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The Seaforth News, 1925-08-27, Page 2
For the- Boys and DRAIN, THE GOBLIN BY AMY LOVELL. In the seventeenth century there I "It is fair, my little man;for those lived in the little town of Gail:ac a who come late only regret remains!' young merchant who, thinking him- "I will make you 'remember your self of an age to Bette:in life, was words!" cried Drak, angrily. Looking for awife. ' "And in what way?" asked Michael Now, if she were only young, sweet- ironically. "Perhaps you think you. tempered, gay,.rich and pretty, and are large enough and tall enough to P ' e would revenge yourself!" , Marooned on louse tops in New South Wales, Australia, where' the floods of be a goods y;for Minochael els Drak disappeared without answer- have caused much damage. be necessary; for Michael well knew PP it is best to be moderate in our de- taken leave sirs ingthe taunt and Michael remounted his horse, after having a en of King Tambour'}net, •aatonishment -when he saw h}s,waist- d' had he gone a hundred breeches, when his saddle turned and,and males tumbled him unceremoniously into the ! counterfeit of himself, walk - But you may imagine his greater " Fraicly Cat. Unfortunately, there was 110 0110 Lad', it's little that you know T3a1 'Y I coat, coat and hat )ern the reee As off swinmikng now-yougo inGalilee that seemed worthy of his steps w take then respective places choice. All the young girls there had P P That I'05 envying.yau so!. faults that were well known, to say!a sort of And it's little that you guess, dust. Tie rose, quite stunned, buckled ingabout and imitating his attitudes. 'In your day of happiness, nothing of those that were not known the girths -and remounted; but a lit- a_e with terror, he drew acic'to At last Michael was told of a young 1 tie further on, as he was passing a Of old age's sharp distress: ter- the window, but at this moment the lady of Lavaur gifted with number- short bridge, the right stirrup cods Michael -like appearance turned . to- There is little you can see less good' qualities, and a dowry of denly gave way and he found him- ward him and showed, beneath theAs you taro your eyes on ms a hundred thousand crowns. self sitting in the middle of the brook. three -cornered hat, the grinning fnco. Of the boy who used lobe, rectae: what our He caro out of it exasperated and I The imp was laughing at was when I-T;fiew Now this wasp yYet the time young man needed to establish his had a third fall on the pebbles of the Its discomfiture.cried' P g All the toys of summer, too, Y g position; therefore, he immsdiately� road. Fearing, lest if he persisted in Michael cried out: . And ,went sw!iuming, just as yea• trying to ride his horse, he should „ altyou wretch! L7 on. £ell in love with the young lady.Y g I It is you, then, p presented to the family,1 not be tibio to present himself in a my soul, S will make you repent of Just as you, at 12 years aid, He was whole ondit}on to the family of his}your luso-encs if you do not give me I was warm with blood and bold, ,who ivero pleased with his appear - ante; and received him kindly. But the young lady bad many suit- shoulder. ors, and she hesitated upon whom to! In this manner he entered the town fix her choice. of Lavour, to the great amusement At length, after several interviews, l of the inhabitants, who were taking it was decided that they should alll tea before their doors, assemble co on a certain evening, and "Laugh away! laugh, as much as after comparing their various qualirl, :ease you foolish creatures! Is cations, the parents and young girl youP •h se. it a tivanderfn] thing that a man Onshould [ ooshould carry his saddle when it will e the day agreed upon Mit 111sael not carry him?" set out for Lavaur, He had put his' When he reached the inn, he dis- best - attire in his portmanteau—an! anted end asked for a room to apple -green coat, a dove -colored] which he might retire and change his h'• b -t black -velvet. beloved, he decided to mount bale-, my clathes instantly!" And I laughed at tenter cold; back and carry the saddle on his With these words he rushed to take Laughed to hear' the. old folks sigh waistcoat, , 1b e, , , breaches, silk stockings embroidered'`` clothes, preparatory to making the with silver clock f visit to the house of his beloved.. from roof to roof, dragging the waist, a box of powder fresh satin ribb His horsy was them, but Drak faced about and flew to the other end of tho room; Michael, beside himself with anger and impatience, darted forward again to the goblin, who this thee ran be- tween his legs and escapisd to the staircase. Michael pursued hotly, chasing him up to the fourth storey, and even to the attic. Here Drak made him turn about like a well-trained horse, until "praicly cat!" you call your dad, ho chose to escape by the skylight, And it's tree, my healthy hal, • Michael,not to be beaten, followed. "Freida' cat!" I ata and sail, t The malicious goblin .ed him on . When You've run your boyhood through "IC's too chilly," just as 1, In the,summea time gone by. Now my blood is running thin, And I watch you with a grin, Givo a shout and plunge right. in; And the lad who once was bold And undaunted by the cold Stays at home among the old. Stories Abo �l � I �v People !lightly Classified. time, and, to such good purpose t!1at Though he has recently celebrate:i j when oft , destination, it his seventy-fo[nth'bil'thduy, Sir Oliver t 1 s doing the lane scientist; cans I sella good story. P FLYING IN THE LONG AGO poltcemap eame forward and asked the 7'11 r re Lodge, the fatuous boy why to was In .these days of circumnavigation 1}ed,, jerking :hie thumb towards the 'super -Zeppelins, and luxurious air ex One that he is fond of relating con- b carne a quick-witted professor of gee - logy in a certain co:iege in North Wales. It seems the students were asked to take a walk and to pick up various specie:1mm of rocks and bring them to the class -room for the professor• to classify.. . Ono smart young ntau picked up a piece of an old brick and lath Won the table with the other Specimens. When the class bad aseembled the professor picked tip each specimen and, told what it was, saying that this a piece of Set - spar, this Was red granite, and so on, When he came to the brick he held it up and said: "This is a piece of im- pertinence!"" then cast it aside and .went, in with the others, - ' The Rishop'a'Pal. When acting as chairman of the Birkenhead Distz•ese Committee during the war, the Rt: Rev, F. S. Guy War- man, now Bishop of Che:meleed, wits noted for a peculiar knaelc he hall of making fiends with all and sundry." This trait in his character• was brought out strongly during a recent visit to the East End. of London,. Motoring' through a certain street, he had occasion to ask the way of a ragged little urchin. "1'11 show you," said the boy, and Jumped up on the footboard of the car. The biehop engaged hint Ili converse - You may Bear a youngster, too, oil. rGude Trying Prince's Hat Peg.; the egg -masses of the frog, to the "It's all right, l\lr. P'lioemen; 'e's a pal a' mine." Dick Whittington's Return!, Sixty -Pout' years ago a Norfolk boy, named James Ro11, left a small faint to come to London, where he had heard the pavements were covered with gold. For some yeare 1re wo2kod as an office boy. Recently the l;oy, now a kindly, gi'ey- bearded man, returned to his native vil- lage as Sir dames Roll, ex -Lord Mayor of London, to open the hall which he has presented to it Pig Roots Her Master Through College. Pigs is plgs—also moneymelcers- Aubrey R. Feltner of London,' Ky., •presses ono recalls with a smile the 8arliest� struggles of the hunted minty to devise ways of travel by alt. The first airman was the mythical Daedalus, who,• according to an. an- cient fable, lived •three tenturles be- fore the Trojan war. Ile built fn Croto the radians labyrinth. Being imprison- ed with his son, Icarus, by king Minos, he invented instruments of flying, the wings being fastened on with wax. The old record says that this caused the death of Icarus, who flew so high that the heat of the etln melted the wax and the Wings dropped off. Daedalus himself got to Sicily. Ting 1121nos must have been surprised when his prisoner escaped by air! There Is an,old Indian legend which runs thus: Rasna, king of Ayodhya, in the north of •India, had been exiled, will' soon have a college educatem, all along withfhise lllely wife demon due to the efficient support of a there moulOe of he be, an. The demon oughbrecl named 'London Lady," eCe was wandering !ucteo, The sales of her` progeny, note num- Site, while and carried her off to 111' is - dente bet•ing 171, have netted the young stn -']a1 d homb. Rama, iher o f assistance a total of $].,816. "London Lady" was one of eight of the monkey king, marched s•ou1;h to pure bred Poland China hogs present avenge the outrage. 1 ed to eight different boys in the Lon- The Monkey King, don district on condition that fent of The The lciag built a .series of the early offspring be returned as p0)' stepping -stones es over whiglt the avert utent for•the give dl. gars marched ori to the island. There Feted r received one of them and ,Manta slew Ravana and. rescued hes acloptail as a slogan, "I'm going to let lady alive and unhurt. The problem thio pig root me through college:' their was how to gat back to AYod Y 3I0 was right. The Difference Between Toads aria,Frogs Many people have hazy ideas about the differences that oxlst between a frog and a toad. To them the creatur0 is a frog if it juinps,`a toad if it walks. and release it. The fissure by that But then .a toad can hop quite well it time may be almost invisible, filled up started, and a frog often walks, so this v:ith earth and powdered stone and distlnctlon is quite ereoneoiis. Some clay;- the workman will see the toad, of the real differences, however, are but he will never notice the crack in pointed out by M. H. Crewford in The the rock that admitted the toad. Toads Pageant oe Nature. can exist on very little food, Provided exercise; and a toad Thera aro in reality very many - ferences, the author states, throughout Hutt had found its way into the heart would life, from -C 1e egg-chainsfain healthy inion insect life on which it can feed; this will liapp'en again and again,. and the toad, if it has space enough, will grow; if not, it will die, and nothing farther will be seen of It, If it lives, sootier or later a wot•]anan may splilt the rock A groat air machine was fitted out, ace rots was it that it contaiaedd eplendld roomy, furnished with seats and cns- !tions. Rama was able to invite the monkeys and boars which; allyl helped him in his expedition to accompany • him and his wife as fellow -passengers. When the 'plane passed over the capital of the 'monkey king, Site beg- ged g ged her husband to stop and pick up the monkey's wives, and 'invite them to Ayodhya, This was done, and one can more easily imagine than describe the astonishment •anti joy of describe shay with buckles, they do not telco exec conte given to rho royal pair, when at ' He opened his valise with great tau ,coat, velvet breeches and best coat in Calling Ftaldy Cat!" at Y dit y length they reached Ayodhya and .for his hair, and a' on to tie up his cue. tion, and all the pieces of his toilet the gutters, to Michael's utter de- —Edgar 1. i' equipped in a were soon spread out on the bed in apair, 1 of the toad and of a reek by moans of a crack glided down A the Ue4 a gen streets, gay due order, live for a long time in a y An Ancient Legend. le -cloth, with long Finally, after dralving.him an for _ ctrl eon To the HMO; aviation is not a new according' to the story; and so Mime' - handsome said First, he took his hair Into canna - of , a bridle ornamented with a l some hours among the Pyrenees of Evbry Saturday thousands of Peol.la toothless toad and the frogrwilh tel frogs crud toads. al's• alike in one oration, and deliberated whether he : cats and swallows, Drak hayed ata a knot of silk fleas, and a flue saddle : t make their way to Westminster to in- ht the upper jaw and across the palate. departure. I t'i In view of this ancient le - Moreover choose white or yellow powder, !high chimney et foot of which The tongue of the frog- is lobed at the matter, they can botllteaslly be tarried gond, it is rather a rediscovery. TUe. of hogs leather, g Ysiiect the Ileuses of Parliament, says idea has been working in man's minds prudent traveler,notboth being fashionable, White seem -+Michael had to stop. the 1 a London despatch, There aro sight- tip, but that. OP the toad is entire. up to a' certain degree- Files, 'and Moreover, the ing the more tender and sentimental, •sanall, tluickl3•, moving worms are the stns oput in his holsters, ! Drak bent towards the young aged. seers from various parts of England- Toad -tadpoles differ from frog-tadPnlos freft u• s bee workity. Aladdin's pal - having pt t just took the powder puff and began'Rho was breathless and discouraged. and Scotland, Frenchmen, Germans, in that they are smaller, ntiicli darkerIhest means to emploly. Toads are ace, fixing from ono country to an slipped in n small flask of brandy and, the operation on the right side, but; „ also ver eansit}vo to music, and will a few slices of almond cake. gYou see,. my handsome young and Amerkcays—but very few Landon in color, and ronvdoi• in shape, But y other, wonderfully anticipated the mo- dern c so anxious I Just as he was finishing he d!scovered man;' said he, smiting, "you forced ora. one of the ndrounderfundamental dislSerences is � wino into a froom to listen to it. Both alt vessel, oven as the concop-. Michael was, in fact, that ib' hand was powderball-costume:seem to lik the sound of the human bout the approaching trial that he sthese i t 11 LabUY oC t l with the tozd's ricin exude- Ir tions of Jules Vance foreshadowed a PP g felt his deserting himlingIn a a or 1a some invisible a - ma t0 spoil your on eye The visitors troop into 1e - conned ec: + ' the left side a golden hue, so that - } hand admitted to be of a voice. other scientific discoveries. e courage. letter of Dr Samuel Jo tnson, looked like a lemon with the rind half laundress, who will soon set it allhave a dar- e tante the church of Lavaur, hstop- 1 A wealthy American hung his on Vis - evening pni:gn consists of may not be quite in ° peered off, right," count Astor's peg on Satm'day, nail a thecerp my known, but It is probably to happy In each other's sotnpeny tl}ny. ing projector who, disclaiming the help ped his horse, quite rovercai e 1 Michael, utterly stupefied, hastened Drak waved the velvet to and the Vetter to So saying, girl with an Edlnbixxgh accent Pnllei an oxcramentitictzs character, and, as re seldom seen together. Otherw{se, of fumes and vapors, is making better He dismounted to comb it all out, and in his carer-! there are a hundred Points of differ'- than Daedalian wings, with which he reflect on what he should say on the breeches over the chimney, ea her cloche hat and placed it on the I sate, may he of use in supplementing i cute by which they Wright immediately horse seas retie ted out his hand toward the "What are you doing, you villain?" peg wli},h the Dolce of PIoutrose us0s. 1 the action of the lungs In carrying off will master the balloon, as an eagle evening in question, he trod his spool on which the satin ribbon was` he distinguished. A toad always to a tree and went into a little &ova ;Cried Michael, A North theDuk visitor was curious I a portion of carbon from the broad, 1t masters a goose. X800 has been !' dd t things. Being tn'd that the 1 inflammable and a^rltl and therefore squats lower on the giround thenleraised for the workmanship of iron to G, but fortunately see rho House of Lards, w lose many tions, 'Which are coney the boiler 'of a their bats on th Prince of t\'alas' Petr. very ittjurlons ssdtur©, \\'hat precisely { Nor some reason beak known 10 Lhemselveg frogs and toads aro not mu h ells:his head, half white, half yellow,. down the chi t d 1784, he says: "Wo mossy roofs Sc when he first saw in the and sat down. eager - rolled. ' "1 ant going to ren your costume about two tt ups. o ., • lis •• , The spool escaped from his finger's to the wash," said Drak; and the hat, Lord Chancellor sat on the \\oolsacic, !distasteful to most birds and animals, fr°"' its head is also huddled down e _v.:ltgs He had drawn from the holster the and felt on the floats. He ran to catchtween its fore -legs. \Vhott it is touch- He "The *told is said to weigh two flask and cake to keep him company. _ . waistcoat and coat for -owed the he asked, "Which way dei 3 he face?" i thaugh"It is known that hedgehogs will od m olitortviso disturbed, it horns hundred pounds—no specious prepara- tween his knees it, but it roomed to fly before him. breeches into the smoky gull. and when he was ehawn the Bar of tiro readily devour toads; this latter face These er placed be Twenty times he was on the point of u suitor seated hi �se:f 015tlou for flys ig, but there are those who rsed his reflections with a 1 The youngNouse of Lords, he inquired, "Does the shatters the theory that the sole par- quickly aside and ~caddies away; it eon expect to see him in the sky.' In ',interspersed seizing it, and twenty tinter his im- ?' of calve and a swallow from the roof with n groan of despair, but, prisoner stand hero • !pose of the exudation 1s to provide a Jump, but it much prefers to waddle, ltd --get" patient'hand missed it. It was like risingalmost immediate: The douse of Commons does not ap- and }t can do this very,gniddy, If you y protection for the toad against car- Samuel Johnson's novel, "Rasselas;' the flask, `.Tulse helped him to re , touch a frog it alts bolt ul%right an[l n cat playing with a bud. We:}" ria cried, `I will go to the pear to nromse as mach crrthusiasm 48 Tee enenti:a. Exper!mants show, , occurs this passage: "The maker tip- , gain his courage and confidence. Finally he lost all patients, and ttrve:in suit]" the Iionstl of Lords. Main' .,eor]e rush Feared on a little promontory, furnish - He imagined in himself an amount bail in my g that it 1s bath eacscte and bitter, that at you, and suddenly it telcos a ed the flight. He waved his pinions gseeing that it was growing quite "Liston!. tragi, startlingly long leap. It is able f ace wit and virtue that would se Listen cried the goblin. straight through it, sem. only stopping ; it hes a disagreeah:e, reisoaous 3ma11, ° ! clerk, Ire resigned hasten to keeping They listened, aitd. n ringing was to ask, Who sits there?"' when they ! and a yellowish colas; that, exposed to jump fifty times its own length. A , awhile to gather the air,. then leapt insure him an easy victory over .. 1 v h 1 S zlcer's chair. t, from bis stand and in an instant drop• young maiden's cart; an as e h i ''bb d hastened to put on t air it becomes solid, ani, placed good way visualize this enormous 1 his morocco hoes:' • hour of midnight. Y 3n apps^r into ErPer • Pa n ami is disappeared - con he was way, the paint a hey rising to - 1 continua his when he heard a, then the left, anti with his gaze flied and could not restrain hitase:f• Tho Uonrs I ,spend 'with thea,. dear I view to testing its affect on birds and • h0 results have h d the is b ribbon, an a P heard from the neighboring church. rc .teach the p©. to ..e. had d �1red belof ow the her It was .in the} 'Jump is to compare it with a mans d into the tette He bucleSed first the right shoo 1111chee counted the tweve strokes, I •. •'--••'• on ghats, Sea. Yes, and s,,Jorse. month have also been made "with a jump over 1i tvalll a hundred feet high been on the latter, he was admiring the This was the hots: appointed by the heart, animals end t He Preferred to be Loved. noise behind him in the ]eaves. It 1 h t thought t the assembledi 1 Is love incompatible with respect: l t with j and bliss al ter and deci ive � � mounded like a multitude of little feet elegance of a foot which a oug parents to announce o a as Aro fraug t tv t ay " n',8 a Surely not always, however it maY dancing over the gray to the music by no means vulgar, when he noticed sailors who was the favored one. 1 though It is on record that a rltiltl died - ,have been in the case reported in of the flute and cymbals. that the buckle of the first shoes was M• ichas. clasped his Kanas in d„ep At times 1d like to kick apart from being pciscnnd 11y these exude Michael, greatly astonished, turned, hanging on the floor. Ho was busy despair, • I INly radio, my radio. time from a toad that ko ltiatd taken ' Farm Lifa: replacing th}s when the buckle of the "Unha that I am!' cried he. — out of a hole. It. is Possible. But it is A young •enan was ttccosied by a and, ibyv the band of the early stars,c PPY fz•icnd who exclaimed: perceived a band of hobgoblins, led second shoe came undone. "Now, when T reach the ]rouse, a:1 ai a rennin.that there have bean poo bytheir king, Tambourinet. Hardt had he set it right when the will be settled, and they will all :augls _' �! pre li'lecl UY wasp �iings, The out- "t\'hY, Di, you are positively beam- y g 1 1 i \Vhati's nPv" The clown of this dwarf company,..other unclasped and fell to the floor. at mel" thegoblin, Drak came strutting be- So he want on for an hour, buckling "And will not that be fair, my tail ! , — 1 f t r on iotso t- 4 ram n e g hind, imitating the cries of a jack- first one, then the other, without be- friend?" said Drak, with 1 grin: for daw. ing able to have both buckled at the you yourself said, only regret is left" The imps surrounded Miehael with sante. time. for those that come late. This will a thousand marks of friendliness and In a rage he gave it up, and put on serve you for a leason, 1 hope„ and many a warm welcome, his traveling shoes to end the matter, will prevent you another time from Public Sees Only Small Part of Developed Films. Tho footage in the tlhn flashed upon the schen in the -motion picture theatre is but a fraction oP the tremen- dous amounts used in its production, says an Associated Press dispatch from Los Angeles. Thousands of feet or the narrow strips pass daily through come depended in both eases on the 115• slate of thelrlool o the 1e s 1 i t11 reniest luck imagine dark rooms and laboratories of motion • ed. and not on the potency of ilio pots- able," said Dick. "Yon see, I have been 1 picture studios that dot the vicinity of cn itself. 1 attentive to a pretty girl for more thanLos Angeles. , Toads Like Music. n year. During all that tinge she would 1 At one large production plant new never admit that she loved me; she here approximately 770,10 feet of film Is it true that Wade can live Melds would only say that she respected me. weekly or 40,000,000 feet yeasty go rocks, with neither stir nor food? As- i Itut now, old chap, congratulate 1110, , through processes that result in the Michael, who felt quite brave, re- and set about taking his velvet laughing at the weak, for you surcdly it is not tree; !t hos never Per lust .night she Confessed that she !pictures os which pass i ureviow before eeived them as old acquaintances, and breeches; but now indeed there was now that a very smn:l being is largo wino It Should he Helped. ;b0en,• satisfactorily reeved that the respectedme'no longer ---that. she loves I millions of theatre -goers throughout enough to revenge himself." 1. noticing that all eyes were fixed on „serve' the almond cake, he broke it in bits At the moment wl.en he went to and scrattered the crumbs for them the bed for them, the breeches leaped as for sparrows, to the floor and rushed around the The king then wished to know what, room, performing a thousand antics. the brandy was, and the flask was passed from hand to hand, until it came to Drak, but it was empty, and thire was not a drop for him. Michael laughed out loud at his Michael, petrified with astonish- ment, stood with open mouth and extended hard, gazing in the most terrified manner at this unusual per - long face, and said: formance. REG'LAR FELLERS—By Gene Byrnes. AN HE SAID "FATHER, I CANNOT TELL, A LIE, 1 030 rt wrri4 MY UL HATCHET"! AN' THEN 148 BECAME FAMOUS t Friend -"Don't you think the elute toads that have hopped out of broken ine." the world 1 11 eels the man1 had abso'u'eie I Although the audience saP1 ht a - no 'cool=s to th.. ah. I 1 s oil seek l rocks and stoney have ia, ; 5'0- Polil.ic}an—"\Vail yes, unless it de• • The love which is often .poetically; i.eel production only allcut. 8.000 feet v 101:6 exheme tlr_ilui?y in the 1515241, Whet 1:as bappened 0111ainl1 more de'sciibad as a spin "malady" has of film, often as much as 150;000 to .. when Lthtrilc it ought to Ua ]ie-pe:l out.given400,000 feet are taken. Two cameras !teen once is this: very young toads new been a prosaic le • have been w as red down into fissures 1 We "'are told that rt is. th addition: are trained on the scene being photo- s' b graphed while sometimes photo - Big Australian Sheep Ranches. There are sheep ranct es in Australia which equal in area nearly the whole of England., Artfici;.: limbs 1 in u:a 1•t 1$5yd as early as 700 13.C. Th rocks in stone quarries The floe l 1 t sturc of the' season that causes ey'wer nude .n a.. , , n imes as tunny as 101 the Inacl clown -will also people to write poems; fn: in love, live others are used in order that the scene may be taken Clem every pos- sible angle and at different spends. Out of the mass of iilm developed, on each production, the cutting depart- ment and editorial workers select the "master" negative from which the re- lease prints s are male.. These..are printcl by machine rnd placed on mammoth drums which involve slowly through developing solutions. - -Hun- dreds of prints of the toaster" nega- tive are made and sent to ail corners of the globe. Recognized Ability. As, the dancer tools h•.s fair partner clown to supper the waiter serving, them seemed in•aapable of takitfg his oyes. off her. At last the dances could e-ndure it no longer. -"Look here, fellow," he said. "Why are you staring so rudely at $h!, lady?" "It ain't rudsnec'3, sir, believe ate, le \_ ain't replied the waiter. "If's a[lnt'ra- r,�_r :l.',„ tion—genuine admiration, that's a11. This to the fifth time she's been down to ammo'. to -night." Yeu never. learn much from a per eon you can" see through, You can live a long time if you do by ofrthat timho weta the physl e. 1 wash 0101 ntafeer iL tiny specimens of ! and shun work. • nothing else. . A Hard -toiled Bunny. NOPE NO MATTER HOW HARD FIE TRIED,5e JUS' GOULDW ANY HE BECAME. FAMOUS JUS ON ACCOUNT 00 THAT'. WELL THEN 1 iwave/ THE ..Nie er - Vete-SR e.1140.8 G0tneA SECOpM�c FA�mi6�Yo6"teneS ,LA�9"O4! 9 g ON Accouttr OR 110 COULON' •-.` TELA. THE TRUTH 10 HE. TRIED', vAgoodli `- Nee ( nyright, 197.5, by rhe hell Srn,licate..(r.e-). i • •\ rte•.