HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-09-17, Page 4x�AGS }?CtU1;
d rV tU.Lt(4Lti,1W Public speaking,'
Drager,neth Jackson,
Fi.SNAWDONProprietor, caves 'Ross Driscoll, J'm•1•lY-
ray, Frank Kirkby, Mabel BeWlep;
woods; Geo. Taylor; ,weeds, Laura
.Hoy, Dorothy Driscoll, Jim Mur-
ray; 'weed seed's;'- Jim Murray,
Kirkby, Laos's Hoy, i Grace
ville, Edith Paterson; insects,' Geo.
Plates, class 2,. \Vallace Shannon;
plates, class 3, Orval 'Holmes, Dor-
othy' Driscoll; Fergus Smalldon,
Ross Driscoll, Ruth Maiming, Dor-
othy Daiigsr; plates, class 4, Edith
Patterson, Clara 'McCall, Jim John-
ston, Grace Somerville; Viola Car-
ter, Lewis McDonald; Huron snaps,
Wallace Shannon: map of Canada,
Dorothy Driscoll, Ross Driscoll,
Laura Hoy, Fergus Smalldon, Roy
Carter, Jim McCall; Br. Isles map,
Grace Somerville. Clara McCall,
Viola Carter, Jim Johnston, 'Lewis
McDonald, Mabel 'Bewley; writing,
Lena Draper, Lloyd Pease, Allan
McCall; morning hymn, Melville
Shannon, Walter Somerville, Helen
Tomlinson; "Indian Summer," Wal-
lace Shannon; "Crossing the Bar,"
Elda McPherson. Fergus Smalldon,
Jim McCall, Ethel Shaw, Dorothy
Driscoll; Evelyn McPherson; "Chil-
dren's Song," Laura Manning, Clara
McCall, Mabel Bewley, Jim John-
ston, Grace Somerville: Norma Mur-
ray: composition, Wallace Shannon;
composition,Jack Douglas, Dora
Driscoll, Ethel Shaw, Isabel Farqu-
harson, Ross Driscoll; Alvin Mc-
D'onald; composition, Clara McCall,
Eolith 'Patterson, Kenneth Jackson,
Aim Johnston, Mabel Bewley, Laura
W. M. S.. --The W. M. S. of the
United church, Walton, met at the
Moine of Mrs Art. McCall on Wed-
nesday last, Mrs, W. Murray in the
chair. \fter singing hymn 553;
prayer was offered by Mr.. Mc-
Arthur. The Bible lesson was read
by Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Robt. Reid
and Miss Janet Simpson gave inter-
esting accounts - of the work - - being
done in oer pioneer mission hospi-
tals in the home land, Roll call re-
sponse, a missionary in the home
land. Prayer by Mrs, A. Gardiner
brought the meeting, to a cl&se.
Delegates were appointed to the
Wii.tham Presbyterial. The Octo-
ber meeting will he held in the,
llle Walton school fair held on
Monday was • a fine success, the day
being everything that could be hoped
for. The paradeof the school chil-
dren was something to be. remem-
• bered, Walton school: taking first.
prize, dressed as Japs; Leadbury
came second, representing Autumn,
and No, 9, McKillop, third,. dressed
as sailors. In spite of the dry wea-
ther that has prevailed this summer,
the flowers and vegetables were
grand. The features of the pro-
gramme were a softball game,
public speaking by the children,
Mot races of all kinds, and choruses
bt the school children, • Leadbury
taking first prize: No. 9, McKillop,
second, and Button's school, Mor-
tis, 3rd. - The prize winners for the
a'hibits foul ,w:
Wheat, \\ tllie McPherson, Orval
Holmes, Clifford Pease. Oats, Geo,
Taylor. Willie McPherson, Ellwood
Shortreed; barley, Ruth Manning.
' Melville Shannon, Lloyd Pease;
• wheat 'sheaf, Harold Bolger, Clifford
['rase; oat sheaf, Geo. Taylor, Ell-
wood Shortreed, Grace . omerville;
barley sheaf, - Melville - Shannon,,
Lloyd Pease; sweet corn, Willie
Pherson, Chas, McDonald, Jack
Turn:'bull, Kenneth Ritchie, Kenneth
Murray: fall wheat, Walter Sotner-
Ville, Gro. 'Taylor, Arthur Bewley.
Blairmore Shaw, Willie McPherson,
Jim Turnbull; fall wheat sheaf, Jack
Turnbull, ,iim_ Tnrirbu'll, Geo. 'Taylor;
•peas, Walter Shortreed..Arthur Bal-
1, C. Potatoes, jim Ritchie, Alvin
Farquharson, Grace Somerville; G.
\I. potatoes, Cora Matherc Earl
Hoy, Halcyon Chandler. Dune Mc-
Nichol: 1), potatoes Isabel Farqu-
harson, Harvey Bryan., Agnes Dun-
das, Jini .Murray, Elda McPherson;
marigolds,. Robinson • Hamilton, Jim
Murray, 'Ross Driscoll: tuntip,, Jitn
Turnbull, Ross Driscoll; beets, Laura
• Hoy, Dorothy Somerville; Lena Dra-
ger, Ruth Manning, Dorothy Dris-
roll, Mabel Machan; carrots, Charlie
Munn. Helen Farquharson. Dune.
McNichol,Orval Holmes. Jun John-
ston Stewart Bryan:; parsnips, \[case Lunch was served and a
Charlie Munn, Jean Murray, Ray social Carter; unions, Charlie Munn, Wal- shour spent by the 30 ladies
odial present. p
lace Shannon, Willie McPherson,
respective societies front- their be-
ginning and 'what ,ea'ch brings ,tato
the union.- Three ladies, .Mrs. Ma-
guire, Brussels, Mrs. Cumming, St.
Helens and Mrs. Chandler, Walton,
were appointed as delegates to the
meeting in Clinton on Wednesday of
this.; week, which will be, the in-
augural' of Huron Presbytery of the
United Qhurch of Canada. The first
London 'conference meeting' will be
held next Tuesday and Wednesday
in Metropolitan church, London.
Mary Munn; Swede turnips, Harvey' Messrs, Robert Reid, James Simp-
son and Joseph Hamilton were To-
ronto visitors last week.
Mr. Nelson Reid and Misses Mar-
jorie Reid and Bessie Davidson were
London visitors on Tuesday.
\ r am Somerville left on a
1. William
trip to the 'Went on Friday last.
Miss Ellie Ryan, of Wingham,
visited her brother, Mr. Joseph
Ryan, on Thursday last.
Allan Neal, son of Dr. Neal, of
Peterboro, is visiting his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neal, Sr.
Many from here attended the
funeral in Brussels on Monday of
the late William Armstrong, who
'lied on Friday, September llth, af-
ter a three ,months' illness. He was
a native of Hullett 'township, and
was sixty-nine years of age. After
farming for some years in Hullett
he moved to Grey township. later
retiring to Brussels. His widow was
Turnbull. JimTurnbull; pen of three ti'me'ly \tics-,lfckibhon, of Hul-
Jack Turtnbul}, Jim Turnbull; Barred
Rocks, Clarence Steiss. Cora Math-
ers, Harold Bolger, Jim Turnbull,
Kenneth Ritchie. Jack Turnbull;
White Plymouth Rocks, Geo. Tay -
tor, Frank Dundas: Bantams, Jinn
Turnbull, Lorne Steiss`, Billie Turn -
hull, Jack Turnbull, Lloyd Pease;
Leghorns, Lorne Steins, Alvin Far-
quharson. Cora :\fathers, Charlie
Munn. Kenneth Murray, Geo, Tay-
lor; \Wyandottes. Willie Farquhar-
son, Lewis McDonald, Kenneth
Heavy spring colt, halter broken,
Jim Ritchie; calf under 1 year: pail
fed, Frank Dundas, Frank Kirkby,
Harold Bolger: baby beef under 1
year. Frank Dundas, Frank 'Kirkby,
Harold Bolger; pair bacon hogs,
Bryans. Stewart Bryans, Blairmore
Shaw, Jack HcGavin, Walter Sont-
erville, Jim Turnbull; Leviathan
marigolds, Geo. Taylor, Arthur Bal-
four, -
Asters. Clara McC^11, Helen Steins;
Charles McDonald, Laura Hoy, Boyd
Driscoll, Berva Steiss: zinnias, Laura
Hoy, Alvin McDonald. Gordon
Shortreed African marigolds, Jim
Turnbull; calendula, Stewart Bryans,
Kenneth Ritchie, Jim 'Murray, pan-
sies, Harold Bolger, Isabel Farqu-
harson. Boyd Driscoll; gladiola,
Lewis McDonald, Halcyon Chand-
er, Jim Turnbull, :llerva Steiss, Geo,
Taylor. Earl Hoy: snapdragon,
Charlie McDonald; bouquet, Earl
Hoy, Orval Holmes. Viola Carter,
\Vallace Shannon„Tint Turnbull,
Gordon Shor treed.
Cockerel, Jim Turnbull Jack Turn -
hull, Grace Somerville; pullet, Jack
lett, who survives with four sons
and two daughters, Glen and
Thomas, of Toronto; Harold, tak-
ing ct medical course in England;
James, Grey township; (Jennie)
Mrs. Wes: Armstrong. Brussels;
(Florence') Mrs. McGinnis, Grey
township. Two brothers, Matthew,
of Hullett, and Robert, of Detroit,
anti a sister, Mrs. Stanley, of South
Dakota, also survive. Mrs. Wm.
Staples, who died last April, was
also a sister. He was a prominent
worker in Melville church, Brussels,
for many years. Mr. Robert Arm-
strong, of Detroit, attended the
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark are spend-
ing a few days with friends in the
village. They came to attend the
Kenneth Jackson; spring lamb, Ken- nmeral or Mr. E. Clark.
nein Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Scott and family of
Spies, Willie MacPherson. WalterI angside, spent Sunday witherrs.
Shortreed Ross McNichol, Geo. A. Gardiner.
Mrs. A. improving
McGavin is in
G t n g
splendidly. She is able to help with
the household duties.
Miss 'Gertie ,Miller has gone to
Seaforth to work at millinery.
Taylor, Harvey Bryan,, Mabel
Bewley: apples, Arthur Bewley,
Jack McGavin, Geo. Taylor. Mabel
Bewley. Duttc. McNichol, Stuart
Swans; tomatoes. Duncan McNich-
01, Robinson Hamilton. Earl Hoy, Peaches are for sale nosy and they
Geo. Taylor, Kenneth Murray. Hai. are claimed to be a very plentiful
spin Chandler- crop.
School ]uncia, Laura Hoy, Yeo Mr. D. Watson is suffering from a
Taylor, Elda :McPherson, Norma felon on one of his fingers.
Murray: dark cake, Dorothy Dris- C. Sellers and D. Steis spent
coll, Evelyn McPherson, Mabel Sunday at Hiedelburg.
Bewley, Norma Murray; light cake, Rev. Mr. Robinson called on
Norma Murray. Elda :McPherson, friends here oneday last week.
Dorothy Driscoll; apple pie, Dor-
Mr. W. S. Forbes and Mr, and
othy Driscoll Evelyn McPherson; Mrs. Jas. N. Campbell were in
graham muffins, Jean Murray: bis- Staffa last Tuesday.
cults, Elda McPherson, Mabel Bew- Mr. and Mrs, McKercher were
ley, Grace Somerville, Mary Short- Seaforth visitors on Sunday.
reed, Ethel Shaw, Yeo Taylor; Mrs, Henry Jackson and Miss•
maple creann, Evelyn McPherson, Helen Jackson are visiting her sis-
Winnifred Drager. Charles McDon- ter Mrs. Haist, Winthrop.
ald, Robinson Hamilton, N arma Mr. W. S. Forbes is spending a
s Win
:Murray, Helen Somerville; butter few days at Wingham.
scotch, Lewis McDonald, Norma Miss. Tillie Dundas left last Mon-
ri •
iLurray; bread, Edith Patterswi, flay for Florida, da , w h ere she intends
Tea towel. Norma Murray, Evelyn to spend the winter.
McPherson. Grace Somerville, Laura Mr. Isaac :\IcGavin has returned
Manning, Jean Murray, Ruth Mon- from Windsor, where he underwent
ning; handkerchief, Dorothy; Dris- a very serious operation. His many
coll; apron, Elda McPherson, Dor- friends wish him an ultimate re-
othy Driscoll, Norma Murray; but- Cov ery,
tonholes, Elda McPherson, Viola Mr; Albert Constable is a London
Carter, Helen Steiss. fsabel Farqu- visitor this week.
harson, Norma Steiss, Ethel Shaw; Miss McGregor has returned td
darning, Dorcithy Driscoll, Evelyn hen home at Bluevote,
McPherson, Norma Murray; doll, Mrs. Dora Holmes spent Tuesday
Eileen McLaughlin, Myrtle Mc-
Callum. Ruth Engler. Elda -Mc-
Pherson, Norma Steiss, Berva
Steiss; crocheting. Evelyn 'McPher-
son, Hattie McCall, Edith Patterson
Grace Somerville; 6 cardboard ar-
ticles, Grace Somerville, flora >ifa-
thers, Mabel Bewley; bird house (10
yrs. and tinder), Arthur Bewley,
Wallace •Shannon, Stewart Bryans;
hirci house ; (over 10 years), Lewis
McDowell; hammer handle, -Melville
Shannon; milking, stool, Wallace
Shannon, Kenneth,Jackson, Lewis
Steiss, Earl I-lpy, , Stuart Btyns,
Geo. Taylor; any other article, Ken -
O'Connel-Watters. — On Tuesday
morttittg, September Sth, a quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized in
Holy Redeemer church, Detroit,
when Miss 'Mary Waters, eldest dau-
ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs..
Joseph Wafters, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Cecil O'Connell, of
Detroit. Rev. Father ,Duna, P.P.,
sang the nuptial mass and performed
the marriage ceremony. • The bride
voas beautifully gowned its white
charmeuse satin with trimming
of georgette crepe and wore
a wreath and veil. I-Ier bou-
quet was of white 'bridal. roses.
She was assisted by Miss Luella
Watters who wore pink canton
crepe and a black hat .and carried a
bouquet of- pink carnations. Mr,
Robert McGrath, cousin of the 'bride,
was groomsman. The groom's gift
to Itis bride was a dining -room suite
and the bridesmaid' received, a pair
of pearls while. the groomsman re-
ceived a pair of white gold
cuff links. After the wedding break-
fast the bridal party spent the rest
of the day "in motoring. On the
Wednesday nightpreceding her mar-
riage the girl friends with whom she
was acquainted while employed in
the Edson Moore Co. in Detroit,
gave her a shower. The bride re-
ceived many costly and usefui pres-
etats which testify to the high esteem
in which she was held by her large
circle of friends. The many friends
of the young couple wish them a
long and happy married life:
Miss Monica 'Byrne has secured a
position in Dave McConnell's store..
-Mr. Joseph Feeney has" gorse to
London- to continue his studies at
Western University. On Thursday
night :he entertained a party of
young folks to a corn anil weiner
roast in Mrs. Wm. Feeney's bush,
and afterwards the jolly crowd drove
to the host's home, where a good
time was had in games and dancing.
Mr, Eddie McGrath, of the Stand-
ard Bank of St. Clements, was a
visitor at his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Peter ,1lcGrath, out of the village.'
'Mrs, Beale is confined to 'her' bed
attack ana ask of heart trouble, We
hope she will be around again soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery call-
ed on friends in the village on
Mr. and Mrs. @;eorge Holland ar-
rived home safely after a ,pleasant
visit with their two sons Thomas
and Gerald at Windsor.
Bill McDermid and itis moth-
er called on friends in Mitoltell last
Miss Elizabeth McDermid has
gone back to Detroit. She likes the
States better.
Marty of the Dublin young people
attended the entertainment in St.
Columban last Friday evening and
all enjoyed the programme, especial-
ly Father Dantzer's address, which
was both interesting and instructive.
We are all sorry to hear of Mr.
Frank O'Reilly's illness, and hope
to hear of his speedy recovery.
The rains of the past week were
very 'welcome as they greatly helped
the later crops, and also the plough-
Mr. John O'Rourke is recovering
after a slight illness.
Mr. John 'Dalton has gone to
Kingsbridge to see his mother; who
is quite 111 at the time of writing.
Death' of Mrs. Ryan.—The angel
of death took one of Dublin's most
highly respected citizens in the per-
son of Mrs.: Patrick Ryan, who
died on Thursday morning after an
illness extending over the past two
years, although she had not been
confined to bed until two weeks ago,
Mrs. Ryan was of a quiet disposi-
tion, and a kind and loving mother
and wife. She received every care'
from the family both day and night,
and Will be sadly missed by 'those
at home. Born in Toronto seventy-
five years ago, her maiden name -was
Catherine McCardle, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCardle,
and the family moved to McKillop,
where they lived . on the fourth con-
cession. Fifty -three -years ago she
was married to the late Patrick Ryan
who predeceased her about eighteen
months, and after living in Mc-
Killop, moved to Logan on the farm
on the boundary, where ' they built
the fine home now occupied by Mr.
'William Dillon, Seven years ago
they retired to Dublin. Three dau-
ghters and five sons survive: Mary,
nurse of Toronto, who has been
helpitfg to care for her mother dur-
ing her illness; 'Cauherine, at home;
Mrs. Ed. Flanagan, Dublin; Peter
and Harry. 61 McKillop: Joseph and
John, at home; Michael, Vancouver..
Also two sisters, Mrs. Richard Car-
pettter;Detroit, and Mrs, Matthew
Lynch, McKillop. The funeral
took -place on Saturday morning at
9.30, solemn High Mass being sung
by Rev. Tr, White, pastor of St.
Patrick's church; Rev. Fr,Dantzer
was deacon of the. Mass and Rev.
Fr. Goetz subdeacon. Interment
was made- in St. Patripk's cemetery.
The pallbearers were Messrs, Win,'
Stapleton, Joseph Evans, Louis -Mc-
Grath, Wilfred Maloney, Joseph
in London. Ryan a grandson, and Timothy
Rev. and Mrs. Chandler attended Lynch. a nephew of the deceased.
the fteetiug its Wingham on Sep- Dublin markets on Tuesday;
tentber 10th of the.,lvfaifland Pres- Wheat, $1.25: barley 65c, oats 3$c.
Tomatoes are very plentiful thus
year and large quantities are being
consumed. Mr. E, J. Murphy re-
ports having •sold 289 eleven -quart
returned from their Vacation. in Mos- ;tgrestittgacid instructive "papers, Pa
koka• .the Subject of the "Pathfinders of The
Mr; and Mrs. Bloodsworth ap iRod. c.i •s, s
" Mr. lame Howe as
family have returned to their home
lu'- reroute after spending the yuca- i
tion with the batter's parents, 111.i,
and Mrs. G. H. Dre'gel.
Miss Hazel 'Hills lias"takctt a posi-
tion in 'Waterloo,
Mr. Leo Holland is wearing a very
broad smile, a young daughter hay -
hating arrived at Stratford hospital
Sept. 14th. Mother: and ba'he both
doing well.
Dr, Reid of London, is looking
after Dr. T raynor's practice here
at present, Dr. Ferguson left on
Monday morning to resume his Posi-
tion on the medical staff of Western
Ret Fr. i\IcCardle, of St. Aitgust-
ine, visited friends hire on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Fortune,- and
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas .Moylan,
Beechwood, spent the week -end at
John and Joseph Kenny's.
Mrs, Cronin and Miss Helen
Cronin spent the week -end at To-
Mr, Lorne Cronin is attending St.
Michael's College, Toronto,
Parker-Walker—On Saturday, Sep-
tember 5th, at high noon, at the Pres-
byterian manse, Cromarty, Mr, Dar-
rell Parker, of Chiselhurst, was mar-
ried to Miss Irene Ladua Walker,
the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oswald Walker, of Cromary. • Rev.
D. Ritchie .performed the ceremony.
The bride wore --.,a lovely dress of
cocoa color silk crepe de cline. She
was assisted by Miss Alice Hender-
son, of London, who wore pale green
silk crepe de chine, The groomsman
was Mr. Otto 'Walker, of Detroit,
brother of the bride, After the cere-
mony Mr. and Mrs. Parker left for
Toronto and points east, the latter
travelling in a taupe cliaraneuse suit
and hat to ,match. On their return
on Wednesday evening, Sept. 9tlt, a
reception 'was held, attended by 300
people- Guests were present' from
Stratford, Loddon, Detroit, Buffalo,
Brodhagen, 'Brussels and other
places. Entertainment was provided
by Brodhagen band, bag ,piping by
Messrs. Duncan •l•Lcbfillan, of Scot-
land, and McDonnell of Stratford;
highland dancing by b'tiss Mc-
Donnell of Stratford, violin music by
Messrs. Cole and' Wren of Chisel-
lturst. Dancing lasted till the wee
sma' hours of the morning, The
bride and groom received many fine
and useful presents for their new
home. They also have the very best
wishes of their many friends for a
long and happy life together. Mrs.
Parker will 'bereatl • missed in g S
s cd t this
vicinity as well as in her home.
,Mrs. W. H. Tufford is visiting with
friends in Toronto at present.
and Mrs. Neil Gillespie re-
turned to 'their home in Seaforth after
a -few days' visit -with relatives here.
Mr. Thos. Scott is ill and under
the care of Dr. Mackay, of Seaforth.
Miss McLean has recovered from
her recent illness and is teaching now
at No. 6 sidtool. 'Her pupils all did
so well 'last term and will this terns
again, no •doubt, as Miss McLean
will do her best to' bring them on,
We are pleased to announce the
recent arrival of two newcomers in
our vicinity. A little :baby girl at the
hotine of Mr, and Mrs. Will Hamilton,
and a little son at the home. of Mr.
and Mrs, Hugh Currie.
Mrs. Richard Hoggart'Ir left last
week to visit with her sister in
Michigan ,for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman -Park and
family have moved to their new hone
in Mitchell recently. It was learned
with deep regret some months- ago
that they would eventually leave this
village and in that way people were
prepared for the loss. They were
substantial citizens and what is' Cro-
ntarty's- loss will assuredly be Mit-
chell's gain. Mr. and Airs. Park took
an active interesf in ,church affairs
and in everything which was worth
while for the 'betterment of the
people and the place. Mr. Park nvas
ordained an elder in this church some
years ago, being a universal choice
among the congregation,
At the morning church service on
Sunday Mrs. McLellan and Miss
Mountain sang g a duck which :va
appreciated by all. The evening
meeting ,for -bre Young People was
well attended for a rainy night. Mrs.
'Ritchie and Douglas , had • very in-
bytery and Presbyterial which was
the last meeting ;before the atnal-
gamation of Winghatn, Goderich and
Maitland districts. At the meeting
of the Presbyterial, Miss Helping- baskets so far this season.
way, of'Brussels. gave.' report of Ails. Madeline Crawford, of Ciin-
the summer school at St Thomas• toil, visited her salter Mary, on
Mfrs. • Bennett, of Wingham, •gave an Thursday' last,
account of the former Methodist sling •Hanlon has returned front
\a\„,bf. S work and,Mirs. Ilantilatoii, - if:ug friends ar Ingersoll
of •Coder ich. tlie: former 'Presbyter,. ;1,1r. and .Mrs. Et L. Jordan have
fan \V, M. S. world, each tracing the.
president, conducted the meeting.I
Gladys 'Houghton and Ruby .1Vlrc-
Laren' sa tg an extra and vetly suit-
ablb hyntn,
Fall Fairs
arebigger _bi (34'
er and better
See others as well as- your own
The Fall Fairs are now more interesting and more
instructive than ever. They offer an educational ad-
vantage as well as pleasure, and\the good roads enable
you to attend and return the same day. •
Visit several Fall Fairs. Take the family with you.
Ask the neighbors to come and bring their families, and
you will enjoy yourcommunity party. Meet the people
of the next county and learn what's going on. You may
pick up something about' live stock or field . crops which
PWhen' travel over.
will be useful to you.you miles of
good roads you will think of the advantage they' have
brought to you over those who lived the last generation.
They have widened your sphere of travel three or four
times over.
Remember this, that the 'roads must be maintained,
and that you and other users of them will pay the cost.
Use them sanely. 'Don't exceed the speed limit of 25
miles, and if you use a truck don't overload it.
Because overloaded trucks break down road found-
ations and fast driven passenger cars tear up road sur-
faces, the law provides these, restrictions. It is in; your
interest`to obey. 1f you do not obey, you are liable to
a fine.
An advertisement issued by the Ontario Dcpamnient of High-
ways to secure the oo•operatign of"motorists and truck drivers,
Automobile Clubs, Good Roads Associations and all other public
spirited bodies, in abating the abuse of the roads of the Province.
The HON. CEO, S. HENRY, Minister S. L. SQUIRE, Deputy Minister
DR, H. HUGH, ROSS,"i Physician
and Stirgeork Late of ondon Hos-
pital, London,'Englandlt, • peciat
attention to diseases of the elle, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Of�e.p
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106.
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seatorth.
Office and residence, Goderieh strut,
east of the Methodist church, Cor
oner fon the County of Huron. Tele-
phone No. 40, '
'. THURS.,' FRL, and SAT.
DR. C. MACKAY.—C,' Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physician's and Surgeons of •;, ,1'
Ontario. . �'lS
DR. F. J. R, FORSTER=Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate is Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late A'ssistant New York'Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield''
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London. England. AS
Commercial Hotel, Seaf ort b.,
third Monday in `each mos*
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo'
street south, Stratford.Phone 267,
The 1tir Mail
A smashing action drama of the daring pilots
of the mail planes, with
Warner Baxter, Billie Dove, Mary Bryan and
Douglas Fairbanks jr.
Written by Byron Morgan, author of the Wally
Reid autozracing stories.
MON, TUES., WED. -ter t.Mt"r- ' r
Succes`'sor to Dr. R. R. Ross, Gradu-
ate of N rthwestern University, Oha-
sago. III, Licentiate Royal College cid
De'ntal Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills'. hardware, Main street, Sea -
forth. Phone 151.
The Dressmaker from Paris
a syle show, a smile show a gaspsall.theowhile
show, with Leatrice Joy ane French modoise,
who scandlizes the small town
Ernest Tarrance as the Scotch departmen state
keener, and 14 America's most beeautiful girls
Let the
41mn�tia hasIltul) •
^a}x jfj
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Guard Your Savings
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Province 'of Ontario Savings Office
Toronto Branches
Cor.' Bay and Adelaide S'ts.
Cor. University and Dundas Sts.
549 'Danforth Avenue
Other Branches at:
Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Pembroke,, Brantford, ,Woodstock,
Owen Sound, Ottawa, Seaforth, Walkerton; Newmarket "arid Aylmer
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machined
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
James Connolly, Goderich; Alen.
James Evans, Beechwood# Vice Pa*
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforli%,
Sec. -Treasurer.
Wm. Rinn, No . 2,Seaforth;Jolla
Benneweis, Brodhaen;
James Enna,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
James Conolly, Goderich ; ;Alex.
BBroadfoot, No, 3, Seaforth; J: G.
Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferriib
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3s
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brueefield.
Alex. Leitch, R.R, 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchiey, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, L
R. No, 3, Seaforth; J. V. YM,
Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Borst -
holm. James Kerr and John Goves-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other business will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
Office over Stewart Bros., Phone 11 "
Seaforth, Ont.
Don't Throw`
Your Old
Carpets Away
Theymake new rover-
sible"Velretex" Rugs.
Spud for Velvetes Folders
LOteuog, ONT.
Highest prices paid. Max Wolab,
phone 178, Seaforth.
At Aberhart's Drug Store
Seaforth -
that tired look and "ragged"
feelliag out of year face.
Say "Boaclla Facial” to
'your barber, and eons up
smffiug with a new appear-
ance of vim and 1tnesa. Be
one of the "million a week."
(Just Around the Corner),
' Seaforth