HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-10-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE w U H ItGN J. F. SNOWDON. Proprietor. GeneralObservations atio nS e The returned soldier is conspicu ous by his absence among the registrars in this election,. *e • Just three week to election. Be sure your name is on the voters list. The preliminary lists close on the 10th, * Win the Australian treaty make the farmers rich when they have to compete ete with the Australian produce which conies in free; 'butter at one cent a pound; cheese 'free and onions free, while Canadian produce going to Australia pays a high duty.. No better way to ruin our farriers could be devised. DUBLIN SCHOOL FAIR. Grain --Sheat pats, Loretta Detail ey,! Joseph Krauskopf, Wilfred Krauskopf, Clarence Krauskopf; sheaf hariey. Frances Delaney, Wil- fred i'ratiskopf, Clarence Krauskopf; sheaf wheat, Wilfred _ Krauskopf, Clarence Krauskopf, Jack Siemon, Carrie O'C•onn n sheaf buckwheat, Hubert `Feeney, Wilfred Krauskopf, Clarence Krauskopf, Frank Doyle; field peas, Agnes McGrath, Joseph Krauskopf, C.larenee Krauskopf, Ed- ward (')''Sullivan. Roots and Vegetables -\l angels, Jos. Delaney, Ino. McGrath, N. Nle - Grath„ M, Covue: carrots, H. Cron- in; Joseph • Dorsey, Gcrtie Siemon; Francis Delaney; turnips, Wilfred Krauskopf, Clarence Krauskopf, Anna Benneweis, Matthew Coyne; beets, Mary O'Connor, Rose O'Con- nor, Frank Krauskopf, Jos. Norris; onions, Ordelia Brod'hagen, Ruby Benneweis, Anna Beadle, Carl Ben- neweis: potatoes, . Claire Gormley, Martha Sieuton, Ruse O'Connor, Lorene Siemon; parsnips, Edwin Stapleton, Agnes Rowland, Ruse O'- Connor: field corn, John Maloney, Matthew Coyne, Frank Williams, Norman O'Connor; cucumbers, John O'Connor. • Mary O'Connor, Jolie Krauskopf, Frank Williams; cab- bage, Ordelia Brodhagen. Clarence Krauskopf, • :Matilda Dorrestein, Bet- ty Dorrestein; pumpkin, Pearl Ben- neweis, Clarence Looby, Edward Stapleton, Harvey Koehler; toma- toes Harvey Koehler, "Donald Ben- Inger Norval Parker. Elwyn Mor- ris; squash, Albert Cronin, Hannah Cronin, Ruby Benneweis, Carl Ben- newei.; cauliflower, John Arnold; citron, Irene Koehler, John O'Cntc- nor. Matthew Coyne, Rose O'Con- nor; unuskncelon, Norval Parker, Wilfred Krauskopf, Clarence Kraus- kopf; field carrot,, Pearl Benneweis, Lorne Siemon, James Cummings, Edward (gumming; garden corn. Jae. Cununing, Edward Cumming. Poultry --Whit' Leghorns. Eimer Koehler, Clare Krauskopf, Joseph Delaney, Wilfred Kranskopf; Brown Leghorns, Harvey Koehler, Alice Siemon: Rhode Island Reds, Ruby Benneweis, Chas. Krauskopf; barred rocks. Doh Murray. Estaieen 0' - Hearn, Edmund ()Hearn. James Krauskopf; White Wyandottes, Ed- ward O'Sullivan, Florence O'Sullivan, Matthew Coyne; turkeys, Catnilla Donnelly: Gerald Donnelly; geese, John McGrath, Frances Brennan, Genevieve McCarthy, James O'Sulli- van; ducks, Gerb. Downey. Dan. Mc- Carthy; Carl :Benneweis, Fergus Feeney. Flowers -Asters. Olive Fischer. Nfarie Koehler. Annie Siemon: Ar- thur Liohy; dahlia... Mark Koehler. Thomas McQuaid, Clarence Looby, Ordelia Brodhagen: gladiolus, Laura Benneweis, Elmer Boehler, Anna Benneweis; cut flowers, Irene Koeh- ler, Laura Benneweis, Ordelia Brod- hagen, Thomas McQuaid; potted geranium, Leonard Nagle, Dorothy Brennan. Mary Dillon, Ursula 1<rau•kopi; potted coleus, Arthur Looby, Joseph '\relines, 'Tom Melady, C-larence 'Looby; fern, Leonard NagleMarie hoethler, 'Clara Gorm- ley. Betty Campbell; putted begonia, Martha Siemon, Pat McConnell, Kenny Dill, Mary McGrath. Needlework ---Knitted mitts, Anna Benneweis, Betty Dorreityn, Carrie O'Connor; child', dregs. Ka therine Donnelly, Pielen Krauskopf, Marion Dill, Betty Dorrestyn; button -holes, Alice Siemon, Irene Koehler, Camilla Coyne„ 1,eona Maloney dressed doll, Hannah Cronin, Clara Gorinley, Bet- ty Campbell, Carrie Krauskopf; patch on checked gingham, Gertrude Downey, Gertrude Dorrestyn, Anna Brenna Martha Siemon; darning Agnes McGrath, Betty Dorrestyn, Alice Siemon, Mary ,Hart: embroid- ered guest towel, Gertrude Dorres- tyn, Mary :Brennan,'Mary Delaney, Bridget Delaney;, em,h. cen trepiece, Lana Benneweis. Loretta Delaney, Irene Koehler Anna Benneweis baby', bonnet. Betty Dorrestyn. Laundry hag (girls under 101' Agnes Delaney. Betty Campbell, Annie Siemon, Carrie O'Connor; pot holder (girls under 9), Agnes Del- aney; hemmed 'handkerchief (girls under 91,1 rsula. Krauskopf, Matilda •Dorrestyn, 'Genie Siemon, Cecelia Feeney; knitted wash cloth (girls under 9), Carrie O'Connor. Livestock -Light colt, A. Cronin heavy colt, Louis Morris ; farm chiutk colt, Plat. Coyne„f. O'Connor, S, Murray, L. Coyne; best halter broken and groottt"ed colt, S. Murray, L. Cone, A. Cronin, J. O'Connor fetnb, A. Cronin, Pearl Betinewtu, Carl Beunewrn , Feiner Koehler; beef calf pail fell 1': Eckert, S. Mur- ray, 1''. .Doyle, M. Coyne, lyt<f calf raised as cow, C. Benneweis; tl•tiry caif D Benninger !Aeon pig, 6 mos., H. Feeney, T. McCarthy, Mat. Coyne, A. Crt0inn, pigs under 2 mos,. R)iby Benuoweis,E., O Heron Hugh McGi a t!t Cronin. .. J. Manual., Training lMilkittg Staoll, y Frani, Doyle, (Mary IDetlaney, Albert Cronin, Frank !Donnelly; Y, mints ti' e chicken coop, Eugene Donnelly, Donald 'Benninger,cr J ack Sten on• , ul' miuiatuuc ladder, losepli Ma ey, Jack Sietutin,''Normae Miles; Donald' Benninger; .lampshade, Viola 'Feeney,' Mary Dorrestein, Betty Dorrestein, Lillian O'Sullivan; sled, Donald Ben-. ninger, Kenny Dill, Jack Sietiton Writing -4th 'Class, 'GertieDown- ey, Helen Kenny, Alice Siemon, Kath- erine Donnelly; 3rd Class, Mary Brennan, Irene Koehler, 'Bridget Del- aney, Carrie O'Connor; 2nd Class, Elizabeth Cummings, Frani. C,uni- wings; Jini Cummings, Joseph Mor- ris,; 1st 'Class, Kathleen Burne, Kath- erine Kenny, Annie Sien)on; primary' class --Rita Stapleton, Jeanne. Mc- Iver, Mary Murphy, Rose Arnold, Art -Map of North America, Sarah Coyne, 'Frank Doyle, Rose Johnson, Norman McQuaid; _scene in lead pencil, Agnes 'McGrath, Mary Coyne. Marion Dill. Irene Koehler; poster, Evelyn 'Melady, Patrick Mc- Connell; Mary Drennan, Carrie Krauskopf; snap of county, Cordon Kleber, Lillian 'Sullivan, Carl Ellig•- soo, John \1cQuaid. Collections --Mounted insects, Bob Murray, Betty Campbell, Veronica Molyneaue; leaves of native trees, Annie Brennan, Bridget Delaney, Gurdon Kleber, 'Mary Coyne; weed seeds, a Alice Siemon, Thomas Mc- Quaid, Agnes McGrath. Fruit ---Spies, Ed. h!elady, Rose Melady, Elmer Feeney, Ed. Melady; snows, Wilfred Krauskopf, Gertrude Downey, harry Feeney. }Norval. Parker; russets, Irene Donnelly, Jack McQuaid, Tom Melady, Harry Feen- ey; collection apples, Rose O'Con- nor, Norman 'McQuaid, Norman Miles, Clarence Krauskopf:: Pears, Clara •Gorutley, Pearl Benneweis, Ruby •llenneweis and 4th; plums, Norval Parker, Carrie O'Connor, Norman O'Connor, Jnieph O'Con- nor. 4ub- .ptxchc,-Lorettr Delauer•s lett. "Jesuit Missionaries"), 'Pat McConnell ("D'Arcy 'McGee"), Don- ald Benninger ("Beekeeping as a Hobby"), '\naie Watters ("Grass"). Parade --Dublin S S St. Colum- ban, Hibbert S.S.S. No. 4; McKillop P. S. N. h. Drill --Hibbert S.S. 4, McKillop P.S. No. 8, St. Co1umban, Dub- lin S. S. E,says 1Speeials)-.- "On the Pro- duction and care of Cream," -Martha Siemon; "On the Selection and Feed- ing of a Bacon Hog" -Frank AifTl- Itams; "On Labor Savers in the Kitchen" --Alice Siemon; "On the Care of Fermi implements" -Harold Pethick; "On the Protection, Care and Beautifying of School Property" -Alice Siemon. CROMARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Currie, of St. Marys, were Sunday callers ori rela- tives in the village and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Thames Road, called at the home of the latter of Sunday evening, Mr, and Mrs,.Russell Scott and family and Mr, and Mrs. E. Graham and little folk attended church ser- vices on Sunday morning in Avon - ton and spent the afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Russell. \(r. and Mrs. Brown, of Dublin, attended the norning service on Sun- day. Mrs. Ritchie, M.A.. gaveaddresses in Stratford on Thursday after- noon and evening at the Thank - offering tneetiogs held itt St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and Knox church and also addressed the I.S. in Milverton Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon and gave an address again on Sunday evening at the Young People's meeting. Ail those from here who attended the Young People's Rally held in St, Andrea's church, Stratford, on Tues- day, Sept. 29th, afternoon and even- ing. enjoyed greatly the programmes of both meetings. The banquet, the community singing, the toasts to the King. the Church and the young people and the equally able and de- lightful replies to each and all of these toasts were greatly appreciated as well as alt the ,other excellent en- tertainment given. The S.S.'Ra'ily'Day service on.Sun- Sun- day t Sept. morning. E ..7th was again g. n g a very happy and successful Chil- dren Day. The church was very beautifully decorated with abundance , if cut flowers and the recitations of little Marion Jean Scott and Laura Belle Wright and Margaret Ritchie, and the solo by little Margaret Ham- Ilton, and the children's choir were all enjoyable ,parts 'in the service. The Rally Day programme this year was especially good, the larger boys reading the passages selected and Mr. Ritchie giving short addresses on each passage. Mr. Jas. Scott, the superintendent, also gave a short address. The funeral of the late Mrs. Vin- cent held on Sunday afternoon at tie home of her grand -daughter, Miss Bary Crawford,'was largely attend- ed, There were many friends pres- ent from Toronto, Brampton, Sea - forth and McKillop. The several floral wreaths and w 1 n.l s ra s were beau- tiful. tiful. Th late Mrs. s. Vin i ce tt was very highly respected and esteemed. Her kindly helpfulness in times past to all about her, cannot. he forgot- ten, She was a faithhil member of Cromarty church and was rarely ib - sent until failing health and the feebleness of advanced age prevent- ed her going.'Rev. D. Ritchie con- ducted the funeral service. The body was laid to rest in 'Staffs cemetery beside that of her former husband, the late Mfr. Crawford. The sym- pathy of the community is extended to the relatives and especially to her granddaughter, Miss Crasfford', whn was also so recently bereaved of. Iter brother, the Tate- Milton Craw- ford. :; DUBLIN. T)r. Traynor has retutoiil from New 'York where lie' was taking a special Course in snpgical work. THC $i'AFOFITH sgW_: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 112,d, Miss Margaret ,Byrne spent Sun ' ' BRUCEFIELD.. our women,, and su well filled 'with I ills spent the week -end in the wil- f Miss Theresa•tr I l guest n s C day t tE• c- 3i11 B b''4 � � � h appealed e. la t toold and.�on. 5 unda. a Mr: u .IcNaughton.' )yho is at c once flatvers; tl p t c page, IIc returned y penterr :�� ,. �' teddiii'i Loudot, Normal `spent" 'the, tole io: true spiritual „worship coAilInv ied by, Mrs. 'Towns heird •and Rev,' Father White, P.P., has re- week -end under', the parental' roof, which was given so 'heartily; ; Wit'this'•'f?tinil. tai .l ;, turned home' after attending the big, and 'Mrs George Swanvisited historic occasion of organic union 'Mrs, s Ramsay, % of Rochester, N:Xa g St g \ n at the - 1onaE of Ar. and Mrs. Edgar gtrI between the tw vcongregations's of was a recent guest t f or a few daft , - Mr. 1r. James rMarraY.iok 30, con. 3, awith Mrs\�Vtis t teard.NuanfHaytownship,o Sunday. nt 4n that hitherto have t)rshiP_ Hi beck ie having a sale of liveshock&r�\ T.c Scott was laid up' for a on. Thursday, October •1Sth, ' few days, 'but is 'better again About $85 was realized by the 'Mr. Cecil -Simpson arrived hone booth erg the 'Mitchell fair in charge On Ytonday evening' from Loring, 1 Sarnia convention. of the sales of St. Mary's church, Ont- 'Fora short visit R Mr. alit Mrs, James 'Redmond, and Mrs.. Jamieson is visiting her Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Darling were niece Mrs. Dale, Huron road, who Dungannon visitors 00 Sunday, has beenpoorlyfor some. time. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. 'Gormley spent 'Mr, Robert Young has returned Sunday the guests of lir. and Mrs. from Goderich 'where he was attend - William Jordan, ing the 'funeral of a niece. Miss Kate Hickey, R,N, of Niagara Misses Annie and Alice Mustard are Falls, who has been spending the spending 'a valcation at home after past bwo months at the home of her picking 'fruit at tBeamsville the past mother, returned to that city 011 Mon (lute months. Mon- day. a Mr. C. Chapman, of London, was a Mr. and .Mrs, Dave McConnell vis- visitor at aMr, T. Caldwel'l's last week.' ited friends in London on Saturday. Mr. and 'Mrs. ;fames Andrews and Mr, Jos, McGrath, of Hibbert, who daughter, Lon'doti, spent the week -end went out West on the harvesters' ex- at the home of Mrs. Jas. 't4laoDonald. cursian, returned hone Mottday ev- bit. Will Lane, who has 'had tine ening. garage for the past 2 years, has dis- \drs, Leo • ,Holland has returned posed of same to Mr. Lawrence For - from the home of her sister, Mrs. J. rest who gets possession itnmediat'e- V. Ryan, of Stratford. ly, and who will also Barry the mail, 'Rev. 'Mr. Howard, of Listowel, Mr. Forrest has leased his faint an ipreached raythcehihtadrtuoesnt Shuonmeays rvtce t'h e second of Stanley to Williat Hayter, of Tuckersmith, 'for a term Mr. and Mrs. John Horan, of Sea- of years. forth, spent Sunday with \Tit andMiss Ada Reid has resumed her Mrs. Peter Matthews. studies at Victoria College, Toronto. Mrs, Rose • McGraw spent Sunday 'Miss Margaret Watson underwent at Mr. Fred Eckart's, McKillop• an operation last Thursday, She had Mrs. Patrick O'Connor died slid- her tonsils removed and is improving dente at her house in 'Hibbert on nicely. Tuesday afternoon. She lived with A number from our vicinity et- her two daughter's. Catherine and tended Varna and Kipper anniver- Margaret on the second concession• saries last Sunday, Three other daughters also survive; Afrs. A. Cameron, of Toronto, and lira. Wm, Burke, Hibbert; Airs, daughter, Miss Ona, are the guests' Peter Eckert, McKillop, and Lucy, of the 'fortner's niece, Mrs. la, Aiken - Rochester, N.Y., and two sons, Dan, head. of Hibbert, and Wm., of Detroit. Last 'Tuesday evening• the pupils She was a native of Hibbert, being of S.S. No, 10 had a very successful formerly 'Miss Matthews, and her corn roast at the school, husband predeceased her about four Wedding bells will soon be ringing Ears ago. y 'Mrs. Ed. Molyneaux, of Dublin, is again, 'sin. 'Mr, Y. Cho, who demonstrated. spending 1 e g this week with hersister; aluminum at Bru'cefteld. lately, Vas Mrs. 'Michael Doyle, of Hibbert, delivering his mares last week. Some tune ago the mentioned about The monthly devotional meeting weasels being very destructive with of the Young People's 'Society was chickens and .left a great many lying held last Sunday evening, around, hut they seem to have chang- Mrs. .1. Addison, of our village suet ed their locality, and cars have taken with an accident in Clinton last week their place She was walking along the street Mr. Peter Dill has returned from when she stepped into a hole in the the \\'gest, Pete says it is a fine sidewalk and fell, spraining her ankle, country, but not for him: also cracked her knee. Her lnany \firs Hannah Downey has return- friends hope she will soon he out ed from Seaforth n hospital after a again, successful cr o Non f operation ora appendicitis. PP 'Vdr. P. Bowey, f Kippen, y. o ppc who is Mrs. Michael Johnston, forinerly with his daughter, Mrs. Grainger, of McKillop, died at St. Joseph's hos- still continues very poorly. Miss pital, London. The hody arrived Watson, trained nurse, of Wingham, here Monday evening and the fun- is caring for him. eral was held from St. Columbatt Mrs. Mutter, who has spent the church to St. Columban cemetery' past few .months in (Bayfield and Dr. Reid spent Sunday in London. Exeter, has returned to her 'hone. J, Looby's dance on Tuesday Miss Greta 'Mustard left last week was a grand success, Music was fur- fur .Toronto, visiting niched by Nay's orchestra, 'bliss M. McKenzie, after a few MMr. Louis Evans, of Detroit, is weeks' visit with Airs, A. Ross, has his mother, Mfrs. Peter returned to her home in Tucker- Iivans. smith. ,Miss Irene Mulligan left to take a Mrs. \\'n, Ross, accompanied by position in Detroit on Monday, her grandsvit, 'returned from visit - furs, Thos. Burns returned from lug her daughter, Mrs, Roy Hest - Detroit on Tuesdayy where she was Ings, of Ilelgrave. visiting her son, .Mr, Patrick Burns, Anniversary services will be held at 'Brucefield on Sunday, Oct. 18th, WALTON.^ when Rev, 'Richard Davidson, Mr. John Morrison, who stays with of 'Toronto will .be the preacher of his son. James, of the lith couces- theday. On the following 'Monday cion. McKillop, had the misfortune to night, under the auspices of Y.P.S. fall in the yard and dislocate his left a splendid entertainment will 'be shoulder one day last week, given in the church. A great treat is AIF. Simpson, who is staying with in store owing to the appearance at his daughter, Mrs. -Men Russ, is very this concert of 'Mrs. 'George 'King, of Poorly at present. Peterboro, a soprano of rare ability Mrs. James Sholdice visited her and talent. Mrs. Ring has appeared daughter, firs, John A. McNaughton on the conceit platform on many oc- last week, casions in conjunction with Harold 'Brussels fair was the attraction Jarvis, the well known singer, and last Friday. Unfortunately the rain has sung 'witch much acceptance in cane in the afternoon and spoiled the Great Britain as well as Canada and horse races and outside exhibits, the :United States, The elocutionist Quite a number attended Hugh for the evening will be \Miss Jean Shannon's auction sale on Tuesday Walker, of 'London, of this week. Miss R. Taylor, of S. S. No, 3, The auci!ion sale on Saterday was and Miss 'Mi. McNaughton, of S.S. well attended and good price; were No, 7, while attending convention in realized, G. H. Elliott, of Clinton, Winghant, were the guests o'f Rev. wielding the hammer, and Mrs, McIntosh. 'Methodist congregations of Wal- Report of S. S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, ton and Bethel are having a bazaar September. Those narked with an ice the A O.L?,\W. hall on Thursday. asterisk were absent. Figures repre- Some' talk of getting street lights sent per cent in the village which would 'be a great Sr. IV. -Eva Stackhouse 82, Austin convenience to everybody in the vii- Zapfe 73, Gordon Papple 66 , Mary Papple 61, Ma Yme 'Chapman an 6 61, and also the Pco 1driving in e. from the country, Charlie Halstead O. Air. George Sholdice has returned 'Jr. IV. - Dorothy Wilson 90, after relieving at Guelph Junction: Greeta Broadfoot 73, 'Margaret Wat- tMrs. Thomas Mose attd daughters. son 72, Orrin Zapf' 64, Erma Wal - Luella and Ethel, of Campbellville, ter 55, Isabel 'McKnight 53. are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Adam 'Sr, III Helen ,Munroe 73, Marie Sholdice. Elliott 71, Elia M. Scott 66, .John Mr. and MMr,. Pearce are occupy- Broa°dfoot 58, 'Murray Walter (*), ing Mrs.'Coultis' hoose in the village. Jr. ITI.-Elizabeth Iiroadfoot 78, Cha Presbytery of 'Huron meets in Clarence 'Taylor 68, Carrie Oke 68, Duff's United church, Walton, oh Beth Elliott 67, Bab McCartney 58. 'Wednesday of this week. The ladies Robert Papple 37. are serving'rlinner and supper. Sr. '1L -Billy Calwill 75, Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. L. Cumming and Wilson 74, Janet Watson 71, •Gordlon \liss 'R. Young and 'Mr. D. 'Sohier Wright 57, Bruce Artnstrong 46. spent Tuesday in London. Jr. IL -Jean Watson 77; Willie Mr. D. Solder has again d•islocat- Papple 72, !Howard Walter '(*), ed his shoulder. He seems to be tin - Taylor ' 'Wright 77, Delbert fortunate. Taylor 69. Primer, -W. D. Wilson -422 marks, Earl Popple 392, 'Eleanor Armour 377, Beatrice Armstrong 370, Ger- trude Walter 358;"1Milton Taylor 31,. Bobby Dalrymple e Attendance 40; average attendance. 3.17 'Perfect attendance, Mary Pap - pie,' Dorothy Wilson,' Isabel Mc- Knight, 'Bob 'McCartney, W. D. Wil- son, Eleanor Armour, Teacher, Ruby Taylor, There was a good attendance at the Golden Jubilee services last Sun- day, and also a large crowd on Mon- day eveningact the fowl supper, Mr, and c \Mr s 'Geo. C Clark intend sten d minting into FT 'Skinn's house. A. Dundas has 'purchased the Clark property for $5,200, arid• F. Miller bought RI -acre lot for $100, Messrs. Joseph /Ryan and Henry Stimnre returned front tite West this week, the former having been .at Handley, Sask. .Mr. Wit, MCcKay, of Moncrief, also returned, Mir. Geo Jackson had a well drill- ed at his hoftte during the week, it being 100 feet deep. Tt will 'Relieve a Cold. -Colds are the commonest ailments of mankind and if neglectgd' may lead to scriotts conditions. Dr. Thomas' 1"scleclric Oil will relieve the bronchial passages of inflammation speedily and thor- oughly and will strengthen them against suibsequent attack, And as it cases the inflammation it will usually' stop the cough because -it allays thel irritation in the throat. Try it anti prove it.. KIPPEN. Many from here attended the school; fair held at 'Hensall. 'The ex- hibits ivere varied and of very fine quality. 'These fairs are a very fine training for our `boys and girls. Mrs, J C. '.McLean had the mis- fortune to trip ort the cement walk n Ilcnsall on fair 'clay and 'break her wrist The ;community extends its sympathy,, Anniversary services. ---The Anni- versary services nniversary-services In -,St. Andew's United' 'church last Sabbath wsrey o'f' a very' fine order, and most success-' ful. The church so beautifully re- decorated, through the kindness of ed apart, even though we Preached p Pa6 the same glorious ,gospel of Christ, and used the sante +hymns for -wor- ship, The two choirs now happily blended into one, rendered a soul - inspiring service of praise. Mr, ,ken- uie, of I-lettsall, rendered :t solo in his usual able manner. The special preacher for this memera'ble clay was the Moderator of Huron Presby- tery, Rev. George Telford, 13 D., of Blyth, whose sermons were spiritual feasts full of good.things for all, 'Monday evening drew a large crowd of expectant People who were delighted beyond measure 'by tlhe high class programme `"rendered by the Elgar 'Ladies' Quartette of Lon- dolt, ably assisted by London's radio violinist, Mrs. Armstrong, and by 'Misselocutionist, Metcalfe, a t, The free-will offering, amounted to $300' and the proceeds of Monday evening, $1"12. Pastor and people thank one and all for their able help, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Telford and Jean were visitors at the Kippen Manse this week; also Rev. and Mrs. Armour, of Brucefield, Rev.: Mr. 'Mc- Donald, of Egmondville, and Rev, hfr. Chandler, of Walton, :Many friends. from here attended the Induction service in illensall on Tuesday. 'This happy marriage seems full of large possibilities for the future, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dayman and daughter :Beatrice motored to Lan- don one clay last week. We are sorry to hear Mrs. John Workman has been on the sick list for the last week, but hope soon to hear of her recovery. Use Mary McNaughton visited in WM010.111 and Listowel last week. Alts, Robt. Dayntan is visiting in Detroit this week, Mr, and ;M1ts. lMcEwatt and fancily, of Listowel.' spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Mc- Naughton. VVe are pleased to learn that Mr. P. lowey who has been seriously ill in' Seaforth hospital, has so far recovered to be moved to the home of his daughter iii 'Brttcefte!d. Mir. Isaac Jarrott left 'Thursday evening- last on a trip to Parry Sound to visit his son, Dr. James Jarrott, who is a medical practitioner there. Wm. .Mr. and \L• 1 t Ivison are visit - 1 , Mrs. \ n. ing in Toronto'this week. Mr. James McClymtont visited at V. Terryberry's, Tuckersmith, an Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. 'Hubbard, Mr, Mel- vin MCClymont and Mn.'Latrine, of Detroit, spent the week -end at Mr, Janes McClymont's. Mrs:. (Dr.) Wright, o'f Tottenham, was the guest of 'her brother, Mr. W. R, Jowett. Also 'Mr. and MMrs. Jow- ett, Port Huron, were week -end guests. Mr. attd Airs. E. R. Wigle, of London, and friends front Windsor, were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs, O'Sullivan, who have been occupying 13t'. T.illmannt's cot- tage, returned to London on Wed- nesday. The plays which were put on by the Y. P. S. on Fair night were much enjoyed. The Agricultural Society were quite pleased, it being the hest they have 'had for some years. The two plays, "Frank Glynn's Wife?' and 'Miss Molly,' were well put on and provided dots of fun. All took their pants splendidly. Mrs. 'Mc- Lean, reader, Egmandville; F. Reed, London, and the Y.P.S, orchestra as- sisted with the programme. The hall was crowded and several unable to get in. Proceeds amounted to $179.75. A free dance was given af- ter the concert. iMr; Fred Reed, London, was the guest of David Dewar, Jr., for a :few clays last week Mr, Victor Burt, London, spent the week -end with Mrs, Bert, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs, F. Baker. Dl•. W. T. and 1'Irs. Tillman, of. London, attended the fair last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs, T. Orr and fancily spent :the week -end at their : cot- tage. Mrs, S. 1°. Glass returned to Lon- don on !Monday, having spent the summer at her cottage, Rev, F. H. and Mrs. Paull, Mrs. F. A. Edwards and .Miss„ Lucy Woods attended the meeting of the Deanery at Exeter on Tuesday. The Harvest Hone service -will' be coitcluoted by Rev., Mr. Hardy, of Goderich on Sunday next,. Mnstc will 'be given by the three choirs, Varna, Middleton and 'Bayfield. BAYFIRLD. Miss 11, E. Garrett, who ]tali spent the summerather cottage, went to Clinton on Tuesday to spend a few .dales with her cousin, Miss B. Ward, before going to bit' home at Wash- ington, D.C. 'Dr. G. and and airs. Fraser and Miss Betty Fraser, who have spent the past month in Dixon Glass' cot- tage, returned .to London on Tuesday, iWr, Nesbit Wootls,;principal of the school at Wellesley, spent the week- end with his ,mother. Mr, and Mfrs. Robt. Beard, Lon- don, Airs. F. Martin of Goderich, and Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Detroit, spent Sunday at the former's cottage. 'Mr. and :\Irs. E. liminess and Mas- ter Billy Magness, London, spent•last Wednesday in the village attending the fair. Mrs, F. S. Savauge and Miss Win- nie Savauge, who were guests with Miss M. E. Garrett, returned to 'Sea - forth on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Robinson and fancily, of 'I-ondot, spent the week-4 end at 'their cottage, having come to close it for the season. Mrs, I. Woods, who has spent the past two weeks visiting friends at Kincardine, returned on Tuesday. Mr. 4V, H. Townshend, of Mao - Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c A.D.Sulherland's General Insurance Agency Town and Farm Property Bonds, Etc., Etc. Town Property Frame house, electric lUKhts, fur- nace, hard and soft witer,' central, good condition, irnMeditite pns:session easy terms. Farm Property Close to town, good buildings, well fenced, clean land, terms to suit the purchaser. Bay and Apples for Sale 27 loads of hay, timothy, sweet clover, alfalfa. All the apples on trees in orchard. Strap for quick sale, Bonds $100 $500 $1000 6 per cent interest half yearly 1 : It investment A. D. SUTHERLAND Seaforth Phone 1b2 J?rincess 1 i"t THURS., FRI., and SAT. .The Sea Hawk MiLTON SILLS and a cast of 3000 players Thrill! Romance! Adventure! PROFESSIONAL ` CARDS. Medical 'DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London 1 England, Special attention l attention to diaea es of th t eye, ear, nose and throat.Office enesid- ence behind Dotninion Bank. Office Phone No. 5; -Residence Phone 100. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich 'treat. east of the Methodist church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. • DR. C. MACKAY. _ C. 'Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Unrven- ty and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Col- lege of Physician's and Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER.-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield', Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, „ London, England. At Commercial Hotel, Seaf o r t h. third Monday in each moneh, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street south, Stratford. Phone 2671 Stratford. Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, Gradu- ate of N rtthwestern University, Chi- cago. Ill, Licentiate Royal Collage of Dennta'1 'Surgeons, Toronto, Office over Sills' hardware, Main Street, Sea - forth. Phone 151. General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St, SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURffiE1 Officer's James' Connolly, Goderich; h Ates, James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident• D. F. McGregor, Seafeiik, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors. Wm, Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; Jobe Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evan*, Beechwood; M, McEwen, Clintout James Conolly, Goderich • ;Alex. Broadfoot, No, 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, HarlockS George McCartney, No. , Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R.R, 1, Clinton; Z. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R, No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yea, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Goren - lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other business wilt be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed ,to their respective postofces, --S, W.:4RCHIBALD ��' CIVIL ENGINEER ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Office over Stewart Bros., Phone 70 Seaforth, Ont. Don't Thr o w Your -Old carpets Away Theymalee new rever sible "Vel vetex" Rugs, Send for Velretex Folder CANADA RUG COMPANY LONDON ONT. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. 4Vols phone' 178, Seaforth. h' EZO for E ZEMA At Aberhart's Drug Store Each year brings to the screen one or two greats Seafort 1 (notion pictures .that. because of their lnagni. licence, their wonderful human appeal, their spectacular splendor, stand out as gigantic. and notable successes.. Such is the Sera Hawkj The ultimate in romance and amazing adventure First showing Thursday afternoon Matinees 4p in. Thurs. and Fri., Sat."3 p.m• On account:of the length of the play show will start on Saturday evening at 7:15 Afternoons 10 & 15c - Evening 15 & 25c Come iii the afternoons if possible Mat tired kook and "ragged' feertmg nut of your face. Say "t71a Facial' to year barber and comas I44;. Waw with a new appear- ance of vihn,and fitment, Be• one of the "million a -week." ROBINSON'S S (Just 'Around the Corner), Seaforth