HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-09-10, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
SNOWDON. Proprietor.'
Generat Observations ervations
Att• election is on 1
That rain 'on. Saturday night put
stew growth into the scorching
rlsastums and root fields.
The government's scheme of Sens
ate reform from inside its one that
has existed ever since there was a
Labor Dag and House of Industry
are names which imply the very op-
posite. Both rail for idleness instead
of work,
Never before , has Canada heard
'From .a Premier a statement that
Providence was assisting hint. by the
.loath of several Senators. Charity
would, at least, ask 'for restraint in a
case of this kind.
•\n analysis of Premier King',
reason for an election at 'the pre
ant time leaves the public in -a fel,
He boasts in one :place that during
she past four years be had a
'majority of from 40 to 112. Thea
atther na h place acG
a he says he cern:.:
'Acta introduce any legielatiost he-
tattse he had only one of a majority,
t very sad and sudden death oe
:urred here on Tuesday, Sept. 8th
when Mr. EnoLB% Clark passed away
from heart trouble. Mrs. Clark was
visiting at Chicago at the time. Ist
the morning he did not feel well and
trlten no one noticed him a'bottt
•during the afternoon, his brather
Thomas .went to see him in the
'Aveuing and found him dead :in .the
stable, where .he had died while do
Mg the nape chores. Born in Grey
sownship, the late Mr. Clark was in
his sixty-second year, a son of the
:ate George Clark, 17th concession
About fifteen years ago he retired
from the farm to \Valton, where he
conducted a livery barn for some
years and also drove a mail route.
He was twice married, his first wife
'being Miss Elizabeth Williamson, of
Grey township, whose two -sone .sur-
vive, Wilfred Clark, of Guelph, and
"Talbot Clark, of Grey. Eleven years
ego he •was married to Mise Jennie
Sellers, of Bluevale. There are also
'three 'inters and eight brothers liv-
ing,Mrs. ,Metz t- `
. of 717
Mrs. Zeigler, of Cran•broakt Mrs
John \\'illiaanson, of 11cKillop
Thomas, Henry and William, of
Walton; John of Egmondville;
Archie and Eoibert, of McKillop;
Joseph of Saskatchewan; and Edward
of Listowel. At time of writing fun-
eral arrangements have not been
Mrs. Burke, of Toronto, formerly
Miss Jennie McDonald, called on
(rends in Walton on Labor days.
.Mrs. Gavin Davidson, who has
Seen visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. H.
McLaughlin the past two weeks, has
returned to her home at Wroxeter.
Great preparations are being made
for 'the school fair an Mohday next,
'There are six schools in the Walton
fair which 'should make the parade
and exhibits very interesting.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton, of
Chicago, are visiting at her brother's,
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Canlpbellts,
,for a fete days.
Mr. Thos. Bolton, of McKillop,
]met with a very serious accident on
Monday morning while driving a
load of peas to Dublin. He fell from
'the wagon and sustained severe in -
Series about the head and was un-
aotescious for some time. Two doc-
tors were called and at present he
is doing as well as can 'be expected.
His many friends hope for an early
recovery, Mr. Gordon Hulley was
driving a load ahead but did not see
Mr. Bolton fall.
Death of Mrs. George Love,-\Vith
.much regret e of
of Mrs. George R. Love, who passed
peacefully Away Wednesday night
(a'bout 'ten o'clock, after several
months of sickness. The funeral
which tohk place from her late resi-
yience •osis Friday afternoon, was
largely attended, over thirty motors
following the remains to its last
resting place at Maitland Bank cem-
etery. Rev. J. A.'Fergu'son:officiated,
The floral offerings were beautiful.
Her husband an'd one son George S.,
at !home, are left to 'mourn the loss
•of a loving wife a!id mother. She also
leaves .one sisterand four ,brothers,
'Mrs. W. A. Johnston, J. S. Shannon,
J. Shannon, 'Sol. Shannon, all of
McKillop. The late 'Mrs. Love was
horn in 1878, a daughter of the late
Mr. S. J. Shannon and Mrs. Sara
Ann Shannon, and lived in Ivrea: lap
all :her life time. In 1906 she married
Mr. George R. Love, of McKillop,
She ,took an active batercat in church
and Sunday .school work and will be
/such missed. Mrs, Love had to
give up her Sunday school class about
year ago onaccount of ill health.
The :pallbearers were (Messrs. J S.
Shannon, W. 3., Shannon, Sol Shan -
eon, T. C. Shannon, ' W. A: John
;'/ton, and A. A. Cuthill: Among those
attending the funeral from a; dis-
tance were Mr, and Mrs, Frame
Switzer, from Ivtilto,p ja)att. , •wi
Mr. and Mrs,. Wnir',Gideve and thea"
ilauagl,ter .Moira, of Detroit, visited
friends here over the week -end.
Mr, A1'hert Morrison visited his
mother, Mrs, .Frantic. Morrison,over
the wee: end.
,Mrs, Wm. Farquharson, Mss Fern
Love and iwie. Robert Pattersosa ac-
co'mpanied'by 'Ir. and Mrs, ltd. 'Brit-
ton, of Seaforth, motored to To-
ronto this week.
Miss Luella 1IcGregor, of .,Bel -
grave, is visiting friends in \.Valton.
Mr. Ed. Ryan has returned from
The Ladies' Aid of St, George's
church met at the home of Mrs, E.
Driscoll last !Wednesday. The. Oc-
tober meeting will 'be at Mrs. Wm,
\4r. Ale;:. ,Barron and son, of
.doncrietf, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. C. Barrows.
slug, Tyler had the misfortune to
break her arta last week. Her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs, Nicholson, of Detroit, is the
gueet of her father, Mr, ITarry Tom-
Mee, Mack McLeod, of Seaforth,
spent Sunday with her another, 1l.re,
John Storey.
Miss Marguerite Balfour is a Toe
roto visitor this week,
W. C. Neal spent a couple of trays
in the Queen City.
Labor day 'passed very gttietly lin
the village. Some wentt-to Bayfield.-
ayfield.Mr, and Mrs. 1\'m, Hoy visited
friends in Grey tp. on Sunday.
\fr. and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner were
in Toronto last week.
J. Watt went to Toronto on Mott,
day to dispose of a load of stock.
Saw mill has opened for a short
W. J. Ryan nud sons 1-ergus and
Clarence, of London, were in the°vil-
lage on Labor day.
l •�s Gordon McDonald bas been
visiting \Irs. J: McDonald for the
past coupleof weeks.
The Ladies' Aid of Bethel church
Met at the glome of Mrs. Jas. Smith
an Thursday. There -were aver sev-
enty-five ladies present.
week -end in Beechwood,
Mr. Lco Kenny visited at the home.
of leis parents, Mr. Philip Kenny.
\l.r, and Mrs. Thomas' Purcell were
hone from Windsor over the holi-
Mr. Philip Flanagan and ltli•, Fer-
gus Kelly have returned :from To-
ronto. They were •a'eeotnpanied by
Leo Flanagan and \'V:illiam Flanagalt.
Messrs, Louis K'rauskop,f, Matt,
McCarthy, Billy Byrne motored
home from Detroit ori Saturday to
visit their ace'latives there,
Miss Lizzie Ryan, of Seaforth,
visited at the tliome of her mother,
1! rs. Patrick Ryan, en Sunday.
Mr. Jos. Maloney, from Guelph,
spent Sunday visiting et the home of
has mother, Mrs. N. Marloney..
Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Klitikha tamer,
from Detroit. are visiting at the home
of their parents and friends here.
Miss 'Lizzie Feeney from St. Mary's
hospital, Detroit, is visiting at the
.tome of her mother, Mrs, Feeney.
Miss Luella \\'atters left Thursday
morcing for Detroit to visit her 'sis-
ter Mary, who is to be married early
in September,
::aster Louis Williams has return-
ed.to the Monte of his parents, Mr.
and airs. Dan, Williams, of Chicago,
after having spent a +couple of
months' vacation visiting relatives
Mt', and Mrs. Taut Geary, Of Sea-
forth, spent Sunday at the home of.
Mr. and 'Mrs. James Feeney, jr.
Thi \lissest Dalton 'have returned
,o Chicago after visiting their tiie'ce,
11re. T. 1. alolyneaux,
Mr. Wm. Sta,pleton's elearator• is a
busy spot just now, an average of
1,000 'bushels of wheat tieing shipped
every day, 1,726 bushels were re-
ceived one day during the week,
The price .paid on Tuesday was $1,28.
Dr, Ferguson has taken a ,position
in London. Dr. Dougall, of Heneali,
is looking after the practice.
14r. Harry Neltnas had the mis
\r. W. Staples shipped acar of fortune to 'break 7ts arm on 'Tuesday
fat cattle to Toronto on Saturday. morning while cranking his over.
Mrs, Mary Lamm, who underwent Charles Dorrestyn has gone to
an operation at Kitchener, is home Montreal to join the Christian Bro=
and is improving. Her many friends theirs. Charlie was popular around
hope she will soon be o.k. Dublin and will be much missed by
Mr. Joseph Ryan, Mr. Alex. Mur- his friend's, who wish him every
ray, Mr. John McArthur and Mr. H. success,
Jackson went west on Friday. Miss I-Ian,lon is visiting in London
Mr. Port Dennis has purehased a the past week.
Fordson tractor, Miss Marie ,Hughes, of Tottenham,
was a visitor with her cousin, Mrs.
liargaret Murphy,
Mrs, Fred Pierce, of Mitchell;
'visited Mrs, Fred Forrester.
Mr. Joseph .Melady, of Detroit,
who spent last week at the home of
his •father, Mr, Jos, Melady, Hibbert,
returned on Saturday.
Miss Anna Molyneaux returned on
Monday' front visiting Iter aunt, "Mrs,
C. O'Reilly, in Detroit.
Mr. Den. Molyneaux has returned
to Chicago after visiting his mother,
Mrs, C. Molyneaux. He was ac-
companied 'by his son Jack, Who
visited his uncle and aunt, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. O'Laughlin, Tucker -
Miss Margaret Shea has returned
to London after visiting her 'brothers,
James of Dublin, and Johii of Mc-
Miss Jean McConnell,left for De-
troit Monday where she intends
taking a position.
Mrs. Jos. Kiinkhammer and family
are spending a few weeks at the
'home of Mr. Adam Clark.
Miss Mary Crawford spent the
holiday at her home in Clinton,
airs, Jas, O'Connell, Seaforth, and
Miss Dorothy O'Connell, Detroit,
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Bernard O'Connell,
Mrs. Jos. Gibson. of Toronto, visit-
ed her aunt, Mee. H. Flytut•, during
the week,
Miss :Lurie McConnell left this
weeks to enter Uranitnc Convent at
Chatham, She was accompanied as
far as St. Thomas by cher sister Ver-
onica, who will spend a few weeks
Miss Annie Judge spent et Sat
in Stratford,
Miss Mary Jordan leas gone to De-
troit to ,pend a month with her bro-
ther, Mr, Theo Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs, D. P. Monaghan vis-
ited at the home of Mrs. M. Mc-
Carthy, over the holiday,
Miss Clara Kriauskopf end Mr, and
Mrs. Keller and children, of Detroit,
visited in 'i teKifiop over the 'week-
Mr. J Brennan has a contract in
in Stratford this week,
Mr. James Evans, Beechwood, is
having an auction sale on September
Miss, Katie Hickey is a visitor at
her mother's home for a month.
Mr. Billie Byrne, of Detroit, visited
his father and another. Billie looks
well. He took advantage of Labor
Day and motored to Canada.
Mrs, Gordon, of Stratford, called
on her sister, Mrs. Darting.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland and
'son George, have motored to 'Wind-
sor to visit their two sons Gerald and
Tom, for a week,
.Mr, Pat. Burns motored from De-
troit last week to ma on friends hs
town, He took his mother back with
hien for a month.
Mr, John Krauskopf, of Detroit,
called on his old friends last week.
John t looks as though. Detroit agrees
with him.
Miss Irene 'Stubbs returned home
after a pleasant visit with her cousin,
Miss 'Mary McConnell,
ev. Father arbor ' rath
G of 'Toronto,
and his mother visited 'his cousin,
Mr. Peter McGrath, and his cousins,
,Joe and Pat.
Mr. Louis Carpenter and son Rich-
ard, and Mr. Spindler and Mr. Dri-
llable, ell of Chicago, visited his
inter, Mrs. Redmond, and other
uriends. They motored over by
the cities of Buffalo, Niagara, Cleve-
land and Toronto. All enjoyed the
trip they took for a week, and will
visit has ,brother Henry on the way
home, Louis looks welt, and enjoys
coming to his old home town to see
his friends,
Louis Knauskop.f was a visitor at
his home in town and has returned to
Detroit, where he has a position.
He looks,, as though the city agrees
with hint.
Messrs, 'Billie Cook and Mack
Burns are in Toronto this week.
ivlrs, L, J, Looby returned home
from Detroit and Saginaw after a
pleasant visit •for a month with
Mr. Jack Campbell spent a few
clays at Toronto.
Miss 'Mollie .O'Connell. is having
iter• holidays and Mrs. Hicknell is her
Mrs. Alex. Darling' called
in ES e on
friends Exeter on Saturday.
Miss Mary 'Connelly'
yis on a week's
tisit.tq her home. in Logan.
tifa'"ss:.:iota O:'jfaotralceatid'Mtss:Ca-
milla \2 ,Mr ^.
u ray had their tonsils ;re-
moved last week in London.
Miss Mary Delaney spent the
of Brantford,
3 .
sent the week end andthe c c d over hot-
iday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P.
V. ibfcf''fa'th, St. Columban.
Miss Attna McGrath is spending
her Holidays with Stratford and Tor-
onto friends.
'Mr. and Mrs. M. McQuaid, of
Stratford, visited at the hotne of Mr.
and .Mrs. Peter H. McGrath over the
week end and holiday.
Master Clarence McQuaid, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. has
gone 'to De La Salle College, Aurora,
to attend schogl,
Mr, John J. Dalton spent the week
end in Kingsbridge visiting his mo-
Miss Johnna 'Cronin, who spent the
summer visiting her ibrothers and sis-
ters in McKillop and Hibbert, return-
ed to Detroit this week.
,Miss Minnie Cronin has gone to
Detroit where she has secured a posi-
tion as stenographer
Mr, Tom McQuaid was in Toronto
during the seek-
+ Mr. Patrick Flannery, Of St. Go-
lum'ban, is in Toronto this past week.
Miss Marie Flannery has returned
from a Pleasant visit with Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Terry :Flannery, ,Mas-
ter John and Miss Alice have return-
ed from Detroit. They .made 'the trip
bymotoring o and enjoyed the visit
g 1 Yand
trip fine.
The many friends of Mr. Frank
O'Reilly are sorry to hear of his in-
disposition and hope for his 'speedy
recovery r'
to 'health.
Mr. Joseph iMa'tthews is still 'con-
fined in 'the Seaforth hospital and bis
many 'friends wish him a speedy re-
covery to health,
Mrs. Frank McQuaid, who has
been on the sick 'list is able 'to 'be up
and around again.
Mr. Joseph P. Moylan,. ,who taught
itt St. Colutnbaa during the past three
years, has accepted a 'position on the
staff of St. Michaele College, Tor-
onto, and left for that city on Mon-
Mr. George Malone, who has 'been
home during the summer months
convalescing at the home of his (par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Malone,
McKillop; has returned to Detroit
this week,
Mr.' James i\Mitrray of the •third line
Htb'bett, motored to St. Joseph on
Tuesday of this week.
Duff's Yottng °People's Society held
their meetidg on Sunday evening:
Miss ,Olive Medd toolc .the: topic,
"Learning 'to Pray." Prayer was ''of-
fered 'by Lapslie Smith.:'.Chose taking
part in discussioht were Mary Camp-
bell, Grace Kerr and Rev, j. A. Fer-.
guson. The president, Mr. 'Scott
Fergusoh, "took 'charge of the closing
part of the Programme. The annual
meeting of the Duff's church 'Y,P.S.,
fur the election of officers and other
business will be 'held on Friday
evening of this week at 8 o'clock.
The Ladies' Aid ,and W It'LS: Meet-
ing at the lto'fie of Mrs. John Boyd
last Wednesday afternoon, Sept:2ud,
was well attended, Piecing quilts was
the work of the day. The meeting
opened ,by singing 'hymn 721 and all
repeating the beatitudes. Mrs, C.
Hillen presided. The Scr'ipture les-
son was given by firs. 12. Metres -t-
enet and ,llesseltger prayer by ebrs,
E 'EIabkirk. A 'fe'w minutes of sil-
ent 'prayer was offered ,for the mis-
sionaries of British Guiana, The
topic oe "British 'Guiana was given
by Mrs. J, H. I!Lorrisott, which was
[all of interest followed by value-
tart prayer by Mrs. James Simpson.
The meeting opened for 'business
and all arrangements were made for
the ffitvi sapper in connection /with
the jubilee to 'be held Sunday' and
Monday evenings, Oct- ..4 and 5. It.
was decided this year that they
would have iMr. W. C. Bennett 'buy
the fowl the last week in `September.
ao any 'one having' early geese and
in good shape, could call Mr. Ben-
nett and let hint know. The ladies
were all asked to ,carry on the 'work
the same as other years, ,and we 'Feel
sure that every one will do their
part. 'The meeting olosed 'by all
repeating 'the Lord's prayer.
1\'ith deepest regret we learned of
the death 'of Martha Shannon, fie -
loved wife of lir, George Love, of
\•LcKillop, which took place at 'her
late' residence Wednesday night,
Sept, and, after a tong illness, at the
age of 47 years, _The late .It(rs. Love
was married to •Her now bereaved'.
husband' 19 years ago on the 5th of
September, and was the youngest
daughter of the late Sal'onton and
of 'the 8th conces-
sion, McKillop. The funeral .was
held on Thutsday'a'fternoon to :Mait-
land Bank 'cemetery and was largely
attended. Services were conducted
by Rev. 'J. A, hergedon, her pastor.
The pall 'bearer+s were her dour broth-
ers, Messrs. John, James, 'Thomas
nand Solomon Shannon; Vltnl. John-
ston, and Alex. Cuthill, .Besides her
husband, one sat 'George, aged 14,
and four 'brothers and .one sister,
Mrs. Wm, Johnston, survive,. We ex-
tend our ddepest sympathy to 'those
.that 'are left to mourn.
\Lr, and Mrs. Wnl. Pethick, of Sea -
forth, spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs Thos. Pryce.
firs. F, Bullard and Betty have re-
turned home after spending a couple
of weeks with friend's in London and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harris and Mr. and
Mrs. R. Bennett, of Walton, spent
Sunday with lir, and Mrs. J. 'Bennett,
Mr, 'Charles Little is in Toronto
this week.
Clinton teachers have taken posi-
tions as follows: J. 'Bawden, Ha-
milton; M. Chidley, Toronto; B.
Chowen, Toronto; I. Draper, Brant-
ford; S. Draper, St. Catharines; 1V.
Draper, St. Catharines; E. Evans,
Dunnville; E. Ford,,Oshawa; 1l. Gib -
binge, Ottawa; W. Grant, Flintott;
E. 'Hardy, Tiverton; A. Hellyar,
1'tassty; E., 'Kemp,Bruce Mines;
Fred t
Law enLe Mi1b
r r eta H.Middle-
t n Toronto; omonto Middleton, ti '':slob '
1 Toron .
J to.
'M..l'LcIntosh Fort Williams R, 1+1c -
Math, Ayr; E. McTaggart, Montreal;
G. Venner, Northbrook; G. Wallace,
Midland; E. Wasman, Bath; Marton
McEwen, KirlUfield.
The tC:C.I, staff at -present is Mr,
Teeter, (principal) science; Mr.
Fines, mathematic; Miss Hobbs,.
moderns; Miss 'Richardson, classics;
Miss McLachlin, art; Miss Graham,
physical culture.
Me. and Mrs. F. B. George and
c'hil'dren, Isabel, Jean, Gerald and
Robert, of Wetas'kawin, Alta., visit-
ed the Matter's' sister, Mrs. \'Vm.
Crittenden before returning west af-
ter a two months' visit with friends
down east.
Mr. C. B. Snell has 'purchased the
lot south of S. 'M. Sanders block,
formenty the old James Pickard
'block through which through which
the creek runs. 'The council will
wall in the creek with cement walls
and Mr. Snell intends erecting an
up-to-date garage on the 'premises
that will be used by :Mr, .Milo ,Snel'1,
Ford, dealer, iMr. Sneils is contem-
plating remodelling the old 'Cotntner-
tial hotel now used as the garage,
into modern offiice a'p'panttnents.
Donald McInnis aged 82
passed away on Sept..
Mr, Leslie 'Ro'binson, off Usborne,
met with an unfortunate accident_
He and his father were drawing in
grain with
,the -
e slip
s salt 'n
g 1 SOlrie
manner he was drawn up on one of
the 'bundles. He caught hold of the
rope and the 'flesh was 'torn from,
three fingers of 'his left 'hand, expos-
ing the tendons.
Miss Thelma Taylor has left the
telephone Office to take a position in
a store.
Miss Lillian Walker is teaching at
Burlington and Miss Verna Walker
at New Toronto,
The Exeter Times says: The tat
chile obdoride used on our 'streets
to keep 'down dust has ,proven Itself'
tobe an expensive and dismal
failure and will not warrent a repe-
tition of its use, It 'probably had the
desired effect for .a.'few weeks • but in
the dry weather since then the dust
has been nearly as 'bad as ever.
'James Bissett, who was a tailor. in
Exeter 25 years ago, died in Lon -
'don on Aug. &th,
Mrs. Jane Snell celebrated her
85rlt birthday last 'week. She was
born in Exeter, England.
Mr. and Mrs, Louis 'Brall.and 'their
daughter Mary, land Misses Monica,
Kate and •Lucy Eckart, and Mr, jos.
Miller, from 1Detroit, spent Labor
day, at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. C,
Eckert, returning in the evening to
resume their duties in their different
. positions. -i
Protection in England.
In Great Britain important in-
dus'trics are finding that. they cannot
compete successfttilywith rival in -
1 IL
to London Fair
For the convenience of those wishing to make the trip
to the London Fair by Bus, the Bus will remain in London on
Tuesday, Wednesday aid Thursday
September 15th, 16th and 17th
Until 10.30 pan,
Return trip fares from Seaforth, $3.00; St. Columban and
Dublin, $2.75. Tickets for return trip good only on day
of issue.
R, -T. McINTOSH Phone 229, Seaforth
f?rinc ss
The -the World
of d
from the novel of Ethel M. Dell. with
Anna OE Nilsson and
James Kirkwood
An unusual melodrama presenting amazing
flood scenes with a locale on S. African veldt.
MON., TUES., and WED.
Viola Dana
in her famous laughing hit
Along carne Ruth
the big town girl in a small town whirl
From the Henry W. Savage stage comedy
are among the perfect supporting cast.
dustrics in 'foreign countries where Clinton
wages, are lower and the most 'con- On. august 12ttt Mr, J: Cunning -
firmed supporters of 'free trade are haute celebrated his 82nd +birthday
recognizing the satiation, Thus, the
Manchester 'Guardian, ablest and
staunchest opponent of protection in
the Old 'County, is found advocating
the adoption !of a 33 1-3 per tent,
tariff against foreign aon'i!petition
with the British lace industry under
the Safeguarding, of Industries Act.
Commenting on the attitude of 'the
great free trade newspaper of Eng-
land, 'the Ottawa Journal observes:
"The arguments which it.ad-
vances are the usual solid ones in
'favor of tariffs, the arguments
underlying the National Policy in
this country. Briefly, it is that
the British face industry is suffer-
ing from depression, due largely
to foreign competition where
wages are lower than in En'gl'and
and production therefore at a
lower level. The remedy which
the +Manlchester 'Guardian sug-
gests is a 33 1-3 'per •cent, 'tariff
against foreign competition.
'The case which the Guardian
makes out for the lace industry
of Britain is the case that can. .be
trade out for nearly everyin-
dustry in Canada. he Canadian)
case, indeed, is a much •stronger
one. For if an in ustr
d yinEn-
land cannot' com'pcte 'With the
lower wages of 'Continental
'cottntries,nvhat chance has an in-
dustry in Canada, where wages.
on the 'whole, are much (higher.
than in England? And if Canad-
ian industries 'cannot compete,
and 'tariffs that would enable
them to compete are 'withheld,.,
what 'becomes of industrial Can-
ada, with all 'that implies?"
Since the war some 67 'countries
have raised `their tariffs, The United
States, 'Canada's dhief 'competitor,
found' it to be in 'her best interests to
further protect 'leer own industries
against -tlte' !'ower -waged industries
of other countries. 'Canada has not
increased :her .tariff schedules sibut in-
stead has lowered them int a number
of cases and the .policy of the
present. Government in this respect
is a iprim'ary reason why 'hundreds 'of
'thousands sof Canadians have ;been
'forced ao cross the border to secure
employment and prosperity during
the last •three years.
An Oilthat is Famous,—Though
Canada wa.s not the birthplace • ,of
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the
home of that famous compound.
From here its -good name was
spread to. Central and South Anaer-
tIa, 'the, 'West Indies,` Australia'° and of confetti ,the team)). topple law; ras
1 p e aa
• t That is liar
` Z slat afield 'a '
New e d rad riot
w t tl r 'motor '�, �,
r. ntot
or tr�
P their Cat r
enough to attest /tis excellen'ce, for ill tura they wii{ reside in 'St. Cather-.
all these countries it is on sale and ines,
in 'dentaitd.
He is very well: known as it as only
two years since he retired from the
empress business.
A 'lovely stunner 'wedding was
solemnized on Wednesday, Aug, 12,
at the hone of Dr, J. W. and tfvfrs.
Shaw, Clinton, 'when their daughter,
Madelon McKnight, became the wife
of 'Harold 'Raymond Kiltyr Toronto,
the ceremony being performed ,by
Rev. Mr. Westgate, rof Sandwich.
The 'house was beautifully decoaia'ted.
/Wedding was of a semi -military na-
ture, 'rhe' officers of 161st regiment
'being called nut. The 'bride, /who was
given away by her 'father, /t'o're a
wedding gown of duchess satin with
'her gnantlntother's ,beautiful lace. veil
and carried a 'bouquet of maiden-
hair fern and sweetheart roses. The
bridesmaids, who •were Miss Dorothy
Ra•ttenbury, Peterboro, and Miss
Dorothy M,anrs, of 'Lethbridge, Al-
berta wore frocks of 'blue and mauve
georgette with lace -trimmed 'hats to
match a and carried 1e
d sh of
e s of yellow
chrysanthemums, 'Little ,Miss Mar-
garet Westgate was flower -girl and
Buddy .Moreton, 'train bearer,
Groom was supported by Mr. Pow-
ell, Toronto, Wedding music was
played Yed by Miss Jean ivLciVlurchie and
'during signing of register, Mrs, Ho -
Wart; 'Humphries sang "The ,Gift"
and Miss Marian 'Gi'b'bings "Dawn-
ing." A 'buffet luncheon (vas served
ort the verandah, "Later in the after-
noon Ala. ,and Mrs. Kitty 'sit on
their {honeymoon, 'Mrs. Kitty travel-
ling in a silk sports frock, white Sur -
trimmed coat and :white felt hat.
The wedding was , solemnized ill
St. Paul's Anglican church Clinton,
.on August 8th, when 'Gtaclys, diaitgh-
'ter of 'Mr. 'and Mrs. R. J. Draper,
Clinton, 'became the 'bride of 'Astutot
A. Morrison, of St. 'Ca'thcrines,•'sdi
'of late E, IMot'risblt, :and st'ir's, Mor-
risoe, at 'Wroxeter„ Rev. C. Llewel-
lyn 'Blakey officiating. " The church
was artistically 'decorated' with ferns,
palms and gladioli. Promptly at 4
,four o'clock, to the strains of Lohen-
grin's 'wedding march 'played by Mrs,
Theo. Fretnlitt •of Olinton, ,the bridal
party-etetered 'the otturch, the bride
on the arm of cher father. /Bride
looked charming in a beautiful
'French'' 'gown of white 'georgette.
Miss Isobel Draper, sister of :the
'bride, shade a daiivty /bridesmaid.
Groom` was attended 'by Gordon
Jefferson, of-Gorrie. During signing
of register, Mrs. Wilfred 'Tan'ner, of
Clinton,. sang very sweetly "Until."
Amid 'congiratul'ations and, show c --
THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1925.
' Medical,
DR. H. HUGH '"ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to .diseases of the eye, ear, -,:k
nose and throat. ••Office and resid-
ence 'behind Dominion "Bank. Offi�cep
Phone No: 5; Residence Phone 106.
DR. F. J.: BURROWS, Seaforth,,
Office and residence Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor
oner for tfie County of Huron, Tole•'°
phone No. 40.
DR, C. MACKAY.-C, Mackay,
honor gradpade of Trinity Univers.
ity andgold medallist of Trine
Medical Collo e; member:
:( e, ofthe COL.
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR, F. J. R. FORSTER.—Eye, Ear;
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897. ,
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, 'Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. fest
Commercial) Hotel; Seaf ort h.
third Monday in each month,
'from 11 a.m. to 3' p.m.. 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone 267i
Successor to Dr, R. R. Ross, Grade-,
ate of N rthwestern University, Chi-
cago. I11. Licentiate Royal Collbge'od
Dentrad Surgeons, Toronto.
over Sills' hardware,
Main street, Sea -
forth, Phone 151,
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machinos
Dimes Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Officers '
James Connolly, Goderich; Mtg.
James Evans, Beachwood, Vice Peel-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforilt,
Sec. -Treasurer,
Wm, Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; Jobs
Benneweis, Brodhagen• James Erau4,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, . C3iatoaj'
James Conoliy, Goderich ; ;Alai.
Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grievei No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferri
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3,
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefi2N.
Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; R.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J A. Murray, 1t.
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yee,
Etolmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bora- ,.f-•
holm. James Kerr and John Goren-
ioek Seaforth,auditors.
au '
Parti s
desirous ua to effect insurance
or tranacst other business wiH be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective poatoffices,
Office over Stewart Bros., Phone 70
Seaforth, Ont.
Don't Thr o w
Your old
carpets Away
Theymake new revue-
s ble"Vel ve tor" Ruga,
$end for Velretez ?oldie a
Highest prices paid. Max Walsh,
phone 178, Seaforth.
V '
At Aberhart's Drug Store
Seaforth tOCCSeaforth
_ that tired look and 'rather"
feeling out of your face,
Say "B+oecala Facial" tom
your barber and coma up
=silks with a new appear-
ance of vise and fl7tnesa Be
bank of the "million a.wdeki'
R0 So f
(Just 'Around: the Corner)