HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-08-27, Page 4PAGI'+'1 O't Bot
, Fi SNDWDON .l?rtlprietor,.,
Genera' Observations
- t .
The School Board has redecorated
the Public ,school -during the heli -
days. The Collegiate has also under-
gone the necessay %brightening up in
an effort to reconcile the students to
the strictures placed upon thein' by
Civilization. '
"Watchful waiting,,, ' and "1`0o.
proud to fight" are the Premier's
answer' to the demand of the 'leader
of the Opposition for an election.
The empty grain fields are silent
witnesses that the harvest is over for
1925. In Huron county the report
'from those who have threshed is that
grain is a good. yield.
If music "calms a troubled 'breast,"
few people should have any wo%ry
after the tattoo in Seaforth last
On Saturday night there was a
display of northern lights in the
sky and accompanying them was a
silver bow, the same shape as a rain-
bow, which extended •frorn the east-
ern to the western horizon through
,the middle of the 'sky. The follow-
ing explanation is offered' by the
'Government Meteorological office
at Toronto: "The ray of light seen
is merely the first formation of the
auroral arch. In northern latitudes it
makes its appearance in this manner
every evening. It then breaks up into
'streamers and folds which we often
see here in Ontario," It is said
'that in Western Canada this 'band of
light is often seen in the evening.
The council. meet at the township
hall, Staffa, on August 19th, pursu-
ent to adjournment; members all
present; minutes of last rneetiug read
and'rconfirmed, The several rates
for the current year were struck as
follows: County rate, including Pro-
vincial Highway and Good Road ex-
penditure, 6.1036 mills on the dollar.
Township rate, 3.7; general drainage
rate .02793; road and bridge rate
.05057; general school rate 2.87;
street lighting rate 6.003 for Police
village of Dublin; public school sec-
tion 5No. 1, 3.2 mills; No, 2, 1.876;
No. 3, 2.981; No. 4 2,345; No.
5, 1,9; No, 0, 1.41; No. 7, 1,6;
Union 9, 5. No. 1, H. & L,, 2.81;
U.S.S. No, 2, 2.59: U.S.S. No.
1, 8L, McK. & T., 1.4; 'Separate
S.S. No. 4, 6.0; S.S.S. No. 2
8,0; S.S.S. U. No. 3, 10. Moved
by William Jeffery, seconded by Wil-
lie ,Morris, that bylaw No. 264 auth-
orizing and confirming the levying of
the above rate be passed and signed
by the Reeve 'and Clerk and sealed
with the corporate seal. Carried.
Moved by 'acnes T. Malcolm, second -
q. „'bY, 31:1i0Fn Jeffery, that. the fol-
lowing orders .be ,issued on the treas-
urer: John Brennan, building catch
basin, hauling tile and ditc'li" "across
road app. lot 20, eon. 3, div. 3, $17.30;
P, M. and J. Judge, 'work with tears
abating nuisance, 13. of H., $48; Peter
Dill, work, $2.50; Gerald Jordan,
work, $1.75; Robert Hoggarth, B. of
H. tneetittg, $3.80; James Scott, 13.
of H., $3.70; James Jordan, B. of
' H., $3.00; Dr. Dougall, B, of
H. $4.50; Thomas Drover, tile and
work, app. lot 29, con, 13, div. 5,
$6; S. McLean, ditching, road 8,
eon. 14, div. 5, $18,50; Thos. Mc-
Curdy, 2 shee.p killed by dogs, $24;
F. A, Hambly, repairs to crusher and
grader and iron for bridge, $18.90;
James Jordan, 2nd instalment, sal-
ary, $100; T. G. Shillinglaw, sheep
killed and damaged by dogs, $157.80;
Alex. McKellar, sheep valuator, fees,
$8.10; Noah Horton, cement, gravel,
opp. lot 10, W:B., $5.50; Muskoka,
hospital, re Miss Chilver# $46.75; Ed.
Robinson, 2nd estimate McDougall
drain, file portion, $400; J. Downey,
work in Nagle :pit, div. 3, $7.50;
amusement tax, 'branch town hall li-
tense, $3; Geo. Butson, patrolman,
div. 2, $50; Mrs. M. 'Carpenter, farm
bridge, Liffe drain, .$30. Moved by
James T. Malcolm and seconded by
Wm. P. +Morris, that the Dill drain
bylaw No, 265, now read a first time,
,be provisionally adopted, Moved ,by
Allan McDougald, seconded by Wil-
liam Jeffery, that this coucil do now
adjourn to meet again on Wednesday,
Sept. 16th, at 1 ,p.m.
Mrs. A.' Dundas and daughter Vera
took the trip West last Friday, Mur-
iel and Jane Dundas are staying with
their grandmother, Mrs. A. Clark.
Mrs. W. Gillespie and Earl and
her friend, Mrs. Leitch, of Toronto
are 'spending a few days with the
former's father, Mr. A. J. ,Garter.
IR, G. and Mrs. Parke, George and
Dorothy, spent Monday evening in
iRev. W. O. Robinson ,will take fife
service on Sunday peat in the former
•Methodist church.
Miss McMillan, of Oil. Springs,
Ont., and formerly of the 14th con-
cession, McKillop, is renewing ac-
There were over fifty went ',est
on the harvesters' excursion last Fri-
day from Watton station."
Mrs,' James 'Dennison and daugh-
ter Doris,r,of Preston, and Mr. Alex
Dennison, • at Toronto, owerano ,guests
,of Mr. and Mrs. Will Neal,
Mr. J. H. McLaughlin has engaged
Mr. David ,Moore, of Tuckersnnith,
'for the rest 'of ,the season.
Mrs. McDonald earl Mt'ss •Marg-.
h r ,. ' 'tin
atsat M�,prnlula 'Blit a e,x?tft s.ik
Mr, John 'McDonald's.
Ma's'ter Rae Carter is visiting Mr,
and .Mrs, John Carter at Waterdown„
Quite 'a number of Walton people
attended the tattoo and street dance
at Seaforth.,
Dr. 'Hackwell and family, of Buf-
falo, are visiting relatives here.
Among those _who went West on
Friday were two young 'then froth
Switzerland,' Messrs. Vasae11a Silvio
and Alois Schiker, who have been
working on fares at Walton this
'summer, They intend to return 'to the
Ohl Country, having conte out to
see Canada; and as they are very
favorably impressed, we hope they
will return again. Both are fine
Mr. Wilson, of i\'Iinuesota, who has
been visiting friends here, has r re-
turned home, accompanied , 'by Mrs..
George Wilson and ,Mr, Wnt. Mc -
Culla. We hope Mr. :McCulla will
'come back +munch improved m health.
Mrs. Lannb, (formerly Mary Stap-
les), underwent a serious operation
in Kitchener last week.
!Mrs. Albert McGavin, of McKil-
lop, intends taking the radium treat-
There will be a meeting to demon-
strate the art of -culling .poultry on
the farm of James Morrison, eon -
cession 11, McKillop, on Friday,
August 28th at 10 a.m.
Mr. Richard 'Hoy is visiting his
brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Cusick, at
Palmer, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Badley and Miss
Jean have returned front 'their holt=
days in Fort Colborne and Goderich.
Mr, tit, Kirkby has purchased an
International tractor and plowing
outfit lfrom our local :agents, Hum-
phries & Co.
Miss Janet Clark has gone to To-
ronto to attend the millinery open-
.Mr. Tyler and daughter Vivian, of
Detroit, arrived on Sunday by motor
to spend the day at John Driscoll's.
,airs, J, Driscoll accompanied Mr.
Tyler back and is spending a few
days visiting her sister, Mrs, Tyler,
of Detroit,
Mr. Isaac MeGavin left on Mon-
day for Windsor to undergo an op-
eration. His many friends wish for
a speedy recovery.
•-lir. ,Gordon •McGavin spent a few
days visiting friends m Detroit.
,Miss Nellie Crozier • is spending a
few days with her aunt, Mrs. C.
Among those who were ticketed
for the West last Friday were: Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McCall; Mr. and Mrs,
H. Dennis; Mr. and Mr`s. S, Love;
Mrs. A. Dundas, +Mrs. T. Alcock, C.
Ritchie, S. Johnstah, W. Snelling, S.
Snelling, J. Nolan, B. Kelly, N.
Rolland, A. Turnbull, S. Harris, Mr.
and Mrs, W. Davidson.
Mrs. 'F. ,Miller visited a few days
with friends in Stratford and Kitch-
.Miss Jean Drager has resumed her
duties in W. G. Neal's store after
holidaying in London.
P, B. 'Gardiner has sold his shop
to R, .Marks, :Brussels. M'Ir, Marks
intends starting blacksinithing.
Mr. F. Hackwell is looking after
the farm while Walter and Mrs,
Davidson are 'taking a 'holiday in 'the
Miss Kate McMillan, of Petn-
-'sylvania, has 'been visiting old friends
in and around Walton.
Quite a •number ffroni the village
attended the funeral of Mr. Albert
Godkin on Sunday last,
Miss Evelyn Cunningham is visit-
ing with Mrs. W. Woods.
Threshing is the order of the day.
Crops are reported to be turning
put splendidly.
Armour -Dundas has engaged with
J. Carter +for the -threshing season.
Mr. John Murphy, of Hibbert, has
purchased a Ford sedan. Mr. Jaynes
J. Murray, ,HibbertnOhas also :bought
a Ford, and he and his son Peter;
tc otored to West Lorne on Sunday
a'd were accompanied home by his
ti lighter Mary, who will spend two
weeks' holidays with her father and
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. P. Me -
Mr. T. J Molyneaux's many
friends are glad to know lie is able
to be about the house again, after
being confined to bed for eight weeks
with • leuris. and pneumonia.
Miss Alice Reil called on ,friends fn
Mitchell last week.
Mrs, Alex, Gordon and daughter
Jean returned to her home at Strat-
ford after a pleasant visit with her
sister, Mrs. Darling, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Hamra, of Mitchell,
called .ou friends on Sunday in the
Miss Olive Evans, of,,.Galt, is visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. Jos. ivicGra'th.
Mr, and Mrs. P. F. Benu left on
Monday to visit friends in Detroit.
Messrs, Carl .Stapleton and Joseph
Jordan left on Saturday to resutne
their positions in Detroit. Karg, all left last Friday for Various
mother, Mr, and Mrs. G. K. 'Hol-
Min Frank Meagher left on Fri-
day'to visit his tirolher• in the Nest.
Mrs; Louis Dorsey returned hoine-
from the hp pita) on Monday after
undergoing a serious operation.
Mr, Stanley B'loodsworth, of To-
ronto, joined 'tis wife and family,
who have ibeen 'spending the holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo,. H. Diegsl, •
Mr. and Mrs. J, Dalton were
guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. J. ,Moly-
nteaux, over the week -end.
Mr. Danuie Shea and 'sister Kate,
accompanied by Mr. •T. Ryan, Wil-
fred Murray and jack Camirltell and
mother, motored to 'Bayfield do 'Sun-
day and all enjoyed the day.
,Miss Mary Beaumont, of Stratford,
spent a few days with Mrs. Alex.
Congratulations. to Mrs. Chas, Mc-
Daid 011 'being the successful winner
of a Dodge sedan automobile at a
bazaar -held in Detroit a couple of
weeks ago.
Miss • 1Mlargaret Dillon is spending
a well earned holiday at her ,paren•ts',
in town.
Miss Downey. of De'troi't, is visit-
ing Rev. F. P. White.
Mrs, Thos. ,Ryan, of Seaforth, was
a visitor at her niece's Mrs, Dillon,
Miss +M'IcConnnell and her uncle Jack
MMdConnell, called ou friends in Strati
ford on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ninnick, of
Chicago, accompanied byhis• mother,
and niece Of Stratford, spent Friday
at their cousin's, Mrs, 'Redmond.
'Miss I-Iannnah Downey, who was
operated on in Seaforth hospital for
appendicitis, is getting along as well
as can be expected.
A11 the schools open for tfieir
studies on Tuesday, Sept, 'ls't. Hope
there will he a large attendance.
- Mr, and Mrs. Costello :spent Sun-
day ,at the haute of Mr. and dvfrs, Mc-
Carthy, in Logan.
.Mr. John Maloney, of Buffalo, N.
Y„ motored over ,to the '!tome of his
mother, where lie 'spent a few day's;
He returned home on Sunday, being
accompanied by his brother Fergus
who spent two weeks' 'holidays with
Miss Anna 3folyneaux is spending
a week's holidays with friends in De-
Miss Marie Beninger is, holidaying
'With her cousins, Misses Marion and
'Lillian Dalton, Of Kingsbridge.
,Matter Albert Gormley left on
Monday morning to attend high
school at Aurora. Ont,
Mrs. J. V. 'Ryan and fancily, of
Stratford, are visiting at the home of
Mrs, N. Maloney.
Miss Veronica Dill has been visit-
isiting for the past week with relations
in Toronto,
Miss Bernice McGrath is the guest
of her friend, Elva Crawford, of
Clin ton,
,Miss •Olive Evans, of •Galt, is visit-
ing at the 'home of 12r. and Mrs, Joe
McGrath, of the village.
:hiss 'Ruth Dillon, of Detroit, has
returned to the hone of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dillon, 'for her
Miss I3ilda Chapman, of Str-atford,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Peter H. ,McGrath over the
week -end.
Mrs. John L. Downey, of :VMitchetl,
was a visitor over the week -end at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Williatn
Miss Rota O'Rourke, 3fc$lillop,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs..Patrick Flannery.
Mr. John McMillan, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. 'Miles Mc-
of ,Hibbert.
Bliss Kathleen :Mulligan, of Logan,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Patrick Flannery.
bliss Ltccy Dorsey, of 'Whitby, is
sp,enditng her holidays at the home:
of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. 'William
Mr. John 3Ielady, of Detroit, spent
the .week -end at the home of his
father, Mr. Joseph Melady, third line
The continued Trot, dry spell of
weather is trying out severely many
of the farm wells in this vicinity.
Master Denis Downey, son -of Mr.
and 'Mrs, John Downey, has gone to
Aurora, where he is going to at-
tend the De LaSalle college, •
Mr. Colin Campbell;r:,,of Strat4oiA'
gave a very forceful and appealing•
address on 'behalf of the Lord's
Day Alliance" .on Sunday last, His
friend, Mr, IvldClelland, assisted" the
choir in the service of sang.
The evening meeting was well at
tended. Mr. Jaynes -'Stott n'cad an in-
teresting paper, Miss Mc'Culloch.
conducted the meeting in the ab-
sence of he president, Mr. fames
Howe, Miss Grace Houghton was
Miss Agnes McLean B.A., of New
York, visited with her. ,cdusins,
and Mrs, Alex, 'Jautes, of Hibbert,
and Mr
..and dAt Advil ,
n Mils, i Hodgson, of
Science Hill, last week,
Mrs., John 'Pinder, who has been
visiting her sons at Niagara Fetllstand
,Dundas returned home last week,`
Mr, and ,Mrs. A. James and 'little
son Philip visited friends in Tucker -
smith on Sunday last,
Mr, and Mrs, Thompson and Mr.
and Mrs. 'Pengelly, Brooklyn," are
visiting Mr, Jos. Warden.
Mn 'and ,Mrs, Wilfred O'Brien re-
turned 'to their .honre'in"Owen Sound
on Tuesday after spending' .a week
with Mr. and Mrs.. F. O'Brien.
Master Jack Crone, of London, has
'been a igees't at the parsonage for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs:' Oscar Reed, Mitchell,
spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Reed''s par
ents, Mr..and Mrs. Robt Sadler.
Mi. Henry 'Harhurtt has almost
fully recovered from the accident
whi'clt befell him at .Clinton old 'boys'
Miss Vera Leary visited .friends at
Hamilton recently,
Mrs. Beale :and daughter Mary, and
;Miss Reil, Dublin, 'Spent Monday the
guests of Mr, and .Mrs: H. Tenrple
Nisi 1Zobt, Barbour 'returned from
Chicago on Saturday Where she has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs, D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, Zur-
ich, and Miss; O'Brien, spent Sunday
with Mr. and :Mrs F. 'O'Brien,
Mr. and Mrs. Whiting, Pont 'Hur-
on, and Mi•, and Mrs. Albert Jackson
of 'the Soo, spent Sunday with Mr,
Wm. Sadler.
Mrs. -Hocking is now settled in
her new home. We Welcome her as
as a ,citizen.
Mrs. Leipwig, of New York, who
was formerly Olive Drake, visited her
brother, Mr. Kenneth Drake.
We are pleased to state that Mrs,
F. Sadler has improved fit health.
John Livingston Inas given leis
house a coat of ,paint.,
anson- ac o
M M D held. - A pretty
mid -summer wedding was solemnized
in the Union church on Thursday,
.0.ug. 20th, when Anna Isabelle Mac-
Donald, only daughter' of Mrs. Annie
and the late Rev. John• A. Mac-
Donald, was united in marriage to
Gordon A. Manson, of Blyth, eldest
son of Mrs. John A, .hfanson, of Zur-
ich. At 2 o'clock the ' bride entered
the church to a the Strains of the
Lohengrin wedding march, ,played by
Mrs. Lundy, wife of Rev. R, A,
Lundy, of Kipper, .wha :officiated at
the ceremony, The bride, who was
given away 'by her uncle, Mr, Rob-
ert Allan, looked charming in her
Medical. .
Mo 1 l h nu�ne it Wo k
eafo t
Monuments of Distinction,
'Monuments of artistic design,
Monuments that express
the kindly sentiment 'of"
laving memory.
Auxiliaries will serve dinner for the
small' sum of 25c, 'Executive meets
at ,x:30. At 2 o'clock Blyth Auxiliary
will conduct the devotional exercises.
Rbll ,call is to be answered by a meni-
Iber. of each 'aexilia'ry 'comparing this
year's work with. last year, Rev. C.
G. Armour wil'l',bring greetings from
'Presbytery, and dMrs. . Armour will
contribute a solo . Mrs, McKenzie
will speak kart'"Home Mission and
Jews in Canada"; "China, Japan ,arid
'Formosa," Mrs. 'Henderson; • and
"India, Korea and Trinidad" by
Mrs. 'Ferguson?. The speakers from
outside !points will ,he Mrs. McEvoy,
of London; and T,irs. Jamieson, of
Toronto, who 'will speak on "Indian
Ret'. C. G, and Mrs. Armour are
expected home from their ,holiday
trip ,this week, Their many friends
will be ,glad to welcome (them 'home.
Mr, Armour' is to preach next 'Sun-
Rev. William Johns, a Chinese
student of Knox 'College, Toronto,
Preached last Sunday. He is a very
-pleasant .and fluent speaker and his
,discourses were mucin appreciated,
His morning subject was 'The Spirit
of Christianity as I' See it' in the Life
4'f Christ," 'PIe is ,•t great admirer of
,the 'United church, and said the re-
ligion- of our fathers was good for
thein. But it is for us to explore and
search the Scripture's for ourselves,
Our fathers used 'horses and buggies,
but that does not mean that it is
wrong for us to ,ride in automobiles,
In the ,evening he spoke on Christian
work in China, China has a popula-
tion of 400 millions. There are naw
400 thousand Protestant Christians'
comprising 130 denominations, 'so the
task of the native ,church is a most
tremendous one, as, their objective
is to bring all isito one United
The annual meeting •of the, 'Bible
Society will he held on Monday cven-
ittg, August 31st, at 8 o'clock. Rev.
J. S. Harrington will address the
meeting and will also show lantern
Slides of his two years' work in
Dnaeath of Mrs. Tucker. -Many oid
friends here were sorry to learn of
the death of Mrs, Margaret Ellen
Tucker. who died at her late resi-
dence, 378 Grey Street, London, on
Saturday, August 22nd after. an ill-
ness of long duration. She is surviv-
bridal gown al white satin crepe with ed •besides her husband, Frederick
veil and orange blossoms, earryiag a Tucker, by her mother, Mrs. John
Armstrong, Clinton; three sisters,
Mrs. W. Wheatley and Mrs. Ernest
Wills, both of Toronto;"Mrs. James
t ,r
Boyce, of Bntcefie d, and two broth -
shower bouquet of Premier roses,
Her bridesmaid, • :Miss Marguerite
Douglas, of London, wore a graceful
gown of coral georgette, and carried
Ophelia roses. Little AMiss Kathryn ers, Wilson Armstrong, Brncefield.
Drysdale, of Hensall, made a 'dainty and Edgar Armstrong, Clinton, Mrs.
flower girl in a •bouffant frock of Tucker was a prominent worker in
peach taffeta. The groom . was at be W.M.S. of Wellington street
tended "by his ',brother, Mr, Lorne lJnited church. Born in Stanley
Manson, of Calgary. The ushers were,, township forty-seven years ago, she
Messrs: William Manson and Carmen lived at Brucefield until her marriage
.Haugh. Following the 'ceremony, a about bwecty years ago. The funeral
buffet lunch was served at the horse took place 011 Tuesday at 2 p.m, and
of the 'bride's uncle, Mr, 'Robert interment at Mount Pleasant ,ceme-
Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Manson left tory. The serviees were conducted
for a trip down the St, Lawrence to by ,Rev, Mr. Templeton, of Welling -
Montreal, the bride travelling in ton street United :church, Those
pansy -satin with hat and .coat to front Brucefi ld who attended the
Mr. George Swan, C.N.R. agent, is
having his holidays. 1
,Mfr. John Swan had London visit-
ors on Sunday.
A number of girl friends motoring
from Sault Ste. Marie, called on the
Misses Petrie one day last week.
'Mr. and Mrs. 5. Steiner visited
friends in the village over the week -
.Mr. and Mrs, 'Frank Klein and end:
son Fergus, of St. Mary's, were Sun-
day us visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr, Mannan Wheeler, of Detroit,is spending his vacation at hone of
Mrs. Owen Hart, his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, T. Wheeler.
A large number of the young ,Miss Viola Wheeler ,has returned
people spent a very enjoyable time from a pleasat visit in Detroit.
at the home of lir, and Mrs, Peter Mr. and Miss Crook, of California,
Mr, T.
Ii, +3. T.- h. who have been spending the past
Flannery and sat John, of Brucefield and vicinity, left month lin
McKillop, and ,Miss Marie Flannery, by motor for their home in 'California
of•S't. Columba'', motored to Detroit last Saturday
to spend a week with relatives there. Y Mr. Cecil Oke and family and .Mr.
CROMARTY. Thos. Colemanare on a trip to
Marlette, ,Mich., to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar Mr. IUcil Smith and Miss Flora
and Mr. Alex, McKellar and daugh- Smith spent a couple of days in
ter Sarah, and Mrs. Will McLaren London with Mr. and Miss Crook.
and son Keith, also Mr, Calder Me- of California, visiting their many
Mr. and Mrs, J. B, Mustard and
family spent a couple of days in 'the
village last week, returning to tlteir
summer -.home .at Inver 'Huron for
the remainder of the month.
,Misses A. I. and V, Mo. Petrie left
Tuesday morning for Sault Ste.
Marie, They will visit for a few I
days cnroutc.
• Mr. Henry Horton was in London
on Wednesday last attending the
Conservative picuia
The annual conference of the
Huron Presbyterial Women's .Mis-
sionary Society, will be ,held in
Brucefield on Tuesday, September
8th, morning and afternoon; There
will 'be an executive meeting at 9.c30
a:in. and the morning session opens
at 10 o'clock. Neil Shaw Auxiliary of
Egmondville, will conduct the .devo-
tional exercises. A report of the pro-
vincial meeting will be given by Mrs.
Gardiner :of (Blyth, foll'awed tby the
president's address by.. Mrs, J, E,
Hogg. A solo •by Miss jean 'Goven-
lock and, ,Closing prayer' by Miss
Annie `.Goyenlock; complete ' the, .,
morning programme. Tlie ,Brucefielel
Mr, and Mrs. D. Weppler, and ,lVlr. i places out West where they intend
staying several months.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Russell, of St.
Pauls, spent last Friday afteruoan
with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Gillespie and
Mrs. McIntosh and Miss Mary
Laing, of Seaforth, were visitors one
day last 'week with relatives her -et
iMrs. Johnston. of Wallaceburg, is
visiting for a few weeks at the home
of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Stacey.
Rev. N. Graham returned to his
home in St. 'Pauls after spending a
couple of weeks ,with Mi'. and Mrs.
E. Graham, 'raving conducted ser-
vices on the Sundays intervening.
Rev, Mr, Graham preaohed two very
'five sermons which were very much
enjoyed and appreciated.
Mr, and Mrs, Oswald Walker an
pounce ,the' engagement of their
daughter, Irene ia'dora, ;to Mr, Dar
•ell Parker, of Ohiseburst, the 'mar-
riage to take place quietly early .in.
•:1l. and .Mrs. Neil Currie, of St.
Marys,, gpent Sunday afternoon Mrs,
Tufford and Mrs, 'Currie.
and Mrs. VV'unen'burg, of Hanover,
were week -end visitors with IMr,'and
Mrs. G. H. Diegel,
Miss Mary Beale; of the telephone
office staff, who is having her holi-
days 'at present, 'was a London visit-
or on Tuesday.
A meeting is to be held at Staffa
on August 29111 to appoint delegates
to the'Liberal convention at .Mitchell,
September 1st.
Dr, Louis Dill, of the Bethlehem
Steel Co. hospital, Buffalo, visited his
parents. .Mr. and Mrs, Peter Dill,
over the holiday.
Many of our boys have left on the
excursion far the West, amongst
whom are 'Messrs. Joseph Kelly,
i,ouis ,O'Rourke, Peter Dill Jr., Mike
McLaughlin, Joe McGrath, John
:McCarthy, V4'illianr and Wilfrid
Feeney, Ken and Bob Kistner.
Our young '.people attended • the
Seaforth tattoo and all enjoyed a
g„i,d time. Also the Brodhagen lawn
socia'! on Tuesday evening
Sisters N.avicr and Paula, of Pet-
erboro are 'guests of their father and
funeral were Mr. Wilson Armstrong,
Mrs. Jane's Boyce, Mr. James Walk-
er and Mr. Norman Walker,,
Send is the ratnes of your summer
visitors to the News.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
James Snell is very sink.
Miss G, Roberton, of Toronto,
spent a few days of her vacation in
the village.
Mr, Geo, Abery, of Toronto, is
visiting 'his parents, 'Rev. and 'Mrs.
V'e are glad to report that Mr.
John Wells was able to enjoy a 'car
ride last week. •
Mr. and Mrs. P' ,Hall and Bern -t.,
and spent Sunday with Seaforth
Many of our boys took advantage
of the harvesters' excursion to vigil.
the Western Provinces. -IAmong the
number are foltowinrg--Bert S•ho-
broke, Ted Woods, rleluner Snell,.
Joe Shaddrek, Hugh Radford, Sam
Appleby and Mr, and ,Mrs, Waiter
IMiss Bessie Potter ,who has 'been
visiting iu Clinton, has returned to
the village.
Miss Bertha Brogden, of London,
is spending 'the holiday with 'her ,par-
ents, •
Mr. Will Lyon called on friends in
the village last week,
Miss Belle'Roherton has returned
after a trip to Detroit, ,Buffalo, Nia-
gara and Toronto. Her sister ac-
companied her and remained in To-
ronto, returning to her ,position.
Mrs, (Dr.) Sloan, of •Toronto, is
visiting Mrs. Jos. Carter.
Mir. and ,Mrs. George J. Connell, of
Varna, announce the engagement of
their 'daughter, 'Elizabeth Emily, to
,:Matthew Gordon Marks, and the late
James eMarks, of Toronto, the mar-
riage to take ,tilace Saturday, Aug. 29.
An Oil of Merit. Dr, Thomas' Ec-
lectrie Oil is nit a jumble of medicin-
al sulbstances thrown together and
pushed by advertising, but the result
of the careful investigation of the
healing, qualities of certain oils as
applied 'to 'the human body. It is a
marc ',combination and it won and
kept public favor ,from the first, A
trial of it will carry conviction to any
who doubt its power to repair and
.Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c
Shoe Repairing
P g
Are you taking rare of your '
feet by having your •
:boss reptirs'1 r n!' eptly
We specialise on hand sewn and
ladies' fine work,
20 years practical experience.
All kinds of polishes, laces, brushes
etc, in stook
Fred Barlow
'Two doons south Beattie's
Variety Store:
Pri ncess
Jackie eoogan
Little Robinson erusoe
A tramp schooner, a wreck in a South sea ty.
phoon, a lone survivor, a desert isiand, canni,
bats, bananas, cocoanuts, monkeys, wireless
messages, the attack, the marines, the police,
and Jackie Coogan as Mickie Hogan, icing of
the cannibal Island. What could you ask for
more in one play?
MON., TUES., and WED.
'the stage play
directed by James eruze, producer of
The Covered Wagon
, DR. H.,iUG/ ROSS, Ph eiciaa'.'
and SurgeQee"j-Z4 a of London!Hos-l'
pital, London, England. Special ; .
attention to diseases of the eye,°ear;304i
nose .and throat; .•-Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Hank. Oftae
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone la`
DR. F. 3, BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street'
east of th.•c,Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron. Tela
phone No. 40.
DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univesa-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physician's and Surgeon' of
DR, F. 3, R. FORSTER.-Eye Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto,. 18971
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, 'Moorefield's
Eye, and. Golden Square Throat:Iios-
pitais, London, England. !et
Commercial Hotel, Setif or t It .
third - Monday in each month;
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone 267,
Successor to Dr. R, R. Ross, Gradu-
ate of N rlhwestern University, Chi.
cage. 111. Licentiate Royal College of
Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over 'Sills' hardware, Mein strcet,•Sea-
forthl Phone 151.
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile -
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machina*
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTK, OUT•
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Janes Connolly, Goderich; Aka.
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Peel
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec. -Treasurer.'
Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; jabs
Bennewels, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
James Conoify, Goderich ; ;Alex.
Broadfoot, 'No,Sea£
3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,
Harlock; George McCartney,No.
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, .Brucefleld,
Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton;, R
Hinchl4Y, Seaforth; J, A. Murray, lit.
R. No. 3, Seaforth; 3. V. Y s,
Holmesville; R, G. Jarmouth,, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other business will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
Office over Stewart Bros., Phone 70:
Seaforth, Ont. •
Don't Thro Ar
Your Old
Carpets Away
They make naw rever-
s (hie "Vet vetsx" Rugs
Send for Velyetex Foldr♦le
Lo2W 0l., arts.
Highest prices paid. Max Wolab
phone 178, Seaforth.
{t� f
E �r/Zl. IVI A'
At Aberhart's Drug Store%
that tired /look and "ragged'
feeling oat of your face.
SAY "Booc13ta Facial" to
your harbor -tad • coma np
'naiad with a new appear-
ance of vim and fitness. Be
one of the "milllo"y a week
' r
(Just Around the Coyne•-'
Seaforth �l