Baron Cheylesanore, third line. And thus it is that Canada can add another to 'th its titled landowners. This 'peer, who recently' came into Sion of his inheritance, Is Fra mend Henry Eaton,: D.S.O., coeds to the peerage as the fourth Lord all ¢1 Y eatmPn'e As Captain Eaton, he arrived in AI- berta four years ago and acquired part of the Flaunted La hes ranch Alberta, which he hassincethe Hapy ValleY Ranch, A Pe ago he -succeeded to the title, now seasoned Alberta farmer pressed his intention of Contin residence on the prairies, rait return to the old land, He all last month with the haiwes' estate. Conspicuous Gallantry. of his ; Western keeping the School Band 0 Ilk Of a liittitt Throughout the posses- Entire Year.` nolo' Or The school band is dependent upon who nuc-- two important factors for its exist- ence: morale and loyalty to the or- ganization. tion. The first Is built up by cultivating 'in the _boy's mind a pride In :h his performing With and helping to ear Ali; li x ren arced w weeks but the has ex- uing his. er than was busy t on hie Lord Cheylesmore was' born June 10; 1893, educated. at l3toxi, Trinity Col lege and Cambridge Univeraity, Ile was a second lieutenant when the war broke out in 1914, having received a military training at Sandhurst. I3e joined the Grenadier Guards with the expeditionary force in Flan- ders and Fli'ance in June, 1916, and served With 'his regiment throughout the war. Ile was awarded the D.S;O. for conspicuous gallantry at the third battle of Ypres, In July, 1917, and was also promoted., in the field to the rank' of captain. He always intended to settle down in seine part of the British• ' dominions and he selected westsrn Canada after a year's residence In Al- berta. His English estate does not include an landed a¢ d property Y pr equntry asst. It consists largely of city real estate, situated in London, and in such indus- trial sites as Coventry, Lord Clteylesmore was a well known rugby football player and track_ athlete in his .Eton and Cambridge days, He is a devoted outdoor sportsman and Ii plays a good game of polo. He says dna is not returning to England, but will make his home on his beautiful Alberta holdings. I -Ie belongs to the Guards, Whites and Turf clubs In Lon- don: Lord Cheylesntore's tragic death in a motor accident recently found his sonin the midst of ailmmer's work,'. His presence was not required In Lon- don and he sent hls solicitor to look after the necessary business connect- ed with winding .rip of the estate. A Valuable Legacy. Men leave property by will in many ways and in many different forms. They may bequeath it outright, for the heritor to possess at once; they may establish a trust fund, the in- come only to be immediately avail - abler or they may create a life inter- est. The possessions thatthey band on may be real .estate, cash, stocks, bonds, . books, pictures, jewels. All are perishable, all are -subject to vi- cissitudes of life and the frailties of human nature. How many, when they face the last appraisal, find among their assets the.. things that are im- perishable, and that they can hand on by an instrument that no man can break? In California there died recently a man who had given many years of his life to generous and intelligent public service. His own busines af- fairs had prospered reasonably, so that he left his heirs comfortably pro vided for;. but to his son he also left a Letter that for tenderness and dig- nity of feeling and for spiritual vision must be counted as his greatest legacy. "My life has been a treasury rich in friendships," he wrote, "and what- ever I may, be- credited with accom- plishing has been because of true friends in so many walks of life. I have never accounted as very import- ant among life's ambitions the accu- mulation of worldly riches. Money is good only in its wise expenditure for others I have always felt that ser- vice for my fellows, so far as my ability lay, brought me the greatest "reward: "Always, my son, remember that there is a God --a just God. If I have any 'regrets for my •shortcoming ; in - bringing up my family, it is that per- haps I did ,not urge greats;; attention to spiritual understanding. "I wish you would say to the others for me, and say to the dear'grand- chlldren, that for their own good • am- ong their fellows they should devote some time to spiritual study and edu- cation,- The time wilt come when they will need a Comforter, and if they have spiritual understanding it will help them." That legacy wil'1 never depreciate. Markets may fluctuate and banks may fail and great fortunes crash to ruin, but -to that son his•father's letter will - be an investment that wi51 bring larg- er and larger returns as the years pass. It is not only a last will: it is a testament, The black opal has been adopted. "as the national stone of Australia, SALESMEN We offer. steady •employment and pay weekly to sell our complete and exelu- sive lines of guaranteed quality; whole: root, fresh -dug -to -order trees and plants. Attractive illustrated samples and full co-operation, a money -mak- ing opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries Montreal RHEW ATISPil Rheumatism, Belotioo, Lulnbatmr Neuritis, Dout, swellings, Sprains, etq; are Invariably relieved is, Jahn MsDoneld Rheumatism Remedy. Obtain It by unreel, poet 0.0.D.- 51.00...direct from; JOHN MtDONALD MEDICINE COMPANY, 00 BIRCH AVENUg,. TORONTO.5. produce an organization that is • of some eoneequeyoe to the school and community, The second is bated up- on the "gang spirit" of the boy. A boy has a pride in numbers of his • A band should be organized as an is tegral part of the school: It should not he organized around, any other In- terest, F 0 r ace: seine bands ;nets I , are built t !n the fall up to play for the P Y games, When the games are over the, band breaks up. A band can be matte self -maintaining if the proper interest is aroused in the boys' minds: A series of concerts In the early spring <or a tour will do much to • heighten the efficiency of the band and •tightenthe organization. Sure Enough. Miss City—"And where is your hus- band, Mrs. Hay?" Mrs. Ray—"In the orohars pruning some trees:" Miss. City—"Oh, do you 'raise your own prunes?" eRiVmN`i'r�i Increase P;,. 'ihrtj rofits t : - rbethig x -operatively' THE Western Wheat Producer's, the 'Naturally, to be successful, co - Ontario honey men and others, have" operative marketing: must be handle made co-operative selling a marked efficiently. Bow to form and 0130 success. They have stabilized prices and increased y oed theirmate b D y standard! grading and chipping a methods ; and applying efficient e,mupand heal merchandising to the disposal of their crop,. By these '-methods the poultry Producers, too, can secure these benefits. The outstanding proof of this is Priiice Edward Island, where, for .the last thirteen years. expert and efficient sales- manship appliedtocooperative market- ing, has saved thousands of dollars annually for thepoultry farmers and permanently stabilized - their markets. successfully a local organization t7r Ation to de- tailed in the PSDB booklet, "ono to", issue in, theDepar Department of Agriculture at Od by the This is nt of oAgv r five at Bred he. This p one of over five l hundred helpful it. olees on with cub- Plete. To obtain it, together with corIn Plate l list of FBEE ppoet fros• fill in this slip, and return it poet frau to The•Pablication Branch Department di Agriculture Ottawa - Ontario Wawa R.R.No- Post Ogee Province • Kt.' 'CARE OF 11 EU1 RTIC. `PEOPLE 'BABIES EASIER CAN NOW FIND IIEE Bally,'s'Own Tablets Are a Great By Driving the 'Poisonous Acid Help to Mothers of Young From the system. 'Children: Rheumatism attacks people when Stomach disturbances and egnatipa• l the blood is thin and watery, or tion are responsible for much of the charged with "impurities, thus setting peevlslinpes .01 babies. The modern `up `inflammation of the muscles and mother does not resort to ao-called i joints• Cold,. wet ,weather or sharp soothing ;mixtures but corrects the i Wintla may start the paina, but the trouble by sweetening the little stow-;oauae is rooted In the blood and' to get ach antid-giving a gently laxative that I relief. It must be treated through the acts without ,griping. Such a remedy 1 blood: As a blood builder and nerve 1e found in Baby's Own Tablets, easy I.tonic Dr. Williams, .Pinll Pills are un to take and guaranteed to be free surpassed; ansifor that reason' do not from opiates or narcotics: fail to give relief to rheumatic suffer Avery mother who tries Baby's Own I era when given a fair trial. Among Tablet's becomes enthusiastic about the rlleunnattc enfferera who have them, Mrs, Oscar Auger, Holyoke, I proved the `great value of this medi- Mase.,_ says: -"I have used Baliy'e cine is Mrs, Simeon J. Tatton, Indian Own Tablets and think them a splen- Head" Sask.; who says;—"Foo over' d dr 1 medicine two o ciao YDr constipation and years .`I was an intense sufferer other Yr ailments o ants rheumatism h m eumati�s. which m a l aria and until affect ] nt 1 I began the ones. I have no hesitation in,recom- use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, no mending them to other mothore," treatment that I took helped me_ any. Baby's Own Tabiete are sold by medi The trouble grew so bad that I could eine dealers or by mai: at 25 cents a not move around the house without box from The Dr,^William's' Medicine help; and finally 1 had 'to give up and Co,, .Brockville, Ont. A little booklet, go to bed. Words cannot tell how "Caro of the Baby in Health and Sick- much I suffered, and I could not bear to have anyone come near me. lethal- ly one of my neighbors strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to do so. In the course of a few weeks I could feel an improve- ment, and I was able to get up, I kept on taking the pills until all traces of the trouble were gone, and I could again do myhousework, foaling. like a new person. Three yetirs have passed since that and there has never been the slightest return of the trouble, so that I feel safe in Baying that the re- lief brought by this medicine Is per- manent." You can get the pills from your druggist, or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. nese,' will be sent free to any mother Ott requ'est. Bite -flying is forbidden over the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, and other of London's historic buildings. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Electric lights over the water in fish hatcheries have been found to attract insects, and aId in feeding the fish. WE WANT CHURNING We supply cans and pay express m charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can: be cashed' anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price, Cream I must be free from bad Havers and l contain not leas than 30 per cent. Butter Fat. Bowes Company Limited, . I Toronto For references—Head OfBoe, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established for over thirty years. 44E S7'00PeW WINDOWS Lv£Spti,PAY o r t F wOiRt hs7 fo #r DC Mv wS E Stop Fuel Wane Imure Winter I w. C dot Pad" pr Bei.lead �ry .y n,emmeed. ,,,ela"d; Ilrto d earY n uring ebarL pare •. . jj°HALLIDAY- 1,22'HAMILTOH SHJn US YOU/2-POULTRY, GAME,EOGS, BUTTER AND FEATHERS -WE BUY ALL YEAR ROUND - Wee today fur•p1•feos-we „Orarztrlfee them Jar a week ahead P. POULIN &CO.,LIMITED 30-39nt"abNO 7f4idor onnocoury Afnrkat - Montrva! G01_1 -Y ! 1F PAPA WAS ONLY WITH US NOW 11,1 '500t4."0 %-W, COUt. SHOW GETTER. SPEED THAN 'CHAT HELLO - FOLKS 1 YOU woNDERPut,. CITIZENS OF ONTARIO - THE' DANKER PROVINCE OF CANADA -THE PROVINCE TNA T HAS MORE BEAUTY SPOTS THAN A LEOPARD - IT WAS TOUR TELEGRAM THAT BROUGHT ME SACK =THE EVENING TELEGRAM- THE TELEGRAM THAT'S READ EVERNWNERa IN ONTARIO - CM GOING TO GIVE YOU A D02E% LAUGHS ADA/ <N VOt3R OWN PAVORITU NEWSPAPER-7,Au EVENING TELEGRAM 0141 Goo0Y ; PAPAS BACK 0 TORONTO AGAIN A At Last Laugh with h :t t ev ry , a ve ing th - elle E TOY REIGNS in the Gump household again! Andy, the breadwinner, has been found. He's J back in of again -this time in The Evening Telggraln. And he's here to stay—with a bagful of new ideas, every one 'of thele a sure laugh -producer. , NDY has been iliissed. No doubt of that. •He's the most famous comic strip char- acter in the World. But the days of worry are over. Every evening, Andy, Chester and Min will entertain you in The Evening Telegrain, The Greatest of all Comic Strips Now in The Telegram Et' °LESS to say, The Evening Telegram is proud of its latest comic strip. Andy's admirers are legion, _Everyone in Toronto— 'in Ontario—knows Win. Everyone is happy to laugh with—and at—this unique 20th cen- tury philosopher. 7i1 Siis old yore 1. .Twelve Other Comic Strips and Mirth - Provoking Features Every -Evening Read in 5 out of 6 Toronto homes—Read in every County in Ontario. +' X►`nit a< G'am'ble criid Ars as VACUUM CAM-•r'iCrryj Turas I ' 1111 6 ` .. II Ilf1lll11111111111i Including Alsace-Lorraine, France: is now probably richer than she was before the Great War. GENUINE ASPIRIN, N PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package Does not affect the Heart Unless You see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin proved sere by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty- five years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken "Bayer" package Sau- talns proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles o' 24 and 100. Buy Through Our Catalog Beautiful durable designs Big choice, ready to install Sold all over Canada Below all others in price For example• thiofiauro,oil, for$10,50, Ourprioe$&9Q Send for :Free Catalog- Orders atalogOrders Prepaid ELECTRIC FIXTURE. CO, Eal•scourt and St, Clair Aves, Toronto. kF6'F`Y` )r3 1.Pi1100SL% L ,oat. . w 1 '•Malin, old lila. New. (LO D KE METAL POLISH CAPD NICKLE: 8111i1E The Cana polishes. Ltd.. Hamilton LESS�W'QI #rig �F>11 SNEEZING , The sign that you are catching cold. Heat and inhale Mlnard's and stop the cold, Classified Adyertisements 5 OOWCAitD 1tmTINO 1NCI1EAelts ZAPNINO 1, power, Wcshow the say. Students eon work heron through Course. Easy, engin. Shaw. Schools„ Toronto. Party -two moot West. tADES O NLY- ODIC B OOKL&T, LADIES' Frind mailed la pinto envelope. tree, Ca +2923;Montreal. r ARIES 1VA:VTED-TO 1)0 rLAiN AND 0101(T ILA sewing 'at. Immo whole' or -tpa00 thaw: good Day; work neat any dletene,, charges paid: send Hemp for particulars, National Manutaceuriag Co:, nineteen). Ask for Minard's -anti take:. no other. Ei I Y Eft S IRRITATED aY SUN,WJND,DUST t »CINDE31S a1r0Hl15NDED &SOLD BY 51111001513 & OPIICIANS. W.I. ran earn SYR CARL 0006- MUMS Co.CISIVAK,V 5 Cuticura, Heals lriitating Rashes Don't suffer with itching, burning rashes, eczemas or irritations when Cuticura Soap and Ointment will quickly relieve and heal. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry and anoint with Cuticura Ointment. Nothing quicker or safer than Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment for all skin troubles. Sample Eooh Free by Mall Addrae. Can,diaa Depot: atouboore, .Ltd- Montre,L^ Prlee, Soap tie. Ointment 25 and 60a, Takata Rae. Der" Cuticura Shaviac Stick 25c. RS®& H. HART SICK FOR YEARS Wants Women to Know How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cornwall, 0ntar'o.—"I amnow giving your medicine a fair trial and it surely !l I is doing me good and I am going '±0 keep on taking it. I used to feel so tired in the morning that I didn't want to get up, but that feeling is leav- ing me now. 1 also Bleep better_and-feel more like working. For seven or eight years 'I have had headaches, tired feel- ings; paittemmy back and across my body. I'read•letters in the newspapers saying what good Lydia EI Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had done others. My husband says I 'quit too soon, but I am not going to stop taking the Vegetable Compound and 1 Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine un- 1 til I am better and"haven't•an ache or a' pain. Isn't that the right way? I have great faith in your .medicines. They 1 {oust be good when those who take therm speak so highly of thein. I alit raceme gladly .answer newer letters friends en ask- ing :Mrs. Blum H. BART, Box 1081 Cornwall, Ontario, Mrs. Hart wants to help other women and is willingto,atiewer letters from l pick women askingabout the Veetabie 1 Compound. 0 e� ISSUE No 41-'25, ie.