HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-08, Page 5tie THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1925, SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry -man happy. He knows that when he gets a 'generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- toes and some green vegetables, he won't get up from the . table dissatisfied. STEWART Tour Butcher Seaforth PHONE 58. The Right Way • Shoes repaired the right way ' . give double the. wear, Rubber Boots -repaired and resoled,. Leather soles nailed and hand sewn, Get your shoes fixed up for the bad weather. Our 20 Years' experience has taught us to repair the right way. Fred Barlow SEAFORTH Two doors south Beattie's Variety Store. Red :& White ehain Stores GOOD VALUE FOR THIS WEEK. Aylmer canned Pumpkin, 9c Per tin Tanglefoot, ' 2c dotOble sheets Silver .Glass Starch 9c% package Ice Drip Rice 2 lbs. for 15c WE SERV -U RlIGFrT AT THE RED AND WHITE Ross J. Sproat W. M. Stewart W, J Walker &, Son UNDERTAKING —and -- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALICER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. A village is a place where every body knows every body so well it isn't worth .while to snob anybody. "There is more to Babe Ruth," begins a sports •writer, and the scales seem to bear out statement, CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own comnuutity. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co; Seiforth, Out, D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. 00110001101101111110000011111010011110100010 Oranges, Afall prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c • PURE OLIVE OIL SWEET POTATOES: CRANBERRIES. • • CELERY •' TOMATOES CALIFORNIA GRAPES. 4Seaforth Phone 63 Asthma Overcome, The. Aiumph over asthma has assuredly coille. Dr. J. D. KellOgg's Asthma Remedy has proved the most positive blessing the victim of asthmatic attacks has ever known. Letters received from thous- ands who have tried it form a testi- monial which leaves no room for doubt that here is a real remedy. Get it to -day ifroni you; dealer. SHE HAS GONE HOME. (in memory of Mrs. F. Hohnested.) Serene Ter soul, as peacefully she passed, ' Into the glory of the larger life, And those whose loving hands would hold her fast ust walk alone the road with sorrow rife. Alone, yet not alone, for He who trod . The path to Calvary and hitter woe,, The strong, immortal, holy Son of God, Is with us now,. as in the long ago. He gathers, one by one. His lilies fair, And planti them • all around His blood red cross; Till Death is robed in majesty so rare It makes us think of gain instead of loss. Hers is the better part, the welcorne . sweet, The glad "Well done" reeouriding- On , her car; Why should we weep, joy fillsher happy heart, She has gone 'home, no • more to linger here. —H. Isabel Graham:, CONSTANCE . • Mg. Bert Stephenson motored.. to Blyth and tWingham on Monday for the purpose of buying sheep. 'Quite a 'few around attended the fiftieth anniversary fowl supper held at Winthrop phurch.* • Mr. and MIs. John ,Riley,- •of Brus- sels, spent the wee.k-end at his par- ents', "IMPer and Mrs. 113 • Mr. Sidney, Dolmage, accompanied by his sister,' Mrs. Richard 'Harmon, motored from Detroit and spent the week -end at his Thome here. Quite a. number motored on Friday to Elrussels fair-inthawere very "Much disappointed on account of •the heavy rain which spoiled the liftea- iMr. Wm, i\loore's house 'was struck by AgOlillig hest, ,Priclay* afternoon, It ,§lietadk .61 n ey' and, followed the stove pipes, setting • fire to the wall paper in the house. The electric- ity alsofollowed the galvanized iron roof and water pipes, and -bored a hole through the piaster in the wall. Fortunately no serious damage was 011.101......01111r.11.1i........ini....!...,0 . , 0 01•066.10.0418•15411.141•01.01.41M.11.1.402.4.4111.141M.10 1 illrown Topics 11 II, . lardiroompromme.mocarwaso.emesew.pcncessmasosal • 'The rnany friends of Mrs. Lou Kahle, of Detroit, will 'he pleased t know she is recovering. from he recent ...operation for appendicitis i the Harper hospital in that city. Dr. and Mrs. Miinn have returne from their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Clendone Colbert, o London. were visitors at the hotn of Mr, and Mrs. A. Barton. Mr, and Mrs. John MacTavish an children spent Sunday in $ Thomas, Mrs, Jaines 'Brown is visiting rela tives in Detroit. Mr, George Israel is laid up wit an attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. A. MdGavin and Lois ar spending' a few days in Toronto: ' Mrs. Kenney, oil London, acted a organist in the United church cm Sunday. Mf. D. Ainslie, ,of Leamington is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 Tyerman. Mr. J. Spain, orKitchener, spen the week -end 'at his home here. Mr, Sector, Montreal, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Win. 'Reimer spent ' 11 few days in Wingham last week. Mrs.- 'Thos. 'Rands and daughter Maybelle, spent a couple of days visiting relatives in Winghant and Brussels. Ur. and MA. 0. Neil were at Brussels fair on Friday afternoon. 'Lieut. Evenden, of Mount Forest, has arrived -to assist Lieut. Tidtuan with the Salvetion Army services. ,Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Foreman have returned from their .wedding trip to Detroit, Mr. Hugh Chesney, of 'Tucker - smith, is visiting eclatives in To- ronto. Mrs. F. S. Savauge and daughter Winifred are spending a week in, hayfield. Rev. Mr. 'Stevenson, of Stratford, spoke in the interests of Lord s Day Alliance in the Presbyterian church on 'Sunday. Mr. C. D. Ferguson has rented the Noble Cluff residence on North Main street, Mr. W. Smith has recovered front his recent illness, 'Rev. Mr. Chandler, of \Valton, oc- cupied the pulpit of the United church on Sunday. 'Miss Sadie Howitt sepnt a few days n Toronto. • Mrs. F. H, Larkin is in Toronto at- tending' the semi-annual meeting of the Presbyterian W. M. S. Mr. and Mrs, John Pinkney were n ;Hamilton on Monday attending the funeral of their grandchild, Eileen Hilda Pinkney, the bright ittle daughter of. Mr, and ,Mrs. W. M. Pinkney, who passed away on Friday morning following an opera- h):Nni. Mr. and Mrs. E. ,Pollock and Mrs. Valden, of Kincardine, spent a few ays la'st week with Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Tyerman. Keep •Wed., Oct. 21st, in mind for he C. W. L. sale of homemade useful articles and candies. Two beautiful vases were pre- ented to St. 'Thomas' church -by Mrs, eters and Miss Punchard, both of oronto, in memory 'of their miller and father, also a brother nd two sisters. The presentation vas made by the Churchwarden, Mr, ohn H, Best, on their -behalf and -ere received by the rector, Rev, T. . Brown, who reverently dedicated hem to the altar for the service of od and in 'blessed memory ,of the eparted, who were years ago wor- hippers. in this church. There was ,a good representation rom the United churches in Sea- orth and Egmondville at the meet- ig of 'Huron Presbytery in Walton n Wednesday. Three rinks of bowlers .from town 'ere in 'Woodstock on 'Wednesday. Miss Edith Hunt returned home 16. week after six weeks' visit in oronto. 'Mr. and Mrs, Louis Wiltshire, of eamington, are visiting her father, Ir. Wm. Deem. Mr. and Mrs„ Harry Howe and ttle son returned to their home in ueensboro after spending a few ays with ,the latter's mother, Mrs. alton. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wright, of etroit, visited his sister, IMrs. Alton, this week. The many friends of 'Mr. ,Robert Coates will regret to kuow he suf- fered a second paralytic stroke on Sunday and at present is.seriously M. Nfr. R. F. Jones has returned from visiting relatives in Detroit, , Mrs. Marriott is -ill. at present. " _ ' A pumbee. from there attended the induction services ' in Herisyl on Tuesday. - • ''' .• Mrs, Norman Carter and Mrs.„ J. ,B. Tyerman spent a few days in 'Ooderich' last week. . , Owing to a mistake the name Of Mrs. F. S. Brugger was substiteted for that of Miss Grace Scarlett as solpist in the report ef the Colbert:. Barton -wedding !Fist. week. Mr. A. Ellice McLean, Swif,t Cur- rent, Sask., Mrs, 'WM: Hargraft, Mrs. Preston Dougias, Mr. A. Holmested, Mr. j:.' 1Holmested, --Mr, T..13oultbee, and Mr. C. yBoultee, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott, Mr: j. 13. Scott and ,mmi,•IF; Burchill, BeusSels, ' and Mr. and Mrs. D, McDonald, ,Goderich, attended the 'funeral, o{ ths.late Mrs. HAI -tested on' Tuesday. -' Watch next week's edition for an- nouncement of the jean Fowler Co., Eanatnertainers, to be held in Cardno's Mr. Jack VanEgmond, of Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. C. Van- Egthond, who'is ill at present. tTr..)-Tiehry Weiland, whp0as ,heeti. Warking •hi Clinton,•gpent-trib. week- end at his lionie in Egmondville. ;Mr.. Earl Van Egmond is visiting Mr. Jack --Innis at Simcoe. Mr .and Mrs. Wm./Chapman were in Brussels, attendin tl fair 0 is 0 d 4 d 1. h 1 d T a 13 HA G d f iot ti TL11dD THE SEAFORTH NEW Prompt E. W. Bateman Ladtbs' Tailor ticatlemettl' Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keatink's Drug Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORD! Ort.'re )IVENINGS. PHONE 257 • Friday, 'Mrs. John Cameron visited Lon- don 'friends last week. Mr. Bert Horton was in Detroit over the week -end. Mrs. W. D. !Alanson :has recovered from her recent illness, Mrs. Hills, Miss Ria Hills and Miss Dorothy Reinke were in Stratford last week, Mr. and MTS. David Laidlaiv and daughters, 'Misses Jean, Effie and Roberta 1Laidlaw, of Blyth, spent Friday' evening- with Rev. and Mrs, J. F. 'Snowdon. Mr. Wallace Archibald, who has been at Wiarton, spent the week -end at his home. • Mr. David 'Wilson, of Wiadsor, is spending two weeks' holidays with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Wilson, 'Mr. J. ,P, Bell, of Toronto, is visit- ing friends in town. 'Mr. and IMrs, James Downey, of Detroit, have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Ella Devereaux, Huron road east. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Nigh, of Tuck. ersmith, and Mr. and MAI John Walsh, NfeKillop, motored to Kin - kora last Sonday to visit Sister 'If. Marcella, the ,former's sister. • '• Miss 'Lizzie Taylor, of Tucker - smith, spent last week with her friend, Mrs. August Ducharme, Hib- brt. Mrs. Cully, 101 Mitchell, is visiting friends in town. Owing to a similarity- in the num- bers on the entry tickets, the fol- lowing classes, credited in last week's paper to Robert Wright, were won by Messrs, A. & J, Broadfoot—lst heavy draught team, Livingston' spe- cial and sweepstakes for heavy draughts. - Mr. Edward Archibald, who has spent the summer in the States, left for Toronto University on Sunday after spending a few days with his parents, 'Ifr. and Mrs. Andrew Archibald. Cuts and Bruises Disappear. — When suffering front cuts, scratches, 'bruises, sprains, sore throat or chest, and any similar ailment, use Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Its healing power is well known in every sec- tion of the community. A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil should be in every medicine chest ready for the emergeocies that may always be anticipated. McKILLOP. Minister Bereaved. — Rev. 5. A. Ferguson received the sad news on Saturday of the death of his mother at King, Ont., and.he and Mrs. Fer- guson left on 'Monday to attend the funeral. The following Mining refers to her life. "Agnes 'Scott Ferguson, who died on Friday at King, Ont„ was born in King township on Jan, 3rd, 1842, the eldest daughter of the late Thos, and Elsie Scott, In 1865 she married Mark L. Ferguson, who predeceased her 40 years ago. Dur- ing her whole life she took a very active interest in all matters affect- ing the good of the community, and especially in the missionary work of the Presbyterian church and of the China Inland Mission. She is sur- vived by all her children—Thomas A. and. Miss Alice of King, Rey, Henry S, Ferguson of the China Iri- land Nfission, 'Rev. J. A. .Ferguson of Seaforth and Walter S. Ferguson, chartered •accountant, of Toronto, and by 3 'brothers and five sisters." ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. James McQuaid has rented for a term of two years Mr. James F. Carlin's fine seventy-five acre farm on the Huron road. We wish our young friend success in his venture, A large namber from. this district attended the school fair at Dublin. It was a miserable afternoon, raining most of the time and the principal thing the most of them got was a good drenching -it the rain,. Silo filling is the order of the day as the threshing is practically finish- ed in this vicinity. Mrs. F. Pope and three hcildren of Kitchener were visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John J. Dalton, Miss Gertrude Stapleton of Strat- ford normal school was a week end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Stapleton. Misses Mildred McGrath of St. Clements and !Gertrude McGrath of Linwood spent the week end at th.e home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Patrick McGrath, Miss Mary Feeney of Stratford Normal school was' a week -end vis- itor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney,. McKillop. 'Wedding stationery at News office. Items of news are always 'welcome. LIONS' Community Euchre and Dance in G.W.VA. Club Rooms MONDAY, OCTOBER 12th Euchre starts at 8:30 Lunch provided —Dancing after lunch. music by Stewart's Harmony Boys; kis° special music fer square dances.' Remember the Lion's Club is for community welfare. The 'rinds go toward Payrnent, of the swimming pool built in the summer and for other projects in the future Your patronage is needed, so be on hand for a big night. Good Prizes Admission 5de, Our 4Operating eosts Make Prices to You MAPLE LEAF SALMON, 1 lb 40c MAPLE LEAF SALMON, IA lb. 23c, LIBBY1S PORK AND BEAN -S, 2 tins ,I 23c CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS, 2 tins " 23c • P. 8c*G: SOAPp 5 bars \... 23c • SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. ... , ........ .. . . ... . 23c CHRISTIE'S ARROWROOT BISCUITS, per lb. 23c CHRISTIE'S FANCY BIS6UITS, any kind . , ... • .. , . 28c PURITY FLOUR, per cwt. $4.00 NORTH STAR FLOUR •$3.95 To buy for less come tO Egnionclitille W.J. Finnigan ' PAGM, FIV111. RAI)10S We,carry the Westitaghouse Radiola III.A with,,Music Master Loud Speaker ZAThe most satisfactory set at thelwst reasonable prices. ICJ and see them. J. J Broderick Electrical Supplies VARNA. Master Albert Durrant had the misfortune to fall front a tree one day last week and break his arm. Several of the tnembers of St. Jahn's church attended the Deanery meeting at Exeter on Tuesday. Mrt. Roy Morrison, Of Toronto, spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs, M. Elliott. Mrs. McDonald. of Locknow, spent Sunday in the burg. Rev. Mr, Jefferson, of Goderich, preached in the United church Sun- day last. There was a large con- gregation at both morning and even- ing services, 'Mr, Savauge, of Seaforth, will take the topic at the 'League Friday even- ing. A good attendance is requested. Mr. and Mrs. MeAsh, of London, and airs. E. A. McAsh, of Exeter, spent Sunday in the 'burg, Harvest Thanksgiving services will be celebrated in St. John's church, Sunday next, Oct. Ilth, at 7 o'clock in the evening, Rev., Rural Dean Hardy, of Goderich, will take charge of the service. Certain morbid conditions must exist in the stomach and intestines to encourage worms, and they exist as long as these morbid conditions permit them to, To be rid of them and spare the child suffering, use Miller's Worm Powders, They will correct the digestive irregularities by destroying the worms, conditions favorable to worms will disappear, and the child will disappear, and the child will have no more suffering front that cause. Want ad For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c YOUR TIRES Be sure you get FIRESTONE GUM -DIPPED CORDS. Cost no more than ordinary tires. Also our new IMPERIAL RUBBER CASE BATTERY Guaranteed for one year. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. AB work guaranteed. Automatic Air Service Day or Night. ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH. Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. List Ready EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prices for quantity Holland ean, Import eo. Niagara Falls, Ont. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION itt almost all our classes make it possible for a student to enroll at any time. Complete and thorough courses ix BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRIT- ING and TELEGRAPHI.', Write for full information today. Principal. R. P. Lumaden.13.R. 13EN41L1R The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. GroundlScreenings [ehop of. All Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 antasueremoinennesse Your Auto Needs If you are in need of Tires, give us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, or have a Battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert auto repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? egiers (arage PHONE 167W