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The Seaforth News, 1925-10-01, Page 1
Kr ' he Seafort SEAFORTH, ONTARIO; THURSDAY,- OCTOBER 1 :1925. WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 47. SPECIAL SALE Chocolates at 39 cts., per ib For Friday and Saturday, only The: Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Get • utchison's Cash Discount Bonds with Cash purchases. DINNER SETS. -Two Specials. Regular $35.OQ for $27.50 97 pieces. Crown Derby and Paisley Patterns. , VINEGAR: Quality XXX. Best Canadian makers, per gal. .... 50c SOAP. --Double size cake, 16 for $1.00 FLOWER POTS WITH SAUCERS 7c, 10e, 12c, 15c EXTRACTS. -.Lemon, Vanilla, etc,, 10c or 3 for,,,,„,,,,,,,,,, 25c TEA.—Our Special Black Mixed, per lb. This is a splendid Tea, is cheaper than the cheapest of the standard package teas, and if not better than any package Tea at or near the price, We will cheerfully refund your money. 70c PEACHES, PLUMS, AND GRAPES expected for this week -end. Hutchison on PHONE 166. Great Bargains .FALL SHOES 50 pair size 4 Oxfords and Pumps very new special, at $3049 (11 number of children's Running Shoes, at 69c, 89, 98c A special in Ladies' Cushion Sole Oxfords $2.49! Men's black & brown Goodyear. welt; new last $4.95 Men's Tan Kip Shoes, a good school shoe $3.19 19 Men's Urus Calf Work Shoes, a' great water resisting shoe 5,95 Boys' Urus Calf School Shoe strong and reliable 2.95 Fred.W. Wigg SEAlf=©HTH •'u CHURCH CARD. The North Side Church.—Sabbath services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sun- day school 2:30 p.rn. Pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin. Rev. H. F. Chandler, of Walton, will preach in the morning. Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Stratford,- in the even- ing. The Salvation Army. - Sunday. Sept. 27th, morning service 11 a.m.; evening service 7 p.m.; Sunday school 3 1:011. Services in charge of Lieut, Tidman. HILLSGREEN Miss Grace Love has gone to St. Thomas, where she has taken ago sition. Miss Emma Love spent the week- end with her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford `Moir, of Usborne. 'Mr. Harvey Coleman spent Sun- day with Clinton friends. There will be no services in Hills - green church this Sunday as anni- versary and re -opening services will be held in St. Andrewsu nited church at ICi n FPe . Mils Grace Coleman spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Robert Wobster, 'Varna, Mrs. Milton Love, . of Benoit . •s spending a few days at the home of her brother, Percy Workman. A reception was given at the home of Mr, Hugh Love on Wednesday evening in honor of his sister, Mrs, Clifford Moir, who was married a week ago, and who.had just returned from her honeymoon. Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children owe their condition to. worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve then and re- store health. ENGAGEMENTS., Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Cash, of Stratford,. announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Luella, to Mr: Frederick Lorne, . Hutchison M.A., son o'f Mr. and Mrs. F. D Hutchison, Seaforth, the marriage to take place on Saturday, Oct: 17th in Hart House •chapel, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. G. Shillinglaw Seaforth, announce the engagement of their daughter, A. Mande, to Mr, George W. Israel, of Seaforth, the marriage to take place quietly in October MUNN-HOLMES. The wedding took place • at St. George's church, St. Catharines, on Saturday evening, Sept. 26th, of Lois Madeline, only daughter of Rev, and Mrs. F. M. Holmes, to Dr. James Alexander Munn, of Seaforth, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Munn, of Hensel!, The ceremony was con- ducted by;the rector, Canon L. W. B. 13roughalli' The bride, given away by her brother, wore a wedding gown of white georgette trimmed with Spanish lace and touches of satin. She wore a flowing veil and coronet Of orange 'blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses and fillies of the valley. Her cousin, Miss Frances Currie, of Detroit, was hridesniaick•The wedding music was played by -the organist of the church, Gerald Marks, who was as- sisted by the choir. During the sign- ing of the register' Miss Anna Lloyd sang. ` The groom was attended by Mr. James 'McCullough, of Toronto, The ushers were Dr. K. Harris, of Toronto, and Dr. 71, Burrows, of St. Catharines, Dr. and Mrs. Munn left for a motor trip, the bride travelling in a black satin gown, of sunset velvet” with black velvet hat and coat of black holivia and grey fur trimmings. FOREMAN-KEATING A. pretty wedding took place at St. James' church, Seaforth at 9 a.m. Saturday when Elizabeth, only dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. jos, Keating, and Arthur Alexander Foreman, of Ford William, were married. The nuptial mass was sung by Rev, Fr. Goetz. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty gown df blue ..georgette with tulle scarf and hat to match, and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses and lily - of -the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Isabel Banbury, of Woodstock, was gowned in honeydew georgette, with black velvet hat and carried a bou- quet of Ophelia roses. The flower girl, little Jean Stewart, wore a 'frock of orchid taffeta. The groomsman was Mr. James Cleary, ,,f Seaforth, and the ushers were :Messrs,. Jos. Mc- Millan and Chas. Stewart, Mrs. F. Devereaux presided at the organ and Mrs, Leo Fortune sang a solo during the signing of the register. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman left on a honeymoon trip to. Detroit, the bride.trave'lling in a suit of sand poiret twill with hat to match. They will return to town for a short visit before proceeding to their home in Fort William, where the groom has a position in the post office department. COLBERT-BARTON. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Archi- bald Barton was the scene of a happy event on Saturday, at noon, when their only daughter, Elizabeth M.. was married to Clendone O.' Ol- bert, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Colbert, of London. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Larkin ii?the presence o'f im- mediate relatives of the contracting parties and a 'few friends. The bridal pair passed up an aisle formed of white satin ribbon and asters, sus- pended from the candelabra and stood before an altar of lattice work decorated with pink and white asters. The bride whowas unattended,was given awaybyher father Shewore e a pretty imported gown of peach taffeta with basque waist and 'bouff- ant skirt, ruffled from the top to the bottom of the dress, gold shoes and carried a colonial bouquet of butter- fly roses and lily -of -the -valley, edged wth gold lace. The bride's mother wore a black beaded canton dress with corsage bouquet o'f red roses, the bride room's mother being'at- tired gown of ashes ofroses in a w s g satin faced crepe with corsage of Premium roses. 'Miss Florence 'Beat- tie played the wedding march and during the signing of the register Mrs. F, S, Brugger, of Toronto, sang "I Love You Truly." The house was 'beautifully decorated with_ aut- umn leaves and Rowers. After lunch- eon Mr. and Mrs. Colbert left by motor for the Eastern States, the bride travelling in a tailleur suit of navy blue charmeen with small black velvet hat and silver black fox neckpiece, the gift of. the •bride- groom. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Colbert, Dick Colbert, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Col- bert, Miss 'McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp and Miss Grace Braund•, all of London; Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Jeff- rey, Miss Norma Aitkin, of Hamil- ton; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Clark, 'Cleve- land; Mr, and Mrs, Win, Jeffrey, Stafta; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rix, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Johnstone, and Mine Dwina Johnstone, Buffalo. ELLIOTT-MILLER A pretty wedding was• solemnized at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon at the Central United church, parsonage, Stratford, Rey. W. E. Donnelly, .B.A„ • nJficieting, when 'Ruby Beatrice, youngest daughter o'f the late Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller, -Strat- ford, was married to Oliver Clayton Elliott, son of Mrs. J. Elliott, Sea - forth. The 'bride was attended by Miss 'Mona Cornell, Toronto, while the duties o'f groomsman were -per- formed by ,Mr. F. C. Miller, B,A., brother • of the bride, The home,. which was beautifully and fittingly decorated in coral and white, was the scene of a.ltappy reception, after which a dainty wedding dinner was served. The bride was the recipient of many pretty and useful gifts fro:n a host of 'friends. The happy young couple left on a trip to Toronto and other points. They will reside in Seaforth upon their return, EGMONDVILLE. Y. P. S. -At a meetingof theexe- cutive of the Y.P,S.C.E, the follow- ing officers were elected for the next three months: Hon. Presidents, Miss A. G. Gemmell, 7Mr. Jas. Love; Pres., •Sadie Howitt; 1st vice pres., Keith Webster; 2nd vice Pres„ Geo. Blake; cor. secretary, Bernice. Joynt; secretary, Bertha M. Chesney; treas- urer, Mae Wallace; pianist, Earl VanEgmonrl; assistants, Mrs, R. McKenzie, Laura McMillan; pro- gramme .convenor, Jean Smith; as- sistants, convenors of each com- mittee; missionary convenor, Mr, A, Rutledge; missionary treas., M. Wal- lace; music convenor, Hugh Ches- ney; assistants, E. Charters and J. Finnigan; literary convenor, Earl 'Webster; Pastor's Aid committee, Russell Wallabe, Will Taylor, Chas. Eyre, Robt, Tyndall, 'Geo. Coleman; Sunday school committee, Mr. Mc- Nay, Cora Sherwood; Lookout con- venor, Wren Eyre, Will Taylor, Gordon 'McGonigle; social convenor, Rena 'Simpson; assistants, Dorothy Reinke, 'Violet Tyndall, E. Taylor and Mrs. Routledge. ' The Little He>tpers Mission Band held their annual thankoffering on Saturday afternoon at 2,30 o'clock, Margaret Forest presided and Marg- aret Ferguson led in prayer. Iona Wallace read the Scripture lesson. A harvest drill was given by ten boys and girls, After Bernice Joynt sang a solo, Mrs. Lundy, of Kippen, gave, an interesting and inspiring talk on A Perfect .Mission Banrl. A solo 'by Jeanette Finnigan was well rendered. After the offering Isa- bel Forrest led in prayer. A hymn was sung and Mrs, L.sndy closed the meeting with prayer, after which a lunch was served. The Collegiate Field Day. The annual Field -DaY•`af the Sea - forth Collegiate Institute will be held at Fairview' Park on Friday, Oct. 2nd. The events 'begin at 1:30 p.m., and include contests in running, jump- ing, etc„ for both girls and boys. The events are open to pupils of the Collegiate only, except a hundred yards' dashand a relay race, which are open to everyone, The adxhis- sion is 25c. Tickets maybe obtained from pupils of the Collegiate. At 7:00 p.m. the picture show, "The Thundering Herd," by Zane Grey, will be shown at the Princess. The admission to the show is 20c, and the proceeds will go to the school. A dance, commencing at 9:00 p.m., will be held in the G. W. V. A., open to students of the Collegiate, their parents and friends. The admission to the dance is 50c each, including the tax. Music will be provided by Stewart's Harmony Boys. • SEAFORTH FAIR. Fine weather and large crowds at the fall fair put on by the local Ag- ricultural Society last Friday, made the day a big success. There was a large number of exhibits in all sec- tions, especially in live stock. The parade of school children and the drills were ver good, indeed. Sea - forth n forth .Highlanders and Henderson pipe band supplied music during the afternoon. Owing to the • pulling machine being out of kilter on Fair Day the Directors have asked the Massey -Harris Co. for the loan of it again for some Saturday afternoon about the middle of October when the pulling contest, fast avalking team and other unfinished events will be pulled off. Girls 16 and under may i also compete for the silver cream e m and sugar set donated by Chas. Aber - hart for the best Daddy's Supper. The exact date and fun particulars will be given in next week's issue. Best appearing school in parade— Urban, Seaforth Separate; rural, No. 9 Tuckersmith; most elaborate ban- ner, No. 1 Hullett. School drill— Rural St. Columban, No. 1 Hullett, No: 9 Tuckersmith; urban, Seaforth public he school. years,Ken Holland Boys'races-8, Johnny Flannery; 0 years, Jack Cardno, Thos. McQuaid; 12 years, Jack Jarrott, 'Sandy Campbell; 15 years, Jack Cudmore, Bob Willis. Girls' race -8 years, Barbara Eber- hart, Pearl Hugill; 10 years, Marg- aret Kerr, Bessie Riec; 12 years, Dor- othy Elgie, Edith 'Rice; 15 years, Bernice Dorrance, Leah Rapson: Bicycle race—Boys, 12 years, Jack Jarrott, Geo. Powell, Geo, Hays; 16 years, Carl Amain, Donald Dale, 'Frank 'Hogg. Girls, 15 years, 'Iva Nott, Pearl Reeves. —2.18 Class— Raggs Todd (W. Cudmore, Seaforth) 1 1 '1 Watson Barron (W. Hamm, (Blyth) 2 2 2 Lazy Zoinbra, (I. Harris, l u�llt' (Mft''tiire i Just a Few Suggestions for WEDDING GIFTS ISSUE No, 40, Silver 3 -Piece Tea Sete, $12.00 ap. - Silver Butter Dish and Knife $$2.00 up: MANTEL CLOCK Mahogany Tambour Style. $15.00 Silver Sandwich Plate, $4.00 up. Fred. S. Savauge JEWELER & OPTOMETRIST Silver Dessert Sets $3.50 up Lambeth) , . 3 3 Cayuga Hal (L. W. Guy, Seaforth) 4 4 dr. —2.50 Class— Capt. Grattan (W. Cudmore Seaforth) ....., 1 1 1 Senator Todd (A. Steven- son, Goderich) > 2 2 Dinny Worthy (TeddyHag- 1 3 3 gart, 'Blyth) Baby contest --Under fi mos, Adeen Irene Chambers, Cromarty; over 6 months, Billie Willbee, Seaforth; Helen Joyce Phillips. 1-IORSES. Agricultural --- Brood mare and foal, Peter Simpson, Alex. Wright, R Burchell; foal of 1925, Alex. Wright. Peter Simpson, Geo Dale; filly or gelding, 3 years, Alex. Wright, Wm. Chapman, Robert (Continued on page five.) WINTHROP. With deepest regret we learned of the death of Kenneth Murray, be- loved son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, whose little life passed peacefully away to the great beyond on Saturday noon, Sept, 26th, after a few days' illness at the age of 3 months and 4 days. The little white casket was banked with Rowers sent by friends from far and near. The funeral was held on 'Monday after- noon to Brussels cemetery and was largely attended, showing the esteem in which the parents are held. The pallbearers were -small boys, Jack Montgomery, Wilson Little, Russell Dolmage and Arnold Scott; and Vera Porter, Isabel Eaton, Jack Kershaw and Harold Pethick carried the flowers. Rev. J. A. Ferguson con- ducted the services. Those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davidson and Miss Florence Bennett, London; Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs, Cook, Blyth; Mr. Wm. Kelly, Blyth; ,Mr, and Mrs. Porter, Brussels and Mrs. O. Hab- kirk, Wingham. We extend our sincerest sympathy to those that are left to mourn the loss of a little life being called away so soon. A silent thought, a secret tear Keep tis memory ever dear, Mr. James Simpson sold his fine team last week to Mr. Alien of Goderich, The Winthrop Y.P.S. held their annual rally service on Sunday even- ing, Tom Blanchard presided and' Mr. Ferguson lead in prayer. Interesting papers were prepared and read by W. Dodds and F. Blanchard on Young People as (1) The Light of the World; (2) The Salt of the Earth. Mr. A. Cuthill gavean in- spiring address to the young people on How the Reign of Jesus will "Fulfill" the Hopes the World. of After an appropriate chorus was sung by boys, the meeting was closed with prayer by the leader. The Golden Jubilee—On Sunday, Oct. 4th, the congregation of Caven church, Winthrop holds special ser- vices to 'commemorate its Golden Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the organizationof the congregation and of the 'building o'f the :first church. In 1875 the congregation was organized Willi: Rev. Thos. Thomson as its first minister, He was succeeded in 1877 by Rev. Peter Musgrove, who served as pastor for more than a quarter of a century. In 1903 he was followed by Rev. David Carswell, and he, in 1920, by Rev. J. A, Ferguson, BA., the 'fourth minister in the 50 years of 1 the congregation's history. Two of ii4^� }bre 'Thres ing e l Quality, Wonderful Prices, consistent with quality E. L BOX 5, Phone 43 the earliest members, Mr. and Mrs. James Hillen, still survive as active members of the congregation, Mr. Millen having been a member of Session from the beginning. On Sun- day, Oct. 4th the special Jubilee ser- vices will be conducted by Rev. Principal Gandier, of Knox College, Toronto, at 11 a.m, and 7:30. o , p.m. On Monday, Oe. 5th, a fowl supper and entertainment will be held in the church, with an excellent programme of music, readings and addresses. Rally day services were observed in Caven church last Sabbath. The ladies o'f Cayen church spent a social afternoon with the ladies of Constance last Thursday afternoon. A good programme was provided by both societies and a very pleasant tame was spent. We are pleased to hear that Miss Mae Campbell is progressing nicely after undergoing, an. operation to have her tonsils removed at Seaforth hospital. Don't Buy Any Clothes until you have seen our south window. We have an offer in letters of pure gold which if you are A Good Judge Would appeal to you at once. Would you buy a tailored made suit for Thirty Dollars ? Well 1 We will Get You oal of the DifficuIty of your suit problem for just that much money, cut to your measure, made on our premises and a guaranteed fit. This is a genuine offer we make to dress you well And Save You Money Den forget that Overcoat' bargain we spoke of last week $22.00 and $26.00. R. E. BRIUtIT Tailoring and Haberdashery