HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-08-27, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 19x5. • SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make'a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef,: With pota- toes and some green, vegetables,. he won't get up from the table dissatisfied. �. II. STEWART Your Butcher Seaforth PHONE 58. jos. C. Thompson .GENERAL GARAGE Best Brands of Gas, Oil, 'Grease, Coal Oil, Etc., Eta. Complete Stock of Tires, Tubes, Bat- teries and Accessories of all kinds. Batteries Charged. Cars for Hire. Cars Stored and Washed Prompt Service by Courteous Attendants. REPAIR DEPARTMENT All kinds of repairs made by experts —Satisfation guaranteed and charges moderate. J. Ce Thompson MAIN S'PREET - SEAFORTH Duey Phone 155V-; Night Calls 139r11 Stew art'•s' Red and White Chain Store Real savins on all Pickling and Preserving requiremets Keen's Pure Mustard, %-11). ,. . , .29c 'Ken's Pure Mustard, /-1b, 57c Mustard Seed, lb., 30c Turmeric, %-lb .. ... .... , . • 15c Whole mixed pickling Spices, ,.,.5c and LOc pkg, Parawax, per lb. 15c Parkes Catsup Flavor .,30c Seasons and preserves 1 ` bushel tomatoes. Special for Saturday 15 lbs. Redpath Granu- lated Sugar, for 43 I Best White Spirit Vinegar A 2 c gallon .,.. Buy Heretand Buy for Less. W. M. STEWART THE RED & WHITE , , STORE, Phone 77 We deliver promptly fainlemeamowlismuselowslaswasssummill �n Walker o W. J. ylla e UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. i Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. ■ CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the'wheels: of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. .Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- . noon in future. Diseases • of all kinds success- fully treated. Oranges At:all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c PURE OLIVE OIL FRESH ONIONS. HEAD LETTUCE. CELERY TOMATOES LETTUCE NEW CABBAGE To PhiIIips Seaforth Phone 63 Want and For Sale Ads; 3 bimcs, 50c. INSISEISIN11111111111011111MENCE161111313111 Costs you less than 2% a year! Though it accomplishes in a few minutes what would otherwise take you hours, the cost of the telephone is one of the Smallest items In the family's yearly outlay. A study of expenditures by hundreds of families shows that food costs 48%, ,miscellaneous 25%, rent 17%, clothes 13% and the telephone less -than 2%. adds tue of YOUK lepho UW „�.4a®Ma llr■.ai10,64egi .p ,—..w.rr raw w, 'Town ,Topics ` :,, I ■,�w�wro�,l�t�,r�,.or..�aB'i 11rr.,�aa�ru�ap.�rr�Y,..+,�,•p Mr. and Mrs: Fred '1:-lantmet,- of Sarnia; were• guests at the home of Mr:, Chas, Finkbeiiter, cin Sunday last, IMrt, G. Ffnkbeiner and daughter I$elen, are visiting friends and tela lions in Sarnia and 'fort 7-Iuron this week Mrs. McTavis+h, of Acton,, has re- ,trni,d after spending a' couple of weeks with her sister, ,Mus. A. Park and Ivirs. Eyre. Mr. Reuberry and Mr. Walker; of 'Sarnia, visited at 'the home of Mrs. S. Eyre. Mr. Robert Winter, of Goderich, visited 'friends in town on Thursday. Mr. E, L. Bo. is in Windsor this week attending the annual meeting. of the Ancient Order of Foresters. Rev.. Cap 't. 'Edwards o•f ,Landon, was in town calling on'hinds. Mrs. Janes, Mitchell was a. Meat Of her aunt, Mrs, Murdtea:GodeFieli iMr,,Carl rSheahan and Master Jack 'Wright, who have been guests of Mr, and Mrs. R, Murless Jones, returned to Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Judkins, of London, called on. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Me- Lennan, Mrs. T. G. Scott is confined to her h'olnte through illness. Miss Mary adeCo'wan, of Toronto, is a visitor at her home in .McKillop. Messs. J. !Riley and W. Living, stone left last Hueck for the Westl Mrs. Anderson and little grand- daughter, of Detroit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McMillan in Roxboro. .M. James Gillespie, of Toronto, is' visiting his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie, Mr. 'Murray Tyndall, •of . Detroit, was a visitor at his home in Tucker - smith. Mr, and ,Mrs. J. Quail were in Lon- don visiting friends, (Frost injured buckwheat in parts of MtcKillop where the land is lots on Thursday night. Mr. and yrs. Creighton, of De- troit, spent the past week at the Stone of 'Mrj. 'Creighton's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. . Andrew Kirk, Tucker- smith. Mr. C. P. Sills spent the week -end in Detroit, Mr. -and ??i rs. David Young and Mr. and Mrs, L. T. DeLacey came on Wednesday last •from Toronto where -Mr. DeLacey has 'been under- going treatment. They returned on Saturday and ,Mr. and Mrs. DeLacey left frir New York on Monday where Mr. DeLaCay will receive further treatment. Dr, and Mrs. Siodgins arrived on Monday with Mrs. 'Henderson 'from Toronto. Mr. and Mts.7 A, McLaren are visiting friends in Cromarty. Miss Julian Kenny from Dublin, is spending her holidays with her sister, MPtri. Conn Eckart. Mrs. James Brawn and :Mrs. W. B. Jefferson spent the week -end in Mi tc'hell, Mrs. 13. O'Connell and Mrs. F. E. Devereaux spent. Saturday in Dublin, airs. James Reid ,and daughter Marguerite,of London, are guests of. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell. Mr. C. R. Haney, of the Bank staff, was a weekend visitor in Dunville. Mr, and Mrs. Brown, of Blyth, were 'here attending the ftmeral of the late Mr, Albert E. Godlci i. Miss Belt, who has been °'spending, several 'weeks at the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. H. Edge, return- ed to Detroit, Miss Evelyn Wilkinson, of 'i-Iensel!, is the guest of Miss 'Etoile Sharp. Miss Pearl Carnochan is'at present in Detroit, Miss Evelyn Golding has returned from spending her holidays in Sagi- naw, Mich.'. Mrs, J. Littlejohn and lvtiss Vera •Littlejohn, of Galt, were visiting rela- tives in town. Miss Jennie Buchanan, 01 Hensel!, is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Teck and son, of Saginaw, Mich:; and Mrs. Kenchett and grandson, of Owen Sound, are guests at the home of Mayor. W..H. Golding. ;Miss Mabel Livingstone left for Chilliwack, B.C. Miss Corbett, of Port Colborne, is the guest of Mrs. W. 'Cu•dmore. Scott Buroltall, who has been visit- ing his aunts, the .Misses Brine, has returned to Brussels. Miss Helen Ament is spa ding a coiuple of weeks in 'Godsrtch. Mrs. J. A. Case and ,daughter, Miss Margaret, have returned from a holi- day at Stoney ,Lake. Mr. and Mrs, Charles K'linet, of Harbor Beach, Mich., are visiting Mr, and Mrs. T. Livingstone Mr. and Mrs . Hodgins motored front Kincardine to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. Winter. Mr. and ;Mrs. McGee and son Jack, of Win'ghatn, were week -end guests sof Mrs. W, Sclater. Mr. and ,Mrs. John Pringle, of Milwaukee, Wis., are guests of Mgrs. 3. H. Broadfbot.• air, and Mrs. D. 'Hamilton and Genevieve, who have been holidaying at Stoney Lake, were week -end guest sof Mrs. (Hamilton's sister, Mrs. J, A. Case, an their return' trip to Kansas City. The congregation of ..North Side United church 'were favored with two beautiful solos last Sunday: `In the tnornirog Miss Mabel Tttrnibul1 rend- ered "The 'Holy City." and in the evening Miss Corbett, sof Port Huron, Mich., rendered "Teach ide to Pray." Both solos were highly appreciated l by the!congregations and the mem- bers of the 'chair will gladly welcome their return any time in the •future, •Mr. W. B, Carlile and family, of Slillsgreen, 'spent a' few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. 'Oousitt last week. ,Mr, George Bertsch had the mis- fortune to catch, his , 'hand in a •t+h'relshet' at rflfe flax adti'll, 'and :part of the index 'finger afahis left hand had to be amputated. THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE IPL. prompt, , ,4 E. W:Bateman Ladies' Tailor Gentlemen's Service . Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH 0 ettrt JVENINGS. PHONE 257 Es Mr. Alex, Stuart, of Glencoe, is re- lieving Mr. Jahn. Quail at the station. Mrs. Hudson, of 'Jensen, is visit- ing her 'daughter, Mrs, John Cansitt, on John street. Mfrs. J. E. Troyer has left for Mar- lette, Mich„ to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Hudson, who is ill. Messrs. A. McLennan; C. Aberhart, R, E. Bright, :1Neil, J. Beattie, R. Cresswell, W. Atnen't, 'J, Smith, F. Beattie and H. Smith were 'nt Str+at- ford on 'Tuesday attending the fun- eral of the elate D. T. Pinkney. z3Yfiss•Humphries, of 'Port Dalhousie, is the guest of ivf.iss Gertrude 'Crich. ' Miss Evelyn !Adams has _ returned front a visit with relatives :in Dayton, Ohio. Miss Laura Brennan, of Port Dal bromic, is the guest of Miss diary' Hays. ,Miss Mary iMttldrew is visiting Miss Margaret Sporks, of Bayfield, Mr, Frank Coates left for Cleve- land on 'Saturday, Misses Marion and Grace Scarlett were London visitors this week. There were fifty-one tickets sold ,in Seaforth, for the harvesters' ex= cursion to the West last Friday. Mrs. ;Ben, C. Rising, ' McKillop, and Mr. ,and Mrs. O Leitch and 'faintly left on Tuesday on a visit to Sarnia, and White ' Pigeon and Champagne, Mich. Mr, Charlesrtes Kellar St ratford, re- turned e- turncd home Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with his 'brother,, Mr. Harry Kellar. ' Misses Helen and Jean Carswell, and Mr, 'Gordon Carswell returned to Toronto an Tuesday after visiting iivIr. and Mrs. John-Daley'and Mr, and .Mrs. Tames Hillery McKillop, during the 'week "t Miss Ella. Elder. retuned Tnesda evening from 'Visiting at iMea'dotvvale Niagara and Guelph. •, Miss .Rena McKenzie 'is accom- panying the teachers excursion through New `Ontario ;this week. Mr. and Mrs. tMeDona'id, of Amber - ley, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matt, Haney, Tuckersmith, on Sun- days Mrs. Scott,of'Brussels, is visiting her sisters, te Misses Brine. Misses Edna and Bernice 'Connor, of London, are visiting Miss Rut Thompson. Leona and 'Richard lBox are spend- ing their holidays with their grandt parents in 'Lo don; Mrs. John Cameron is nursing her sister, Mrs. IMcLeait 'in Egnondville, who is suffering from a stroke, Mr. and Mrs. Brechin and son James, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilson, of Toronto, ,were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hawftt, Miss Margaret 'Powell, Stratford, was the guest of ,Miss Mary Reid. a few 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Deem spent days at Erie Beach and Buffalo. Mr. 'Clifford Trott leaves this 'week for his school in Parry Sound. district. Miss Celia Horan has returned from taking a summer course at Queen's University. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. VanEgniond and daughters Lois and Isabel, of Regina, Sask., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Bell. ' Mrs..Hayball and twb sons, of Lambeth, and Mrs.':ijayball and two daughters, of Stratford, were guests of Mrs. S. Neeley. Mr. W. R. Pricea,of Niagara Falls, spent Sunday at' the home of his sister, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw, Those '(rota a distance who at- tended the funeral of 'the late Thomas Flanagan last Friday were Edward and Peter- Flanagan,Detroiit; Andrew Flanagan, Port •Laaimbton; Mr. and Mrs. -Leo. Flanagan, Clandebpye; and Mrs. 'Frulhert. a .Miss Katherine `Murray, of Sea - forth, is spending a week's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCann, Hibbert. Rev. 'Dr. (Marsh, SC,D,, L.R,A.S., late of St. Andrew's 'church, Hamil- ton, Bermuda, will (D.V.) preach in the dtresbyterian church on Sabbath, Aug. 30th,' both morning and even- ing. Morning subject, Who or what is man?" Evening subject, "Who" or rivhat. is Jesus'. Christ?" Mr. Sam. Spencer is erecting 'a garage at his residence on James st. Among 'those who secured certifi- cates in Art at 'To'ronto •suanmer school are the names of Mr. W. 11. Little and Miss Thelma. Johnstone, ,from ,Seaforth; Elementary .Physical Culture, -George B. ,Eberhatt, Clif- ford, C. Trott,, Y t Ruth Relieves Asthma at Little Expense. 'Thousands of dollars have been vain- ly spent upon remedies fou-. asthma 'an'd seldom, if ever,; with any relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's 'Asthma Remedy, despite rts,,assut+anee of ibenefit costs Seattle ;that it is within reach of all. Itis file. national. remedy ,for. ashifi e:, far removed from the class o'f dou'bt- Peaches A car load of peaches will be re- ceived at Seaforth about Thurs- day, Sept. 10, Special price off car; bushel bas- kets. Call your order to w. e. Bennett WINTHROP. PHONE 23,4 r 2 ful and experimental preparations. Your dealer can supply it. WINTHROP. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Boyd, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 2nd. As this will he the last meeting before 'the fowl supper, a full attendance is requested to make arrangements. With much regret we learned of the 'death off A1'bert Godkin, who passed 'away a'f his late residence, Friday morning, Aug. 21st. The fun- eral which was.-heldon and • o RSunday t Y Maitland Bank cemetery was very largely attended. A widow and a large family of sons and daughters are left to mourn the loss of a lav- ing husband band a nd father. We extend our deepest sympathy to those that are i'eft to mourn. Miss Edna Edwards, orf (Brussels, is visiting Miss Velma•Haist. School re -opens Tuesday, Sept. 1st. (Miss Mary Calder, of Welland hos- pital staff, and Miss Jeanie Calder, nurse of Stratford, are 'holidaying at their hone here. ii\Ieasrs. Geo. Little, Thos. Wheat- ley, -Archie Campbell, Fergus Bullard, A. Crozier, Robt. Hogg Jr., H. Rinn, and C. Doltnage went on the Har- vesters' excursion on Friday, Rev,, J. A. Ferguson is away on his vacation. Mr, F. Savauge, of Sea - forth, is supplying. Mr, and Mrs. J. Armstrong, of Blyth, •spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard. Mr. and Mrs. S. 'Gibbons, of Strat- ford, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Gibbons, of Sebringville, called on friends in the village last Sunday. Quite a number from 'here attend- ed 'the tattoo in Seaforth last Thurs- day night and nvere very .well pleased. The street decorations were wonder- ful. Mr. W. C. Bennett expects two carload of peaches on or before the 10th of Sept.' Anyone wanting some choice fruit should get their order in right away. The regular meeting of the Win- throp Y. P. S. was held'on 'Sunday evening. Miss Edna •Campbell pre- sided and read the Scripture lesson. Prayer was offered by Cora Camp- bell and Miss (Minnie Wheatley read a suggestive paper on "What Motives Should DDotnina•te in the Choice of Our Like Work" Other numbers on the programme were readings by Irene Bolton, 'Mildred Wheatley and T. Blanchard; also a duet by the :Plisses Marion and 'Grace Scarlett, On Sunday, October 4th, an l Mon- day, Oct. 5th; Caven church, 'Win- throp, will ,hold its Golden Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the organiz- ation of the •cdngregattion, and the building of the first -church, On Sunday special services will be con- ducted by Rev. Principal .Gaudier, of Knox college, Toronto. On Monday evening there will he an entertain- ment and fowl supper. Ready -Made Medicine.—You need no iphysijrian for ordinary ills when yogi have sat hand. a 'bottle of Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. For loughs, colds, sore throat,'brotichial trotbtes, it is invaluable; for scalds, ibtu-ns, bruises, sprains it is unsurpassed; while for cnts,'sores and the like it is an unquestionable healer, It needs 110 testimonial other 'than the use, and that will satisfy anyone as to its effectiveness. HURON NEWS. Goderich. Cleveland, O E Ce L Williams, visited friends in down. W. J. Ward has 'purchased W. C. Campbell's barbering Lbusiness. Mr. Campbell has moved to Toronto. Mrs. J. E. Tont and daughter Jean have left on a trip to 't'he Pacific .coast 1Vi11iana Murray Scott, trlto with. hi- wife and daughter Patience,' was Wecarry the Westinghouse Radiola IIIA with Music Meister -Loud' Speaker *The most satisfactory set at thelmost reasonable prices. Call and see them. J. J. Broderick Electrical Supplies! on a motor trip to the eastern 'States, died 'from 'heart failure at Andover, Conn„;at the home of his sister, Mrs, J. L Merritt. He was a native of Hallett and 65 years of age, He spent the ,past 18 years in B1yth,'be- ing in the implement business for a .time. Besides his wife and daugh- ter, 2 brothers and 3 sisters survive, iL, J. Williams 'was in Sarnia last week. John 'Cowan has gone to the West far a couple of months. Wan. A. Logan and party are on a motor trip through the United' States. Clinton. Mrs. James Brown; of Clinton, re- ceived word that her husband. work been !badly injured while at � ork in Woodstock. Thea left eye was hurt and the side of his body was paralysed. Exeter. F. A, Kabler, who for several years conducted a 'bakery in Exeter, has moved to Niagara Falls. Ro'bt` Disney is moving to London in the near future. Mr. and ,Mrs. iH. Murtrie announce the engagement ' of their youngest daughter Helen Gertrude, to Dr. W. E. Weekes, of Exeter, the marriage: to take place at Vancouver, B.C. on August 29th. judge Jas. A. Prout,of Alabama, ama was in Exeter last week. He has been away for 45 years, The Judge says the crops around Exeter, es- pecially, the oat crop, are 'better this year than anything .he has seen be- tween the Gulf of Mexico and De- troit. YOUR TIRES Be sure you get FIRESTONE GUM -DIPPED CORDS. Cost no more than ordinary tires. . Also our new IMPERIAL RUBBER CASE BATTERY Guaranteed for one year. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. All work guaranteed. Automatic Air Service Day or Night. ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH. Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. List Roady EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prices for quantity Holland can, Import Co. Niagara Falls, Ont. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT, 1 Courses: Stenographic, Secretarial, Business, Complete Office Training and Telegraphy. Write mow for tall details.Tak• the dist stop to'unease Central Business College Stratford, Ont. Principal, 6t. P. Lumsden, B.R. 4111111.116. BBN=I4UR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give It a Trial. Also. t roundliScreenings Whop of 1411 Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs If you are in need. of Tires, give us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, or have a Battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert auto repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? a+ Re ier s Garage PHONE I67W. 1